SRS Final

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Software Requirement Specification

Software Requirements

Alibaba Shopping Website

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Pratibha

05 September 2017

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1
1.3 Product Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 References ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Operating Environment .................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................................... 6
3. External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................7
3.1 User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Hardware Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 8
4. System Features .......................................................................................................................9
4.1 Functionality .................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Usability ......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Reliability and Availability 13
4.4 Performance 14
4.5 Security 14
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .....................................................................................15
5.1 Performance Requirements ............................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Safety Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Security Requirements ................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ........................................................................................................... 15
Appendix A: Analysis Models .....................................................................................................16

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Alibaba Shopping 05 1.0
Website September

Software Requirement Specification

1. Introduction

The introduction of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides an overview of the
entire SRS with purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of
the SRS. The aim of this document is to gather and analyze and give an in-depth insight of the
complete Alibaba Shopping Website by defining the problem statement in detail. Nevertheless,
it also concentrates on the capabilities required by stakeholders and their needs while defining
high-level product features. The detailed requirements of the Alibaba Shopping Website are
provided in this document.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to
define the system, its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict and sort out
how we hope this product will be used in order to gain a better understanding of the project, outline
concepts that may be developed later, and document ideas that are being considered, but may be
discarded as the product develops.
In short, the purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of the website, its
parameters and goals. This document describes the project's target audience and its user interface,
hardware and software requirements. It defines how the clients, team and audience see the product
and its functionality. Nonetheless, it helps any designer and developer to assist in Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) processes.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

We are making this document by keeping in mind different types of readers. This document will
be useful for different audience in various ways.

Audience Use
Developers They will use this document for guidance for design and implementation

Software Requirement Specification

Managers They will see the constraints all cover properly. Time and cost is within limits
or not.
Marketing Staff They can use this document to make advertisements for this web store
because by reading this document they will know what the system will do?
How this system is different from others.
User They can ensure their self by reading the SRS that their needs being met in
the web store or not.
Testers They will test the implementation of the project according to the SRS base.
Documentation They will use this document during the documentation of the project. It will
Writer be really helpful for them.

1.3 Product Scope

Primarily, the scope pertains to the E-Store product features for making Alibaba Shopping Website
project live. It focuses on the company, the stakeholders and applications, which allow for online
sales, distribution and marketing of goods.
This SRS is also aimed at specifying requirements of software to be developed but it can also be
applied to assist in the selection of in-house and commercial software products. The standard can
be used to create software requirements specifications directly or can be used as a model for
defining a organization or project specific standard. It does not identify any specific method,
nomenclature or tool for preparing an SRS.

1.4 References
The references are:

E-Store Structural Model

E-Store Behavioral Model
E-Store NFR Model

Software Requirement Specification

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

Alibaba Group Holding Limited is a Chinese e-commerce company that provides consumer-to-
consumer, business-to-consumer and business-to-business sales services via web portals. It also
provides electronic payment services, a shopping search engine and data-centric cloud
computing services. The group began in 1999 when Jack Ma founded the website, a
business-to-business portal to connect Chinese manufacturers with overseas buyers The group
began in 1999 when Jack Ma founded the website, a business-to-business portal to
connect Chinese manufacturers with overseas buyers. It was the first online marketplace to be
launched ., the primary company of Alibaba, is the world's largest online business-
to-business trading platform for small businesses. Founded in Hangzhou in eastern China, has three main services. The company's English language portal handles
sales between importers and exporters from more than 240 countries and regions. In addition, offers a transaction-based retail website,, which allows smaller
buyers to buy small quantities of goods at wholesale prices.

2.2 Product Functions

This subsection contains the requirements for the e-store. These requirements are organized by the
features discussed in the vision document. Features from vision documents are then refined intouse
case diagrams and to sequence diagram to best capture the functional requirements of the system.
All these functional requirements can be traced using tractability matrix.

Sell Configured to Ordered Products.

The system shall display all the products that can be configured.
The system shall allow user to select the product to configure.
The system shall display all the available components of the product to configure
The system shall enable user to add one or more component to the configuration.
The system shall notify the user about any conflict in the current configuration.

Software Requirement Specification

The system shall allow user to update the configuration to resolve conflict in the current
The system shall allow user to confirm the completion of current configuration

Provide comprehensive product details.

The system shall display detailed information of the selected products.
The system shall provide browsing options to see product details.
Detailed product Categorizations
The system shall display detailed product categorization to the user.

Email confirmation.
The system shall maintain customer email information as a required part of customer profile.
The system shall send an order confirmation to the user through email.
Detailed invoice for customer.
The system shall display detailed invoice for current order once it is confirmed.
The system shall optionally allow user to print the invoice.
Provide shopping cart facility.
The system shall provide shopping cart during online purchase.
The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shopping cart.
Provide multiple shipping methods.
The system shall display different shipping options provided by shipping department.
The system shall enable user to select the shipping method during payment process.
The system shall display the shipping charges.
The system shall display tentative duration for shipping.

Online tracking of shipments

The system shall allow user to enter the order information for tracking.
The system shall display the current tracking information about the order.
Provide online Tax Calculations
The system shall calculate tax for the order.
The system shall display tax information for the order.

Software Requirement Specification

Allow multiple payment methods.

The system shall display available payment methods for payment.
The system shall allow user to select the payment method for order.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics





The frequency of the site used by the buyer totally depends on his needs and how much things he
wants to buy. The buyer can have his account made free of cost which will the data of his shopping
his wish list and other details like return or replace issues, address details, etc.

Software Requirement Specification

The frequency of the site used by supplier also from supplier to supplier how much he is active
and how much products he has listed to be sell out. Supplier also has his/her account which keeps
track of orders that came from the buyers and rest order related details.

2.4 Operating Environment

The website does not require any particular special hardware or software requirements. It just
requires a basic computer hardware requirement as:
1.512Mb RAM
2. 250Gb hard disk
3. a stable network connection
Where as in software requirement any operating system with a web browser

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The website maintains data security and privacy for the users, has a third party security for online
transactions to provide users a secure environment at the time of payment

Software Requirement Specification

3. External Interface Requirements


Similar kind of images will be used on the website to give a sample view of
the product the customers are going to order. The screen layout comprises upon the
one key factor precise content with fascinating designs and a bright
contrast background for the title of the website. The home page will have a
numerous options in order to make the website user friendly. The options will
be as follows:-
->customer care
->size chart
->email id
->contact number
->change password

Software Requirement Specification

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Since the application must run over the internet, all the hardware shall require to connect internet
will be hardware interface for the system. As for e.g. Modem, WAN LAN, Ethernet Cross-Cable.

3.3 Software Interfaces

1. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with the Configurator to identify all the
available components to configure the product.
2. The ALIBABA shall communicate with the content manager to get the product
specifications, offerings and promotions.
3. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with billPay system to identify available
payment methods, validate the payments and process payment.
4. The ALIBABA system shall communicate to credit management system for handling
financing options.
5. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with CRM system to provide support.
6. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with Sales system for order management.
7. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with shipping system for tracking orders and
updating of shipping methods.
8. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with external Tax system to calculate tax.
9. The ALIBABA system shall communicate with export regulation system to validate
export regulations.
10. The system shall be Verisign like software which shall allow the users to complete
secured transaction. This usually shall be the third party software system which is widely
used for internet transaction.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The ALIBABA system shall use the HTTP protocol for communication over the internet and for
the intranet communication will be through TCP/IP protocol suite.

Software Requirement Specification

4. System Features

4.1 Functionality

This subsection contains the requirements for the e-store. These requirements are organized by the
features discussed in the document. Features from documents are then refined into use case
diagrams and to sequence diagram to best capture the functional requirements of the system. All
these functional requirements can be traced using tractability matrix.

4.1.1 Sell Configured to Ordered Products. The system shall display all the products that can be configured. The system shall allow user to select the product to configure. The system shall display all the available components of the product to configure The system shall enable user to add one or more component to the configuration. The system shall notify the user about any conflict in the current configuration. The system shall allow user to update the configuration to resolve conflict in the current
configuration. The system shall allow user to confirm the completion of current configuration

4.1.2 Provide comprehensive product details. The system shall display detailed information of the selected products. The system shall provide browsing options to see product details.

4.1.3 Detailed product Categorizations

The system shall display detailed product categorization to the user.

Software Requirement Specification

4.1.4 Provide Search facility.

The system shall enable user to enter the search text on the screen.
The system shall enable user to select multiple options on the screen to search.
The system shall display all the matching products based on the search
The system shall display only 10 matching result on the current screen.
The system shall enable user to navigate between the search results.
The system shall notify the user when no matching product is found on the search.

4.1.5 Maintain customer profile.

The system shall allow user to create profile and set his credential.
The system shall authenticate user credentials to view the profile.
The system shall allow user to update the profile information.

4.1.6 Provide personalized profile

The system shall display both the active and completed order history in the customer profile.
The system shall allow user to select the order from the order history.
The system shall display the detailed information about the selected order.
The system shall display the most frequently searched items by the user in the profile.
The system shall allow user to register for newsletters and surveys in the profile.

4.1.7 Provide Customer Support.

The system shall provide online help, FAQs customer support, and sitemap options for customer
The system shall allow user to select the support type he wants.
The system shall allow user to enter the customer and product information for the support.
The system shall display the customer support contact numbers on the screen.
The system shall allow user to enter the contact number for support personnel to call.
The system shall display the online help upon request.

Software Requirement Specification

The system shall display the FAQs upon request.

4.1.8 Email confirmation.

The system shall maintain customer email information as a required part of customer profile.
The system shall send an order confirmation to the user through email.

4.1.9 Detailed invoice for customer.

The system shall display detailed invoice for current order once it is confirmed.
The system shall optionally allow user to print the invoice.

4.1.10 Provide shopping cart facility.

The system shall provide shopping cart during online purchase.
The system shall allow user to add/remove products in the shopping cart.

4.1.11 Provide multiple shipping methods.

The system shall display different shipping options provided by shipping department.
The system shall enable user to select the shipping method during payment process.
The system shall display the shipping charges.
The system shall display tentative duration for shipping.

4.1.12 Online tracking of shipments

The system shall allow user to enter the order information for tracking.
The system shall display the current tracking information about the order.

4.1.13 Provide online Tax Calculations

The system shall calculate tax for the order.
The system shall display tax information for the order.

Software Requirement Specification

4.1.14 Allow multiple payment methods.

The system shall display available payment methods for payment.
The system shall allow user to select the payment method for order.

4.1.15 Allow online change or cancellation of order.

The system shall display the orders that are eligible to change.
The system shall allow user to select the order to be changed.
The system shall allow user to cancel the order
The system shall allow user to change shipping, payment method.
The system shall notify the user about any changes made to the order.

4.1.16 Allow Online Product reviews and ratings

The system shall display the reviews and ratings of each product, when it is selected.
The system shall enable the user to enter their reviews and ratings.

4.1.17 Offer financing options.

The system shall display all the available financing options.

The system shall allow user to select the financing option.
The system shall notify the use about the financing request.

4.1.18 Provide detailed sitemap.

The system shall allow user to view detailed sitemap.

4.1.19 Offer online promotions and rewards.

The system shall display all the available promotions to the user.
The system shall allow user to select available promotion.

Software Requirement Specification

4.1.20 Online Purchase of products.

The system shall allow user to confirm the purchase.
The system shall enable user to enter the payment information.

4.2 Usability
4.2.1 Graphical User Interface
The system shall provide a uniform look and feel between all the web pages.
The system shall provide a digital image for each product in the product catalog.
The system shall provide use of icons and toolbars.

4.2.2 Accessibility
The system shall provide handicap access.
The system shall provide multi language support.

4.3 Reliability & Availability

4.3.1 Back-end Internal Computers

The system shall provide storage of all databases on redundant computers with automatic
The system shall provide for replication of databases to off-site storage locations.
The system shall provide RAID V Disk Stripping on all database storage disks.

4.3.2 Internet Service Provider

The system shall provide a contractual agreement with an internet service provider for T3 access
with 99.9999% availability.
The system shall provide a contractual agreement with an internet service provider who can
provide 99.999% availability through their network facilities onto the internet.

Software Requirement Specification

4.4 Performance
The product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server.
The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also
depends on the media from which the product is run.
The performance shall depend upon hardware components of the client/customer.

4.5 Security

4.5.1 Data Transfer

The system shall use secure sockets in all transactions that include any confidential customer
The system shall automatically log out all customers after a period of inactivity.
The system shall confirm all transactions with the customers web browser.
The system shall not leave any cookies on the customers computer containing the users password.
The system shall not leave any cookies on the customers computer containing any of the users
confidential information.

4.5.2 Data Storage

The customers web browser shall never display a customers password. It shall always be echoed
with special characters representing typed characters.
The customers web browser shall never display a customers credit card number after retrieving
from the database. It shall always be shown with just the last 4 digits of the credit card number.
The systems back-end servers shall never display a customers password. The customers
password may be reset but never shown.
The systems back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators.
The systems back-end databases shall be encrypted.

Software Requirement Specification

5. Other Non-Functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

You will be sign in within some seconds.

If anybody makes a new account, then he will receive confirmation email immediately.
Search results shown within 15 sec.
Credit cart validate within 5 sec.
Web support unlimited customers logged in at the same time.

5.2 Safety Requirements

We will try the best to make product safe.

5.3 Security Requirements

Web store will validate credit cards against fraud.

Web store keep the information of the customers and merchants safe.
Web store obeys all the security laws of Pakistan relating to cyber traffic.
The commission decided between merchant and administrator will not be published.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The web store is easy to use.

It will be easy to learn how to operate it.
The web store will show easy to locate buttons
The web store use simple English so that user cannot confuse with terms.
The web store should be easy to upgrade

Software Requirement Specification

Appendix A: Analysis Models


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