Syllabus - Wills and Succession
Syllabus - Wills and Succession
Syllabus - Wills and Succession
Questions you should be able to answer at the end of the study of General Provisions?
Cases: Nepomuceno v. CA
Gallanosa v. Arcangel
b. Important rules:
(1) Institution does not cover entire estate Art. 841, 851
(2) Rule on legitimes limit power of testator to dispose of his estate - Art. 842
(5) Rule on false cause as basis for institution of heir Art. 850
d. Rule when testator intended that designated heirs shall inherit the whole estate but
portions allotted to them in the will do not cover entire estate/free portion - Art. 852
Balanes formula
a. Meaning of preterition
free portion)
Acam v. Acam
Acain v. IAC
c. Effects of preterition
b. Simple substitution
Palacios v. Ramirez
Art. 864
Art. 869
16. Legitime
secondary, concurring
b. Purpose
c. Requisites
Sienes v, Esparcia
Florentino v. Florentino
(1) effected through a will specifying the causes therefor Art. 915-916
(2) only causes enumerated in Art. 919, Art. 920 and Art. 921, as the case may be,
are allowed Art. 916
(3) burden of proving the truth of cause rests on other heirs, if disinherited heir
denies it Art. 917
(4) If will does not specify the cause, cause is not among those set forth in Art. 919-
921, or the cause, if contradicted, is not proved the disinheritance is deemed
imperfect and will annul the institution of the heirs, but legacies, devises and
other testamentary provisions that are not inofficious are valid.
3.2. If innocent spouse executes another will after decree and reinstates
offending spouse, construed as condonation and spouse will inherit.
charge any specific heir, all liable in same proportion they inherit
- Art. 926
d.Two or more heirs who take possession of estate solidarily liable for loss or destruction of
devise or legacy even if only one is negligent Art. 927
e. Heir charged with sub-devise or sub-legacy is liable for eviction it thing is indeterminate
and indicated only by its kind Art. 928
f. If legacy/devise is only partly owned by testator D/L will get that part Art. 929
Exception: testator expressly declares he is giving the whole thing. Estate buys the rest of
property and if owner does not like to sell, estate gives D/L, testators share plus cash
value of rest
g. Legacy or devise belonging to another when the testator thought he owned it VOID
Art. 930
h. If thing given as legacy or devise is not owned by testator at the time of making the will but
he orders his estate to acquire it, D/L is valid. If owner does not sell or demands exorbitant
price, D/L gets just value of thing Art. 931
i. L/D of thing already belonging to L/D is ineffective, but if legacy consists of freeing the
thing from encumbrance, the legacy is valid to that extent Art. 932
j. L/D belonged to L/D at the time of execution of will, L/D is
k. L/D of something pledged or mortgage to secure a debt, estate shall pay the debt to free
thing from encumbrance Art. 934
Exception: if testator provides otherwise
Any other burden (e.g. easement, usufruct) attached to property
l. legacy of credit or remission of debt Art. 935-937
(1) legacy of credit testator bequeaths a credit v. a third person; apples only to
amounts outstanding at time of testators death; estate to comply with legacy by
assigning all rights of action v. debtor Art. 935
(2) legacy of remission of debt applies only to amounts existing at time of testators
debt; estate to comply by giving L an acquittance Art. 935
(3) legacy of pledge limited to discharge of pledge Art. 936
(4) legacy shall lapse if testator subsequently files a collection case v. debtor- Art. 936
(5) generic legacy of release or remission of debt comprises only those existing at time
of execution of will Art. 937
m. legacy or devise made to creditor not applied to his credit or
payment of testators debt Art. 938
n. Art. 939 relate to Art. 925
o. Art. 940 rule on alternative legacies; relate to Art. 942 and 943
p. Art. 941 - Legacy of generic personal property valid even if nothing of the same kind exists
in the estate; estate shall buy it; executor to choose thing of medium quality - neither inferior
not superior quality
q. Art. 941 devise of indeterminate real property valid only if there be immovable of its kind
in the estate
r. Art. 944 duration and amount of different legacies
(1) education until L is of legal age, or until L finishes prof, voc or gen. course, with
diligent study
(2) support during lifetime of L, unless testator provides otherwise
(3) rules as to amount:
i. amount prescribed by testator
ii. what testator used to give during his lifetime
iii. in accordance with his needs (social standing and circumstances)
s. legacy of pension shall be demandable from death of testator and payable at the beginning
of each period and shall not be returned although legatee died before the end of the period
Art. 945
t. Art 946 same as Art. 934, par. 3 usufruct attaches to L/D until extinguished
u. Rules on demandability, fruits and ownership of D/L Art. 947-949
(1) demandability
(4) pure upon testators death Art. 947, 945
(5) with a term upon arrival of term
(6) conditional upon happening of suspensive condition
(2) fruits
i. pure and specific upon testators death Art. 948
ii. pure and generic upon determination of what is to be delivered to D/L
unless the testator provides otherwise Art. 949
iii. with a term upon arrival of the term
iv. conditional upon happening of suspensive condition
(3) ownership
1. pure and specific upon the death of the testator Art. 777
2. pure and generic:
i. if the thing comes from testators estate upon testators death
ii. if the thing is to be acquired from a third person upon acquisition
3. with a term upon the testators death (effect retroacts)
4. conditional upon testators death (effect retroacts)
Art. 950 to be followed for any other reason other than impairment of legitimes; otherwise
follow Art. 911: If you reduce legacies, reduce all except those preferred according to
a. Compulsory
b. Intestate
from the legitimate relatives of his parents; such relatives may not
deceased, the State shall inherit the whole estate. The Rules of
Court shall govern how the State shall take possession of the
1. Right of Accretion
a. Definition Art. 1015
b. When accretion takes place
1) predecease
2) renunciation
3) incapacity
PROVIDED, only some, not all of the instituted heirs give ground
a. Eight grounds