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We can only conjecture how many of the decisions and acts

of Tiberius during his long principate were influenced or
even determined by Thrasyllus, the one adviser in whom he
appears to have had implicit and even unlimited confidence.
The origin of this extraordinary friendship has been satis-
factorily and, I am sure, correctly explained by Frederick
H. Cramer.
When Tiberius, resenting the indignities put upon him by
the man who was his stepfather and father-in-law, retired
to Rhodes, Thrasyllus, an Alexandrian, perhaps of Greek an-
cestry, was one of the most eminent of the competing profes-
sors in that intellectual capital. According to Cramer, he
"must be considered not only one of the most versatile, but
also one of the most profound scholars of his era." We may
doubt the profundity, which is not necessarily the same as
subtlety, but we cannot question the versatility or the
learning attested by Cramer's catalogue of his accomplish-
ments, to which I add only the suggestion that the opinions
and teaching of Thrasyllus may have changed in the course
of a career of which the stages are summarized, I think, by
a scholium on Juvenal: multarum artium scientiam professus postremo
se dedit Platonicae sectae ac deinde mathesi. A grammaticus with SO

1) Astrology in Roman Law and Politics (Philadelphia 1954), p.

For plausible conjectures concerning Thrasyllus' s possibly enormous in-
fluence on historical events, see pp. 99-108.
2) Ad luv. 6.576. The scholiast is commonly disregarded because
concise note ends with a statement that when Thrasyllus thought himself
in danger from Tiberius, dolum cum praesensit, fugit, which is taken
to mean that he fled from Rhodes, whereas it is almost certain that he
Revilo P. Oliver 131

comprehensive a knowledge of Greek literature that he could

be expected to identify a verse quoted from almost any po-
et, he turned to philosophy and collected and edited (on
the basis of earlier editions) the works of Democritus
and Plato, on both of which he commented extensively and
tendentiously if not disingenuously. Like many literary

men, he may have had a tropism toward mystic visions of a

"better world" and eloquence about "spiritual values," and
thus have felt a need to deny the cool rationalism of the
New Academy, which, after a long eclipse, became the basis
of modern science. It is also possible that he perceived
that learned and cultivated mystery-mongers can always reap
a very abundant income from sentimentally gullible members
of the upper and wealthier classes who are sufficiently
well-bred to disdain unkempt and semi-literate fakirs.
At all events, in his "interpretation" of Plato he began
the process of adulterating and distorting the Platonic doc-
trine with Neo-Pythagorean and Oriental occultism that was
to result in the theological dogmas of Neo-Platonism. And
it is likely that he tried to foist similar fantasies on
Democritus. Addiction to occult verbiage, or alternative-
ly a perspicacious perception of what would be profitable
in a world that had lost faith in reason while hurrying from
one catastrophe to another, naturally led to astrology,
which had been conclusively refuted by the New Academy (ex-

accompanied Tiberius when the latter returned to Rome. Read <ef>fugit

i.e, dolum effugit on the analogy of periculum effugere, 'he eluded the
trap,' doubtless in the way described by Tacitus.

3) Hence Augustus's quizzical jest. Suet. Aug. 98.4.

4)The explicit testimony of Diogenes Laertius is doubted by Cramer
(p. 93), who follows scholars who thought Democritus an author most un-
likely to engage the attention of a Platonist.
5) Porphyry, Vita Plotini 21, lists in chronologically reversed order
Numenius, Cronius, Moderatus, and Thrasyllus.
6) He ignorantly or knowingly included forgeries in his edition; see
W.K.C. Guthrie, A History of Greek Philosophy, 2 (Cambridge 1965), p.
388, n. 1, and works there cited. Diogenes Laertius, 9.7.38, cites
Thrasyllus as authority for relations between Democritus and Pythagoras
that are at least open to grave suspicion, and Thrasyllus may be the
source of the absurd story (9.7.34) about Persian Magi and Chaldaei for
which the authority of Herodotus is claimed, perhaps disingenuously.
132 Illinois Classical Studies, V

cept for the one minor detail that Diogenes of Seleucia con-
ceded to it ) : one superstition leads to another, abyssus
abyssum invocat. It was doubtless at this stage of his career
that Thrasyllus met Tiberius. His evidently copious writings
on astrology may (or may not) have been composed after he
reached Rome, the terrestrial paradise of the ambitious.
Tiberius, in a retirement that must have suggested the
sulking of Achilles, was at Rhodes circa scholas et auditoria
8 )

professorum assiduus, and the presence of a man who was at

once so prominent and so politically disgraced that he could
compromise his acquaintances in the eyes of Rome's boss,
must have been acutely embarrassing to the professors. Most
of them probably tried to be circumspectly ambiguous in
their attitude, but two were bold enough to gamble on their
prognostications of the future: one openly snubbed Tiberius,
the other, Thrasyllus, recognizing opportunity, attached
himself to the fallen dynast with prudent devotion. Cramer
is certainly right when he attributes the growth of the
friendship to "the f riendlessness of Tiberius who 'in the
seclusion of Rhodes had habituated himself to shun society.'
. Tiberius must have been particularly attracted to the
. .

brilliant Greek whose company helped him while away many

hours which might otherwise have been empty."
It is in this context that we must consider the story
told by Tacitus { Ann. .20 .2-2^ .3) , who attributes to Tibe-
...scientia Chaldaeorum artis, cuius apiscendae otium apud
Rhodum, magistrum Thrasyllum habuit, peritiara eius hoc modo

7) It has always been a matter of common observation that the chil-

dren of one man by one woman, if not identical twins, always differ
greatly from one another in temperament and mentality, although they
receive the same nurture and education. Before the genetic processes
that ineluctably determine innate qualities were scientifically ascer-
tained, the significant variable seemed to be time of conception and
birth, and hence astral influences. (The alternatives were unperceived
causes, metempsychosis, and special creation by a god or gods who artis-
tically avoided duplication in their handiwork.) This is what Diogenes
meant when he conceded to the astrologers (Cic. Di v. 2.43.90) ut prae-
dicere possint dumtaxat quails qulsque natura et ad quam quisque maxima
rem aptus futurus sit.
8) Suet. Tib. 11.3.
Revilo P. Oliver 133

(21.1) Quotiens super tali negotio consultaret, edita domus
parte ac liberti unius conscientia utebatur. Is litterarum
ignarus, corpore valido, per avia ac derupta (nam saxis do-
mus imminet) praeibat eum, cuius artem experiri Tiberius
statuisset, et regredientem, si vanitatis aut fraudum sus-
picio incesserat, in subiectum mare praecipitabat, ne index
arcani existeret. (2) Igitur Thrasyllus iisdem rupibus in-
due tus, postquam percunctantem commoverat, imperium ipsi et
futura sollerter patefaciens, interrogatur an suam quoque
genitalem horam comperisset, quem turn annum, qualem diem ha-
beret. Ille positus siderum ac spatia dimensus haerere primo,
dein pavescere et, quantum introspiceret, magis ac magis tre-
pidus admirationis et metus, postremo exclamat ambiguum sibi
ac prope ultimum discrimen instare. (3) Turn complexus eum Ti-
berius praescium periculorum et incolumem fore gratatur, quae-
que dixerat oracli vice accipiens inter intimos amicorum tenet.
This story was denounced by Alexander H. Krappe as "melodra-
matic claptrap" which could "find credence only among adepts
in astrology." His verdict has been generally accepted.
Ernst Kornemann re;]ects the story as "ein Marchen .
" Cra-
mer dismisses it as a mere "fable" that is patently absurd.
Erich Koestermann in his commentary ad loc. (II, 289) says it
is "alles andere als glaubwiirdig .

9) AJP 48 (1927) 361f. Krappe goes on to derive the story from the
tale about Nectanebus in the Pseudo-Callisthenes, which he oddly quotes
from a translation from the Syriac, although the story, of course, is
found in the Greek text, in the vulgate (longer) version at 1.14.8-21,
and, naturally, in Julius Valerius, 1.8.

10) Tiberius (Stuttgart 1960), p. 35, n. 3. Modern historians of the

period presumably agree, for they scarcely mention Thrasyllus and dis-
cuss Tiberius without reference to what Kornemann aptly calls the Zeit-
krankheit. Barbara Levick, in her elaborate and impressive study, Ti-
berius the Politician (London 1976), although recognizing (p. 224) that
"Tiberius became a fatalist, ruled by astrology," makes only passing
mention of Thrasyllus and does not consider the possibility that Tibe-
rius was consequently ruled by his astrologer. Morally and historically
a ruler must bear the responsibility for his acts, whether or not he
was influenced or even manipulated by his advisers, but when we under-
take to analyze psychologically the character of Tiberius, we may lament,
but cannot ignore, the presence of an indeterminable x in our equations.
We may, for example, deplore, as does Miss Levick (pp. 178, 186) the ,

"monstrous and illegal" killing of Sejanus's young children, but we can

never know whether Thrasyllus had cast their horoscopes and warned Ti-
berius that he must do more than scotch the young serpents. If Thrasyl-
lus was an eminence grise, anyone who will take the trouble can extra-
polate from the extant evidence three different, but not implausible,
theories why that shrewd and subtle man made the stars serve a special-
ly implacable animosity.
134 Illinois Classical Studies, V

Is this summary rejection of the story warranted? Obvious-

ly we cannot hope ever to ascertain what really happened,
and no one would contend that the story as it stands is ac-
ceptable in all its details, but is it so utterly implausi-
ble that we should simply ignore it? In other words, can we
elicit from the text of Tacitus an account which could be
true, which could be the source of the less circumstantial
1 1
references to the same event in other writers, and which
we have no grounds for impeaching?
One thing is quite certain. Thrasyllus predicted Tiberi-
us '
s accession to power with some accuracy, for otherwise
Tiberius ' s confidence in him and faith in the art he pro-
fessed would be inexplicable. Cramer seems strangely to im-
ply that Thrasyllus may have merely expounded what he read
in Tiberius 's horoscope, and it is remotely possible that
the horoscope, according to the rules that Thrasyllus may
have followed, did portend supreme power for Tiberius and
the hundreds of other men born at the same time, but such a
coincidence is extremely improbable.
Thrasyllus had no need to consult the stars to predict
that Tiberius, though then in disgrace and apparently a po-
litical nonentity, would succeed Augustus. It was obvious
to any intelligent man that if two striplings, boys of four-
teen and eleven when Tiberius retired to Rhodes, died or
gave proof of incompetence, Augustus would have no feasible

11) These will be considered summarily below. Krappe considers the

discrepancies between the stories told by Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cas-
sius Dio proof of a purely mythical origin, and the differences, for
which I shall attempt to account, may influence modern historians, who
are probably more moved by the obvious folly of all forms of divination
to minimize consideration of Thrasyllus. For example, H.H. Scullard,
From the Gracchi to Nero, p. 372, even implies that it is "uncertain"
whether astrology entered into the friendship between Tiberius and the
astrologer, and I take it that Ramsay MacMullen, Enemies of the Roman
Order (Cambridge, Mass. 1966), pp. 132, 140, regards the story of the
prediction of Tiberius as "invented after the event," as is probably
true of many stories of such predictions, e.g., Tiberius 's supposed
prediction to Galba (unless it was made to ensure Galba's loyalty in
the meantime) Only Ronald Syme, who paraphrases Tacitus without crit-

icizing the details {Tacitus, p. 525) evidently sees that Tiberius


must have in some way tested the power of Thrasyllus.

Revilo P. Oliver 135

alternative but to make Tiberius his successor. Neither of

the boys appears to have been robust, and the elder, at
least, may early have given proof of a weakness of judgment
or nerves beyond what could be attributed to his youth and
was in the end charitably attributed to mental aberration
resulting from a comparatively slight wound. And if death
or manifest incompetence did not eliminate the boys? Thra-
syllus, we may be sure, was intelligent enough to see that
if Augustus, who was nearing sixty, were to die suddenly,
Tiberius could take over at once, as he, who held the tribuni-
cia potestas and at least a proconsular imperium, had the legal
right and duty to do, and as he, given his undoubted pres-
tige with the armies, would have the power to do.
And if Augustus did not die? Thrasyllus doubtless had
judicious correspondents at Rome who kept him informed of
the political situation of which we, given the "singular
lack of historical evidence for the nine years... 6 B.C.-
1 2)
A.D.4," have only a few glimpses. Augustus pretended to
have "restored the Republic," and the aristocracy, for rea-
sons of its own, pretended to believe him. The populace was
permitted the amusement of elections, which could become as
exciting as gladiatorial shows, although a choice between
Tweedledum and Tweedledee could not alter national or domes-
tic policy. It appears, however, that electoral contests,
besides providing wholesome exercise for influential men
who coveted what was still regarded as the highest civil
3) 1
office and distinction, could be used to bring pressure
on Augustus with regard to the succession, and it is even
possible that the premature grooming of Gaius Caesar as his
successor, which so offended Tiberius, was forced on him
against his wishes. We need not speculate about obscure

12) Syme, The Roman Revolution, pp. 392f.

13) Probably until the accession of Tiberius, election to consular
office bestowed nobilitas; see Ernst Stein, Hermes 52 (1917) 564-571;
cf. Illinois Classical Studies 3 (1978) 249-254,

14) Barbara Levick's elaborate reconstruction of the politics of this

period, Latomus 31 (1972) 779-813; 35 (1976) 301-339, is necessarily
in large part conjectural, but her argument that a clique around Julia
136 Illinois Classical Studies, V

political intrigues of which we know so little, but it is

certain that the elder Julia was the keystone in the politi-
cal arch of Tiberius ' s enemies, and it would have required
little prescience to foresee that in the struggle between
Tiberius ' s wife and Tiberius ' s mother, the patient, astute,
and prudent woman would eventually ruin her frivolous, reck-
less, and libidinous younger rival.
Thrasyllus, we may be sure, was intelligent enough to
see that Tiberius had an excellent chance to become the next
princeps, and also to see that he had everything to gain, and
nothing to lose, by assuring Tiberius that the stars des-
tined him for supreme power. The prediction was necessarily
made privately to Tiberius and kept secret. It would probab-
ly be known to no one, if Tiberius died or if, fifteen years
or more later, he found himself effectually excluded from
what the stars had promised. And in that event, Thrasyllus
had only to catch the first ship out of Rhodes to put him-
self securely beyond the reach of a man who had no govern-
mental power. And if, by some mischance, the prediction did
become known, not even Thrasyllus 's competence as an astrol-
oger would be seriously compromised: the data with which
Tiberius supplied him must have been inaccurate, or Tiberius
had misunderstood as categorical a prediction made with the
reservation that there would be one or more critical moments
when the astral forces would be in balance and the result
uncertain, or some other excuse, plausible to the credulous,
1 5)
could be easily devised.

instigated the election of Gaius in 6 B.C. against the wishes of Augustus

will commend itself to all who believe that Augustus, however determined
to confine the succession to his own blood-line, was too prudent to pre-
cipitate a domestic crisis by contriving the election as consul of a
boy who was legally an infant, thus making a mockery of his pretense
that he had "restored the Republic."
15) According to Cassius Dio, 58.27.1, Thrasyllus, shortly before
Tiberius died, had the stars predict that the old man would live another
ten years, and the ingenious explanation of that prediction (which,
since the astromancer died even before his patron, must have been de-
vised by his son and heir to his mantle business, Tib. Claudius Bal-
billus) could cover up what had been merely a bad guess. The explana-
tion, however, credits Thrasyllus with a calculated deception from a
preposterously humanitarian motive, and was probably excogitated to
Revilo P. Oliver 137

Thrasyllus made the prediction. Tiberius, surely, was

not so gullible as to accept a simple statement, and must
have inquired into details, concerning which Thrasyllus was
clever enough to cover shrewd guesses with the ambiguities
and provisos that successful soothsayers must always have
in store. Even so, we should not expect Tiberius to be fully
convinced before the prediction proved to be correct.
This brings us to the obvious flaw in Tacitus 's narrative.

conceal an astrological expedient to further Thrasyllus 's intrigues to

assure the succession to his granddaughter's paramour, Caligula, on
which see Cramer, op. cit., pp. I05ff.
We must keep in mind the fact that Thrasyllus, like all professionals,
practiced catarchic astrology. For an outline of the major astrological
theories, see Cramer, pp. 14-44, but for our purposes we need note only
a fundamental distinction that is sometimes obscured, even in Cramer's
later pages, by use of the term 'fatalistic' The adjective is indeed
applicable to all forms of a doctrine that men's lives are governed by
astral influences, but for clarity it should be reserved for the theory
that a man's destiny is totally and unalterably fixed by the stars pre-
siding over his nativity, and will be fulfilled, no matter what sub-
sequently happens, as is maintained by Apollonius in the passage from
the romance cited by Cramer, p. 223. This uncompromising view was held
by theorists, but obviously could not commend itself to practitioners,
who would have to make categorical predictions and could collect only
one fee from a customer. Catarchic astrology, on the other hand, was
very good for business, since, reduced to its essentials, it held that
while the stars at nativity portended a man's destiny, the fulfillment
of the portent depended on the man's proper response to stellar influ-
ences in every decision he made in the course of his life. The dupe was
thus obliged continually to ascertain whether the astral forces were
favorable or adverse before he embarked on an undertaking, which would
end in failure if begun at an unpropitious moment and might even cancel
the destiny portended at his nativity. This ingenious theory not only
made the sucker dependent on astromancers throughout his life, but pro-
vided an ample margin for explaining away unfortunate guesses. Very in-
tricate calculations are obviously necessary, for the constant motion
of the heavens makes not only days but hours and even minutes important
in determining stellar influences at conception (!) and birth, and on
those calculations depends the significance of equally precise observa-
tions at the inception of every undertaking, and, of course, the neces-
sary allowances for latitude and longitude must be made for the places
involved. The method reaches its logical culmination today in the antics
of actor and others who, from superstition or a desire for publicity,
sign contracts and have marriages solemnized under the supervision of
an astrologer, who, watching the second-hand of his chronometer, signals
the precise instant at which the benign influences of the planets are
at maximum intensity. This catarchic theory, of course, underlies Ti-
berius 's inquiry whether Thrasyllus had computed the stellar forces

acting on his own destiny at the time of their interview and it ex-
plains why Tiberius, as Cassius Dio reports, 57.15.7, kept Thrasyllus
constantly at his side [oavTeCcj tlvl, xa9 lxdoTr)v fjiiepav xP'^M'&'^^o^

138 Illinois Classical Studies, V

Chapter 21 begins naturally enough: whenever Tiberius con-

1 fi
suited Thrasyllus {guotiens. . . consultaret ) on so secret a
subject, he would, of course, make sure that they could not
be overheard or interrupted, and he would have no attendant
except an ignorant but powerful slave, who could serve as
1 7)
bodyguard, if necessary. But after we have been startled
by the tense of incesserat and had our suspicion confirmed by
praecipitabat, we have to understand that what is being de-
scribed is not a testing of Thrasyllus but Tiberius ' s habit-
ual behavior toward several or many astrologers. At this
point, I am sure, every attentive reader looked hopefully at
the apparatus for some peculiarity on which he could hang
the obvious emendations, and he may even have scrutinized
the facsimile of the Medicean manuscript before despairing.
Alas! we must suppose that the text is what Tacitus wrote.
As Krappe says, we simply cannot believe that Tiberius in-
dulged in a "wholesale slaughter" of the astrologers at
Rhodes, and we must agree with Cramer that, if Tiberius had
done so, Thrasyllus (or any man intelligent enough to work
the astrological business) would not have blithely accepted
an invitation to become another corpse on the rocks or in
the sea at the base of the cliff. The fox in Aesop had no
difficulty in grasping the significance of footprints that
went into the lion's cave but did not return.
Let us assume that the preposterous statement is a blun-
der, conceivably arising from textual corruption but more
probably from the author's uncritical acceptance of what he
found in his source. If a single memorable event was dis-
torted and described as customary if Tiberius, instead of

16) The subjunctive is tolerable in Tacitus and Silver Latin in gen-

eral .

17) Tiberius would scarcely have neglected so elementary a precaution,

even if the interview took place before the sycophants of Gaius openly
volunteered to assassinate the lad's unloved stepfather (Suet, rijb.13.1).
Since a slave would in most circumstances be more reliable than a ii-
bertus I assume that the bodyguard was a slave at the time of the in-

cident and later freed in recognition of his services.

18) On the probable source, see below, p. 142f.
Revilo P. Oliver 139

acquiring the habit of feeding inept astrologers to the fish,

devised a specific and rigorous test of his new friend's

skill and sincerity the story becomes plausible and even
probable. Tiberius at Rhodes was an embittered man, but even
if he had not recently been embittered by the conduct of
Augustus and others in whom he had placed some confidence,
he was no longer a youth, and experience must have taught
him a prudently cynical estimate of human nature. He cannot
have been so naif as not to wonder whether the author of
such roseate predictions, which could have been devised to
excite his own secret but divinable hopes, and which, in
the nature of things, could not be verified for years to
come, was not a flatterer and a fraud; and it must have oc-
curred to him that a man who induced him to make inquiries
that could be represented as treason, might be a spy or agent
1 9)
provocateur. If Tiberius was not to remain in suspense and
possibly even in danger, he had to devise some means of as-
suring himself of his new friend's good faith and competence
in the mantic art.
Tiberius, furthermore, was an eminently practical and,
indeed, a ruthless man. We must not imagine that our con-
temporary political leaders were the first to discover that
when an inferior threatens their peace of mind and it is not
expedient to have him murdered, the obvious thing to do is
to instruct a reliable technician to arrange a suitable ac-
cident or, if more convenient, a convincing suicide. And
when the eminently dispensable man must walk along a narrow
path on the edge of a cliff, a muscular and obedient slave
is the only technician needed. We may reasonably suppose
that if Thrasyllus had failed the test, his foot would have
slipped on the path, and his acquaintances would have sagely
remarked that the poor man never did have a good head for
heights or that he was so professorily absent-minded that he

19) Given Tiberius' s prestige with the armies, suspicions that he was
planning a coup d'etat must have arisen soon after his retirement and
certainly while he still held the tribunician power and an imperium
that was perhaps maius although Suetonius [Tib. 12.3-13.1) implies

that the currency of the suspicions alarmed Augustus only later.

140 Illinois Classical Studies, V

sometimes did not look where he was walking. It would have

been a model instance of what the professionals now call
neatness and dispatch.
The test that Tiberius devised doubtless seemed adequate
and decisive to him. No one could possibly know what he medi-
tated in his own mind, and he need not have instructed his
slave until just before he and Thrasyllus retired to the
secluded spot chosen for the consultation. We may suppose
that after Thrasyllus had glibly expounded what the planets
foretold and specifically their catarchic bearing on that
particular day, Tiberius inquired in a casual and off-
hand manner whether the astromancer had made a similar com-
putation for himself. Tiberius, we may be sure, avoided ex-
hibiting more than a mild interest in the question, but he
did not know, as indeed most men today do not know, that
while a man can control his features and voice sufficiently
to deceive most others, a skilled and subtle observer can
deduce his state of mind from minute and unconscious changes
in his lineaments, glances, intonation, and breathing. We
may be certain that Thrasyllus had mastered the art that
modern "mind readers" exhibit on the stage and modern "psy-
chics" use to dazzle their customers. The technique of

20) Presumably with reference to some real or feigned project in

accordance with the catarchic method (note 15 above).
21) In the classification of magic by the celebrated magician of the
Nineteenth Century, Robert-Houdin, as reported by H.E. Evans in his in-
troduction to the articles, chiefly from the Scientific American, col-
lected by Albert Hopkins, Magic (New York 1898; reprinted 1976) , the
technique in question here falls in the third category: "secret thought
read by an ingenious system of diagnosis and sometimes compelled to
take a particular direction by certain subtle artifices." It must be
distinguished from most exhibitions of "telepathy," such as those by
the famous Houdini, which involve the use of an accomplice, electrical
devices, or both. The most common form of mind-reading in this third
category is called "muscle reading" by magicians, since it involves
contact with the person whose thoughts are being read, usually by hold-
ing his or her hand, which enables a skilled operator to detect most of
the phenomena now commonly detected by a sphygmomanometer ("lie-detec-
tor") and to supplement them by visual observation. When there is no
physical contact, the mind-reader, who has developed acute visual and
auditory senses by diligent training, must minutely observe the sub-
ject's unconscious ideomotor reactions to subtly leading questions or
to comments and exclamations made by the mind-reader to give direction
Revilo P. Oliver 141

making such observations must have been developed when the

art of preying on human credulity advanced beyond the tell-
ing of mirific tales with rhetorical effectiveness and the
use of prestidigitation and mechanical contrivances to per-
form miracles.
Thrasyllus pretended to make the long and involved calcu-
lations necessary to determine the astral influences on him
at that particular moment, covertly watching Tiberius and
doubtless noting his unconscious reactions to pertinent
comments and exclamations until he was certain that Tiberi-
us s interest was more than casual, whence it would neces-

sarily follow that his own science was being tested. He then
pretended or perhaps, knowing Tiberius, he had no need to
pretend that he was terrified by a discovery that his fate
hung in balance at that very moment. It was a safe guess.

to the subject's thoughts. Such, obviously, was the position of Thrasyl-

lus vis-a-vis Tiberius. The most concise catalogue of the methods of
diagnosis may be found in D.H. Rawcliffe's The Psychology of the Occult
(London 1952; reprinted, New York 1976, under the title Occult and Su-
pernatural Phenomena), pp. 379-425, 463-478.
22) I know of no ancient reference to the methods of mind-reading.
(The physiognomonici whose writings are collected in Forster's Teubner
edition seem to have been interested only in determining innate charac-
ter. Obviously/ however, the techniques would have been closely guard-

ed trade- secrets, perhaps transmitted only orally, and we possess aston-

ishingly little ancient information about thaumaturgic technology. A few
miracle-making machines are described by Hero, but we must agree with
Robert S. Brumbaugh, Ancient Greek Gadgets and Machines (New York 1966),
pp. 97, lOlf., that many other and more elaborate machines were used in
temples to show the way of gods to men. Livy (39.13.12) knew the secret
of the miraculous torches that were carried by hysterical women during
the Bacchanalian craze, but chemically similar miracles are reported by
Suetonius {Tib. 14.3), Cassius Dio (54.9.6), and Pausanias (5.27.3) with
no indication that those authors did not suppose the phenomena to be
of supernatural origin. And the secret of the hallucinatory drugs that
were doubtless used to produce religious experiences and thus supplement
the effects of overheated imaginations and psychopathic tendencies was
so closely kept that one finds no reference to them even in the recent
and discerning study of E.R.Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational (Berke-
ley 1951). I note in passing that R. Gordon Wasson, who first identified
the soma of the Hindus and homa of the Zoroastrians as the sacred mush-
room {Amanita muscaria) believes that several different hallucinogens

were used at Eleusis; see his contribution to Flesh of the Gods, edited
by Peter Furst (New York 1972), pp. 194f. The use of drugs in the vari-
ous mystery-cults was doubtless a priestly secret. The technique of
mind-reading, we may believe, was as successfully kept a trade-secret.
142 Illinois Classical Studies, V

for if Tiberius intended to do no more than renounce his

friendship if he failed the test, would it not be the astrol-
oger's cruel fate to be heart-broken by the loss of a beauti-
ful friendship?
Like many a dupe of shrewd soothsayers today, Tiberius
was convinced: the stars must have told Thrasyllus what
would happen to him if Tiberius gave a significant nod to
his slave. Here, at last, was a science of the future! And
here was a man whose catarchic prognostications Tiberius
would continuously need to guide his own conduct from day
to day. We may be certain that Tiberius took Thrasyllus with
him when, to the astonishment of the politicians who had
deemed him a political has-been, he was recalled to Rome by
Augustus in A.D. 2, and if he had any faint and lingering
doubts, they vanished when he, doubtless guided by Thrasyl-
lus, became the destined successor of Augustus two years
The foregoing is, I believe, an entirely plausible ac-
count of what could have happened, and it conforms strictly
to the narrative in Tacitus except for the reference to con-
sultation of other astrologers. We naturally have no way of
determining that this is what actually happened, but the
story receives some support from the consideration that Ti-
berius must have tested the skill of Thrasyllus before re-
posing great confidence in him. The future princeps was not
a sentimental woman to be charmed by a soothsayer's specious
verbiage and unverified claims. Given the circumstances, one
cannot suggest a more effective test of the astromancer '

powers than the one described, or one that would have seemed
more cogent to Tiberius. Se non e vera, e molto hen trovato.

Tacitus source could have been some treatise de divina-


tions that discussed the very problem he raises in the fol-

lowing chapter, but the underlying source must have been
favorable to the claims of astrology, for that would explain
the one false element in the story, the implication that Ti-
berius had tried and disposed of a number of incompetent as-
trologers before finding in Thrasyllus a master of the
Revilo P. Oliver 143

science. Professionals who exploit human credulity are al-

ways in competition with one another, and with all but the
most ignorant victims they find it necessary to explain away
the ill-repute of soothsayers and the known failures of the
kind of divination they are peddling, and each naturally ad-
mits that there are many incompetent or fraudulent practi-
tioners of the art that he, a paragon of learning and in-
tegrity, is professing. The standard sales technique of all
mystery-mongers was, of course, used by ancient astromancers,
producing the opinion that Tacitus reports as held by most
of his contemporaries, but does not himself endorse {Ann.
6.22.3) :

plurimis mortalium non eximitur, quin primo cuiusque ortu

Ventura destinentur, sed quaedam secus quam dicta sint ca-
dere fallaciis ignara dicentium: ita corrumpi fidem artis,
cuius clara documenta et antiqua aetas et nostra tulerit.
A story that Tiberius, having found many wanting, found a
genuine expert in Thrasyllus was, of course, a perfect do-
cumentum to show the fides artis.
The story in Tacitus is plausible. The other extant refer-
ences to this episode are not. Cassius Dio seems to have
used a source that discounted the claims of astrology or,
at least, could not believe that Thrasyllus had been warned
of his danger by the stars. According to this version.

23) If, as G.B. Townend guesses obiter in his article on the sources
of Suetonius, Hermes 88 (1960) 115-120, Thrasyllus's son, Tib. Claudius
Balbillus, was one of Tacitus 's sources, he is the obvious source for
stories about his father (cf. note 15 above). Balbillus carried on his
father's business and would have had an obvious interest in preconizing
it in some work that celebrated his father's "science"; that he was
capable of writing such a work and did in fact write on various subjects
is shown by Seneca's reference {Nat. quaest. 4a. 2. 13) to him as perfec-
tus in omni litterarum genere rarissime. He would, of course, have writ-
ten after the death of Tiberius and would have had no reason not to con-
form to the almost universal condemnation of his father's dupe; the sug-
gestion of W. Gundel in Pauly-Wissowa, VI A, 581, that the story about
Tiberius' s test came from a "vielleicht in Tiberius feindlicher Entstel-
lung geschriebenen Tradition," would thus be verified. And Balbillus,
writing in an atmosphere of hostility to the memory of Tiberius and con-
cerned to enhance the prestige of his business, could well have added
the detail about what Krappe called the "wholesale slaughter" of inept
24) 55.11.1-3; the essential part of this passage comes just before
144 Illinois Classical Studies, V

Tiberius decided to eliminate the one man who knew all his
plans (SneLfifi u<ivoQ auxcp ndvd' ooa vev6eL ouv^dei), it be-

ing unexplained what cogitations Tiberius had confided to

Thrasyllus, presumably in conversation, so that the reader
is at liberty to imagine anything from a scheme to liquidate
the young Caesares to projects to be put into effect when Ti-
berius at last attained power. Tiberius accordingly decided
to throw Thrasyllus anb xoO telxous, presumably the city
wall, unless we imagine that Tiberius 's house resembled a
Mediaeval castle a foolishly public spot for an assassina-
tion and a very inconvenient one, since a man walking along
a broad parapet would not naturally step close to the cren-
els, and it would be necessary to wrestle with him before
throwing him over, and if, as is implied, Tiberius intended
to do the work himself, he was so foolhardy as to take the
risk that his victim might take the assailant with him. Be-
fore attacking Thrasyllus, however, Tiberius noticed that
he had a dejected or downcast countenance (oKuOpooTidaavTa
auT6v L6cbv) , and, inquiring, was told that his intended vic-
tim suspected that he was in some danger (klv5uv6v xiva uno-
TixeuELv) the verb obviously indicating something less than

certainty, so that we must suppose Thrasyllus had a presen-

timent or even guessed that something in Tiberius 's manner
boded no good to him. Tiberius, marvelling ( dauuciaae ) that
Thrasyllus foresaw (npoeL5ev) what he was going to do,
thenceforth cherished him. At some later time, Thrasyllus,
seeing a ship in the offing, predicted that it brought the
news of Tiberius ' s recall to Rome. The basis for the predic-
tion is not stated, but obviously was not an astrological
computation, since Thrasyllus had to see the ship before

one of the lacunae in the Marcian codex. The corresponding passages in

Xiphilinus and Zonaras are given in Boissevain's edition ad loc. It
must be noted that while Cassius Dio accepted the story in which we are
interested as a proof of astromancy (he has just stated that Tiberius
and Thrasyllus had learned from the stars when Lucius and Gaius would
die), he introduces this story with xai Xoyov yt tx^^, which clearly
shows that he is turning to another source, which obviously cannot have
been the one (Balbillus?) used by Tacitus. Since Dio certainly would
not have attenuated a report of the marvels of astromancy, his source
for this particular story (a Roman historian?) must have done so.
Revilo P. Oliver 145

divining its errand.

In Byzantine excerpts from what appears to have been a
compilation of notable feats of astrologers, ^^ we are told
that Tiberius, being for some unstated reason vexed with
Thrasyllus (dyavaHxi^oas xax* auxoO) decided to pitch him

from the wall, but saw that the man looked depressed (^oxu-
Yvaoe) and inquired. The exact words of Thrasyllus 's reply
are quoted: "aCoOdvouaL u^YLCJxov KA-Luaxxfipa eyyuc uou ovxa."
The verb is noteworthy. A separate article is devoted to
the ship seen in the offing and bearing news of Tiberius 's
recall to Rome.
Suetonius {Tib. 14.4) combines the two incidents. Tiberi-
us, believing Thrasyllus to be a fraud, because his predic-
tions had not been fulfilled, and a spy, who used his pro-
fessed art to learn Tiberius 's secrets, decided to pitch
him into the sea presumably from a cliff while they were
out strolling together: cum quidem ilium durius et contra praedic-
ta cadentibus rebus ut falsum et secretorum temere conscium, . . . dum
spatiatur una, praecipitare in mare destinasset. At the very moment
(eo ipso momento) that Tiberius is about to give his companion
the necessary shove, Thrasyllus is saved by asserting nave
provisa gaudium afferri. Now since provisa corresponds to tx6ppol)-

dev KaxL6(iv in Xiphilinus, it must be taken as meaning only

that Thrasyllus descried the ship in the distance and with
no implication of any kind of mantic foreknowledge. He was
therefore saved only by a coincidence and what could have
been merely a lucky guess. Nothing is conceded to his as-
trological skill, and if one interprets the words contra prae-
dicta cadentibus rebus Strictly, he is credited with forecasts
that were found to be wrong and contrary to what actually
happened, with the obvious implication that either Thrasyl-
lus was inept or astrology is fallacious. It is most unlike-
ly that Suetonius altered the tenor of his source, which.

25) Edited by Cumont from a Tenth-Century manuscript, Catalogus co-

dicum astrologorum Graecorum, 8.4 (Bruxellis 1921), pp. 99ff. Cumont
believes the source of the compilation to have been a complete text of
Cassius Dio, but would that text have included the words of Thrasyllus
that I quote?
146 Illinois Classical Studies, V

therefore, must have been sceptical of, if not hostile to,

the pretensions of the astrologers.
Suetonius, like Tacitus, attributes to Tiberius grave
doubts of the astromancer s competence and loyalty, and in

his version the coincidental appearance of the ship in the

nick of time is a test, which, although not planned by Ti-
berius, does convince him of Thrasyllus's ability and fidel-
ity. But the two stories as they stand cannot refer to
the same incident, for the implication in Tacitus is that
the test took place soon after Tiberius became acquainted
with Thrasyllus, presumably soon after Tiberius retired to
Rhodes in 6 B.C., whereas the ship obviously arrived in A.D.
2. We cannot suppose that Tiberius twice intended to have
Thrasyllus kicked into the Carpathian Sea, but the story
about the ship could have a basis in fact. It is not unlike-
ly' that Thrasyllus, shrewd as he was, predicted that the
ruin of Julia (which he could easily have foreseen) would
be followed by the recall of Tiberius, and could even have
made the stars advise Tiberius to intercede for his dis-
graced wife (what better way of regaining the favor of her
father?) , and then, when Augustus proved obdurate for al-
most four years and Tiberius ' s tribunician power and imperi-
um expired, Tiberiusfaith must have been shaken and Thra-
' s

syllus needed all his cunning and ingenuity to devise plau-

sible explanations of his miscalculation. Tiberius could
understandably have become impatient or despondent during
those years and have begun to reconsider his confidence in
the "science" of his "friend"; it is not impossible that
the arrival of the ship (which probably bore an insigne
identifying it as an official despatch-boat, and which did
not outrun reliable information that Augustus was going to
yield) did save Thrasyllus from being kicked out of the
household in which he had so comfortably ensconced himself.
All this is mere speculation, of course, but it does

26) Suetonius {Tih. 14.4) introduces the story with the statement
Thrasyllum. mathematicum, quem ut sapientiae professorem contubernio
. .

admoverat, turn maxime expertus est...

Revilo P. Oliver 147

permit us, if we want to speculate some more, to imagine

that some Roman historian, having Tacitus 's source before
him but refusing to believe in the "wholesale slaughter,"
and refusing to believe in the catarchic astrology by which
Thrasyllus was said to have become aware of his peril, but
attracted by the notion of kicking the magus into the briny
deep, tried to make sense of the story by combining it with
an account, conceivably in the same source, of a crisis
in the relations between Tiberius and his soothsayer during
the time in which it seemed that not even the ruin of Julia
would procure the recall of Tiberius. If there was such an
historian, neither his work nor Tacitus 's source was known
to Cassius Dio, who, we may suppose, used a historian who,
although perhaps equally sceptical of astromancy, kept the
two incidents separate.
2Q \

With the exception of the brief scholium on Juvenal,

Tacitus alone gives a version of the story that appears to
confirm the claims of the pseudo-science, and that version
(with one correction) is the only plausible one. It could
be the source of the other versions, if these were trans-
mitted through writers who quite reasonably refused to ad-
mit the possibility of the astrological calculation by which
Thrasyllus was reported as having convinced Tiberius of his
scientific skill. And now, if we suppose that the incident
described by, Tacitus actually took place, we can go on to

speculate whether Tiberius and Rome would not have been much
happier, had Tiberius made the gesture that would have in-
structed his slave that Thrasyllus was destined to meet with

27) If the hypothesis that Balbillus wrote about his father (note
23 above) is correct, he could have described Tiberius as impatient at
this time and angry with Thrasyllus, thus illustrating the folly of
doubting the infallible science of a great astrologer. A sceptic, of
course, would have given his own interpretation to the story.
28) The scholium (see note 2 above) says that Tiberius wanted to
hurl Thrasyllus in pelagum quasi conscium promissae dominationis , which
implies, of course, that the astrologer had really ascertained the fu-
ture. If it is not futile to look for logic in so condensed a statement,
it implies a belief in strictly fatalistic astrology (note 15 above),
since under the catarchic system Tiberius would not have been so mad as
to destroy an expert whose services he would need, as he is reported to
have in fact used them, xa9' ^xdoTr]v f]|J.pav.
148 Illinois Classical Studies, V

a fatal accident on the way home.

When we try to account for the actions of Tiberius during
his principate, we must (alackl) take into account the pos-
sible or probable influence of Thrasyllus and estimate, as
best we may, his putative character and ambitions, but my
only concern here has been to sketch a conjectural and neces-
sarily unverifiable hypothesis (itself based largely on his-
torical reconstructions that are probable rather than cer-
tain ) that provides a reasonable explanation of a passage
in Tacitus and of the discordant versions of the story in
other historical sources. We are dealing with one of the
points, so sadly numerous in both ancient and more recent
history, at which von Ranke himself would have despaired of
ever ascertaining wie es eigentlich gewesen ware.

University of Illinois at Urbana

29) I have cited at each point the scholar whose views I have follow-
ed; to rehash debates over disputed points would have served only to
multiply pages. Much of the evidence I have used is, of course, open to
challenge. To begin with, the commonly accepted identification of the
editor of Plato with the astromancer, and of the latter 's relationship
to Tib. Claudius Balbillus and Ennia Thrasylla, could be disputed. This
is a cardinal point, for if Thrasyllus, instead of being a scholar of
distinction who could plausibly pretend to a disinterested "scientific"
interest, was a professional soothsayer living by his wits, Tiberius 's
confidence in him becomes less explicable, and a captious critic could
doubt that astrology was the real link between them; a nimble imagina-
tion could even gratuitously suggest an analogy with the celebrated Dr.
Dee of Elizabethan times, who used astrology as an instrument of espio-
nage and is credited with having thus uncovered at least one plot against
the Queen's life: see Richard Deacon, A History of the British Secret
Service (New York 1969), pp. 12f., 16, 30, 41, with the references to
his biography of Dee (London 1968). The circumstances of Tiberius 's re-
tirement to Rhodes have been endlessly discussed, and even his legal
powers may be questioned. It is only probable that he continued to hold
until 1 B.C. his tribunician power and the imperium that is principally
inferred from the exercise of power recorded by Suetonius, Tib. 11.3,
although Barbara Levick (1972, p. 781) refers to a "wealth of evidence"
in a work by C.E. Stevens that I have not located. If Tiberius did hold
an imperium mains, and if Augustus had died shortly after 6 B.C., his
enemies at Rome might or might not have been able to prevent or block
his exercise of it. And so on. With so many uncertainties in the evi-
dence or modern interpretations of it, one can only select the views
that seem most probable as a basis for more tenuous speculations.

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