Chapter1 Introduction 3
Chapter1 Introduction 3
Chapter1 Introduction 3
Prior to the twentieth century, business and other organizations functioned in a less complex
environment that todays. Managers of contemporary organizations must cope with the dynamic
world of increased population, inflation, recession, social consciousness, and shortages of vital
resources. Consequently, the decision making task of the modern management is more
demanding and more important than ever.
Operations Research
Operations Research (OR) is the use of scientific methodology to study systems whose design or
operation require human decision making. OR provides the means for making the most effective
decisions about systems design and operation. The strength and versatility of OR stems from its
diagnostic power through observation and modeling, as well as from its prescriptive power
through analysis and synthesis.
Operations Research can be defined as the use of quantitative methods to assist analyst and
decision-makers in designing, analyzing, and improving the performance or operation of systems.
The field of Operations Research incorporates analytical tools from many different disciplines
to control the operations of systems and organizations in the most practical and
advantageous way
The toll of Operations Research can be used to optimize the performance of systems
perhaps to identify which aspects of the system are controllable and which are not.
- mathematical,
- computational,
- analytical tools and devices
are employed merely to provide information and insights
but it is the human decision-makers who will utilize and implement what has been learned
through the analysis process to achieve the most favorable performance of the system.
1. The LP Model
Of all the available techniques and decision tools in OR/MS (Management Science),
Linear Programming is one of the most widely used. Linear Programming is a
component of the more general technique of mathematical programming. Mathematical
Programming is concerned with the development of modeling and solution procedures
for the purpose of maximizing the extend to which the goals and objectives of the
decision maker are realized. Despite the implication of its name, LP has little to do with
computer programming. In LP, the word programming is related to planning. It refers to
modeling a problem and subsequently solving it by mathematical techniques.
Any problem whose mathematical formulation fits this general model is an LP Model.
An LP model consist of two basic parts an objective function and a set of constraints.
The function (1.1) being either maximized or minimized is called the objective function. It
is simply a mathematical expression that measures the effectiveness of a particular
solution for the LP problem. The restriction (1.2) in the foregoing model are called
constraints. These mathematical statements specify such elements of the problem as the
limitations of available resources or the demand that must be met. Conditions (1.3) are
called the nonnegative conditions. The Xj variables are decision variables; that is, they
are the variables whose value is determined when the LP model is solved. Their values
provide the answers that are being sought in the LP analysis.
3. Heuristics
Refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery that
give a solution which is not guaranteed to be optimal
Can be used to develop good (approximate) solutions.
a. relies on intuitive (guess) or empirical rules that have the potential to determine
an improved solution relative to the current one.
b. It is a search procedures that intelligently move from one solution point to
another with the objective to improving the value of the model objective. When no
further improvements can be achieved, the solution is the approximate solution to
the model.