An Introduction' To Computing With Neural Nets: Richard P. Lippmann
An Introduction' To Computing With Neural Nets: Richard P. Lippmann
An Introduction' To Computing With Neural Nets: Richard P. Lippmann
ASSPIEEE 1987 .OO 01987 IEEE
problemsandstudyingrealbiologicalnets mayalso static input pattern containing 'N input elements. In a
change the way we think about problems and lead to new speech .recognizer the inputs might be the output en-'
insights and algorithmic improvements. velopevalues from a filter bank spectral analyzer sampled
Work on artificial neural net models has a long history. at one time instant and theclasses might represent differ:
Developmentofdetailedmathematicalmodelsbegan ent vowels. In an image classifier the inputs might be the
more than 40 years ago with.the work of McCulloch and gray scale level of each pixel for a picture and theclasses
Pitts [30], Hebb [17], Rosenblatt [39], Widrow [471 and might represent different objects.
others [381.. More recent workbyHopfield [18,19,201., The traditional classifierin the top of Fig. 2 contains two
Rumelhart and McClelland [40], Sejnowski [431, Feldman stages. The first computes matchingscores for each class
191, Grossberg [151, and others has led to a new resurgenceand the second selects the class with the maximumscore.
of the field. This new interest is due to the development Inputs to the first stage are symbols representingvalues of
of new net topologies and algorithms [18,19,20,41,91, the N input elements. These symbols Are entered sequen-
newanalog VLSl implementationtechniques [31], and tially and decoded from the external symbolic form into
some intriguing demonstrations [43,201as well as by a an internalrepresentationusefulforperforming,arith-
growing fascination with the functioning of the human metic and symbolic operations. An algorithm computes a
brain. Recent interest is also driven by the realization that matching score for each of the M classes which indicates
human-like performance in the areas of speech and image how closely the input matches the exemplar pattern for
recognition will require enormous amounts of processing. each class. This exemplar pattern is that pattern which is
Neural nets provide one technique for obtaining the re- most representative of each class. In many situations a
quired processing capacity using large numbers.of simple probabilistic model is used to model the generation of
processing elements operating in parallel. input patterns from exemplars and the matching score
This paper provides an introduction to the field of represents the likelihood or probability that the input
neural nets by reviewing six important neural net models pattern was generated fromeach of the M possible exem-
that can be used for pattern classification.These,massively plars. In those cases, strongassumptions are typically
parallel nets are important building blocks which'can be made concerning underlying distributions of the input
used to construct more complex systems. The main pur- elements. Parameters of distributibns can then be esti-
pose of this reviewis t o describe the purpose and design matedusingatrainingdata,asshownin Fig.2. Multi-
of each net in detail, to relate each net to existing pattern variate Gaussian distributions are often used leading to
classification and clustering algorithms that are normally relatively simple algorithms for computing matching
implemented on sequentialvonNeumanncomputers, scores [7]. Matchingscores are coded into symbolic repre-
and to illustrate design principles used to obtain parallel- sentations and passed sequentially to the second stage of
ism using neural-like processing elements.
Neural net and traditional classifiers PARAMETERS ESTIMATED
Block diagrams of traditional and neural net classifiers I
are presented in Fig. 2. Both types ofclassifiers determine
which of M classes is most representative of an unknown
only 1,100 connections while the Hopfield net requires maximum of M inputs. A net that uses these subnet.s to
almost 10,000. Furthermore, the difference in number of pick the maximum of 8 inputs is presented in Fig. 9.
connections required increases as the number of inputs
increases, because the number of connections in the Hop-
x() x, xp xg x4 x5 xg xb ,'.,