Tarea 3 Calor
Tarea 3 Calor
Tarea 3 Calor
1. A plane wall is a composite of two materials, A and B. The wall of material A has uniform heat
generation q = 1.5106 W/m3, kA = 75 W/mK, and thickness LA = 50 mm. The wall material B
has no generation with kB = 150 W/mK and thickness LB = 20 mm. The inner surface of
material B is cooled by a water stream with T = 30C and h = 1000 W/m2K. Determine
temperatures T1 and T2.
2. The energy transferred from the anterior chamber of the eye through the cornea varies
considerably depending on whether a contact lens is worn. Treat the eye as a spherical system
and assume the system to be at steady state. The convection coefficient ho is unchanged with
and without the contact lens in place. The cornea and the lens cover one third of the spherical
surface area. Values of the parameters representing this situation are as follows:
r1 = 10.2 mm, r2 = 12.7 mm, r3 = 16.5 mm, T,i = 37C, T,o = 21C, k1 = 0.35 W/mK, k2 = 0.80
W/mK, hi = 12 W/m2K, ho = 6 W/m2K.
a) Construct the thermal circuits excluding the contact lens and including the contact lens.
Write resistance elements in terms of appropriate parameters.
b) Determine the heat loss from the anterior chamber with and without the contact lens in
c) Discuss the implication of your results.
4. The rear window of an automobile is defogged by passing warm air over its surface. If the
warm air is at T,i = 40C and the corresponding convection coefficient is hi = 30 W/m2K, what
are the inner and outer surface temperatures of 4-mm-thick window glass if the outside ambient
air temperature is T,o = -10C and the associated convection coefficient is ho = 65 W/m2K.
5. The performance of gas turbine engines may be improved by increasing the tolerance of the
turbine blades to hot gases emerging from the combustor. One approach to achieving high
operating temperatures involves application of a thermal barrier coating (TBC) to the exterior
surface of a blade, while passing cooling air through the blade. Typically, the blade is made
from a high-temperature superalloy, such as Inconel (k 25 W/mK), while a ceramic, such as
zirconia (k 1.3 W/mK), is used as a TBC. Consider conditions for which hot gases at T,o =
1700 K and cooling air at T,i = 400 K provide outer and inner surface convection coefficients
of ho = 1000 W/m2K and hi = 500 W/m2K, respectively. If a 0.5-mm-thick zirconia TBC is
attached to a 5-mm-thick Inconel blade wall by means of a metallic bonding agent, which
provides an interfacial thermal resistance of Rt,c = 10-4 m2K/W, can the Inconel be maintained
at a temperature that is below its maximum allowable value of 1250 K? Radiation effects may
be neglected, and the turbine blade may be approximated as a plane wall. Plot the temperature
distribution with and without the TBC. Are there any limits to the thickness of the TBC?
6. An electrical current of 700 A flows through a stainless steel cable having a diameter of 5 mm
and an electrical resistance of 6 10-4 /m (i.e., per meter of cable length). The cable is in an
environment having a temperature of 30C, and the total coefficient associated with convection
and radiation between the cable and the environment is approximately 25 W/m2K.
a) If the cable is bare, what is its surface temperature?
b) If a very thin coating of electrical insulation is applied to the cable, with a contact resistance
of 0.02 m2K/W, what are the insulation and cable surface temperatures?
c) There is some concern about the ability of the insulation to withstand elevated temperatures.
What thickness of this insulation (k = 0.5 W/mK) will yield the lowest value of the
maximum insulation temperature? What is the value of the maximum temperature when this
thickness is used?
7. Consider the liquid oxygen storage system and the laboratory environmental conditions of
Problem 8 from homework 2. To reduce oxygen loss due to vaporization, an insulating layer
should be applied to the outer surface of the container. Consider using a laminated aluminum
foil/glass mat insulation, for which the thermal conductivity and surface emissivity are k =
0.00016 W/mK and = 0.20, respectively.
a) If the container is covered with a 10-mm-thick layer of insulation, what is the percentage
reduction in oxygen loss relative to the uncovered container?
b) Compute and plot the oxygen evaporation rate (kg/s) as a function of the insulation
thickness t for 0 t 50 mm.
8. A nuclear fuel element of thickness 2L is covered with a steel cladding of thickness b. Heat
generated within the nuclear fuel at a rate is removed by a fluid at T, which adjoins one
surface and is characterized by a convection coefficient h. The other surface is well insulated,
and the fuel and steel have thermal conductivities of k and ks, respectively.
a) Obtain an equation for the temperature distribution T(x) in the nuclear fuel. Express your
results in terms of , k, L, b, ks, h, and T.
b) Sketch the temperature distribution T(x) for the entire system.
9. Radioactive wastes are packed in a thin-walled spherical container. The wastes generate thermal
energy nonuniformly according to the relation [ ( ) ] where is the local rate of
energy generation per unit volume, is a constant, and ro is the radius of the container. Steady
state conditions are maintained by submerging the container in a liquid that is at T and
provides a uniform convection coefficient h. Determine the temperature distribution, T(r), in the
container. Express your result in terms of , ro, T, h, and the thermal conductivity k of the
radioactive wastes.
10. Consider one-dimensional conduction in a plane composite wall. The outer surfaces are
exposed to a fluid at 25C and a convection heat transfer coefficient of 1000 W/m2 K. The
middle wall B experiences uniform heat generation B, while there is no generation in walls A
and C. The temperatures at the interfaces are T1 = 261C and T2 = 211C.
a) Assuming negligible contact resistance at the interfaces, determine the volumetric heat
generation B and the thermal conductivity kB.
b) Plot the temperature distribution, showing its important features.
c) Consider conditions corresponding to a loss of coolant at the exposed surface of material A
(h = 0). Determine T1 and T2 and plot the temperature distribution throughout the system.