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vWitness Configuration Guide

Copyright 2016-2017 Dell Inc or its subsidiaries All rights reserved.

Published May 2017

Dell believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.


Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Published in the USA.

EMC Corporation
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748-9103
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2 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide


Figures 5

Chapter 1 Product Overview 7

Virtual Witness (vWitness)........................................................................... 9
Functional overview....................................................................... 10
vWitness benefits...........................................................................10
vWitness requirements................................................................... 11
Witness failure scenarios.............................................................................12

Chapter 2 Install and configure 15

Preparation................................................................................................. 16
System architecture guidelines...................................................... 16
Hardware and software requirements.............................................17
vWitness instances.........................................................................17
TCP ports.......................................................................................18
TLS certificates..............................................................................18
Installation kit.................................................................................18
Install the vWitness instances..................................................................... 19
Import the Virtual Appliance........................................................... 19
Power on and configure the Virtual Appliance............................... 20
Enable Secure Shell (SSH).............................................................21
Import TLS certificates (optional)...............................................................21
Start the certificate management utility........................................ 22
Import the certificate files............................................................. 22
Define the vWitness instances on the storage systems.............................. 23
UTC time synchronization.......................................................................... 23

Chapter 3 Manage and monitor 25

Manage and monitor vWitness definitions on a storage array..................... 26
Unisphere...................................................................................... 26
SYMCLI commands....................................................................... 28
Manage instances of vWitness.................................................................... 31
Create a vWitness.......................................................................... 31
Remove a vWitness........................................................................ 31
Download vWLS log files............................................................................. 31

EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide 3


4 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide


1 SRDF/Metro vWitness vApp and connections..............................................................9

2 SRDF/Metro Witness single failure scenarios............................................................. 12
3 SRDF/Metro Witness multiple failure scenarios.......................................................... 13

EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide 5


6 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Product Overview

This chapter introduces SRDF/Metro and its resiliency features. Topics include:

l Introduction......................................................................................................... 8
l Virtual Witness (vWitness)...................................................................................9
l Witness failure scenarios.................................................................................... 12

Product Overview 7
Product Overview

Introduced with HYPERMAX OS 5977.810.784, SRDF/Metro changes SRDF behavior
to better achieve the high availability requirements of today's mission critical
applications. In traditional SRDF, only R1 (source) devices are Read/Write accessible
to the host, while R2 (target) devices are Read Only/Write Disabled.
With SRDF/Metro:
l R2 devices are Read/Write accessible.
l Hosts can write to both the R1 and R2 side of the device pair.
l R2 devices assume the same external device identity (such as, geometry and
device WWN) as their R1 partners.
This shared identity means that the R1 and R2 devices appear to hosts as a single
virtual device.
In the event that one or more device pairs become Not Ready (NR) or connectivity is
lost between the arrays, SRDF/Metro must decide which side of the pair remains
accessible to the hosts. There are three methods that SRDF/Metro can use to make
this decision:
l Device Bias: Device pairs for SRDF/Metro are created with a bias attribute. By
default, the create pair operation sets the bias to the R1 side of the pair. That is, if
the device pair becomes Not Ready NR on the RDF link, the R1 (bias side) remains
accessible to the hosts, and the R2 (non-bias side) is inaccessible. However, if the
there is a failure on the R1 side, the host loses all connectivity to the device pair.
The Device Bias method cannot make the R2 device available to the host.
l Array Witness: The operating environment on a third array monitors SRDF/Metro.
If a failure occurs, that array determines its type. Then the array uses that
information to choose which side of the device pair remains accessible.
l Virtual Witness: A daemon running on a separate, virtual machine monitors SRDF/
Metro. If a failure occurs, the daemon determines its type. Then the daemon uses
that information to choose which side of the device pair remains accessible.
This method is available in HYPERMAX OS 5977.945.890 and later.
The Array Witness method provides the highest availability. However, the added
requirement of a third array may prevent its use in some environments. Virtual
Witness, on the other hand, provides similar functionality and availability as Array
Witness, without the need for a third array.
This guide shows how to configure and manage SRDF/Metro with the Virtual Witness


The EMC VMAX3 Family Product Guide, EMC VMAX All Flash Product Guide, and the
EMC Solutions Enabler SRDF Family CLI User Guide provide more information on SRDF/

8 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Product Overview

Virtual Witness (vWitness)

Virtual Witness (vWitness) is an additional resiliency option introduced in HYPERMAX
OS 5977.945.890 and Solutions Enabler or Unisphere for VMAX V8.3. vWitness has
similar capabilities to the Array Witness method, except that it is packaged to run in a
virtual appliance (vApp) on a VMware ESX server, not on an array. There can be up to
32 vApps, each providing a vWitness instance.
Figure 1 SRDF/Metro vWitness vApp and connections
SRDF/Metro vWitness vApp:

vW on
ec R1


itn nec

nn ss
Co tne

es tiv
s R ity

SRDF links 2
R1 R2

R1 array R2 array

The R1 and R2 arrays each contain a user-defined list of vWitness definitions that
identify the vWitness instances that the array can use. A vWitness definition consists
of a user-specified name and the location of the instance (either the IP address or the
fully-qualified DNS name). The lists of vWitness definitions on each array do not have
to be identical. However, they must have at least one definition in common. Initially,
the R1 and R2 arrays negotiate which vWitness instance to use from the list of
vWitness definitions that each array holds.
Should the SRDF links between the R1 and R2 arrays fail, or one of the arrays has a
serious problem, the vWitness instance decides which array remains available to the
host or hosts.
Unisphere for VMAX and SYMCLI provide facilities to manage a vWitness
configuration. The user can add, modify, remove, enable, disable, and view vWitness
definitions on the arrays. In addition, the user can add and remove vWitness instances.
To remove an instance, however, it must not be actively monitoring SRDF/Metro

Virtual Witness (vWitness) 9

Product Overview

Functional overview
A vWitness instance is a daemon process (the vWitness Lock Service, or vWLS)
running in a vApp. On the R1 and R2 arrays, another daemon (the vWitness manager,
or vWM) runs on both management guests (for redundancy) and acts as a proxy
between HYPERMAX OS and the vWitness instances (the vWLS instances).
Activity between a pair of SRDF/Metro groups is known as a SRDF/Metro session.
When a session starts, the R1 and R2 arrays negotiate which of the available vWitness
instances to use to protect the session. Thus, an individual array could be using several
vWitness instances simultaneously. In the same way, an individual vWitness instance
may be monitoring several SRDF/Metro sessions simultaneously.
vWM on each array polls all of the vWitness instances in the definition list every two
seconds. Each instance (vWLS daemon) sends a reply. This enables vWM to maintain
the list of instances, knowing which are available and operational, for HYPERMAX OS.
If HYPERMAX OS detects that an instance has not responded for 10 seconds it
checks whether the instance is in use by any Metro session. If it is in use, the R1 and
R2 arrays negotiate an alternative witness to use in its place. If there are no witnesses
available, the session uses Device Bias as a fallback.
If HYPERMAX OS on either the R1 or R2 arrays detects that a session has failed (that
is, the array has lost contact with the partner group either due to a failure of the SRDF
link or in the partner array), it asks the vWM to request a lock from the vWitness
instance allocated to the Metro session.
On the bias side, wWM sends the request to the vWitness instance for that session
immediately. Typically, vWM waits 5 seconds before sending the request on the R2
side. This allows time for the R1 side to request the lock. That is, R1 has priority and
gets the lock if it asks for it during this 5 second period.
The vWitness instance grants the lock in response to the first request it receives. The
side that gains the lock remains available to the host while the other side becomes

vWitness benefits
vWitness provides the following benefits:
l Provides a similar level of high availability as the Array Witness option, without the
requiring a third array.
l Multiple vWitnesses can be configured for redundancy.
l IP connections between each vWitness and the arrays are secured using TLS/SSL.
l vWitness and Array Witness options can be used simultaneously.

10 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Product Overview

vWitness requirements
vWitness requires the following:
l Array requirements:
n Two VMAX arrays running HYPERMAX OS 5977.945.890 or later.
n SRDF/Metro license installed on each array.
n eManagement guest for Unisphere on each array. eManagment is standard on
VMAX All Flash arrays, and can be added to VMAX3 arrays in the field. Contact
your EMC representative for more information.
n RA (Fibre/SAN) or RE (Ethernet/IP) connectivity between the paired arrays.
n Ethernet/IP connectivity between each array and each vWitness instance it
l vApp host requirements:
n VMware ESX 4.0 or higher
n Depending on the vApp, the host must meet the following:
Solution Enabler Virtual Appliance: Single processor; 2 GB of memory; dual
disks, with 16 GB of disk space and 5 GB of expandable disk space
Unisphere for VMAX: Dual core processor, 16 GB of memory, and 120 GB of
disk space

vWitness requirements 11
Product Overview

Witness failure scenarios

This section depicts various single and multiple failure behaviors for SRDF/Metro
when the Witness option (Array or vWitness) is used.
Figure 2 SRDF/Metro Witness single failure scenarios

S1 R1 side of device pair

S1 S2 S1 S2
S2 R2 side of device pair

W Witness Array/vWitness X
SRDF links W X
SRDF links/IP connectivity*
S1 and S2 remain S1 and S2 remain
X Failure/outage accessible to host accessible to host
S2 wins future failures Move to bias mode
* Depending on witness type
S1 calls home S1 and S2 call home

S1 S2 S1 X S2 S1 S2


S1 failed S1 remains accessible S1 and S2 remain

S2 remains accessible to host accessible to host
to host S2 suspends S1 wins future failures
S2 calls home

S1 X

S2 failed
S1 remains accessible to host

12 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Product Overview

Figure 3 SRDF/Metro Witness multiple failure scenarios

S1 S2 S1 X S2 S1 X S2


S1 and S2 remain S1 and S2 suspend S1 remains

accessible to host S1 and S2 call home accessible to host
Move to bias mode S2 suspends
S1 and S2 call home S2 calls home

S1 X S2 X
S1 S2 S1 X


S1 suspends S1 failed S1 suspends

S2 remains S2 suspends S2 failed
accessible to host S2 calls home S1 calls home
S2 calls home

S1 S2 S1 X
S2 S1 X S2


S1 failed S1 suspends S1 suspends

S2 suspends S2 failed S2 suspends
S2 calls home S1 calls home S1 and S2 call home

Witness failure scenarios 13

Product Overview

14 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Install and configure

This chapter shows how to install and configure a vWitness instance:

l Preparation.........................................................................................................16
l Install the vWitness instances.............................................................................19
l Import TLS certificates (optional)...................................................................... 21
l Define the vWitness instances on the storage systems......................................23
l UTC time synchronization.................................................................................. 23

Install and configure 15

Install and configure

System architecture guidelines
This section provides guidance on deploying vWitness facilities with SRDF/Metro.

Preferred configuration
When sufficient resources are available, the minimum, preferred configuration is:
l The primary (R1) and secondary (R2) arrays are on separate sites.
l A principal witness is on a third site.
l The principal witness has independent network connectivity (latency < 40 ms) to
both the primary and secondary sites.
l Additional witness installations at both the primary and secondary sites for
This configuration can withstand most failures including communications failure
between the primary and secondary sites. This prevents a split brain scenario from
For additional resilience, consider enhancing this minimum configuration with
additional witness installations at all three sites.

Alternative configurations
If a third site for the witness installation is not feasible, use local witness installations
at both the primary and secondary sites. For redundancy purposes, consider having
multiple witness installations at both sites. This configuration can withstand failures at
either site. However, a failure in the communications between the sites results in a
split brain scenario.
When the R1 and R2 arrays are on a single site, have at least one, principal witness
installation. Ideally, have additional witnesses for redundancy.

Quantity of witness installations

To improve availability have at least two witness installations for every SRDF/Metro
configuration. Spread vWitness installations over multiple servers, where possible, to
avoid having them all run on one server (which creates a single point of failure).
Ensure that there are a sufficient number of witnesses to protect the number of
SRDF/Metro groups that you intend to have active. As shown in Functional overview
on page 10 there is a many-to-many relationship between witnesses and SRDF/Metro

16 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Install and configure

Hardware and software requirements

Ensure that you have all the hardware and software necessary to create a vWitness

Storage systems
Ensure the storage systems meet the requirements set out in vWitness requirements
on page 11.

VMware ESX servers

vWitness instances run on VMware ESX servers. Ensure that each ESX server you
want to use for vWitness operations meets the requirements set out in vWitness
requirements on page 11:
In addition, you require a client system, that you use to access the ESX servers, with
the following:
l VMware vSphere Client
l Any of the following browsers with cookies and JavaScript enabled:
n Internet Explorer 9.0 through 11.0 (Desktop only)
n Firefox 30 or later
n Chrome 21.0.1180 or later
Browsers should have Flash Player 11.2 plug-in installed. If your browser has an
older version of Flash Player, you will be prompted to download the latest version
when you start the web console.

Other EMC software

To install and manage a vWitness configuration requires the following additional
l Solutions Enabler 8.3
l Unisphere for VMAX 8.3 (optional)

vWitness instances
Decide on the number of instances of vWitness for your site. For each instance:
l Decide which ESX server the instance runs on.
l Gather the IP address or the fully-qualified DNS name of the virtual machine that
runs the instance.
l Decide on a name for the instance.
n The name has up to 12 characters and starts with an alphabetic character.
n The remainder of the name can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores,
and hyphens.
n The name is not case sensitive, but the system preserves the case.

Hardware and software requirements 17

Install and configure

TCP ports
Ensure that the following TCP ports are available for use by vWitness instances and
the SRDF/Metro storage systems:

System Port Usage

VMware ESX server 10123 vWitness Lock Service

5480 vApp Manager

Embedded Element Manager on a 5480 vApp Manager

SRDF/Metro storage system

TLS certificates
Each vWitness instance is supplied with TLS security certificates. However, you can
use site-specific certificates if required. To apply custom certificates, gather the
following files in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format:
l Certificate
l Key
l Trust certificate
Store the files at a known location on the client system.


You cannot mix custom certificates with the default ones. All certificates are either
custom ones or they are the default ones. In addition, use the same trust certificate to
generate all custom certificates.

Installation kit
Obtain the installation kit for the vWitness instances from EMC Online Support. You
need either:
l The Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance (vApp)
l The Unisphere for VMAX vApp
The virtual appliance runs on the ESX server creating the vWitness instance.
Put the OVF archive file (*.ova) in a temporary directory on the system that runs the
vSphere Client.

18 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Install and configure

Install the vWitness instances


This section shows just one way of installing the vWitness instances that use the
Solutions Enabler Virtual Appliance. The EMC Virtual Appliance Manager Installation
Guide shows other ways of installing the instances packaged in either Virtual

Install each of the vWitness instances that your site requires. For each instance:
1. Import the Virtual Appliance.
2. Power on and configure the Virtual Appliance.

Import the Virtual Appliance

1. Start the vSphere Client and log in to the ESX Server on which you will be
installing the appliance.
2. Click Ignore in the security warning message.
3. From the File menu, select Deploy OVF Template.
4. Browse to the OVF archive file, located in the temporary directory you created
earlier. Select the OVF archive file with the suffix
5. Click Next.
6. On the Details page, verify the details about the appliance and click Next.
7. On the End User License Agreement page, select Accept all license
agreements and click Next.
8. On the Name and Location page, specify a name for the appliance and click
9. If a resource pool is available, the Resource Pool page displays. Select the
resource pool of your choice and click Next. Otherwise, the Resource Pool
page is skipped.
10. On the Datastore page, select the datastore of your choice and click Next.
11. On the Disk Format page, select the format in which to store the virtual
machine's virtual disks and click Next.
12. On the Network Mapping page, map the source network to the appropriate
destination network.
13. On the Ready to Complete page, verify the information and click Finish.
14. In the Completed Successfully message, click Close.

Install the vWitness instances 19

Install and configure

Power on and configure the Virtual Appliance

1. On the Summary page of the Virtual Infrastructure Client, click Power On.
2. Click the Console tab and watch as the appliance starts up.
3. At the following prompts, enter static IP configuration information:

Please select your static network configuration.

For IPv4: Enter 1
For IPv6: Enter 2
Enter your choice [1]/2:

Please enter static IP configuration:

l IP Address [ ]:
Type the address assigned to the appliance, and then type y to continue
with the configuration.


The virtual appliance uses this IP address to query the DNS Server and get
its hostname. Therefore, you must ensure that the IP address has a
hostname mapping in the DNS Server.
l Netmask [ ]:
Type the mask of the network on which the appliance will be running, and
then type y to continue with the configuration.
l Gateway [ ]:
Type the gateway address to the network on which the appliance will be
running, and then type y to continue with the configuration.
l DNS1 [ ]:
Type the first DNS server address, and then type y to continue with the
l DNS2 [ ]:
Type the second DNS server address, and then type y to continue with the
l Is a proxy server necessary to reach the Internet? y/n
A [y]es response enables you to specify the IP address of the proxy server
and the port.
The network is configured at this point.

4. At the following prompt, specify whether you want to set the time zone:

Do you want to set the time zone? y/[n] :

A [n]o response continues the configuration. If you select this option, you can
use the appliance console to specify the time zone at a later time.
A [y ]es response produces the following series of prompts that will enable you
to set the time zone:

20 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Install and configure

l Please select a continent or ocean

Type the number that corresponds to the time zone location and press
l Please select a country
Type the number that corresponds to the country-specific time zone you
want to set and press Enter.
l Please select one of the following time zone regions
Type the number that corresponds to regional time zone you want to set and
press Enter.
The time zone is now set.

5. At the following prompt, specify whether you want to enter the host ESX
Server information:

Do you want to set the host ESX Server y/[n]? :

l A n response continues the configuration. If you select this option, you can
use the Configuration Manager to enter the host ESX Server details at a
later time. For instructions, refer to the Configuration Manager's online help.
l A y response prompts you for the ESX Server hostname. In which case you
should type the fully qualified hostname of the ESX Server and press Enter.
When prompted to enter the root password, type the root password of the
ESX Server and confirm it by typing it again.
A Welcome screen displays. You have now finished installing the Solutions
Enabler Virtual Appliance.

Enable Secure Shell (SSH)

1. Launch the vApp Manager by typing the following URL in a browser:
Replace appliance with the IP address or fully-qualified DNS name of the
The vApp Manager main window appears.

2. Log in to vApp Manager using seconfig for both the user name and password.
3. When prompted, change the password.
4. Select Command Execution > Host and click Enable SSH.

Import TLS certificates (optional)

To use custom TLS certificates for any vWitness instance, import them. Complete this
procedure for each vWitness instance that has custom certificates.


You cannot mix custom certificates with the default ones. All certificates are either
custom ones or they are the default ones. In addition, use the same trust certificate to
generate all custom certificates.

Enable Secure Shell (SSH) 21

Install and configure


Carry out the following procedure on both the Virtual Appliance and the eManagement

Start the certificate management utility

1. Start and log in to vApp Manager on the vWitness instance.
2. Click Appliance Info and in the Operations panel click Certificate
management for Solutions Enabler.
The tool to import certificates starts and displays an introductory screen.
3. Click Next.
4. Select Import certificate and click Next.
5. Click Yes in the restart confirmation dialog.
The Import Alternate Private Key window appears.

Import the certificate files

1. Click Import to open a file browser.
2. Navigate to the location of the certificate files, select the file that contains the
private key and click Open.
vApp Manager validates the key file.

3. Click Next.
The Import Alternate Certificate windows appears.
4. Click Import to open a file browser.
5. Navigate to the location of the certificate files, select the file that contains the
alternate certificate, and click Open.
vApp Manager validates the certificate file.

6. Click Next.
The Import Custom Trust Certificate window opens.

7. Click Import to open a file browser.

8. Navigate to the location of the certificate files, select the file that contains the
trust certificate and click Open.
vApp manager validates the trust certificate.

9. Click Next.
vApp Manager imports the certificate files and restarts the storsrvd and
storvwlsd daemons.
10. Click Finish.

22 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Install and configure

Define the vWitness instances on the storage systems

Follow the instructions in Manage and monitor vWitness definitions on a storage array
on page 26 to create vWitness definitions on each storage array that runs SRDF/
Metro. You can use Unisphere for VMAX or SYMCLI.

UTC time synchronization

The UTC time of the storage arrays and the vWitness instances need to be
synchronized. The vApp that contains a vWitness synchronizes its time with the
VMware ESX server. So, the UTC time setting on the physical host of that server and
on the storage arrays must be synchronized. Use a facility such as the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) to achieve this.
On the server host, use an NTP product to connect to a NTP server that provides time
synchronization. On the storage arrays, use the vApp Manager for eManagement web
interface to enable NTP:
1. In a web browser, navigate to https://emanage-ip-addr:5480.
Replace emanage-ip-addr with the IP address of the eManagement facility on the
storage array.
2. Log in to the vApp Manager for eManagement.
3. Click IP configuration and then click the NTP tab.
4. In the NTP box, type the address of the NTP server and then click Set Config.
More information on using vApp Manager for eManagement is available from its online

Define the vWitness instances on the storage systems 23

Install and configure

24 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Manage and monitor

This chapter shows how to manage and monitor a vWitness configuration:

l Manage and monitor vWitness definitions on a storage array.............................26

l Manage instances of vWitness........................................................................... 31
l Download vWLS log files.....................................................................................31

Manage and monitor 25

Manage and monitor

Manage and monitor vWitness definitions on a storage array

This section shows how to set up, manage, and monitor a storage array's access to
vWitness instances. You can use Unisphere or SYMCLI commands.

User roles
l To add, enable, modify, remove, or suspend a vWitness definition you require the
StorageAdmin or Administrator roles.
l To view vWitness definitions requires at least the PerformanceMonitor role.
1. Select the storage array from the System Selector on the Home Dashboard.
2. Select Data Protection > Replication Groups and Pools.
3. On the Replication Groups and Pools page click SRDF Virtual Witnesses.
4. Follow the instructions for the vWitness definition task you want to complete:

Task What to do
Add a. Decide on a name for the definition.
l The name has up to 12 characters and starts with an alphabetic
l The remainder of the name can contain alphanumeric characters,
underscores, and hyphens.
l The name is not case sensitive, but the system preserves the case.
b. Obtain the IP address or the fully-qualified DNS name of the system where
the vWitness instance is installed. The address or name has a maximum of
128 characters.
c. Click Add.

d. Type the Witness Name and the IP/DNS.


Specify either the IP address or the fully-qualified DNS name of the

vWitness instance. Do not create two definitions of a vWitness instance, one
specifying the IP address, and one the DNS name. Create only one definition
for each vWitness instance.

e. Click Run now.

Unisphere creates the new definition and enables it.

Enable a. Either:
l Select the vWitness definition and then click Set Status.
l Right click on the vWitness definition and select Set Status on the
context menu.
b. Click OK.

26 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Manage and monitor

Task What to do
Modify a. Disable the definition.
b. Select the vWitness definition and click Remove.
c. Check that the confirmation dialog identifies the correct vWitness definition,
then click OK.
d. Click Add.

e. Type the modified Witness Name and IP/DNS.


Specify either the IP address or the fully-qualified DNS name of the

vWitness instance. Do not create two definitions of a vWitness instance, one
specifying the IP address, and one the DNS name. Create only one definition
for each vWitness instance.

f. Click Run Now.

Remove a. Select the vWitness definition and click Remove.

b. Check that the confirmation dialog identifies the correct vWitness definition,
then click OK.

Disable a. Either:
l Select the vWitness definition and then click Set Status.
l Right click on the vWitness definition and select Set Status on the
context menu.
b. Set one of:
l Use force if the selected vWitness instance is in use and there is
another witness (physical or virtual) available to take over.
l Use SymForce if the selected vWitness instance is in use and there is
no other witness (physical or virtual) to take over.
c. Click Run Now.

View When you click SRDF Virtual Witnesses, Unisphere for VMAX displays a list
of the vWitness definitions on the selected storage system. For each vWitness
definition, the system displays its properties including:
l Name
l IP address or DNS name
l State
l Indicators of whether the definition is in alive and in use
In addition you can view the details of a vWitness definition and the RDF groups
associated with it:

a. Select a vWitness definition.

b. Click View details.

Unisphere 27
Manage and monitor

Task What to do

The details of the vWitness definition are in the Properties panel, and the
RDF groups associated with this vWitness definition are in the Related
Objects panel.

SYMCLI commands
You can use SYMCLI commands to set up, manage, and view vWitness definitions.
Command syntax convention
The sections showing the syntax of the commands use square brackets [ and ] to
enclose optional parts of a command.
Value of command options
The commands use a number of options and these sections use the following
conventions to denote their values in syntax definitions:
The local storage system.

A name for a vWitness definition.
l The name has up to 12 characters and starts with an alphabetic character.
l The remainder of the name can contain alphanumeric characters,
underscores, and hyphens.
l The name is not case sensitive, but the system preserves the case.

The IP address or the fully qualified DNS name of a vWitness instance. The
address or name has a maximum of 128 characters.

Array access rights and user authorization

All the commands, except for list and show, require array access rights of SYMCFG
and user authorization of Storage Admin.

Add a vWitness definition

To add and enable a new vWitness definition to a storage system:

symcfg -sid SymmID add -witness WitnessName -location IPorDNS


Specify either the IP address or the fully-qualified DNS name of the vWitness
instance. Do not create two definitions of a vWitness instance, one specifying the IP
address, and one the DNS name. Create only one definition for each vWitness

28 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Manage and monitor

To add and enable a vWitness definition named metrovw1 that refers to a vWitness
instance at IP address on the storage system 1234:
symcfg -sid 1234 add -witness metrovw1 -location

Suspend using a vWitness definition

To suspend the use of a vWitness definition:

symcfg -sid SymmID disable -witness WitnessName [-force|-symforce]

Use the -force option when the definition is in use (protecting a Metro
configuration), and there is another Witness (either an Array or a Virtual Witness)
available to take over from this one.
Use the -symforce when the definition is in use and there is no other Witness
available to take over from this one.
To disable (suspend) the availability of the vWitness definition named metrovw1 on
storage array 1234 when there is no other Witness available:
symcfg -sid 1234 disable -witness metrovw1 -symforce

Enable a vWitness definition

To enable a vWitness definition after it has been suspended:

symcfg -sid SymmID enable -witness WitnessName

To enable the vWitness definition named metrovw1:
symcfg -sid 1234 enable -witness metrovw1

Modify a vWitness definition

To modify a vWitness definition:
1. Disable (Suspend using a vWitness definition on page 29) and remove the existing
definition (Remove a vWitness definition on page 30).
2. Add a new definition with the modified values (Add a vWitness definition on page
To change the IP address of a vWitness definition named metrovw1 on storage system
1234 to
symcfg -sid 1234 disable -witness metrovw1 -force
symcfg -sid 1234 remove -witness metrovw1
symcfg -sid 1234 add -witness metrovw1 -loction

SYMCLI commands 29
Manage and monitor

Remove a vWitness definition

First, disable the vWitness definition (Suspend using a vWitness definition on page 29)
and then remove it:

symcfg -sid SymmID remove -witness WitnessName

To remove the vWitness definition named metrovw1 from storage system 1234:

symcfg -sid 1234 disable -witness metrovw1 -force

symcfg -sid 1234 remove -witness metrovw1

View vWitness definitions

View information on all vWitness definitions
To view summary information on all vWitness definitions:

symcfg -sid SymmID list -witness [-v] [-out xml] [-offline]

The -v option produces detailed information, similar to that produced by the show
argument, but for all vWitness definitions.
Output is available in text or XML format. Use -out xml to generate XML.
Use the -offline option to display information from the data cached in the
Solutions Enabler database file.
View detailed information on a single vWitness definition
To view detailed information on a specific vWitness definition:

symcfg -sid SymmID show -witness WitnessName [-out xml] [-offline]

Display information on all vWitness instances on the storage system 1234:

symcfg -sid 1234 list -witness

Display information on vWitness definition named metrovw1 on storage system 1234:

symcfg -sid 1234 show -witness metrovw1

30 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

Manage and monitor

Manage instances of vWitness

The following sections show how to create and remove instances of vWitness.

Create a vWitness
Follow the instructions in Install the vWitness instances on page 19 to add the new
vWitness instance. Then add a definition of the instance to each storage array that the
instance is intended for.

Remove a vWitness
To remove a vWitness, remove its definition from all storage arrays that use the
instance. Then stop the storvwlsd daemon and prevent it from automatically starting.
1. Make sure that the vWitness instance is not used by any storage array.
2. Remove the definition of the instance from each storage array that has one
(using Unisphere or SYMCLI command).
3. Launch and log in to vApp Manager on the system that runs the vWitness
4. Click Manage Daemons.
5. In the Action column, click Stop next to the storvwlsd daemon.
6. In the Autostart column, click Unset next to the storvwlsd daemon.

Download vWLS log files

Each vWitness instance maintains a log file. Should problems arise, the log file can
help locate the cause.
1. Launch and log in to vApp Manager on the system running the vWitness
2. Click Appliance Data/Log.
3. On the Daemon/Log Files panel, select storvwlsd from the Select Daemon
4. Click Download storvwlsd Logs.
5. In the file browser dialog, select a location for the downloaded file.
6. Click Save.

Manage instances of vWitness 31

Manage and monitor

32 EMC SRDF/Metro vWitness Configuration Guide

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EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.
The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or
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implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution
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