Dataone Configuration: Huawei MT880/882 Dare Global DB108 Huawei WA1003A Huawei MT841 Huawei MT800
Dataone Configuration: Huawei MT880/882 Dare Global DB108 Huawei WA1003A Huawei MT841 Huawei MT800
Dataone Configuration: Huawei MT880/882 Dare Global DB108 Huawei WA1003A Huawei MT841 Huawei MT800
Bridge Mode
Router mode
Type of CPEs/modems
Customer end requirements
Installaling USB driver
TCP/IP setting in PC
Configuring CPEs
Huawei MT880/882
Dare Global DB108
Huawei WA1003A
Huawei MT841
Huawei MT800
Configuring outlook Express
Connecting more than phone
Configuring Wi-Fi connection in PC
Dataone Account Management (Login/email password change)
Changing login password
Changing email password
SMTP/POP servers
Monitor your usage
Troubleshooting steps
Verifying Physical line status
Verifying Connection status and SNR
Using CPE diagnostic/system log
Diagnosing PC-Modem connectivity
Slow speed
Outlook configuration issues
Configuring and using static IP
In outlook express I am able to receive the mails but not able to send the mails.
I changed the login password in Dataone administration site ( and
after that my Broadband is not working.
I am a Business customer having our own POP server or mails with own domain
but want SMTP service for relaying mails.
Whether browsing is counted as download?
I want static public IP.
I am not getting desired speed.
How to connect multiple computers?
Dataone Configuration
BSNL broadband is based on ADSL technology and uses PPPoE protocol for
authentication and accounting the user access. The CPE (ADSL Modem) is multi
featured powerful router. It can be configured in two modes.
Bridge Mode:
This is the default factory setting. In this mode the modem works as transparent Ethernet
bridge and therefore you need to run the PPPoE client software ( for login authentication)
on your PC/server. WIN XP systems have this feature inbuilt but for other operating
systems you need to buy it from market. Some freeware like RASPPPoE, Enternet etc.
are also available on the Internet.
Public IP
assigned to LAN port
when Broadband
ADSL Line (Phone Line)
PC:Gateway ADSL
Server CPE
*(PPPoE * PPPoE (client is inbuilt in WIN XP (you can create a
dialup-like connection). For other operating systems third
party client as Transparent
is required to be installed.
bridge (Factory default
Gateway: LAN port
DNS: Configure in PPPoE
ASDL line (Phone line) CPE
Public IP: 59.92.X.X
(Automatically gets assigned
when Broadband connected
1. Type 1: One Ethernet port + one USB port ( Models: Huawei MT800, Huawei
MT880, Huawei MT882, DareGlobal DB108). MT800 and DB108 do not have
USB ports.
2. Type 2: One Ethernet port + One USB port + Wi-Fi (Models: Huawei
3. Type 3: Four Ethernet ports + One USB port. (Models: Huawei MT841)
4. Type 4: Four Ethernet ports + One USB port + Wi-Fi ( Models: Huawei MT841
with wi-fi module)
1. For using USP port your PC should have USB port. Connect USB cable to
Modem at one end and to PC at other end. Insert the driver CD supplied along
with CPE.
2. Open the CD-ROM folder and go to Driver. Select and click on folder named as
your Operating system (i.e. For Windows OS select Windows).
3. Windows users can simply double click on Setup and follow the wizard
instructions. Warnings can be ignored if any. The software will install the USB
driver and it will create one virtual Local Area Connection adapter. The users of
Linux and Mac can refer to the installation procedure given on CD.
4. Configure the TCP/IP properties of this newly created virtual LAN adapter
instead of that of existing LAN adapter. For Win9.x, go to CONTROL PANEL ->
NETWORK and select TCP->see the Name of the wireless driver and click on
Properties. Refer TCP/IP configuration given below in next section.
5. WIN XP/2000 users will get Local Area Network 2 created under Network
connections. Select the connection and right click on Properties to set the TCP
Properties. Refer TCP/IP configuration for Win XP given below.
Connect PC to CPE using LAN /USB cable and power on the CPE and PC both.
Ensure that LAN/USB Link LED on CPE is glowing and in stable condition.
5. Go to the DNS configuration tab and enter Primery DNS as and
secondary DNS as
CPE Configuration
(With this configuration, the third party PPPoE software installation is not required on
customer PC. Only TCP/IP address setting (As per above procedure) is required).
i. Open the browser and type the url
ii. Type username admin and password admin in login window.
iii. On left panel, click on Home-> WAN Settings.
iv. Locate the parameter Wan Type and select PPP.
v. In next line select Connection Type as PPPoE.
vi. Select the Default Route Enabled.
vii. Scroll down the screen and locate User Name and Password fields. Enter the
username ( For ex. xyz@dataone) and password provided by BSNL.
Viii Set the Max idle time as desired by you (The Internet session will disconnect if
you are not using Internet for duration given here. Keeping less idle time is
ix. Click on Apply.
viii. On left panel select Tools->System Settings. Click on Save & Restart.
CPE has got inbuilt DHCP server running. If you wish your PC or Laptop to get
auto IP assignment from CPE. You need to just enable the DHCP in CPE. For this cleck
on Setup on menu bar and select DHCP Configuration. Select the check box Server On
and click on Apply. Save the configuration. Now if you enable DHCP in your PC it will
automatically get the IP address and DNS server from CPE.
With this configuration, the third party pppoe software installation is not required on
customer PC. Only IP address setting ( As per above procedure) is required.
Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail --> Click on
Add -- Click on Mail --> Fill - Display Name: e.g. A K Sharma --> Click on Next --> Fill - E-
mail address: e.g. --> Click on Next --> Select My Incoming Mail Server
is a POP3 Server -> Fill - Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) Server:
--> Fill Outgoing mail (SMTP) Server: --> Click on Next --> Fill - Account
name: e.g. --> Un-tick Remember password --> Click on Next --> Click
on Finish --> Select the Account created and Click on Properties --> Click on Servers --> Tick
My Server requires authentication --> Click on Apply --> Click on OK --> Click on Close.
(1) Phone Socket (2) Phone (3) Phone (4) RJ-11 Tel Cable (5) Splitter (6) RJ-11 Tel
Cable (7) RJ-11 Tel Cable (8) Phone Jack (9) MT800
The above CPE configuration makes wi-fi secured network so no body else should be
able to access Internet thorugh your connection. Hence you need to configure same WEP
key in your PC/Laptop which you have entered in CPE wi-fi security configuration. For
this go to the properties of Wi-Fi connection, select the tab Wireless Networks. Then
select the wi-fi network name ( more than one networks may be present in your area,
identify your network by SSID name which is configured in modem. Normally the CPE
model name ( i.e. WA1003A) is factory default SSID setting) and click on Properties.
Look for field Data Encryption and network ID, select WEP as Data Encryption and enter
the network ID which you have entered in CPE configuration as Encryption Key.
These steps may be different for different client Wi-Fi hardware/software. The
screen shots of a typlical example are given below.
IMPORTANT: Please do not change any other settings in CPE other than that
mentioned above.
Web Mail
Go to website: You can send and receive emails or change your
email password (Your e-mail id will be same as login id i.e if your dataone login id is
XYZ@dataone, your mail id will be
3. How to monitor the Usage: Go the website and click on Check
your Usage. Login to the website and look for service records.
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Verify that all the physical connections (phone line to CPE, PC to modem) are in
ii. If IP address and gateway are correctly configured then check the LAN
port working by giving
C:\ arp a (it should display information similar to as given below)
Many times the Interface gets hanged after soft restart. Switch off and switch
on modem first and then PC and try again. Still if it does not work then try Factory
reset of modem and still if does not show the arp table ask BSNL to replace the
modem and then check again. If after changing the modem also it is not showing the
arp table then check LAN/USB port and driver (Call computer service engineer)
If it is showing the arp table but still not pinging or pinging with packet loss. Then
most probably the PC is infected with virus. For this first isolate the PC if more PCs are
connected and see if it improves. Check the LAN statistics, if the sent and receive bytes
are increasing at very fast rate even if you are not browsing. For doing this
In Win XP: Click on LAN or USB (as Applicable) connection icon and see the display
of send and receive bytes.
In contrast -
If sent bytes are not increasing at all that means PC is not sending the data.
If receive bytes are not increasing at all, that means response is not coming from modem.
a. Check the WAN connection status in modem. See that the PVC
configured as PPPoE is up and the public IP is allotted.
b. Check the SNR margin (for upstream and downstream both) and
CRC/FEC errors. The SNR margins should be more than 12.
If Physical line (ADSL link) is not OK the case may be made over to BSNL with
specific remarks: Link Blinking or SNR low (With Values)
6. If the WAN (PPPoE ) is not in connected state then verify for PPPoE server
connectivity or Authentication issue.
Some times all the (ISP connections tests) fail even if there is no problem, in
that case the modem should be switched off and switched on and retested before
reaching the conclusion.
Jan 01
syslog: im:Changed iplan IP address to
Jan 01
syslog: ADSL Training
Jan 01 syslog: ADSL Link Up Dn/Up 2048/256Kbps (G.DMT) ( ADSL
00:00:44 Line sync PASS)
Jan 01
ppp: PPP triggered start
Jan 01 ppp: PPP LCP reaches open state ( PPPoE server
00:00:50 connectivity PASS)
Jan 01
ppp: PPP Start CHAP authentication
Jan 01 ppp: PPP authentication fail ( Username/password wrong)
If authentication is passed following additional lines will
Jan 01
syslog: im_backend:Changed rfc1483-0 IP address to
Jan 01
ppp: PPP IPCP reaches open state
DSL in Sync
DSL Carrier is up
pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Got connection: 8922
Saved Session ID: 0
Connecting PPPoE socket: 00:e0:fc:39:92:46 8922 nas0 0x1000d378
Default Asymmetric MTU for ppp0 1500
Connect: ppp0 {--} nas0 ( Connect will fail
WAN IP address
WAN gateway
primary DNS address
secondary DNS address
PPPoE Connect with IP Address
PPPoE Connection Successfully Established
PPPoE Connect with Gateway IP Address:
7. Line is OK, user is authenticated and public IP assigned in Modem but still not
able to browse.
1. Verify the DNS configuration in TCP/IP properties. For all the CPEs except
MT800, DNS can be given as (The gateway itself). This has
advantage that Client will get the DNS automatically whatever assigned from
BRAS. Verify that the default gateway is configured on PC. For verifying the
IP Address/DNS/Gateway details use ipconfig or winipcfg in DOS prompt,
instead of looking the TCP/IP properties of the connection.
2. Verify that the default gateway is enabled in Modem ( PPPoE configuration).
3. Verify that proxy is not enabled in Browser.
4. Check if you configured some firewall. Temporary disable the firewall and
see if it works.
B. Slow speed:
1. Verify the line (SNR) parameters. If SNR is lower than 12, then inform BSNL.
2. See if the computer is infected with virus (refer PC-Modem connectivity step).
3. Refer the topic optimize your Dataone speed to know more about factors which
affect speed.
2. if you are able to receive the mails but not able to send the mails.
Many times customer configure multiple email ids in the outlook express and then
complain that out going mail is not working. This happens because the default
account set in the outlook is of his previous ISP (VSNL/Touchtel etc.) and since
he is accessing Internet from Dataone, those ISPs block their SMTP access. In
this case you need to set Dataone account as default in outlook express properties.
3. In Some complaints especially from users of net4india mail, it is found that
outgoing mail does not work because of some issues in MT800 modem. In this case ask
BSNL to change the modem.
For verifying the SNR parameters go to Status->Modem Status. See the values of
US Margin and DS Margin
2. In MT800/880/MT882: The connection status and SNR values for upstream and
downstream are displayed on home page itself ( For
connection status see the IP address allotted against the PVC configured as
3. In MT 841 : Go to Basic -> Service information and verify the PVC configured
for PPPoE shows connected and public IP and gateway information is shown.
For verifying the SNR parameters go to Basic->System Information and see the
SNR up/down and CRC up/down.
You can use the CPE in PPPoE router mode and still you can make your
servers/applications which are in private LAN from public Internet. For enabling this you
can use the Port Forwarding ( DNAT) feature available in the CPE. With this feature the
incoming TCP/IP or UDP requests can be uniquely mapped to private IP address of
server on which the application is running.
Static Public IP
1. CPE in Bridge mode: (Automatically
assigned to LAN port
when Broadband
ADSL Line ( Phone Line)
PC:Gateway Huawei
Server ADSL
Works as Transparent
Intranet Run the applications bridge (Factory default
(LAN) ( web, mail etc) setting)
requiring public IP on
this server)
* PPPoE client is inbuilt in WIN XP (you can create a dialup-like connection). For other
operating systems third party client software is required to be installed.
2. CPE in PPPoE router mode:
Gateway: LAN port
DNS: Configure in PPPoE
Web server
(80) Huawei ASDL line (Phone line)
SMTP server
Static Public IP: 59.92.X.X
(25) (Automatically gets assigned
when Broadband connected
LAN (Intranet) NAT / Firewall/ Filter etc.
Configure Port forwarding (NAT entries):
Redirect all the http (port 80) requests to
Redirect all the SMTP (port 25) requests to
(Refer document CD to configure virtual
It is recommended to use the CPE in PPPoE router mode. This makes internal
network secured as the servers are not directly exposed on public IP. The CPE has got all
the advanced features like firewall, IP access lists, VPN pass through, NAT, Virtual
server which are required for any Intranet.
Go to Advanced ->Virtual Server. The virtual server is same as port forwarding. You
can modify the existing virtual server entries or create new entries.
Configuring Port forwarding in WA1003A
1. In outlook express I am able to receive the mails but not able to send the mails.
a) Probably you have not configured dataone email in your Outlook Express.
b) You have configured multiple Email accounts ( e.g. VSNL mail account) in your Outlook
Express and default account for outgoing mail is other than Dataone Mail account. Some
ISPs do not allow their SMTP access from network of other ISPs. Therefore you should
make Dataone Mail as default account for all outgoing mails so that the outgoing mail
should go using dataone email id.
c) Our SMTP server needs authentication. Make sure you have ticked the My server needs
authentication in account properties while configuring the Outlook Express.
2. I changed the login password in Dataone administration site ( and
after that my Broadband is not working.
Please see the procedure for changing the login password at first page. You need
to modify the login password in your modem also.
3. I am a Business customer having our own POP server or mails with own domain
but want SMTP service for relaying mails.
BSNL does not provide SMTP relay service for mail IDs of other than or domain.
One static IP will be given if you subscribe business5000 or Business 9000 plan.
Apart from bad ADSL line there are several factors which affect Internet speed badly especially
while accessing International sites. Even though PC may is latest but Win98/2000/NT have
technical limitation to support speeds above 200 Kbps. The virus/spyware infected computers are
most common reasons to frustrate you. For more details log on to
and refer our document on optimise your dataone speed.
If you want to share the connection among more than one computer. You just need to connect the
output of CPE ( LAN cable) to a HUB/LAN switch instead of PC. Only thing is that if LAN
switch/ HUB does not have uplink port you have to replace the LAN cable with a cross LAN
cable. Configure TCP/IP settings in all the PCs with IP address in the range ( and default gateway as You may use DHCP feature if you wish
automatic IP assignment. Refer CD documentation provided along with CPE for more details.