Solidcam Imachining (2D) : A Simulation Study of A Spur Gear Machining and G-Code Generation For CNC Machine
Solidcam Imachining (2D) : A Simulation Study of A Spur Gear Machining and G-Code Generation For CNC Machine
Solidcam Imachining (2D) : A Simulation Study of A Spur Gear Machining and G-Code Generation For CNC Machine
International Journal of
Volume 3, Number 1, 2016, pp. 1-9 Mechanical Engineering
Received: December 3, 2015; Published: January 25, 2016 and Automation
Nazma Sultana, Md. Raihan Quader, Md. Jakaria and Md. Habibur Rahman
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna 9203,
Corresponding author: Md. Habibur Rahman (
Abstract: SolidCAM is a popular add-in of SolidWorks. SolidCAM is the manufacturing suite for easiest, fastest, most efficient
CNC (computer numerical control) simulation and programming facility that can be done directly inside SolidWorks. It provides a
seamless single window integration and full associativity with the SolidWorks model. SolidCAM iMachining is a real breakthrough
in CNC milling tool path technology. The iMachining technology uses intelligent, patented algorithms for specific operations to
optimize the tool path, reduce machining time, tool wear, etc. A great variety of machining operations on different stock objects for
producing various products can be easily defined by using this suite which results in increased flexibility. The simulation process
makes it possible to observe the operations in real time conditions and makes the G-code flawless for physical operation. In this
paper, SolidCAM iMachining is studied and the detailed procedures of the machining process of a spur gear from stock material are
described step by step by using SolidCAM 2014 2D iMachining technology. After the steps are defined, the whole process is
simulated in various modes. Finally, the G-codes are automatically generated for the practical use in CNC machine. SolidCAM helps
understand the concept, operation and importance of using CAM software in modern day manufacturing industries. Moreover, by
using SolidCAM the steps of operation, parameter details can be set in a way to save time, cost, tool lives, etc.
Keywords: CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), SolidCAM iMachining, CNC (computer numerical control), simulation, G-code.
in CNC or by using CAM software to design the Barbosa, et al. [5] used CNC parametric
output product with stock material and define the programming to get higher flexibility of the
machining steps and then generate G-code manufacturing process by simulating the operation in
automatically. Writing the G-code is very much Siemens NX7R. The ball-end milling process was
difficult as it requires very deep machine knowledge simulated and verified in a virtual model of the
and time to learn. Written codes may have faults machine tool created in Siemens NX7R. After that, the
which without performing the operations is very real process was carried out on the shop floor to
difficult to find. Trial and error method is needed to machine the test surface. The output showed that the
identify the problems and make a successful product. virtual machine tools are an effective resource to
Prototypes are built in this purpose. Modern CAM simulate and verify the performance of machining
software is very much user friendly. By using a CAM processes controlled by CNC programs. The process
suite the previous problems can be easily solved as it of accurately simulating the CNC program reduces the
eliminates the necessity of learning G-code. It also risk of its implementation.
simulates the operation in real like conditions which Ficko, et al. [6] researched about the automatic
helps the users to find any kind of problems and programming of CNC machine tools. They explored
eliminate those. As a result, trial and error method, the various ways of programming in CNC machines
prototypes are not needed. and made differences among those. The necessity and
There are many CAM suites available in the market benefits of automated programming for producing the
to fulfill the purposes. SolidCAM is in a leading complex shapes was elaborately discussed. The roles
position in this field. It provides intelligent machining of CAM and CNC programmers were made clear to
options, optimum tool path, multi-axis machining, make the best use.
simulation, G-code facilities and many more. An Uzun [7] manufactured a concave-convex spur gear
attempt is made to study about SolidCAM iMachining in vertical-spindle CNC milling machine and
software and to define the steps to machine a spur gear compared the resulting values against conventional
along with G-code generation as an example. manufacturing values to differentiate between the two
methods. The output products expressed that the use
2. Literature Review
of CNC machines significantly improve the quality.
Sethi, et al. [3] elaborately discussed the various At first, the researchers explored how to improve
kinds of flexibility in manufacturing with the purposes, the flexibility of manufacturing. After that, algorithms
means and measurements in details. The primary were used to generate NC programs to calculate tool
flexibility considerations included machine, material paths and cutting conditions. Later, some attempts
handling and operation. The secondary considerations were made to simulate the process before actual
were product, process, volume and program flexibility. operation was done in CAM software to ensure higher
The use of CAM and CNC machines can improve all flexibility. The importance of automatic programming
the above flexibilities greatly. in CAM was established by then. It was found that use
Boogert, et al. [4] developed a module to automatically of CAM suites can drastically increase the product
calculate tool paths and cutting conditions for metal quality which was absent before. Though all the
cutting operations in which the necessary algorithms previous works tried to explore the various
had been designed to generate reliable numerically dimensions of how the CAM process can be improved
controlled programs. The developed module is an those are yet to use the intelligent machining systems
example of CAM based CNC simulation system. like SolidCAM iMachining. It integrates the various
SolidCAM iMachining (2D): A Simulation Study of a Spur Gear Machining 3
and G-code Generation for CNC Machine
factors and conditions of CNC machines and tools iMachining technology wizard provides automatic,
together and finds the optimum selection of processes, optimal feed and speed values for different materials
tools, tool paths and reduces total cost, machining and CNC machines to ensure first-cut success [10].
time, increases tool life and output quality. The main
4. SolidCAM 2D iMachining Methodology
scope of this study is to know about SolidCAM
iMachining in detail and perform a simulation using For the purpose of study and simulation, SolidCAM
iMachining 2D. 2014 trial version is used. This section describes the
steps required to virtually machine a spur gear
3. SolidCAM iMachiningTM: The Leaders in
previously designed in SolidWorks 2014 in details
Integrated CAM
with the help of figures and necessary directions. The
SolidCAM iMachining is the de-facto standard radius of the stock material is 50 mm and height is 38
Gold-Certified integrated CAM-Engine for mm. The general procedure of 2D iMachining is
SolidWorks. It provides seamless, single-window demonstrated in Fig. 1.
integration and full associativity to the SolidWorks
4.1 Setting SolidCAM and Entering Preliminary
design model. All machining operations are defined,
Milling Data
calculated and verified, without leaving the
SolidWorks window. After opening SolidWorks, SolidCAM settings are
This is widely used in the mechanical accessed from SolidCAM tab, kept the unit in metric,
manufacturing, electronics, medical, consumer made gMilling_Haas_SS_3x the default milling
products, machine design, automotive and aerospace CNC-controller, selected the CAM-part as external, all
industries, as well as in mold die and rapid boxes are unchecked from automatic CAM-Part
prototyping shops. SolidCAM supports the complete definition submenu and the settings are applied. Open
range of major manufacturing applications in Milling, SolidCAM tab->New->Milling->Ok. A new window
Turning, Mill-Turn and Wire cut EDM (electro has appeared at the left side of the screen where the
discharge machining) [8]. And with its powerful CNC-machine, coordinate system, stock and target
iMachining technology, SolidCAM is revolutionizing model dialog boxes are shown. CNC-machine is set to
the CAM industry. The successful manufacturing the default one. In order to set the coordinate system
companies of today (Yamaha, Honda, Aircraft Phillip, define is clicked, then the top face of the stock model is
Intel, HP, etc.) are using integrated CAD/CAM
systems to get their products to market faster and
reduce costs [9].
iMachining uses advanced, patented algorithms to
generate smooth tangent tool paths, coupled with
matching conditions, that together keep the
mechanical and thermal load on the tool constant,
whilst cutting thin chips at high cutting speeds and
deeper than standard cuts (up to 4 times diameter).
The patented iMachining is completely unique in its
tool path that increases the cutting speed and devours
hard material, even with the smallest cutting tools, and Fig. 1 The overall steps involved for defining 2D
also increases tool life dramatically. The exclusive iMachining milling operations.
4 SolidCAM iMachining (2D): A Simulation Study of a Spur Gear Machining
and G-code Generation for CNC Machine
Fig. 9 Selecting tool from the tool database and setting the parameters of the tool architecture.
6 SolidCAM iMachining (2D): A Simulation Study of a Spur Gear Machining
and G-code Generation for CNC Machine
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In this paper, the significant importance of [10] SolidCAM CAM software, iMachiningthe revolution
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iMachining module for machining a spur gear. In [11] SolidCAMProfessor,
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[12] SolidCAM iMachining,
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