Basics of Heat Transfer: 1.1 Difference Between Heat and Temperature

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between heatand temperature.Anothercommonquestionconcernsthedifferencebetweenthe
subjectsof heattransferandthermodynamics.Letmebeginthischapterbytryingtoaddressthese
two questions.

In heattransfer problems, we often interchangeably use the terms heat and temperature. Actually,
there is a distinct difference between the two. Temperature is a measure of the amount of energy
to predict the direction of heat transfer. The usual symbol for temperature is T. The scales for
hand,isenergy intransit. Spontaneously, heatflowsfromahotterbodytoacolderone.Theusual
symbolforheatisQ.IntheSIsystem,common unitsformeasuringheataretheJouleandcalorie.

how(withwhatmodes) dQistransferred
atwhatrate dQistransferred

Heattransfer complementary Thermodynamics

Conduction: Anenergytransferacrossasystemboundaryduetoatemperaturedifference

q T2


Conduction rateequation isdescribedbytheFourierLaw:

q = - kAT

where: q=heatflowvector,(W)
k =thermalconductivity,athermodynamicpropertyofthematerial.
= T/x i+ T/y j+ T/z k
Note:Sincethisisavectorequation,itisoften convenienttoworkwithone

qx =kAx dT/dx

qr = kAr dT/dr

Convection: Anenergytransferacrossasystemboundaryduetoatemperaturedifference

movingfluid T Ts>T


q=hAs DT

where: q=heatflowfromsurface,ascalar,(W)
characteristics,thermodynamicpropertiesofthefluid,etc.(W/m2 K)
As =Surfaceareafromwhichconvectionisoccurring.(m2)
DT = TS - T = TemperatureDifferencebetweensurfaceandcoolant.(K)

(inducedbybuoyancyforces) Mayoccur
Convection change

Table1. Typicalvaluesofh(W/m2K)
Freeconvection gases:2 25
liquid:50 100

Forcedconvection gases:25 250

liquid:50 20,000

Boiling/Condensation 2500100,000

Radiation: Radiationheattransferinvolvesthetransferofheatby electromagneticradiation

thatarisesduetothetemperatureofthebody. Radiationdoesnotneedmatter.

E=seTs4 (W/m2)

where: e=emissivity,whichisasurfaceproperty(e=1isblackbody)
=SteffanBoltzmanconstant=5.67x108 W/m2 K4.
Ts =Absolutetemperature ofthesurface (K)

Theaboveequationisderivedfrom StefanBoltzmanlaw,which describesagrossheat

emissionratherthanheattransfer. Theexpressionfortheactualradiationheattransferrate
Module9. However,therateof radiationheatexchangebetweenasmallsurfaceandalarge

qrad. qconv.

Ts Area=A

q=A(Ts4 Tsur4)

where: =SurfaceEmissivity
Ts =Absolutetemperatureofsurface.(K)
Tsur =Absolutetemperatureofsurroundings.(K)


Asnotedpreviously,thermalconductivityisathermodynamicpropertyofamaterial. Fromthe
StatePostulategiveninthermodynamics,itmay berecalledthatthermodynamicpropertiesofpure
substances are functions of two independent thermodynamic intensive properties, say temperature
and pressure. Thermal conductivity of real gases is largely independent of pressure and may be
considered a function of temperature alone. For solids and liquids, properties are largely


Table2. ThermalConductivitiesofSelectedMaterialsatRoomTemperature.

Material ThermalConductivity,W/mK
Copper 401
Silver 429
Gold 317
Aluminum 237
Steel 60.5
Limestone 2.15
Bakelite 1.4
Water 0.613
Air 0.0263

Letustrytogain aninsightintothebasicconceptof thermalconductivityforvariousmaterials. The

fundamental concept comes from the molecular or atomic scale activities. Molecules/atoms of
move with a mean free path sufficiently large compared to their diameters, possess energyin the

Kineticenergytransfer betweenmoleculesasnuclei
betweengasmolecules. attract/repeleachother.

Solids, on the other hand, have atoms/molecules which are more closely packed which cannot
move as freely as in gases. Hence, they cannot effectively transfer energy through these same
Another important mechanism in which materials maintain energy is by shifting electrons into
higher orbital rings. In the case of electrical conductors the electrons are weakly bonded to the
molecule and can drift from one molecule to another, transporting their energy in the process.
Hence, flow of electrons, which is commonly observed in metals, is an effective transport
mechanism, resulting in a correlation that materials which are excellent electrical conductors are
usually excellentthermalconductors.

2.1 Objectives of conduction analysis:

The primary objective is to determine the temperature field, T(x,y,z,t), in a body (i.e. how
temperature varies with position within the body)
T(x,y,z,t) depends on:
- Boundary conditions
- Initial condition
- Material properties (k, cp, )
- Geometry of the body (shape, size)

Why we need T (x, y, z, t)?

- To compute heat flux at any location (using Fouriers eqn.)
- Compute thermal stresses, expansion, deflection due to temp. Etc.
- Design insulation thickness
- Chip temperature calculation
- Heat treatment of metals

2.2 General Conduction Equation

Recognize that heat transfer involves an energy transfer across a system boundary. The
analysis for such process begins from the 1st Law of Thermodynamics for a closed system:
Qin Wout
dt system

The above equation essentially represents Conservation of Energy. The sign convention on
work is such that negative work out is positive work in.
Qin Win
dt system

The work in term could describe an electric current flow across the system boundary and
through a resistance inside the system. Alternatively it could describe a shaft turning across
the system boundary and overcoming friction within the system. The net effect in either case
would cause the internal energy of the system to rise. In heat transfer we generalize all such
terms as heat sources.
Qin Qgen
dt system

The energy of the system will in general include internal energy, U, potential energy, mgz,
or kinetic energy, mv2. In case of heat transfer problems, the latter two terms could often
be neglected. In this case,

E U m u m c p T Tref V c p T Tref

where Tref is the reference temperature at which the energy of the system is defined as zero.
When we differentiate the above expression with respect to time, the reference temperature,
being constant, disappears:
cp V Qin Qgen
dt system

Consider the differential control element shown below. Heat is assumed to flow through the
element in the positive directions as shown by the 6 heat vectors.



z qz

In the equation above we substitute the 6 heat inflows/outflows using the appropriate sign:

cp x y z
q x q x x q y q y y qz qz z Qgen
dt system

Substitute for each of the conduction terms using the Fourier Law:
c p x y z k y z k y z k y z x
t system x x x x
k x z k x z k x z y
y y y y
k x y k x y k x y z
z z z z
x y z

is defined as the internal heat generation per unit volume.
The above equation reduces to:
cp x y z k y z x
dt system x x

k x z y
y y
k x y z x y z
z z
Dividing by the volume (xyz),
dT T T T
cp k k k q

dt system
x x y y z z
which is the general conduction equation in three dimensions.

In the case where k is independent of x, y and z then

c p dT 2T 2T 2T q

2 2 2
k dt system
x y z k
Define the thermodynamic property, , the thermal diffusivity:

1 dT 2T 2T 2T q

2 2 2
dt system
x y z k
or, :
1 dT

dt system
The vector form of this equation is quite compact and is the most general form. However, we
often find it convenient to expand the spatial derivative in specific coordinate systems:

Cartesian Coordinates

1 T 2T 2T 2T q

a x 2 y 2 z 2 k

Circular Coordinates


1 T 1 T 1 2T 2T q
a r r r r 2 2 z 2 k

Spherical Coordinates


1 T 1 2 T 1 2T 1 T q
r sin
a r r
2 r r sin
2 2 2 r sin
2 z k

In each equation the dependent variable, T, is a function of 4 independent variables, (x,y,z,);

(r, ,z,); (r,,,) and is a 2nd order, partial differential equation. The solution of such
equations will normally require a numerical solution. For the present, we shall simply look at
the simplifications that can be made to the equations to describe specific problems.

Steady State: Steady state solutions imply that the system conditions are not changing
with time. Thus T / 0 .
One dimensional: If heat is flowing in only one coordinate direction, then it follows
that there is no temperature gradient in the other two directions. Thus the two partials
associated with these directions are equal to zero.
Two dimensional: If heat is flowing in only two coordinate directions, then it follows
that there is no temperature gradient in the third direction. Thus, the partial derivative
associated with this third direction is equal to zero.
No Sources: If there are no volumetric heat sources within the system then the term,

q 0.

Note that the equation is 2nd order in each coordinate direction so that integration will result
in 2 constants of integration. To evaluate these constants two boundary conditions will be
required for each coordinate direction.

2.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions

The objective of deriving the heat diffusion equation is to determine the temperature
distribution within the conducting body.

We have set up a differential equation, with T as the dependent variable. The solution
will give us T(x,y,z). Solution depends on boundary conditions (BC) and initial
conditions (IC).
How many BCs and ICs ?
- Heat equation is second order in spatial coordinate. Hence, 2 BCs needed
for each coordinate.
* 1D problem: 2 BC in x-direction
* 2D problem: 2 BC in x-direction, 2 in y-direction
* 3D problem: 2 in x-dir., 2 in y-dir., and 2 in z-dir.
- Heat equation is first order in time. Hence one IC needed.

2.4 Heat Diffusion Equation for a One Dimensional System

T1 q T2


Consider the system shown above. The top, bottom, front and back of the cube are insulated,
so that heat can be conducted through the cube only in the x direction. The internal heat
generation per unit volume is q(W/m3).

Consider the heat flow through a differential element of the cube.

qx qx+x

From the 1st Law we write for the element:

( Ein Eout ) Egen Est (2.1)

q x q x x Ax ( x )q (2.2)
q x kA x

q x
q x x q x x (2.4)
kA kA A k x A x q Ac x
x x x x t
k q c x
x x t

Longitudinal Internal heat

conduction generation Thermal inertia

2T q c T 1 T
If k is a constant, then
x 2
k k t t (2.7)

For T to rise, LHS must be positive (heat input is positive)

For a fixed heat input, T rises faster for higher
In this special case, heat flow is 1D. If sides were not insulated, heat flow could be
2D, 3D.

2.5 One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction

The plane wall:

d dT
The differential equation governing heat diffusion is: k 0
dx dx

With constant k, the above equation may be integrated twice to obtain the general solution:
T ( x ) C1 x C 2
where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. To obtain the constants of integration, we apply
the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = L, in which case
T (0) Ts ,1 and T ( L) Ts , 2
Once the constants of integration are substituted into the general equation, the temperature
distribution is obtained:
T ( x ) (Ts , 2 Ts ,1 ) Ts ,1
The heat flow rate across the wall is given by:

qx kA
dT kA
Ts ,1 Ts,2 Ts ,1 Ts,2
dx L L / kA

Thermal resistance (electrical analogy):

Physical systems are said to be analogous if that obey the same mathematical equation. The
above relations can be put into the form of Ohms law:

Using this terminology it is common to speak of a thermal resistance:

T qRtherm

A thermal resistance may also be associated with heat transfer by convection at a surface.
From Newtons law of cooling,
q hA(Ts T )
the thermal resistance for convection is then
T T 1
Rt ,conv s
q hA
Applying thermal resistance concept to the plane wall, the equivalent thermal circuit for the
plane wall with convection boundary conditions is shown in the figure below

The heat transfer rate may be determined from separate consideration of each element in the
network. Since qx is constant throughout the network, it follows that
T Ts ,1 Ts ,1 Ts , 2 Ts , 2 T , 2
q x ,1
1 / h1 A L / kA 1 / h2 A
In terms of the overall temperature difference T ,1 T , 2 , and the total thermal resistance Rtot,
the heat transfer rate may also be expressed as
T T , 2
q x ,1
Since the resistance are in series, it follows that
1 L 1
Rtot Rt
h1 A kA h2 A

Composite walls:
Thermal Resistances in Series:
Consider three blocks, A, B and C, as shown. They are insulated on top, bottom, front and
back. Since the energy will flow first through block A and then through blocks B and C, we
say that these blocks are thermally in a series arrangement.

The steady state heat flow rate through the walls is given by:

T ,1 T , 2 T ,1 T , 2
qx UAT
Rt 1 L A LB LC 1

h1 A k A k B k C h2 A

where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient. In the above case, U is expressed as
Rtot A
1 L A LB LC 1

h1 k A k B k C h2

Series-parallel arrangement:

The following assumptions are made with regard to the above thermal resistance model:
1) Face between B and C is insulated.
2) Uniform temperature at any face normal to X.

1-D radial conduction through a cylinder:

One frequently encountered problem is that of heat flow through the walls of a pipe or
through the insulation placed around a pipe. Consider the cylinder shown. The pipe is either
insulated on the ends or is of sufficient length, L, that heat losses through the ends is
negligible. Assume no heat sources within the wall of the tube. If T1>T2, heat will flow
outward, radially, from the inside radius, R1, to the outside radius, R2. The process will be
described by the Fourier Law.


1 d dT
The differential equation governing heat diffusion is: r 0
r dr dr

With constant k, the solution is

The heat flow rate across the wall is given by:

qx kA
dT kA
Ts ,1 Ts,2 Ts ,1 Ts,2
dx L L / kA
ln rr12
Hence, the thermal resistance in this case can be expressed as:

Composite cylindrical walls:

Critical Insulation Thickness :

ln( rr0i ) 1
2kL ( 2r0 L)h

Insulation thickness : ro-ri

Objective : decrease q , increase Rtot

Vary ro ; as ro increases, first term increases, second term decreases.
This is a maximum minimum problem. The point of extrema can be found by setting

or, 1 1
2kr0 L 2hLro2

or, k
In order to determine if it is a maxima or a minima, we make the second derivative zero:

d 2 Rtot r0
0 at
dro2 h

d 2 Rtot 1 1 h2
2 0
dro 2
2kro L ro hL r k
2Lk 3

Minimum q at ro =(k/h) = rcr (critical radius)

1-D radial conduction in a sphere:

1 d 2 dT
kr 0
r 2 dr dr
T ( r ) Ts ,1 Ts ,1 Ts , 2 11rr1 //rr

1 2

dT 4 k Ts ,1 Ts , 2
qr kA
dr 1 / r1 1 / r2
1 / r1 1 / r2
Rt ,cond
4 k

2.6 Summary of Electrical Analogy

System Current Resistance Potential Difference

Electrical I R V
Cartesian L
Conduction q T
ln r2
Conduction q r1 T
Conduction 1 / r1 1 / r2
through sphere q T
4 k
Convection 1
q T
h As

2.7 One-Dimensional Steady State Conduction with Internal Heat


Applications: current carrying conductor, chemically reacting systems, nuclear reactors.

Energy generated per unit volume is given by q
Plane wall with heat source: Assumptions: 1D, steady state, constant k, uniform q

d 2T q
dx 2 k
Boundary cond. : x L, T Ts ,1
x L, T Ts , 2
q 2
Solution : T x C1 x C2
Use boundary conditions to find C1 and C2
qL2 x 2 Ts , 2 Ts ,1 x Ts ,2 Ts ,1
Final solution : T 1 2
2k L 2 L 2

Heat flux : qx k

Note: From the above expressions, it may be observed that the solution for temperature is no
longer linear. As an exercise, show that the expression for heat flux is no longer independent
of x. Hence thermal resistance concept is not correct to use when there is internal heat

Cylinder with heat source: Assumptions: 1D, steady state, constant k, uniform q

Start with 1D heat equation in cylindrical co-ordinates

1 d dT q
r 0
r dr dr k
Boundary cond. : r r0 , T Ts
r 0, 0
q 2 r2
Solution : T ( r )
r0 1 Ts
4k r0 2

Exercise: Ts may not be known. Instead, T and h may be specified. Eliminate Ts, using T
and h.


Extended Surface Heat Transfer

3.1 Introduction:
Convection: Heat transfer between a solid surface and a moving fluid is governed by the
Newtons cooling law: q = hA(Ts-T), where Ts is the surface temperature and T is the fluid
temperature. Therefore, to increase the convective heat transfer, one can
Increase the temperature difference (Ts-T) between the surface and the fluid.
Increase the convection coefficient h. This can be accomplished by increasing the
fluid flow over the surface since h is a function of the flow velocity and the higher the
velocity, the higher the h. Example: a cooling fan.
Increase the contact surface area A. Example: a heat sink with fins.
Many times, when the first option is not in our control and the second option (i.e. increasing
h) is already stretched to its limit, we are left with the only alternative of increasing the
effective surface area by using fins or extended surfaces. Fins are protrusions from the base
surface into the cooling fluid, so that the extra surface of the protrusions is also in contact
with the fluid. Most of you have encountered cooling fins on air-cooled engines (motorcycles,
portable generators, etc.), electronic equipment (CPUs), automobile radiators, air
conditioning equipment (condensers) and elsewhere.

3.2 Extended surface analysis:

In this module, consideration will be limited to steady state analysis of rectangular or pin fins
of constant cross sectional area. Annular fins or fins involving a tapered cross section may be
analyzed by similar methods, but will involve solution of more complicated equations which
result. Numerical methods of integration or computer programs can be used to advantage in
such cases.

We start with the General Conduction Equation:

1 dT
d system k

After making the assumptions of Steady State, One-Dimensional Conduction, this equation
reduces to the form:

d 2T q

2 0 (2)
dx k

This is a second order, ordinary differential equation and will require 2 boundary conditions
to evaluate the two constants of integration that will arise.

Consider the cooling fin shown below:


Ts, Ac

The fin is situated on the surface of a hot surface at Ts and surrounded by a coolant at
temperature T, which cools with convective coefficient, h. The fin has a cross sectional
area, Ac, (This is the area through with heat is conducted.) and an overall length, L.

Note that as energy is conducted down the length of the fin, some portion is lost, by
convection, from the sides. Thus the heat flow varies along the length of the fin.

We further note that the arrows indicating the direction of heat flow point in both the x and y
directions. This is an indication that this is truly a two- or three-dimensional heat flow,
depending on the geometry of the fin. However, quite often, it is convenient to analyse a fin
by examining an equivalent onedimensional system. The equivalent system will involve the
introduction of heat sinks (negative heat sources), which remove an amount of energy
equivalent to what would be lost through the sides by convection.

Consider a differential length of the fin.



Across this segment the heat loss will be h(Px)(T-T), where P is the perimeter around the
fin. The equivalent heat sink would be Ac x .

Equating the heat source to the convective loss:

h P T T


Substitute this value into the General Conduction Equation as simplified for One-Dimension,
Steady State Conduction with Sources:

d 2T h P
T T 0 (4)
dx 2 k Ac

which is the equation for a fin with a constant cross sectional area. This is the Second Order
Differential Equation that we will solve for each fin analysis. Prior to solving, a couple of
simplifications should be noted. First, we see that h, P, k and Ac are all independent of x in
the defined system (They may not be constant if a more general analysis is desired.). We
replace this ratio with a constant. Let

h P
m2 (5)
k Ac

d 2T
2 m T T 0

Next we notice that the equation is non-homogeneous (due to the T term). Recall that non-
homogeneous differential equations require both a general and a particular solution. We can
make this equation homogeneous by introducing the temperature relative to the surroundings:

T - T (7)

Differentiating this equation we find:

d dT
0 (8)
dx dx
Differentiate a second time:

d 2 d 2 T
dx 2 dx 2
Substitute into the Fin Equation:
d 2
m2 0 (10)
dx 2

This equation is a Second Order, Homogeneous Differential Equation.

3.3 Solution of the Fin Equation

We apply a standard technique for solving a second order homogeneous linear differential

Try = ex. Differentiate this expression twice:

e x (11)

d 2
2 e x (12)
dx 2

Substitute this trial solution into the differential equation:

2ex m2ex = 0 (13)

Equation (13) provides the following relation:

= m (14)

We now have two solutions to the equation. The general solution to the above differential
equation will be a linear combination of each of the independent solutions.

= Aemx + B e-mx (15)

where A and B are arbitrary constants which need to be determined from the boundary
conditions. Note that it is a 2nd order differential equation, and hence we need two boundary
conditions to determine the two constants of integration.

An alternative solution can be obtained as follows: Note that the hyperbolic sin, sinh, the
hyperbolic cosine, cosh, are defined as:

e mx e m x e m x e m x
sinh(m x ) cosh(m x ) (16)
2 2

We may write:

e m x e m x e m x e m x C D m x C D m x
C cosh(m x ) D sinh(m x ) C D e e (17)
2 2 2 2

We see that if (C+D)/2 replaces A and (C-D)/2 replaces B then the two solutions are

C cosh(m x ) D sinh(m x ) (18)

Generally the exponential solution is used for very long fins, the hyperbolic solutions for
other cases.

Boundary Conditions:

Since the solution results in 2 constants of integration we require 2 boundary conditions. The
first one is obvious, as one end of the fin will be attached to a hot surface and will come into
thermal equilibrium with that surface. Hence, at the fin base,

(0) = T0 - T 0 (19)

The second boundary condition depends on the condition imposed at the other end of the fin.
There are various possibilities, as described below.

Very long fins:

For very long fins, the end located a long distance from the heat source will approach the
temperature of the surroundings. Hence,

() = 0 (20)

Substitute the second condition into the exponential solution of the fin equation:

() = 0 = Aem + B e-m (21)

The first exponential term is infinite and the second is equal to zero. The only way that this
equation can be valid is if A = 0. Now apply the second boundary condition.

(0) = 0 = B e-m0 B = 0 (22)

The general temperature profile for a very long fin is then:

(x) = 0 e-mx (23)

If we wish to find the heat flow through the fin, we may apply Fourier Law:

dT d
q k Ac k Ac (24)
dx dx

Differentiate the temperature profile:

o m e m x (25)
So that:
h P 2 m x
q k Ac 0 e h P k Ac e m x 0 = M 0 e mx (26)
k Ac
where M hPkAc .

Often we wish to know the total heat flow through the fin, i.e. the heat flow entering at the
base (x=0).

q h P k Ac 0 M 0 (27)

The insulated tip fin

Assume that the tip is insulated and hence there is no heat transfer:

0 (28)
dx x L

The solution to the fin equation is known to be:

C cosh(m x ) D sinh(m x ) (29)

Differentiate this expression.

C m sinh(m x ) D m cosh(m x ) (30)

Apply the first boundary condition at the base:

0 1
(0) 0 C sinh(m 0) D cosh(m 0) (31)

So that D = 0. Now apply the second boundary condition at the tip to find the value of C:

( L) 0 Cm sinh(m L) 0 m cosh(m L) (32)

which requires that

C 0 (33)

This leads to the general temperature profile:

cosh m( L x )
( x) 0 (34)

We may find the heat flow at any value of x by differentiating the temperature profile and
substituting it into the Fourier Law:

dT d
q k Ac k Ac (35)
dx dx

So that the energy flowing through the base of the fin is:

q hPkAc 0 tanh( mL) M 0 tanh( mL) (36)

If we compare this result with that for the very long fin, we see that the primary difference in
form is in the hyperbolic tangent term. That term, which always results in a number equal to
or less than one, represents the reduced heat loss due to the shortening of the fin.

Other tip conditions:

We have already seen two tip conditions, one being the long fin and the other being the
insulated tip. Two other possibilities are usually considered for fin analysis: (i) a tip subjected
to convective heat transfer, and (ii) a tip with a prescribed temperature. The expressions for
temperature distribution and fin heat transfer for all the four cases are summarized in the
table below.

Table 3.1
Case Tip Condition Temp. Distribution Fin heat transfer
A Convection heat cosh m( L x ) ( h ) sinh m( L x ) sinh mL ( h ) cosh mL
transfer: mk M o mk
h(L)=-k(d/dx)x=L cosh mL ( h ) sinh mL cosh mL ( h ) sinh mL
mk mk

B Adiabatic cosh m( L x ) M 0 tanh mL

(d/dx)x=L=0 cosh mL
C Given temperature:
( L (cosh mL
(L)=L b ) sinh m( L x ) sinh m( L x ) b )
M 0
sinh mL sinh mL

D Infinitely long fin e mx M 0


3.4 Fin Effectiveness

How effective a fin can enhance heat transfer is characterized by the fin effectiveness, f ,

which is as the ratio of fin heat transfer and the heat transfer without the fin. For an adiabatic
qf qf hPkAC tanh( mL) kP
f tanh( mL) (37)
q hAC (Tb T ) hAC hAC

If the fin is long enough, mL>2, tanh(mL)1, and hence it can be considered as infinite fin
(case D in Table 3.1). Hence, for long fins,

kP k P
f (38)
hAC h AC

In order to enhance heat transfer, f should be greater than 1 (In case f <1, the fin would

have no purpose as it would serve as an insulator instead). However f 2 is considered

unjustifiable because of diminishing returns as fin length increases.

To increase f , the fins material should have higher thermal conductivity, k. It seems to be

counterintuitive that the lower convection coefficient, h, the higher f . Well, if h is very

high, it is not necessary to enhance heat transfer by adding heat fins. Therefore, heat fins are
more effective if h is low.
If fins are to be used on surfaces separating gas and liquid, fins are usually placed on
the gas side. (Why?)
P/AC should be as high as possible. Use a square fin with a dimension of W by W as

an example: P=4W, AC=W2, P/AC=(4/W). The smaller the W, the higher is the
P/AC, and the higher the f .Conclusion: It is preferred to use thin and closely spaced

(to increase the total number) fins.

The effectiveness of a fin can also be characterized by
qf qf (Tb T ) / Rt , f Rt ,h
f (39)
q hAC (Tb T ) (Tb T ) / Rt ,h Rt , f

It is a ratio of the thermal resistance due to convection to the thermal resistance of a

fin. In order to enhance heat transfer, the fins resistance should be lower than the
resistance due only to convection.

3.5 Fin Efficiency

The fin efficiency is defined as the ratio of the energy transferred through a real fin to that
transferred through an ideal fin. An ideal fin is thought to be one made of a perfect or infinite
conductor material. A perfect conductor has an infinite thermal conductivity so that the
entire fin is at the base material temperature.

qreal h P k Ac L tanh(m L)
qideal h P L L

x x
Real situation Ideal situation

Simplifying equation (40):

k Ac L tanh(m L) tanh(m L)
h P L L m L

The heat transfer through any fin can now be written as:

q. (T T (42)
.h. A f

The above equation provides us with the concept of fin thermal resistance (using electrical
analogy) as
Rt , f (43)
.h. A f

Overall Fin Efficiency:

Overall fin efficiency for an array of fins



Define terms: Ab: base area exposed to coolant

Af: surface area of a single fin
At: total area including base area and total finned surface, At=Ab+NAf
N: total number of fins
Heat Transfer from a Fin Array:

qt qb Nq f hAb (Tb T ) N f hAf (Tb T )

h[( At NAf ) N f Af ](Tb T ) h[ At NAf (1 f )](Tb T )
hAt [1 (1 f )](Tb T ) O hAt (Tb T )
Define overall fin efficiency: O 1 (1 f )

Tb T 1
q t hAt O ( T b T ) w here R t ,O
R t ,O h At O
C om pare to heat transfer w ith out fin s
q h A ( T b T ) h ( Ab N Ab , f )( T b T )
w h ere Ab ,f is the base area (un exposed) for the fin
T o en hance heat transfer At O A
T h at is, to in crease th e effective area O At .

Thermal Resistance Concept:

L1 t


Rb= t/(kbA)

T2 Tb

T1 T2 Tb T

R1=L1/(k1A) Rt ,O 1 /(hAtO )

T1 T T1 T
R R1 Rb Rt ,O

4.1 Introduction
We have, to this point, considered only One Dimensional, Steady State problems. The reason
for this is that such problems lead to ordinary differential equations and can be solved with
relatively ordinary mathematical techniques.

In general the properties of any physical system may depend on both location (x, y, z) and
time (). The inclusion of two or more independent variables results in a partial differential
equation. The multidimensional heat diffusion equation in a Cartesian coordinate system can
be written as:

1 T 2 T 2T 2 T q
a x 2 y 2 z 2 k

The above equation governs the Cartesian, temperature distribution for a three-dimensional
unsteady, heat transfer problem involving heat generation. To solve for the full equation, it
requires a total of six boundary conditions: two for each direction. Only one initial condition
is needed to account for the transient behavior. For 2D, steady state (/ t = 0) and without
heat generation, the above equation reduces to:
2T 2T
0 (2)
x 2 y 2
Equation (2) needs 2 boundary conditions in each direction. There are three approaches to
solve this equation:
Analytical Method: The mathematical equation can be solved using techniques like
the method of separation of variables.
Graphical Method: Limited use. However, the conduction shape factor concept
derived under this concept can be useful for specific configurations. (see Table 4.1
for selected configurations)
Numerical Method: Finite difference or finite volume schemes, usually will be
solved using computers.

Analytical solutions are possible only for a limited number of cases (such as linear problems
with simple geometry). Standard analytical techniques such as separation of variables can be
found in basic textbooks on engineering mathematics, and will not be reproduced here. The
student is encouraged to refer to textbooks on basic mathematics for an overview of the
analytical solutions to heat diffusion problems. In the present lecture material, we will cover
the graphical and numerical techniques, which are used quite conveniently by engineers for
solving multi-dimensional heat conduction problems.

4.2 Graphical Method: Conduction Shape Factor

This approach applied to 2-D conduction involving two isothermal surfaces, with all other
surfaces being adiabatic. The heat transfer from one surface (at a temperature T1) to the
other surface (at T2) can be expressed as: q=Sk(T1-T2) where k is the thermal conductivity
of the solid and S is the conduction shape factor.

The shape factor can be related to the thermal resistance:

q=S.k.(T1-T2)=(T1-T2)/(1/kS)= (T1-T2)/Rt
where Rt = 1/(kS) is the thermal resistance in 2D. Note that 1-D heat transfer can also use the
concept of shape factor. For example, heat transfer inside a plane wall of thickness L is
q=kA(T/L), where the shape factor S=A/L. Common shape factors for selected
configurations can be found in Table 4.1

Example: A 10 cm OD uninsulated pipe carries steam from the power plant across campus.
Find the heat loss if the pipe is buried 1 m in the ground is the ground surface temperature is
50 C. Assume a thermal conductivity of the sandy soil as k = 0.52 w/m K.


Z=1 m


The shape factor for long cylinders is found in Table 4.1 as Case 2, with L >> D:

S = 2L/ln(4z/D)

Where z = depth at which pipe is buried.

S = 21m/ln(40) = 1.7 m

q' = (1.7m)(0.52 W/mK)(100 oC - 50 oC)

q' = 44.2 W

Table 4.1
Conduction shape factors for selected two-dimensional systems [q = Sk(T1-T2)]
System Schematic Restrictions Shape Factor
z 2D
z>D/2 1 D / 4z
Isothermal sphere buried in
as finite medium T1 D

Horizontal isothermal L>>D 2L
cylinder of length L buried z cosh 1 (2 z / D )
in a semi finite medium L>>D
L z>3D/2
T1 D ln(4 z / D)


L L>>D 2L
Vertical cylinder in a semi T1 ln(4 L / D)
finite medium

L>>D1,D2 4 w 2
D12 D 22
Conduction between two D1 D2 cosh 1
2 D1 D 2
cylinders of length L in
T1 L>>w
infinite medium T2

Horizontal circular cylinder
of length L midway z 2L
between parallel planes of ln(8 z / D)
equal length and infinite T1 D

Circular cylinder of length
L centered in a square solid W>D 2L
of equal length w L>>w ln(1.08w / D )

T1 D

Eccentric circular cylinder
d T1 T2 D>d D 2
d 2 4z 2
of length L in a cylinder of D cosh 1
L>>D 2 Dd
equal length

4.3 Numerical Methods

Due to the increasing complexities encountered in the development of modern technology,
analytical solutions usually are not available. For these problems, numerical solutions
obtained using high-speed computer are very useful, especially when the geometry of the
object of interest is irregular, or the boundary conditions are nonlinear. In numerical
analysis, three different approaches are commonly used: the finite difference, the finite
volume and the finite element methods. Brief descriptions of the three methods are as
The Finite Difference Method (FDM)
This is the oldest method for numerical solution of PDEs, introduced by Euler in the
18th century. It's also the easiest method to use for simple geometries. The starting point is
the conservation equation in differential form. The solution domain is covered by grid. At
each grid point, the differential equation is approximated by replacing the partial derivatives
by approximations in terms of the nodal values of the functions. The result is one algebraic
equation per grid node, in which the variable value at that and a certain number of neighbor
nodes appear as unknowns.
In principle, the FD method can be applied to any grid type. However, in all
applications of the FD method known, it has been applied to structured grids. Taylor series
expansion or polynomial fitting is used to obtain approximations to the first and second
derivatives of the variables with respect to the coordinates. When necessary, these methods
are also used to obtain variable values at locations other than grid nodes (interpolation).
On structured grids, the FD method is very simple and effective. It is especially easy to
obtain higher-order schemes on regular grids. The disadvantage of FD methods is that the
conservation is not enforced unless special care is taken. Also, the restriction to simple
geometries is a significant disadvantage.

Finite Volume Method (FVM)

In this dissertation finite volume method is used. The FV method uses the integral
form of the conservation equations as its starting point. The solution domain is subdivided
into a finite number of contiguous control volumes (CVs), and the conservation equations are
applied to each CV. At the centroid of each CV lies a computational node at which the
variable values are to be calculated. Interpolation is used to express variable values at the CV
surface in terms of the nodal (CV-center) values. As a result, one obtains an algebraic
equation for each CV, in which a number of neighbor nodal values appear. The FVM method
can accommodate any type of grid when compared to FDM, which is applied to only
structured grids. The FVM approach is perhaps the simplest to understand and to program.
All terms that need be approximated have physical meaning, which is why it is popular.
The disadvantage of FV methods compared to FD schemes is that methods of order
higher than second are more difficult to develop in 3D. This is due to the fact that the FV
approach requires two levels of approximation: interpolation and integration.

Finite Element Method (FEM)

The FE method is similar to the FV method in many ways. The domain is broken into
a set of discrete volumes or finite elements that are generally unstructured; in 2D, they are
usually triangles or quadrilaterals, while in 3D tetrahedra or hexahedra are most often used.
The distinguishing feature of FE methods is that the equations are multiplied by a weight
function before they are integrated over the entire domain. In the simplest FE methods, the
solution is approximated by a linear shape function within each element in a way that
guarantees continuity of the solution across element boundaries. Such a function can be
constructed from its values at the corners of the elements. The weight function is usually of
the same form.
This approximation is then substituted into the weighted integral of the conservation
law and the equations to be solved are derived by requiring the derivative of the integral with
respect to each nodal value to be zero; this corresponds to selecting the best solution within
the set of allowed functions (the one with minimum residual). The result is a set of non-linear
algebraic equations.
An important advantage of finite element methods is the ability to deal with arbitrary
geometries. Finite element methods are relatively easy to analyze mathematically and can be
shown to have optimality properties for certain types of equations. The principal drawback,
which is shared by any method that uses unstructured grids, is that the matrices of the
linearized equations are not as well structured as those for regular grids making it more
difficult to find efficient solution methods.

4.4 The Finite Difference Method Applied to Heat Transfer Problems:

In heat transfer problems, the finite difference method is used more often and will be
discussed here in more detail. The finite difference method involves:
Establish nodal networks
Derive finite difference approximations for the governing equation at both interior
and exterior nodal points
Develop a system of simultaneous algebraic nodal equations
Solve the system of equations using numerical schemes

The Nodal Networks:

The basic idea is to subdivide the area of interest into sub-volumes with the distance between
adjacent nodes by x and y as shown. If the distance between points is small enough, the
differential equation can be approximated locally by a set of finite difference equations. Each
node now represents a small region where the nodal temperature is a measure of the average
temperature of the region.

x m,n+1

m-1,n m+1, n

x=mx, y=ny
m-,n m+,n
intermediate points

Finite Difference Approximation:

q& 1 T
Heat Diffusion Equation: 2T ,
k t
where = is the thermal diffusivity

& and
No generation and steady state: q=0 0, 2T 0
First, approximated the first order differentiation
at intermediate points (m+1/2,n) & (m-1/2,n)
T T Tm 1,n Tm ,n

x ( m 1/ 2,n ) x ( m 1/ 2,n ) x
T T Tm ,n Tm 1,n

x ( m 1/ 2,n ) x ( m 1/ 2,n ) x

Next, approximate the second order differentiation at m,n

2T T / x m 1/ 2,n T / x m 1/ 2,n

x 2 m ,n
2T Tm 1,n Tm 1,n 2Tm ,n

x 2 m ,n
( x ) 2
Similarly, the approximation can be applied to
the other dimension y
2T Tm ,n 1 Tm ,n 1 2Tm ,n

y 2 m ,n
( y ) 2

2T 2T Tm 1,n Tm 1,n 2Tm ,n Tm ,n 1 Tm ,n 1 2Tm ,n

x 2 y 2 ( x ) 2

( y ) 2
m ,n
To model the steady state, no generation heat equation: 2T 0
This approximation can be simplified by specify x=y
and the nodal equation can be obtained as
Tm 1,n Tm 1,n Tm ,n 1 Tm ,n 1 4Tm ,n 0
This equation approximates the nodal temperature distribution based on
the heat equation. This approximation is improved when the distance
between the adjacent nodal points is decreased:
Since lim( x 0) ,lim( y 0)
x x y y

Table 4.2 provides a list of nodal finite difference equation for various configurations.

A System of Algebraic Equations

The nodal equations derived previously are valid for all interior points satisfying the
steady state, no generation heat equation. For each node, there is one such equation.
For example: for nodal point m=3, n=4, the equation is
T2,4 + T4,4 + T3,3 + T3,5 - 4T3,4 =0
T3,4=(1/4)(T2,4 + T4,4 + T3,3 + T3,5)
Nodal relation table for exterior nodes (boundary conditions) can be found in
standard heat transfer textbooks.
Derive one equation for each nodal point (including both interior and exterior points)
in the system of interest. The result is a system of N algebraic equations for a total of
N nodal points.
Matrix Form
The system of equations:
a11T1 a12T2 L a1N TN C1
a21T1 a22T2 L a2 N TN C2
a N 1T1 a N 2T2 L a NN TN CN

A total of N algebraic equations for the N nodal points and the system can be expressed as a
matrix formulation: [A][T]=[C] .
a11 a12 L a1N T1 C1
a a22 L a2 N T C
where A= 21 , T 2 ,C 2

a N 1 a N 2 L a NN TN C N

Tm,n 1 Tm,n 1 Tm 1,n Tm 1, n 4Tm, n 0

hx hx
2(Tm 1, n Tm, n 1 ) (Tm 1, n Tm, n 1 ) 2 T 2 3 Tm, n 0
k k

hx hx
2(Tm 1, n Tm, n 1 Tm, n 1 ) 2 T 2 2 Tm, n 0
k k

Table 4.2 Summary of nodal finite-difference methods

hx hx
2(Tm 1,n Tm,n 1 Tm,n 1 ) 2 T 2 1Tm, n 0
m,n k k

Case 4. Node at an external corner with convection

m,n+1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Tm 1, n Tm,n 1 T1 T2 Tm,n 0
a 1 b 1 a (a 1) b)b 1) a b

y T2
b y
T1 m,n

Case 5. Node near a curved surface maintained at a

a x
non uniform temperature

x m,n-1

Numerical Solutions
Matrix form: [A][T]=[C].
From linear algebra: [A]-1[A][T]=[A]-1[C], [T]=[A]-1[C]
where [A]-1 is the inverse of matrix [A]. [T] is the solution vector.
Matrix inversion requires cumbersome numerical computations and is not efficient if
the order of the matrix is high (>10)
Gauss elimination method and other matrix solvers are usually available in many
numerical solution package. For example, Numerical Recipes by Cambridge
University Press or their web source at
For high order matrix, iterative methods are usually more efficient. The famous
Jacobi & Gauss-Seidel iteration methods will be introduced in the following.

General algebraic equation for nodal point:
i 1 N

aijT j aiiTi
j 1
j i 1
ij j Ci , Replace (k) by (k-1)
for the Jacobi iteration
(Example : a31T1 a32T2 a33T3 L a1N TN C1 , i 3)
Rewrite the equation of the form:
Ci i 1 aij ( k ) N
Ti ( k ) Tj a T j( k 1)
aii j 1 aii j i 1 ii

(k) - specify the level of the iteration, (k-1) means the present level and (k) represents
the new level.
An initial guess (k=0) is needed to start the iteration.
By substituting iterated values at (k-1) into the equation, the new values at iteration
(k) can be estimated The iteration will be stopped when maxTi(k)-Ti(k-1) , where
specifies a predetermined value of acceptable error

5.1 Introduction
To this point, we have considered conductive heat transfer problems in which the
temperatures are independent of time. In many applications, however, the temperatures are
varying with time, and we require the understanding of the complete time history of the
temperature variation. For example, in metallurgy, the heat treating process can be controlled
to directly affect the characteristics of the processed materials. Annealing (slow cool) can
soften metals and improve ductility. On the other hand, quenching (rapid cool) can harden
the strain boundary and increase strength. In order to characterize this transient behavior, the
full unsteady equation is needed:

1 T 2 T 2T 2 T q
a x 2 y 2 z 2 k

where is the thermal diffusivity. Without any heat generation and considering spatial
variation of temperature only in x-direction, the above equation reduces to:

1 T 2 T
a x 2

For the solution of equation (5.2), we need two boundary conditions in x-direction and one
initial condition. Boundary conditions, as the name implies, are frequently specified along the
physical boundary of an object; they can, however, also be internal e.g. a known
temperature gradient at an internal line of symmetry.

5.2 Biot and Fourier numbers

In some transient problems, the internal temperature gradients in the body may be quite small
and insignificant. Yet the temperature at a given location, or the average temperature of the
object, may be changing quite rapidly with time. From eq. (5.1) we can note that such could
be the case for large thermal diffusivity .

A more meaningful approach is to consider the general problem of transient cooling of an

object, such as the hollow cylinder shown in figure 5.1.

Ts T

Fig. 5.1

For very large ri, the heat transfer rate by conduction through the cylinder wall is
T Ti T Ts
q k ( 2ro l ) s k ( 2ro l ) i (5.3)
ro ri L
where l is the length of the cylinder and L is the material thickness. The rate of heat transfer
away from the outer surface by convection is

q h ( 2ro l )(Ts T ) (5.4)

where h is the average heat transfer coefficient for convection from the entire surface.
Equating (5.3) and (5.4) gives

Ti Ts h L
= Biot number (5.5)
Ts T k

The Biot number is dimensionless, and it can be thought of as the ratio

resistance to internal heat flow

resistance to external heat flow

Whenever the Biot number is small, the internal temperature gradients are also small and a
transient problem can be treated by the lumped thermal capacity approach. The lumped
capacity assumption implies that the object for analysis is considered to have a single mass-
averaged temperature.

In the derivation shown above, the significant object dimension was the conduction path
length, L ro ri . In general, a characteristic length scale may be obtained by dividing the
volume of the solid by its surface area:
L (5.6)

Using this method to determine the characteristic length scale, the corresponding Biot
number may be evaluated for objects of any shape, for example a plate, a cylinder, or a
sphere. As a thumb rule, if the Biot number turns out to be less than 0.1, lumped capacity
assumption is applied.

In this context, a dimensionless time, known as the Fourier number, can be obtained by
multiplying the dimensional time by the thermal diffusivity and dividing by the square of the
characteristic length:

dimensionless time Fo (5.7)

5.3 Lumped thermal capacity analysis

The simplest situation in an unsteady heat transfer process is to use the lumped capacity
assumption, wherein we neglect the temperature distribution inside the solid and only deal
with the heat transfer between the solid and the ambient fluids. In other words, we are
assuming that the temperature inside the solid is constant and is equal to the surface

q h As (T T )
T(t) T
, c, V

Fig. 5.2

The solid object shown in figure 5.2 is a metal piece which is being cooled in air after hot
forming. Thermal energy is leaving the object from all elements of the surface, and this is
shown for simplicity by a single arrow. The first law of thermodynamics applied to this
problem is
heat out of object decrease of internal thermal

during time dt energy of object during time dt

Now, if Biot number is small and temperature of the object can be considered to be uniform,
this equation can be written as

h As T (t ) T dt cVdT (5.8)

dT h As
or, dt (5.9)
T T cV
Integrating and applying the initial condition T (0) Ti ,
T (t ) T hA
ln s t (5.10)
Ti T cV
Taking the exponents of both sides and rearranging,
T (t ) T
e bt (5.11)
Ti T
h As
b (1/s) (5.12)

Note: In eq. 5.12, b is a positive quantity having dimension (time)-1. The

reciprocal of b is usually called time constant, which has the dimension of
Question: What is the significance of b?
Answer: According to eq. 5.11, the temperature of a body approaches the
ambient temperature T exponentially. In other words, the temperature
changes rapidly in the beginning, and then slowly. A larger value of b
indicates that the body will approach the surrounding temperature in a shorter
time. You can visualize this if you note the variables in the numerator and
denominator of the expression for b. As an exercise, plot T vs. t for various
values of b and note the behaviour.

Rate of convection heat transfer at any given time t:

Q(t ) hAs T (t ) T

Total amount of heat transfer between the body and the surrounding from t=0 to t:
Q mc T (t ) Ti
Maximum heat transfer (limit reached when body temperature equals that of the
Q mc T Ti

5.4 Numerical methods in transient heat transfer: The Finite Volume Method

Consider, now, unsteady state diffusion in the context of heat transfer, in which the
temperature, T, is the scalar. The corresponding partial differential equation is:
c k S (5.13)
t x x
The term on the left hand side of eq. (5.13) is the storage term, arising out of
accumulation/depletion of heat in the domain under consideration. Note that eq. (5.13) is a
partial differential equation as a result of an extra independent variable, time (t). The
corresponding grid system is shown in fig. 5.3.

t x)w x)e

w e x

Fig. 5.3: Grid system of an unsteady one-dimensional computational domain

In order to obtain a discretized equation at the nodal point P of the control volume,
integration of the governing eq. (5.13) is required to be performed with respect to time as
well as space. Integration over the control volume and over a time interval gives
t t
T t t
T t t


CV t


dt x x

t cv
k dV


t CV
SdV dt


t t T t t
T T t t

w t t
c dt dV t x e x w t S V dt
kA kA dt (5.15)

If the temperature at a node is assumed to prevail over the whole control volume, applying
the central differencing scheme, one obtains:
t t
t t
cT new P TPold V k e A TE TP k w A TP TW dt S V dt (5.16)
xe xw
t t

Now, an assumption is made about the variation of TP, TE and Tw with time. By generalizing
the approach by means of a weighting parameter f between 0 and 1:
t t

dt t f 1 f Pold t

Repeating the same operation for points E and W,

TPnew TPold T new TPnew TPnew TWnew
c x f ke E k w
t xe xw
T old TPold TPold TWold
(1 f ) ke E k w S x
xe xw

Upon re-arranging, dropping the superscript new, and casting the equation into the standard

a PTP aW fTW (1 f )TWold a E fTE (1 f )TEold a P0 (1 f )aW (1 f )a E TPold b
x k k
a P aW a E a P0 ; a P0 c ; aW w ; aE e ; b Sx (5.20)
t xw xe
The time integration scheme would depend on the choice of the parameter f. When f = 0, the
resulting scheme is explicit; when 0 < f 1, the resulting scheme is implicit; when f = 1,
the resulting scheme is fully implicit, when f = 1/2, the resulting scheme is Crank-
Nicolson (Crank and Nicolson, 1947). The variation of T within the time interval t for the
different schemes is shown in fig. 5.4.

TP f=0

TP f=1
t t+t
Fig. 5.4: Variation of T within the time interval t for different schemes

Explicit scheme
Linearizing the source term as b Su S pTpold and setting f = 0 in eq. (5.19), the explicit

discretisation becomes:

aPTP aW TWold aETEold aP0 (aW aE ) TPold Su (5.21)
x kw ke
a P a P0 ; a P0 c ; aW ; aE (5.22)
t xw xe
The above scheme is based on backward differencing and its Taylor series truncation error
accuracy is first-order with respect to time. For stability, all coefficients must be positive in
the discretized equation. Hence,
a P0 (aW a E S P ) 0

x k k
or, c ( w e ) 0
t xw xe

x 2k
or. c
t x
(x) 2
or, t c (5.23)
The above limitation on time step suggests that the explicit scheme becomes very expensive
to improve spatial accuracy. Hence, this method is generally not recommended for general
transient problems. Nevertheless, provided that the time step size is chosen with care, the
explicit scheme described above is efficient for simple conduction calculations.

Crank-Nicolson scheme
Setting f = 0.5 in eq. (5.19), the Crank-Nicolson discretisation becomes:
T TEold T T old 0 aE aW 0
aPTP aE E aW W W aP TP b (5.24)
2 2 2 2

1 1 x k k 1
a P (a E aW ) a P0 S P ; a P0 c ; aW w ; aE e ; b Su S pTpold (5.25)
2 2 t xw xe 2
The above method is implicit and simultaneous equations for all node points need to be
solved at each time step. For stability, all coefficient must be positive in the discretized
equation, requiring
a E aW
a P0
(x) 2
or, t c (5.26)
The Crank-Nicolson scheme only slightly less restrictive than the explicit method. It is based
on central differencing and hence it is second-order accurate in time.

The fully implicit scheme

Setting f = 1 in eq. (5.19), the fully implicit discretisation becomes:
aPTP aETE aW TW aP0 TPold (5.27)

x kw ke
where a P a P0 a E aW S P ; a P0 c ; aW ; aE (5.28)
t xw xe

A system of algebraic equations must be solved at each time level. The accuracy of the
scheme is first-order in time. The time marching procedure starts with a given initial field of
the scalar 0. The system is solved after selecting time step t. For the implicit scheme, all
coefficients are positive, which makes it unconditionally stable for any size of time step.
Hence, the implicit method is recommended for general purpose transient calculations
because of its robustness and unconditional stability.

6.1 Objectives of convection analysis:

Main purpose of convective heat transfer analysis is to determine:

- flow field
- temperature field in fluid
- heat transfer coefficient, h
How do we determine h ?
Consider the process of convective cooling, as we pass a cool fluid past a heated wall. This
process is described by Newtons law of Cooling:

U y U T
u(y) q T(y)


Near any wall a fluid is subject to the no slip condition; that is, there is a stagnant sub layer.
Since there is no fluid motion in this layer, heat transfer is by conduction in this region.
Above the sub layer is a region where viscous forces retard fluid motion; in this region some
convection may occur, but conduction may well predominate. A careful analysis of this
region allows us to use our conductive analysis in analyzing heat transfer. This is the basis of
our convective theory.

At the wall, the convective heat transfer rate can be expressed as the heat flux.
k f
qconv h Ts T
y y 0


y y 0
Hence, h
Ts T

But depends on the whole fluid motion, and both fluid flow and heat transfer
equations are needed

The expression shows that in order to determine h, we must first determine the temperature
distribution in the thin fluid layer that coats the wall.

2.2 Classes of Convective Flows

Free or natural convection

(induced by buoyancy forces) May occur
with phase
Convection change
Forced convection (induced by
external means)

extremely diverse
several parameters involved (fluid properties, geometry, nature of flow, phases etc)
systematic approach required
classify flows into certain types, based on certain parameters
identify parameters governing the flow, and group them into meaningful non-
dimensional numbers
need to understand the physics behind each phenomenon

Common classifications:
A. Based on geometry:
External flow / Internal flow
B. Based on driving mechanism
Natural convection / forced convection / mixed convection
C. Based on number of phases
Single phase / multiple phase
D. Based on nature of flow
Laminar / turbulent

Table 6.1. Typical values of h (W/m2K)

Free convection gases: 2 - 25
liquid: 50 100

Forced convection gases: 25 - 250

liquid: 50 - 20,000

Boiling/Condensation 2500 -100,000

2.3 How to solve a convection problem ?

Solve governing equations along with boundary conditions
Governing equations include
1. conservation of mass
2. conservation of momentum
3. conservation of energy
In Conduction problems, only (3) is needed to be solved. Hence, only few parameters
are involved
In Convection, all the governing equations need to be solved.
large number of parameters can be involved

2.4 FORCED CONVECTION: external flow (over flat plate)

An internal flow is surrounded by solid boundaries that can restrict the development of its
boundary layer, for example, a pipe flow. An external flow, on the other hand, are flows over
bodies immersed in an unbounded fluid so that the flow boundary layer can grow freely in
one direction. Examples include the flows over airfoils, ship hulls, turbine blades, etc


U < U

Fluid particle adjacent to the solid surface is at rest

These particles act to retard the motion of adjoining layers
boundary layer effect

Inside the boundary layer, we can apply the following conservation principles:
Momentum balance: inertia forces, pressure gradient, viscous forces, body forces
Energy balance: convective flux, diffusive flux, heat generation, energy storage

2.5 Forced Convection Correlations

Since the heat transfer coefficient is a direct function of the temperature gradient next to the
wall, the physical variables on which it depends can be expressed as follows:
h=f(fluid properties, velocity field ,geometry,temperature etc.)

As the function is dependent on several parameters, the heat transfer coefficient is usually
expressed in terms of correlations involving pertinent non-dimensional numbers.

Forced convection: Non-dimensional groupings

Nusselt No. Nu = hx / k = (convection heat transfer strength)/

(conduction heat transfer strength)
Prandtl No. Pr = / = (momentum diffusivity)/ (thermal diffusivity)
Reynolds No. Re = U x / = (inertia force)/(viscous force)
Viscous force provides the dampening effect for disturbances in the fluid. If dampening is
strong enough laminar flow
Otherwise, instability turbulent flow critical Reynolds number

For forced convection, the heat transfer correlation can be expressed as

Nu=f (Re, Pr)

The convective correlation for laminar flow across a flat plate heated to a constant wall
temperature is:

Nux = 0.323Rex Pr1/3

Nux hx/k
Rex (Ux)/
Pr cP/k

Physical Interpretation of Convective Correlation

The Reynolds number is a familiar term to all of us, but we may benefit by considering what
the ratio tells us. Recall that the thickness of the dynamic boundary layer, , is proportional
to the distance along the plate, x.
Rex (Ux)/ (U)/ = (U2)/( U/)
The numerator is a mass flow per unit area times a velocity; i.e. a momentum flow per unit
area. The denominator is a viscous stress, i.e. a viscous force per unit area. The ratio
represents the ratio of momentum to viscous forces. If viscous forces dominate, the flow will
be laminar; if momentum dominates, the flow will be turbulent.

Physical Meaning of Prandtl Number

The Prandtl number was introduced earlier.
If we multiply and divide the equation by the fluid density, , we obtain:
Pr (/)/(k/cP) = /
The Prandtl number may be seen to be a ratio reflecting the ratio of the rate that viscous
forces penetrate the material to the rate that thermal energy penetrates the material. As a
consequence the Prandtl number is proportional to the rate of growth of the two boundary
/t = Pr1/3

Physical Meaning of Nusselt Number

The Nusselt number may be physically described as well.
Nux hx/k
If we recall that the thickness of the boundary layer at any point along the surface, , is also a
function of x then
Nux h/k (/kA)/(1/hA)
We see that the Nusselt may be viewed as the ratio of the conduction resistance of a material
to the convection resistance of the same material.

Students, recalling the Biot number, may wish to compare the two so that they may
distinguish the two.
Nux hx/kfluid Bix hx/ksolid
The denominator of the Nusselt number involves the thermal conductivity of the fluid at the
solid-fluid convective interface; The denominator of the Biot number involves the thermal
conductivity of the solid at the solid-fluid convective interface.

Local Nature of Convective Correlation

Consider again the correlation that we have developed for laminar flow over a flat plate at
constant wall temperature

Nux = 0.323Rex Pr1/3

To put this back into dimensional form, we replace the Nusselt number by its equivalent, hx/k
and take the x/k to the other side:
h = 0.323(k/x)Rex Pr1/3
Now expand the Reynolds number
h = 0.323(k/x)[(Ux)/] Pr1/3
We proceed to combine the x terms:
h = 0.323k[(U)/( x)] Pr1/3
And see that the convective coefficient decreases with x.

Thermal Boundary
Coefficient, h. Layer, t

x Hydrodynamic
Boundary Layer,

We see that as the boundary layer thickens, the convection coefficient decreases. Some
designers will introduce a series of trip wires, i.e. devices to disrupt the boundary layer, so
that the buildup of the insulating layer must begin anew. This will result in regular
thinning of the boundary layer so that the convection coefficient will remain high.

Averaged Correlations
If one were interested in the total heat loss from a surface, rather than the temperature at a
point, then they may well want to know something about average convective coefficients.

Average Convection
Coefficient, hL

x Local Convection
Coefficient, hx.

The desire is to find a correlation that provides an overall heat transfer rate:

hx [Twall T ] dA 0 hx [Twall T ] dx
Q = hLA[Twall-T] =

where hx and hL, refer to local and average convective coefficients, respectively.

Compare the second and fourth equations where the area is assumed to be equal to A = (1L):

0 hx [Twall T ] dx
hLL[Twall-T] =

Since the temperature difference is constant, it may be taken outside of the integral and

0 hx dx

This is a general definition of an integrated average.

Proceed to substitute the correlation for the local coefficient.

k U x

hLL= 0 0.323 Pr 1/3 dx


Take the constant terms from outside the integral, and divide both sides by k.
L 1

hLL/k = 0.323 Pr 1/3 0 dx


Integrate the right side.

0.5 L
x 0.5
hLL/k = 0.323 Pr 1/3

0.5 0

The left side is defined as the average Nusselt number, NuL. Algebraically rearrange the right

0.5 0 .5
0.323 U U L
1 1

Pr L
3 0.5
0.646 Pr 3
NuL =

The term in the brackets may be recognized as the Reynolds number, evaluated at the end of
the convective section. Finally,

NuL = 0.646 Re 0L.5 Pr 3

This is our average correlation for laminar flow over a flat plate with constant wall

Reynolds Analogy
In the development of the boundary layer theory, one may notice the strong relationship
between the dynamic boundary layer and the thermal boundary layer. Reynolds noted the
strong correlation and found that fluid friction and convection coefficient could be related.
This is known as the Reynolds Analogy.

Conclusion from Reynolds analogy: Knowing the frictional drag, we know the Nusselt
Number. If the drag coefficient is increased, say through increased wall roughness, then the
convective coefficient will also increase.

Turbulent Flow
We could develop a turbulent heat transfer correlation in a manner similar to the von Karman
analysis. It is probably easier, having developed the Reynolds analogy, to follow that course.
The local fluid friction factor, Cf, associated with turbulent flow over a flat plate is given as:

Cf = 0.0592/Rex0.2

Substitute into the Reynolds analogy:

(0.0592/Rex0.2)/2 = Nux/RexPr1/3

Rearrange to find
Local Correlation
Nux = 0.0296Rex0.8Pr1/3 Turbulent Flow Flat Plate.

In order to develop an average correlation, one would evaluate an integral along the plate
similar to that used in a laminar flow:

Laminar Region Turbulent region

hLL = 0 hx dx 0 hx ,la min ar dx Lcrit hx ,turbulent dx

L crit L L

Note: The critical Reynolds number for flow over a flat plate is 5105; the critical Reynolds
number for flow through a round tube is 2000.

The result of the above integration is:

Nux = 0.037(Rex0.8 871)Pr1/3

Note: Fluid properties should be evaluated at the average temperature in the boundary layer,
i.e. at an average between the wall and free stream temperature.

Tprop = 0.5(Twall+ T)

2.6 Free convection

Free convection is sometimes defined as a convective process in which fluid motion is caused
by buoyancy effects.

Tw T < Tboundry. layer < Tw

< boundry. layer

Heated boundary

Velocity Profiles

Compare the velocity profiles for forced and natural convection shown below:

U = 0
U > 0

Forced Convection Free Convection

Coefficient of Volumetric Expansion

The thermodynamic property which describes the change in density leading to buoyancy in
the Coefficient of Volumetric Expansion, .


T P Const .

Evaluation of

Liquids and Solids: is a thermodynamic property and should be found from

Property Tables. Values of are found for a number of engineering fluids in Tables
given in Handbooks and Text Books.
Ideal Gases: We may develop a general expression for for an ideal gas from the
ideal gas law:

P = RT
= P/RT

Differentiating while holding P constant:

d P RT

dT P Const .
R T2 R T2 T

Substitute into the definition of

Ideal Gas
Grashof Number
Because U is always zero, the Reynolds number, [UD]/, is also zero and is no longer
suitable to describe the flow in the system. Instead, we introduce a new parameter for natural
convection, the Grashof Number. Here we will be most concerned with flow across a vertical
surface, so that we use the vertical distance, z or L, as the characteristic length.

g T L3

Just as we have looked at the Reynolds number for a physical meaning, we may consider the
Grashof number:

g T L3 Buoyant Force Momentum

( ) ( U 2
g T L
2 3
L 2 max Area Area
2 ViscousForce
2 2
U max

L Area

Free Convection Heat Transfer Correlations

The standard form for free, or natural, convection correlations will appear much like those for
forced convection except that (1) the Reynolds number is replaced with a Grashof number
and (2) the exponent on Prandtl number is not generally 1/3 (The von Karman boundary layer
analysis from which we developed the 1/3 exponent was for forced convection flows):

Nux = CGrxmPrn Local Correlation

NuL = CGrLmPrn Average Correlation

Quite often experimentalists find that the exponent on the Grashof and Prandtl numbers are
equal so that the general correlations may be written in the form:

Nux = C[GrxPr]m Local Correlation

NuL = C[GrLPr]m Average Correlation

This leads to the introduction of the new, dimensionless parameter, the Rayleigh number, Ra:

Rax = GrxPr

RaL = GrLPr

So that the general correlation for free convection becomes:

Nux = CRaxm Local Correlation

NuL = CRaLm Average Correlation

Laminar to Turbulent Transition

Just as for forced convection, a boundary layer will form for free convection. The boundary
layer, which acts as a thermal resistance, will be relatively thin toward the leading edge of the
surface resulting in a relatively high convection coefficient. At a Rayleigh number of about
109 the flow over a flat plate will become transitional and finally become turbulent. The
increased turbulence inside the boundary layer will enhance heat transfer leading to relative
high convection coefficients because of better mixing.
Laminar Flow

Ra < 109 Laminar flow. [Vertical Flat Plate]

Ra > 109 Turbulent flow. [Vertical Flat Plate]

Generally the characteristic length used in the correlation relates to the distance over which
the boundary layer is allowed to grow. In the case of a vertical flat plate this will be x or L,
in the case of a vertical cylinder this will also be x or L; in the case of a horizontal cylinder,
the length will be d.

Critical Rayleigh Number

Consider the flow between two surfaces, each at different temperatures. Under developed
flow conditions, the interstitial fluid will reach a temperature between the temperatures of the
two surfaces and will develop free convection flow patterns. The fluid will be heated by one
surface, resulting in an upward buoyant flow, and will be cooled by the other, resulting in a
downward flow.

Note that for enclosures it is

customary to develop
correlations which describe the
overall (both heated and cooled

surfaces) within a single




Free Convection Inside an Enclosure
(boundary layer limit)

If the surfaces are placed closer together, the flow patterns will begin to interfere:





Free Convection Inside an
Free Convection Inside an Enclosure With Complete Flow
Enclosure With Partial Flow Interference (Channel flow
Interference limit)

In the case of complete flow interference, the upward and downward forces will cancel,
canceling circulation forces. This case would be treated as a pure convection problem since
no bulk transport occurs.
The transition in enclosures from convection heat transfer to conduction heat transfer occurs
at what is termed the Critical Rayleigh Number. Note that this terminology is in clear
contrast to forced convection where the critical Reynolds number refers to the transition from
laminar to turbulent flow.
Racrit = 1000 (Enclosures With Horizontal Heat Flow)
Racrit = 1728 (Enclosures With Vertical Heat Flow)
The existence of a Critical Rayleigh number suggests that there are now three flow regimes:
(1) No flow, (2) Laminar Flow and (3) Turbulent Flow. In all enclosure problems the
Rayleigh number will be calculated to determine the proper flow regime before a correlation
is chosen.

7.1 What are heat exchangers?

Heat exchangers are devices used to transfer heat energy from one fluid to
another. Typical heat exchangers experienced by us in our daily lives include
condensers and evaporators used in air conditioning units and refrigerators.
Boilers and condensers in thermal power plants are examples of large industrial
heat exchangers. There are heat exchangers in our automobiles in the form of
radiators and oil coolers. Heat exchangers are also abundant in chemical and
process industries.

There is a wide variety of heat exchangers for diverse kinds of uses, hence the
construction also would differ widely. However, in spite of the variety, most
heat exchangers can be classified into some common types based on some
fundamental design concepts. We will consider only the more common types
here for discussing some analysis and design methodologies.

7.2 Heat Transfer Considerations

The energy flow between hot and cold streams, with hot stream in the
bigger diameter tube, is as shown in Figure 7.1. Heat transfer mode is by
convection on the inside as well as outside of the inner tube and by conduction
across the tube. Since the heat transfer occurs across the smaller tube, it is this
internal surface which controls the heat transfer process. By convention, it is
the outer surface, termed Ao, of this central tube which is referred to in
describing heat exchanger area. Applying the principles of thermal resistance,

t T


Figure 7.1: End view of a tubular heat exchanger

ln o r
1 i 1
ho Ao 2 kl hi Ai
If we define overall the heat transfer coefficient, Uc, as:
Substituting the value of the thermal resistance R yields:
ro ln o r
1 1 i A
U c ho k hi Ai
Standard convective correlations are available in text books and handbooks for
the convective coefficients, ho and hi. The thermal conductivity, k, corresponds
to that for the material of the internal tube. To evaluate the thermal resistances,
geometrical quantities (areas and radii) are determined from the internal tube
dimensions available.

7.3 Fouling
Material deposits on the surfaces of the heat exchanger tubes may add
more thermal resistances to heat transfer. Such deposits, which are detrimental
to the heat exchange process, are known as fouling. Fouling can be caused by a
variety of reasons and may significantly affect heat exchanger performance.
With the addition of fouling resistance, the overall heat transfer coefficient, Uc,
may be modified as:

1 1
Ud Uc
where R is the fouling resistance.

Fouling can be caused by the following sources:

1) Scaling is the most common form of fouling and is associated with

inverse solubility salts. Examples of such salts are CaCO3, CaSO4,
Ca3(PO4)2, CaSiO3, Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2, MgSiO3, Na2SO4, LiSO4, and
2) Corrosion fouling is caused by chemical reaction of some fluid
constituents with the heat exchanger tube material.
3) Chemical reaction fouling involves chemical reactions in the process
stream which results in deposition of material on the heat exchanger
tubes. This commonly occurs in food processing industries.

4) Freezing fouling is occurs when a portion of the hot stream is cooled to

near the freezing point for one of its components. This commonly occurs
in refineries where paraffin frequently solidifies from petroleum products
at various stages in the refining process. , obstructing both flow and heat
5) Biological fouling is common where untreated water from natural
resources such as rivers and lakes is used as a coolant. Biological micro-
organisms such as algae or other microbes can grow inside the heat
exchanger and hinder heat transfer.
6) Particulate fouling results from the presence of microscale sized particles
in solution. When such particles accumulate on a heat exchanger surface
they sometimes fuse and harden. Like scale these deposits are difficult to

With fouling, the expression for overall heat transfer coefficient

1 1 ln( o r ) 1
hi r
k ho

7.4 Basic Heat Exchanger Flow Arrangements

Two basic flow arrangements are as shown in Figure 7.2. Parallel and
counter flow provide alternative arrangements for certain specialized
applications. In parallel flow both the hot and cold streams enter the heat
exchanger at the same end and travel to the opposite end in parallel streams.
Energy is transferred along the length from the hot to the cold fluid so the outlet
temperatures asymptotically approach each other. In a counter flow
arrangement, the two streams enter at opposite ends of the heat exchanger and
flow in parallel but opposite directions. Temperatures within the two streams
tend to approach one another in a nearly linearly fashion resulting in a much
more uniform heating pattern. Shown below the heat exchangers are
representations of the axial temperature profiles for each. Parallel flow results
in rapid initial rates of heat exchange near the entrance, but heat transfer rates
rapidly decrease as the temperatures of the two streams approach one another.
This leads to higher exergy loss during heat exchange. Counter flow provides
for relatively uniform temperature differences and, consequently, lead toward
relatively uniform heat rates throughout the length of the unit.

t1 t2 t2 t1

T1 T2 T1
Parallel Flow T2
Counter Flow
T1 T1

Temperature T2 Temperature T2

t1 t2 t2 t1

Position Position

Fig. 7.2 Basic Flow Arrangements for Tubular Heat Exchangers.

7.5 Log Mean Temperature Differences

Heat flows between the hot and cold streams due to the temperature
difference across the tube acting as a driving force. As seen in the Figure 7.3,
the temperature difference will vary along the length of the HX, and this must
be taken into account in the analysis.

Counter Flow Parallel Flow

T1 T1

1 T2
2 1 2
t2 t1 t2

Position Position

Fig. 7.3 Temperature Differences Between Hot and Cold Process Streams

From the heat exchanger equations shown earlier, it can be shown that the
integrated average temperature difference for either parallel or counter flow
may be written as:

1 2

ln 1

The effective temperature difference calculated from this equation is known as

the log mean temperature difference, frequently abbreviated as LMTD, based on
the type of mathematical average that it describes. While the equation applies

to either parallel or counter flow, it can be shown that eff will always be
greater in the counter flow arrangement.

Another interesting observation from the above Figure is that counter

flow is more appropriate for maximum energy recovery. In a number of
industrial applications there will be considerable energy available within a hot
waste stream which may be recovered before the stream is discharged. This is
done by recovering energy into a fresh cold stream. Note in the Figures shown
above that the hot stream may be cooled to t1 for counter flow, but may only be
cooled to t2 for parallel flow. Counter flow allows for a greater degree of
energy recovery. Similar arguments may be made to show the advantage of
counter flow for energy recovery from refrigerated cold streams.

7.6 Applications for Counter and Parallel Flows

We have seen two advantages for counter flow, (a) larger effective
LMTD and (b) greater potential energy recovery. The advantage of the larger
LMTD, as seen from the heat exchanger equation, is that a larger LMTD
permits a smaller heat exchanger area, Ao, for a given heat transfer, Q. This
would normally be expected to result in smaller, less expensive equipment for a
given application.
Sometimes, however, parallel flows are desirable (a) where the high
initial heating rate may be used to advantage and (b) where it is required the
temperatures developed at the tube walls are moderate. In heating very viscous
fluids, parallel flow provides for rapid initial heating and consequent decrease in
fluid viscosity and reduction in pumping requirement. In applications where
moderation of tube wall temperatures is required, parallel flow results in cooler
walls. This is especially beneficial in cases where the tubes are sensitive to
fouling effects which are aggravated by high temperature.

7.7 Multipass Flow Arrangements

In order to increase the surface area for convection relative to the fluid volume,
it is common to design for multiple tubes within a single heat exchanger. With
multiple tubes it is possible to arrange to flow so that one region will be in
parallel and another portion in counter flow. An arrangement where the tube
side fluid passes through once in parallel and once in counter flow is shown in
the Figure 7.4. Normal terminology would refer to this arrangement as a 1-2
pass heat exchanger, indicating that the shell side fluid passes through the unit
once, the tube side twice. By convention the number of shell side passes is
always listed first.

Fig. 7.4 Multipass flow arrangement

The primary reason for using multipass designs is to increase the average tube
side fluid velocity in a given arrangement. In a two pass arrangement the fluid
flows through only half the tubes and any one point, so that the Reynolds
number is effectively doubled. Increasing the Reynoldss number results in
increased turbulence, increased Nusselt numbers and, finally, in increased
convection coefficients. Even though the parallel portion of the flow results in a
lower effective T, the increase in overall heat transfer coefficient will
frequently compensate so that the overall heat exchanger size will be smaller for
a specific service. The improvement achievable with multipass heat exchangers
is substantialy large. Accordingly, it is a more accepted practice in modern
industries compared to conventional true parallel or counter flow designs.
The LMTD formulas developed earlier are no longer adequate for
multipass heat exchangers. Normal practice is to calculate the LMTD for
counter flow, LMTDcf, and to apply a correction factor, FT, such that


The correction factors, FT, can be found theoretically and presented in analytical
form. The equation given below has been shown to be accurate for any
arrangement having 2, 4, 6, .....,2n tube passes per shell pass to within 2%.

1 P
R 2 1 ln
FT 1 R P

2 P R 1 R2 1
R 1 ln

2 P R 1 R 1

where the capacity ratio, R, is defined as:

T1 T2
t 2 t1

The effectiveness may be given by the equation:

1 X 1/ N shell
R X 1/ N shell
provided that R1. In the case that R=1, the effectiveness is given by:
N shell Po N shell 1
t2 t1
T1 t1
Po R 1
Po 1

7.8 Effectiveness-NTU Method:

Quite often, heat exchanger analysts are faced with the situation that only the
inlet temperatures are known and the heat transfer characteristics (UA value) are
known, but the outlet temperatures have to be calculated. Clearly, LMTH
method will not be applicable here. In this regard, an alternative method known
as the -NTU method is used.
Before we introduce this method, let us ask ourselves following question:
How will existing Heat Exchange perform for given inlet conditions ?
Define effectiveness : The effectiveness, , is the ratio of the energy recovered
in a HX to that recoverable in an ideal HX.
, where Qmax is for an infinitely long H.Ex.
One fluid T Tmax Th ,in Tc ,in
and since Q mc A TA mc B TB C A TA C B TB
then only the fluid with lesser of C A , C B heat capacity rate can have Tmax
i.e. Qmax Cmin Tmax and
or, Q C T T
min h .in c .in

We want expression for which does not contain outlet T' s.

Substitute back into Q UA( LMTD ) .........
- UA Cmin
1 - exp 1

min max

C - UA Cmin
1 min exp 1
Cmax min
C C max

Fig. 7.5 Calculation of effectiveness-NTU

NTU , min
and No. of transfer units (size of HEx.) NTU

Charts for each Configuration

Determine Cmax, Cmin/Cmax
Get UA/Cmin, from chart
min c .in

UA NTU max Cmin

NTU max A
Cmin U

NTUmax can be obtained from figures in textbooks/handbooks

First, however, we must determine which fluid has Cmin.

8.1 Boiling: General considerations

Boiling is associated with transformation of liquid to vapor at a

solid/liquid interface due to convection heat transfer from the
Agitation of fluid by vapor bubbles provides for large
convection coefficients and hence large heat fluxes at low-to-
moderate surface-to-fluid temperature differences

Special form of Newtons law of cooling:

q s h(Ts Tsat ) hTe

where Tsat is the saturation temperature of the liquid, and Te Ts Tsat )

is the excess temperature.

8.2 Special cases

Pool Boiling:Liquid motion is due to natural convection and
bubble-induced mixing.
Forced Convection Boiling:Fluid motion is induced by external
means, as well as by bubble-induced mixing.
Saturated Boiling:Liquid temperature is slightly larger than
saturation temperature
Subcooled Boiling:Liquid temperature is less than saturation

8.3 The boiling curve

The boiling curve reveals range of conditions associated with
saturated pool boiling on a qs vs. Te plot.

Water at Atmospheric Pressure

Free Convection Boiling ( Te <5C)

Little vapor formation.
Liquid motion is due principally to single-phase natural

Onset of Nucleate Boiling ONB ( Te 5C)

Nucleate boiling (5C < Te <30C)

Isolated Vapor Bubbles (5C < Te <10C)
Liquid motion is strongly influenced by nucleation
of bubbles at the surface.
h and qs rise sharply with increasing Te
Heat transfer is principally due to contact of liquid
with the surface (single-phase convection) and not
to vaporization

Jets and Columns (10C < Te <30C)

Increasing number of nucleation sites causes

bubble interactions and coalescence into
jets and slugs.
Liquid/surface contact is impaired.
q s continues to increase with Te while h begins to decrease

Critical Heat Flux - CHF, ( Te 30C)

Maximum attainable heat flux in nucleate boiling.
1 MW/m 2 for water at atmospheric pressure.

Potential Burnout for Power-Controlled Heating

An increase in qs beyond qmax causes the surface to be
blanketed by vapor and its temperature to spontaneously achieve
a value that can exceed its melting point
If the surface survives the temperature shock, conditions are
characterized by film boiling

Film Boiling
Heat transfer is by conduction and radiation across the vapor
A reduction in qs follows the cooling the cooling
curve continuously to the Leidenfrost point corresponding to the
for film boiling.
minimum heat flux qmin
A reduction in qs below qmin causes an abrupt reduction in
surface temperature to the nucleate boiling regime

Transition Boiling for Temperature-Controlled Heating

Characterised by continuous decay of qs (from
q max to )
q min
with increasing Te

Surface conditions oscillate between nucleate and film

boiling, but portion of surface experiencing film boiling
increases with Te
Also termed unstable or partial film boiling.

8.4 Pool boiling correlations

Nucleate Boiling
Rohsenow Correlation, clean surfaces only, 100% errors

g l v
c p ,l Te
1/ 2

qs l h fg n
C h Pr
s , f fg l
Cs , f , n Surface/Fluid Combination (

Critical heat flux:

g l v
1/ 4

qmax 0.149h fg v

Film Boiling
g l v hfg D 3
1/ 4

Nu D h conv D
kv k
v v s T Tsat

Geometry C
Cylinder(Hor.) 0.62
Sphere 0.67

8.5 Condensation: General considerations

Condensation occurs when the temperature of a vapour is
reduced below its saturation temperature
Condensation heat transfer
Film condensation

Dropwise condensation

Heat transfer rates in dropwise condensation may be as much as

10 times higher than in film condensation

8.6 Laminar film condensation on a vertical wall

Tsat x

u u

A g A A
l y y A
l y yy

(x) Condensate Film

( v )gAy

1/ 4
4 xk l (Tsat Tw ) l
( x)
h fg g ( l v )
1/ 4
h fg g ( l v )k l3
h( x )
4 x (Tsat Tw ) l
1/ 4
h fg g ( l v )k l3
Average coeff. hL 0.943
L(Tsat Tw ) l
where L is the plate length.
Total heat transfer rate : q hL A(Tsat Tw )
q h A(Tsat Tw )
Condensation rate : m L
h fg h fg



Radiation, energy transfer across a system boundary due to a

T, by the mechanism of photon emission or electromagnetic
wave emission.

Because the mechanism of transmission is photon emission, unlike

conduction and convection, there need be no intermediate matter to enable

The significance of this is that radiation will be the only mechanism for
heat transfer whenever a vacuum is present.

Electromagnetic Phenomena.
We are well acquainted with a wide range of electromagnetic phenomena in
modern life. These phenomena are sometimes thought of as wave
phenomena and are, consequently, often described in terms of
electromagnetic wave length, . Examples are given in terms of the wave
distribution shown below:

Visible Light, 0.4-0.7m

X Rays

Radiation Microwave

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10-0 101 102 103 104 105
Wavelength, , m

One aspect of electromagnetic radiation is that the related topics are more
closely associated with optics and electronics than with those normally
found in mechanical engineering courses. Nevertheless, these are widely
encountered topics and the student is familiar with them through every day
life experiences.

From a viewpoint of previously studied topics students, particularly those

with a background in mechanical or chemical engineering, will find the
subject of Radiation Heat Transfer a little unusual. The physics
background differs fundamentally from that found in the areas of
continuum mechanics. Much of the related material is found in courses
more closely identified with quantum physics or electrical engineering, i.e.
Fields and Waves. At this point, it is important for us to recognize that
since the subject arises from a different area of physics, it will be important
that we study these concepts with extra care.

Stefan-Boltzman Law
Both Stefan and Boltzman were physicists; any student taking a course
in quantum physics will become well acquainted with Boltzmans work as
he made a number of important contributions to the field. Both were
contemporaries of Einstein so we see that the subject is of fairly recent
vintage. (Recall that the basic equation for convection heat transfer is
attributed to Newton.)

Eb = Tabs4

where: Eb = Emissive Power, the gross energy emitted from an

ideal surface per unit area, time.
= Stefan Boltzman constant, 5.6710-8 W/m2K4
Tabs = Absolute temperature of the emitting surface, K.

Take particular note of the fact that absolute temperatures are used in
Radiation. It is suggested, as a matter of good practice, to convert all
temperatures to the absolute scale as an initial step in all radiation

You will notice that the equation does not include any heat flux term, q.
Instead we have a term the emissive power. The relationship between these
terms is as follows. Consider two infinite plane surfaces, both facing one
another. Both surfaces are ideal surfaces. One surface is found to be at
temperature, T1, the other at temperature, T2. Since both temperatures are
at temperatures above absolute zero, both will radiate energy as described
by the Stefan-Boltzman law. The heat flux will be the net radiant flow as
given by:

q" = Eb1 - Eb2 = T14 - T24

Planks Law
While the Stefan-Boltzman law is useful for studying overall energy
emissions, it does not allow us to treat those interactions, which deal
specifically with wavelength, . This problem was overcome by another of
the modern physicists, Max Plank, who developed a relationship for wave-
based emissions.

Eb = ()

We plot a suitable functional relationship below:

Eb, W/m2m

Area = Eb

Wavelength, , m

We havent yet defined the Monochromatic Emissive Power, Eb. An

implicit definition is provided by the following equation:

Eb 0 Eb d

We may view this equation graphically as follows:

Eb, W/m2m

Area of the
curve = Eb

Wavelength, , m

A definition of monochromatic Emissive Power would be obtained by

differentiating the integral equation:


The actual form of Planks law is:


Eb C2

5 T

where: C1 = 2hco2 = 3.742108 Wm4/m2

C2 = hco/k = 1.439104 mK

Where: h, co, k are all parameters from quantum physics. We need

not worry about their precise definition here.

This equation may be solved at any T, to give the value of the

monochromatic emissivity at that condition. Alternatively, the function

may be substituted into the integral Eb 0 Eb d to find the Emissive
power for any temperature. While performing this integral by hand is
difficult, students may readily evaluate the integral through one of several
computer programs, i.e. MathCad, Maple, Mathmatica, etc.

Eb 0 Eb d T 4

Emission Over Specific Wave Length Bands

Consider the problem of designing a tanning machine. As a part of the
machine, we will need to design a very powerful incandescent light source.
We may wish to know how much energy is being emitted over the
ultraviolet band (10-4 to 0.4 m), known to be particularly dangerous.

Eb 0.0001 0.4 0.001m Eb d

0. 4m

With a computer available, evaluation of this integral is rather trivial.

Alternatively, the text books provide a table of integrals. The format used is
as follows:

Eb 0.001 0.4 0.001m Eb d 0 Eb d 0.

0.4 m 0.4m 0.0001 m
Eb d
F (0 0.4) F (0 0.0001)
Eb 0 Eb d 0 Eb d 0 Eb d

Referring to such tables, we see the last two functions listed in the second
column. In the first column is a parameter, T. This is found by taking the
product of the absolute temperature of the emitting surface, T, and the
upper limit wave length, . In our example, suppose that the incandescent
bulb is designed to operate at a temperature of 2000K. Reading from the

., m T, K T, mK F(0)
0.0001 2000 0.2 0
0.4 2000 600 0.000014
F(0.40.0001m) = F(00.4m)- F(00.0001m) 0.000014

This is the fraction of the total energy emitted which falls within the IR
band. To find the absolute energy emitted multiply this value times the
total energy emitted:

EbIR = F(0.40.0001m)T4 = 0.0000145.6710-820004 = 12.7 W/m2

Solar Radiation

The magnitude of the energy leaving the Sun varies with time and is closely
associated with such factors as solar flares and sunspots. Nevertheless, we
often choose to work with an average value. The energy leaving the sun is
emitted outward in all directions so that at any particular distance from the
Sun we may imagine the energy being dispersed over an imaginary
spherical area. Because this area increases with the distance squared, the
solar flux also decreases with the distance squared. At the average distance
between Earth and Sun this heat flux is 1353 W/m2, so that the average heat
flux on any object in Earth orbit is found as:

Gs,o = Scfcos

Where Sc = Solar Constant, 1353 W/m2

f = correction factor for eccentricity in Earth Orbit,
= Angle of surface from normal to Sun.

Because of reflection and absorption in the Earths atmosphere, this number

is significantly reduced at ground level. Nevertheless, this value gives us
some opportunity to estimate the potential for using solar energy, such as in
photovoltaic cells.

Some Definitions

In the previous section we introduced the Stefan-Boltzman Equation to

describe radiation from an ideal surface.

Eb = Tabs4

This equation provides a method of determining the total energy leaving a

surface, but gives no indication of the direction in which it travels. As we
continue our study, we will want to be able to calculate how heat is
distributed among various objects.

For this purpose, we will introduce the radiation intensity, I, defined as the
energy emitted per unit area, per unit time, per unit solid angle. Before
writing an equation for this new property, we will need to define some of
the terms we will be using.

Angles and Arc Length

We are well accustomed to

L = r
thinking of an angle as a two L
dimensional object. It may be
used to find an arc length:

Solid Angle

We generalize the idea of an

angle and an arc length to three
dimensions and define a solid A = r2d
angle, , which like the standard
angle has no dimensions. The
solid angle, when multiplied by r
the radius squared will have
dimensions of length squared, or area, and will have the magnitude of the
encompassed area.

Projected Area

The area, dA1, as seen from the

prospective of a viewer, situated at an
angle from the normal to the dA1 dA1cos
surface, will appear somewhat
smaller, as cos dA1. This smaller
area is termed the projected area.

Aprojected = cos Anormal


The ideal intensity, Ib, may now be defined as the energy emitted from an
ideal body, per unit projected area, per unit time, per unit solid angle.

cos dA1 d

Spherical Geometry

Since any surface will emit radiation outward in all directions above the
surface, the spherical coordinate system provides a convenient tool for
analysis. The three basic
coordinates shown are R, , and , Rsin
representing the radial, azimuthal
and zenith directions.

In general dA1 will correspond to dA2

the emitting surface or the source. dA1

The surface dA2 will correspond to R
the receiving surface or the target.
Note that the area proscribed on the
hemisphere, dA2, may be written as:

dA2 [( R sin ) d ] [ R d ]
or, more simply as:
dA2 R 2 sin d d ]
Recalling the definition of the solid angle,

dA = R2d
we find that:
d = R2sin dd

Real Surfaces

Thus far we have spoken of ideal surfaces, i.e. those that emit energy
according to the Stefan-Boltzman law:

Eb = Tabs4

Real surfaces have emissive powers, E, which are somewhat less than that
obtained theoretically by Boltzman. To account for this reduction, we
introduce the emissivity, .


so that the emissive power from any real surface is given by:

E = Tabs4

Receiving Properties
Targets receive radiation in Reflected
one of three ways; they Radiation
absorption, reflection or
transmission. To account for
these characteristics, we
introduce three additional Absorbed
properties: Radiation
Absorptivity, , the Radiation
fraction of incident
radiation absorbed.
Reflectivity, , the fraction of incident radiation reflected.
Transmissivity, , the fraction of incident radiation transmitted.

We see, from Conservation of Energy, that:

++ =1
In this course, we will deal with only opaque surfaces, = 0, so that:
+=1 Opaque Surfaces

Relationship Between Absorptivity,, and Emissivity,

Consider two flat, infinite planes, surface A and
surface B, both emitting radiation toward one

Surface A, TA

Surface B, TB
another. Surface B is assumed to be an ideal
emitter, i.e. B = 1.0. Surface A will emit
radiation according to the Stefan-Boltzman law

and will receive radiation as:
The net heat flow from surface A will be:
q = ATA4 - ATB4
Now suppose that the two surfaces are at exactly the same temperature.
The heat flow must be zero according to the 2nd law. If follows then that:

A = A

Because of this close relation between emissivity, , and absorptivity, ,

only one property is normally measured and this value may be used
alternatively for either property.

Lets not lose sight of the fact that, as thermodynamic properties of the
material, and may depend on temperature. In general, this will be the
case as radiative properties will depend on wavelength, . The wave length
of radiation will, in turn, depend on the temperature of the source of

The emissivity, , of surface A will depend on the material of which surface

A is composed, i.e. aluminum, brass, steel, etc. and on the temperature of
surface A.

The absorptivity, , of surface A will depend on the material of which

surface A is composed, i.e. aluminum, brass, steel, etc. and on the
temperature of surface B.

In the design of solar collectors, engineers have long sought a material

which would absorb all solar radiation, ( = 1, Tsun ~ 5600K) but would not
re-radiate energy as it came to temperature ( << 1, Tcollector ~ 400K).
NASA developed an anodized chrome, commonly called black chrome as
a result of this research.

Black Surfaces
Within the visual band of radiation, any material, which absorbs all visible
light, appears as black. Extending this concept to the much broader thermal
band, we speak of surfaces with = 1 as also being black or thermally
black. It follows that for such a surface, = 1 and the surface will behave
as an ideal emitter. The terms ideal surface and black surface are used

Lamberts Cosine Law:

A surface is said to obey Lamberts cosine law if the intensity, I, is uniform
in all directions. This is an idealization of real surfaces as seen by the
emissivity at different zenith angles:

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 0 .2 .4 .6 .8
1.0 1.0
Dependence of Emissivity on Dependence of Emissivity on
Zenith Angle, Typical Metal. Zenith Angle, Typical Non-Metal.

The sketches shown are intended to show is that metals typically have a
very low emissivity, , which also remain nearly constant, expect at very
high zenith angles, . Conversely, non-metals will have a relatively high
emissivity, , except at very high zenith angles. Treating the emissivity as a
constant over all angles is generally a good approximation and greatly
simplifies engineering calculations.

Relationship Between Emissive Power and Intensity

By definition of the two terms, emissive power for an ideal surface, Eb, and
intensity for an ideal surface, Ib.

Eb I b
cos d

Replacing the solid angle by its equivalent in spherical angles:

I b cos sin d d
0 0

Integrate once, holding Ib constant:

Eb 2 I b 2 cos sin d

Integrate a second time. (Note that the derivative of sin is cos d.)

sin 2 2
Eb 2 I b Ib
2 0

Eb = Ib

Radiation Exchange

During the previous lecture we introduced the intensity, I, to describe

radiation within a particular solid angle.

cos dA1 d
This will now be used to determine the fraction of radiation leaving a given
surface and striking a second surface.

Rearranging the above equation to express the heat radiated:

dq I cos dA1 d

Next we will project the receiving surface onto the hemisphere surrounding
the source. First find the projected area of surface dA2, dA2cos 2. (2 is
the angle between the normal to surface 2 and the position vector, R.)
Then find the solid angle, , which encompasses this area. dA2

dA2cos 2
Substituting into the heat flow
equation above:

I cos 1 dA1 cos 2 dA2

R2 R

To obtain the entire heat transferred

from a finite area, dA1, to a finite
area, dA2, we integrate over both
I cos 1 dA1 cos 2 dA2
A2 A1 R2

To express the total energy emitted from surface 1, we recall the relation
between emissive power, E, and intensity, I.

qemitted = E1A1 = I1A1

View Factors-Integral Method

Define the view factor, F1-2, as the fraction of energy emitted from surface
1, which directly strikes surface 2.

I cos 1 dA1 cos 2 dA2

q12 A A R2
F12 2 1
qemitted I A1

after algebraic simplification this becomes:

1 cos 1 cos 2 dA1 dA2

A1 A2 A1 R2

Example Consider a diffuse dr

circular disk of diameter D and
area Aj and a plane diffuse dAj
surface of area Ai << Aj. The
Aj j
surfaces are parallel, and Ai is
located at a distance L from the L
center of Aj. Obtain an i
expression for the view factor Fij.
dAi dAi

The view factor may be obtained from:

1 cos 1 cos 2 dA1 dA2

A1 A2 A1 R2

Since dAi is a differential area

cos1 cos 2 dA1

A1 R2
Substituting for the cosines and the differential area:

L R 2 r dr

A1 R2
After simplifying:

L2 2 r dr
A1 R4

Let 2 L2 + r2 = R2. Then 2d = 2rdr.

L2 2 d
A1 4
After integrating,
2 1 2
F12 2 L2 L 2 2
2 A2 L 0

Substituting the upper & lower limits

2 4 1 2 D2
F12 L 2
4 L2
D 2
L 0 4 L2 D 2

This is but one example of how the view factor may be evaluated using the
integral method. The approach used here is conceptually quite straight
forward; evaluating the integrals and algebraically simplifying the resulting
equations can be quite lengthy.

In order that we might apply conservation of energy to the radiation
process, we must account for all energy leaving a surface. We imagine that
the surrounding surfaces act as an enclosure about the heat source which
receive all emitted energy. Should there be an opening in this enclosure
through which energy might be lost, we place an imaginary surface across
this opening to intercept this portion of the emitted energy. For an N
surfaced enclosure, we can then see that:

N This relationship is
j 1
i, j 1 known as the
Conservation Rule.

Example: Consider the previous problem of a small disk radiating to a

larger disk placed directly above at a distance L.
The view factor was shown to be
2 given by the relationship:
3 4 L2 D 2
Here, in order to provide an
enclosure, we will define an
1 imaginary surface 3, a truncated
cone intersecting circles 1 and 2.
From our conservation rule we have:

j 1
i, j F1,1 F1, 2 F1,3

Since surface 1 is not convex F1,1 = 0. Then:

F13 1
4 L2 D 2


We may write the view factor from surface i to surface j as:

cos i cos j dAi dA j

Ai Fi j
A j Ai R2

Similarly, between surfaces j and i:

cos j cos i dA j dAi

A j F ji
A j Ai R2

Comparing the integrals we see that they are identical so that:

Ai Fi j A j F j i This relationship
is known as

Example: Consider two concentric spheres shown to the

right. All radiation leaving the outside of surface 1
will strike surface 2. Part of the radiant energy leaving 1 2
the inside surface of object 2 will strike surface 1, part
will return to surface 2. To find the fraction of energy
leaving surface 2 which strikes surface 1, we apply reciprocity:

A1 A D
A2 F2,1 A1 F1, 2 F2,1 F1, 2 1 1
A2 A2 D2

Associative Rule

Consider the set of surfaces shown to the right: Clearly,

from conservation of energy, the fraction of energy
leaving surface i and striking the combined surface j+k
will equal the fraction of energy emitted from i and
striking j plus the fraction leaving surface i and j
striking k. k

Fi ( j k ) Fi j Fi k This relationship is
known as the
Associative Rule.


We have developed the concept of intensity, I, which let to the concept of

the view factor. We have discussed various methods of finding view
factors. There remains one additional concept to introduce before we can
consider the solution of radiation problems.

Radiosity, J, is defined as the total energy leaving a surface per unit area
and per unit time. This may initially sound much like the definition of
emissive power, but the sketch below will help to clarify the concept.

Eb G G
J Eb + G

Net Exchange Between Surfaces

Consider the two surfaces shown. Radiation will travel from surface i to
surface j and will also travel from j to i.

qij = JiAi Fij Jj

qji = JjAj Fjj Ji

The net heat transfer is then:

qji (net) = JiAi Fij - JjAj Fjj

From reciprocity we note that F12A1 = F21A2 so that

qji (net) = JiAi Fij - Jj Ai Fij = Ai Fij(Ji Jj)

Net Energy Leaving a Surface

The net energy leaving a surface will be Eb G G

the difference between the energy leaving
a surface and the energy received by a

q1 = [Eb G]A1

Combine this relationship with the definition of Radiosity to eliminate G.

J Eb + G G = [J - Eb]/

q1 = {Eb [J - Eb]/}A1

Assume opaque surfaces so that + = 1 = 1 , and substitute for .

q1 = {Eb [J - Eb]/(1 )}A1

Put the equation over a common denominator:

1 Eb J Eb Eb J
1 A1 1 A1

If we assume that = then the equation reduces to:

Eb J A1
q1 A1 Eb J
1 1

Electrical Analogy for Radiation

We may develop an electrical analogy for radiation, similar to that
produced for conduction. The two analogies should not be mixed: they
have different dimensions on the potential differences, resistance and
current flows.

Equivalent Equivalent Potential

Current Resistance Difference
Ohms Law I R V
Net Energy 1
Leaving Surface q1 A Eb - J
Net Exchange 1
Between qij A1 F12
J1 J2

Alternate Procedure for Developing Networks

Count the number of surfaces. (A surface must be at a uniform

temperature and have uniform properties, i.e. , , .)
Draw a radiosity node for each surface.
Connect the Radiosity nodes using view factor resistances, 1/AiFij.
Connect each Radiosity node to a grounded battery, through a surface

resistance, 1 A .

This procedure should lead to exactly the same circuit as we obtain


Simplifications to the Electrical Network

Insulated surfaces. In steady state heat transfer, a surface cannot

receive net energy if it
is insulated. Because
the energy cannot be R3 1

stored by a surface in A

steady state, all energy

must be re-radiated
back into the enclosure.
Insulated surfaces are
often termed as re-
radiating surfaces.

Electrically cannot flow

through a battery if it is not grounded.

Surface 3 is not grounded so that the battery and surface

resistance serve no purpose and are removed from the drawing.

Black surfaces: A black, or ideal surface, will have no surface


1 1 1
A 1 A 0
In this case the nodal Radiosity and emissive power will be equal.

This result gives some insight into the physical meaning of a black
surface. Ideal surfaces radiate at the maximum possible level. Non-
black surfaces will have a reduced potential, somewhat like a battery
with a corroded terminal. They therefore have a reduced potential to
cause heat/current flow.

Large surfaces: Surfaces having a large surface area will behave as

black surfaces, irrespective of the actual surface properties:

1 1
A 0

Physically, this corresponds to the characteristic of large surfaces that as

they reflect energy, there is very little chance that energy will strike the
smaller surfaces; most of the energy is reflected back to another part of
the same large surface. After several partial absorptions most of the
energy received is absorbed.

Solution of Analogous Electrical Circuits.

Large Enclosures

Consider the case of an object, 1, placed inside a large enclosure, 2.

The system will consist of two objects, so we proceed to construct a
circuit with two radiosity nodes.

J1 J2

Now we ground both Radiosity nodes through a surface


J1 J2

(1-1)/(1A1) (1-2)/(2A2)

Eb1 T14 R1 R12 R2 Eb2 T24

Since A2 is large, R2 = 0. The view factor, F12 = 1

(1-1)/(1A1) 1/(A1F12)
J1 J2

Eb1 T14 R1 R12 Eb2 T24

Sum the series resistances:

RSeries = (1-1)/(1A1) + 1/A1 = 1/(1A1)

Ohms law:

i = V/R
or by analogy:
q = Eb/RSeries = 1A1(T14 T24)

You may recall this result from Thermo I, where it was

introduced to solve this type of radiation problem.
Networks with Multiple Potentials

Systems with 3 or more

J2 J3
grounded potentials
will require a slightly 1
different solution, but A1 F12
one which students R12 R13 Eb3
have previously
encountered in the J1
Circuits course.
The procedure will be to
apply Kirchoffs law to each
of the Radiosity junctions.

i 1
i 0

In this example there are three junctions, so we will obtain three

equations. This will allow us to solve for three unknowns.

Radiation problems will generally be presented on one of two ways:

o The surface net heat flow is given and the surface temperature is
to be found.
o The surface temperature is given and the net heat flow is to be

Returning for a moment to the coal grate furnace, let us assume that
we know (a) the total heat being produced by the coal bed, (b) the
temperatures of the water walls and (c) the temperature of the super
heater sections.

Apply Kirchoffs law about node 1, for the coal bed:

J 2 J1 J 3 J1
q1 q 21 q31 q1 0
R12 R13

Similarly, for node 2:

Eb 2 J 2 J 1 J 2 J 3 J 2
q2 q12 q32 0
R2 R12 R23

(Note how node 1, with a specified heat input, is handled differently

than node 2, with a specified temperature.

And for node 3:

Eb 3 J 3 J 1 J 3 J 2 J 3
q3 q13 q 23 0
R3 R13 R23

The three equations must be solved simultaneously. Since they

are each linear in J, matrix methods may be used:

1 1 1 1

R12 R13 R12 R13 J 1 q1



1 1 J E b 2
R12 R2 R12 R13 R23 2 R2

1 1 1 1 1 J 3 Eb 3

R13 R23 R3 R13 R23 R3

The matrix may be solved for the individual Radiosity. Once

these are known, we return to the electrical analogy to find the
temperature of surface 1, and the heat flows to surfaces 2 and 3.

Surface 1: Find the coal bed temperature, given the heat flow:
Eb1 J 1 T14 J 1 q R J1
q1 T1 1 1
R1 R1

Surface 2: Find the water wall heat input, given the water wall

Eb 2 J 2 T24 J 2
R2 R2

Surface 3: (Similar to surface 2) Find the water wall heat input,

given the water wall temperature:

Eb 3 J 3 T34 J 3
R3 R3

Mass transfer specifically refers to the relative motion of species in a mixture
due to concentration gradients. In many technical applications, heat transfer
processes occur simultaneously with mass transfer processes. The present
module discusses these transfer mechanisms. Since the principles of mass
transfer are very similar to those of heat transfer, the analogy between heat and
mass transfer will be used throughout this module.

10.1 Mass transfer through diffusion

In Module 2 "Conduction", the Fourier equation was introduced, which relates
the heat transfer to an existent temperature gradient:

dT J
q k (Fouriers law) (10.1)
dy m 2 s

For mass transfer, where a component A diffuses in a mixture with a component

B an analogous relation for the rate of diffusion, based on the concentration
gradient can be used
d kg
j A D AB A 2 (Ficks law) (10.2)
dy m s

where is the density of the gas mixture, DAB the diffusion coefficient and
A A / the mass concentration of component A.
The sum of all diffusion fluxes must be zero, since the diffusion flow is, by
definition, superimposed to the net mass transfer:

ji 0 (10.3)

With A B 1 we get

d d
A B (10.4)
dy dy
which yields


The analogy between diffusive heat transfer (heat conduction) and diffusive
mass transfer (diffusion) can be illustrated by considering unsteady diffusive
transfer through a layer.

In heat conduction we can calculate the temperature field in a semi-infinite

plate, whose surface temperature is forced to suddenly change to a constant
value at t = 0. The derivation will be repeated here in summarized form.

Heat conduction, unsteady, semi-infinite plate:

c k
t x x
T k 2T 2T
t c x 2 x

Fig. 10.1: Unsteady heat


This partial differential equation can be transformed into an ordinary differential

d 2 d *
2 0 (10.6)
dy 2 d

and yields
T T0 x
1 erf (10.7)
Tu T 4t

Fig. 10.2 Temperature field

The heat flux at the wall can be calculated from the temperature gradient.

dT k kc
q x 0 k T T0 T T (10.8)
x 0
t u

The corresponding example in mass transfer is the diffusion of a gas

component, which is brought in contact with another gas layer at time t=0.

The transient field of concentration with pure diffusion results from a balance of
component i

Fig. 10.3: Transient diffusion

i 2 i
D 2
t x
i 2

D 2i
t x

The initial and boundary conditions for the semi-infinite fluid layer with a fixed
concentration at the interface are:

i t 0, x i ,o
i t 0, x 0 i ,u (10.10)
i t 0, x i ,o

The solution, i.e. the field of concentration, is analogue to the one above.

i i ,o x
1 erf (10.11)
u i ,o 4 Dt

Fig. 10.4 Concentration field

The diffusive mass flux of component i at the interface can be derived as

ji x 0 i ,Ph i ,o (10.12)

Fig. 10.5 Gas absorption in a falling film

A practical example from chemical engineering is the absorption of a gas

component i in a falling film. Considering a large film thickness or short contact
times the theoretical results (penetration theory) can be used.
The absorbed mass flux is

mi Aji x 0
D (10.13)
A i ,Ph i ,o

Finally, the contact time can be calculated from the film velocity and the film
t f (10.14)

10.2 Mass transfer in a flowing medium

If we balance the net masses flowing in and out of a control volume of a fluid
mixture, i.e. the sum of the convective and diffusive mass flows of the
component i

mi mi,conv mi,diff i u ji (10.15)

we get for a steady state flow without sources the conservation equation for the
component i under investigation:

Fig. 10.6 Balance of mass flows on a control volume

i u ji,x i v ji, y i w ji,z 0 (10.16)
x y z

This equation can be differentiated partially and rewritten applying the equation
of continuity. This yields the form of the conservation equation for component i
(the index i will be disregarded further on):

u v w D D D (10.17)
x y z x x y y z z

Assuming constant material properties and introducing the Schmidt number

Sc , we get the simplified form:

2 2 2
u v w 2 2 2 (10.18)
x y z Sc x y z

which in analogy to the energy equation of the Module 6 on convection, can be

made dimensionless by introducing dimensionless parameters. In a physical
Momentum diffusivity
sense, Sc
D D Mass diffusivity

If we define
x y z u v w w
x * ; y * ; z * ; u * ; v * ; w* ; *
L L L u u u w

we get the dimensionless equation of mass conservation

* *
1 2 * 2 * 2 *
u *
v w (10.19)
x * y * z * Re Sc x *2 y *2 z *2

from which can be concluded that the scaled concentration field must depend on
the dimensionless coordinates and the dimensionless numbers Re and Sc:

* f ( x * , y * , z * , Re, Pr) (10.20)

Note the analogy to heat transfer, where in Module 6 "Convection", for the
temperature field, the following was valid:
T * f ( x * , y * , z * , Re, Pr) (10.21)

10.3 Diffusive mass transfer on a surface

The heat flux was determined in Module 6 "Convection" from the gradient of
the temperature at the wall:

T T Tw T *
qw k y 0
k (10.22)
y L y * y * 0

This heat flux was represented using an empirical equation for the heat transfer

qw h Tw T (10.23)

which written in dimensionless form was introduced as the Nusselt number Nu:

hL T *
Nu * f (Re, Pr) (10.24)
k y y * 0

For many practical cases, the Nusselt laws are written in the form:

Nu C Re m Pr n (10.25)

We will proceed accordingly to describe mass transfer.

For the diffusive mass flow rate, Fick's Law is rewritten using dimensionless

w *
j A D y 0
D (10.26)
y L y * y 0

and compared to an empirical equation using the mass transfer coefficient

hmass 2
m s

j A hmass w (10.27)

By the comparison, we get the dimensionless mass transfer number, the

Sherwood number Sh:

hmass L *
Sh * f (Re, Sc) (10.28)
D y y * 0

Sherwood number correlations, in turn, can be written using appropriate

dimensionless numbers

Sh C Re m Sc n (10.29)

Since the type of the mass conservation equation and energy equation are the
same, the constants C and the exponents m and n of both relationships must be
equal for comparable boundary conditions.

It seems like we need one more dimensionless number to represent the relative
magnitudes of heat and mass diffusion in the thermal and concentration
boundary layers. That is the Lewis number, defined as

Sc Thermal diffusivity
Pr D Mass diffusivity

10.4 Analogy between heat and mass transfer

Comparing the correlation for the heat and mass transfer, we can find their ratio
Sh Sc
Nu Pr

and hence
n 1
hmass Sc
h / c p Pr

For gases, the Prandtl and the Schmidt number are almost equal. In this case a
simple approximation for the relationship between the mass and heat transfer
coefficient can be derived, which is the so-called Lewis relation
1 Lewis relation (10.32)
h / cp

10.5 Evaporation on a liquid surface

When vapour from the surface of the liquid A enters the surrounding gas
mixture, consisting of the component A and B, then this process is called
evaporation. This mass transfer is determined by diffusive processes, i.e.
diffusive resistances. The process differs from that of vaporisation, since in the
latter the transferred vapour component is transferred to a pure vapour
environment. Diffusion resistances are not relevant for the process of

The net mass flow of component A from the liquid surface to the gas consists of
a convective and diffusive part

mA mA,conv mA,diff A v j A (10.33)

Fig. 10.7 Mass balance on a liquid surface

Usually, it is assumed that the gas component B cannot penetrate the liquid
surface, hence for the net flow of component B:

mB mB,conv mB,diff B v jB (10.34)

With j A j B 0 and A B 1 we get the net evaporation flow on the surface

m mA,w j A,w
1 A,w


The net mass flow is obviously increased by the factor F, the Stefan factor,
compared to the diffusion flow. This factor takes into account that the wall is
only permeable for the evaporating component A ("semi-permeable wall").

If we express the diffusive flow by equation 10.27, by the mass transfer

coefficient and the concentration difference, we get:

m hmass (10.35)
1 w

or in dimensionless form

m Sh w
u ReSc 1 w


with as the mass concentration of the transferred component and B the

driving potential for the mass transfer.

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