Psychsoc Syllabus 2015
Psychsoc Syllabus 2015
Psychsoc Syllabus 2015
Middle Creek High School
Social Studies: Room 212
Course material (all notes, assignments, and handouts for this class) should be kept in the
students folder dated and in chronological order. Folders will be checked periodically for
completeness and organization.
Units of Study:
Unit 1: Introduction and Biopsychology
Unit 2: Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
Unit 3: Differences
Unit 4: Social Psychology
Unit 5: Introduction to Sociology and Cultural Diversity
Unit 6: Socialization, Conformity, Deviance
Unit 7: Inequality and Stratification
Unit 8: Social Change
Grading Policy:
We will have classwork most days. Anything not completed in class will need to be completed at
home. Assignments will be checked the next day for completion.
Instead of tests, you will have a project for each unit as your summative assessment. This is your
opportunity to prove to me that you have mastered the content of this unit. This is subject to change
depending on classroom engagement and quality of projects submitted.
Quizzes: There will be 1-2 quizzes for each unit. Typically, these quizzes will be in multiple choice/fill
in the blank format and will be used to check in and make sure you are grasping the content.
Technology can be an excellent tool in education, when it is used responsibly. If your use of
technology becomes a distraction to you, or to those around you, I will remove the distraction.
Mr. Collishaw
I have extremely high expectations for this course and expect every student to live up to these and
strive to do their very best for the whole semester. If any students or parents have a question about
course material or progress, please email me at I welcome any parent contacts
and look forward to working with each student meet the course objectives and goals.
Guardian Name:_______________________________________________________________________
Students and guardians - is there anything I need to know about you (or your student) to help you
be successful in my classroom?
Parents, if you are able to donate any of the following, they would be put to great use!
-Tissues -Notebook Paper
-Colored pencils -Hand sanitizer
-Pens/pencils -Clorox Wipes
-Whiteboard Markers
After reading the course syllabus, please sign below, indicating that you have read and understand
the syllabus: