Labour Law-II Syllabus KG
Labour Law-II Syllabus KG
Labour Law-II Syllabus KG
Wage policies: Concept of Wages Theories of wages Living wages, Fair wage and
Minimum wage.
Payment of Wages Act,1936 - Object and Purpose Application of the Act Definition
of Wages Employers Obligations Deduction from wages Inspectors, Authority,
Minimum Wages Act, 1948: - Concept of Minimum wage Fixation of minimum rates
of wages Fixation and procedure Advisory Board Inspectors, powers and claims
Exceptions and offences
The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965: - Concept of Bonus kinds of Bonus Application
of Full Bench Formula Eligibility and extent of Bonus Concepts of Allocable
Surplus, Available Surplus;, Set-On and Set-Off Forfeiture of Bonus Prior
charges Bonus Commission Minimum Bonus Maximum Bonus.
Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 :-
The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972: - Concept of Gratuity Eligibility for Payment of
Gratuity- Determination Forfeiture Exemption Controlling Authority Penalties.
The Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1982 - Scope and
Application of the Act Definitions Authorities Their powers and Functions
Principle of contribution Provident Fund Schemes.
UNIT IV: - Social Insurance
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 - Significance Object and Application Eligibility and
Maternity Benefits Nature of claim Prohibition against dismissal, wage deduction
Powers and duties of Inspectors.
The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 Importance Nature Scope of the Act
Definitions of Seasonal Factory, - E.S.I. Corporation E.S.I. Funds Payment of
Contributions ESI Benefits Adjudication of Disputes ESI court Jurisdiction and
The Factories Act, 1948 Object & Scope Definition of a Factory Health, Safety &
Welfare measures working Hours - Hazardous process Restriction on Employment of
Women and Children Annual Leave with wages - Offences and Penalties.
Reference books
1. K.D. Srivastava, Payment of Bonus Act, Eastern Book Company
2. K.D.Srivastava, Commentaries on Payment of Wages Act, 1998, Eastern
Book Co.
3. K.D.Srivastava, Commentaries on Minimum Wages Act, 1995, Eastern
Book Co.
4. S.C.Srivastava, Treatise on Social Security
5. Khan & Kahan, Labour Law-Asia Law house, Hyderabad
6. S.C. Srivastava, Commentaries on factories Act, 1948, Universal Law
Publishing House, Delhi
7. H. K. Saharay, Labour and Industrial Relations
8. Dr. Goswami - Social Security Legislations
9. H.L. Kumar -Labour and Industrial Law
Statutory Materials:
1) Payment of Wages Act, 1936
2) Minimum Wages Act, 1948
3) Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
4) Equal Renumeration Act, 1976
5) Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
6) Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1982
7) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
8) Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
9) Factories Act, 1948
In addition to the existing above mentioned legislation students are instructed to refer the
relevance of Labour Code on Social Security in India