Steering Knuckle Analysis

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 4106, P-ISSN 2347 5161

2016 INPRESSCO, All Rights Reserved Available at

Research Article

Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student

Joijode Vrushabh Umesh* and Yadav Abhishek

Mechanical Engineering Department, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, 666, Upper Indira Nagar, Pune-37, India

Accepted 02 March 2016, Available online 15 March 2016, Special Issue-4 (March 2016)


In a Formula Student Car or in any car as such, the part that connects the main frame of the body with the wheels
through suspension arms is known as the Wheel Assembly. It is a part of the Final drive as well. While designing and
developing any automobile the designing of the wheel assembly is critical. It is due to the reason that a lot of forces
are acting on the wheel assembly during accelerating, braking, cornering and tilting. Furthermore, the Wheel
Assembly is an important part of an automobile and its failure is hazardous endangering human life. Therefore is
required to design the Wheel Assembly and its components considering all the factors leading to the failure by
developing a safe Design. It must also be noted that, the components must be designed in such a way that they have a
minimum weight at the same time care must be taken that they do not cross a certain limit of stress value. In this
Paper the Complete Design Procedure of the Wheel Assembly for R12 Rims with wet Tires (16560) has been
presented along with optimization of the same components. The weight of the Vehicle is considered to be 300 kg
along with the driver. The paper illustrates the forces acting on the components, the failure criteria and the
optimization of the components. Optimization has been carried out by doing analysis of the components in Hyper
mesh. The paper deals with finding out the dimensions of the individual components and also detecting the probable
regions of stress concentration. The Wheel Assembly designed in the paper is of Team Veloce, VIT, Pune. The design
procedure follows all the rules laid down by FSAE Rule Book for Formula Type Cars.

Keywords: Yield Strength, Factor of safety, Load transfer, stress concentration, mesh, element size, analysis.

1. Introduction least as possible to provide proper drive stability and

load balancing of the vehicle. Thus it becomes
1 An automobile is said to function appropriately only important to reduce the mass of the wheel assembly
when all its systems are working as they are required and the rims and tires. But while doing this care must
to work. The engine produces power and gives it to the be taken that the mass of the wheels, tires and the
drive train through a clutch. The portion of the drive wheel assembly must be enough to prevent the lateral
which transmits this power from the drive train to the toppling of the vehicle at the time of cornering or
wheel and which connects the main frame of the body impact.
with the wheels through the suspension arms is
There are a lot of forces acting on the wheels in the
known as the Wheel Assembly. It is a part of the final
drive. Thus it serves the function of transmitting the static and especially in the dynamic condition. As the
power from the drive shaft to the wheels. Besides as Wheel assembly is directly connected to the wheels, all
the suspension arms are also connected to it, the these forces also have an impact on the designing of
wheel assembly also transfers the bump force from the the Wheel Assembly. A lot of forces act on the wheel
ground to the suspension arms. assembly during accelerating, braking, cornering and
There are always two types of masses in an tilting.
automobile sprung and unsprung mass. All the mass A good Wheel Assembly is one which can sustain
of the vehicle that is damped by the spring is called as such forces over a longer period of time. Thus it is
the sprung mass. As the Wheel Assembly mass is not required to design the wheel assembly considering all
damped by the spring, it comes into the unsprung these factors. A failure of any component of the Wheel
mass category. We know that the unsprung mass must Assembly means a breakdown of the automobile and
be lower than the sprung mass and also should be as in some cases might also be hazardous for the driver.
Thus utmost care must be taken while designing the
*Corresponding author: Joijode Vrushabh Umesh Wheel Assembly. The objective of Optimization is
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

always to find the best possible and suitable 99% and above of all the elements generated in the
dimension. This is because optimization does not meshing pass the following parameter.
always mean reducing dimensions it also means
finding out the dimensions which will just enough to 2. Components of Wheel Assembly.
sustain the forces.
As shown in the figure the Wheel Assembly consists of
Here in this case, R12 rims have been used along with
the following Components.
16560 wet tires. The Weight of the vehicle is
considered to be 300 kg along with the driver. All the
1) Spindle-(1)
forces have been found out on the above basis and
according to the above mentioned Wheels. The Wheel 2) Knuckle-(1)
Assembly designed in the paper is of Team Veloce, VIT, 3) Hub-(1)
Pune. The design procedure follows all the rules laid 4) Bearings
down by FSAE Rule Book for Formula Type Cars. a. Taper Roller Bearing- Front-(2)
b. Deep Groove Ball Bearing-Rear-(1)
The analysis is done on Hyper works.
5) Nut-(1)
While generating the mesh proximity and curvature 6) Cotter/Split Pin-(1)
feature is used which is used to generate more amount
of nodes at bends and cavities. Before understanding the procedure it is important to
The above feature is helpful as stress concentration understand how all these components are assembled.
tends to accumulate more in regions of bends and Firstly the spindle is take. The Knuckle is press fitted
on the spindle. Then the spacer between the knuckle
Table 1 Parameters of mesh elements and hub is either slide fitted of=r press fitted on the
spindle in order to accommodate the caliper. After
Parameter Size wards the inner race of the bearing is press fitted on
the spindle. The hub is taken and the outer race of the
Minimum Element Size 0.4mm bearing is press fitted in the hub. Then the hub is
Feature Angle 30
positioned on the bearing and then the second
bearings inner race is press fitted on the spindle. Then
Element Size 2mm the nut is tightened on the spindle and a split pin is
inserted into the hole made in spindle for positively
locking the Wheel Assembly.
The mesh generated is a tetra mesh.

Table 2 Element type

2D Type Trias

3D Type Tetras

Elements generated after meshing are checked under

the following parameters:
Fig.1 Wheel Assembly View-1
Table 3 Checking Parameters

Aspect >5.00

Warpage >5.00

Skew >60.00

Tet. Collapse <0.2

Cell Squish >0.5

Jacobian <0.7
Fig.2 Wheel Assembly View-2
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

Fig.4 Front Suspension Geometry

Fig.3 Exploded View
3. Design Procedure

The following paper deals with the design procedure

of the wheel assembly. Designing the wheel assembly
is nothing but deciding the shape according to the
requirement, finding out the dimensions of the various
components, their position in the wheel assembly, the
type of fit between the components, etc. The following Fig.5 Rear Suspension Geometry
are the steps in designing the Wheel assembly:-

3.1 Getting the prerequisite parameters from the

suspension and steering geometry

The first step while designing the wheel assembly is to

find out the required parameters in order to design the
wheel assembly from the steering and the suspension
geometry. The Steering and Suspension Engineer
design their geometry, a kinematic representation of
various parts in that system, according to the
requirement. A Wheel Assembly Design Engineer must Fig.6 Steering Geometry
refer to these geometries so that in the actual car these
parameter are followed. The Steering Geometry has an 3.2 Finding the effect length of knuckle
influence on the Front Wheel Assembly only. The
Front Suspension and Rear Suspension Geometry The lengths of the knuckle obtained from the
affect the front and rear assemblies. Parameters such suspension geometry is from one view only. Besides it
as King Pin Angle, Steering Arm angle, Tie rod angle is a matter whether or not to provide inbuilt caster
are obtained from the Steering geometry, whereas the also affect the length. So it is important to find out the
Caster angle, the angle of upper A-arm and the lower actual lengths from these two angles as shown in
A-arm, Rear Track width are obtained from figure. From the above figure it is clear that the
Suspension Geometry. Parameters like the Stub length effective length of the front knuckle is 85.685 above
and the front track width are obtained from both and 86.761 from the center point.
Geometries. Considering the Front Wheel Assembly
the Parameters are as follows Total Effect Length: - 172.411mm

King Pine Inclination:-70

Caster Angle: - 50

Tie Rod Angle: - 3.940

Track Width: - 1200mm

Wheel Diameter: - 502.8mm

Total length of Knuckle: - 171mm

Upper A-arm angle: - 6.3690

Lower A-arm angle: - 3.1930 Fig.7 Effect of King Pin and Caster on Length

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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

3.3 Design of Spindle = 75 9.81 0.7

Firstly the spindle is designed on which other
components such as knuckle, bearings and hub will be = 129.44 N
fitted. At this stage we cannot decide the actual length
of the spindle, so we just consider the tentative length Torque on spindle = 130 N (i)
of the spindle.
3.3.2 Drawing the Free Body Diagram
Material: - The material for manufacturing the spindle
is taken to be EN24. There will be parts which will be
press fitted on the spindle. So heat treatment will be Drawing the Free Body Diagram (FBD) gives an idea
necessary to increase surface hardness. Besides the about the forces acting on the component
yield strength in tension of EN24 is also high. simultaneously.
Syt = 654 N/mm2 [4]

Endurance Limit = 412 N/mm2 [4]

It consists of following steps: -

3.3.1 Determining the forces acting on the spindle:

The forces acting on the spindle are as follows

a. Weight of the vehicle Fig.8 Free body Diagram

During static and dynamic conditions a constant force
3.3.3 Designing and determining the dimensions.
of the self-weight is acting on the spindle at the part
inside the knuckle. Even if it is considered as the more Shear Failure of the Spindle
than half the weight of the car is acting at the front
portion of the car during braking, the weight on the
The spindle is likely to fail in shear because of the
one wheel is
bump force. The spindle is a critical part and it is not at
Weight in the front portion = 175 kg all desirable to fail any condition, hence the factor of

Weight on one tire = 175/2=87.5 kg safety is taken to be 3.

Force due to weight of the vehicle = 87.5 9.81 = The allowable shear stress = = 109
858.375 N
Let us consider this weight to be 1000 N.
b. Bump force on the tire

At the time of a bump in the surface a force will act on

the portion of the spindle which is inside the spindle.
This is because the hub is bolted directly to the wheel.
This force is obtained from the wheel rate. For design
purpose the wheel rate is kept as 45N/mm2. Also it is
considered that there will be no bump more than
30mm as the track is extremely flat.
Thus from the shear failure the diameter of
Bump Force = Wheel rate Travel due to bump spindle-d comes out to be 4 mm

= 45 30 =1350 N Bending and Torsional Failure of the Spindle

c. Torque on the spindle.

To find out the Maximum Bending Moment, the SFD
Torque = mass on the spindle g radius of the wheel and BMD are to be drawn. Referring to the force
coefficient of friction diagram of the spindle,
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

The Torque acting on spindle can be directly taken

from result number (i)

Mt= 130 N-m = 130000N-mm

As EN24 is a ductile material, using maximum shear

stress theory to find out the diameter of the spindle.

d3 =

d3 = [1]

d = 18.35 mm 20 mm

Thus from the bending and torsional failure the

diameter of spindle-d comes out to be 20 mm

3.3.4 Analysis and Optimization.

Fig.9 Shear Force Diagram and Bending Moment


Equating forces along Y-axis to 0

Ra + Rb =1000-1350

Ra + Rb = - 350 N
Fig.10 FEM Analysis of Spindle
Equating the moments about point A =0
3.4 Design of Knuckle
- (1350 15) (Rb 30) + (1000 55) = 0
Knuckle is that part of the wheel assembly which is
Rb = 1158.33N press fitted on the spindle and the A-arms are also
mounted on the Knuckle. Besides the knuckle also
Ra + 1158.33N = - 350 N
serves the function of providing mounting to the Brake
Ra = -1508.33N Caliper. The Steering Arm which is used to connect the
wheel assembly and the tie rod is also mounted on the
After reconsidering the force diagram comes out be as knuckle. Thus due to all these mountings, there are a
shown in figure lot of forces acting on the knuckle. The Knuckle as such
is subjected to completely reversed types of stress
Now, while turning from one turn to the other and also
during braking and accelerating. Thus a brittle
Moment about D= 0
material is not at suitable for this application. Thus
Moment about B= (1000 25) = 25000 N-mm taking a tensile material called Aluminum 7075 T6. It
has high strength to weight ratio. Thus with much
Moment about C= (1000 40) (1160 15) = 22600 lower weight one can produce strong knuckles. The
N-mm Endurance limit of this material is much more than
that of other aluminum series. The material properties
Moment about A= (1000 550) (1160 30) (1350 are as follows:-
15) = -50 N-mm
Syt = 503 N/mm2 [3]
From above it is clearly seen that the maximum
bending moment is at point B, thus Mb= 25000N-mm Endurance Limit = 160 N/mm2 [3]
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Density = 2800 kg/m3 Force 1 = 1165.82 cos (8.556) = 1152.84 N

3.4.1 Determining the forces acting on the Knuckle: Force 2 = 1165.82 sin (8.556) = 173.44 N

The forces acting on the spindle are as follows But the force on steering arm =1165.52 N (v)

a. Longitudinal Forces during Braking:-

While Braking, the weight of the rear side tends to

come in the front side of the vehicle so there is a load
transfer that is taking place form rear to front. It intern
affects the knuckle as these forces act on the A-arm
mounting points through the A-arms.

Considering Maximum acceleration of 1g = 9.81 m/s2

Force at the front side = mass at the rear side of the

Fig.11 Steering Arm Forces
vehicle acceleration

Let the mass at the rear side of the vehicle be 0.6 times d. Forces on the caliper mounting points due to
the total weight torque

Mass at the rear side of the vehicle=0.6 300 =180 The radius for the upper and lower caliper mount
kg points are 89.13 mm and 60.233 mm. The maximum
Force = 180 9.81 force will be at minimum radius. Hence consider the
force on the lower arm.
Force = 1765.8 N
Force (lower) = = = 2158.28 N (vi)
Now force on 1 wheel =1765.8/2 =882.9 N
3.4.2 Drawing the Free Body Diagram
Thus Longitudinal Force =882.9 N (ii)
Drawing the Free Body Diagram (FBD) gives an idea
b. Lateral Forces: -
about the forces acting on the component
Lateral forces are because of two reasons centrifugal simultaneously.
force and lateral load transfer from outside to inside
while turning. The centrifugal force is considered as

Let the vehicle take a turn of 6m turning radius and at

a speed of 30kmph

r = turning radius =6m

v= 30 kmph = =8.3333 m/s

Centrifugal Force = = =1388.77 N


Now consider if all the weigh at the front side comes

on the wheel assembly the force will be Force due to
lateral load transfer =0.4 300 9.81 =1175.5 (iv)

c. Force on the Steering Arm: - Fig.12 Free Body Diagram

3.4.3 Designing and determining the dimensions.
According to the steering effort, the force on steering
Selection of Knuckle Upper and Lower Bracket Bolt
arm was found out to be 1165.52 at an angle of 8.5560.
After resolving these forces.
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

The bolts are standard parts and have a defined value The force acting on the Steering arm is given by the
of yield strength. All bolts used in the Wheel Assembly result (v)
are made up of a minimum of 8.8 Grade.
Syt = 580 N/mm2 [3]

Factor of Safety = 2
( )

Shear Force acting on these bolts = =

= 2.2621 mm
= /0.8
Shear Stress on the bolts = =
= 2.2621/0.8
= 145 N/mm2
= 2.82mm
Thus selecting the Steering arm bolt size as M8.
( )
Longitudinal Shear Failure of the Knuckle Bracket.
= 1.9016 mm Allowable stress in the knuckle in shear =
= /0.8 = = 125.75 N/mm2

= 1.9016/0.8 Longitudinal force acting on bracket = 442 N

= 2.37mm Now,

This value is too small. Thus for practical reasons

selecting the bracket bolt size as M8.

Selection of Caliper Mounting Bolt t b = 1.7574

Shear Stress on the bolts = = Where,

= 145 N/mm2 t= thickness of one plate of bracket

The force acting on the caliper bolt is given by the b= distance between the hole and the end of bracket
result (vi)


( )

= 4.3533 mm

= /0.8

= 4.3533/0.8 Fig.13 Shear of Knuckle Bracket

If t = 6mm b= 0.3 mm
= 5.44mm
Thus for practical reasons the width of bracket in
Thus selecting the caliper bolt size as M8. longitudinal direction is taken to be 12 mm

Selection of Steering arm Bolt The thickness of the bracket is taken as 6 mm

Shear Stress on the bolts = = Lateral Shear Failure of the Knuckle Bracket

= 145 N/mm2
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

Allowable stress in the knuckle in shear = y= b/2

= = 125.75 N/mm2 I=

Lateral force acting on bracket = 695 N Where,

Now, t= thickness of knuckle

b= width of knuckle

t b = 2.7634

t b3 = 905.821
t= thickness of one plate of bracket
If t= 16mm b = 3.84 mm
b= distance between the hole and the end of bracket
But here it is also important to understand that the
spindle will be fitting in the knuckle thus for this
reason the width of knuckle is taken as 50mm at the
center and would then decrease to 40 mm till the end.

Thus, the width of knuckle is 50mm.

The thickness of knuckle is 16 mm.

Bending due to Centrifugal Force

This bending is due to the force of 1388.77 N. The

Fig.14 Shear of Knuckle Bracket longest part of knuckle is 86 mm away from the center
and the knuckle is almost symmetric. Thus bending
If t = 6mm b= 0.46 mm moment in such cases is taken to be

Mb = 1388.77 0.5 86
Thus for practical reasons the width of bracket in
lateral direction is taken to be 10 mm Mb = 59717.11 N-mm
The thickness of the bracket is taken as 6 mm Now,
Bending Failure of Knuckle By Flexural Equation,
Bending due to Longitudinal Force

This bending is due to the force of 883 N. The longest

part of knuckle is 86 mm away from the center and the
= = = 251.5 N/mm2
knuckle is almost symmetric. Thus bending moment in
such cases is taken to be y= t/2
Mb = 883 0.5 86
Mb = 37969 N-mm
t= thickness of knuckle
b= width of knuckle
By Flexural Equation,

= = = 251.5 N/mm2 b t3 = 1424.66

314| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

If t= 16mm b = 0.3478 mm and the knuckle Thus bending moment in such cases is
taken to be
But here it is also important to understand that the
spindle will be fitting in the knuckle thus for this Mb = 1165 50
reason the width of knuckle is taken as 50mm at the
center and would then decrease to 40 mm till the end. Mb = 58250 N-mm

Thus, the width of knuckle is 50mm. Now,

The thickness of knuckle is 16 mm. By Flexural Equation,

Shear Failure of the Steering Arm

Allowable stress in the knuckle in shear = = = = 251.5 N/mm2

= = 125.75 N/mm2 y= t/2

Force acting on Steering Arm as obtained from result Where,

(v) is 1165 N
t= thickness of steering arm in contact with knuckle
Now, b= width of steering arm in contact with knuckle

t b = 4.6322

Where, t b3 = 1389.66

t= thickness of one plate of steering arm If t= 8mm b = 5.579 mm

Thus, the width of steering arm is 6 mm.

b= distance between the hole and the end of arm
The thickness of steering arm is 8 mm.

Shear Failure of the Caliper Mounting

Allowable stress in the knuckle in shear =

= = 125.75 N/mm2

Force acting on Steering Arm as obtained from result

Fig.15 Shear of Steering Arm (vi) is 2158.28 N

If t = 6mm b= 0.77 mm Now,

Thus for practical reasons the width of steering arm

is taken to be 6 mm
t b = 17.163
The thickness of the bracket is taken as 6 mm
Bending Failure of Steering Arm
t= thickness of caliper mount
This bending is due to the force of 1165 N. The longest
part of steering arm is 50 mm away from the center b= distance between the hole and the end of mount
315| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

Fig.16 Shear of Caliper Mount

If t = 6mm b= 2.86 mm Fig.19 Analysis 3

Thus the width of the caliper mount is taken to be 8


The thickness of the bracket is taken as 6 mm.

On the basis of the dimensions found from above

calculations, CAD- Part of the knuckle is drawn. This is
ten used to carry out analysis of the component. Care
should be taken while deciding the dimensions on the
CAD-Part. The dimensions of the component obtained
from the calculations are the minimum dimensions so
that the stress values in that component does not
exceed a particular value, thus the actual dimensions
must be equal to or greater than the calculated Fig.20 Analysis 4

3.4.4 Analysis and Optimization.

Fig.21 Analysis 5
Fig.17 Analysis 1
From the above analysis results, it was concluded that
material must be reduced from the less stress
concentration areas. Thus by step by step reeducation
in material it was made sure that the design was of low
weight with stresses under the permissible limit, thus
creating an optimized Design.

3.5 Selection of bearing

At the front wheels, there are axial as well as radial

forces which are acting on the bearing. This is due to
the reason that the front wheel also has to steer the
Fig.18 Analysis 2 vehicle and also due to centrifugal forces while
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

cornering. Thus it becomes important to used taper The Force acting on each hole = =
roller bearing which can sustain radial as well as axial

forces. Furthermore one must use 2 taper roller = 879.86 N (viii)
bearings in order to cancel out the forces. Otherwise
there would be unbalancing of the forces.
c. Force due to Side Impact: -
This is not the case in Rear Wheels. In rear wheels
there are centrifugal forces acting, but the wheels are If the vehicle is banged by other vehicle from side or if
subjected to high speeds and torques. Taper roller
the vehicle has a collision with the fencing from side,
bearing is incapable of sustaining such high speeds
and torques. Deep groove ball bearing can sustain such there are chances that the petals might bend. Hence
high speeds and torques and hence at rear side deep this side impact force must also be considered.
groove ball bearing has been used. Besides, it is not at
all necessary to used 2 deep groove ball bearings, one Here the side Impact force is taken to be 2G = 2 g
is also sufficient. vehicle mass
The type of arrangement used is back-to-back. The
radial forces on the bearings are 700 N and 634 N. Also Impact force = 2 9.81 300 = 5886 N
the radial force acting on the bearing is 1388 N.
According to the calculations done with reference to Impact force on 1 petal = 8829/3 = 1962 N (ix)
the manufacturers catalog [2], it was found that the
bearing 32004X_Q is suitable for the front wheel
assembly, as its value of C is less than 22900 N.
The Specifications of the bearing [2] are d. Loads on Bearing: -

Inner diameter of bearing =20 mm The load on 1 bearing is 700 N

Outer diameter of bearing = 42 mm The load on 2nd bearing is 634 N

Thickness of bearing = 15 mm The axial load on the bearing is 1388 N

3.6 Design of Hub 3.6.2 Drawing the Free Body Diagram

Hub is the part of wheel assembly on which the wheel

and disk are mounted. Both the Wheel as well as the
disk are mounted on the hub with the help of bolts. As
discussed earlier the outer race of the bearing is press
fitted in the hub and hence provision is made in the
hub to enclose the bearing. The Hub itself is made of 2
Petal parts. One of the wheel and the other of the
brake disk.

3.6.1 Determining the forces acting on the Hub: - Fig.22 Free Body Diagram

The following Forces are acting on the Hub.

3.6.3 Designing and determining the dimensions
a. Torque on the Brake Disk Petal : -

A torque of 130 Nm is acting on the Brake Disk Petal. Selection of Wheel Bolt

The Force acting on each hole = = Shear Stress on the bolts = =

= 145 N/mm2
= 880 N (vii)
The force acting on the Wheel Bolt is given by the
b. Torque on the Wheel Petal : - result (vii)
In order to sustain this braking effect the wheel must
also provide and equal and opposite torque. Thus the
magnitude of torque is same but the direction is
opposite. ( )

317| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

= 2.99 mm

= /0.8 t b = 3.5
= 2.99/0.8 Where,

= 3.74mm t= thickness of Wheel Petal

Also in the rim there is a provision of M12 Bolt. Hence b= distance between the hole and the end of petal
selecting bolt of M12. If t = 8mm b= 0.475 mm
Selection of Brake Disk Bolt Thus the width of the petal is taken to be 7mm

Shear Stress on the bolts = = The thickness of the petal is taken as 8 mm.

= 68.75 N/mm2 Bending of Wheel Petal

The force acting on the Wheel Bolt is given by the This bending is due to the force of 880 N. The radius of
result (viii) effective bending is 49.25 mm

Mb = 880 49.25
Mb = 43340 N-mm

( ) Now,

= 2.99 mm By Flexural Equation,

= /0.8

= 2.99/0.8
= = = 251.5 N/mm2
= 3.74mm y= 2b/2
Thus selecting the bolt size of M8. I=

Design of Wheel Petal Where,

Shear Failure of Petal t= thickness of knuckle

b= width of knuckle
Allowable stress in the Hub in shear =
= = 125.75 N/mm2

Force acting on Petal as obtained from result (vii) is

880 N t d3 = 1034

Now, If t= 8mm d = 11.36 mm

Thus, the width of knuckle is 12mm.

The thickness of knuckle is 8 mm.

Total thickness is = width + diameter of hole

=12+14 = 26 mm

Design of Brake Disk Petal

Shear Failure of Petal

Allowable stress in the Hub in shear =

Fig.23 Shear of Wheel Petal = = 125.75 N/mm2
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Joijode Vrushabh Umesh et al. Designing and Optimization of Wheel Assembly of a Formula Student Car

= = = 251.5 N/mm2 t b = 1.7495

y= t/2 Where,
t= thickness of Wheel Petal
b= distance between the hole and the end of petal
t= thickness of petal
If t = 5mm b = 0.35 mm
b= width of petal =27 mm as found from above
Thus the width of the petal is taken to be 5mm.
The thickness of the petal is taken as 6mm.

Design of Wheel petal due to Side Impact

The force is obtained from the result (ix) for 1 petal =

1962 N

The effective bending Radius = 25.25 mm

Mb = 1962 25.25

Mb = 49540.5 N-mm
Fig.25 Hub Analysis 1

By Flexural Equation,
Force acting on Petal as obtained from result (vii) is
880 N


t = 6.61mm

The thickness of petal is taken as 8 mm.

3.6.4 Analysis and Optimization

Fig.26 Hub Analysis 2

From the above result it is clear that hub without fillet

and triangulation support were more prone to failure
than those with fillet and triangulation support.
319| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)
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Table 3 Checking Parameters be high and failing elements must be less than 3%.
6) As spindle serves as a component on which the
Stress Endurance Factor of
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Induced Strength Safety
Knuckle 115 160 1.4
Hub 88 160 1.8
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2) For carrying out optimization, material should be Impedance Effect, POMS 20th Annual Conference
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320| MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India, AMET 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-4 (March 2016)

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