Isd 110 Tses

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Independent School District 110

Total Special Education System (TSES)

This document serves as the Total Special Education System Plan for District 110 in accordance with
Minnesota Rule 3525.1100.This plan also includes an assurance for compliance with the federal
requirements pertaining to districts special education responsibilities found in United States Code, title
20, chapter 33, sections 1400 et seq., and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 300. This
document is a companion to the Application for Special Education Funds Statement of Assurances

Paul Tordoff, District 110s Special Education Director, is responsible for program development,
coordination, and evaluation; in-service training; and general special education supervision and
administration. Paul Tordoff may be reached at 952-442-0628.

I. Child Study Procedures

The districts identification system is developed according to the requirement of nondiscrimination as
District 110 does not discriminate in education on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin,
sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability.

A. Identification
District 110 has developed systems designed to identify pupils with disabilities beginning at birth, pupils
with disabilities attending public and nonpublic schools, and pupils with disabilities who are of school age
and are not attending any school.

Birth through 2 years of age: Infant and toddler intervention services under United States Code, title
20, chapter 33, section 1431 et seq., and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 303, are available in
District 110 to children from birth through two years of age who meet the outlined criteria.

The team determines that a child from birth through the age of two years is eligible for infant and toddler
intervention services if:

A. the child meets the criteria of one of the disability categories in United States Code, title 20, chapter
33, sections 1400, et. seq., as defined in Minnesota Rules; or

B. the child meets one of the criteria for developmental delay in subitem (1), (2) or (3):

(1) the child has a diagnosed physical or mental condition or disorder that has a high probability of
resulting in developmental delay regardless of whether the child has a demonstrated need or
delay; or

(2) the child is experiencing a developmental delay that is demonstrated by a score of 1.5 standard
deviations or more below the mean, as measured by the appropriate diagnostic measures and
procedures, in one or more of the following areas:

a. cognitive development;

b. physical development, including vision and hearing;

c. communication development;

d. social or emotional development; and

e. adaptive development.

(3) The childs eligibility is established through the application of informed clinical opinion.
Informed clinical opinion may be used as an independent basis to establish a childs eligibility
under this part even when other instruments do not establish eligibility; however, in no event
may informed clinical opinion be used to negate the results of evaluation instruments to
establish eligibility.

Three to Six years of age: The team shall determine that a child from the age of three years through the
age of six years is eligible for special education when:

A. the child meets the criteria of one of the categorical disabilities in United States Code, title 20, chapter
33, as defined in Minnesota Rules; or

B. the child meets one of the criteria for developmental delay in subitem (1) and the criteria in subitem
(2). District 110 has elected the option of implementing these criteria for developmental delay.

(1) The child:

(a) has a diagnosed physical or mental condition or disorder that has a high probability or
resulting in developmental delay; or

(b) has a delay in each of two or more of the areas of cognitive development; physical
development, including vision and hearing; communication development; social or
emotional development; and adaptive development, that is verified by an evaluation using
one or more technically adequate, norm-referenced instruments. The instruments must be
individually administered by appropriately trained professionals and the scores must be at
least 1.5 standard deviations below the mean in each area.

(2) The childs need for special education is supported by:

(a) at least one documented, systematic observation in the childs routine setting by an
appropriate professional or, if observation in the daily routine setting is not possible, the
alternative setting must be justified;

(b) a developmental history; and

(c) at least one other evaluation procedure in each area of identified delay that is conducted
on a different day than the medical or norm-referenced evaluation; which may include
criterion referenced instruments, language samples, or curriculum-based measures.

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School-aged academics: District 110s identifies students with a Specific Learning Disability by
implementing a discrepancy model. All methods for identifying a student with a suspected Specific
Learning Disability are consistent with Minnesota Rule 3525.1341. District 110 implements extensive pre-
referral instructional interventions before determining whether a student is in need of a special education
evaluation. While the intervention process involves continuous measurement of the student's progress,
once evaluation process has begun, a discrepancy model is used to make the determination of eligibility.
Data collected during the pre-referral stage is highly informative to the eligibility determination. The plan
details the specific scientific, research-based intervention (SRBI) approaches, including timelines for
progression through the model; any SRBI that is used, by content area; the parent notification and
consent policies for participation in SRBI; procedures for ensuing fidelity of implementation; and a district
staff training plan. District 110s plan for identifying a child with a specific learning disability is attached as
Appendix A: Determining a Specific Learning Disability.

B. Evaluation

Evaluation of the child and assessment of the child and family will be conducted in a manner
consistent with Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, section 303.321 and Minnesota Rule

A. General.(1) The lead agency must ensure that, subject to obtaining parental consent in
accordance with 303.420(a)(2), each child under the age of three who is referred for evaluation
or early intervention services (EIS) under this part and suspected of having a disability,

(i) A timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation of the child in accordance with

paragraph (b) of this section unless eligibility is established under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of
this section; and

(ii) If the child is determined eligible as an infant or toddler with a disability as defined in

(A) A multidisciplinary assessment of the unique strengths and needs of that infant or
toddler and the identification of services appropriate to meet those needs;

(B) A family-directed assessment of the resources, priorities, and concerns of the family
and the identification of the supports and services necessary to enhance the family's
capacity to meet the developmental needs of that infant or toddler. The assessments
of the child and family are described in paragraph (c) of this section and these
assessments may occur simultaneously with the evaluation, provided that the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are met.

(2) As used in this part

(i) Evaluation means the procedures used by qualified personnel to determine a child's initial
and continuing eligibility under this part, consistent with the definition of infant or toddler
with a disability in 303.21. An initial evaluation refers to the child's evaluation to determine
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his or her initial eligibility under this part;

(ii) Assessment means the ongoing procedures used by qualified personnel to identify the
child's unique strengths and needs and the early intervention services appropriate to meet
those needs throughout the period of the child's eligibility under this part and includes the
assessment of the child, consistent with paragraph (c)(1) of this section and the
assessment of the child's family, consistent with paragraph (c)(2) of this section; and
(iii) Initial assessment refers to the assessment of the child and the family assessment
conducted prior to the child's first IFSP meeting.

(3)(i) A child's medical and other records may be used to establish eligibility (without conducting an
evaluation of the child) under this part if those records indicate that the child's level of
functioning in one or more of the developmental areas identified in 303.21(a)(1) constitutes a
developmental delay or that the child otherwise meets the criteria for an infant or toddler with a
disability under 303.21. If the child's part C eligibility is established under this paragraph, the
lead agency or EIS provider must conduct assessments of the child and family in accordance
with paragraph (c) of this section.

(ii) Qualified personnel must use informed clinical opinion when conducting an evaluation and
assessment of the child. In addition, the lead agency must ensure that informed clinical
opinion may be used as an independent basis to establish a child's eligibility under this
part even when other instruments do not establish eligibility; however, in no event may
informed clinical opinion be used to negate the results of evaluation instruments used to
establish eligibility under paragraph (b) of this section.

(4) All evaluations and assessments of the child and family must be conducted by qualified
personnel, in a nondiscriminatory manner, and selected and administered so as not to be
racially or culturally discriminatory.

(5) Unless clearly not feasible to do so, all evaluations and assessments of a child must be
conducted in the native language of the child, in accordance with the definition of native
language in 303.25.

(6) Unless clearly not feasible to do so, family assessments must be conducted in the native
language of the family members being assessed, in accordance with the definition of
native language in 303.25.

B. Procedures for evaluation of the child. In conducting an evaluation, no single procedure may be
used as the sole criterion for determining a childs eligibility under this part. Procedures must include

(1) Administering an evaluation instrument;

(2) Taking the childs history (including interviewing the parent);

(3) Identifying the childs level of functioning in each of the developmental areas in 303.21(a)(1);

(4) Gathering information from other sources such as family members, other caregivers, medical
providers, social workers, and educators, if necessary, to understand the full scope of the
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childs unique strengths and needs; and

(5) Reviewing medical, educational, or other records.

C. Procedures for assessment of the child and family.

(1) An assessment of each infant or toddler with a disability must be conducted by qualified
personnel in order to identify the childs unique strengths and needs and the early
intervention services appropriate to meet those needs. The assessment of the child must
include the following:

(i) A review of the results of the evaluation conducted by paragraph (b) of this section;
(ii) Personal observations of the child; and
(iii) The identification of the childs needs in each of the developmental areas in 303.21(a)(1).

(2) A family-directed assessment must be conducted by qualified personnel in order to identify

the familys resources, priorities, and concerns and the supports and services necessary to
enhance the familys capacity to meet the developmental needs of the familys infant or
toddler with a disability. The family-directed assessment must

(i) Be voluntary on the part of each family member participating in the assessment;
(ii) Be based on information obtained through an assessment tool and also through an
interview with those family members who elect to participate in the assessment; and
(iii) Include the familys description of its resources, priorities, and concerns related to
enhancing the childs development.
The team conducts an evaluation for special education purposes within a reasonable time not to exceed
30 school days from the date the district receives parental permission to conduct the evaluation or the
expiration of the 14-calendar day parental response time in cases other than initial evaluation, unless a
conciliation conference or hearing is requested.

District 110 conducts full and individual initial evaluation before the initial provision of special education
and related services to a pupil. The initial evaluation consists of procedures to determine whether a child
is a pupil with a disability that adversely affects the childs educational performance as defined in
Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.02, who by reason thereof needs special education and related
services, and to determine the educational needs of the pupil. The district proposing to conduct an initial
evaluation to determine if the child qualifies as a pupil with a disability obtains informed consent from the
parent of the child before the evaluation is conducted. Parental consent for evaluation is not be
construed as consent for placement for receipt of special education and related services. The District will
not override the written refusal of a parent to consent to an initial evaluation or re-evaluation.

Evaluation Procedures
Evaluations and reevaluations shall be conducted according to the following procedures:

A. District 110 shall provide notice to the parents of the pupil, according to Code of Federal Regulations,
title 34, sections 300.500 to 300.505, that describes any evaluation procedures the district proposes
to conduct.

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B. In conducting the evaluation, District 110:

(1) Uses a variety of evaluation tools and strategies to gather relevant functional and developmental
information, including information provided by the parent, that are designed to assist in
determining whether the child is a pupil with a disability and the content of the pupils
individualized education program, including information related to enabling the pupil to be involved
in and progress in the general curriculum, or for preschool pupils, to participate in appropriate

(2) Does not use any single procedure as the sole criterion for determining whether a child is a pupil
with a disability or determining an appropriate education program for the pupil; and

(3) use technically sound instruments that are designed to assess the relative contribution of
cognitive and behavioral factors, in addition to physical or developmental factors.

C. District 110 ensures that:

(1) Tests and other evaluation materials used to evaluate a child under this part are selected and
administered so as not be discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis, and are provided and
administered in the pupils native language or other mode of communication, unless it is clearly
not feasible to do so;

(2) Materials and procedures used to evaluate a child with limited English proficiency are selected
and administered to ensure that they measure the extent to which the child has a disability and
needs special education and related services, rather than measure the childs English language

(3) Any standardized tests that are given to the child have been validated for the specific purpose for
which they are used, are administered by trained and knowledgeable personnel, and are
administered in accordance with any instructions provided by the producer of such tests;

(4) The child is evaluated in all areas of suspected disability, including, if appropriate, health, vision,
hearing, social and emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative
status, and motor abilities;

(5) Evaluation tools and strategies that provide relevant information that directly assists persons in
determining the educational needs of the pupil are provided;

(6) If an evaluation is not conducted under standard conditions, a description of the extent to which it
varied from standard conditions must be included in the evaluation report;

(7) Tests and other evaluation materials include those tailored to evaluate specific areas of
educational need and not merely those that are designed to provide a single general intelligence

(8) Tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure that if a test is administered to a child
with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, the test results accurately reflect the childs
aptitude or achievement level or whatever other factors the test purports to measure, rather than
reflecting the childs impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills, unless those skills are the
factors that the test purports to measure; and

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(9) In evaluating each pupil with a disability, the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all
of the pupils special education and related service needs, whether or not commonly linked to the
disability category in which the pupil has been classified.

D. Upon completion of administration of tests and other evaluation materials, the determination of
whether the child is a pupil with a disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.02, shall
be made by a team of qualified professionals and the parent of the pupil in accordance with item E,
and a copy of the evaluation report and the documentation of determination of eligibility will be given
to the parent.
E. In making a determination of eligibility under item D, a child shall not be determined to be a pupil with
a disability if the determinant factor for such determination is lack of instruction in reading or math or
limited English proficiency, and the child does not otherwise meet eligibility criteria under parts
3525.1325 to 3525.1351.

Additional requirements for evaluations and reevaluations

A. As part of an initial evaluation, if appropriate, and as part of any reevaluation under this part, or a
reinstatement under part 3525.3100, the IEP team and other qualified professionals, as appropriate,

(1) review existing evaluation data on the pupil, including evaluations and information provided by the
parents of the pupil, current classroom-based assessments and observations, and teacher and
related services providers observation; and

(2) on the basis of the review, and input from the pupil's parents, identify what additional data, if any,
are needed to determine whether the pupil has a particular category of disability, as described in
Minnesota Statutes, section 125A.02, or, in case of a reevaluation of a pupil, whether the pupil
continues to have such a disability, the present levels of performance and educational needs of
the pupil, whether the pupil needs special education and related services, or in the case of a
reevaluation of a pupil, whether the pupil continues to need special education and related
services, and whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services
are needed to enable the pupil to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the individualized
education program of the pupil and to participate, as appropriate, in the general curriculum.

B. The district shall administer such tests and other evaluation materials as may be needed to produce
the data identified by the IEP team under item A, subitem (2).

C. Each district shall obtain informed parental consent, in accordance with subpart 1, prior to conducting
any reevaluation of a pupil, except that such informed parental consent need not be obtained if the
district can demonstrate that it had taken reasonable measures to obtain such consent and the pupil's
parent has failed to respond.

D. If the IEP team and other qualified professionals, as appropriate, determine that no additional data
are needed to determine whether the pupil continues to be a pupil with a disability, the district shall
notify the pupil's parents of that determination and the reasons for it, and the right of such parents to
request an evaluation to determine whether the pupil continues to be a pupil with a disability, and
shall not be required to conduct such an evaluation unless requested to by the pupil's parents.

E. The district evaluates a pupil in accordance with federal regulation before determining that the pupil is
no longer a pupil with a disability.

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When restrictive procedures are used twice in 30 days or when a pattern emerges and restrictive
procedures are not included in a child's individualized education program or behavior intervention plan,
the district must hold a meeting of the individualized education program team, conduct or review a
functional behavioral analysis, review data, consider developing additional or revised positive behavioral
interventions and supports, consider actions to reduce the use of restrictive procedures, and modify the
individualized education program or behavior intervention plan as appropriate. At the meeting, the team
must review any known medical or psychological limitations that contraindicate the use of a restrictive
procedure, consider whether to prohibit that restrictive procedure, and document any prohibition in the
individualized education program or behavior intervention plan.

Procedures for determining eligibility and placement

A. In interpreting the evaluation data for the purpose of determining if a child is a pupil with a disability
under parts 3525.1325 to 3525.1351 and the educational needs of the child, the school district:

(1) Draws upon information from a variety of sources, including aptitude and achievement tests,
parent input, teacher recommendations, physical condition, social or cultural background, and
adaptive behavior; and

(2) Ensures that the information obtained from all of the sources is documented and carefully

B. If a determination is made that a child is a pupil with a disability who needs special education and
related services, an IEP is developed for the pupil according to Minnesota Rule 3525.2810.

Evaluation report

An evaluation report must be completed and delivered to the pupil's parents within the specified
evaluation timeline. At a minimum, the evaluation report includes:

A. A summary of all evaluation results;

B. Documentation of whether the pupil has a particular category of disability or, in the case of a
reevaluation, whether the pupil continues to have such a disability;

C. The pupil's present levels of performance and educational needs that derive from the disability;

D. whether the child needs special education and related services or, in the case of a reevaluation,
whether the pupil continues to need special education and related services; and

E. whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to
enable the pupil to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the pupil's IEP and to participate, as
appropriate, in the general curriculum.

C. Plan for Receiving Referrals

District 110s plan for receiving referrals from parents, physicians, private and public programs, and
health and human services agencies is attached as Appendix B: Referrals.

II. Method of Providing the Special Education Services for the Identified Pupils

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District 110 provides a full range of educational service alternatives. All students with disabilities are
provided the special instruction and services which are appropriate to their needs. The following is
representative of District 110s method of providing the special education services for the identified
pupils, sites available at which service may occur, and instruction and related services available.

Appropriate program alternatives to meet the special education needs, goals, and objectives of a pupil
are determined on an individual basis. Choice of specific program alternatives are based on the pupils
current levels of performance, pupil special education needs, goals, and objectives, and must be written
in the IEP. Program alternatives are comprised of the type of services provided the setting in which
services occur, and the amount of time and frequency in which special education services occur. A pupil
may receive special education services in more than one alternative based on the IEP or IFSP.

A. Method of providing the special education services for the identified pupils:

(1) Indirect services (consultation)

(2) Individual direct pull out

(3) Small group direct pull out

(4) Embedded Support

(5) Co-teaching

(6) Direct service in general education classroom

(7) Work- and Community-based services

(8) Center based

B. Sites available at which services may occur:

(1) Early Childhood Special Education, Waconia Education Center, 512 Industrial Blvd, Waconia, MN
(2) Bayview Elementary School, 24 South Walnut Street, Waconia, MN
(3) Southview Elementary School, 225 W 4th Street, Waconia, MN
(4) Laketown Elementary School, 960 Airport Road, Waconia, MN
(5) Clearwater Middle School, 1400 Community Drive, Waconia, MN
(6) Waconia High School, 1650 Community Drive, Waconia, MN
(7) Waconia Alternative Learning Center, 1800 Community Drive, Waconia, MN
(8) Transition Program, Waconia Education Center 512 Industrial Blvd, Waconia, MN.
(9) Southwest Metro Intermediate District. (
(10) Home-bound and home-based services

C. Available instruction and related services:

Examples: physical therapy, counseling, psychological services, social work services, etc.
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(1.) Early Childhood Health and Developmental Screening:

Early childhood screening is available for children ages 3 to 5 and is required prior to
kindergarten enrollment. Children's health and general development is addressed ring the
screening so that appropriate referrals and follow-up can occur prior to kindergarten.
Screenings occur throughout the school year. To schedule an appointment for screening call:

(2.) Early Childhood Special Education:

The early childhood special education program is designed to provide evaluation and educational
services to qualified preschool children from birth to kindergarten. Children from birth to age 3
are primarily served through home-based services. Children ages 3 to 5 typically receives
services in Waconia's community education preschool program called rainbow preschool.
Children receiving speech services only that are ages 3 to 5 are transported to the Waconia
education center to receive their services from an ECSE speech service provider. Children
who have more intense ASD or DCD needs may be served in our center based program
called SCIP (Sensory Communication Integration Program). Medically fragile students ages
3 to 5 may be served in their home environment.

(3.) Kindergarten through High School:

Special education and related services are available to students identified as having an
educational disability. Parents are involved in the evaluation process and the development of
an individual education program (IEP) for the students who meet state eligibility criteria.
Special-education teachers and related service professionals provide services to meet a
students individualized needs based upon their IEP.

(4.) Transition services:

Students between the ages of 18 and 21 who have not achieved their IEP goals in the areas of
independent living, post secondary education and training, and employment and who
continue to participate in educational programming related to these needs are served through
district 110's transition program. Programs for these students are developed based upon their
individual needs and upon their level of independence within the community.

(5.) Related services

a. Occupational Therapy (OT): occupational therapy may be provided to students with IEP's
who are experiencing motor difficulties, self-care difficulties, or sensory motor difficulties
and need additional support in order to achieve their IEP goals. An eligibility determination
will be made by the school OT based upon state eligibility criteria. OT services may be
direct, indirect, or consultative.
b. Physical Therapy (PT): physical therapy may be provided to students with IEP's who are
experiencing motored difficulties and for whom additional support is needed in order to
achieve their IEP goals. Eligibility will be determined by the PT based upon state eligibility
criteria and student need. PT services may be direct, indirect, or consultant.
c. Social Work Support: school social worker support may be provided to assist students in
areas related to their personal and social functioning as well as family issues that may
impact a student's progress within the school setting. School social workers may assessed
by referring and coordinating services from outside agencies.

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d. Autism Support: An autism consultant is available to work with each school team in order
to develop appropriate programming for ASD students. The ASD the consultant facilitates
parent groups as well.
e. DAPE: adaptive physical education services may be provided to students with IEP's for
whom eligibility has been determined based upon state eligibility criteria. DAPE services
may be provided in a 1:1, small group, or embedded setting. Service delivery will be
consistent with goals developed through the students IEP team. Each school within the
Waconia school district has DAPE providers. Services are provided to a student at their
school site.
f. School Health Services: school health services are designed to support students with
health problems. Licensed school nurses provide students, parents and school staff with
health information as well as trading and implementing health plans. Additionally the
licensed school nurse provides supervision to health assistance. They conduct trainings
on health related issues that could impact the students learning. They also coordinate
instructional services for students needing health related services such as feeding tubes.

III. Administration and Management Plan.

District 110 utilizes the following administration and management plan to assure effective and efficient
results of child study procedures and method of providing special education services for the identified

A. The following illustrates the organization of administration and management to assure effective and
efficient results of child study procedures and method of providing special education services for the
identified pupils:

Name/Title Contact Information Brief Description of Role

Paul Tordoff, Director 952-442-0628 Supervises special education staff;
of Special Education oversees child study teams, presents
512 Industrial Blvd and creates due process updates and
Waconia MN 55387 trainings, provides oversight for
compliance requirements, and
manages fiscal/budgeting of
Jennifer Froehlich, 952-856-4525 Manages Educational Support
Special Education Professionals, supervises child study
Manager 512 Industrial Blvd teams, oversees birth to three
Waconia MN 55387 programming needs
Lori Tackmann, ECSE 952-442-0637 Provides coordination of initial referrals
Coordinator and re-evaluation needs for birth
512 Industrial Blvd through age 6, attends trainings and
Waconia MN 55387 provides team relevant updates in
timely manner
Nancy Ellis, Special 952-442-0698 Schedules meetings and trainings for
Education staff, manages ESY programming,
Administrative 512 Industrial Blvd answers questions and provides
Assistant Waconia MN 55387 information to parents and staff
Sherri Pierson/Julie 952-442-0600 Provide oversight for timelines and
Anderson, Due maintain spreadsheets of special
Process Clerks education student timeline events
512 Industrial Blvd
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Waconia MN 55387

B. Due Process assurances available to parents: District 110 has appropriate and proper due process
procedures in place to assure effective and efficient results of child study procedures and method of
providing special education services for the identified pupils, including alternative dispute resolution
and due process hearings. A description of these processes are as follows:

(1) Prior written notice to a) inform the parent that except for the initial placement of a child in special
education, the school district will proceed with its proposal for the childs placement or for
providing special education services unless the childs parent notifies the district of an objection
within 14 days of when the district sends the prior written notice to the parent; and b) state that a
parent who objects to a proposal or refusal in the prior written notice may request a conciliation
conference or another alternative dispute resolution procedure.

(2) District 110 will not proceed with the initial evaluation of a child, the initial placement of a child in a
special education program, or the initial provision of special education services for a child without
the prior written consent of the childs parent. A district may not override the written refusal of a
parent to consent to an initial evaluation or reevaluation.

(3) A parent, after consulting with health care, education, or other professional providers, may agree
or disagree to provide the parents child with sympathomimetic medications unless medical,
dental, mental and other health services are necessary, in the professional's judgment, that the
risk to the minor's life or health is of such a nature that treatment should be given without delay
and the requirement of consent would result in delay or denial of treatment.

(4) Parties are encouraged to resolve disputes over the identification, evaluation, educational
placement, manifestation determination, interim alternative educational placement, or the
provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability through conciliation,
mediation, facilitated team meetings, or other alternative process. All dispute resolution options
are voluntary on the part of the parent and must not be used to deny or delay the right to a due
process hearing. All dispute resolution processes are provided at no cost to the parent.

(5) Conciliation Conference: a parent has the opportunity to meet with appropriate district staff in at
least one conciliation conference if the parent objects to any proposal of which the parent receives
prior written notice. District 110 holds a conciliation conference within ten calendar days from the
date the district receives a parents objection to a proposal or refusal in the prior written notice. All
discussions held during a conciliation conference are confidential and are not admissible in a due
process hearing. Within five school days after the final conciliation conference, the district must
prepare and provide to the parent a conciliation conference memorandum that describes the
districts final proposed offer of service. This memorandum is admissible in evidence in any
subsequent proceeding.

(6) In addition to offering at least one conciliation conference, District 110 informs parents of other
dispute resolution processes, including at least medication and facilitated team meetings. The fact
that an alternative dispute resolution process was used is admissible in evidence at any
subsequent proceeding. State-provided mediators and team meeting facilitators shall not be
subpoenaed to testify at a due process hearing or civil action under special education law nor are
any records of mediators or state-provided team meeting facilitators accessible to the parties.

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(7) Descriptions of the mediation process, facilitated team meetings, state complaint, and impartial
due process hearings may be found in District 110s Procedural Safeguard Notice, attached as
Appendix C: Procedural Safeguards.

IV. Interagency Agreements the District has Entered

District 110 has entered in the following interagency agreements or joint powers board agreements for
eligible children, ages 3 to 21, to establish agency responsibility that assures that interagency services
are coordinated, provided, and paid for, and that payment is facilitated from public and private sources:

Name of Agency Terms of Agreement Agreement Comments

Termination/ Renewal

Carver County Family Joint Powers renewal is at the

Services Agreement discretion of the parties

Local Collaborative Joint Powers renewal date is at the

Time Study Agreement discretion of the

Southwest Metro Joint Powers renewal is at the setting 4 and related

Educational Agreement discretion of the parties service providers
Cooperative involved

V. Special Education Advisory Council.

In order to increase the involvement of parents of children with disabilities in district policy making and
decision making, District 110s has a special education advisory council.

A. District 110s Special Education Advisory Council is individually established.

B. District 110s Special Education Advisory Council is not a subgroup of an existing


C. At least half of District 110s Special Education Advisory Council members are parents of students
with a disability.

a. The district has a nonpublic school located in its boundaries and the parent advisory council
includes at least one member who is a parent of a nonpublic school student with a disability,
or an employee of a nonpublic school if no parent of a nonpublic school student with a
disability is available to serve.

Each local council meets no less than once each year.

D. District 110s Special Education Advisory Council meets three (3) times per year.

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E. The operational procedures of District 110s Special Education Advisory Council are attached as
Appendix D: SEAC Operating Procedures.

VI. Assurances
Code of Federal Regulations, section 300.201: Consistency with State policies. District 110, in providing
for the education of children with disabilities within its jurisdiction, has in effect policies, procedures, and
programs that are consistent with the State policies and procedures established under sections 300.101
through 300.163, and sections 300.165 through 300.174. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1413(a)(1)).

Yes: Assurance given.

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ECSE Elementary Middle School High School 18-21

Early childhood Each elementary Clearwater middle school Waconia high school Waconia
information and school offers a wide has a wide range of has a wide range of students
referral range of services for services for students in services for students ages 18
central students in all disability all disability areas based in all disability areas through 21
and for whom
intake areas based upon the upon the need of the based upon the need their IEP
follow along need of the student. student. of the student. goals have
service For students in need of For students in need of For students in need not yet been
coordination setting 1 and/or setting setting 1 and/or setting 2 of setting 1 and/or met,
2 level services: level services: setting 2 level transition
Consultation Consultation services: program is
small group small group Consultation offered based
pullout services pullout services small group upon the
embedded Co-teaching pull-out individual
need of the
classroom embedded services student. The
services classroom Co-teaching program is
resource room services embedded based upon
resource room classroom identified
special-education services career and
taught (math and resource room life
reading subject special- transitional
areas) education needs
taught core
subject areas
Birth-Age 2 Early For students that For students that For students that
Childhood Special identified as ASD or identified as ASD or identified as ASD or
Education DCD: DCD: DCD:

Services Consultation Consultation Consultation

embedded small group small group small group
within the pullout services pullout services pullout
home or day embedded embedded services
care setting classroom classroom embedded
ASD parent services services classroom
group ASD center ASD center services
DCD parent based program based program ASD center
group (SCIP) (SCIP) based
DCD resource DCD resource program
room room DCD resource
consistent consistent social room
social thinking thinking consistent
curriculum curriculum social thinking
implemented implemented curriculum
across the across the district implemented
district through through small across the
small group group instruction district
instruction Paraprofessional support through small
is provided to students group
who need additional instruction
support in order to make Paraprofessional
adequate progress support is provided to
across settings. This students who need
additional support is additional support in

Page 15 This form is intended to be a guide and may be modified as appropriate. Rev. September 2017

determined by a order to make

students IEP team and adequate progress
is identified on the across settings. This
students IEP. When additional support is
paraprofessional support determined by a
is provided goals will be students IEP team
developed to increase a and is identified on
students independence, the students IEP.
with the goal of fading When
paraprofessional support. paraprofessional
support is provided
Students in need of goals will be
setting four levels developed to increase
special-education a students
support are served independence, with
through the Carver Scott the goal of fading
educational cooperative paraprofessional
or Minnesota River support.
Valley special education
cooperative. Students in need of
setting four levels
support are served
through the Carver
Scott educational
cooperative or
Minnesota River
Valley special
Ages 3-5 Additional intervention
integrated strategies have been
classrooms put in place for
within the elementary students
community with an identified slow
add Rainbow processing issue.
preschool These strategies
program involve the use of
integrated computer programs as
classroom well as iPad
within the technology.
childhood Paraprofessional
family support is provided to
education students who need
classroom additional support in
ASD order to make
classroom adequate progress
(Sensory across settings. This
Communicati additional support is
on determined by a
Integration students IEP team and
Program) is identified on the
ASD parent students IEP. When
group paraprofessional

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DCD parent support is provided

group goals will be developed
1:1 or small to increase a students
group independence, with the
speech goal of fading
services paraprofessional
in-home support.
services for
medically Students in need of
fragile setting four levels
children special-education
support are served
through the Carver
Scott educational
cooperative or
Minnesota River Valley
special education
support is
provided based
upon student

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Appendix A: Determining a Specific Learning Disability

School District 110 supports all students within the general education setting through a rigorously
implemented instructional model utilizing scientifically researched curriculum that differentiates
instruction in order to meet the needs of all students. Progress is monitored regularly through MAP
testing, classroom records, and Curriculum Based Measurements. Students who are not making
expected progress in the general education curriculum after instructional interventions have been
provided may be referred for a Special Educational evaluation.

At each school there is a child study team which is responsible for reviewing all referrals from teachers,
parents, and outside agencies. The child study team meets regularly to review student pre-referral
interventions and the progress or lack of progress that has been made. From this information the team
determines whether or not an evaluation is warranted based on the information available.

For students who are suspected of having a Specific Learning Disability, the Waconia School District
uses the discrepancy model for identifying students with a Specific Learning Disability. The procedures
for this identification are as follows:

1. Documentation of Inadequate Achievement

The child does not achieve adequately in one or more of the following areas: Oral Expression,
Listening Comprehension, Written Expression, Basic Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension,
Reading Fluency, Mathematical Calculation, and Mathematical Problem Solving.


The child exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement or both, relative
to age, state approved grade level standards, or intellectual development, that is determined by the
group to be relevant to the identification of SLD.


Documentation to support this finding must be both representative of the students curriculum and useful
for developing instructional goals and objectives. Documentation includes evidence of low achievement
from the following sources: Cumulative record reviews, Class work samples. Anecdotal teachers
records, Statewide and district assessments, Formal, diagnostic and informal tests, Results from
targeted support programs in general education, and Curriculum based evaluation results.

2. Information Processing

The child has a disorder in one or more of the following psychological processes which includes an
information processing condition that is manifested in a variety of settings by behaviors such as
inadequate: Acquisition of information, Organization, Planning and Sequencing, Working Memory-

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including verbal visual or special, Transfer of information, Visual and auditory processing, Speed of
processing, Verbal and non-verbal expression, or Motor control for written tasks.

3. Severe Discrepancy

The child demonstrates a severe discrepancy between general intellectual ability and achievement in at
least one of the identified areas of achievement. The demonstration of a severe discrepancy is not
based solely on the use of standardized tests. The instruments used to assess the childs general
intellectual ability and achievement are individually administered and interpreted by appropriate licensed
persons using standardized procedures. For initial placement, the severe discrepancy is equal to or
greater than 1.75 standard deviations below the mean on a distribution of regressions scores for the
general population at the students chronological age.

In addition, it must document in the written report that:

An observation of the areas of concern/s was completed in the childs learning environment/s.
That the child has a specific learning disability
The basis for making the determination that the child has a disorder across multiple settings that
impacts one or more of the basic psychological processes, and is documented by information
from a variety of sources. (testing, parent input, teacher recommendations, or any other relevant
That the basis for making the determination including that the childs underachievement is not
primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor impairment; developmental cognitive disabilities;
emotional or behavior disorders; environmental, cultural or economic influences; limited English
proficiency; or lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math.
There is/is not any relevant medical information.
The child does not achieve adequately for the childs age or to meet state-approved grade-level
The child does not make sufficient progress to meet age or state-approved grade level standards.
The child exhibits strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement, or both, relative to
age, state-approved grade level standards, or intellectual development.
The child has a disorder in one or more of the psychological processes which include an
information processing condition that is manifested in a variety of settings.
The child demonstrates a severe discrepancy between general intellectual ability and
achievement in one or more areas.
All members of the team are in agreement as demonstrated by their signature. Any member who
does not agree must submit in writing their reasons for their disagreement and their conclusions.

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Appendix B: Referrals
How do I refer my child or a student?

- Parents, teachers, physicians or any concerned person can refer a child for potential special
education services
Birth through Age 5:

- Referrals may be made by contacting the Lori Tackmann in the Early Childhood Special
Education Office at (952) 442-0637
Kindergarten through 12th grade:

- Referrals for students in kindergarten through grade 12 may be made by contacting the childs
teacher, counselor, or principal of the school your child attends.
- Waconia High School: 1650 Community Drive, Waconia, MN 55387
- Phone: (952) 442-0680
- Principal Mark Fredericksen
- Assistant Principal Dave Kuehn
- Waconia Middle School: 1400 Community Drive, Waconia, MN 55387
- Phone: (952) 442-0650
- Principal Shane Clausen
- Assistant Principal Keith Baune
- Bayview Elementary School: 24 South Walnut Street, Waconia, MN 55387
- Phone: (952) 442-0630
- Principal Ann Swanson
- Southview Elementary School: 225 W 4th Street, Waconia, MN 55387
- Phone: (952) 442-0620
- Principal Khuzana DeVaan
- Laketown Elementary School: 960 Airport Road, Waconia, MN 55387
- Phone: (952) 442-0690
- Principal Nancy Wittman
What happens after a referral is made?

Once a referral is received, a multi-disciplinary team will meet to review concerns and academic history.
The team will discuss options and provide a recommendation on how to proceed. Options available may

- Working with the Student Assistance Team (SAT) to develop and implement interventions within
the general education setting
- The SAT team may make a referral to the Principal or Counselor to develop a 504 Plan,
found under Section 504, to determine if a student is eligible for an Accommodation Plan
- If interventions are not resulting in significant gains and concerns still exist, a referral to
the Special Education Assessment Team may be made

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- A comprehensive evaluation may be completed to determine if a student is eligible for and needs
special education. If the Assessment Team recommends such an evaluation, parents will be
asked for their written permission to assess the student prior to any testing.
What must occur prior to a Special Education evaluation?

To assure that students are given ample opportunity to succeed within the general education program,
Minnesota Statute 125A.56 requires that schools implement and document at least two instructional
strategies, alternatives, or interventions within the general education classroom prior to referring a child
for special education evaluation. This stage is called the pre-referral process. In many instances, the
childs needs can be met by changing instructional strategies or through other interventions within the
general classroom.

The duration of the pre-referral interventions are based on the individual students needs. The
interventions must be of sufficient duration to allow the child to succeed from the new instructional
strategies and/or interventions. However, the pre-referral process must not be used to unduly delay a
special education evaluation if it becomes apparent the interventions are not successful.

For additional information

please contact:
District 110s Special Education and Special Services
at 952-442-0628

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Appendix C: Procedural Safeguards

The latest version of Procedural Safeguards Parental Rights for Public School Special Education
Students can be located by clicking on the following link:

The safeguards are available in multiple languages at the above site.

You may request a hard copy of the Safeguards by calling the Special Services Office at 952-442-0628

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Appendix D: SEAC Operating Procedures

The purpose of the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is to provide advice to the District 110
Board and Administration. The councils activities and recommendations will be delivered by the Special
Education Director to the superintendent and school board in an annual report during March. The SEAC
is intended to assure:

1. Parental input into the decision making process of District 110.

2. A communication link with district parents and special education staff.
3. Advocacy for high quality regular and special education programs.

The committee shall be limited to 14 members and shall include representatives from parent and
district staff.

Terms of Membership:

Committee members will serve for as long as they are interested or until their child graduates from
school. School district employees are asked to secure a replacement. The Special Education
Administrative Assistant confirms continuation on a yearly basis for all members. Persons
interested in membership should call the Director at (952) 442-0628.


The SEAC meets three (3) times per year. One-third of the council membership shall constitute a
quorum. Meetings are scheduled to be 90 minutes in length. Agendas will be set by the Director. Areas of
discussion are set by the committee.

Operational Procedures:

The committee role is advisory in nature. Notes of committee meetings shall be taken by the Special
Education Administrative Assistant and will be posted on their webpage (

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