PAHC AO 27 Accreditation
PAHC AO 27 Accreditation
PAHC AO 27 Accreditation
In replying pIs cite this cod. :
Republic of the Philippines For Signature: S11040123
Re celve d : 11112/200401:16 PM
~ Office of the Secretary
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City noo
6 October 2004
Administrative Order
No. .7
... 1"
Series of 2004
WHEREAS, pursuant to Title IV, Chapter I, Section J 01" the Administrative Code of 1987, the
Department of Agriculture is responsible for the planning, formulation and execution, regulation and
monitoring of programs and activities relating to agriculture, food production and supply;
\VHEREAS, the Department or Agriculture, through the Bureau of Animal Industry is implementing
various Animal Disease Control Programs todecrease mortalities brought about by diseases, for the
benefit of {he livestock industry;
WHEREAS, animal disease diagnosis is a critical component or disease surveillance system and
provides an indispensable support to the total animal health programs of both government and non-
government enterprises;
WHEl1EAS, cognizant of the goal of delivering accepted standards of quality, performance, technical
expertise and competence of a Veterinary Disease Diagnostic laboratory and addressing the desire for
quality assurance, it is imperative' that only duly accredited veterinary diagnostic laboratories are
allowed to render veterinary diagnostic services;
SECTION 1. Coverage. This order shall cover government and non-government establ ishments
offering diagnostic services.
must be attached. The application must also include a Standards Compliance Certificate, as
provided for by Section B-A. .
C. For Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratories of private universities/colleges, private
organizations, or individuals, Section lI-A applies.
SECTION V H. hnplementation
The Philippine Animal Health Center or the Bureau of Animal Industry is tasked to over-see
the implementation or this Order.
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