Ep9 A2

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The key takeaways are that NCCLS is an international organization that promotes the development of voluntary consensus standards and guidelines for patient testing and healthcare issues using a consensus-based process.

NCCLS is an international, interdisciplinary, nonprofit organization that promotes the development and use of voluntary consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare community through the application of its unique consensus process.

The three types of NCCLS publications are standards, guidelines, and committee reports.


Vol. 22 No. 19
Replaces EP9-A
Vol. 15 No. 17
Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples;
Approved GuidelineSecond Edition

This document addresses procedures for determining the bias between two clinical methods, and the
design of a method comparison experiment using split patient samples and data analysis.
A guideline for global application developed through the NCCLS consensus process.
Serving the Worlds Medical Science Community Through Voluntary Consensus
NCCLS is an international, interdisciplinary, nonprofit, the need for field evaluation or data collection, documents
standards-developing, and educational organization that may also be made available for review at an intermediate
promotes the development and use of voluntary (i.e., tentative) consensus level.
consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare
Proposed An NCCLS consensus document undergoes the
community. It is recognized worldwide for the
first stage of review by the healthcare community as a
application of its unique consensus process in the
proposed standard or guideline. The document should
development of standards and guidelines for patient
receive a wide and thorough technical review, including an
testing and related healthcare issues. NCCLS is based on
overall review of its scope, approach, and utility, and a line-
the principle that consensus is an effective and cost-
by-line review of its technical and editorial content.
effective way to improve patient testing and healthcare
services. Tentative A tentative standard or guideline is made
available for review and comment only when a
In addition to developing and promoting the use of
recommended method has a well-defined need for a field
voluntary consensus standards and guidelines, NCCLS
evaluation or when a recommended protocol requires that
provides an open and unbiased forum to address critical
specific data be collected. It should be reviewed to ensure its
issues affecting the quality of patient testing and health
Approved An approved standard or guideline has achieved
consensus within the healthcare community. It should be
An NCCLS document is published as a standard, reviewed to assess the utility of the final document, to
guideline, or committee report. ensure attainment of consensus (i.e., that comments on
earlier versions have been satisfactorily addressed), and to
Standard A document developed through the consensus
identify the need for additional consensus documents.
process that clearly identifies specific, essential
requirements for materials, methods, or practices for use NCCLS standards and guidelines represent a consensus
in an unmodified form. A standard may, in addition, opinion on good practices and reflect the substantial
contain discretionary elements, which are clearly agreement by materially affected, competent, and interested
identified. parties obtained by following NCCLSs established
consensus procedures. Provisions in NCCLS standards and
Guideline A document developed through the
guidelines may be more or less stringent than applicable
consensus process describing criteria for a general
regulations. Consequently, conformance to this voluntary
operating practice, procedure, or material for voluntary
consensus document does not relieve the user of
use. A guideline may be used as written or modified by
responsibility for compliance with applicable regulations.
the user to fit specific needs.
Report A document that has not been subjected to
consensus review and is released by the Board of The comments of users are essential to the consensus
Directors. process. Anyone may submit a comment, and all comments
are addressed, according to the consensus process, by the
NCCLS committee that wrote the document. All comments,
The NCCLS voluntary consensus process is a protocol including those that result in a change to the document when
establishing formal criteria for: published at the next consensus level and those that do not
result in a change, are responded to by the committee in an
the authorization of a project appendix to the document. Readers are strongly encouraged
the development and open review of documents to comment in any form and at any time on any NCCLS
document. Address comments to the NCCLS Executive
the revision of documents in response to comments Offices, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, PA
by users 19087, USA.
the acceptance of a document as a consensus VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION
standard or guideline.
Healthcare professionals in all specialties are urged to
Most NCCLS documents are subject to two levels of volunteer for participation in NCCLS projects. Please
consensusproposed and approved. Depending on contact the NCCLS Executive Offices for additional
information on committee participation.
Volume 22 EP9-A2

Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples;

Approved GuidelineSecond Edition
NCCLS document EP9-A2Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved
GuidelineSecond Edition, is written for laboratorians as well as manufacturers. It describes procedures
for determining the relative bias between two methods, and it identifies factors to be considered when
designing and analyzing a method-comparison experiment using split patient samples. For carrying out
method-comparison evaluations, an overview of the experiment, sample data recording and calculation
sheets, and an overview flowchart and a detailed flowchart for preliminary data examination are included.
As an additional aid, a sample scatter plot and bias plot are introduced for those who are unfamiliar with
these procedures. The final section contains recommendations for manufacturers' evaluation of bias and
statement format for bias claims.

NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved GuidelineSecond
Edition. NCCLS document EP9-A2 (ISBN 1-56238-472-4). NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400,
Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2002.

THE NCCLS consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through two or more
levels of review by the healthcare community, is an ongoing process. Users should expect revised
editions of any given document. Because rapid changes in technology may affect the procedures,
methods, and protocols in a standard or guideline, users should replace outdated editions with the
current editions of NCCLS documents. Current editions are listed in the NCCLS Catalog, which is
distributed to member organizations, and to nonmembers on request. If your organization is not a
member and would like to become one, and to request a copy of the NCCLS Catalog, contact the
NCCLS Executive Offices. Telephone: 610.688.0100; Fax: 610.688.0700; E-Mail: exoffice@nccls.org;
Website: www.nccls.org

Number 19 NCCLS

ISBN 1-56238-472-4
ISSN 0273-3099
Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples;
Approved GuidelineSecond Edition

Volume 22 Number 19
Jan S. Krouwer, Ph.D.
Daniel W. Tholen, M.S.
Carl C. Garber, Ph.D.
Henk M.J. Goldschmidt, Ph.D.
Martin Harris Kroll, M.D.
Kristian Linnet, M.D., Ph.D.
Kristen Meier, Ph.D.
Max Robinowitz, M.D.
John W. Kennedy
Number 19 NCCLS

This publication is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted, or made available in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from NCCLS, except as stated below.

NCCLS hereby grants permission to reproduce limited portions of this publication for use in laboratory
procedure manuals at a single site, for interlibrary loan, or for use in educational programs provided that
multiple copies of such reproduction shall include the following notice, be distributed without charge,
and, in no event, contain more than 20% of the documents text.

Reproduced with permission, from NCCLS publication EP9-A2Method Comparison

and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved GuidelineSecond Edition (ISBN
1-56238-472-4). Copies of the current edition may be obtained from NCCLS, 940 West
Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Permission to reproduce or otherwise use the text of this document to an extent that exceeds the
exemptions granted here or under the Copyright Law must be obtained from NCCLS by written request.
To request such permission, address inquiries to the Executive Director, NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Copyright 2002. The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

Suggested Citation

(NCCLS. Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline
Second Edition. NCCLS document EP9-A2 [ISBN 1-56238-472-4]. NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2002.)

Proposed Guideline
January 1986

Tentative Guideline
April 1993

Approved Guideline
December 1995

Approved GuidelineSecond Edition

September 2002

ISBN 1-56238-472-4
ISSN 0273-3099

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Committee Membership

Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols

Jan S. Krouwer, Ph.D. Krouwer Consulting

Chairholder Sherborn, Massachusetts

Daniel W. Tholen, M.S. Statistical Services

Vice-Chairholder Traverse City, Michigan

Carl C. Garber, Ph.D. Quest Diagnostics Assurance

Teterboro, New Jersey

Henk M.J. Goldschmidt, Ph.D. Tilburg, The Netherlands

Martin Harris Kroll, M.D. Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Dallas, Texas

Kristian Linnet, M.D., Ph.D. Psychiatric University Hospital

Risskov, Denmark

Kristen Meier, Ph.D. FDA Center for Devices/Rad. Health

Rockville, Maryland

Max Robinowitz, M.D. FDA Center for Devices/Rad. Health

Rockville, Maryland


R. Neill Carey, Ph.D. Peninsula Regional Medical Center

Salisbury, Maryland

Patricia E. Garrett, Ph.D. BBI Clinical Laboratories

New Britain, Connecticut

John W. Kennedy Medstat Consultants

Palo Alto, California

Jacob (Jack) B. Levine, M.B.A. Bayer Corporation

Tarrytown, New York

Jennifer K. McGeary, M.T.(ASCP), M.S.H.A. NCCLS

Staff Liaison Wayne, Pennsylvania

Patrice E. Polgar NCCLS

Editor Wayne, Pennsylvania

Donna M. Wilhelm NCCLS

Assistant Editor Wayne, Pennsylvania

Number 19 NCCLS


The Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols would also like to recognize the valuable contributions of
the members and advisors of the Working Group on Method Comparison and Bias Estimation that
developed the first approved edition of this guideline.

John W. Kennedy
R. Neill Carey, Ph.D.
Richard B. Coolen, Ph.D.
Carl C. Garber, Ph.D.
Henry T. Lee, Jr.
Jacob B. Levine
Iris M. Osberg

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Active Membership
(as of 1 July 2002)

Sustaining Members College of Medical Laboratory Department of Veterans Affairs

Technologists of Ontario Deutsches Institut fr Normung
Abbott Laboratories College of Physicians and (DIN)
American Association for Surgeons of Saskatchewan FDA Center for Devices and
Clinical Chemistry ESCMID Radiological Health
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Fundacin Bioqumica Argentina FDA Center for Veterinary
BD and Company International Association of Medical Medicine
bioMrieux, Inc. Laboratory Technologists FDA Division of Anti-Infective
CLMA International Council for Drug Products
College of American Pathologists Standardization in Haematology Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory
GlaxoSmithKline International Federation of Massachusetts Department of
Nippon Becton Dickinson Co., Ltd. Clinical Chemistry Public Health Laboratories
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Italian Society of Clinical National Center of Infectious
Pfizer Inc Biochemistry and Clinical and Parasitic Diseases (Bulgaria)
Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Molecular Biology National Health Laboratory Service
Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry (South Africa)
Professional Members Japanese Committee for Clinical National Institute of Standards
Laboratory Standards and Technology
AISAR-Associazione Italiana per lo Joint Commission on Accreditation New York State Department of
Studio degli of Healthcare Organizations Health
American Academy of Family National Academy of Clinical Ohio Department of Health
Physicians Biochemistry Ontario Ministry of Health
American Association for National Association of Testing Pennsylvania Dept. of Health
Clinical Chemistry Authorities Australia Saskatchewan Health-Provincial
American Association for National Society for Laboratory
Respiratory Care Histotechnology, Inc. Scientific Institute of Public Health;
American Chemical Society Ontario Medical Association Belgium Ministry of Social
American Medical Technologists Quality Management Program- Affairs, Public Health and the
American Public Health Association Laboratory Service Environment
American Society for Clinical RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Swedish Institute for Infectious
Laboratory Science PTY Limited Disease Control
American Society of Hematology Sociedade Brasileira de Analises Thailand Department of Medical
American Society for Microbiology Clinicas Sciences
American Type Culture Sociedade Brasileira de
Collection, Inc. Patologia Clinica Industry Members
Asociacin Espaola Primera de Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica
Socorros (Uruguay) Clinica y Patologia Molecular AB Biodisk
Asociacion Mexicana de Turkish Society of Microbiology Abbott Laboratories
Bioquimica Clinica A.C. Abbott Laboratories, MediSense
Assn. of Public Health Laboratories Government Members Products
Assoc. Micro. Clinici Italiani- Acrometrix Corporation
A.M.C.L.I. Association of Public Health Ammirati Regulatory Consulting
British Society for Antimicrobial Laboratories Anaerobe Systems
Chemotherapy Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Assssor
CADIME-Camara De Instituciones BC Centre for Disease Control AstraZeneca
De Diagnostico Medico Centers for Disease Control and AstraZeneca R & D
Canadian Society for Medical Prevention Boston
Laboratory ScienceSocit Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Aventis
Canadienne de Science de Services/CLIA Program Axis-Shield POC AS
Laboratoire Mdical Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Bayer Corporation Elkhart, IN
Clinical Laboratory Management Services Bayer Corporation Tarrytown, NY
Association Chinese Committee for Clinical Bayer Corporation West Haven,
COLA Laboratory Standards CT
College of American Pathologists Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bayer Medical Ltd.
Bureau of Laboratories BD

Number 19 NCCLS

BD Biosciences San Jose, CA Fort Dodge Animal Health Roche Laboratories (Div.
BD Consumer Products General Hospital Vienna (Austria) Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.).
BD Diagnostic Systems Gen-Probe Sarstedt, Inc.
BD Italia S.P.A. GlaxoSmithKline SARL Laboratoire Carron (France)
BD VACUTAINER Systems Greiner Bio-One Inc. Schering Corporation
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Helena Laboratories Schleicher & Schuell, Inc.
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Primary Care Home Diagnostics, Inc. Second Opinion
Diagnostics Immunicon Corporation Showa Yakuhin Kako Company,
Beckman Coulter K.K. (Japan) Instrumentation Laboratory Ltd.
Bio-Development SRL International Technidyne Streck Laboratories, Inc
Bio-Inova Life Sciences Corporation SurroMed, Inc.
International IntraBiotics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Synermed Diagnostic Corp.
Bio-Inova Life Sciences North I-STAT Corporation Sysmex Corporation (Japan)
America Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Sysmex Corporation
BioMedia Laboratories Sdn Bhd Research and Development, L.L.C. (Long Grove, IL)
BioMrieux (NC) Kendall Sherwood-Davis & Geck The Clinical Microbiology Institute
bioMrieux, Inc. (MO) LAB-Interlink, Inc. The Toledo Hospital (OH)
Biometrology Consultants Laboratory Specialists, Inc. Theravance Inc.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Labtest Diagnostica S.A. Transasia Engineers
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - France LifeScan, Inc. (a Johnson & Trek Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Biotest AG Johnson Company) Versicor, Inc.
Blaine Healthcare Associates, Inc. Lilly Research Laboratories Vetoquinol S.A.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Macemon Consultants Visible Genetics, Inc.
Canadian External Quality Medical Device Consultants, Inc. Vysis, Inc.
Assessment Laboratory Merck & Company, Inc. Wallac Oy
Capital Management Consulting, Minigrip/Zip-Pak Wyeth-Ayerst
Inc. Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. Xyletech Systems, Inc.
Carl Schaper mvi Sciences (MA) YD Consultant
Checkpoint Development Inc. Nabi YD Diagnostics (Seoul, Korea)
Chiron Corporation Nichols Institute Diagnostics
ChromaVision Medical Systems, (Div. of Quest Diagnostics, Inc.) Trade Associations
Inc. NimbleGen Systems, Inc.
Chronolab Ag Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. AdvaMed
Clinical Design Group Inc. Nippon Becton Dickinson Co., Ltd. Association of Medical
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Norfolk Associates, Inc. Diagnostic Manufacturers
Consultants Novartis Pharmaceuticals Japan Association Clinical
Cognigen Corporation Reagents Ind. (Tokyo, Japan)
Community Medical Center (NJ) Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Medical Industry Association
Control Lab (Brazil) (Raritan, NJ) of Australia
Copan Diagnostics Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Cosmetic Ingredient Review (Rochester, NY) Associate Active Members
Cubist Pharmaceuticals Oxoid Inc.
Dade Behring Inc. - Deerfield, IL Paratek Pharmaceuticals 20th Medical Group (SC)
Dade Behring Inc. - Glasgow, DE Pfizer Inc 31st Medical Group/SGSL (APO,
Dade Behring Inc. - Marburg, Pharmacia Corporation AE)
Germany Philips Medical Systems 67th CSH Wuerzburg, GE (NY)
Dade Behring Inc. - Sacramento, CA Powers Consulting Services 121st General Hospital (CA)
Dade Behring Inc. - San Jose, CA Premier Inc. Academisch Ziekenhuis-VUB
David G. Rhoads Associates, Inc. Procter & Gamble (Belgium)
Diagnostics Consultancy Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Acadiana Medical Laboratories,
Diagnostic Products Corporation The Product Development Group LTD (LA)
Eiken Chemical Company, Ltd. QSE Consulting Adena Regional Medical Center
Elan Pharmaceuticals Quintiles, Inc. (OH)
Electa Lab s.r.l. Radiometer America, Inc. Advocate Healthcare Lutheran
Enterprise Analysis Corporation Radiometer Medical A/S General (IL)
Essential Therapeutics, Inc. Roche Diagnostics GmbH Akershus Central Hospital and AFA
EXPERTech Associates, Inc. Roche Diagnostics, Inc. (Norway)
F. Hoffman-La Roche AG Albemarle Hospital (NC)

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Allegheny General Hospital (PA) Clarian HealthMethodist Hospital Gateway Medical Center (TN)
Allegheny University of the (IN) Geisinger Medical Center (PA)
Health Sciences (PA) Clendo Lab (Puerto Rico) Grady Memorial Hospital (GA)
Allina Health System (MN) Clinical Laboratory Partners, LLC Guthrie Clinic Laboratories (PA)
Alton Ochsner Medical (CT) Hahnemann University Hospital
Foundation (LA) CLSI Laboratories (PA) (PA)
American Medical Laboratories Columbia Regional Hospital (MO) Harris Methodist Erath County
(VA) Commonwealth of Kentucky (TX)
Antwerp University Hospital Community Hospital of Lancaster Harris Methodist Fort Worth (TX)
(Belgium) (PA) Hartford Hospital (CT)
Arkansas Department of Health CompuNet Clinical Laboratories Headwaters Health Authority
ARUP at University Hospital (UT) (OH) (Alberta, Canada)
Armed Forces Research Institute of Cook County Hospital (IL) Health Network Lab (PA)
Medical Science (APO, AP) Cook Childrens Medical Center Health Partners Laboratories (VA)
Associated Regional & (TX) Heartland Regional Medical Center
University Pathologists (UT) Covance Central Laboratory (MO)
Aurora Consolidated Services (IN) Highlands Regional Medical Center
Laboratories (WI) Danish Veterinary Laboratory (FL)
Azienda Ospedale Di Lecco (Italy) (Denmark) Hoag Memorial Hospital
Bay Medical Center (MI) Danville Regional Medical Center Presbyterian (CA)
Baystate Medical Center (MA) (VA) Holmes Regional Medical Center
Bbaguas Duzen Laboratories Delaware Public Health Laboratory (FL)
(Turkey) Department of Health & Holzer Medical Center (OH)
Bermuda Hospitals Board Community Services (New Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de
Bo Ali Hospital (Iran) Brunswick, Canada) Montreal (Montreal, Quebec,
British Columbia Cancer Agency DesPeres Hospital (MO) Canada)
(Vancouver, BC, Canada) DeTar Hospital (TX) Hpital Maisonneuve Rosemont
Brooks Air Force Base (TX) Detroit Health Department (MI) (Montreal, Canada)
Broward General Medical Center Diagnosticos da Amrica S/A Hospital for Sick Children
(FL) (Brazil) (Toronto, ON, Canada)
Calgary Laboratory Services Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital Hospital Sousa Martins (Portugal)
Carilion Consolidated Laboratory (New Brunswick, Canada) Hotel Dieu Hospital (Windsor, ON,
(VA) Doctors Hospital (Bahamas) Canada)
Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan) Duke University Medical Center Houston Medical Center (GA)
CB Healthcare Complex (NC) Huddinge University Hospital
(Sydney, NS, Canada) E.A. Conway Medical Center (LA) (Sweden)
Central Peninsula General Hospital Eastern Maine Medical Center Hurley Medical Center (MI)
(AK) East Side Clinical Laboratory (RI) Indiana State Board of Health
Central Texas Veterans Health Care Eastern Health (Vic., Australia) Indiana University
System Elyria Memorial Hospital (OH) Institute of Medical and Veterinary
Centre Hospitalier Regional del la Emory University Hospital (GA) Science (Australia)
Citadelle (Belgium) Esoterix Center for Infectious International Health Management
Centro Diagnostico Italiano Disease (TX) Associates, Inc. (IL)
(Milano, Italy) Fairview-University Medical Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL)
Champlain Valley Physicians Center (MN) Jersey Shore Medical Center (NJ)
Hospital (NY) Federal Medical Center (MN) John C. Lincoln Hospital (AZ)
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Florida Hospital East Orlando John F. Kennedy Medical Center
(Taiwan) Foothills Hospital (Calgary, AB, (NJ)
Changi General Hospital Canada) John Peter Smith Hospital (TX)
(Singapore) Fort St. John General Hospital Kadlec Medical Center (WA)
Childrens Hospital (NE) (Fort St. John, BC, Canada) Kaiser Permanente Medical Care
Childrens Hospital & Clinics (MN) Fox Chase Cancer Center (PA) (CA)
Childrens Hospital Medical Center Fresenius Medical Care/Spectra Kaiser Permanente (MD)
(Akron, OH) East (NJ) Kantonsspital (Switzerland)
Childrens Hospital of Fresno Community Hospital and Keller Army Community Hospital
Philadelphia (PA) Medical Center (NY)
Childrens Medical Center of Dallas Frye Regional Medical Center (NC) Kenora-Rainy River Regional
(TX) Gambro Healthcare Laboratory Laboratory Program (Ontario,
Services (FL) Canada)
Number 19 NCCLS

Kern Medical Center (CA) Michigan Department of Reid Hospital & Health Care
Kimball Medical Center (NJ) Community Health Services (IN)
King Faisal Specialist Hospital Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Research Medical Center (MO)
(Saudi Arabia) Monte Tabor Centro Italo Rex Healthcare (NC)
King Khalid National Guard Brazileiro de Promacao (Brazil) Rhode Island Department of Health
Hospital Montreal Childrens Hospital Laboratories
(Saudi Arabia) (Canada) Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital
Kings Daughter Medical Center Montreal General Hospital (Saudi Arabia)
(KY) (Canada) Royal Columbian Hospital (New
Klinini Center (Slovenia) MRL Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Westminster, BC, Canada)
Laboratories at Bonfils (CO) (VA) Sacred Heart Hospital (MD)
Laboratoire de Sant Publique du MRL Reference Laboratory (CA) Saint Marys Regional Medical
Quebec (Canada) Nassau County Medical Center Center (NV)
Laboratrio Fleury S/C Ltda. (NY) St. Alexius Medical Center (ND)
(Brazil) National Institutes of Health (MD) St. Anthony Hospital (CO)
Laboratory Corporation of America Naval Hospital Corpus Christi St. Anthonys Hospital (FL)
(NJ) (TX) St. Barnabas Medical Center (NJ)
Laboratory Corporation of Naval Surface Warfare Center (IN) St-Eustache Hospital (Quebec,
America (MO) Nebraska Health System Canada)
LAC and USC Healthcare New Britain General Hospital (CT) St. Francis Medical Ctr. (CA)
Network (CA) New England Fertility Institute St. John Hospital and Medical
Lakeland Regional Medical Center (CT) Center (MI)
(FL) New Mexico VA Health Care St. John Regional Hospital (St.
Lancaster General Hospital (PA) System John, NB, Canada)
Langley Air Force Base (VA) North Carolina State Laboratory of St. Joseph Hospital (NE)
LeBonheur Childrens Public Health St. Josephs Hospital Marshfield
Medical Center (TN) North Shore Long Island Jewish Clinic (WI)
L'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec (Canada) Health System Laboratories (NY) St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (MI)
Libero Instituto Univ. Campus Northwestern Memorial Hospital St. Jude Children's Research
BioMedico (Italy) (IL) Hospital (TN)
Louisiana State University O.L. Vrouwziekenhuis (Belgium) St. Lukes Regional Medical
Medical Center Ordre professionnel des Center (IA)
Maccabi Medical Care and Health technologists mdicaux du St. Mary of the Plains Hospital
Fund (Israel) Qubec (TX)
Magee Womens Hospital (PA) Ospedali Riuniti (Italy) St. Marys Hospital & Medical
Malcolm Grow USAF Medical The Ottawa Hospital Center (CO)
Center (MD) (Ottawa, ON, Canada) St. Pauls Hospital (Vancouver, BC,
Manitoba Health (Winnipeg, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (NJ) Montreal)
Canada) Our Lady of the Resurrection St. Vincent Medical Center (CA)
Martin Luther King/Drew Medical Medical Center (IL) Ste. Justine Hospital (Montreal, PQ,
Center (CA) Pathology and Cytology Canada)
Massachusetts General Hospital Laboratories, Inc. (KY) Salina Regional Health Center (KS)
(Microbiology Laboratory) The Permanente Medical Group San Francisco General Hospital
MDS Metro Laboratory Services (CA) (CA)
(Burnaby, BC, Canada) Piedmont Hospital (GA) Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Medical College of Virginia Pikeville Methodist Hospital (KY) (CA)
Hospital Pocono Hospital (PA) Seoul Natl University Hospital
Medicare/Medicaid Certification, Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas (Korea)
State of North Carolina (TX) Shanghai Center for the
Memorial Medical Center (IL) Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Prince Clinical Laboratory (China)
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Edward Island, Canada) South Bend Medical Foundation
Jefferson Davis Hwy Queensland Health Pathology (IN)
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Services (Australia) Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital
Napoleon Avenue Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (TX)
Methodist Hospital (TX) (CA) South Western Area Pathology
Methodist Hospitals of Memphis Quintiles Laboratories, Ltd. (GA) Service (Australia)
(TN) Regions Hospital Southern Maine Medical Center
MetroHealth Medical Center (OH) Specialty Laboratories, Inc. (CA)

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Stanford Hospital and Clinics (CA) University Hospital (Gent) VA (San Diego) Medical Center
State of Washington Department of (Belgium) (CA)
Health University Hospitals of Cleveland VA (Tuskegee) Medical Center
Stony Brook University Hospital (OH) (AL)
(NY) The University Hospitals (OK) VA Outpatient Clinic (OH)
Stormont-Vail Regional Medical University of Alabama-Birmingham Vejle Hospital (Denmark)
Center (KS) Hospital Washington Adventist Hospital
Sun Health-Boswell Hospital (AZ) University of Alberta Hospitals (MD)
Sunrise Hospital and Medical (Canada) Washoe Medical Center
Center (NV) University of Colorado Health Laboratory (NV)
Swedish Medical Center Science Center West Jefferson Medical Center
Providence Campus (WA) University of Chicago Hospitals (LA)
Tampa General Hospital (FL) (IL) West Shore Medical Center (MI)
Temple University Hospital (PA) University of Illinois Medical Center Wilford Hall Medical Center (TX)
Tenet Odessa Regional Hospital University of the Ryukyus (Japan) William Beaumont Army Medical
(TX) University of Texas M.D. Anderson Center (TX)
The Toledo Hospital (OH) Cancer Center William Beaumont Hospital (MI)
Touro Infirmary (LA) University of Virginia Medical Williamsburg Community Hospital
Trident Regional Medical Center Center (VA)
(SC) University of Washington Winn Army Community Hospital
Tripler Army Medical Center (HI) UZ-KUL Medical Center (Belgium) (GA)
Truman Medical Center (MO) VA (Denver) Medical Center (CO) Winnipeg Regional Health
UCSF Medical Center (CA) Virginia Department of Health Authority (Winnipeg, Canada)
UNC Hospitals (NC) VA (Kansas City) Medical Center Wishard Memorial Hospital (IN)
University College Hospital (MO) Yonsei University College of
(Galway, Ireland) VA (Western NY) Healthcare Medicine (Korea)
System York Hospital (PA)


Donna M. Meyer, Ph.D., Susan Blonshine, RRT, RPFT, Tadashi Kawai, M.D., Ph.D.
President FAARC International Clinical Pathology
CHRISTUS Health TechEd Center

Thomas L. Hearn, Ph.D., Wayne Brinster J. Stephen Kroger, M.D., FACP

President Elect BD COLA
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Kurt H. Davis, FCSMLS, CAE Willie E. May, Ph.D
Canadian Society for Medical National Institute of Standards and
Emil Voelkert, Ph.D., Laboratory Science Technology
Roche Diagnostics GmbH Lillian J. Gill, M.S. Gary L. Myers, Ph.D.
FDA Center for Devices and Centers for Disease Control and
Gerald A. Hoeltge, M.D., Radiological Health Prevention
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Robert L. Habig, Ph.D. Barbara G. Painter, Ph.D.
Habig Consulting Group Bayer Corporation (Retired)
F. Alan Andersen, Ph.D.,
Immediate Past President Carolyn D. Jones, J.D., M.P.H. Judith A. Yost, M.A., M.T.(ASCP)
Cosmetic Ingredient Review AdvaMed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
John V. Bergen, Ph.D.,
Executive Director

Number 19 NCCLS

Volume 22 EP9-A2


Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................i

Committee Membership..........................................................................................................................v

Active Membership.............................................................................................................................. vii

Foreword ...............................................................................................................................................xv

The Quality System Approach.............................................................................................................xvi

1 Introduction and Scope ..............................................................................................................1

1.1 Overview of the General Comparison Experiment .......................................................1
1.2 Symbols Used in the Text..............................................................................................2
1.3 Definitions .....................................................................................................................3
2 Device-Familiarization Period ...................................................................................................4

3 Comparison of Methods Experiment .........................................................................................4

3.1 Test Samples..................................................................................................................4
3.2 Comparative Method .....................................................................................................4
3.3 Range of Measurement..................................................................................................5
3.4 Number of Samples .......................................................................................................5
3.5 Sample Sequence...........................................................................................................6
3.6 Time and Duration.........................................................................................................6
3.7 Inspection of Data During Collection............................................................................6
3.8 Quality Control ..............................................................................................................6
3.9 Documentation of Rejected Data...................................................................................7
4 Preliminary Data Examination...................................................................................................7
4.1 Outlier Tests on Within-Method Duplicates................................................................11
4.2 Plotting the Data ..........................................................................................................12
4.3 Visual Check for Linear Relationship .........................................................................12
4.4 Visual Check for Between-Method Outliers ...............................................................12
4.5 Test for Adequate Range of X .....................................................................................13
5 Linear Regression ....................................................................................................................14
5.1 Computations...............................................................................................................14
5.2 Visual Check for Constant Scatter...............................................................................15
6 Computing Predicted Bias and Its Confidence Interval...........................................................16
6.1 Linear Regression Procedure (When Data Pass Adequate Range
and Uniform Scatter Checks)......................................................................................16
6.2 Computing Average Bias Using Partitioned Individual Differences
When Data Fail Adequate Range Check (Partitioned Biases Procedure)...................17
6.3 Computing Predicted Bias Using Partitioned Residuals When
Data Have Nonconstant (Variable) Precision (Partitioned Residuals Procedure) ......18
7 Interpreting Results and Comparing to Internal Performance Criteria ....................................18

8 Manufacturer Modifications ....................................................................................................19

Number 19 NCCLS

Contents (Continued)
8.1 Experimental Design ...................................................................................................19
8.2 Data Analysis...............................................................................................................19
8.3 Statement of Bias Performance Claims .......................................................................19

Appendix A. Sample Data Recording Sheet .........................................................................................24

Appendix B. Scatter Plots Derived from Example ...............................................................................26

Appendix C. Calculation Example........................................................................................................30

Appendix D. Calculation of Deming Slope ..........................................................................................35

Summary of Comments and Working Group Responses .....................................................................36

Summary of Delegate Comments and Committee Responses ..............................................................50

Related NCCLS Publications................................................................................................................53

Volume 22 EP9-A2

The current literature contains many examples of user and manufacturer product evaluations, with many
different experimental and statistical procedures1 for comparing two methods that measure the same
analyte. This methodologic variety has caused confusion, and users have reported that comparisons often
lack sufficient data and description to be reproducible.

There has also been an increasing awareness that the scope of evaluation procedures appropriate for
manufacturers of diagnostic devices is not always appropriate for their users. The manufacturer is
concerned with establishing valid and achievable performance claims for bias when compared with a
generally accepted standard or reference method. The user might wish to compare a candidate method
with a different one than the manufacturer used in establishing the bias claims. The scope of the
experimental and data-handling procedures for these two purposes can often differ.

Therefore, in preparing this document, the working group drew on the experience of users and
representatives of industry, statisticians, and laboratory and medical personnel. Because of the many in
vitro diagnostic methods and kits now available, the working group realizes that a single experimental
design is not appropriate for all types of user and manufacturer method comparisons. Therefore, this
guideline was developed primarily to give conceptual help in structuring an experiment for comparing
two methods. To illustrate representative duration, procedures, materials, methods of quality control,
statistical data handling, and interpretation of results, an example experiment is presented.

Throughout the development of this protocol, the working group had to decide which procedural and
statistical methods to recommend in the example experiment. To respond to the needs of laboratorians
and manufacturers, the working group combined input from users of analytical methods, manufacturers of
these methods, and representatives of regulatory agencies. The working group also included the
recommendations necessary for a scientifically valid comparison. Compromises were necessary to
accommodate both the simplicity of operation protocol and the complexity of design and statistical
calculations necessary for valid conclusions. This document is adaptable within a wide range of analytes
and device complexity.

The focus of this document is the independent establishment of bias performance characteristics. If
appropriate, the user is then free to compare these performance estimates with either the manufacturer's
labeled claims or the users own internal criteria.

The working group believes that standard experimental and statistical procedures in user method
comparisons will make such evaluations more reproducible and reflective of actual performance, and the
statements of evaluation results considerably more reliable. Also, the misuse and misinterpretation of
statistical methods, such as regression and correlation, involved in comparing in vitro diagnostic devices
can seriously impair the usefulness of such evaluations. Therefore, this document is intended to promote
the effective use of statistical analysis and data reporting.

Manufacturers of laboratory devices are encouraged to use this guideline to establish and standardize their
bias performance claims. Many different forms have been used for such claims, and they have not always
been sufficiently specific to allow user verification.

Key Words

Bias, evaluation protocol, experimental design, linear regression, method comparison, quality control,

Number 19 NCCLS

The Quality System Approach

NCCLS subscribes to a quality system approach in the development of standards and guidelines, which
facilitates project management; defines a document structure via a template; and provides a process to
identify needed documents through a gap analysis. The approach is based on the model presented in the
most current edition of NCCLS HS1- A Quality System Model for Health Care. The quality system
approach applies a core set of quality system essentials (QSEs), basic to any organization, to all
operations in any healthcare services path of workflow. The QSEs provide the framework for delivery of
any type of product or service, serving as a managers guide. The quality system essentials (QSEs) are:

Documents & Records Information Management
Organization Occurrence Management
Personnel Assessment
Equipment Process Improvement
Purchasing & Inventory Service & Satisfaction
Process Control Facilities & Safety

EP9-A2 Addresses the following Quality System Essentials (QSEs)

Purchasing &





Facilities &

& Records

Service &




Adapted from NCCLS document HS1 A Quality System Model for Health Care.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples;

Approved GuidelineSecond Edition

1 Introduction and Scope

This document provides both users and manufacturers of clinical laboratory devices with guidance for
designing an experiment to evaluate the bias between two methods that measure the same analyte.
Ideally, a test (or candidate) method should be compared with a reference method. For users, the
comparative method is often the current routine method, however, and the purpose of the evaluation is to
determine if the two methods yield equivalent results within the statistical power of the experiment. In
this case, determining whether the test method is a suitable replacement for a current method is the
primary concern.

This guideline allows the estimation of the bias (expected difference) between two methods at various
concentrations. If the comparative method is the same one used by the manufacturer in the statement of
claims, it is possible to compare statistically the experimental results to the manufacturer's claims to
verify acceptable performance.

1.1 Overview of the General Comparison Experiment

Evaluating an analytical method requires the following:

Sufficient time for the operators to become familiar with the device's operation and maintenance

Sufficient time for the operators to become familiar with the evaluation protocol.

Assurance that both the test and the comparative methods are in proper quality control throughout the
evaluation period.

Sufficient data to ensure representative results for both the test and the comparative methods. (What
constitutes sufficient data will depend on the precision and interference effects of the two methods,
the amount of bias between the two methods, the range of sample analyte values available, and the
medical requirements of the test.)

During the device familiarization period, the operators of the test and comparative methods must become
familiar with all aspects of set-up, operation, maintenance, trouble-shooting, and quality control of both
methods. This period can precede other parts of the evaluation process or coincide with the
manufacturer's training period. Run routine laboratory quality control procedures on both methods.

After the familiarization period, the method-comparison experiment can begin. The working group
recommends that at least 40 patient samples be analyzed over at least 5 operating days. The reliability
and effectiveness of the experiment increase by analyzing more samples over more time, while following
the manufacturer's recommendations for calibration.

Analyze each patient sample in duplicate using both the test method and the comparative method.
Analyze the duplicates for each method within the same run for that method. Whenever possible, at least
50% of the samples run should be outside the laboratory's reference interval.

When the experiment is completed, record the data in a logical manner (such as that which is suggested in
the Appendix). Plot the data and assess the diagram visually and statistically for relative linearity,
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 1
Number 19 NCCLS

adequate range, and uniform scatter. Based on the results of the data examination, use either simple linear
regression or alternative procedures to estimate expected (average) bias and the confidence interval for
expected bias at any desired medical decision level. Then, these estimates can be compared with claims
or internal criteria to judge the acceptability of the method.

1.2 Symbols Used in the Text

The following symbols are used in this document:

X comparative method

Y test method

DX i or DYi absolute value of the difference between duplicates for method X or Y

i sample number

N total number of samples

1,2 or j duplicate number or replicate number (as a subscript)

DX or DY mean absolute difference of method

DX i or DYi normalized (relative) absolute difference of method

DX or DY normalized (relative) mean absolute difference of method

Eij absolute difference between methods

E mean absolute difference between methods

E ij relative absolute difference between methods

E relative mean absolute difference between methods

TL E test limit

r correlation coefficient

x observation from comparative method

y observation from test method

x ij or y ij observation (x or y) from run i, replicate j

x or y average of x or y

b slope

2 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

a y intercept

Y predicted value for test method

sy x standard error of estimate

Bc estimate of predicted bias at concentration c

Xc medical decision level

Bc true bias at concentration Xc

NK number of data points in group K (K = 1, 2, 3)


m =1
denotes that the sum is performed on the paired xs and ys in group K (K = 1,2,3)

BK average bias in group K (K = 1,2,3)

SD K standard deviation of biases in group K.

1.3 Definitionsa

Analytical measurement range, AMR, n - The range of analyte values that a method can directly
measure on the sample without any dilution, concentration, or other pretreatment that is not part of the
typical assay process.

Bias, n - The difference between the expectation of the test results and a true value.

Clinically reportable range, CCR, n - The range of analyte values that a method can report as a
quantitative result, allowing for sample dilution, concentration, or other pretreatment used to extend the
direct analytical measurement range.

Correlation coefficient, r, n - For measured data, the ratio of the covariance of two random variables to
the product of their standard deviation; NOTE: For this document, the correlation coefficient is defined
as the square root of the slope of y regressed on x, times the slope of x regressed on y.

Deming regression, n - A method to estimate slope and intercept parameters from a method comparison
experiment with allowance for both methods to have measurement error. The measurement error for each
method is used in the estimation procedure.2

Measurand, n - A particular quantity subject to measurement (VIM93-2.6); NOTE: This term and
definition encompass all quantities, while the commonly used term analyte refers to a tangible entity
subject to measurement. For example, substance concentration is a quantity that may be related to a
particular analyte.

Passing-Bablok, n - A method to estimate slope and intercept parameters from a method comparison
experiment using a nonparametric procedure.3
Some of these definitions are found in NCCLS document NRSCL8Terminology and Definitions for Use in NCCLS
Documents. For complete definitions and detailed source information, please refer to the most current edition of that document.
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 3
Number 19 NCCLS

Trueness, n - The closeness of agreement between the average value obtained from a large series of test
results and an accepted reference value; NOTE: The measure of trueness is usually expressed in terms of

2 Device-Familiarization Period
The operators of both the test and the comparative methods must be familiar with the following:

Maintenance procedures
Methods of sample preparation
Calibration and monitoring functions.

Manufacturers' training programs, when offered, can be a part of the familiarization period. Set up and
operate the test device in the laboratory long enough to ensure that the operators understand all
procedures and can properly operate the device. The working group recommends five days for the device
familiarization period. For extremely simple devices, a shorter period can suffice; for complex,
multichannel devices, a longer period can be required.

The operators should practice analyzing actual sample materials to bring to their attention all possible
contingencies (such as error flags, error correction, calibration, etc.) that might arise during routine
operation of either device. Data should not be collected during this period. The device familiarization
period is not complete until the operators can operate the device with confidence. (This procedure may
not be necessary for all user evaluations.) Before beginning the method-comparison evaluation, ensure
that routine quality control procedures are in place with appropriate control limits.

3 Comparison of Methods Experiment

3.1 Test Samples

Collect and handle patient samples according to accepted laboratory practice and manufacturers

3.1.1 Storage

The duration and conditions of storage depend on the stability of the measurand to be analyzed. Avoid
storing samples, if possible.

3.1.2 Excluded Samples

If a sample is excluded, record the reason for the exclusion.

3.2 Comparative Method

For the comparative method, use the laboratorys current method, the method used by the manufacturer in
the labeled claims, or a recognized reference method.

If the comparison method is a reference method, then the difference between the two methods measures
the trueness of the new method, measured as bias. If the comparison method is not a reference method,
then the trueness of the new method cannot be determined. In this case, one should refer to the difference
then simply as a difference, and not bias. Since the preferred approach is to use a reference method as the
comparison method, the term "bias" is used in this document.

4 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

This experiment gives an estimate of the bias between two methods and the confidence interval for the
bias, at any particular concentration. So that differences between the two methods are attributable to
errors in the test method, the comparative method should do the following:

Have better precision than the test method, which can be achieved by replication, if needed.

Be free from known interferences, whenever possible.

Use the same units as the test method.

Have known bias relative (traceable) to standards or reference methods, whenever possible.

This experiment does not segregate the various sources of bias into those coming from each of the
methods being compared. (See the most current version of NCCLS document EP14Evaluation of
Matrix Effects, for information on detection of matrix interference.) Interference effects may contribute as
much as imprecision effects to the differences between methods. (Proper characterization of interference
effects on each method can be determined by a separate experiment; see the most current version NCCLS
document EP7Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry.)

3.3 Range of Measurement

Evaluate the test method over the clinically meaningful range, i.e., where medical decisions are made. In
general, this range extends from below to substantially above the expected reference range. Analyte
concentrations should be distributed over the analytical measurement range to the extent possible. The
analytical measurement range is the analyte concentration interval claimed by the manufacturer to provide
acceptable performance. Tables 1a and 1b show a recommended distribution that takes into account the
availability of abnormals for a set of analytes.

3.3.1 Analytical Measurement Range

The range of the study is limited by the analytical measurement ranges of the two methods. The range of
the comparative method should be at least as wide as the range of the test method so that bias at the limits
of the analytical measurement range can be compared.

3.4 Number of Samples

Analyze at least 40 samples that meet the criteria stated above. More samples will improve the
confidence in the statistical estimates and increase the opportunity to incorporate the effects of
unexpected interfering substances (individual idiosyncratic biases). See Figures A1 and A2 for examples
of data recording sheets.

3.4.1 Duplicate Measurements

For the following reasons, obtain a sufficient quantity of each sample: (1) duplicates can be analyzed by
the test method; (2) duplicates can be analyzed by the comparative method; and (3) follow-up studies can
be performed, if required.

3.4.2 Pooled Samples

If the required volume of a sample cannot be obtained from a single patient, then make minipools by
mixing samples from two (but not more) patients with approximately the same level of measurand and
similar disease histories. Use the minipools for the two sets of duplicate analyses. If the samples are
whole blood, mixing requires serologic compatibility.
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 5
Number 19 NCCLS

NOTE: The process of pooling can mask by averaging out unique or sample-specific biases and thus can
lead to an optimistic picture of the comparability of the two methods.

3.5 Sample Sequence

Assign the first aliquot of the selected samples sequential positions in the run. Run the second (duplicate)
aliquots in reverse order. Reversing the order of the second aliquots minimizes the effects of carryover
and drift on the averages of the duplicates within the run. Make every effort to randomize the samples in
the sequence. For example, the samples could be run in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 8, 7,
6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Follow this reverse procedure for both the comparative and test methods, but different
initial sequences can be used for each method.

3.6 Time and Duration

For a given sample, analysis by the comparative and test methods should occur within a time span
consistent with the analyte stability. For all analytes, the time span should not exceed two hours for
analysis by each method. If possible, use samples drawn the day of the analysis. If stored samples are
used, make sure they were all stored in a manner that ensures their stability and meets the stated
requirements of both the test and the comparative methods. Store samples in the same manner for both
procedures to avoid introducing storage conditions as a variable.

If the comparison of methods experiment is carried out after the precision experiment (described in the
most current version of NCCLS document EP5Evaluation of Precision Performance of Clinical
Chemistry Devices), up to eight samples can be selected and analyzed on a single day. If the comparison
of methods experiment and precision evaluation experiment are done simultaneously, only four samples a
day should be analyzed 10 to 15 days after the protocol familiarization period. Spreading the patient
sample data over many days and runs is preferable.

3.7 Inspection of Data During Collection

3.7.1 Analytical System Errors

Document data collected during a time when the device indicates that an error condition exists, but do not
include it in the final data analysis.

3.7.2 Human Error

Record any data for which the operator can document that an error was made, but do not include it in the
final analysis.

3.7.3 Evaluation of Other Discrepant Data

Record the pairs of duplicate data points for which no errors were detected without editing. If a reason
for any discrepancy cannot be determined, retain the original results in the data set, subject to the outlier
checks in Sections 4.1 and 4.4.

3.8 Quality Control

Follow the laboratory's and/or manufacturer's routine quality control procedures during the experiment.
Keep control charts, and repeat any run that appears to be out of control on either method until the
required number of samples is obtained.

6 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

3.9 Documentation of Rejected Data

Carefully document and retain a record of any situation that requires the rejection of data along with any
discovered acceptable causes and problems.

4 Preliminary Data Examination

Figure 1 shows an overview of the examination process described in this section. Figure 2 shows the
logic flow chart of the individual steps in the process. Refer to these figures while reading the following

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 7

Number 19 NCCLS

Device Familiarization

Data Collection

Test Duplicates Within Method Outlier

Check (X&Y) (Section 4.1)

Plot Scatter (Y vs. X) (Section 4.2)

Plot Bias vs. Concentration [(Y-X) vs. X]

Not OK
Visual Linearity Check (Section 4.3) Truncate, if possible Is Remaining Range Adequate?

Yes No

Visual Outlier Between Method Check More than one outlier Investigate
(Section 4.4)

One outlier or none

r 2 less than 0.95 Yes

Adequate Range Test (Section 4.5) Can Range Be Extended?

r2 greater than or equal to 0.95 No

Compute Regression Use Partitioned Biases Procedure

(Section 5.1) (Section 6.2)

Visual Uniform Scatter Check (Section Not OK Use Partitioned Residuals

5.2) Procedure (Section 6.3)

Use Linear Regression Procedure (Section


Compare Average and Maximum Bias

Estimates to Claims or Internal Criteria
(Section 7)

Figure 1. Overview Flowchart of Protocol

8 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

A. Start

Obtain Data
N=40 No

Yes Is problem limited to

offending sample?

Delete offending sample


B. Test replicates within each Problem found

method for outliers (Section 4.1) No and corrected?

No No
Range test on Relative range #Unacceptable
duplicates OK? test OK? Greater than 1

Troubleshoot procedure


No Is maximum duplicate
error greater than medically
allowed error?
C. Plot (X,Y) data (Section 4.2) Yes

Plot Y vs. X scatterplots Stop and

Plot Y-X vs. X bias

D. Check for linearity

(Section 4.3)

No Replace data outside linear portion

Visually determine Linear range
Visually linear? with new samples within restricted
linear range clinically useful?
range, up to N=40 and return to start

Check linearity of
each method and
Yes troubleshoot

Problem found? Go to start

Continued on next
Stop and contact

Figure 2. Detailed Flowchart of Protocol

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 9

Number 19 NCCLS

From preceding page

E. Check for outliers (Section 4.4)

No Absolute range No Relative range No No Stop, investigate,

Visual outlier
test on paired test on paired Only one sample? and contact
check OK?
bias OK? bias OK? manufacturer
Yes Yes Yes Yes

Delete sample
F. Check for adequate range of X (Section 4.5)

r2 greater than or No Can range be No

equal to 0.95 extended?


Add extended range

data and go to start
(use all data)
G. Computation of regression line (Section 5.1)

Compute regression slope

(B) and intercept

H. Check for constant scatter (Section 5.2)

Visually uniform No

Use partitioned residuals Use partitioned biases procedure

procedure (Section 6.3) (Section 6.2)
Calculate sx,y, predicted bias,
and confidence interval
(Section 6.1)

Compare estimates of average bias and

bias confidence interval to criteria
(Section 7)

Figure 2. (Continued)

10 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

4.1 Outlier Tests on Within-Method Duplicates

The analysis should be done with all points and with any outliers which have been removed. Apply the
following procedure to the duplicates on the Test (Y) and Comparative (X) Methods.4 The analysis should
be done two ways, 1) with all points and 2) with any outliers which have been removed. Compute the
absolute values of the differences between the duplicates for each sample as follows:

DXi = | x i 1 - x i 2 | (1)

DYi = | yi 1 - yi 2 | (2)

where i = the sample number (which goes from 1 to N, and N = total number of samples).

Compute the mean absolute difference between duplicates for each method:

DX = (3)

DY = (4)

Compute acceptability limits of four times these mean absolute differences for each method (rounded
up to the next higher reportable value). If any individual absolute difference exceeds the appropriate (X
or Y) limit value, make an additional calculation for each method using normalized (relative) absolute
differences; thus:

| - |
DX i = x i 1 x i 2 (5)

| yi 1 - y i 2 |
DYi = (6)

DX =
DX i

DY =
DY i

Limits of four times the mean values of the relative differences provide test limits for the normalized

If a single data point falls outside the limits for both the range and relative range procedures, investigate
why it did so, and delete the sample from the data set. Continue analyzing the data after deleting all data
(X and Y) for that sample.

If more than one sample has to be deleted, carry out an expanded investigation into the cause of the
discrepancies. If the source of the problem can be identified and traced to the offending samples alone,
replace those samples in the data set. The cause of the problem must be documented. If it can be

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 11

Number 19 NCCLS

corrected but not traced to specific samples, the entire data set must be recollected. If the problem is
neither found nor corrected, evaluate the size of the maximum difference between duplicates relative to
the allowable medical decision limits for precision of the method. If those limits are not exceeded, return
the data and follow the subsequent steps. If these limits are exceeded, stop the experiment and notify the
manufacturer. (See Section 3.9 on documentation of rejected data.)

4.2 Plotting the Data

Make four plots of the data. The first is the scatter plot of Yi (mean of duplicates) versus X i (mean of
duplicates), treating the test method as the Y variable and the comparative method as the X variable (see
Figure B1). Make the origins and scales of both axes identical, and draw a line with the slope of 1.0
going through the origin. The second should plot the individual Yij s against their mean X i in the same
way (see Figure B2).

The third is the bias plot for which the X axis variable depends on whether the comparative method is a
reference method.5,6 If this is the case then the third plot is the bias plot where the differences between the
mean Y and mean X values (Yi X i ) for each assay are plotted against the (X i ) value (see Figure B3).
The horizontal centerline of this plot has the value of zero. The fourth plot, as above, plots the individual
( )
Y differences from the average X Yij X i against the same (X i ) values (see Figure B4).

If the comparative method is not a reference method or if one is not sure, then the third plot is the bias
plot where the differences between the mean Y and mean X values (Yi X i ) for each assay are plotted
against the (Yi + X i )/2 value (see Figure B3). The horizontal centerline of this plot has the value of zero.
( )
The fourth plot, as above, plots the individual Y differences from the average X Yij + X i /2 against the
same (Yi + X i )/2 values (see Figure B4).

Using all four of these plots is helpful because the differences in scale between them can be used to
balance decisions on the effect of nonlinear relationship, outliers, and nonconstant variance on the
comparison between the test and comparative methods.

4.3 Visual Check for Linear Relationship

Check the plots of the data for a linear relationship between X (the comparative method) and Y (the test
method) throughout the measured range. If there appears to be a satisfactory linear relationship, examine
the data according to the procedures given in Section 4.4. (Please refer to the most current version of
NCCLS document EP6Evaluation of the Linearity of Quantitative Analytical Methods, for additional

If there is evidence of a nonlinear relationship, visually determine whether the data contains a linear
portion. Often, nonlinearity will occur at the extremes of the concentration values. If this is the case,
truncate the data point(s) where they begin to be nonlinear. Examine the remaining linear portion to
determine whether it is sufficiently wide to cover the medically useful range. If so, analyze additional
samples within that range to replace these excluded samples. Then examine the new data set beginning
again at Section 4.

If no linear portion is evident, or if the linear portion is too small, stop the evaluation and notify the
manufacturer. If the source of the nonlinearity can be identified and corrected, begin the experiment
again with new data.

4.4 Visual Check for Between-Method Outliers

Examine data plot A and data plot C for visually obvious outliers. If there are no such points, proceed to
Section 4.5. If outliers exist, carry out the following calculations similar to those used for the duplicates
in Section 4.1.
12 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP9-A2

Compute the absolute differences between methods and their average; thus:
Eij = | yij - x i | (9)
where i = the sample number 1...40 and j = the duplicate number 1 or 2.

1 N 2
i j
ij (10)

Compute the Test Limit (TLE) as 4 E , rounded up to the next higher reportable value. Compare each
Eij with this test limit, and label any point that exceeds this limit.

Compute the relative absolute differences between methods and their average; thus:

y ij x i
E ij = (11)

1 N 2
E =
i j
ij (12)

Compute a relative test limit as 4 x E , and compare each Ej with this limit (do not round this limit up).
Label any points that exceed this limit.

Any point (Xij, Yij) that fails both tests is an outlier. A maximum of 2.5% of the data may be deleted from
the data set.

If more than 2.5% of the data are identified as outliers by this test, investigate possible interferences,
human error, and device malfunctions. If several analytes are being simultaneously evaluated on the
same device, examine the results for the offending sample on other analytes. Also, review the quality
control results during the runs. If obvious causes cannot be determined, and if the differences resulting
between the values exceed the bounds of medical significance, then stop the evaluation or add 40 new

If more than one outlier is detected, but the outliers do not exceed a medically significant difference,
retain and use the data. If the expanded investigation shows reasons for the outliers, analyze additional
samples and use the data from them to augment the data set.

4.5 Test for Adequate Range of X

The results of a regression analysis are valid only if certain assumptions about the data are true. One of
these assumptions is that the X variable is known without error. In the clinical laboratory, this is not true
because every measurement has intrinsic error. However, if the range of the data is sufficiently wide, the
effect of this error on the regression estimates can be considered negligibly small. The correlation
coefficient, r, can be used as a rough guide to assess the adequacy of the X range in overcoming this
problem. The formula for r is as follows:

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 13

Number 19 NCCLS

(x j x)(y j y)
r= i

(x j x) 2

(y j y) 2

x ij
x= (14)

y= (15)

As a general guide, the range of X can be considered adequate if r 0.975 (or equivalently, if r2 0.95).
If the data yield an r that satisfies this requirement, the error in X is adequately compensated by the range
of data, and simple linear regression can be used to estimate the slope and intercept.

If r2 < 0.95, then the range of the data must be extended by assaying additional samples. Then, begin
examining the entire data set again. If the range cannot be extended, use the partitioned biases procedure
described in Section 6.2 in place of linear regression to estimate average bias.

NOTE: This procedure assesses the range of the data; it does not measure the distribution of the data
within the range. One must still obtain an even distribution of data throughout the range.

5 Linear Regression

5.1 Computations

For the set of paired observations (xij - yij) the slope (b) and the y-intercept (a) are calculated according to
the following formulas:

The average X value for each pair of X observations is calculated, and = xi .

For individual Ys versus average X,

N 2
i j
ij - y) 2 (x i x)
b= N
i x) 2

14 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

For average Y versus average X,

(x i - x ) (y j - y)
b= N

(x i - x )

a = y - bx (18)

y= (19)

x ij
x= (20)

Thus, the computed line is described by the following equation:

Y = bX + a (21)

For any given concentration value (X), the equation may be used to produce a predicted value ( Y) for the
test method. Save the results of this regression for later use. Alternative regression procedures, such as
Deming (orthogonal as a special case when = 1) or Passing-Bablok, may be used for estimating the
slope and the intercept only. After fitting such a model, follow all other steps below. One should not use
the orthogonal regression or Deming procedures for calculation of the standard error of estimate because
this value will be artificially low unless one computes the standard error based on the vertical and not the
orthogonal distance.

5.2 Visual Check for Constant Scatter

Examine the scatter and bias plots (Figures B1 through B4) for constant scatter. Although few methods
have constant imprecision (which contributes to constant scatter) throughout the analytical measurement
range of that test, visual examination determines whether there are dramatic and significant differences
(approximately 3:1 or greater) between the standard deviations at the upper and lower ends of the range.
If the data appear to exhibit reasonably constant scatter, use the linear regression procedure described in
Section 6.1 to compute average bias. In this situation, ordinary least squares regression can still be used
to estimate the slope and intercept of the line relating X and Y. Even when scatter is not constant, the
estimates of slope and intercept will be unbiased (in the statistical sense). However, in this case, the
standard error of estimate (Sy.x) is not usable for measuring variability around the regression line. Use the
partitioned residuals procedure described in Section 6.3 for variability estimates and for making
statements about average bias.

Deciding adequate constant scatter is difficult when only 40 samples (80 paired analysis points) are
available. Therefore, the working group recommends that more samples be collected if nonconstant
scatter is suspected.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 15

Number 19 NCCLS

Alternatively, standard statistical procedures exist for correcting regression in the presence of non-
constant scatter. These techniques include using transformed data (such as logarithms and weighted

6 Computing Predicted Bias and Its Confidence Interval

6.1 Linear Regression Procedure (When Data Pass Adequate Range and Uniform
Scatter Checks)

The difference, measured in the Y direction, between a given data point and the regression line is called
the residual for that point. The standard error of estimate (Sy.x) is the standard deviation of these residuals
and is thus a measure of the scatter of the points around the regression line. The residual for a point
( x j , yij ) can be calculated using the following formula:

Residualij = yij - Yij = yij - (a + bx j ) (22)

and for the average ( x j , y j ):

Residual j = y j - Y j = y j - (a + bx j ) (23)

The standard error of estimate is given by performing the following calculations for individual yij:

( yij - Yij )2
s y x = (24)
2N - 2

and for average y j

(y j - Yij )2
s y x = (25)

The estimate of the predicted bias (Bc) at a given Medical Decision Level Xc, is given by:

Bc = a + (b - 1) Xc (26)

The 95% confidence interval for Bc (the true bias at Xc ) is given by:

1 (X c - x )2
[B c,low B c,high ] = Bc 2 Sy x + (27)
2N ( x ij - x )2

Use the procedures in Section 7 for interpretation of these statistics.

16 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

6.2 Computing Average Bias Using Partitioned Individual Differences When Data Fail
Adequate Range Check (Partitioned Biases Procedure)

Tabulate the data in order of increasing X values, and then divide the data into three groups (low, middle,
and high) where each group contains approximately the same number of data points. Base this grouping
on the X value of each data pair. One can carry out this process by counting points in from the extremities
of the bias plot 2N/3 points to identify the boundaries of the three groups. (Allocate points that fall on the
boundary such that each group maintains an approximately equal number of points.) Label the data on
the recording sheet as to which of the three groups each data point belongs. Then, calculate separately the
average bias for each group using the following formulas:

[NK = number of data points in group K (K = 1,2,3)].

(m is a dummy subscript denoting that the sum is performed on the paired xs and ys in group K.)


m =1
m - xm )
BK = (28)

[(y x m ) BK ]

SD K = (29)
NK 1

This calculation sequence computes the biases (differences) for each point in the group and the standard
deviations of those biases. The value of B K is the estimated predicted (average) bias for the appropriate
concentration range, and the set of three B K s replaces the B C of Section 6.1. If the set of 3 B K s are
approximately the same, then report the average of the three, as B.

The medical decision levels are chosen for clinical utility and do not depend at all on the way the data is
broken up into ranges. If it turns out that an important medical decision level is close to the boundary
between two partitions, it is often useful to move the partition to avoid the discontinuity in the bias
estimate (or choose the larger one).

The 95% confidence interval for the predicted bias ( Bc ) at a medical decision level concentration Xc is
given by choosing the appropriate K for Xc and performing the following computations:

[B c,low
Bc,high = BK 2
(SDK )

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 17

Number 19 NCCLS

6.3 Computing Predicted Bias Using Partitioned Residuals When Data Have
Nonconstant (Variable) Precision (Partitioned Residuals Procedure)

Divide the data into three groups, as in Section 6.2, with approximately equal numbers of data points in
each group. Then, calculate the following separately for each group, where NK = number of data points in
group K (K = 1, 2, 3).

(m is a dummy subscript denoting that the sum is performed on the paired xs and ys in group K.)


m =1
m - Y m )2
SDK = (31)
NK - 1

The estimate of the predicted bias ( Bc ) at a given medical decision level Xc is:

Bc = a + (b - 1) Xc (32)

and a 95% confidence interval for Bc is given by choosing the appropriate K for Xc and performing the
following equation:
[B c,low ]
Bc,high = Bc 2
(SDK )

7 Interpreting Results and Comparing to Internal Performance Criteria

In most instances, the difference between a current method and a candidate replacement method is of
interest. In these cases, compare the confidence interval of the predicted bias with the definition of
acceptable error at the medical decision point Xc. Each laboratory should develop its own criteria (in
consultation with its medical staff and/or the technical literature). If the confidence interval for predicted
bias includes the defined acceptable bias, then the data do not show that the bias of the candidate method
is different from the acceptable bias. However, if the confidence interval for expected bias does not
contain the defined acceptable bias, then one of the two following decisions can be made:

If the acceptable bias is less than the lower limit of the confidence interval of the predicted bias, the
following conclusion can be drawn:

There is a high level of probability (>97.5%) that the predicted bias is greater than the acceptable bias
and, therefore, the performance of the candidate method is not equivalent to the current method and
may not be acceptable for the defined application.

If the acceptable bias is greater than the higher limit of the confidence interval of the predicted bias,
the following conclusion can be drawn:

There is a high probability (>97.5%) that the predicted bias is less than the acceptable bias and,
therefore, the performance of the candidate method is equivalent to the current method and is
acceptable for the defined application.

If nonequivalence is observed, and yet it is believed that the candidate replacement method is more
specific, rather than reject the new method, obtain new clinical data for it (such as a new reference range)
before putting it into routine use. Remember that the criteria developed for the laboratory should define
18 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP9-A2

allowable differences between two methods. Criteria for medically allowable errors for precision alone
might not apply when comparing allowable error for two methods. Error limit guidelines can be found in
the literature for intra-individual biological variation for the test being studied.

Where a manufacturer has provided method comparison data for the test method, an additional
assessment of performance can be made. However, remember that in order to make a valid comparison to
the manufacturers data, the comparative method and operating procedures must be identical to the
manufacturers. If the manufacturer's claim for average bias is included in the 95% confidence interval,
then it can be concluded that the candidate method has provided equivalent results.

8 Manufacturer Modifications

8.1 Experimental Design

The manufacturer should obtain a minimum of 100 patient samples, spread throughout the claimed
analytical measurement range of the method or device. The manufacturer may choose to employ more
than 100 patient samples, particularly if multiple sites are used to collect the samples, or if other factors
require study.

Patient samples may be used to assess multiple analytes.

8.2 Data Analysis

Follow the basic procedure described in this document for preliminary examination of the collected data.
The manufacturer may choose to analyze the data with any valid statistical procedure, but the end point
must be the estimation of the bias between the test and comparative methods at relevant medical decision
points. To assess the error in the parameters, the manufacturer should compute the standard errors of the
regression slope and intercept, as well as the standard error of the predicted value at the points used for
the bias claims. If the standard errors are unacceptably large, additional data can be required. Avoid the
use of invalid procedures, such as measuring the standard error of estimate in the perpendicular
(orthogonal) direction (Deming).

8.3 Statement of Bias Performance Claims

The following items should be included in a manufacturers claim for method comparison bias. Unless
the comparative method is an established reference method, the terms accuracy and trueness should
not be used. Items listed as optional may be included at the manufacturer's discretion.

The slope and intercept of the fitted linear regression line (by any method).

The total number of points used in the regression.

The bias calculated from the regression line at stated medical decision points (either at generally
recognized decision points or at the extremes of the reference interval).

The range of data (the highest and lowest value of X included in the regression).

The comparative method used in the regressions.

Whether individual observations were used in the regressions or means of replicate determinations
and, if so, how many repetitions in each mean. This should be noted for both X and Y.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 19

Number 19 NCCLS

The standard error of estimate of the data, calculated in the vertical (Y) direction, if consistent
throughout the claimed analytical measurement range; or the standard error in multiple concentration
ranges, if the overall estimate is not appropriate.

The confidence intervals on the slope and intercept.

The confidence interval on the bias at each level.

The correlation coefficient.

A scatter plot of the observed data, using identical scales and ranges for the x and y axes, with all data
indicated, including those data points identified as outliers with a different plot symbol. The scatter
plot should include the fitted regression line (if appropriate) and the line of identity (X = Y).

The method used to fit the linear regression line (ordinary least squares, weighted regression,
Deming, orthogonal regression) and a scatter plot illustrating the line of best fit.

The number of days and calibration cycles used to collect the data on the test (Y) method.

20 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Table 1a. Suggested Distribution of Data for Comparison of Methods Experiment (Mass

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E

Test Range % Range % Range % Range % Range %
Glucose (mg/dL) <50 10 51-110 40 111-150 30 151-250 10 251-SL 10
BUN (mg/dL) <15 10 15-25 40 26-50 20 51-100 20 100-SL 10
Na+ (mmol/L) 120-130 20 131-140 40 141-150 30 151-160 10
K+ (mmol/L) <3.0 20 3-4.5 35 4.5-6.0 35 >6 10
Cl- (mmol/L) 80-95 30 95-105 40 105- 30
CO2 (mmol/L) <15 10 15-20 30 20-30 40 30-40 10 >40-SL 10
Uric acid (mg/dL) <3.0 20 3-5 20 5-8 20 8-10 20 >10-SL 20
Calcium (mg/dL) <8.0 10 8-9 20 9-11 40 11-13 20 >13-SL 10
Inorganic phosphates <2.5 10 2.5-4.5 60 4.5-6.5 20 >6.5 10
Alkaline phosphatase <NL/2 30 NL- 20 NL- 20 2NL- 20 4NL-SL 10
(U/dL) 2NL 2NL 4NL
Total protein (g/dL) <5 10 5-7 40 7-9 40 >9 10
Albumin (g/L) <3 10 3-4 40 4-5 40 >5 10
Total bilirubin 0-1.0 30 1-2 30 2-5 20 5-10 10 10-SL 10
Cholesterol (mg/dL) 120-180 20 181-220 30 221-260 30 261-400 20
Triglycerides <75 10 75-125 30 125-200 30 200-300 20 300-SL 10
AST/SGOT (U/L) NL/2 20 NL/2- 30 NL/2- 30 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
GGT (U/L) 0-NL 40 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
ALT/SGPT (U/L) NL/2 20 NL/2- 20 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
LD (U/L) NL/2 15 NL/2- 25 NL/2- 30 2NL- 20 5NL-SL 10
CK (U/L) NL/2 15 NL/2- 25 NL/2- 30 2NL- 20 5NL-SL 10
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0-1.0 20 1.1-2.5 30 2.5-5.0 20 5-10 20 10-SL 10
Fe (g/dL) <50 20 50-150 50 150.300 20 300-SL 10
Amylase (U/L) 0-NL 40 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <9.0 15 9.1-12.0 25 12.1- 50 17.1-SL 10
RBC (x1012/L) <3.0 10 3.1-4.0 30 4.1-6.0 50 6.1-SL 10
WBC (x109/L) <2.0 10 2.1-5.0 20 5.1-11.0 40 11.1- 20 25.1-SL 10
Platelets (x109/L) <50.0 10 51.0- 20 151.0- 30 301.0- 30 451.0- 10
150.0 300.0 450.0 SL

BUN, blood urea nitrogen SGOT, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase Fe, iron
Na, sodium GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase RBC, red blood cell (count)
K, potassium ALT, alanine aminotransferase WBC, white blood cell (count)
Cl, chloride SGPT, serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase
CO2, carbon dioxide LD, lactate dehydrogenase
AST, asparate aminotransferase CK, creatine kinase
SL, scale limit NL, upper limit of laboratorys normal range

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 21

Number 19 NCCLS

Table 1b. Suggested Distribution of Data for Comparison of Methods Experiment (Substance

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E

Test Range % Range % Range % Range % Range %
Glucose (mg/dL) <2.76 10 2.81- 40 6.12- 30 8.32- 10 13.83- 10
6.06 8.27 13.78 SL
BUN (mg/dL) <2.50 10 2.50- 40 4.33- 20 8.50- 20 16.65- 10
4.16 8.33 16.65 SL
Na+ (mmol/L) 120-130 20 131-140 40 141-150 30 151-160 10
K+ (mmol/L) <3.0 20 3-4.5 35 4.5-6.0 35 >6 10
Cl- (mmol/L) 80-95 30 95-105 40 105- 30
CO2 (mmol/L) <15 10 15-20 30 20-30 40 30-40 10 >40-SL 10
Uric acid (mg/dL) <178 20 178-297 20 297-476 20 476-595 20 >595- 20
Calcium (mg/dL) <2.0 10 2.0-2.25 20 2.25- 40 2.75- 20 >3.24- 10
2.75 3.24 SL
Inorganic phosphates <0.8 10 0.8-1.5 60 1.5-2.1 20 >2.1 10
Alkaline phosphatase <NL/2 30 NL- 20 NL- 20 2NL- 20 4NL-SL 10
(U/dL) 2NL 2NL 4NL
Total protein (g/dL) <50 10 50-70 40 70-90 40 >90 10
Albumin (g/L) <435 10 435-580 40 580-725 40 >725 10
Total bilirubin 0-17.1 30 17.1- 30 34.2- 20 85.5- 10 171-SL 10
(mg/dL) 34.2 85.5 171
Cholesterol (mg/dL) <3.9 10 3.9-6.5 40 6.5-9.1 30 >9.1 20
*Triglycerides <0.086 10 0.086- 30 10.14- 30 0.23- 20 0.34-SL 10
(mg/dL) 0.14 0.23 0.34
AST/SGOT (U/L) NL/2 20 NL/2- 30 NL/2- 30 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
GGT (U/L) 0-NL 40 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
ALT/SGPT (U/L) NL/2 20 NL/2- 20 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
LD (U/L) NL/2 15 NL/2- 25 NL/2- 30 2NL- 20 5NL-SL 10
CK (U/L) NL/2 15 NL/2- 25 NL/2- 30 2NL- 20 5NL-SL 10
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0-88.4 20 97.2- 30 221-442 20 442-884 20 884-SL 10
Fe (g/dL) <8.95 20 8.95- 50 26.9- 20 53.7-SL 10
26.9 53.7
Amylase (U/L) 0-NL 40 NL/2- 40 2NL- 10 4NL-SL 10
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <5.58 15 5.65- 25 7.50- 50 10.61- 10
7.45 10.55 SL
RBC (x1012/L) <3.0 10 3.1-4.0 30 4.1-6.0 50 6.1-SL 10
WBC (x109/L) <2.0 10 2.1-5.0 20 5.1-11.0 40 11.1- 20 25.1-SL 10
Platelets (x109/L) <50.0 10 51.0- 20 151.0- 30 301.0- 30 451.0- 10
150.0 300.0 450.0 SL
*Based on relative molecular mass=875.
NOTE: The proposed unit for catalytic amount (enzymatic activity) is the katal (symbol: kat). There is, as yet, no general
acceptance of this unit. 1 (conventional) U=16.67 nkat.
BUN, blood urea nitrogen SGOT, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase Fe, iron
Na, sodium GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase RBC, red blood cell (count)
K, potassium ALT, alanine aminotransferase WBC, white blood cell (count)
Cl, chloride SGPT, serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase
CO2, carbon dioxide LD, lactate dehydrogenase
AST, asparate aminotransferase CK, creatine kinase
SL, scale limit NL, upper limit of laboratory's normal range

22 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Linnet K. Evaluation of regression procedures for method comparison studies. Clin Chem.
Mandel J. The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data. Dover, New York: 1964:282-292.
Passing H, Bablok W. A new biometrical procedure for testing the equality of measurements from
two different analytical methods. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1983;21:709-720.
Beyer WH, Ed. CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae. Boca Raton, Florida:
CRC Press. 1999;Table VIII.2:270.
Bland JM, Altman DG Statistical method for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical
measurement. Lancet. 1986:307-310.
Altman DG, Bland JM. Measurement in medicine: the analysis of method comparison studies. The
Statistician. 1983;32:307-317.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 23

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix A. Sample Data Recording Sheet

A1. Example: Blank Worksheet

Sheet # of
Date(s): Analyte:
Test method:
Comparative method:

Test Method Comparative Method Test Method Comparative

(Y) Method (X)
Sample # Result 1 Result 2 Result 1 Result 2 Mean Mean

24 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix A. (Continued)
A2. Example: Completed Sample Data Recording Sheet
Sheet # 1 of 2
Date(s): 1/29/93 Analyte: Calculation Example
Test method: Kipling
Comparative method: XYZ

Test Method Comparative

(Y) Method (X)
Test Method Comparative Method Absolute Absolute
Value Value
Sample # Result 1 Result 2 Result 1 Result 2 Mean Mean
1 87 82 86 80 5 6
2 165 158 155 158 7 3
3 197 208 202 194 11 8
4 43 45 47 50 2 3
5 68 70 72 72 2 0
6 184 180 176 177 4 1
7 227 220 218 222 7 4
8 140 140 136 138 0 2
9 168 173 175 170 5 5
10 87 86 79 78 1 1
11 144 152 147 150 8 3
12 264 248 250 245 16 5
13 45 49 45 44 4 1
14 92 87 98 96 5 2
15 74 73 69 73 1 4
16 63 60 53 57 3 4
17 147 154 149 155 7 6
18 204 209 200 211 5 11
19 106 97 110 108 9 2
20 125 120 123 120 5 3
21 132 124 136 132 8 4
22 101 104 98 102 3 4
23 211 204 199 206 7 7
24 67 68 72 70 1 2
25 184 176 192 193 8 1
26 97 92 95 98 5 3
27 143 145 132 130 2 2
28 106 117 113 122 11 9
29 84 80 86 90 4 4
30 201 199 207 205 2 2
31 154 153 147 141 1 6
32 76 79 75 70 3 5
33 55 53 62 59 2 3
34 181 174 179 184 7 5
35 243 256 261 254 13 7
36 127 124 128 126 3 2
37 84 87 85 82 3 3
38 62 62 68 66 0 2
39 137 135 138 143 2 5
40 104 111 106 107 7 1

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 25

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix B. Scatter Plots Derived from Example

B1. Scatter Plot for Mean of Replicates From Example

Mean Test vs Mean Comp.


y = 1.004x - 0.628 r 2 =
Kipling Method Mean





25 75 125 175 225 275
XYZ Method Mean

26 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix B. (Continued)
B2. Scatter Plot for All Results From Example

Indivual Test Obs. vs. Mean Comp.



y = 1.004x - 0.628 r 2 = 0.987

Kipling Method Indiv. Obs.




25 75 125 175 225 275
XYZ Method Mean

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 27

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix B. (Continued)
B3. Bias Plot Means-of-Replicate Deltas Versus Mean of Test and Comparative Method

Difference plot: Mean test - Mean Comp. vs.

(Test + Comp.)/2


Kipling Method Average Diff.



25 75 125 175 225 275
XYZ Kipling Method Avg.

28 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix B. (Continued)
B4. Bias PlotIndividual Results Deltas Versus Mean of Test and Comparative Method

Difference plot - Indivual obs. Test - Comp. vs.

(Test + Comp.)/2



Kipling Method Individual Differences




25 75 125 175 225 275
XYZ Kipling Method Avg.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 29

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix C. Calculation Example

C1. Within-Method Duplicates Check (Section 4.1)

x11 = 86 x12 = 80

y11 = 87 y12 = 82

( x11 + x12)
DX 1 = | x11 - x12 | = | 86 - 80 | = 6 x1 = = 83

( y11 + y12)
DY1 = | y11 - y12 | = | 87 - 82 | = 5 yi = = 84.5

| x -x | 6
DX1 = 11 12 = = 0.0723
xi 83

| y11 - y12 | 5
DY1 = = = 0.0592
yi 84.5


i xi1 xi2 yi1 yi2 DXi DYi DXi DYi

2 155 158 165 158 3 7 0.0192 0.0433

3 202 194 197 208 8 11 0.0404 0.0543
4 47 50 43 45 3 2 0.0619 0.0455

38 68 66 62 62 2 0 0.0299 0
39 138 143 137 135 5 2 0.0356 0.0147
40 106 107 104 111 1 7 0.0094 0.0651

DX = 3.775 Control limit = 4 DX = 15.1 Rounded up = 16

DY = 4.975 Control limit = 4 DY = 19.9 Rounded up = 20

DX = 0.0320 Control limit = 4 DX = 0.1280

DY = 0.0392 Control limit = 4 DY = 0.1567

No duplicates exceeded both control limits.

30 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix C. (Continued)
C2. Test for Outliers (Section 4.4)

x11 = 86 x12 = 80

y11 = 87 y12 = 82

E11 = | y11 - x11 | = | 87 - 86 | = 1

E12 = | y12 - x12 | = | 82 - 80 | = 2

| y11 - x11 | 1
E11 = = = 0.0116
x11 86

| y12 - x12 | 2
E1 2 = = = 0.0250
x12 80


#/i Ei1 Ei2 E i1 E i2

2 10 0 0.0645 0
3 5 14 0.0248 0.0722
4 4 5 0.0851 0.1000

38 6 4 0.0882 0.0606
39 1 8 0.0072 0.0559
40 2 4 0.0189 0.0374

1 40 2 1
E= E ij = 428 = 5.35
80 i=1 j=1 80

1 40 2 1
E = E ij = 3.6839 = 0.0473
80 i=1 j=1 80

Control limit for E = 4 E = 21.4 Rounded up = 22

Control limit for E' = 4 E = 0.1892

No duplicates exceeded both control limits.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 31

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix C. (Continued)
C3. Adequate Range Test-Correlation (Section 4.5)

( xij - x)( yij - y)

2 2
(x j - x ) ( yij - y )

x = 129.34

y = 129.16

i j x ij - x yij - y ( x ij - x ) 2 ( yij - y ) 2 ( x ij - x)( yij - y)

1 1 -43.34 -42.16 1878.36 1777.47 1827.21

1 2 -49.34 -47.16 2434.44 2224.07 2326.87
2 1 +25.66 +35.84 658.44 1284.51 919.65
2 2 +28.66 +28.84 821.40 831.75 826.55

39 1 +8.66 +7.84 75.00 61.47 67.89
39 2 +13.66 +5.84 186.60 34.11 79.77
40 1 -23.34 -25.16 544.76 633.03 587.23
40 2 -22.34 -18.16 499.08 329.79 405.69

( x ij - x ) = 254531.90 ( yij - y ) = 259160.86

2 2

( x ij - x)( y ij - y) = 255032.61

r= = 0.993 (Data pass adequate range test)
254531.90 259160.86

32 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix C. (Continued)
C4. Regression Parameter Estimates (Section 5.1)

Slope (b): Using calculated data from previous page,

N 2

i j
ij - x)( yij - y)
b = N 2

i j
ij - x )2

= = 1.001967 = 1.002

Intercept (a)

a = y b x = 129.1625 1.001967 129.3375

= 129.1625 129.5919

= - 0.429

= - 0.4

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 33

Number 19 NCCLS

Appendix C. (Continued)
C5. Residuals and Standard Error of Estimate (sy.x) (Section 6.1)

Predicted value : yij = a + b x ij = - 0.429 + 1.002 x ij

Residualij = yij - y ij

I j yij y ij Residual (yij - ij)2

1 1 87 85.74 +1.26 1.588

1 2 82 79.728 +2.272 5.162
2 1 165 154.875 +10.125 102.506
2 2 158 157.881 +0.119 0.014

39 1 137 137.842 -0.842 0.709
39 2 135 142.852 -7.852 61.652
40 1 104 105.779 -1.779 3.165
40 2 111 106.781 +4.219 17.799

Sum of the squared residuals = ( y ij - y ij ) 2 = 3626.565

i j

Standard error of estimate (s y.x ) = = 6.818 = 6.8

If the 95% confidence interval at Bc = 150, then Bc = -0.429 + 1.002 150 = 149.87 = 149.9.

Lower 95% confidence interval point

= 149.87 - 2 6.826 [1 / 80 + (150 129.3375 ) / 254531.895]

= 149.87 - 13.64 (0.0125 + 426.9389 / 254531.895)

= 149.87 - 13.64 (0.11907)

= 149.87 - 1.624
= 148.246
= 148.2.

Upper 95% confidence interval point

= 149.87 + 1.624
= 151.49
= 151.5.

34 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Appendix D. Calculation of Deming Slope

The following formulas can be used in a spreadsheet to calculate the Deming slope and intercept.

Calculate the ordinary least squares slope with y as the dependent and x as the independent variables =

Calculate the ordinary least squares slope with x as the dependent and y as the independent variables =

Define f =
bxy byx

where = the ratio of the error variance (imprecision) in the y variable to the error variance (imprecision)
in the x variable. The imprecision can be calculated as the variance between replicate results, pooled
across samples.

The Deming slope bd = 0.5 (f + f 2 + (4 ) )

The Deming intercept = y (bd x)

Reference for Appendix D

Parvin C. A direct comparison of two slope-estimation techniques used in method-comparison studies.

Clin Chem. 1984;30:751-754.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 35

Number 19 NCCLS

NCCLS consensus procedures include an appeals process that is described in detail in Section 9
of the Administrative Procedures. For further information, contact the Executive Offices or
visit our website at www.nccls.org.

Summary of Comments and Working Group Responses

EP9-A: Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline
1. In general, the standard is a good attempt to provide a uniform implementation of Comparison and
Bias Estimation using patient samples. However, the working group may wish to review the statistical
application from the hematologist's viewpoint. Alternative methods, such as binomial, have proved to
be more useful that some more standard methods (linear regression).

See the response to Comment 71.

2. The general methodology of regression is used extensively throughout the document. It is well
known in our industry that these methods are often inappropriate for many measurements used in
blood cell analysis. Therefore, it would be helpful if:
a) the document scope explicitly identified parameters for which the standard is appropriate; and
b) for all parameters in scope above, some minimal preliminary experimental data should be
obtained or references cited supporting the proposed methodology prior to external reviews.

The working group has given guidelines for appropriate use of the regressions methods. This is
more useful than a list of analytes suitable for regression analysis.
3. I find that customers and laboratory evaluators find it very difficult to follow documents with
calculations but without data examples.

There is a data example in the appendix.

4. Please include a flowchart that shows where bias evaluation fits into the overall instrument
evaluation (e.g., do it first, last, or in the middle!).

This suggestion is beyond the scope of the document; however, general guidance is given in
Section 1.

5. References to the articles in the bibliography should be made in the body of the document.

The working group agrees with the commenter. References have been inserted where

Section 1.1

6. To be consistent with other documents, the term sample should be replaced with specimen. The
term sample denotes an aliquot of a specimen.

The working group disagrees. In keeping with NCCLSs commitment to harmonization, the
term specimen has replaced the term sample.

36 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

7. EP9 recommends a minimum of 40 samples where as H20 recommends a total of 200 of which 100
are normal and 100 abnormal. For consistency within the NCCLS organization, these differing
recommendations should be reconciled. From our experience, 120 samples representing tertiary care
patients generally covers the expected range.

The comment for consistency across documents is valid and will be passed on to the Area
Committee on Hematology. However, an important issue for any evaluation is always what is
the minimum number of samples required? A usual answer to this question depends on many
other parameters such as specific parameter(s) to assess, confidence level desired, cost, and
perhaps most importantly, how representative the sampling is. The minimum of 40 samples is a
consensus opinion of the committee.

8. In general, the n required depends upon the objectives of the test. In this case, the objectives may be
to determine a particular precision, accuracy, sensitivity, etc. at some statistical level of
confidence. From these objectives, the n requirement can be determined. Perhaps even more
globally, an objective may be driven based upon ...establishing a Clinical Level of Significance
(required) which ... dictates precision, accuracy, etc., requirements which ... dictate sample size
n at some level of significance.

The working group agrees. See the response to Comment 7.

9. An n of 40 is inappropriate for some recommended statistical analyses mentioned later in the draft
document. An n = 40 would also prove inconsistent for use by manufacturers for validation and
research purposes. An n = 40 may be appropriate for some customers depending on the
recommended statistical analysis and sample population.

The working group agrees. See the response to Comment 7.

10. The straightaway recommendation of regression analysis may not be appropriate if the spread of the
data is not sufficient. Since the paragraph is readable without this sentence, the working group may
wish to consider deletion. Alternatively, the working group may cite Section 4.5 of the document that
limits the regression application.

The working group agrees. The sentence Analyze the data to detect outliers, and fit a
regression line to the data has been deleted.

Section 1. 2

11. The definition for Dxi, or Dyi should read absolute difference between duplicates for method X or

The definition has been changed to read absolute value of the difference between duplicates
for methods X or Y.

Section 2

12. I disagree with the following sentence, This procedure is not necessary for the user evaluations.
Device familiarization is essential for proper instrument operation and understanding of results
(numbers, flags, etc.).

The working group agrees. The sentence has been changed to read, This procedure may not
be necessary for all user evaluations.

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Section 3.1

13. Patient samples must also be collected and handled in the manner consistent with manufacturer's

The working group agrees. The sentence Collect and handle patient samples according to
accepted laboratory practice has been changed to read, Collect and handle patient samples
according to accepted laboratory practice and to the manufacturers recommendations.

Section 3.1.2

14. Prequalification of patient samples has the tendency to truncate the experiment design.

Section 3.1.2 has been rewritten to address the commenters concern.

15. The working group may wish to recommend recording: [1] sample age (time elapsed post
phlebotomy), [2] sample condition (e.g., hemolysis) and [3] patient identification (blind code samples
to ensure anonymity). If an outlier is detected, this recorded information will provide a database for
identification of interfering substances) which may include disease state and therapy. Once the reason
of interference has been documented, the sample results may be removed from the database before
final analysis is undertaken.

The working group agrees. Section 3.1.2 has been rewritten to read, If a sample is excluded,
record the reason for the exclusion.

16. I would clarify that samples with known interfering substances regarding the Gold Standard
Comparator should not be used in the evaluation since the Gold Standard Comparator would be in
error thus negating any meaningful conclusions. It should be understood, however, that samples that
may interfere with the Instrument Under Test (IUT) results but do not interfere on the Gold
Standard Comparator may be acceptable, and are probably desirable depending on test objectives.

The working group disagrees with this comment. Observed bias may or may not be consistent
with true differences in the actual analyte concentration, regardless of the quality of the
comparison method. Yet these biases are important to report, especially since one is often
assessing a proposed method with an existing one, used to report patient results and contribute
to medical decision making.

17. NCCLS and other consensus bodies have provided detailed procedures for the evaluation of
interfering substances. By the time a bias evaluation begins, the interfering substances for both the
Comparator and test method should have been defined. Samples with these substances should be
excluded from the evaluation altogether.

The working group disagrees with this comment as it would be impractical. If 20 drugs
interfered, one would either have to assay for all drugs or review patient records.

18. If either the Comparator or test method lists a substance that is specific to only one of the methods, a
procedure should be provided for the laboratory to gain evidence about the performance of those
specific samples. Additionally, NCCLS may wish to suggest alternate methods for evaluation of such

See the response to Comment 15.

38 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Section 3.2

19. Define confidence in the following sentence. This experiment gives an estimate of the bias between
two methods and the confidence for the bias, at any particular concentration.

The term confidence has been changed to confidence interval in Section 3.2 to address the
commenters concern.

20. As the performance of devices improve, the newer generations generally have improved precision;
therefore, requiring that the Comparator (previous generation) be more precise may be an
inconsistency. Alternatively, the working group may wish to use the Root-Sum-Square (RSS) of Test
and Comparator imprecision to predict limits of agreement. Manufacturers continue to seek new
technologies with better performance characteristics than those of existing (often Reference) methods.
However, the precision should be accounted for, since there are many statistical techniques that can
compare and measure bias for tests with different precision.

The observed precision of any device can be improved with replication. Therefore, the bullet
has been changed to read, Have better precision than the test method, which can be achieved
by replication, if needed.

21. The requirement to be free from known interference essentially dictates that the Comparator system
shall be a method of high order such as a Reference method which may not be generally available in a
clinical laboratory. The working group may wish to rephrase: [Comparator] Interfering substances
should be known and controlled.

The working group has modified this bullet to read, To be free from known interferences,
whenever possible.

22. For evaluations where reporting units differ, the reporting values can be converted to Standard
Deviation Index (SDI; College of American Pathologists terminology for Z factor; see formula 1).
Since the reporting units cancel during the transform process, unitless data is thus made available for

(Patient Assay ) (Reference IntervalMean )

Reference IntervalSD

The working group does not see the benefit of this transformation.

Section 3.3

23. The working group defines clinically meaningful range but fails to define analytical measurement

A definition for analytical measurement range has been added.

24. The recommended distribution in Table 1 does not adequately cover abnormalities for reticulocyte
and white cell differentials, let alone upcoming flow parameters (e.g., CD4).

The area committee will update the tables as suggested in a future revision of the document.

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25. The hemoglobin in table lb should be in g/dL and not mmol/L.

The working group disagrees. The units for hemoglobin are mmol/L.

Section 3.3.2

26. As technology improves, it provides the manufacturers with the means to improve on their design and
offer better performance. Extension of the analytical measurement range is a natural corollary. Being
restricted by the analytical measurement range of an older Comparative method or device would
prove limiting to advancement. Dilution of samples using the Comparative method would be one
solution to the issue of limited analytical measurement range. If this is not advocated, please elaborate
and provide further instruction of how both manufacturers and users could study these extended

The working group agrees with this comment. Section 3.3.2 has been deleted.

27. The clinical samples collected should cover or be slightly wider than the narrowest analytical
measurement range. If the analytical measurement range recommended by the manufacturer for the
test method is wider than the Comparator, alternative methods (e.g., linearity, standard materials)
must be found to validate the clinical range.

See the response to Comment 26.

Section 3.4.1

28. It should be mentioned that the samples should be taken from a homogeneous sample.

It is the opinion of the working group that this is part of good laboratory practice and does not
need to be mentioned.

Section 3.4.2

29. Since this document may be used by other laboratory disciplines (Hematology) the working group
may which to add serologic compatibility when whole bloods are pooled.

A sentence has been added to the end of Section 3.4.2 to read, If the samples are whole blood,
mixing requires serologic compatibility.

30. Remove references to pooled samples unless covered in detail (e.g., ABO and Rh Compatibility).

See the response to Comment 29.

Section 3.5

31. We concur that Reversing or Randomizing the second sample reduces systematic carryover but it
may also increase random error. For example, a high sample, independent of sample position, will
potentially give carryover interference. Therefore, if the samples are reversed or randomized, this
high carryover also becomes randomized and thus more difficult to detect. In our studies, we analyze
duplicates sequentially and subsequently review the data for patterns that suggest drift and/or
carryover interference.

The working group has modified the text for clarity.

40 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

32. Move the last sentence in paragraph 1 to follow the second sentence. (The last sentence would
become the third sentence.)

The working group agrees and has made the suggested change.

33. Alternatively, the ordering of the second aliquot could be randomized rather than in the reverse order.

The sequence chosen is to minimize linear drift and carryover, which randomization would not

Section 4.1

34. For hematology the 'acceptable' limits appear to be less useful because generally the mean difference
between pairs is essentially zero. Therefore, the four rule would exclude the majority of samples
that did not have zero difference. In our experimental designs, we examine the distribution of
differences and apply the appropriate statistical method (parametric, nonparametric). Values that
exceed the 99% confidence limits are investigated. If the error-source is a human error, the sample is
deleted from the database with adequate documentation.

A sentence has been added to Section 4.1 to read The analysis should be done two ways, 1)
with all points and 2) with any outliers which have been removed.

35. The method for computing acceptability limits of four times the mean absolute differences is
unfamiliar; a reference for this rule should be given. Alternatively, Tukey (1977, Exploratory Data
Analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading) provides a rule of thumb for identifying data points which are
far out. A far out value is one which is larger than 3 times the interquartile range (difference
between the 75th and 25th percentile of the data). Such a technique applied to the difference between
duplicates for method X or Y (versus the absolute differences, Dxi and Dyi may be easier to use than
the one presented here.

Please see the source of the suggested method in response to Comment 42. The user may employ
Tukeys rule as described, Dixons tests, or any other defensible outlier detection method in the
analysis of the data. The method described herein is a suggestion only.

Section 4.2

36. We concur that plotting Test versus Comparator as reported and as differences are essential
evaluation tools. However, we plot Test Sample 1 results versus Comparator Sample 1 results to
provide a more realistic assessment of expected use unless the laboratory routinely reports the mean
of pairs.

Any additional comparison that is helpful should be used. The working group chose the four
plots presented as a reasonable view of the data.

Section 4.3

37. The third paragraph, if no linear portion is evident. . . the linearity of each method must be verified
independently, needs clarification. Is each reference method tested against a third method? We
question if the user will know what he/she is supposed to do.

The working group has deleted the following text from the third paragraph of Section 4.3 in
order to address the commenters concern: the linearity of each method must be verified

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independently. If this expanded evaluation of the methods does not reveal the source of the

Section 4.4

38. Clarify what data plots to examine and what is meant by obvious outlier.

The working group has added the word visually. It is always somewhat difficult to allow for
judgment in a guideline, but in the opinion of the working group, that is what is needed.

39. The procedure should ensure that the bounds of medical significance were determined up front,
before experimentation. Choosing them after the experiment has been performed is like writing the
specification from the results you obtained.

The commenter is correct; however, the working group feels that this concession will not
adversely affect the goals of this study.

40. Give standardized names for statistical techniques and calculations (e.g., Use Pearson Correlation

The working group agrees with the comment and has checked the document for use of standard
(statistical) terms.

41. Manufacturers of hematology devices strive to have essentially zero difference between analyzers.
This is especially true when the analyzers represent only a model difference and not an analytical
method difference. Therefore, the 4X rule will identify a majority of paired samples where the
difference is not zero. Therefore, we use the 'parametric, nonparametric' methods.

Please see the response to Comment 42. Certainly adjustments to the outlier procedures must
be made when the data are clearly categorical, of restricted range, or non-Gaussian.

42. Please provide the reference for the value four times.

The 4x the average absolute difference rules provided in the document are derived from the
control limits used for standard statistical quality control charts for the range of subgroups of
two. Four times the mean range translates into a three times the mean range difference of an
individual pair delta from the average range, and was taken as approximately the upper 99.9%
control limit for an R-chart. A more complex statistical derivation of this simple limit can be
derived from tables (i.e., Beyer WH, Ed. CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and
Formulae. Boca Raton, Florida. CRC Press; 1999. Table VIII.2; 270); wherein, the estimate of
the SD of the data itself is 0.8862 times the mean range, and the upper 99.9% percentage point
is 4.65*0.8862, or a factor of 4.1. This outlier test was designed to catch only the most extreme
of outliers in a dataset. The addition of the similar relative range test follows the same logic but
adjusts the ranges by the concentration of the analyte in case of nonconstant variance.

43. The section also needs a discussion regarding the scaling of XY scatter plots and bias plots. Often a
trend or shift can be ignored because the axis range was inappropriate. Also, XY scatter plots should
have identical scales (x minimum = y minimum; x maximum = y maximum) in order to make the
lines of identity and regression easier to view. NCCLS should consider the additional of medically
useful clinical decision limits or confidence limits to these plots.

The plots do have identical scales. The working group considered adding medical decision limits
or confidence lines; however, it believes addition of such would detract from the visual
42 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP9-A2

information in the graph. There is nothing wrong with adding either set of lines. See Section 4.2
for more information on plotting data.

44. We concur that if the observed differences exceed medical significance then stopping the evaluation
is an appropriate action. However, we fail to see the benefit of testing addition, samples (n=40) if the
already observed differences demonstrate a lack of medical utility.

This flexibility is offered to the laboratory. Repeating a study that gives unexpected results is
often warranted as some unknown problem may have occurred which invalidated the results.

45. The matching of xij and yij with respect to j does not seem appropriate unless they are actually paired
measurements, i.e., measured from the same aliquot. Simply by chance, yij could be considered an
outlier when compared to xi1, but not xi2, for example. In addition, since the goal is to assess the
deviation of individual results using the test method versus the comparative method, it is desirable to
have the best estimate for the comparison method, the average of xij and xi2. Therefore, it is
suggested that in Equation (9), xij is replaced with xi .

The working group agrees. The equations have been revised.

Section 4.5

46. The formula presented as equation (13) is correct; however, the complexity may discourage the
average medical technologist. If the working group's purpose is to define a calculation for subsequent
software algorithm development, the formula meets that intent. However, if the working group is
using the formula to present the general concept used to calculate Correlation Coefficient, then
Geigy's presentation may be more appropriate (Geigy Scientific Tables; Introduction to Statistics,
Statistical Tables, Mathematical Formulae; Volume 2; Ciba-Geigy; USA; 1982; Page 215; Formula
708). Free text could be employed to define the terms.

S xy
(S x ) (S y )
The formula and notation used in the document conforms to many formulas found in standard
statistics textbooks, and was chosen both to be somewhat familiar to those who have been
exposed to the concept, and to allow matching of this document to more complete statistics
references for the background, interpretation, and computation of the correlation coefficient. It
is the opinion of the working group that the equivalent shorthand notation suggested here
would be less easily interpreted, and less readily programmed into spreadsheets or other
computation aids.

47. The second paragraph of Section 4.5 is an interesting use of Correlation Coefficient (r). Perhaps, a
reference would be a benefit for those wishing to research this application more fully. The working
group has used r2 without a definition. This can be solved by including it in Section 1.3 Symbols Used
in the Text. Perhaps, it may be time to introduce (r2 x 100) as the Predictive Value of Y from X. This
use of r2 could be incorporated into the discussion of predicting Y from X using regression analysis
(last paragraph of Section 5.1).

I see no sense in using r to judge the adequacy of the clinical range. It would be appropriate to give
a range of purportedly useful clinical decision levels, and indicate the n to be analyzed (or
attempted) at the extremes or medical cutoffs for each parameter. Use H20A as an example. Also, be
aware that the method for statistical analysis CAN be driven by external forces, such as CAP,

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 43

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JCAHO. Government bodies in Europe also turn investigations of new technologies over to groups
who use existing methods even when inappropriate (linear regression can be one of these).

The dependence of the correlation coefficient on the range of the data is a natural byproduct of
its defining formula. The basis for this suggestion is the empirical examination of many types of
sets of data, and is familiar to anyone who has looked at the correlation coefficient for limited
range analytes such as potassium or sodium. Also, the effects of the range of the data on r can
be seen by example where a single point at the extremes of the range can dramatically affect the
value of r quite out of proportion to the rest of the data. The real basis of this empirical rule
comes from Hald 1952 (Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications, Wiley Interscience)
where it was shown that both r and the regression slope are affected by a factor which he calls
lambda, which is the ratio of the error (imprecision) variance in the X variable to the overall
distribution variance of the observed Xs. If the range of the data (in X) is sufficiently wide, then
the imprecision in X has little effect on the slope. This same ratio appears in the formula for the
correlation coefficient, so the purpose of the test indicated in NCCLS document EP9 is to
ensure that the range of the data is sufficiently wide to minimize the bias in the slope due to
error in X.

48. For some hematological parameters, the naturally occurring range of the analyte is limited (Mean
Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, basophil, monocyte). For these cases, linear regression and
partitioning appear to be of limited value. Therefore, the working group may wish to describe bias as
a simple mean difference if the bias plots (Section 4.2) do not show a concentration-dependent

The working group agrees and has added a section to this effect.

49. We do not understand what the magnitude of correlation coefficient has to do with adequacy of range.
Since this section deals with the problem of X being subject to measurement error, we are of the
opinion that the utility of looking for a very high (and positive) correlation coefficient is to determine
whether a Deming regression should be used, rather than ordinary least squares. The usual diagnostic
indicating a need for the Deming approach is a difference in the Y-on-X and X-on-Y regression
slopes, which would correspond to a low value of the correlation coefficient.

It is not obvious why the sample correlation can be used to assess the adequacy of the range of X. A
reference should be given for this. Note that under certain assumptions, there are simple procedures
for adjusting regression estimates when there is error in the Xs. It may be helpful to reference these
methods (e.g., Fuller, Wayne A. (1987). Measurement Error Models. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New

See the response to Comment 47.

Section 5.1

50. We concur with the statement Do not use the Orthogonal regression or Deming procedures for
calculation of the standard error of estimate because this value will be artificially low and is not
valid. and perhaps to emphasize the warning, the working group may wish to underline the text.

The working group appreciates the commenters suggestion; however, for consistency, the
format of the text will be maintained.

51. Given the use of these techniques, standard error is judged differently. The techniques themselves
may not be appropriate. Same comments are also applicable to the last sentence of Section 8, Item

44 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

The working group cannot respond to this comment without further information.

52. Deming regression is mentioned in this section, but there is no explanation of what it is or when it
should be used.

The working group has added definitions for Deming regression and Passing-Bablok to the
Definitions section of the guideline.

Section 5.2

53. The sentence Although few methods have constant imprecision throughout the analytical
measurement range of that test, visual examination determines whether there are dramatic and
significant differences (approximately 3:1 or greater) between the biases at the upper and low end of
the range is an interesting concept. Perhaps the working group should reference it for the benefit of
those who may wish to research the application in more detail. For parameters that have an extended
expected clinical range (WBC: 0.1 to 100 x 109/L), the 3:1 rule may be overly optimistic; however,
the principle may be valid if the ratio expands as a function of range. Thoughts and comments would
be appreciated.

The 3:1 limit covers many cases of routine clinical analytes. For assays with large ranges, the
3.1 limit will often be exceeded. In these cases, transformations or weighted least squares may
have to be employed to adjust for visually obvious heteroscedasticity. The reference here is a
technical report written by John Tukey from Princeton University. Heteroscedasticity does not
introduce a bias, but the consequence is that confidence intervals become erroneous and the
statistical analysis is less efficient than an appropriately weighted modification.

54. Visual examination cannot be used to quantitatively (3:1) measure significance.

Although the commenter is correct, the working group needs to compromise between ease of
use and rigor. A visual approximation will meet most needs.

55. The working group may wish to provide a database-size recommendation. For example, if the ratio is
1:6, the working group may suggest that 75 additional samples be collected and that these should be
selected to provide a uniform distribution of values throughout the expected clinical range.

Again, the working group needs to ensure that the document is not too complicated. In this and
other instances, user judgment with document guidance is suggested rather than some
algorithmic approach.

56. It is unclear if the working group means that standard error of the estimate is unusable for all data or
that it is unusable for nonuniform distributions.

Throughout this section uniform has been replaced with constant to address the
commenters concern.

57. Please provide a reference for usable standard error of the estimate.

The working group is using its judgment here. Logically, one cannot use a nonconstant number
(such as an increasing standard error) to make a conclusion across the analytical range.

58. We concur with the use of transforms when it is appropriate; however, the working group may wish
to emphasize that drawing conclusions regarding clinical significance is, at best, difficult when
transformed data is used. In addition, transformation may mask clinically significant imprecision. The
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working group may wish to delete this paragraph since, without a data example, it may tend to
confuse the reader.

The working group is trying to be complete in its guidance and believes that inclusion of this
section is appropriate.

59. A reference should be given for nonuniform scatter.

The working group has changed the term from uniform scatter to constant scatter
throughout this section.

60. Has the question of nonindependence of the data been considered and what would the justification
be? The recommended regression procedure involves using two replicates on each subject, as if they
were two independent observations.

We are assuming that duplicate results from the same samples are independent from the sense
of the analyzer but they are not totally independent since they are not separate draws from the
patient. In Section 3.5, the sample sequence minimizes effects from biases such as drift that
would affect independence. The computations recommend both individual Ys versus average X
and average Y versus average X.

61. In the document, a sample size of 40 subjects (two reps each) is recommended. What is this based on?
How does one know whether this is enough or not too much? It is preferable to determine each
sample size according to the study hypothesis in each study individually. This guarantees that the
sample size is right in the given situation.

See the response to Comment 7.

62. An associate works with indwelling measurement devices, and hence, it is not possible to follow
NCCLS EP9-A guideline explicitly in terms of taking a duplicate measurement on each patient
sample. In his case, his system can take a new sample from the patient eight minutes later for a
second reading, but now we are dealing with a situation where any change may be due more to
physiologic changes than due to imprecision in the measuring device itself.

So the working group should address this situation in a way that recognizes that certain technologies
are not amenable to taking duplicate measurements of patient samples. (In addition, the working
group should consider what would be an appropriate sample for the comparative method, which
presumably would be a standard laboratory assay. When and from where should this be collected,
relative to the indwelling measurement?) In the future, there will be more technologies developed
that are based on in-flow or in vivo measurements, such that the need to clarify this issue will
become of greater importance.

Another situation where duplicate testing may not be amenable is when the cost to perform a single
assay is extremely high, such that a laboratory may not be able to afford performing a test in

The document has no restrictions as to how samples are collected. It is up to the user to ensure
that samples are representative. Duplicate samples are ideal but one can proceed without them.

63. The axes labels indicate that all individual Yij vs. Xij points are plotted whereas the instructions
(Plotting the data) call for a plot of the Yijs against the mean Xij. Please clarify.

The working group agrees and the error has been corrected.
46 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP9-A2

64. Calculated results presented on the graph are confusing. The r2 presented corresponds to a value
calculated in accordance with the instructions (Yij vs. Xi). I would consider this correct. However, the
slope and intercept given do not correspond to such a regression (Y = 1.0035X -0.6283, identical to
the equation presented). Nor do the values given correspond to a regression analysis of the individual
data points (Yij vs. Xij). Please clarify.

This is an error and has been corrected. The regression equation is calculated from individual
y-observations and mean x-observations.

65. The objective of NCCLS document EP9-A is to estimate the predicted bias (Bc) and its confidence
interval at a predefined medical decision level (Xc). Therefore, the sentence If the 95% confidence
interval ....=149.9 should read The 95% confidence interval of Bc at Xc = 150:

B c = 0.429 + (1.002 1) * 150 = 0.129

1. (computation based on formula 23, B c = a + (b 1) X c )
2. Lower 95%. . . .

Attached is a copy of Table 5-2. Confidence Intervals and prediction intervals for straight-line
regression analysis (Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariate Methods, Kleinbaum,
Kupper & Muller, PWS-KENT Publishing Company), the formula 24 cannot be directly derived from
the table provided. Could you provide the derivation of formula 24? As software validation is
becoming an important issue in the industry, all the calculations from our testing protocols have to be
verified. It will be very helpful if you can provide the derivation of formula 24.

The formula provided in Equation 24 is centered around the BIAS value, not the predicted
value on the regression line like in standard references. Since we are primarily interested in this
bias value (expected difference) at Xc, the confidence interval has been adjusted to center
around this value.

66. The outlier tests for within-method duplicates seem to have very large limits of acceptability at four
times the mean absolute differences and four times the relative differences. I have observed
significant differences between duplicates that passed both outlier tests.

The commenter shared the data set with the working group. The data set had three outliers in
the set of 40 pairs. When the percentage of outliers is so large, no statistical test can distinguish
the outliers from the rest of the data. The outliers may be representative of the precision
performance of the method. If the precision performance of either method causes large
disagreements between the Test and Comparative methods, these should be detected in Section
4.4, Visual Check for Between-Method Outliers.

Section 6.1

67. The formulae present a rather complex mathematical picture that may distance the audience (readers).
Perhaps, the working group may wish to try a simpler approach that still retains clinical relevance.
For example, the 95% CI of future average value of y can be roughly determined using the Standard
Error of the Mean as:

Weisbrat IM. Statistics for the Clinical Laboratory. J.B Lippincott Company; USA 1985:35; Syx.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 47

Number 19 NCCLS

2S yx
SEM 95%Confidence =
n data pairs

The working group agrees that many of the formulas in the document are complex and can be
confusing and daunting. However, it was felt as a general principle that the correct and
defensible definitions and formulas should be used throughout, rather than simpler, rough
approximations such as this, which could just as easily be criticized from the other direction.

Sections 6.2

68. Please include a data example that will further clarify the partition method.

The working group believes that this procedure is sufficiently simple and that the additional
volume of an example is not required.

Section 7

69. We concur that a new method may be less precise but have other benefits, e.g., less interfering
substances. In these cases, the working group may wish to recommend that the patient assay result
should also contain a statement of imprecision at 95% confidence (see below):

Glucose: 87 ( 4) mg/dL

This concept is fairly novel since laboratory test results generally do not include an imprecision
statement. However, when one considers the routine use of therapy protocols, the incorporation of the
uncertainty of an assay may make medical decision points less razor sharp.

The suggestion for uncertainty estimates is beyond the scope of this document.

70. This section requires additional discussion. It is possible to find a new technology that is biased from
the existing Comparator method that can be BETTER. Precision, reference range, specificity and the
sensitivity at the medical decision levels must be taken into account.

The working group agrees in principle but wishes to limit the scope of the document.

71. We concur with the statement If the manufacturers claim for average bias is included in the 95%
confidence interval, then it can be concluded that the candidate method has provided equivalent
results because much time can be lost explaining that the user-verification result is statistically a
subset of the manufacturer's validation study.

The working group thanks the commenter for the comment.

Section 8.3

72. The suggested labeling assumes that regression analysis is appropriate for data analysis. In some
cases, this is true; however, for other analysis such as the leukocyte differential parameters, other
analyses may be more appropriate (Binomial). Therefore, the working group may wish to recognize
alternative analysis methods in the requirements for Claims.

The scope of this document is limited to tests that have continuous quantitative results.

48 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

73. The slope and intercept of the fitted linear regression line may be an inappropriate technique for the

See the response to Comment 72.

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Number 19 NCCLS

Summary of Delegate Comments and Committee Responses

EP9-A2: Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved GuidelineSecond


1. An important feature of the assay validation problem is that both x and y are measurements of an
analyte, z, that is unobserved and changes from subject to subject. The purpose of method comparison
is to assess the deviation of individual results using the test method versus the reference method. The
task for method comparison is to confirm; hence, linear regression may not be a good method for this

The committee does not agree with the commenters general model. The standard regression
model, which applies to diagnostics assays when the comparison assay is a reference method,
assumes that X is known and without error. There is no need to invoke a variable z.

Section 1.4

2. Use of analytical measurement range (AMR) is excellent and makes the document conform to
definitions used by CAP in its accreditation program. I suggest the term "reportable range" be deleted
throughout the document and replaced with the term "AMR." Replacing the single term "reportable
range" with two terms "AMR" and "clinically reportable range" increases the clarity of what each
term refers to.

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

Section 3.1.1

3. Replace "constituent" with "measurand" to be ISO compliant.

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

Section 3.2

4. Second bullet; delete "To"; fourth bullet replace "national" with "metrological" to improve global

The committee believes neither "to" nor "national" are needed. The terms have been deleted.

Section 3.6

5. "Analysis ... within two hours" is arbitrary and while applicable to many analytes will not be
satisfactory for some such as blood gasses, whole blood glucose, ammonia, etc. A suggestion is: "For
a given sample, analysis by the comparative and test methods should occur within a time span
consistent with the analyte stability. For all analytes, the time span should not exceed two hours for
analysis by each method."

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

50 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Section 3.8

6. Add in the first line and/or manufacturer's after Follow the laboratorys.

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

Section 4

7. Correct the spelling of internal in the box at the bottom of the page in Figure 1.

This editorial correction has been made.

8. Figure 2 and various places in the text use the term bias to mean the difference between values
measured by test and comparison methods, e.g., "bias plot." The definition given for the term bias is
"difference between the expectation of the test results and a true value." A true value (in ISO
terminology) is only available if the sample has been assayed in replicate by a reference method. I
suggest the term "bias" be replaced by the term "difference" unless the true value is actually known.

The committee agrees with the comment and has addressed it by adding the terms accuracy,
bias, and trueness to Section 1.4 on Definitions and the following paragraph to Section 3.2:
"If the comparison method is a reference method, then the difference between the two methods
measures the trueness of the new method, measured as bias. If the comparison method is not a
reference method, then the trueness of the new method cannot be determined. In this case, one
should refer to the difference simply as a difference, and not bias. Since the preferred approach
is to use a reference method as the comparison method, the term 'bias' is used in this

Section 4.2

9. Second and third paragraph the word "or" is used when "for" is meant in the phrase "... or each

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

Section 4.5

10. Following equation (15) end of first sentence "(or equivalently, if r2 = 0.95)" should be "r2 >0.95."

The committee agrees with the commenter. The suggested change has been incorporated.

11. There are analytes for which extending the range of the data is not possible, e.g. Na, Cl, Ca, etc., and
partitioned biases procedure is not suitable. I suggest adding the following sentence, "In cases where
physiologically the analyte spans a relatively small range (e.g., sodium, chloride, calcium) extending
the range or using a partitioning approach may not be possible. In these cases, additional data may
improve the analysis or the scatter in data may need to be acknowledged as a limitation in data

The committee does not agree with the commenter. The partitioned bias method was designed
to cover the situation for analytes that have a limited range.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved. 51

Number 19 NCCLS

Section 8.3

12. In the test column of Tables 1a and 1b, the units given (e.g., mg/dl) are the same in both tables,
although the numbers in the tables are different. Are these meant to be gravimetric versus molar

Gravimetric (as opposed to volumetric) is a means to prepare concentrations (such as molar

concentrations); therefore, the information presented in the test column of Tables 1a and 1b
has been maintained.

13. Replace accuracy with trueness, or with accuracy or trueness.

The committee agrees with the commenter. The sentence has been modified to read: Unless the
comparative method is an established reference method, the terms accuracy and trueness
should not be used.

14. Appendix B1, B3, and B4 should be redrawn to put the x-axis numbers at the bottom of the graph
along the x-axis.

The committee agrees with the commenters concerns relative to the figures in B3 and B4. The
suggested changes have been incorporated. The figure in B1 has been maintained.

52 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP9-A2

Related NCCLS Publications*

EP5-A Evaluation of Precision Performance of Clinical Chemistry Devices; Approved
Guideline (1999). This document provides guidance for designing an experiment to
evaluate the precision performance of clinical chemistry devices; recommendations on
comparing the resulting precision estimates with manufacturer's precision performance
claims and determining when such comparisons are valid, as well as manufacturer's
guidelines for establishing claims.

EP6-P2 Evaluation of the Linearity of Quantitative Analytical Methods; Proposed

GuidelineSecond Edition (2001). This document provides guidelines for
characterization the linearity of a method during a method evaluation; for checking
linearity as part of routine quality assurance; and for determining and stating a
manufacturer's claim for linear range.

EP7-P Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Proposed Guideline (1986). This

document provides background information and procedures for characterizing the effects
of interfering substances on test results.

NRSCL8-A Terminology and Definitions For Use in NCCLS Documents; Approved Standard
(1998). This document provides standard definitions for use in NCCLS standards and
guidelines, and for submitting candidate reference methods and materials to the National
Reference System for the Clinical Laboratory (NRSCL).

Proposed- and tentative-level documents are being advanced through the NCCLS consensus process; therefore, readers should
refer to the most recent editions.
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54 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

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56 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. NCCLS. All rights reserved.

NCCLS T 940 West Valley Road T Suite 1400 T Wayne, PA 19087 T USA T PHONE 610.688.0100
FAX 610.688.0700 T E-MAIL: exoffice@nccls.org T WEBSITE: www.nccls.org T ISBN 1-56238-472-4

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