Sodium Cation Exchange (Zeolite) Water Softening Process A. History

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A. History

The name zeolite comes from the two Greek words zein and lithos
which mean boiling stone. It was first applied by Granstedt, a Swedish
geologist, in 1756 to describe a certain class of natural minerals which
when heated, swelled and gave off their water of hydration. These
zeolites are hydrated double silicates consisting of an alkali or alkali earth
oxide, alumina, silica and water.

In 1818 Fuchs, a German chemist, produced the first synthetic zeolite by

mixing solutions of sodium aluminate and sodium silicate.

In 1845 Thompson, and Englishman, passed a solution of manure through

a filter made of ordinary garden soil and found that the ammonia was
removed from solution. Way, an English chemist, concluded in 1852 that
this exchange property of soils was due to their content of small amounts
of zeolites. In 1858 Eichhorn, a German chemist, proved that the
exchange properties of zeolites were reversible.

In 1905 Gans, a German chemist, discovered that zeolites could be used

to soften hard waters. He also invented processes for synthesizing
zeolites and designed the equipment the zeolite water softener in
which they were used. The amount of salt required for regeneration was
about 1 lb per kilograin of calcium and magnesium hardness in the raw
water (64.8 mg = 1 grain).

Then stabilized greensand, consisting of potash, magnesia, ferrous and

ferric iron, alumina, silica, and water of hydration, came into use and,
while its capacity was less than that of synthetic zeolites (5 kgrns/ft3 for
greensand vs. 8-10 kgrns/ft3 for synthetic zeolite), it was a very rugged
material, rapid in its reactions, could be used on iron and/or manganese
bearing waters, had the same capacity for magnesium hardness as for
calcium hardness, and was quite efficient on salt consumption (i.e. 0.5
lb/kgrn of calcium and magnesium hardness).

In 1934 and 1935, entirely new types of cation exchangers were

developed. Not only could they be used in the sodium cycle when
regenerated with salt, but also in the hydrogen cycle when regenerated
with an acid. One group of these cation exchangers was the
carbonaceous type which was made by the sulfonation of coal. They gave
capacities of 6-7 kgrn/ft3 and required 0.4 lb salt per kgrn of calcium and
magnesium hardness.

Later work led to the development of a number of other cation exchangers
among which were the sulfonated styrene types. They were made by the
sulfonation of a resin produced in a bead form by copolymerization of
styrene and divinylbenzene. Because of their physical appearance, they
became known as gel resins. Normal capacities and salt consumptions of
these exchangers are 20-27 kgrns/ft3 and .3 - .5 lb/kgrn respectively.

B. Chemistry Related to Ion Exchange

An ion is an electrically charged component of a substance which has

been dissolved in water. For example, if sodium chloride is put into water,
it dissolves and then dissociates into two separate ions a positive
sodium ion and a negative chloride ion. Sodium chloride no longer exists
in such a solution unless its solubility product is exceeded, at which point it
precipitates as sodium chloride.

Ions are split into two groups. The cations such as calcium, magnesium,
sodium, hydrogen, iron, etc. have a net positive charge; the anions such
as bicarbonate, carbonate, hydroxide, chloride, sulphate, etc. have a net
negative charge.

In all water supplies, the total amount of cations must be equal to the total
amount of anions after both are mathematically converted to a common
base such as ppm CaCO3.

An ion exchanger is an insoluble substance that has the property of

exchanging an ion which has been hung onto its structure with another ion
in the water. A representative ion exchange reaction is as follows:

2NaR + CaCl2 CaR2 + 2NaCl (1)

sodium calcium calcium sodium

cation chloride cation chloride
exchanger exchanger

The raw water contains the ion that is to be removed by ion exchange.
When this unwanted ion comes into contact with the regenerated
exchanger during its service run, it displaces the ion that was attached to
the resin and takes its place on the resin. When a hard water is passed
through a bed of sodium cation exchanger, the calcium and magnesium
are taken up and held by the cation exchanger which simultaneously gives

up an equivalent amount of sodium in exchange for them. This reaction
may be represented by the following equation:

Ca} {(HCO3 ) 2 + 2NaR Ca} R2 + Na2 {(HCO3 )2 (2)

Mg} {SO4 Mg} {SO4
{Cl2 {Cl2

Iron, ammonium, barium, potassium, etc. are similarly exchanged for

sodium from the ion exchanger. In any event, since an equivalent amount
of sodium is given up for the unwanted ion, the amount of dissolved solids
in the raw water is the same as in the effluent of a sodium cycle

When the ability of a sodium cycle exchanger to produce completely

softened water is exhausted, the softener unit is taken out of service and
regenerated with a solution of common salt. This reaction may be
represented by the following:

Ca} R + 2NaCl Na2 R + Ca} Cl2 (3)

Mg} Mg}

Calcium and magnesium are removed from the resin in the form of their
chlorides and the resin is simultaneously restored to the sodium form.

The typical performance of a sodium cycle softener is tabulated in Table 1


Table 1: Typical Performance of a Sodium Cycle Softener

Parameter Concentration Concentration

In Raw Water in Softener Effluent

Calcium, ppm CaCO3 66 0-1.5

Magnesium, ppm CaCO3 18 0-1.5
Total Hardness, ppm CaCO3 84 0-3
Sodium, ppm CaCO3 24 105-108
Alkalinity, ppm CaCO3 62 62
Sulphate, ppm CaCO3 30 30
Chloride, ppm CaCO3 16 16
Silica, ppm SiO2 9 9
Total Dissolved Solids, ppm 166 166

C. Steps of Softener Operation

The normal operation of a sodium cycle exchanger consists of a

regeneration cycle, which includes backwashing, brining, slow rinsing, and
fast rinsing, as well as a service cycle.

Backwashing, as the name implies, involves the passage of water upward

through the resin bed for the following reasons:

1. bed expansion releases any accumulation within the resin bed and
fluffs the bed to allow more efficient contact between brine and
resin during the brining step;

2. particle and resin fines removal prevents channeling, high pressure

drop, and poor kinetics during the service step;

3. regrading or classification of the resin bed contributes to the

uniform distribution of regenerant during the brining step.

Backwashing should be carried out for a minimum of 10 minutes or until

the backwash effluent is clear. The backwash flow rate should be
sufficient to expand the bed a minimum of 50%, yet not so excessive as to
cause a loss of resin. At a set flow rate, bed expansion depends on the
backwash water temperature the lower the temperature, the greater the
expansion due to the higher viscosity of water at the lower temperature.
Therefore, backwash flow rate should be adjusted as the water
temperature varies. Curves are available from resin suppliers which relate
bed expansion to the backwash flow rate and the temperature of the

The second step in the regeneration cycle is the brining operation. Brine,
prepared from rock salt or evaporated salt containing a minimum of 98%
NaCl, is injected into the water space above the resin bed at a
concentration of 10 wt.% and allowed to flow through the resin bed. The
10% brine concentration may be arrived at either by preparing a 10%
solution directly or by diluting the saturation strength of 26%. Usually, the
latter method is employed. The brine regenerate flow rate must be slow
enough to provide sufficient contact time between the brine and resin, yet
fast enough to prevent channeling of the brine. Usually, this flow rate is in
the order of 1 USGPM/ft3 resin. The total amount of salt required per
regeneration depends on the volume of the resin and the desired capacity
rating of the resin, but is within the range of 5 to 25 lbs./ft3 of resin.
Curves are available from resin suppliers, which relate the capacity rating
of the resin to the pounds of salt required per cubic feet of resin. Once the
regenerate concentration and flow rate, resin volume, and the required
amount of salt are all established, the duration of the brining operation

may be calculated directly. However, a brine curve should be established
and checked periodically. This involves hydrometer resting of the softener
effluent during the brining stage. If the curve is too narrow, the brine flow
rate should be reduced or brine strength increased.

The third step in the regeneration cycle is the slow rinse. This water flow
rate should be approximately 1 USGPM/ft3 resin. If an eduction system is
used for regeneration, the proper slow rinse flow rate may be obtained by
discontinuing the eduction of saturated brine. The quantity of slow rinse
water required is approximately of the resin bed volume plus the volume
of space between the resin and the distribution laterals. This provides a
plug of slow rinse water which forces the remaining brine completely
through the bed. The duration of the slow rinse may be calculated directly
once the rinse water flow rate, the volume of resin, and the dimensions of
the vessel are established.

The fourth and final step in the regeneration cycle is the fast rinse. This
water flow rate should be performed at approximately 1.5 USGPM/ft3 resin
to completely remove waste brine containing the exchanged cations. The
duration of the rinse is determined by the total hardness in the rinse water
effluent. When the hardness has decreased to less than 1 ppm as
CaCO3, rinsing may be considered complete.

The service cycle is conducted most efficiently at a flow rate of

approximately 6-8 USGPM/ft2 resin bed. Continuous operation at or
above the maximum flow rate of 15 USGPM/ft2 may result in channeling,
bed compaction, leakage, or premature hardness breakthrough.
Continuous operation at or below 3 USGPM/ft2 resin bed can result in
decreased capacity and leakage because at these flow rates, water is not
forced through the bed. The result is that water travels the path of least
resistance, so that contact between water and resin is poor and complete
exchange does not take place. Service flow rates may be too low when
softened water needs are minimal, or when the softening units are

D. Design of Softeners

When designing a softener, the parameters which must be identified

include the volume of resin, the size of the vessel, and the construction
features of the vessel.

The volume of resin may be calculated from the following formula:

V = Vw L (4)
where V = volume of resin, ft3
Vw = volume of water treated, USG
L = ionic load, grains CaCO3/USG
K = resin exchange capacity3 , kgrns/ft3

With a resin exchange capacity of 20 kgrns/ft3, an ionic loading of 100

ppm CaCO3 (i.e. 5.8 grns/USG) and a requirement to treat 100,000 USG
between regenerations, the resin volume would be 29 ft3 .

With a flow rate of 100 USGPM at 10 USGPM/ft2, the diameter of the

vessel would be 3.5 feet and the depth of the resin bed would be 3 feet.
In order to provide 100% freeboard (i.e. the height of the space above the
resin compared to the height of the resin bed), the vessel height would be
6 feet.

The shell of the softener vessel consists of a steel cylinder with heads
dished to correspond with the vessel diameter and a metal thickness to
withstand the operating pressure.

The functions of the underdrain system at the bottom of the softener shell
are as follows:

1. uniform collection of the softened water during the service run;

2. uniform distribution of the backwash water during the backwash
step prevents channeling and loss of resin;
3. uniform withdrawal of the brine and rinse water prevents pocketing
of either to occur.

The most common underdrain configuration consists of a header lateral

system with strainer heads.

Layers of graded gravel (coarsest at the bottom and finest at the top),
surmounted by a layer of coarse sand are located above the strainer
system in order to support the resin bed and to assist in the even
distribution of water during all steps of the regeneration cycle as well as
the service cycle.

Slightly below the top of the straight side of the shell is the wash water
collector which serves, during softening and rinsing, to introduce and
deflect the incoming water and, during backwashing, to collect the
backwash water and deliver it to the outgoing piping. Deflection of the
incoming water is necessary, otherwise it may hollow out a portion of the
resin bed and cause a greater flow through this portion than the rest of the
resin bed.

A short distance above the surface of the resin bed is the brine distribution
system which serves to introduce and uniformly distribute the diluted brine
over the resin bed so that all parts of the bed will come into even contact
with it.

D. Troubleshooting Softener Malfunctions

Softener effluent may periodically indicate hardness leakage or decreased

exchange capacity. Normally, difficulties can be attributed to one of four
causes, i.e. mechanical failures, resin degradation, improper operational
controls, and changes in feedwater chemistry.

Mechanical failures take the form of plugged or broken distribution

laterals, improperly functioning multiport valves, or clogged underdrain
screens and support media.

To determine whether the resin is performing poorly because of chemical

or physical degradation, core resin samples should be checked for
exchange capacity, physical stability, and foulants. Core samples should
be collected and analyzed annually.

Improper operational controls involve service flow rate; backwash flow rate
and water temperature; regenerant concentration, dosage and flow rate;
slow rinse flow rate and water volume; fast rinse flow rate and volume;
and total hardness levels in the softened water and fast rinse effluent. To
ensure that these controls are properly set, each one should be checked

Softeners are normally designed for an average feed composition. Key

considerations are total hardness, metallic compounds, suspended solids,
and oxidizing agents. A permanent change from the original
characteristics may result in low quality water, decreased capacity, and
resin degradation. Operational and mechanical modifications can
minimize these problems.

E. Resin Degradation

The various forms of softener resin degradation include osmotic shock,

mechanical strain, thermal shock and iron, aluminum, calcium carbonate
or magnesium hydroxide fouling.

Osmotic shock is caused by excessive bead expansion during the service

cycle, and contraction during regeneration.

Mechanical strain results in broken beads which lowers capacity due to

channeling and higher pressure drop.

Thermal shock is caused either by extreme temperature variations (i.e.,

when a hot service cycle is followed by a cold backwash) or by continuous
operation above the maximum allowable temperature for the resin in

Iron foulants may originate from such sources as contaminated water

supply, corroded water distribution piping, surface water supply containing
organically sequestered iron, or contaminated regenerant. Most
frequently, iron enters as the insoluble ferric form, coating the surface of
the beads, thus prohibiting efficient contact between water and resin.
Washing with a reducing agent such as sodium hydrosulfite will reduce the
iron to the soluble ferrous form. Alternately, a hydrochloric acid solution
may be used to dissolve the ferric form iron directly.

Aluminum, calcium carbonate, and magnesium hydroxide fouling are

caused by carry over of coagulants or hardness from the pretreatment
system. These precipitates coat the surfaces of the resin beads thus
reducing its capacity.

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