Buy Zinc Buy Zinc Over Gold Amid A Rebound in Global Growth, Tightening of Easy Money Policy
Buy Zinc Buy Zinc Over Gold Amid A Rebound in Global Growth, Tightening of Easy Money Policy
Buy Zinc Buy Zinc Over Gold Amid A Rebound in Global Growth, Tightening of Easy Money Policy
Buy Zinc; Buy Zinc over Gold amid a rebound in global growth, tightening of easy money policy
Sell 3 lots of Gold Mini May at Rs28,695 (COMEX spot gold at $1,254),
Buy MCX Zinc March at Rs168.40 (LME 3-month at $2,618)
Key points
FOMC to go ahead with two more rate hikes in 2017
Zinc stockpiles at eight-year low
Eurozone manufacturing activities revive to six-years high
Chinas industrial production shows early sign of consolidation
Zinc deficit to continue in 2017
Gold overvalued as the global economy stabilises amid Fed rate hikes
Gold - safe haven bid could possibly be a wild card
On April 10, 2017, we had released a fundamental report based spread call, where we advised selling three lots
of Gold Mini May at Rs28,695 ($1,254) and simultaneously buying MCX Zinc March at Rs168.40 ($2,616). The stop
loss for this call is Rs100,000, while we are looking for a target of Rs200,000 in a timeframe of six months to nine
months. So, rollover is required as we look for a significant target.
On April 11, 2017, we had advised buying MCX Zinc April at Rs165.95 (LME 3-month zinc at $2585) for a target of
$3000/$3200 in nine months to one year with a stop loss of $2,300. We also advised selling 12 lots of USD-INR at
the spot price of Rs64.45 so as to hedge the currency risk. Rollover is required as we are looking for a significant
Call rationale:
Major global economies have started showing a recovery, and the zinc market continues to remain in deficit amid
shutdown of old mines and lack of major new discoveries.
The zinc smelters have been forced to reduce the Treatment & Refining charges on account of lower availability of
zinc concentrate. We remain bearish on gold, considering the fact that the global recovery has reduced the chances
of the central bankers easing their monetary policies further. This is negative for the yellow metal.
We believe that after raising interest rates in December 2015 and March 2017, the US Federal Reserve will go for two
more rate hikes this year. The outcome of the March FOMC meeting suggests that most of the FOMC members were
unanimous on the rate hike decision.
Major economies like the UK, Japan, Eurozone, China etc are showing improvements, which is a positive for zinc and
negative for gold.
The analysis of fundamental factors of the current scenario and the metals is given below:
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May 12, 2017 1 Commodity
Sharekhan Commodity Idea
1. The Fed is set to hike rates two more times this year. University Of Michigan Index
As per the Fed, the slowdown in Q12017 GDP is temporary. Chinas industrial growth is likely to stabilise.
B. Metal Specific factors this year with a tight outlook for both refined metal and
Chinese industrial output declined during the first
LME Zinc Last Price quarter of 2017. Nine of the top 10 smelters in China, the
largest refined zinc producer, have suspended, or plan
to close production lines, as the treatment charges they
can collect from processing have failed to cover costs.
The global zinc market recorded a surplus during January In addition, Noranda, the second-largest zinc plant
to February this year. But, it must be noted that the zinc in North America has been running at 50% of normal
market had ended in deficit in the whole of 2016. The operating levels since a strike began on February 12.
galvanising metal rallied 65% in 2016. Typical annual zinc production at the plant is 270,000-
275,000mt per year.
As per the International Lead and Zinc Study Group, the
refined zinc market is expected to record a deficit of 4. Insatiable Chinese Demand
2.26 lakh tonne in 2017. Global demand of 14.3 million Construction and infrastructure account for more than
tonne will exceed supply of 14.1 million tonne; demand 60% of zinc demand. In China, investment in buildings,
will grow 2.6% YoY while supply will rise 6.7% YoY., factories and other fixed assets grew 9.2% in the first
2. Zinc: refined output remains flat quarter of 2017, while construction starts rose 11.6%
during the same period.
Chinas refined zinc production was 1.299 million tonne
during January-March 2017, down 0.15% YoY. Output in Chinas spending on infrastructure accounts for 25%
April is expected to be 421,000 tonne, with YTD output of total global zinc demand. As Chinas economy is
through January to April falling 1.7% YoY. doing well, the zinc prospects remain bright. Also, the
Automobile and Housing sectors are doing well in the
Glencores suspension of five lakh tonne capacity at major economies of the world. The tighter fundamentals
its Century mine and 1.50 lakh tonne production loss are set to persist, supporting zinc prices and reigniting
at the Lisheen mine have added to the supply woes. the bullish outlook for the market.
Consumption is expected to grow at a steady pace of 2%
5. Declining Stocks at Warehouses
Chinas Zinc Output 000 tonne
Stocks monitored by London Metal Exchange have reached
their lowest levels since June 2009. Zinc inventories stood
at 3.5 lakh tonne, of which 60% remains on warrants. LME
warehouse inventories registered significant outflows
during the first three months of 2017, declining 13% in
Q1, while inventory on SHFE declined 26% for the week
ending April 28 to 115,040 tonsne week, down for the
eight week to the lowest level since Feb. 2015.
The major risk to our call would be the Fed going We expect the precious metals complex to underperform
slower than anticipation in hiking rates. industrial metals for the next 6-9 months.
The worlds major zinc miners could be tempted to Zinc is likely to rally further on the deficit scenario and
bring some of this tonnage back online. growing global economy even amid tightening rates.
Trump trade fades: The market participants doubt the The global economy is looking healthier and the Fed is
possibility of US President Donald Trump succeeding expected to hike rates aggressively to avoid overheating.
in his plans to boost spending on infrastructure and Mr Trumps proposed plans on infrastructure spending
carry out the pledged tax reforms. would boost the US economy further. Major global
economies like China, Japan, the UK and the EU are also
A hard Brexit: In case of a hard Brexit scenario, recovering.
gold is likely to benefit due to higher demand for
safe haven assets. Such a scenario will hurt the UK Risks to our views come from a hard Brexit scenario,
economy and sour the relations with the European fading of the Trump reflation trade and the Fed going
Union. Industrial commodities are likely to fall in slower than expected on rate hikes. There is a certain
that case. element of uncertainty because of the protectionist
stance of Mr Trump as well. We will be monitoring our
The rise of the radical right parties in Europe. calls with respect to these risks.