PZOPSS0000E - Pathfinder Society
PZOPSS0000E - Pathfinder Society
PZOPSS0000E - Pathfinder Society
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Pathfinder Society
Roleplaying Guild Guide
Version 7.0
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477329
Pathfinder Society
Roleplaying Guild Guide
Version 7.0July 30, 2015
AuthorsMike Brock, John Compton, Erik Mona, and Publisher Erik Mona
Mark Moreland Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens
Contributing Artists Alex Aparin, Eric Belisle, Chief Operations Officer Jeffrey Alvarez
Jeff Carlisle, Michele Chang, Tyler Jacobson, Director of Sales Pierce Watters
Damien Mammoliti, Christopher Ocampo, Sales Associate Cosmo Eisele
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Bryan Sola, Craig J. Spearing, Eva Widermann, Vice President of Finance Christopher Self
Kieran Yanner, and Ilker Serdar Yildiz Staff Accountant Ashley Kaprielian
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Creative Director James Jacobs Chief Technical Officer Vic Wertz
Editor-in-Chief F. Wesley Schneider Software Development Manager Cort Odekirk
Executive Editor James L. Sutter Senior Software Developer Gary Teter
Development Lead Mark Moreland Campaign Coordinator Mike Brock
Project Manager Jessica Price
Senior Developer Rob McCreary Licensing Coordinator Michael Kenway
Developers John Compton, Adam Daigle, Mark Moreland,
3477330 760221
and Owen K.C. Stephens Community Team Liz Courts and Chris Lambertz
Assistant Developers Crystal Frasier, Customer Service Team Sharaya Kemp, Katina
Amanda Hamon Kunz, and Linda Zayas-Palmer Mathieson, Sara Marie Teter, and Diego Valdez
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Lead Designer Jason Bulmahn Website Team Christopher Anthony, Winslow Dalpe,
Designers Logan Bonner, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Lissa Guillet, Julie Iaccarino, Erik Keith, and Scott Spalding
and Mark Seifter
Special Thanks The Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, Jonathan Choy, and the Pathfinder
Society community for their constant feedback.
Event organizers may print additional copies of this guide to provide to new players at their events. Please do not distribute this document digitally; instead ask
players to download their own free copy of the document at
paizo.com/pathfindersociety so that campaign staff can contact them directly to inform them of updates to this document.
This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 edition of the worlds oldest fantasy
roleplaying game.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not
Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and
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Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game
Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content
may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, Version 7.0 2015, Paizo Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo golem logo,
Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, and GameMastery are registered trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC; Pathfinder Adventure Card Game,
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Cards, Pathfinder Flip-Map, Pathfinder Map Pack, Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder Pawns,
Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, and Rise of the Runelords are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477330
Table of Contents
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Chapter 1
Pathfinder Society Basics
athfinder Society Organized Play is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an
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agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to
discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil.
The campaigns home base is sprawling Absalom, the so-called City at the Center of the World that stands astride
the great Inner Sea on the mountain-capped Isle of Kortos. A Pathfinders adventures explore the dark alleys and
political intrigues of Absalom between far-flung travels to the most interesting and exotic locales in the world of
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
This guide presents everything you need to know to participate in this exciting, dynamic campaign. But you will
not be alone! Thousands of other gamers gather in their homes, in game stores, at conventions, and even online to
play, report on their adventures, and influence the fate of the Pathfinder world.
Pathfinder Society Organized Play is powered by the game, your character experiences a short, one-sitting
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The Pathfinder RPG Core adventure (or scenario) that is a single episode in a
Rulebook is available at game stores and bookstores, and continuing story. You can take your character to any
online at paizo.com. In addition to being published public Pathfinder Society event anywhere in the world,
in a traditional hardcover format, the Core Rulebook and while the Game Master and your companions might
is also available as an affordable and fully searchable change every time you play, your character advances as
bookmarked PDF ($9.99), and all the rules from the Core normal. Over time, campaigning in an organized play
Rulebook can also be found online for free as part of the environment offers a uniquely immersive experience, as
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at your diverse companions add depth and character to the
paizo.com/prd. campaign world. Its also a great way to get in touch with
other local gamers, meet new people, and play regularly
Organized Play without all the prep work and scheduling of a traditional
In an organized play campaign, your character exists in campaign.
a common setting shared by thousands of other gamers Alternatively, some players prefer to keep their
from around the world. In each Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society experience limited to a familiar group
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477332
in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line of hardcover wish to try out a new character class, you may choose
rulebooks, whether a physical or electronic copy. The to use one of several level-appropriate pregenerated
rules content of these books can be found online for free characters available at paizo.com/pathfindersociety or
as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference from your local event coordinator.
Document located at paizo.com/prd. Unless noted
otherwise in this guide, everything contained in the Creating a Character
Core Rulebook (except artifacts, evil items, and intelligent Chapter 2 of this guidebook contains step-by-step
items) is legal for Pathfinder Society play. Players whose instructions to help you create your official Pathfinder
characters utilize creatures from an approved Additional Society character. Unless you plan to select an official
Resource as companions or familiars are required to have pregenerated character, read these rules carefully, as they
that reference at the table. contain a few adaptations to ensure that characters are
In addition to having these materials, players and suitable for the organized play environment. Chapters
Game Masters are expected to be familiar with the 3 and 4 provide information on the Pathfinder Society
official Pathfinder Society Organized Play FAQ at organization, the city of Absalom. Knowing this material
paizo.com/pathfindersociety/faq. If a clarification on the and incorporating it into the way you play your character
FAQ pertains to your character, you are expected to bring help to increase the immersive nature of the campaign,
a copy of the relevant sections to any Pathfinder Society and should inform the mechanical choices you make
Organized Play game. when creating your character.
After you have created your character, you must register
Getting Started it with your Pathfinder Society Number online at paizo.
Pathfinder Society players must register themselves and com/pathfindersociety.
their characters online at paizo.com/pathfindersociety.
When you register, youll receive an official Pathfinder Additional Resources
Society Number. Keep your Pathfinder Society Number Paizo Publishing produces a wide range of sourcebooks
handy and bring it with you to every Pathfinder Society that further explore the game rules and world of Pathfinder.
event you attend. Paizo uses this number to record These volumes contain a huge variety of options to help
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477333
you customize your character. You can view a frequently You can also visit local game stores. Gaming, comic
updated list of all campaign-legal Additional Resources book, and science fiction conventions often attract gamers.
online at paizo.com/pathfindersociety/resources. In Many conventions have specific gaming programming
order to utilize content from an Additional Resource, that might include Pathfinder Society. You can also find
a player must have a physical copy of the Additional local gamers on the paizo.com Pathfinder Society Grand
Resource in question, a name-watermarked Paizo PDF of Lodge and Gamer Connection messageboards.
it, or a printout of the relevant pages from it, as well as a Another place to play Pathfinder Society events is
copy of the current version of the Additional Resources online. Allowed formats include play-by-post, chat-based
list. You must inform the Game Master that you plan games, digital tabletops, and webcam-enhanced face-
to use Additional Resource material before play begins, to-face gaming. So long as the Game Master has a way
so he has a chance to familiarize himself with the new of distributing all of the appropriate paperwork (by fax,
material. scan, or otherwise), any form of legitimate online play is
allowed and encouraged.
Finding a Game
Once youve got a Pathfinder Society Number and have The Pathfinder Society Community
created your character, youre ready to play your first You may not simply ignore rules clarifications made
Pathfinder Society Scenario! The easiest way to find a by the campaign leadership, including the campaign
local game is to visit paizo.com/pathfindersociety and coordinator and campaign developer, at http://paizo.
click on Get Involved! From there, go to the Events page com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/
where you can search by zip code and radius of travel to pathfinderSociety . GMs are not required to read every
find events that have been registered in your area. post on the messageboards, but GMs familiar with rules
clarifications made by the campaign leadership (which
have not been superseded by the Guide to Pathfinder Society
Organized Play or FAQ) must abide by these clarifications
or rulings. If it is a significant clarification, it will be
updated in the FAQ, and later in the Guide to Pathfinder
Society Organized Play if necessary.
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Chapter 2
Character Creation
This chapter contains everything you need to know about TABLE 21: ABILITY SCORE COSTS
creating a character for Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Score Points
All new Pathfinder Society characters begin play at 1st level. 7 4
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8 2
Step 1: Core or Standard Mode 9 1
The first thing you need to decide about your character is 10 0
if he will be adventuring in the Core or Standard Mode. 11 1
Standard Mode character creation includes all products 12 2
found in the Additional Resources referenced in Chapter 13 3
one. More information on the Core Mode can be found 14 5
on page 20. 15 7
16 10
Step 2: Ability Scores 17 13
Pathfinder Society uses the purchase system for 18 17
generating ability scores, as explained on pages 1516
of the Core Rulebook. Pathfinder Society uses the High
Fantasy choice of 20 points, allowing you to build a Step 3: Race and Class
solid PC at 1st level. Please remember that no score can Select your characters class and race from the choices
be reduced below 7 or raised above 18. Racial modifiers offered in the Core Rulebook. You may also select kitsune,
are applied after the points are spent, so it is possible to nagaji, tengu and wayang as your characters race with
begin play with a low ability score of 5 and a high ability access to the proper Additional Resources book. Other
score of 20, depending on your race choice. A character races are not legal unless the characters Chronicle stack
can not be younger than the minimum age listed on includes a race boon. Additional class and race options
Table 71 of the Core Rulebook, or listed on Table 51 from resources like the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players
of the Advanced Race Guide, and must be younger than Guide, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic, Pathfinder RPG
venerable, as listed on Table 72 of the Core Rulebook and Ultimate Combat, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide, and
Table 54 of the Advanced Race Guide. A character that Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide are
ages past venerable, for whatever reason, dies of old age generally available with few or no alterations, as well.
and is removed from the campaign. Characters do not In some cases, such as magic item creation, the special
alter their ability scores as a result of this choice. nature of a worldwide organized play campaign requires
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477335
minor changes to standard class features. Please note the Step 4: Languages
following such changes: Your race and class selection impact what languages
Alchemist: Alchemists receive the Extra Bombs feat at you start with. All characters gain Common as a free
1st level instead of Brew Potion. language. You gain free languages granted by your
Antipaladin: This alternate class is not available to race, ethnicity (for humans), and class (e.g., Druidic for
Pathfinder Society characters. druids). If you have a high Intelligence modifier, you
Arcanist: The Item Crafting bonus feat is not legal for may select bonus languages from those listed in your
play races entry in the Core Rulebook and the Modern Human
Cavalier: Instead of the Expert Trainer class feature, Languages list (The Inner Sea World Guide 251). Certain
Pathfinder Society cavaliers receive Skill Focus (Handle classes grant access to additional bonus languages
Animal) as a bonus feat. (e.g., Draconic for wizards). Humans and half-elves
Cleric: Clerics with the Nobility domain get the with high Intelligence scores may learn all the above
Persuasive feat at 8th level instead of the Leadership languages as bonus languages as well as any other
feat. Clerics with the Rune domain receive Spell Focus at language except Druidic and the languages listed under
1st level instead of Scribe Scroll. Clerics of Irori receive Ancient Languages on page 251 of The Inner Sea World
Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat so they can Guide. All languages except Druidic are available
use their deitys favored weapon (unarmed strike) by putting a skill rank in Linguistics (see below).
without provoking an attack of opportunity. Tian characters receive the languages Tien and
Druid: Druids with the Nobility domain get Common for free.
the Persuasive feat at 8th level instead of the
Leadership feat. Step 5: Skills
Oracle: Oracles with the Nature spirit The next step is determining what specific
receive animal growth training your character has received. This
as a bonus spell at 10th is done in the standard fashion described
level instead of awaken. in the Core Rulebook. Determine your
Shaman: Shamans starting skill points and spend them as
with the Nature mystery you see fit.
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Step 7: Faction
Your character belongs to one of seven factions ABSALOM
(pregenerated characters are assumed to belong to the Alignment N
Grand Lodge faction). Detailed descriptions of all seven Capital Absalom (303,900)
factions can be found in Chapter 4 of this guide. A brief Notable Settlements Diobel (4,850), Escadar (11,700)
summary of each follows. Ruler Lord Gyr of House Gixx, Primarch of Absalom,
Dark Archives: Members of the Dark Archives faction Protector of Kortos
seek to catalogue, curate, and manage powerful artifacts Government Grand Council composed of representatives
and evil relics to better understand their properties, from several major noble houses and religious groups.
and possibly their applications in the future. The greatest of this council, called the primarch, enjoys
The Exchange: Members of The Exchange seek a wide range of privileges.
trades and economic advantages through a wide range Languages Common, Kelish, Osiriani
of channels, calling upon both its respectable business Religion Abadar, Aroden, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Iomedae,
people and its occassional underhanded contacts, to Irori, Nethys, Norgorber, Sarenrae, Shelyn
further their goals.
The Grand Lodge: Holding themselves above the
petty squabbles of outsiders, this faction maintains the Characters choose their traits from six different
strongest allegiance to the Decemvirate, the masked categories: basic, campaign, equipment, race, region,
leaders of the Pathfinder Society. and religion. A character can have only one trait from
Libertys Edge: Members of this faction attack its each category (or subcategory, in the case of basic traits,
enemies from within, finding dissidents, freedom which fall into the areas of combat, faith, magic, and
fighters, and revolutionaries among the oppressed. social). Your characters choice of faction opens up
They often perform acts of sabotage and diplomacy additional trait choices presented in Chapter 4 of this
while carrying out their duties and should be willing guide. These faction traits count as campaign traits
to bend the rules of tyrannical law in order to plant the in effect, they are the campaign traits for Pathfinder
seed of liberty, even when doing so requires employing Society Organized Play. No other campaign traits from
questionable techniques. any source are legal for characters to choose. In order to
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Scarab Sages: Members of the Scarab Sages seek the select a faction trait, your character must belong to the
lost sage jewels and worthy scholars to inherit the power associated faction.
of the specially prepared gems. It is believed that once
reunited, the sages can then secure ancient secrets and Step 9: Alignment
disseminate that lore to modern innovators, sparking a No evil alignments are allowed in Pathfinder Society
new golden age of thought and technology. Organized Play. You may select any other alignment
The Silver Crusade: Composed largely of paladins, for your character, keeping in mind the alignment
clerics, and other servants of good-aligned gods, restrictions of the various classes.
members of the Silver Crusade faction seek to use the
Societys resources to further the cause of good in the Step 10: Hit Points
world. They oppose factions that would drag the Societys Pathfinder Society characters begin play with a set
reputation through the mud in search of glory, and strive number of hit points and gain a specific number
constantly to raise the morals of their fellow Pathfinders. of hit points each time the character gains a level.
Sovereign Court: Members of this faction seek to Consult Table 22 to find the appropriate values for
unite lesser nobles of many nations behind a common your character. If your character belongs to a class or
philosophy of exellence, progress, and ambition. In prestige class not listed by name in this table, use the
doing so, agents may be required to engage in both appropriate hit dice entry to determine how many hit
subtly espionage and inspiring actions. points you gain per level in that class. If your character
later takes levels in another class, she gains the amount
Step 8: Traits indicated in the rightmost column for all levels in that
Pathfinder Society characters begin play with two traits class, including 1st level. The number of hit points in
minor in-game advantages tied to their background in this column represents the hit points gained from each
the campaign world. Complete trait rules can be found in levels hit dice; add Constitution modifiers, favored
the Advanced Players Guide or online in the free Character class bonuses, and Toughness to the listed number as
Traits Web Enhancement at paizo.com/traits. applicable.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477337
TABLE 22: HIT POINTS BY CLASS well as how your character will be represented during
Hit Hit Points Hit Points tactical encounters at the game table.
Class Dice at 1st Level Gained per Level Appearance: Work up a short description of your
Arcanist4, psychic5, characters appearance that you can read to other players
sorcerer, witch1, d6 6 4 during introductions.
wizard Religion: Characters can elect to worship any deity
alchemist1, bard, d8 8 5 listed in a table of gods in the Core Rulebook, The Inner
cleric, druid, hunter4, Sea World Guide, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Gods and
inquisitor1, investigator4, Magic, or any other source listed as an official Additional
kineticist5, magus2, Resource. Characters may elect to worship an evil god,
medium5, mesmerist5, but must always be within one alignment step of their
monk, ninja3, occultist5, chosen deity. For clerics, this is an especially important
oracle1, rogue, shaman4, choice, since the deitys alignment determines whether
skald4, spiritualist5, the cleric channels positive or negative energy, a decision
summoner1, warpriest4 with significant tactical implications for the cleric and
Bloodrager4, brawler4, d10 10 6 her allies. Clerics, inquisitors, paladins, cavaliers of
cavalier1, fighter, the order of the star, and samurai of the order of the
gunslinger3, paladin, star must choose a deity as all classes in Golarion that
ranger, samurai, receive spells and abilities from a specific divine source
slayer4, swashbuckler4 receive their powers from a deity. Druids, oracles, and
Barbarian d12 12 7 rangers are the exception to this rule. The list is not
Appears in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide. exhaustive, and divine spellcasters of any future classes
Appears in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic. whose sources are added as additional resources will be
Appears in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat. required to choose a deity unless otherwise specified.
Appears in Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide. Otherwise, characters who do not receive powers from
Appears in Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures. a divine source may choose to be atheists or to have no
deity at all.
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Step 11: Equipment History: Each time you finish a new scenario, your
Every character in Pathfinder Society Organized Play Game Master will provide a Chronicle sheet, an official
begins the campaign with 150 gold pieces. All of the record of that scenario that records the experience
armor, weapons, and equipment in the Core Rulebook points you gained, the treasure you discovered, and
are available for purchase. You may also purchase other important details. You may wish to jot down
approved equipment from other Pathfinder books some additional details about the adventureits events,
listed on the Additional Resources page at paizo.com/ interesting NPCs, other characters you adventured with,
pathfindersociety/resources. Magic items are available etc.on this Chronicle sheet to help you remember
for purchase at character creation as long as they are your characters past and influence his future.
listed in the Always Available Items section in Chapter 5 Miniature: The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game uses
of this document. Chapter 5 also contains information a standard 1-inch grid to determine movement and
on purchasing items after you have completed your first tactical positioning in combat. Accordingly, you need
adventure scenario, as well as between all the additional a way to represent your character on the grid. The
scenarios to follow. An Inventory Tracking Sheet has first few times you play, its perfectly acceptable to use
been included at the end of this document and is to be whatever you have on handa coin, a spare die, and so
used for tracking all purchases of 25 GPs or more, as onbut as you become more involved in the campaign,
well as what Chronicle sheet the item was purchased you should bring a gaming miniature to represent
from (if any) and any consumables used. your character each time you play. In affiliation with
its business partners Reaper Miniatures and WizKids,
Step 12: Finishing Touches Paizo provides a wide variety of official unpainted metal
Now that you have the mechanical framework for your and pre-painted plastic gaming miniatures you can
character settled, its time to fine-tune the details of choose from.
your characters appearance, religion, and history, as
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Chapter 3
The World of
the Pathfinder Society
Pathfinder Society Organized Play is based in the teeming closely with elements from those nations. The common folk
metropolis of Absalom. Absaloms residents take pride in represent an even wider array of cultural influences, from
living in one of the largest and wealthiest cities in the known Mordant Spire elves to Tian traders to travelers from other
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worldand certainly its most famous. According to myth, planes. As a result, food, songs, and clothing from nearly
Absalom was founded by Aroden himself when the Last of the every corner of Golarion can be found here if visitors know
First Humans raised the Starstone from the ocean depths and where to look. It is said with some seriousness that it is
left it in its current resting place at the heart of the city. This impossible to look out of place on the streets of Absalom.
famous city is thus a living part of Golarions mythology. The Pathfinder Society Field Guide features a brief overview
Absalom sits in the largest natural harbor on the Isle of of the citys districts, presenting general information any
Kortos, in the eye of the Inner Sea. This location allows Pathfinder might know. For more information on the citys
the city to control dozens of major shipping lanes and history, inhabitants, and locales, consult the Pathfinder
makes it a critical stop on any voyage across that sea. Campaign Setting: Guide to Absalom. Both books are available
The confluence of mercantile, strategic, and religious online at paizo.com or at your local game store or bookstore.
influence in Absalom is the source of its title: City at the
Center of the World. Of course, Absalom also attracts The Pathfinder Society
would-be conquerors, although in the nearly 5,000 years The Pathfinder Society has existed for more than 400
since its founding, the city has never fallen. The ruins years. Its history, fraught with the daring exploits of brave
of dozens of siege castles litter the grounds outside heroes, has long enchanted the populace of the Inner Sea.
Absaloms walls, and its harbor is so choked with the Members include explorers, historians, tomb raiders,
masts and hulls of sunken warships that safely reaching treasure hunters, and vagabonds who roam the farthest
the citys docks requires the steady eye of a paid pilot. reaches of the world seeking lost relics of world-shattering
When Aroden raised the Isle of Kortos from the depths power and answers to riddles older than the gods. These
of the Inner Sea and founded Absalom, he called the wise heroes brave vine-choked jungle ruins, ascend snow-
and brave from nearby lands to inhabit the new land and capped peaks, and comb sun-seared desert sands in search
bade them protect the Starstone from all who would claim it. of buried tombs and monuments of bygone ages.
Nobles, merchants, and adventurers, particularly those from Upon the completion of a particularly notable discovery
Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira, Taldor, and Thuvia, or journey, Society members send a record of their exploits
settled in the new city. The citys culture draws heavily to their venture-captain superior, who in turn reviews it for
from all these lands, and many of its noble houses identify accuracy before forwarding the manuscript to the masked
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leaders of the Pathfinder Society: the cryptic Decemvirate, are encouraged to travel uncharted lands in search of
an inner circle of 10 experienced Pathfinders who guide the evermore-fantastic mysteries.
Societys activities. Their subtle guidance allows individual Report: In the course of their adventures, Pathfinders
Pathfinder agents to believe they act of their own accord are expected to keep detailed journals, maps, and accounts
when they are actually doing the bidding of the Ten. of their exploits. At the conclusion of a successful mission,
The Society recognizes no formal bylaws, but the agent sends a copy of his notes to his immediate
adherence to a general code of behavior is expected of all superior, a regional venture-captain, who makes a full
members, and reports of activity violating this code are analysis (often involving divination). Accounts of especially
grounds for removal from the organization. The three noteworthy exploits make their way to Absalom and the
most important member duties are as follows. Decemvirate, who compile the best tales into irregularly
Explore: Pathfinders are expected to further the published editions of the Pathfinder Chronicles, which make
knowledge and reputation of the Society by traveling their way back to venture-captains for distribution to
to distant lands, unearthing forbidden secrets, and Pathfinder agents in the field.
piecing together the secret history of the world. Agents Cooperate: The Society places no moral obligations
upon its members, so agents span all races, creeds, and
motivations. At any given time, a Pathfinder lodge might
house a fiend-summoning Chelaxian, a Silver Crusade
paladin, an antiquities-obsessed Osirian necromancer, and
a friendly Taldan raconteur. Pathfinder agents, no matter
which of the eight factions they belong to, are expected to
respect one anothers claims and stay out of each others
affairs unless offering a helping hand.
The Pathfinder Society Field Guide, Pathfinder Campaign
Setting: Seekers of Secrets, and the Pathfinder Society Primer all
contain a wealth of additional information on the history,
goals, and methods of the Pathfinder Society, including
campaign-legal rules options to help you immerse your
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Chapter 4
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to learn their techniquesor steal these secrets as the Goal: Dominance Through Trade
situation dictates.Dark Archives Although it is small compared to many other trade outfits
in the Inner Sea region, the faction aims to build an
Dark Archive Traits extensive trade network that allow it to deliver nearly any
Members of the Dark Archive faction can take the good to any locationfor a price. Undermine or acquire
following campaign traits at character creation or by rival monopolies while allying with powerful producers,
taking the Additional Traits feat. merchants, and contacts to further grow the business.
Arcane Archivist: You have spent years handling
magic items and know how to test their functions while The Exchange Traits
avoiding catastrophic results. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Members of the Exchange faction can take the following
Use Magic Device checks, and this skill becomes a class campaign traits at character creation or by taking the
skill for you. Additional Traits feat.
Devils Mark: You bear the stain of a higher fiend upon Gold Finger: Your family comes from a long, proud
you, and any evil creature who sees it may think twice tradition of housebreaking and thievery. You are a strong
before crossing you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Bluff, part of that tradition. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable
Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when Device and Sleight of Hand checks, and one of these skills
dealing with outsiders of the evil subtype. (your choice) becomes a class skill for you.
Librarian: You are trained to manage and maintain Greasy Palm: You know how to get people to do what
books, and you find it easy to procure information from you want with little effort. When bribing an NPC, you
tomes. You gain a +1 bonus on Linguistics or Profession pay 10% less than a character without this trait would,
(librarian) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) garnering the same results.
becomes a class skill for you. Once per day when you Smuggler: Whether youre carrying illegal contraband
would gain a bonus on a skill check from reading a book, or simply regulated products, you have a knack for
you can increase that bonus by 1. sneaking goods past watchful eyes. You gain a +3 bonus
Master of Pentacles: Your many years spent studying on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide an object, and
the art of summoning have given you a unique knowledge Sleight of Hand is a class skill for you.
of this subtle and complicated discipline. Once per day, Tireless: You are accustomed to working long hours
3477342 760233
when casting a spell of the Conjuration school, treat and weathering difficult conditions just to get the job
your caster level as two higher when determining the done. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Constitution checks
spells duration. made to resist nonlethal damage from swimming,
Soul Drinker: There is a dark hunger in you that rejoices forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot and cold
when you or an ally slays a foe. Once per day when an enemy environments. In addition, you gain 1 hit point.
creature is killed, you may, as an immediate action, gain a Upstanding: Your preferred means of doing business
number of temporary hit points equal to the slain foes Hit involves giving your clients a fair deal and winning their
Dice. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. This is continued business and good will. You gain a +1 trait
a supernatural ability. bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and one
of these skills (your choice) becomes a class skill for you.
The Exchange
The Exchange is an Grand Lodge
independent business Absaloms Grand Lodge draws
with close ties to the Pathfinder agents from all
Pathfinder Society. It corners of the Inner Sea and
seeks trade and economic beyond. Adventurous souls flock
advantage through a wide to the Societys vast complex of
range of channels, calling upon its more respectable towers, libraries, reliquaries,
businesspeople when honesty is best, but not flinching if and museums to train, research,
it must employ the occasional underhanded technique to and trade stories of life in the
break an enemy monopoly. The company is the creation field. Consequently, Pathfinders from all walks of life
of Trade-Prince Aaqir alHakam, who recently purchased hold the Grand Lodge of Absalom in high esteem and
the factions assets from Qadira and merged his resources consider it home. Within its walls, a cadre of masked
with those of Guaril Karela, a Sczarni crime boss based leadersthe Decemvirateguides the Societys
out of Absalom. Aaqirs business acumen and instinct for global activities from within its aerie, Skyreach. Other
trade make him a capable and confident leader. Pathfinders may give their allegiance to foreign nations
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taking the Additional Traits feat. worlds darkest places and banish mysticism, diabolism,
Insider Knowledge: Venture-Captain Valsin likes to and fear. A member of this faction often performs acts
keep abreast of situations within the Pathfinder Society, of sabotage and diplomacy while carrying out her duties
and you do your best to emulate him. Choose either and should be willing to bend the rules of tyrannical law
Diplomacy or Knowledge (local). You gain a +1 trait bonus in order to plant the seed of liberty, even when doing so
on all checks for the chosen skill, and the chosen skill requires employing questionable techniques.
becomes a class skill for you.
Loyalty: You resist attempts to dissuade you from Libertys Edge Traits
obeying the Decemvirates will. You gain a +1 trait bonus Members of the Libertys Edge faction can take the
on saving throws against enchantment spells and spell- following campaign traits at character creation or by
like abilities. taking the Additional Traits feat.
Observant: Sometimes it helps to pay attention to your Captains Blade: You were born on board a ship and learned
surroundings and the people you meet. Choose either to fight beside the sailing men and women of the Andoran
Perception or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus fleet. While on board any vessel afloat on water, you gain a
on all checks for the chosen skill, and the chosen skill +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. One of these
becomes a class skill for you. skills (your choice) becomes a class skill for you.
Proper Training: Your time at the Grand Lodge of Freedom Fighter: Your family has long waged war
Absalom has served you well. Choose either Knowledge against tyranny, and you learned a great deal about
(geography) or Knowledge (history). You gain a +1 trait guerilla warfare in your youth. You gain a +1 trait bonus
bonus on all checks for the chosen skill, and the chosen on Stealth checks and a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls
skill becomes a class skill for you. made during the surprise round.
Teaching Mistake: You know the consequences of Indomitable: Your strong, self-reliant swagger has
failure and strive never to make the same mistake twice. made you more resistant to domination and control. You
Once per scenario, when you roll a natural 1 on any saving gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws versus enchantment
throw, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your next saving spells and effects.
throw, which must be used before the end of the scenario.
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Rousing Oratory: You are particularly adept at against any undead, this effect immediately ends. This is a
expressing your beliefs in a way that resonates with supernatural ability.
others. Perform (act, comedy, oratory, or sing) becomes a Ancient Historian: You are well acquainted with the
class skill for you. Once per day you can spend 1 minute lore of fallen empires. Choose either Knowledge (history)
addressing and inspiring your allies within 60 feet, after or Linguistics. That skill becomes a class skill for you,
which you can attempt a DC 15 Perform (act, comedy, and you begin play able to speak and read one of the
oratory, or sing) check. If you succeed, your allies gain following languages: Ancient Osiriani, Azlanti, Cyclops,
a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects for Jistkan, Tekritanin, or Thassilonian.
5 minutes. If you exceed the check DC by 10 or more, Reverent Wielder: Some of the most powerful
increase the bonus by 1. weapons are priceless and ancient, and you are vigilant
Whistleblower: You are wise to the schemes of liars, in protecting your equipment as much as you protect
thieves, and cheats, granting you a +1 bonus on Sense yourself. You gain a +1 trait bonus to CMD against
Motive checks, and that skill becomes a class skill for you. disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers, and your
equipment gains a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws.
Scarab Sages Secrets of the Sphinx: Your ancestors paid the proper
As ancient Osirion began to obeisance to Nethys, who granted their heirs special
decline in its First Age, an order divinatory gifts. Once per day, you may gain a +2 trait bonus
of sages formed to catalogue on any single Knowledge check. Additionally, choose one
and preserve its wonders for a Knowledge skillthis skill becomes a class skill for you.
future dynasty. They stored their Tomb Raider: Youve spent most of your life exploring
secrets in specially prepared the ancient tombs and catacombs of Osirion. You gain a
gems, most of which were lost +1 bonus on Perception and Knowledge (dungeoneering)
during the Kelish occupation checks, and one of these skills (your choice) becomes a
millennia ago. Having revived class skill for you.
the order, Tahnikepsu, a reclusive dragon who became
the Diamond Sage years ago, now seeks these lost sage Silver Crusade
jewels and worthy scholars to inherit the gems power. Some members of the Pathfinder
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Reunited, the sages can then secure ancient secrets and Society look upon recent events
disseminate that lore to modern innovators, sparking a with dismay. The rampant
new golden age of thought and technology. infighting that ceased only a
Tahonikepsu works closely with Amenopheus, the short time ago still has a chance
Sapphire Sage and former leader of the faction. While to reemerge. On top of that, the
his draconic ally manages the factions larger goals, actions of a few greedy and selfish
Amenopheus oversees many of the field operations and members have besmirched the
acts as an ambassador to other organizations. Societys name. In response, the
Silver Crusade faction formed,
Goal: Unlock the Wisdom of the Past for determined to root out undesirable elements within the
a Brighter Future Society and spread the cause of good through the Inner
Seek and preserve the wonders of old civilizations such Seaand beyond.
as ancient Osirionespecially the sage jewels that
contain that desert kingdoms precious secrets. Cultivate Goal: Use the Society for Good
excellence in the faction, its allies, and the enlightened, Led by the retired Pathfinder Ollysta Zadrian, paladin
as it is from these ranks that new sages will arise. of Sarenrae, this faction seeks to be more than just
adventurers doing the bidding of the Decemvirate and
Scarab Sages Traits the venture-captains. While other factions, such as The
Attuned to the Ancestors: You were raised to believe Exchange, may use the Society for personal gain, the
that undead are nothing to fearthey are simply the Silver Crusade attempts to transform the Society into an
unliving remnants of your honored ancestors. Once per organization that aids the weak, destroys evil, and makes
day, you can surround yourself with an aura of unlife. the world a better place.
Unintelligent undead ignore you unless you take action
against them, per hide from undead. The protection lasts
1 round for every two character levels you possess (with
a minimum of 1 round). If you take any offensive action
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by national ties, competing you increase the saving throw DC of that spell by 1.
beliefs, and treatment of Unflappable: Whether it is a result of your dedication to
the commoners that they your work or just pure guts, nothing seems to shake you.
represent. Petty differences You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against fear, and the DC
and ancient feuds have worn to demoralize you with Intimidate checks increases by 3.
down the elite until many
particularly those of Taldor Changing Your Faction
have forgotten the virtues of nobility. Instead they hide With the change of most factions from nation-based to
behind pompous displays and grand parties that further ideal-based at the start of Season 6, every character is
drain the lands wealth. Frustrated by Taldors malaise, allowed one free faction change anytime during Season
Lady Gloriana Morilla has created the Sovereign Court 6. After the one free faction change, if at any point you
faction to unite lesser nobles of many nations behind a become disillusioned with your faction, you can change
common philosophy of excellence, progress, and ambition. to a different one. The longer you have spent in service
In doing so, she and her agents must engage both in subtle to a faction, the higher the relative cost to change to
espionage and inspiring action. one that hasnt seen firsthand your ability to forward
their goals. Changing your faction costs a number of
Goal: Nobility United for a Common Cause Prestige Points equal to 3 times your character level,
Unite the nobility of the Inner Sea to serve as the powers but does not alter your Fame score. (Prestige Points
behind their respective thrones and direct the nations and Fame are fully explained in Chapter 5). You retain
toward prosperity, peace, and perhaps the creation your faction traits, if any, but lose any faction-specific
of a new empire spanning Avistan and beyond. Avoid Prestige Awards you have accumulated during your time
advertising the existence of the faction except to likely with your old faction; generic Prestige Awards from
recruits, for many nations would see this organization as Table 54 and Vanities (Pathfinder Society Field Guide 60)
a threat. are unaffected.
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Faction Retirement of the retired faction are retained by that character with
From time to time, over the course of the campaign, no changes. After the faction is retired, none of these
one or more factions may be retired from active play. faction-specific items are available for future purchase.
Should a faction be retired, it will feature in a special Characters who belong to a faction thats being retired
scenario designed to wrap up its story. Any character who but who do not receive credit for the associated retirement
belongs to a faction thats retiring and receives credit for scenario prior to the faction being eliminated must
participating in one of these faction scenarios will be able change factions (again at no cost) prior to receiving credit
to receive a special reward on the scenarios Chronicle for any further scenarios. No character may belong to a
sheet. At anytime thereafter, before the faction is removed retired faction after the factions elimination under any
as a legal choice from the campaign, that character may circumstances. Finally, a GM who has a character in one of
change to a different faction one time at no cost. Any the factions thats being retired may assign the Chronicle
faction-specific vanities, titles, traits, prestige items, or sheet from the special scenario to one of his characters
other purchases made while the character was a member that is higher-level than the scenario in this instance only.
Libertys Edge faction PCs qualify for Andoran faction
vanities and mission boons available in past seasons.
Likewise, Dark Archive faction PCs qualify for Cheliax
rewards, Scarab Sages as Osirion, The Exchange as Qadira,
and Sovereign Court as Taldor. Without a boon that states
otherwise, a PC cannot earn Sczarni vanities or boons.
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Chapter 5
Pathfinder Society
Special Rules
The unique nature of a shared-world campaign requires look like an idiot or to undo everything that character
some minor alterations to the standard Pathfinder RPG is trying to accomplish, youve probably lost sight of the
rules in order to ensure that certain rules are enforced purpose of Pathfinder Society Organized Play and may be
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the same way at every table, even if each of those tables is asked to leave the table. Playing your character is not an
run by a different Game Master. This chapter summarizes excuse for childish behavior. GMs should work with their
these minor changes. For additional rules clarifications, event coordinators to resolve any out-of-game conflicts. If
please view the official Pathfinder Society FAQ online at you are both the GM and the coordinator, use your own
paizo.com/pathfindersociety/faq. If a clarification on the discretion. Extreme or repetitive cases should be resolved
FAQ or messageboard directly affects your character, print by asking the offender to leave the table.
that section of the FAQ or messageboard ruling out and
bring it to games in which you play that PC to cut down on No Player-versus-Player Combat
any confusion or conflicts between yourself and a GM who The goal of Pathfinder Society Organized Play is to provide
might not be familiar with the specifics of the situation. an enjoyable experience for as many players as possible.
It is impossible for the campaign management staff to Player-versus-player conflict only sours a session. While
cover every possible situation or rules interpretation. As killing another character might seem like fun to you, it
such, you may encounter rules combinations or questions certainly wont be for the other characters player. Even if
during the course of a scenario that arent covered in this you feel that killing another PC is in character for your PC
book or the official Pathfinder Society FAQ. In these cases, at this particular moment, just figure out some other way
the Game Master has the freedom to adjudicate the rules as for your character to express herself. In short, you can never
needed to ensure a fun and fair gaming experience for all. voluntarily use your character to kill another character
without their consent. Note that this does not apply to
Do Not Bully Other Players situations where your character is mind-controlled by an
Were all friends here, and were all playing a game NPC and is forced by that NPC to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
together with the single purpose of having a wonderful
time. Do not push other players around just because Do Not Cheat
your character can. Extreme forms of dysfunctional play Do not falsify rolls, do not falsify your Chronicle sheets,
will not be tolerated. A little fun banter between PCs can and do not add new items to your inventory without
be great roleplaying, but when you find yourself doing buying them properly. Do not lie to a GM under any
everything in your power to make another character circumstances.
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it appears on a core play Chronicle sheet. For spells and placeholder to indicate the character participated in
class features that reference the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, the adventure, and it gives a place to note consumables,
that sourcebook may be utilized with the restrictions purchases, and conditions to be tracked from playing
noted in Additional Resources. Any item appearing on a through the adventure. This is the only exception to
Chronicle sheet earned in Core Mode play, regardless of not having two of the same Chronicle assigned to one
source, is allowed to be used by a Core Mode character, character.
except Chronicle sheets that open new races. If you have already played a scenario and wish to
In addition to the languages that appear on pages 101 replay to help make a table legal, you must inform the
102 of the Core Rulebook, the following languages are legal GM that you have already played the scenario. Some
when using Core Mode. Humans receive the language GMs may not be comfortable running an adventure
associated with their ethnicity for free, and the ethnicity for players who have foreknowledge of what is to come.
that corresponds to a language appears in parentheses. If your GM is not comfortable with you replaying a
Modern Human Languages: Hallit (Kellid), Kelish scenario, the GM has the right to deny players the
(Kelishite), Osiriani (Garundi), Polyglot (Mwangi), opportunity to replay a scenario for any reason. All
Shadowtongue, Shoanti (Shoanti), Skald (Ulfen), Tien GMs are encouraged to be as flexible as possible when
(Tian), Varisian (Varisian), Vudrani (Vundrani) replay is the only option that allows them to seat the
Ancient Languages: Ancient Osiriani, Azlanti, Cyclops, minimum legal number of players at a game table.
Jistka, Tekritanin, Thassilonian, If you spoil the plot for the table, the GM has the right
Other Languages: Necril, Orvian to ask you to leave the table. Be very careful about
If at anytime, you play a Core Mode character at a character knowledge versus player knowledge. If
standard mode table, that character becomes a standard youre concerned about possibly spoiling something
mode character. during the course of play, take the GM aside and ask
GMs running an adventure using Core Mode how she would like it handled. Remember: the goal
Campaign rules only needs to write Core at the top of of replay is to make sure fun gaming happens, not to
the Chronicle sheet designating that it was run using remove the fun from gaming.
Core Mode play rules.
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of which are performed in place of a Day Job check. These gear) and helps keep the scenario on track, on time, and
may include special boons that are earned during an moving quickly.
adventure. Some items may be so valuable that the gold you receive
in one scenario is insufficient to purchase it. If you are
Step 3: Spoils of War and Buying Equipment unable to purchase a valuable item immediately, you
Pathfinder Society Organized Play is unlike a standard can save up your gold and purchase it during or after
roleplaying experience. Instead of dividing up treasure another scenario. Every item listed on your Chronicle
among your fellow party members, every Pathfinder has sheets is considered always available for purchase for you,
access to any piece of loot available in a scenario. Every regardless of whether its on your first Chronicle sheet or
Chronicle sheet lists all of the loot that can be found your 21st Chronicle sheet. The only exceptions are items
during the scenario, with the exception of minor items that have a purchase limit. You may never purchase more
available to every Pathfinder Society character. After of that item throughout the life of your character than the
the scenario, the GM checks which items you and your number amount listed as the purchase limit.
fellow Pathfinders discovered, and each of these items PCs can always buy weapons and equipment off their
immediately becomes available for purchase by all party Chronicle sheets and the approved equipment lists for
members. Items not discovered in play are blacked out their size so long as their size is Small or Medium. Thus,
or lined out by the GM. In addition, every player who if a Chronicle sheet offers a Small PC the opportunity
completes a scenario receives a set amount of gold for the to purchase a +1 frost longsword, she can always buy the
scenario that she may spend to acquire items (either from 1 frost longsword at size Small. Items found while playing
her collected Chronicle sheets, from the Core Rulebook, the scenario, however, are the size they are when theyre
or from approved Additional Resources). This gold piece found. The size can only be adjusted up or down after
total can fluctuate depending on what you accomplished the scenario is over, while the PCs are buying new gear.
and how you accomplished it. PCs purchasing equipment at sizes other than Small and
For example, if the evil Hellknight you defeated at the Medium must adjust the prices per the existing weapon
end of a scenario is wielding a +1 frost longsword, the sword size rules (Core Rulebook 144).
will appear on that scenarios Chronicle sheet. Every PC
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changes must be made in the presence of a Pathfinder Conditions, Death, and Expendables 760242
Society GM, the GM must initial each change, and each All conditions (including death) not resolved within
change must be noted on an official Pathfinder Society the scenario or module must be resolved by the end of
Chronicle sheet. If the GM wishes to audit your character the adventure. Likewise, any wealth spent or resources
before the changes are made, you must present the expended during the course of the adventure are tracked
character to the GM. If time is a limiting factor, the GM and must be recorded on the Chronicle sheet. [[
may choose not to allow retraining during that session. However, any equipment thats listed on the
When utilizing these retraining rules, you must expend pregenerated character sheet may only be sold to clear
wealth as outlined in the Retraining section of Ultimate their own conditions during the play of a sanctioned
Campaign, as well as 1 Prestige Point per day of retraining event, and any remaining gold does not carry over at the
since time between scenarios is undefined. end of the adventure.
All conditions gained during an adventure, except for
Prestige Classes permanent negative levels, ability drain that does not
Roleplaying requirements for prestige classes (such reduce an ability score to 0, and conditions that provide no
as particular ceremonies or killing a devil) are waived mechanical effect, must be resolved before the end of the
in Pathfinder Society. Please make the following session; if these are not resolved the character should be
adjustments if you wish to take levels in Loremaster reported as dead. Permanent negative levels, ability drain,
or Pathfinder Chronicler. Additional prestige class and non-mechanical conditions being carried over to the
options (and any minor adjustments needed) are found next session should be recorded under the Notes section
at paizo.com/pathf indersociety/resources. of the Chronicle sheet. An unplayable character should be
Loremaster: This prestige classs requirement of any marked as dead when reporting the session. See additional
three metamagic or item creation feats changes to any rules under Dealing with Afflictions in Chapter 7.
three metamagic or Spell Focus feats. Death is a part of any RPG, and unfortunately it can
Pathfinder Chronicler: This prestige class does not happen in Pathfinder Society Organized Play just like in
require an item creation feat to access it. a regular Pathfinder RPG game session. The basic rule for
Pathfinder Society is that if a PC dies during the course of
a scenario, he can be raised by a PC of appropriate class and
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477351
level seated at his table (paying all expected costs), he can can nonmagical aspects of equipment be upgraded (such
be raised by an NPC in an appropriately sized settlement as the strength rating on a composite bow).
(see Purchasing Spellcasting Services), or he can be Additionally, any magic items whose usage frequencies
raised by his faction if he has sufficient Prestige Points. are less than 1/day (such as 1/week or 1/month and so on)
If a PC cannot be raised from the dead during or are considered to have the frequency of 1/scenario.
immediately after the scenario in which he died, that PC An Inventory Tracking Sheet has been included at the
is dead and removed from play. In this instance, the GM end of this document and is to be used for tracking all
reports that the character in question died during the purchases of 25 GPs or more, as well as what Chronicle
course of play on the tracking sheet provided with the sheet the item was purchased from (if any) and any
scenario and on the characters Chronicle for that scenario, consumables used.
and the player will need to make a new 1st-level character to
continue play in Pathfinder Society. Please note that players Where to Buy Gear
can (and are encouraged to) share or pool their resources in For the sake of ease of play in Pathfinder Society
order to bring a dead party member back to life. They may Organized Play, players may always buy gear, spells and
not, however, pool Prestige Points to do so, even if theyre so on so long as their characters are in a town of more
from the same faction. PCs can also sell off gear, including than 5,000 residents. Pathfinder Society Organized Play
the dead characters gear, at 50% of its listed value to raise assumes that every faction has at least one representative
money to purchase a spell that will return their slain ally in every small city or larger settlement on Golarion. If
from the dead, though they can only do so in a settlement outside of a town, PCs may be restricted from buying
and they cannot sell off any items found during the current anything, though this varies by scenario.
scenario that they havent purchased. PCs who die during a
scenario and are raised receive full XP for that scenario, so Always Available Items
long as they completed at least three encounters. You may always purchase the following items or
PCs may use the rewards from the Chronicle sheet equipment so long as youre in an appropriately sized
they earned in order to resolve any conditions, such as settlement (see above).
death. PCs who ultimately do not return to the realm of All basic armor, gear, items, and weapons from Chapter
the living receive no XP, 0 Prestige Points, 0 gp, and no 6 of the Core Rulebook, including Small and Large-sized
3477352 760243
boons for the scenario in which they died. items. This does not include equipment made from
dragonhide, but it does include equipment made from
Purchasing Equipment and Spells the other special materials, such as alchemical silver
In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you may never buy and cold iron (see the Special Materials section on
items from, sell items to, or trade items with another player. page 154 of the Core Rulebook). All mundane (completely
You may, however, allow another player to borrow an item for nonmagical) weapons, armor, equipment, and
the duration of a scenario. You are also permitted to spend alchemical gear found in any other source that is legal
your characters gold to help a party member purchase for play are considered always available.
spellcasting services such as raise dead or remove disease. +1 weapons (2,000 gp + 300 for the masterwork weapon
If gear you have found but not yet purchased is sundered cost + item cost)
or lost during a scenario, you may still acquire it when +1 armor (1,000 gp + 150 for the masterwork armor cost
purchasing items at the end of a scenario. Found expendable + item cost)
items such as potions or scrolls may be used during the +1 shields (1,000 gp + 150 for the masterwork armor
course of a scenario at no cost, but must be purchased if you cost + item cost)
wish to carry that item with you into future scenarios. Potions and oils of 0- or 1st-level spells at caster level
For ease of play, a masterwork item can always be 1st (50 gp or less)
upgraded to a +1 item without paying for the masterwork Scrolls of 0- or 1st-level spells at caster level 1 (50 gp
cost again. Instead, you pay the difference between the cost or less)
of the +1 item and that of the masterwork item. This rule Wayfinder (50% discount250 gp; see page 299 of The
also applies to upgrading from a +1 item to a +2 item and so Inner Sea World Guide)
onyou never have to repay the original cost or sell your Beyond the gear noted above, your character is
current item for half to upgrade to the next step. Note that restricted to purchasing additional items from his
this only applies to items of the same kindyou cant, for accumulated Chronicle sheets, or by capitalizing on his
example, turn your masterwork rapier into a +1 greatsword. fame. Weapons, armor, equipment, magic items and so
A mundane item can not be upgraded to masterwork, nor on that are outside of these lists are not available for
purchase at any time.
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permitted for characters below level 12 unless you gain access settlement smaller than that will have a mystic or full-
to them on a Chronicle sheet that specifically lists them. blown wizard or cleric who can cast spells that cost fewer
than 3,000 gp, but never more. Please note that PCs may
Spellcasting Services never purchase the traveling service of a spellcasterin
Sometimes awful things happen to adventurers. After an other words, a wizard from the local town is not, for any
all-night romp through the sewers, your wounds might price, going to accompany the PCs on their mission into
start to fester with some foul diseaseyou might even die. the nearby haunted castle.
You may have spells cast on your character, subtracting the Spells that are 7th level or higher are not available
gold piece cost from your total. If your gold is insufficient, from spellcasting services. Spellcasters capable of casting
the other players around the table may chip in to get you such spells are quite rare, and as such, cannot simply be
back on your feet, but they cannot be compelled to do so. bartered with for higher-level spellcasting services. The
It is their choice whether or not they aid you. Additionally, only exceptions to this rule are any 7th-level or higher
your faction may be able to aid you with certain issues as spells listed as available to be purchased by your faction.
well, so long as you have enough Prestige Points to spend
in exchange for their aid (see Fame and Prestige). Any Spells
spellcasting purchased using Prestige Points is cast at The following spells found in the Core Rulebook are not
minimum caster level. legal for play and may never be used, found, purchased,
Generally speaking, you can pay to have spells cast on or learned in any form by PCs playing Pathfinder Society
you at any time during the scenario so long as youre in a Scenarios: awaken, permanency, and reincarnate.
settlement or have access to a temple, shrine, or wandering All spells and effects end at the end of a scenario with
mystic. Page 163 of the Core Rulebook covers the rules for the following exceptions:
purchasing spellcasting services and the associated costs Spells and effects with permanent or instantaneous
are listed in the Spellcasting and Services table on page 159. duration that heal damage, repair damage, or remove
For Pathfinder Society Organized Play, PCs may only harmful conditions remain in effect at the end of the
purchase spells with a total cost of above 3,000 gp by scenario.
visiting a settlement with more than 5,000 residents. Any
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TABLE 54: GENERIC PRESTIGE AWARDS items you can purchase with gold. If Fame represents
Award Cost1 the characters overall reputation within a faction, then a
+4 on any one skill check 2 1 PP characters Prestige Points represent what her faction owes
Dispel magic 1 PP her in terms of favors, boons, and rewards.
Lesser restoration 1 PP Since you spend Prestige Points to acquire goods,
Make whole 1 PP services, or awards, and since Fame and Prestige Points are
Remove blindness/deafness 1 PP gained at the same rate, your Prestige Point total will never
Remove curse 1 PP exceed your Fame score. You earn Fame by completing
Remove disease 1 PP missions for your factiontypically, a successful mission
Remove paralysis 1 PP awards 1 to 2 PP, increasing your current Fame by that
Free purchase up to 150 gp3 1 PP amount. For example, suppose Jothalia has 5 Fame and 2
Atonement 2 PP (8 PP to restore PP with the Andoran faction, then successfully earns 2 PP
cleric/druid/inquisitor/ at the completion of a scenario. Her Fame score increases
paladin powers) to 7, and she has 4 Prestige Points to spend at any time in
Break enchantment 2 PP the future.
Greater dispel magic 2 PP
Heal 2 PP Earning Prestige
Neutralize poison 2 PP Each scenario provides the opportunity for you to earn
Restoration 2 PP (4 PP to remove a 2 Prestige Points over the course of the adventure. These
permanent negative level) Prestige Points are tied to the completion of your mission,
Free purchase up to 750 gp3 2 PP and are outlined in the Success Conditions section of the
Regenerate 3 PP adventure. One of these conditions should be obvious at the
Have your body recovered by 5 PP start of a scenario, while the second may require creative
a rescue team thinking or may become apparent as the story progresses.
Raise dead 16 PP A player character advancing along the standard
Greater restoration 16 PP advancement track may earn both Prestige Points in a
Resurrection 32 PP scenario, for a total of 6 PP per character level. To maintain
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of her faction, and unless noted Once characters reach 12th level, they may no
otherwise, most factions tend longer play in tiered scenarios for levels 111,
to have agents, contacts, or but they can play special Tier 12+ scenarios
headquarters in settlements and events. They immediately gain the title
that are at least the size Seeker and become special agents like Osprey,
of a large city. To reflect unfettered from faction and Pathfinder Society
the difficulty of contacting politicsinstead creating legends of their own,
a faction agent in a smaller where every action or inaction becomes fodder for
settlement, Prestige Point costs the Pathfinder Chronicles.
increase by 5 in communities Seekers (previously known as retired characters) are
with fewer than 5,000 people. Note offered the opportunity to accomplish one last major
that its possible for a player to spend her mission for the Pathfinder Society: participating in a
characters Prestige Points even if the PC is dead, Seeker story arc (previously known as a retirement arc).
petrified, or otherwise out of commission. In essence, To play a Seeker (Tier 12) story arc, the character must
this represents the PC having made prior arrangements start it with exactly 33 XP. If a character is used to play
with her faction to perform certain actions on her an 11th-level module starting at 31 or 32 XP or a Tier 12+
behalf, such as recovering her dead body and returning special scenario at 12th level, thus ending the module
it to a specific location or having it raised from the dead. or special scenario with more than 33 XP, the character
In this event, the PCs actual location does not impact receives full credit for the module or special scenario, but
the Prestige Point cost. may not play any part of a Seeker story arc (except for a
few grandfathered exceptionssee the Pathfinder Society
Beyond Level 11 FAQ). Once a character starts a Seeker story arc, she may
Congratulations! You have made it to the ranks of the not be used in any other module or special scenario until
Pathfinder Special Agents, the Seekers. This august she has completed the Seeker story arc.
group of explorers have adventured to lands unknown Characters that have already played in any part of the
within Golarion and beyond. Eyes of the Ten Seeker story arc receive XP retroactively.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477355
Thus, a character who has completed the arc is 13th level Free Rerolls
and has 38 XP. As a way of rewarding players who show their support
Any Seeker with sufficient Fame and experience can for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign
purchase scrolls containing 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-level by purchasing and wearing special shirts featuring
spells, following the price guidelines in the Core Rulebook. campaign insignia, faction logos, or Pathfinder
Access to these spells is restricted to scrolls and is not branding, a player wearing any of the shirts listed below
available for spell-casting services. Upon reaching 13th during a Pathfinder Society event may reroll one d20
level, Seekers are eligible to select spells or purchase 7th- roll during the course of that scenario. This reroll must
level scrolls. Upon reaching 15th level, they are eligible to happen before the original result is determined and
select spells or purchase 8th-level scrolls. Upon reaching the player must use the reroll result, even if it is lower.
17th level, they are eligible to select spells or purchase Game Masters are also invited to wear Pathfinder Society
9th-level scrolls. Organized Play shirts, but gain no additional benefits
other than supporting Pathfinder.
Pathfinder Tales Novels The following Pathfinder Society Organized Play shirts
Because Pathfinder Tales novels are stories first and are currently available.
foremost, there is no easy way to sanction items, spells,
feats, or other special abilities whole cloth. Instead, each Andoran faction shirt
book allows players access to one single-use boon, which Cheliax faction shirt
a player may access by showing her copy of a Pathfinder Osirion faction shirt
Tales book to the GM of any sanctioned Pathfinder Qadira faction shirt
Society event and having the GM initial the box next to Taldor faction shirt
the corresponding boon; once a GM has initialed that Venture-Captain polo
box, you do not need to continue bringing the novel to Venture-Lieutenant polo
use the boon. Once all four boxes have been initialed, Year of the Ruby Phoenix
the player may also apply the Prolific Reader boon to Year of the Risen Rune shirt
a single character. This Chronicle sheet may only be Year of the Demon shirt
applied once per player, not once per character, but the Year of the Sky Key shirt
3477356 760247
player may choose to apply the boon to any character. As Year of the Serpent shirt
a result, the player does not need to fill out a character Iconic character shirts (Seoni, Harsk, Valeros, & Kyra)
name, character number, or faction until she decides to Paizo golem shirt
apply the Prolific Reader boon to one of her characters. Pathfinder goblin with d20 shirt
GMs are advised to work with players to make sanctioning Pathfinder goblin song shirts (both color and
Pathfinder Tales Chronicle sheets easy and fast. As long as black and white)
the player has a copy of the book on hand, she should be Pathfinder goblin with red gem shirt
able to use the Chronicle sheet just like any other. Burnt Offerings Goblin shirt.
Gray Maiden shirt
Convention, Holiday, and Quest Boons Pathfinder Society-exclusive volunteer shirt
You may not assign multiple copies of a boon to the same Goblinworks Kickstarter shirt
character. If the only difference in the Chronicle sheet is Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook shirt
the title of the convention or event listed at the top, it is Dogslicer Ale shirt
effectively the same boon. Ghost Goblin Ale shirt
For holiday boons, you must participate in a Pathfinder Messenger Bag (Beginner Box, Burnt Offerings, Core
Society Organized Play session in order to attach the Rulebook, Rise of the Runelords, Ultimate Campaign,
holiday boon to one of your characters. You may only or Year of the Demon)
receive one copy of the boon but may assign it to any
one of your characters during the dates specified on the If a player is using a physical copy (not a PDF, printout,
boon. It does not have to be the character you play during or photocopy) of the Pathfinder RPG Player Character Folio,
that session. he receives a free reroll. No player may receive more than
For Quests, the boon must be applied to the character one free reroll per session.
played. If the character dies, apply the Chronicle sheet to Additionally, when a player uses a free reroll, she may
the character, but cross off the boon. The death condition present her Pathfinder Society membership card and
is not permanent for Quests. This is an exception to the receive an additional +1 for every GM star she has earned,
normal death rules. for a maximum of a +5.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477356
Finally, if a player receives a Campaign Service Award If an ability-score-dependent feature of a class, prestige
coin for going above and beyond when giving back to class, or archetype is altered: You may rebuild your
Pathfinder Society, she receives a free reroll once per character to its current XP. Keep the same equipment, but
scenario upon displaying the coin. She may also change you can resell any equipment that augments the changed
her Pathfinder Society number to the three-digit ability score at its full market price.
number found on the coin. If a class, prestige class, or archetype changes in such
a way that you no longer have proficiency with a given
Playtests and Errata weapon or armor type: You may sell back the affected
The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is a living game, and equipment and only the affected equipment at full market
whether in the form of a playtest that varies from its value. You may also retrain any feats directly associated
final incarnation, conversion from the 3.5 rules set to the with the affected equipment.
Pathfinder RPG, or an errata or FAQ to the Core Rules, If the price of an item changes to become more expensive:
sometimes game elements change in the course of a PCs Sell back the affected equipment at its original full market
career. The following guidelines allow players to update or value based on its remaining number of charges (if any). So
convert existing characters to use the most current rules. long as you have enough gp and Fame, you can purchase
When rebuilding your character in any way, you must the same item at its updated cost.
describe all changes on your next Chronicle sheet in the If the level of a spell changes: You retrain the changed
Notes section, and your GM must initial that section. spell, replacing it with another spell of its original spell
If a feat or trait changes or is removed from the level. You may also retrain one spell of the changed spells
Additional Resources list: You have two options. First, new level, but only in order to learn the new spell. Sell back
you may either switch the old feat for an updated feat any potions, scrolls, or wands that use that spell at their
of the same name in another legal source (if available), current full market value based on the spells old level and
ignoring any prerequisites of the new feat you do not the remaining number of charges.
meet. Alternatively, you may replace the feat (and any of If a favored class bonus changes: You may reassign all
the old feats prerequisite feats) entirely with another of your favored class bonus at each level to any of the now-
feat for which you meet all the prerequisites. If any of the legal options.
feats changed directly reference one or more pieces of
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Chapter 6
Sanctioned Modules
and Adventure Paths
3477358 760249
Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Modules may Modules are sanctioned in their entirety, and characters
be played as part of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play who play through the entire 32-page adventure earn
campaign for credit. These adventures are produced for a Chronicle sheet. For a complete list of sanctioned
a wider audience than just Pathfinder Society Organized Pathfinder Modules and their Chronicle sheets, please see
Play, and are thus structured differently than scenarios. paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/additionalresources.
As such, the specific rules changes needed for receiving Because of the length and scope of Pathfinder
Pathfinder Society Organized Play credit when playing Adventure Paths, only specific portions of these
them are presented here. adventures are sanctioned for Pathfinder Society credit.
Details on running the sanctioned content from each
Key Differences from Scenarios volume of an Adventure Path can be found along with
Pathfinder Modules are generally three times the length the adventures Chronicle sheet(s). In general, a single
of a standard Pathfinder Society Scenario and often dungeon complex or adventuring location is sanctioned
take players two or three 45 hour sessions to complete. from each Adventure Path volume, though some variation
Pathfinder Adventure Paths consist of six chapters, each from this may arise from time to time. For a list of
roughly four times the length of a standard scenario, and sanctioned content from Pathfinder Adventure Paths and
can take months or years to complete. They do not contain their Chronicle sheets, see paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/
faction missions, nor are they tiered for play by characters about/additionalresources.
over a wide range of levels. Thematically, most Adventure
Paths and modules do not assume the characters are Legal Pathfinder Society Characters
Pathfinders. GMs and players are encouraged to create a For modules and Adventure Path content below 9th level,
reasonable plot hook for their characters participation. if you do not have a character in the correct level range,
you may use a Pathfinder Society pregenerated character,
Sanctioned Content available on paizo.com or the 1st- and 7th-level iconic
Because of the differences in format and scope modules characters on pages 275297 of the Pathfinder RPG NPC
and Adventure Paths present, only portions of them are Codex. You must apply the credit to your character
sanctioned for Pathfinder Society credit. Pathfinder as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477358
character played. If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated are encouraged to hasten the return of any characters
character, you may apply credit from the pregenerated waiting to be raised from the dead.
character to one of your 1st-level characters, with Players who do not complete each game session earn 1/3
the gp gained reduced to 1,398 gp (or 699 gp for slow fewer gold pieces, 1 less XP and 1 less Prestige Point for
advancement track characters). If you play a non-1st- each session missed. This also applies to players who join
level pregenerated character, you may apply the credit later sessions; they receive 1/3 fewer gold pieces, 1 fewer
to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the XP and Prestige Point for each session missed. In both
pregenerated character played. Equipment listed on the cases, players earn a minimum of 1/3 gold pieces, 1 XP and
pregenerated character sheet may only be sold to clear 1 Prestige Point. If a character earns more XP than she
conditions, such as death, during the play of the module needs to reach her next level, she may not choose to switch
and any remaining gold does not carry over at the end of advancement tracks at the new level earned.
the module. As always, each player may receive credit for each
Alternatively, if you are participating in a Pathfinder module or Adventure Path volume once as a player
Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the and once as a GM, in either order. Players must accept
entire, six-book campaign, you may receive credit for a Chronicle sheet for their characters the first time
playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you they play any sanctioned content. A player may replay
had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs sanctioned content at the GMs discretion, but the
running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules player may not receive more than one Chronicle sheet
of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such per adventure. The only exceptions are Tier 12 modules
as 20 point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc...) when and sanctioned Adventure Path content. A player may
running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the only play a Tier 12 module or sanctioned Adventure
adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters Path content for credit once with a 2nd-level character,
from an ongoing Adventure Path campaign may not play but may use additional 1st-level characters to replay the
in the same adventure. same content for credit.
discretion, they are replaying the module or Adventure session events, Pathfinder Society characters may not be
Path for no credit. If a player uses an existing Pathfinder used in other Pathfinder Society events until they receive
Society character for the adventure, he must apply a Chronicle sheet for the sanctioned content. GMs are
the Chronicle sheet to that character immediately. A advised to work with players who miss the final session of
player who uses a pregenerated character must apply the module or Adventure Path in order for those players to
the Chronicle sheet to a 1st-level character or hold the receive their Chronicle sheets.
Chronicle sheet until his character reaches the level of
the pregenerated character. Free RPG Day Modules
A GM who runs a module may likewise apply the The 16-page, Free RPG Day modules are more in line
Chronicle sheet to one of her Pathfinder Society with a normal Pathfinder Society Scenario. Currently,
characters. The GM must decide which of her characters these include Master of the Fallen Fortress, We Be Goblins!,
will receive the Chronicle sheet at the time when Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, We Be Goblins Too!, & Risen From
the module or sanctioned Adventure Path content is the Sands. To bring the Free RPG Day modules more in
completed and the Chronicle sheets are filled out. line with the rest of Pathfinder Society Organized Play,
Playing a module or sanctioned content from an all current and future sanctioned Free RPG Day modules
Adventure Path from beginning to end earns a character will award 1 XP, 1 PP and the gp amount listed on the
3 XP and 4 Prestige Points if that character is on the Chronicle sheet if using the medium advancement
medium advancement track, or 1-1/2 XP and 2 Prestige track. If using the slow advancement track, they award
Points for characters on the slow advancement track. 1/2 XP, 1/2 PP and half the gp listed on the Chronicle
If a character dies and is brought back to life, the sheet. These apply only on successful completion of the
GM must determine the rewards for that character. adventure. If you have played any of the Free RPG Day
The minimum possible reward is 0 gp, 1 XP and 1 PP modules listed above and been awarded Chronicle sheets
on the medium advancement track or 0 gp 1/2 XP, and for them, the XP, Prestige Points, and gp you received
1/2 Prestige Point on the slow advancement track. If a remain unchanged. All other rules for sanctioned
character participates in more than 2/3 of the module, she module play, found in Chapter 6 of the Guide to Pathfinder
should receive the full rewards. GMs and active players Society Organized Play, should be followed.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477359
Chapter 7
Pathfinder Society
Organized Play Game Masters
Game Mastering for Pathfinder Society Organized Play is whole benefit as the pool of Game Masters increases. The
not that much different from running a regular campaign, more active Game Masters are at a coordinators disposal,
with a few minor caveats. This chapter assumes that you the more tables of Pathfinder Society can be offered and
3477360 760251
have read preceding chapters in this guide, which provide the faster the campaign can grow. In many cases, players
all the information players need to participate in the sitting at a new GMs table can offer guidance to help build
Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. If you have the new GMs skills and confidence, so dont be afraid to
not yet read them, do so before continuing. You need to get behind the screen and give a whole table of players a
know what players know; what their expectations are; and great Pathfinder Society experience.
how their characters are created, played, and advanced
before you read any further. Your Duties as Game Master
As a Pathfinder Society Organized Play Game Master
What Is a Game Master? running a session at a convention or an in-store event,
A Game Master (GM) is the person who adjudicates the you have the following duties.
rules and controls all of the elements of the story and world Introduce yourself.
that the players explore. A GMs duty is to provide a fair Encourage your players to introduce themselves (and
and fun game. In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, a GM their characters).
must also help players fill out their paperwork, ensuring It is recommended that you look over each players
each player has an accurate accounting of his character character sheet and previous Chronicle sheets, quickly
(PC), and must report the results of each game to the event checking wealth, equipment, calculations, and so on if
coordinator or on paizo.com/pathfindersociety. time permits.
Start playing the session.
Who Can Be a Game Master? Play for no more than 5 hours. (Note: home games and
Anyone with a valid Pathfinder Society Number can run online games do not necessarily have to follow this
a legal game of Pathfinder Society Organized Play. There restriction, and some conventions may run longer slots.)
are no tests to qualify to GM a session, nor are there any Give each player an accurate Chronicle sheet for that
rating systems by which Pathfinder Society Game Masters scenario (see Filling Out a Chronicle Sheet, later in
are judged or ranked by their players. While some players this chapter).
are hesitant to transition into the role of Game Master, At conventions, you may also be expected to quickly fill
local Pathfinder Society groups and the campaign as a out scenario or module reporting sheets with additional
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477360
tracking informationthese sheets need to be turned character can not legally play in that scenario. For example,
in to your coordinator so she can report the results. a 5th-level PC is legal for play in scenarios of Tiers 15, 37,
When acting as both the Game Master and coordinator and 59; a 1st-level PC can only legally play in a Tier 1 or
for an event, you are expected to report the results Tier 15 scenario. Within each tier, PCs should play in the
of your sessions on paizo.com/pathfindersociety subtier in which they fall whenever possible, but they may
in a timely fashion. Failing to do so has negative be allowed to play up or down, based on the average party
consequences for Pathfinder Society as a whole (see the level at the table, as outlined below. Some scenarios or
sidebar on page 37). special events offer more than two subtiers. In these cases,
If you are running a home game of Pathfinder Society no PC can play at a subtier more than 1 step away from her
Organized Play, then your job is far less restricted by time character level.
constraints and planning, but still requires some extra
effort on your behalf to ensure your campaign is recorded Determining Subtiers
properly. Depending on how you play with your home In order to determine which subtier a mixed-level group
group, you may take your time playing through a scenario of PCs must play in, calculate the groups average party
and allow PCs to follow up on interesting sideline details level (APL). Divide the total number of character levels by
or personal goals of their characters as you see fit. However, the number of characters in the party. You should always
the PCs never gain additional Prestige Points, experience, round to the nearest whole number. If you are exactly at
or gold beyond the limitations of the scenarios Chronicle 0.5, let the group decide which subtier they wish to play.
sheet or the basic Pathfinder Society Organized Play rules. Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six
When you are running a convention or in-store event characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the
in an allotted time slot, the game needs to be far more scenario for four-character parties. When the APL of a table
focused on accomplishing the goals of the scenario is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 15 scenario),
and dealing with the encounters. While we certainly a party of four characters must play the lower tier without
encourage you to allow fun, engaging roleplaying to any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven
take place, if your players are still playing darts at the characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play
tavern an hour after the game started, you should prod the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
them into action. Though they may be having fun, theyll For scenarios written in Seasons 0 to 3, when the APL is
3477361 760252
have considerably less fun later when theyre unable to in between subtiers, a party of six or seven characters must
complete the scenario in the allotted time. play the higher subtier. Parties with four or five characters
must play the lower subtier. In the fringe case where there
Tiers and Subtiers are no players that are high enough to have reached the
Pathfinder Society Scenarios are designed so that players subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd level characters),
of a variety of levels can participate in a given adventure, the group may decide to play down to the lower subtier.
though with some limitations. Starting with Season 3, there
are six different tiers currently offered within Pathfinder Legal Table Size
Society Organized Play. These tiers are as follows. The minimum table size for a Pathfinder Society
Tier 1 Organized Play session to be considered legal is four
Tier 15 PCs. Table size is capped at six PCs. In cases in which
Tier 37 you simply cannot seat four players, you may run a table
Tier 59 of three players, and play an official level-appropriate
Tier 711 pregenerated character in order to meet the minimum
Tier 12 table size of four PCs.
In addition, we offer a small number of interlinked Conversely, if seven players show up to an event,
scenarios for 12th-level characters that are not normally rather than turning someone away from the campaign
part of the storyline in a particular season. altogether, consider adding a seventh person to the table.
Most of these tiers have subtiers. The subtiers for each These situations should be extremely rare and should only
tier are as follows. be used as a last resort to sending someone home without
Tier 15: Subtiers 12 and 45 the chance to play. Seven-person tables often overpower
Tier 37: Subtiers 34 and 67 otherwise challenging adventures and limit the amount
Tier 5 9: Subtiers 56 and 89 of time each player gets to shine in the given scenario, and
Tier 711: Subtiers 78 and 1011 many players prefer not to play at all rather than play at
Tiers are a level restriction for play. If a PCs level does such a large table. Check with the players to determine
not fall within the level range of a scenarios tier, that their preferences before running a seven-person table.
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One alternative to a seven-person table is to split the amount of gold a slow advancement track PC can earn from
group into two tables of three players, and ask one of the pre-season 3 scenarios is half the listed amount (or Out-
players to serve as GM for the second table, with each GM of-Subtier amount, see below) rounded down. Similarly,
running a pregenerated character to fill her table out. a Pathfinder using the slow advancement track may only
Tables should never have eight or more players. earn a maximum of 1 Prestige Point for completing both
mission objectives: 1/2 for completing the primary mission
Adapting Seasons 04 objective and 1/2 for completing the secondary mission
Because the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign objective. The pre-entered +1 XP on Chronicle sheets from
has evolved over its lifetime, some small adjustments Season 02 scenarios should be changed to +1/2 for PCs
need to be made when running scenarios from Seasons using the slow advancement track.
04 under the current rules. Below are instructions for Out-of-Subtier gold: The Out-of-Subtier value was
converting Scenarios #01 to #426. introduced in Season 5; therefore, Chronicle sheets from
Season 0 (Scenarios #1#28): Season 0 scenarios were Seasons 04 do not include these wealth tables for normal
written under the 3.5 rules set of the worlds oldest roleplaying or slow progression. The Out-of-Subtier gold value is the
game, before the release of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. average of the high and low subtiers; for slow progression
Scenarios are to be run with minimal changes by GMs, it is half the normal Out-of-Subtier value, rounded down.
limited to adding CMB/CMD scores to NPCs and monsters
and using newly combined skills such as Stealth and Table Variation
Perception instead of Move Silently and Spot. If a creature While the goal of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play
in the scenario also appears in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, campaign is to provide an even, balanced experience to all
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, or Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 and players, doing so would require all PCs to be exactly the
maintains the same CR between both rules sets, you may use same and all GMs to be restricted to a stiflingly oppressive
the Pathfinder RPG stats in place of the 3.5 stats. This is the script. We understand that sometimes a Game Master
only substitution allowed in these scenarios. has to make rules adjudications on the fly, deal with
Prestige awards and faction missions: Faction missions unexpected player choices, or even cope with extremely
no longer count towards the success conditions of a scenario, unlucky (or lucky) dice on both sides of the screen.
but they may be used to add extra flavor to the game session. As a Pathfinder Society GM, you have the right and
3477362 760253
Instead, earning Prestige is tied to fulfilling the primary and responsibility to make whatever judgements, within the
secondary success conditions of each mission. The primary rules, that you feel are necessary at your table to ensure
and secondary success conditions grant 1 Prestige Point everyone has a fair and fun experience. This does not
each, for a maximum total of 2 Prestige Points. The primary mean you can contradict rules or restrictions outlined in
success condition for a Season 02 scenario is the overall this document, a published Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
scenarios goal; Season 34 scenarios instead use the Success source, errata document, or official FAQ on paizo.com.
Condition included after the scenarios Conclusion section. What it does mean is that only you can judge what is right
A free, supplementary document available for download at for your table during cases not covered in these sources.
paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/pfsproducts/pfsFreeProducts Scenarios are meant to be run as written, with no addition
details the secondary success condition for each scenario. or subtraction to number of monsters (unless indicated
Seasons 02: For the first three seasons of the campaign, in the scenario), or changes to armor, feats, items, skills,
only five factions were available for characters to ally spells, stats, traits, or weapons. However, if the actions
with. As such, members of the newer factions introduced of the PCs before or during an encounter invalidate the
in Season 3 playing older scenarios may utilize faction provided tactics or starting locations, the GM should
missions from another faction, as follows. consider whether changing these would provide a more
Grand Lodge faction PCs should treat Osirion faction enjoyable play experience.
missions as their own for all Season 0, 1, and 2 scenarios. Additionally, the GM may consider utilizing terrain and
Sczarni faction PCs should treat Taldor faction missions environmental conditions when those effects have been
as their own for all Season 0, 1, and 2 scenarios. written into the flavor of a scenario but the mechanics that
Silver Crusade faction PCs should treat Andoran faction are normally associated with them by the Core Rulebook
missions as their own for all Season 0, 1, and 2 scenarios. have not been added to the encounters. GMs are always
Seasons 34: Two factions that are now retiredthe Lantern encouraged to reward role-playing and flavor when
Lodge and Shadow Lodgewere available for characters to adjudicating the reactions of NPCs or the outcome of in-
ally with during Seasons 34; ignore these factions missions. game encounters. GMs may use other Pathfinder RPG
Slow advancement track rewards: The slow advancement sources to add flavor to the scenario, but may not change
track option was introduced in Season 3. The maximum the mechanics of encounters. Specifically, the mechanics
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477362
of an encounter are the creatures presented, the number of infractions. Thats just what my character would do is not
opponents in the encounter, and the information written a defense for behaving like a jerk.
into the stat blocks for those opponents. If an encounter Alignment infractions are a touchy subject. Ultimately,
is a trap, haunt, or skill check that needs to be achieved to the GM is the final authority at the table, but she must warn
bypass a situation then the listed DCs and results are not any player whose character is deviating from his chosen
to be altered, as they are the mechanics of that encounter. alignment. This warning must be clear, and the GM must
Additionally, if an encounter already includes mechanical make sure that the player understands the warning and the
effects of terrain, weather, or hazards, please be aware that actions that initiated the warning. The PC should be given
these things are also considered mechanics that may not the opportunity to correct the behavior, justify it, or face the
be altered. consequences. We believe a deity would forgive a one-time
If a particular issue comes up repeatedly or causes a bad choice as long as the action wasnt too egregious (such
significant problem in one of your games, please raise as burning down an orphanage full of children, killing a
any questions or concerns on the Pathfinder Society peasant for no good reason but sport, etc.). Hence, the GM
Messageboards at paizo.com/pathfindersociety, and the can issue a warning to the player through a feeling he
campaign management staff or the Pathfinder Roleplaying receives from his deity, a vision he is given, his conscience
Game development team will work to provide you with talking to him, or some other similar roleplaying event.
an answer to avoid confusion in the future. Even with If infractions continue in the course of the scenario
unlimited time to address such concerns, however, there or sanctioned module or adventure path, an alignment
will always be slight table variation and Game Master change may be in order. If the GM deems these continued
fiat. The following sections provide advice on addressing actions warrant an alignment change, she should note it
some common table variations you should consider before on the characters Chronicle sheet at the end of the session
running a Pathfinder Society game. in the Conditions Gained box. The character may remove
this gained condition through an atonement spell. If the
Creative Solutions condition is removed, the GM should also note it on the
Sometimes during the course of a scenario, your players Chronicle sheet.
might surprise you with a creative solution to an encounter Characters who become wantonly evil, whose actions
(or the entire scenario) that you didnt see coming and that are deliberate and without motive or provocation, are
3477363 760254
isnt expressly covered in the scenario. If, for example, your retired from the campaign. This measure is a last resort;
players manage to roleplay their way through a combat and there is more than one way to play a given alignment.
successfully accomplish the goal of that encounter without If a character has become wantonly evil as defined above, the
killing the antagonist, give the PCs the same reward they GM should escalate the report to the convention coordinator,
would have gained had they defeated their opponent in or the local Venture-Captain or Venture-Lieutenant. If they
combat. If that scene specifically calls for the PCs to receive agree with the GM, then the character is deemed wantonly
gold piece rewards based on the gear collected from the evil and considered removed from the campaign. Again,
defeated combatants, instead allow the PCs to find a chest these measures should be taken as a very last resort.
of gold (or something similar) that gives them the same In the event of a wantonly evil character, record the
rewards. Additionally, if the PCs roleplayed past an NPC character as Dead, and the person who enters the tracking
who carries a specific potion or scroll that the PCs might sheet should check that box as well. If the convention
be granted access to on the scenarios Chronicle sheet, dont coordinator, Venture-Captain, or Venture-Lieutenant
cross that item off the sheetinstead, allow the PCs to find decides the character fits the criteria for being wantonly
the item elsewhere as a reward for creatively resolving the evil, she will then email the campaign coordinator to
encounter without resorting to combat. Pathfinder Society advise him of the situation, including the players name,
Organized Play never wants to give the impression that Pathfinder Society Number, character name, and email
the only way to solve a problem is to kill itrewarding the address. She will advise the player of these actions and
creative use of skills and roleplaying not only make Society offer the player the campaign coordinators email address
games more fun for the players, but it also gives the GM a so the player may present his case.
level of flexibility in ensuring players receive the rewards The Campaign Coordinator will present all facts to
they are due. the Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants at large
with all names (both player and character) removed. If the
Alignment Infractions majority of Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants
Players are responsible for their characters actions. Killing feel that the act was wantonly evil and the character is
an innocent, wanton destruction, and other acts that can be irrevocably evil, then character will remain removed from
construed as evil by the GM may be considered alignment the campaign. If the majority feel the character should be
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477363
able to atone for his actions, the campaign coordinator Chronicle sheets record everything that a Pathfinder
will contact the player and advise him of such. The email Society character does over the course of her career
may be printed and taken to the next game session so the and serves as the official record of each character in the
GM may adjudicate the atonement and document it on the campaign so a character can be played under a number
Chronicle sheet of the that game. of GMs at events all over the world. Chronicles also help
prevent the rare unscrupulous player from cheating.
Dealing with Death As you run your players through a Pathfinder Society
Given the dangers characters face once they become Organized Play scenario, there are three important
Pathfinders, character death is a very real possibility (and things you must keep track of Prestige Points, treasure,
a necessary one to maintain a sense of risk and danger and conditions. Tracking Prestige Points is fairly simple;
in the game). Consider, however, that for players new to it requires you to read over the success conditions and
Pathfinder Society Organized Play, or to the Pathfinder faction missions entries in the back of the scenario before
RPG in general, a violent death in a first experience can play, hand out the faction mission letters after reading out
turn them off to the campaign and the game altogether. the Getting Started text at the beginning of the scenario,
While we dont advocate fudging die rolls, consider the and then record whether or not the PCs accomplish these
experience of the player when deciding whether to use missions during the scenario. Its important to note that
especially lethal tactics or if a character is in extreme scenarios from different seasons offer slightly different
danger of death, especially when the player is new to the methods of gaining Prestige Points during play, as covered
game. Most players whose first experience in a campaign in Adapting Seasons 04 section above.
results in a character death dont return to the campaign. When you are looking over the character record sheets
Similarly, if the entire party is killed and cant be and Chronicle sheets of your players at the start of an event
brought back to life, then the slot is over for everyone in slot, if you notice anything that seems amiss, you may ask
the party. This means those players may have a substantial the player to justify the math. If you believe a player to be
span of time before their next event at a convention with cheating, please call over a coordinator to make a ruling.
no game to play. Obviously, we hope that such total party If you are both the coordinator and the GM, its your call
kills never happen (and strive to balance the scenarios to how to proceed, though we recommend that you proceed
make it unlikely)but, sometimes, the dice just arent calmly, nicely, and with an open mind. The player may have
3477364 760255
with you and everyone passes into the Great Beyond. Keep simply made a mistake, or you might have made a mistake
in mind that a group of friends is likely to find something in your understanding of her Chronicle sheet and character
entirely different to do if given several hours of dead time record sheet. Remember that the game is supposed to
at a convention, rather than wait around for another slot of be fun, so waste as little time as possible on drama and
a campaign that just wiped them all out in one fell swoop. spend as much time as possible providing an exciting,
But what if your players accidentally or intentionally action-packed scenario for your players. If you believe the
kill an important NPC who was supposed to give them a player to be cheating, ask her to leave your table and then
crucial piece of information thats needed for the scenario send an email to the Pathfinder Society campaign staff
to progress? This is a tough problem for the GM and (pathfindersociety@paizo.com), detailing as much as you
requires improvisation. Dont decide the scenario is over can remember about the sheetmost importantly, get the
just because the old man with the letter was caught in a Pathfinder Society Number of the player in question.
magical crossfire and roasted alive, destroying both him
and the important letter. Reveal that the letter survived by Filling Out a Chronicle Sheet
some freakish miracle (it was in a fire-proof pouch in his Following is a 10-step walkthrough of how to fill out
pocket) or maybe that the old man had a lackey who was a Chronicle sheet at the end of a scenario. Refer to the
watching from a nearby alley and knows everything the old sample Chronicle sheet to the right for the locations of
man did, or another similar explanation. Improvisation specific elements. Always fill out Chronicle sheets in pen,
will keep your scenario moving forward and help you work and write clearly and legibly at all times.
around unforeseen obstacles. Step 1: Hand each of the players a blank Chronicle sheet
and ask them to fill out the sections marked AG, J, K, and
Chronicles and Record-Keeping P (Character Chronicle #, Advancement Track, Player Name,
Regardless of whether you participate in Pathfinder Society Starting XP, Initial Fame, Initial Prestige, Starting GP, etc.).
Organized Play at home or at a convention, your most When theyre done entering this information from their past
important responsibility as a GMother than providing Chronicle sheets, have them return the documents to you.
your players a fair and fun gaming experienceis to keep a Step 2. Note the advancement track selected by each player
careful record of events on every scenarios Chronicle sheet. (F). Ensure this selection matches the players existing track
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477364
Pathfinder Society Scenario Step 5: Determine the Max Gold for the scenario based
Scenario Chronicle #
on the PCs advancement rate and the subtier played.
A Circle the applicable value (F). If the PCs level is not
within the subtier played (such as a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level
SUBTIER Slow Normal
Player Name
Character Name
E 00-00 00,000 00,000 character in Subtier 45), circle the Out-of-Subtier gold
Pathfinder Society #
This Chronicle Sheet grants access
to the following:
SUBTIER Slow Normal value or calculate the Out-of-Subtier value for Seasons
00-00 00,000 00,000
04 by taking the average of both subtiers and rounding
Slow Normal
down. Write this value beside area F and circle it. This
00-00 00,000 00,000
value represents the total gold piece value a character may
SUBTIER Slow Normal
receive for defeating all enemies and finding all treasure
U 00-00 00,000 00,000
this Chronicle sheet to a 1st-level character by reducing
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
All Subtiers =
this value to 500 gp (or 250 gp for the slow advancement
Subtier 00-00
Final XP Total track). If the PCs failed to earn any of the rewards listed for
J K an encounter, deduct the amount listed for the applicable
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
subtier from the value circled in area F. If the resulting
Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
value is negative, use 0 instead. Place the result of this
Prestige Spent
calculation in the shaded GP Gained field and initial the
adjacent box (Q).
Fame Step 6: Allow any PC who qualifies to make a Day Job
P check, and enter the result of this roll (determined by
Starting GP
Notes GMs
Table 51 on page 21) in the Day Job field and initial the
GP Gained (GM ONLY)
adjacent box (R).
R Step 7: Cross out any treasure items the party didnt find
For GM Only
lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the
higher subtier. Return the Chronicle sheet to the player.
EVENT CODE DATE Game Masters Signature
GM Pathfinder Society # Step 8: Have the player note all items purchased or sold,
including spellcasting services, in the notes section (V). If
the character gained an ongoing condition like a curse or
if he is between levels. If his Starting XP (G) is a multiple disease during the scenario, the player should note that
of three and the selected track differs from the one on his here as well. See Dealing with Afflictions on page 38 for
previous Chronicle sheets, confirm that he wants to change more information on noting conditions gained and cleared
his advancement track. during a scenario or after its conclusion. Additionally,
Step 3: Award the character XP based on his advancement this is where the player must list any Prestige Awards his
track. A PC may receive XP only if he survives the scenario character gains by spending Prestige Points. Sometimes a
or is raised from the dead by the scenarios conclusion and player must have you witness a roll to verify he successfully
completed at least three encounters over the course of the scribed a scroll into his spellbook or trained an animal
adventure. A character using the standard advancement companion to do a new trick. Write your initials next to
track earns 1 XP; a character on the slow advancement track any such entries in this sections to show that you witnessed
earns 1/2 XP. Mark this value in the shaded XP Gained field the roll and that the PC was successful in the attempt. Any
and initial the adjacent box (H). equipment purchased or sold, that is more than 25 GP,
Step 4: Determine how many Prestige Points the should be tracked on the characters current Inventory
character earned over the course of the scenario. A Tracking Sheet, denoting the Character Chronicle # (A)
character on the standard advancement track can earn next to the item purchased, sold, or expended during the
a maximum of 2 Prestige Points: 1 PP for each mission course of the scenario or after its conclusion.
completed. A character on the slow advancement track Step 9: Have the player finish the calculations on the right-
can earn a maximum of 1 Prestige Point: 1/2 PP for each hand side of the Chronicle sheet (sections I, MO and ST).
mission completed. Enter the number of Prestige Points Step 10: Review the completed Chronicle sheet and check
earned in the shaded Prestige Gained field and initial the the players math. Ensure that the character has access to any
adjacent box (L). items bought and that the correct costs were paid. Verifying
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477365
XX) written in next to the spells name. If a character notes at the end of the adventure. These instruct a GM to
resolved a condition gained during a previous scenario check one or more boxes (A, B, C, D) based on the PCs choices
during this one, check that the condition is listed as cleared and accomplishments, which help to shape the direction of
under Items Bought/Conditions Cleared on the Chronicle the campaign. Be sure to check these boxes as instructed.
sheet for this scenario, and verify that the cost for resolving Event coordinators at retail stores and conventions are
it or the PC who cleared it has been recorded. generally responsible for printing out scenario tracking
Note: Any affliction that would result in an unplayable sheets, distributing them to GMs for each session they
character must be resolved at the table once the game ends run, and reporting the results of each session. As the
as explained in Chapter 5 of this document. session finishes, simply fill out the items that need to be
tracked online on the convention tracking sheet and turn
Reporting Scenario Results it in to the coordinator. The coordinator will then input
Once you have completed a scenario and filled out all that information online either during the convention
everyones Chronicle sheets, someone needs to report the or shortly thereafter. In retail games and at smaller
results of the scenario. For home games, GMs are always conventions, the coordinator is also often a GM.
responsible for reporting their results. For convention Regardless of the location of play, do not forget to
games and retail store games, the coordinator (who might report the resultsreporting is very important to the
also be a GM) is responsible for reporting the results. success of Pathfinder Society Organized Play!
Whether running a game at home or at a convention, you
should have a scenario tracking sheet for each session you Game Master Rewards
run. These can be found in the back of most scenarios or In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, we reward GMs for
online at paizo.com/pathfindersociety. As youre checking volunteering their time to run events. Starting with Version
over the players completed Chronicle sheets, make note of 2.2 of this document (and not retroactive to any previous
each characters Pathfinder Society Number, character name, scenarios that were run), any GM who runs a scenario
faction, and Prestige Points earned during the scenario. gets full credit for that scenario applied to one of her own
As soon as possible after the session ends, go to paizo. characters. Full credit means the GM gets the following:
com/pathfindersociety, and click Report My Event. Follow 1 XP for the scenario, 100% of the Max Gold for the subtier
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477366
most appropriate to the GMs PC, and 2 PP (or, for a slow 60 sessions reported as GM = 3 stars
advancement track character, 1/2 XP, 1 PP, and 50% of the 100 sessions reported as GM = 4 stars
Max Gold for the subtier most appropriate to the GMs PC). You are eligible to obtain a fifth star based on a number
The GM may select any special boons bestowed by a of criteria. To obtain a fifth star, you must accomplish
Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional the following achievements.
boons, or future bonus die rolls. The GM does not get a First, a potential 5-Star GM must have run a total
Downtime. of 150 Pathf inder Society game sessions, including at
Additionally, there is limited replay allowed depending least 50 different adventures and 10 or more Specials or
on the number of GM stars earned (see page 20). Exclusive events over your entire history as a GM.
The subtier for which a GMs character receives credit Second, once you qualify to be a 5-Star GM, you must
depends on the characters level. If a GM with a 1st-level work with your Venture-Captain to arrange to run a
rogue runs a Tier 15 scenario using Subtier 12, she Pathfinder Society session in the presence of a Paizo staff
takes a Subtier 12 Chronicle sheet for her 1st-level rogue. member, a Venture-Captain, or a Venture-Lieutenant.
If she instead runs a Tier 15 scenario using Subtier 45, This designated Paizo representative will evaluate your
she still takes a Subtier 12 Chronicle sheet, as her PC rules knowledge, improvisational skills, preparation, and
clearly falls within the lower subtier. ability to provide a fair and fun experience for Pathfinder
If the GM with a low-level character runs any higher Society players.
tier scenarios that dont include a subtier for her 1st-level Finally, at the recommendation of the Paizo
rogue, she takes the lowest subtier Chronicle sheet from representative, you may be granted a 5th star, which
that scenario and holds it for her PC. Then, once her PC will be noted on your paizo.com user profile, on your
achieves the appropriate level for that Chronicle sheet, it is Pathfinder Society membership card, and on your posts
immediately applied. For example, if a GM with a 1st-level to the Pathfinder Society messageboard at paizo.com.
rogue runs a Tier 59 scenario, she would take a Subtier Paizo announces and recognizes all 5-Star GMs by name
56 Chronicle sheet (the lowest subtier for that tier) for at both Paizo Con and Gen Con annually.
running the scenario and set it aside. Once her rogue There may be special five-star GM events and possibly
reaches 5th level, she can immediately apply the Chronicle even future five-star GM rewards (in addition to the
sheet to her character. This means that GMs characters existing four-star GM rewards).
3477367 760258
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477367
Chapter 8
Pathfinder Society
Regional Coordinators
With tens of thousands of players spread across numerous limited Chronicle sheets for qualifying conventions,
continents, the Pathfinder Society Organized Play and to assist in the recruitment of local Game Masters.
campaign couldnt be a success without the assistance Feel free to contact your local Venture-Captain or
3477368 760259
of dedicated volunteer regional coordinatorscalled Venture-Lieutenant at the email provided next to their
Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, after the name if you have questions about private or public game
regional leadership of the Pathfinder Society within days, regional events and other play opportunities, if you
the in-game world. Venture-Captains oversee large, want to know how you can help out with expanding or
regional areas that contain a large number of players. growing Pathfinder Society Organized Play in your area,
Venture-Lieutenants assist the Venture-Captains in or to suggest a game store or convention at which youd
their coordination efforts. Whether theyre centered in like to see Pathfinder Society Organized Play events
the same city or a smaller suburb near the population offered.
center, Venture-Lieutenants serve as the right-hand You can find a list of all current Venture-Officers at http://
person in assisting Venture-Captains. Both of the paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/about/regionalCoordinators
volunteer campaign leadership positions play a vital role If you dont see a Venture-Officer listed for your
in assisting local players with both home and store game region and feel you would make a good addition to the
days. Additionally, they work with local and regional Pathfinder Society Organized Play volunteer team,
convention coordinators to help schedule Pathfinder please contact the Pathfinder Society campaign staff at
Society Organized Play games, to offer product prize mike.brock@paizo.com to find out whats involved and to
support and special Pathfinder Society Organized Play apply for a position.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477368
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural under any version of this License. 760260
abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which distribute.
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f ) Trademark 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the Contributor unless You have written permission from the
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by Contributor to do so.
the Contributor (g) Use, Used or Using means to use, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise comply with any of the terms of this License with respect
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) You or to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute,
Your means the licensee in terms of this agreement. judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Use any Open Game Material so affected.
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically
Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach.
you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
License except as described by the License itself. No other 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to
terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
Content distributed using this License. the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this Open Game License v 1.0a 2000, Wizards of the
License. Coast, Inc.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing System Reference Document 2000, Wizards of the
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, Coast, Inc; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Arneson.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, Version 7.0
contributing original material as Open Game Content, 2015, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Mike Brock, John
You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Compton, Erik Mona, and Mark Moreland.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477369
ability scores 7 purchasing equipment 2426 player-versus-player 19
Absalom 4, 9, 11 Exchange, The 9, 14 playtests 29
adapting Seasons 04 34 experience 21 poison 38
additional resources 5 factions 9, 1318 potions 22
advancement track 21 choosing your faction 13 PRD 4
Adventure Paths 3031 faction equivalents (Seasons 02) 34 pregenerated characters 5, 3334
applying credit 29 goals (Season 7) 18 prestige 20, 23, 37
multi-session adventures 29 faction journal card 18 generic prestige awards 26
replaying Adventure Paths 29 Fame 2526 prestige classes 23
sanctioned Adventure Path content 2829 double weapons 26 psychic 10
afflictions 2324, 26, 38 Fame and item purchases 25 races 7
after the adventure 2123 FAQ 8, 19, 29 ranger 10
alchemist 8, 10 feats 8 record keeping 36
alignment 9, 10, 3536 fighter 10 regional coordinators 40
always available items 24 finding a game 6 religion 10
antipaladin 8 free reroll 2829 replaying Adventure Paths 31
arcanist 10 Game Master 3239 replaying modules 31
archetype 8 Game Master rewards 3839 replaying scenarios 2021
atonement 23, 26, 35 GM Stars 39 reporting scenario results 38
barbarian 10 Grand Lodge 9, 1415 rogue 10
bard 10 Grand Lodge of Absalom 12 rules clarifications 5, 19
beyond level 11 2728 Golarion 11 samurai 10
bloodrager 10 gunslinger 10 Scarab Sages 9, 16
brawler 10 hit points 9 scrolls 22, 2425, 28
buying equipment 22 hunter 10 Season 0 34
cavalier 8, 10 Inner Sea 11 Seasons 1 and 2 34
changing your faction 17 inquisitor 10 shaman 8, 10
character 710 investigator 10 Silver Crusade 9, 1617
age 7 item upgrades 24 skald 8, 10
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477370
Character Name Alignment Character Number
Character Record Sheet Race Size Gender Age Height Weight Hair Eyes
ability ability Temp Temp
temp modifiers
ability name score modifier Adjustment modifier
HP Total DR
hit points land ft.
base speed
sq. ft.
with armor
wounds/current hp
dexterity ft. ft. ft. ft.
fly maneuverability swim climb burrow
nonlethal damage
Total Ability Misc.
Skill Names Bonus Mod. Ranks Mod.
Acrobatics =Dex + +
= + Appraise =Int + +
modifier Bluff =Cha + +
AC Climb =Str + +
armor class = 10 + + + + + + +
=Int + +
armor shield dex size natural deflection misc Craft
TOTAL bonus bonus modifier modifier armor modifier modifier
Craft =Int + +
armor class
armor class
Craft =Int + +
SAVING THROWS TOTAL base ability magic misc temporary modifiers
Diplomacy =Cha + +
save modifier modifier modifier modifier
Disable Device* =Dex + +
FORTITUDE = + + + +
Disguise =Cha + +
REFLEX = + + + + Escape Artist =Dex + +
Fly =Dex + +
WILL = + + + + Handle Animal* =Cha + +
Heal =Wis + +
modifiers Knowledge (arcana)* =Int + +
CMB = + +
Knowledge (dungeoneering)* =Int + +
TOTAL base attack strength size
bonus modifier modifier
Knowledge (engineering)* =Int + +
3477371 760262
2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477371
ITEM WT. 6th
Conditional Modifiers
PP 9th
Total Fame Current Prestige
2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
paizo.com #2720393, Bob Fenske <bobfenske@comcast.net>, May 6, 2016 3477372
Inventory Tracking Sheet Tracking Sheet #