Data Model Naming Standards
Data Model Naming Standards
Data Model Naming Standards
Table of Contents
Naming Standards for Data Models.....................................................................................................1
Table of Contents..............................................................................................................................1
What is a Data Model?.........................................................................................................................2
Logical Model..............................................................................................................................2
Physical Model.............................................................................................................................2
Entities and Tables................................................................................................................................3
Entity/Table Names..........................................................................................................................3
Entity Names in Logical Models..................................................................................................3
Table Names in Internal Schema..................................................................................................5
Table Names in External Schema.................................................................................................6
Entity/Table Descriptions.................................................................................................................6
Attributes and Columns........................................................................................................................7
Attribute/Column Names.................................................................................................................8
Attribute Names in Logical Models.............................................................................................8
Column Names in Internal Schemas..........................................................................................10
Column Names in External Schema...........................................................................................11
Column/Column Descriptions........................................................................................................11
Relationship Names........................................................................................................................13
Relationship Descriptions...............................................................................................................13
Class Words........................................................................................................................................15
Class Word Usage...........................................................................................................................15
List of Standard Class Words.....................................................................................................16
Abbreviations, Acronyms and Other Terms:..................................................................................18
Use of the Terms List.................................................................................................................18
Standards for Terms....................................................................................................................18
Abbreviation Formulation..........................................................................................................18
Acronym Formulation................................................................................................................19
Terms List...................................................................................................................................19
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This document presents a set of standards and guidelines that apply to both conceptual and physical
data models. Throughout this document, the term "standard" refers to those principles that are
required when creating models, where the term "guideline" refers to optional best practices which
should be followed.
This document is written for those individuals who have some experience in data modelling and
database design. It is not intended as a tutorial or instructional text of any type, although there are
some definitions of modelling and database concepts included to aid in communicating the intent of
various standards.
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Because of these close associations, naming and description standards for these components will be
presented in the same chapters of this document. In effect the standard for the physical models will
be presented immediately after the standard for the logical model. The physical model standards
will be referred to simply as standards for Internal Schema and standards for External Schema.
Entity/Table Names
Entity Names in Logical Models
Entity/table names in logical models should follow these standards:
ARE UNIQUE. Entity names must be unique within the Organisations library of approved data
FOLLOW CORRECT FORMAT. Entities names will have the following format rules:
An entity name will be in title case.
Other Institution Name
State Type
Numbers may be used.
Fed 1099 Type
No special characters are allowed in an entity name.
Acceptable: Student Aid
Not Acceptable: Student's Aid
Multiple terms in the name will be separated by spaces.
Acceptable: Computer Based Part
Not Acceptable: Computer-Based Part
CONSIST OF A SINGULAR NOUN OR NOUN PHRASE. An entity name will be a noun or noun
phrase in the singular form.
USE THE APPROPRIATE STANDARD TERMS. Entity names must be composed of the standard
"terms" for a logical model. In logical models, the standard terms are mostly spelled out words,
but there are also a few mandatory abbreviations. Check the Terms List in the chapter on
Abbreviations, Acronyms and Other Terms for a list of the appropriate terms for a logical model
and for further information about terms in general.
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Sample of Terms List:
Entity/table names should also adhere to the following guidelines whenever possible:
DESCRIBE BUSINESS MEANING. The modeller should strive for entity names that have
meaning to the user community, instead of the ITSS community, DBAs, programmers, etc.
It is common for modellers to name associative entities by simply concatenating the two
parent entity names. This should be avoided, if possible. The best approach is to create a
meaningful business name rather than a concatenation. Using words like "association,"
"intersection," "usage," "cross-reference," or "mapping" in the entity name will often
accomplish this.
Enrolment (vs. simply Student Course)
Student Housing Association
ARE SUFFICIENTLY DESCRIPTIVE. A balance must be pursued between entity names that
are short and easy to type and those that are longer and more descriptive. Some
"fundamental" entities, such as Person, Customer, Order, Product, etc. can be named in one
word. However, most entities will require a longer name. More descriptive names are better.
Even when a group of business users may use a single term, the modeller may choose to add
modifiers to the entity name to distinguish between different "flavours" of the data concept
that may exist in other business areas. Though some single-word names may appear
obvious, ask questions. Is there more than one type of Product, Customer, Invoice, Part,
Organization across the enterprise? Though one-word entity names do occur naturally, they
should be approached with care and analysis.
Table Names in Internal Schema
Table names in the internal schema will be the same as the entity name in the logical model
upon which the table name is based, with the following exceptions.
USE UNDERSCORES FOR SPACES. Underscore characters will replace spaces as the dividers
between terms in the name.
USE THE APPROPRIATE STANDARD TERMS. Table names must be composed of the
standard "terms" for an internal schema. In internal schemas, the standard terms are mostly
abbreviations, but there are also some words which are always spelled out. Check the Terms
List in the chapter on Abbreviations, Acronyms and Other Terms for a list of the appropriate
terms and for further information about terms in general.
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In summary, when creating table names in an internal schema, you should:
Refer to the Internal Schema column of the Terms List presented in the Abbreviations chapter
and only use terms from that column.
Entity/Table Descriptions
The following standards and guidelines apply to entity/table descriptions in all models and
DESCRIBE A SINGLE INSTANCE OF ENTITY. The entity's description will, like the entity
name, be in the singular form, describing a single instance of the entity.
DESCRIBE WHAT THE ENTITY IS. The entity description should describe what the entity is,
not how it is used. "How used" information may also be included, but only to illustrate a
point or give an example -- not to substitute for a poorly worded description. Often, "how
used" information is an implementation-dependent detail, dependent on current business
processes, systems, etc. -- all of which may change significantly.
referenced will be enclosed in tick (') marks. Only the verb phrase must be referenced, but
the entire relationship description should be included where it significantly improves
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entity is created by appending a lower case "s" onto the end of the entity name in the
For example: the plural of the entity entitled "Person" is "Persons" not "People," the plural
form of "Company" is "Companies," etc. This is as much for consistency as to minimize
ambiguity. After all, there can be no such entities entitled "Person's, "Persons," "People,"
"Company's, "Companies," etc., since these violate the special character and plural form
This rule only applies to making the name plural in a description. It does not mean entities
can have plural names.
DESCRIBE BUSINESS MEANING. The description, like the entity name, should be worded in
the user's terminology, so that any user, even if only vaguely familiar with the business
concept, would be able to understand the meaning of the entity without having to consult
other documentation.
For example: An attribute which contains the total number of credits a current student has
earned is derived because it is computed from data which is still in existence in the Data
Warehouse, and which will continue to be in existence for the life of the derived attribute.
Attributes in the logical model may contain derived data as long as the derived data is
labelled as derived. Such derived data will not be implemented in the internal schema but
will probably be implemented in one or more external schemas. The reason for allowing
derived data in the logical model is to satisfy business imperatives and to aid in
communication between model builders and model users.
NOT AN ARRAY: Attributes in the logical model and columns in the physical models must not
contain arrays or other forms of repeating values.
USUALLY NOT A CONCATENATED VALUE: Attributes in the logical model must not
contain concatenations of values or other aggregations, unless the business uses the
aggregation as a single value. Attributes in the external schema may use concatenated values
to accommodate the needs/preferences of users.
For example: An attribute such as phone number actually contains at least three different
attributes, but is usually used as a single attribute, so a single concatenated attribute is
acceptable in the logical model.
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On the other hand, course id is composed of quarter year date, course number, course
section name and course suffix name, Each of these attributes exists as an attribute in the
logical model, so it is not appropriate to concatenate them into a single attribute, called
course id, in that model. But, it is appropriate to have the concatenated course id attribute in
the external schema if it will aid users of the schema.
"black holes." These are quite common, appearing as "comments" fields into which users
enter any number of data values for which there is no other convenient storage mechanism.
Since the modelling exercise is meant to discover all data of interest to the user, it is
important to find out the contents of "black holes" and model them as separate attributes.
Attribute/Column Names
Attribute Names in Logical Models
ARE UNIQUE. Each and every attribute name in the Enterprise Model must be unique.
FOLLOW CORRECT FORMAT. Attribute names have the following format rules:
No special characters: no characters other than letters and numbers.
Acceptable: Student Deposit Amount
Not Acceptable: Student Deposit $
Not Acceptable: Parent and/or Guardian Id
Use spaces to separate terms within the name:
Acceptable: Employee Visitor Badge Id
Not Acceptable: Employee/Visitor Badge Id
Use lower case letters, even when acronyms are included (this facilitates proper sorting; in
the case-sensitive Sybase environment, attribute/columns beginning with upper case
letters would sort separately from those beginning with lower case letters).
Acceptable: Employment Status Code
Acceptable (note acronym): GL Account Number
Not Acceptable: student birth date
Numbers must be qualified: Numbers may be used, but must be explained with other terms
in the attribute name.
Acceptable: Form 1099 Status Code
Not Acceptable: 1994
according to what it is rather than how it may be used or decoded.
For example an attribute which will be populated by a code that will be decoded by another
entity will have a name which describes the use of the specific code, rather than the
name of the attribute which will decode it. Employee Residence State Code and
Employee Birth State Code may be two attributes in the same entity. Neither will be
named simply state code even though that may be the name of the attribute in the State
Abbreviation entity that will decode them.
FOLLOW A 3-Part STRUCTURE. Attribute names will normally be a noun phrase constructed
following the subject/modifier/class word technique.
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An example and a description of that technique.
subject modifier class word
The subject/modifier/class word noun phrase approach builds an attribute name as follows:
Class Word. The root part of the attribute name is the class word, which classifies the type of
information being represented by the attribute. Class words approved for use are:
amount indicator rate
code initial reference
date name sound
description number text
identifier percentage time
image quantity unit
The definitions and the descriptions of usage of all class words approved for use are presented
in a separate chapter later in this document.
Modifier. Immediately preceding the class word is a modifier, which serves to further qualify
the class word.
The modifier may be a single term or a group of terms. There is no standard list of
modifiers. Users are encouraged to create modifiers which are brief, but meaningful. In
some cases the modifier may be omitted from the name, as in the case of "Student Id"
The analyst is encouraged to use modifiers in order to make attribute names more
descriptive rather than less. Only when the name becomes unacceptably burdensome for the
user to deal with or when compelling historical usage requires it, should compromises be
made to the full noun phrase approach.
Subject. Finally, to provide uniqueness, a subject is added as the first term in the attribute name.
The subject provides meaning, to the attribute name by providing the proper context for the
modifier and class word. Though there is no standard list of subjects, the terms which are
good candidates to become subjects are typically nouns which name things which are
common throughout the enterprise.
Examples of subjects include: account, employee, student, course and GL. Though entity
names are candidate subjects, they are often too long to act as a subject. Also, subjects may
be composed of several terms, but brevity is necessary to accommodate the rest of the noun
phrase within a name of reasonable size.
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USE THE APPROPRIATE STANDARD TERMS. Attribute names must be composed of the
standard "terms" for a logical model. In logical models, the standard terms are mostly
spelled out words, but there are also a few mandatory abbreviations.
Check the Terms List in the chapter on Abbreviations, Acronyms and Other Terms for a list of
the appropriate terms for a logical model and for further information about terms in general.
Check the Terms List in the chapter on Abbreviations, Acronyms and Other Terms for a list of
the appropriate terms and for further information about terms in general.
In summary, when creating column names in an internal schema, you should:
Refer to the Internal Schema column of the Terms List presented in the Abbreviations chapter
and only use terms from that column.
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Sample of Terms List:
Column/Column Descriptions
An attribute description will develop over time as the attribute becomes understood. When it is
fully implemented it will include the following components:
BRIEF NARRATIVE: A brief narrative definition of the attribute which conforms to the
following format.
Begin with the role of the data being described.
The name of the...
The date of the...
The code of the...
Follow the role with a reference to the subject component of the "subject, modifier, class
word" name convention described earlier.
The name of the student
The date of the employee
The code representing the type of Sponsored Project
Follow the subject with one or two statements which concisely describe the data. More
statements for a detailed description and fewer statements for a short description.
The name of the student applying for aid.
The date of the employee's birth
The code representing the type of aid a student received
The code representing the focus of a Sponsored Project
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FULL NARRATIVE: A fully detailed definition of the attribute which conforms to the format
described above. "Fully detailed" in this context means using enough of the statements
described in Item c. above to describe the attribute fully.
The Project Function Code describes the nature or focus of a Sponsored Project. Sponsored
projects are categorized under general headings such as research and grants.
Classification of a sponsored project into a category determines the appropriate indirect
cost rate to be charged.
The Project Function Code will generally match the Budget Function Code of the parent
account associated with the project. Projects that are mixed function are coded as
HISTORY OF CHANGES: The history of any changes/refinements to the full detailed
definition annotated with the date of the update and the initials of the author. The history
will always be displayed in reverse chronological order.
1-15-95 New Project Function Code approved and implemented. Project Function Code = e
Project Function Name = none
06-04-92 Project Function Code s agreed to with users
DOMAIN: The domain of the attribute, if it is a relatively static set of known data, or examples
of the data if the data is not a known set.
Project Function Code Project Function Name
a Instruction
b Research
c Miscellaneous
d Multiple
e None
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Relationships are statements of business policy and business rules expressed as the description
of an association between two entities in a data model.
Relationship Names
USE THE VERB FROM THE VERB PHRASE FOR A NAME. The name of the relationship
between two entities is the word which is the verb from the verb phrase from a declarative
sentence which describes the relationship.
The name of the following relationship is 'receive:'
each Employee must receive one or more Performance Review.
The name of the following relationship is 'offered':
each Course may be offered via one or more Course Offering
USE NAME IN CONTEXT TO ENSURE CLARITY. The relationship name will only be used
in the context of the two entities. For example an analyst might use the relationship name in
the following way:
"Let's discuss the 'receive' relationship between Employee and Performance Review"
"This stored procedure implements the 'offered' relationship between Course and Course
than one relationship may exist between two entities each relationship name must be unique
between the same two entities.
USE LOWER CASE LETTERS. Relationship names will be presented using lower case letters
Relationship Descriptions
A relationship must be thought of as a business rule, stating a fact which the Conceptual Data
Model is trying to capture and communicate. Each relationship or business rule makes a
statement that can be judged as "true" or "false" by the business users who are the Subject
Matter Experts (SMEs) about the area of business the relationship helps describe.
USE SUBJECT/VERB PHRASE/OBJECT STRUCTURE: Relationship descriptions will be
standard declarative sentences, consisting of a subject (source entity), verb phrase, and
object (cardinality and target entity), in that order.
MAKE THE SUBJECT THE SOURCE ENTITY. The subject will be the entity from which the
relationship originates, often referred to as the source entity. It will be constructed with the
modifier "Each" followed by the source entity name, such as:
Each Person
Each Organizational Unit
Each Unit of Instruction, etc.
Following the subject is a description of the nature of the relationship. This description
should be a verb phrase. The verb phrase will be constructed as follows:
The word "must" or "may" will begin the verb phrase as a modifier to the actual verb
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The actual verb may directly follow the modifier, such as:
Each Invoice must contain
Each Person must be required
Each Customer may have
Each Product may belong, etc.
The verb phrase may be separated from the modifier by a prepositional phrase, such as:
Each Position may, over time, have,
Each Organization must, at one time, be composed of
The verb phrase may also be followed by a prepositional phrase, such as:
Each Course may be, over time, etc.
The verb phrase may end in an infinitive, such as:
Each Student must be required to have.
The object, or the completer, of the relationship sentence follows the verb phrase. It consists of
the cardinality phrase followed by the target entity name. The cardinality phrase is an
indefinite pronoun "one" or "one or more" which is used as an adjective of the target entity.
The object may also be a prepositional phrase which includes the cardinality phrase.
Each Product may, over time, belong to one Product Family
Each Employee must receive one or more Performance Review
Each Course may be offered via one or more Course Offering, etc.
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Class Words
A class word is a word or term that defines the content and role of a piece of data described by an
attribute (this is in contrast to a Domain, which defines the format and range of values of an
attribute instance).
A class word is defined by its name and description, and is further defined by a list of values
Class words assigned to each of these categories may only function in the role defined by the
category name. This standard allows a data user to know the role an attribute plays in the data base
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by noting the class word used in the attribute name. For example label attributes can be easily
identified. This is particularly useful when reviewing unfamiliar data bases.
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Date - A point in time in terms of day, month, or year in any combination. This includes Julian
dates (DDDYY), calendar days (MMDDYYYY, YYYYMMDD), fiscal dates, etc.
Time - A point in time, or measurement stated in terms of hour, minute, second, or fraction
thereof, in any combination (HH:MM:SS, HHMMSS, HH, etc.). This does not include
quantity of hours, e.g. the number of hours to perform a task is not a time, but a quantity.
DESCRIPTION - Description class words are:
Text - An unconstrained string of characters, or any freeform comment or notes field. Text,
unlike name, description, and address, does not have any specific pre-determined purpose.
Description - An word or phrase which interprets an abbreviation, code or other shortened term
so as to make it more understandable to users.
Examples include: California is the description of the abbreviation CA.
(UNCLASSIFIED) - Currently unclassified class words are:
A binary object that contains a (series of) sound(s).
The binary representation of a picture, a photograph, etc.
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Abbreviations are shortened forms of a word, for example "dept" for "department". Acronyms are
generally shortened forms of a phrase, for example "SSN" for "social security number". Both
abbreviations and acronyms can be helpful, efficient ways to refer to commonly used words;
however they can also cause problems if there are not consistent standards about their use.
In this document, the word "term" is used to refer to any one component of an entity/table or
attribute/column name. The word term is used instead of the word "word" because in many cases
acceptable terms will be abbreviations or acronyms, rather than regular words. Terms may be
abbreviations, acronyms, shortened words which are not constructed according to the rules of either
abbreviations or acronyms, or fully spelled out words which usually have six or fewer characters.
All model names should be composed of terms from the standard Terms List included at the end of
this chapter. Specifying standard terms and term usage makes it possible to establish when
abbreviations and acronyms are used, and what abbreviations and acronyms are used. The Terms
List will be maintained and updated by Data Administration.
Abbreviation Formulation
Standard abbreviations must be formed in such a way that they make sense to business users.
Abbreviations should be formed by following the following steps:
remove unnecessary vowels,
remove unnecessary consonants,
substitute prefixes and suffixes, if possible.
Acronym Formulation
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Acronyms should be taken from standard business usage, such as MBA for "Masters of Business
Administration," AMA for "American Medical Association," MBO for "Management by
Objective," etc.
If acronyms are to be created, they should be formed by concatenating the first letter of each
"significant" word of a business phrase. This may be used when creating names for projects,
organizations, etc. An example would be: ASC for Ascential Software.
Abbreviation Guidelines
Abbreviations should usually be tied to only one full-length business word.
Abbreviations should be unique within all data models within a specific business area, and across
the enterprise, if possible.
Multiple words that are commonly used together may be abbreviated when generating Physical
Data Models. For example, the attributes containing the phrase "Effective Date" may be
abbreviated "effdt" if desired by the DBA.
The modeller should strive for abbreviations that have meaning to the business community, instead
of the IS community.
Existing abbreviations should be used if they are commonly used by a business organization, even if
they do not follow the naming standard above. However, they must still be unique.
Acronym Guidelines
Acronyms should adhere to industry standards wherever possible.
Acronyms may have more than one translation, but this should be avoided.
When an acronym has more than one translation, it's specific meaning should be discernible from
the context in which it is used; if it is not, the acronym should not be used.
Terms List
Terms for Logical Models and External Schema:
In general, the terms are spelled out words; the few mandatory abbreviations are noted in the
reference list.
If additional abbreviations are needed upon occasion, choose from the ones listed in the Internal
Schema column.
Terms for Internal Schema:
In general, the terms are abbreviated. However, where a term is shown in its full, spelled out
form, that usage should be followed.
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