Kabataan Partylist Constitution and by

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President/Coordinator Adviser


We, Filipino youth coming from different regions and backgrounds, being the future of a society
confronted with widespread poverty, deteriorating education, scanty livelihood and violence, and as the
generation that witnessed the erosion of respect for national patrimony by those in power and the betrayal
of public trust in the graft-ridden political system of the country, recognizing the need to effect
fundamental changes in the government to fulfill the basic aspirations of the youth for a clean government
and a peaceful, progressive and bright future, organize ourselves into a sectoral party. We are young
Filipinos imbued with high sense of nationalism and solidarity with the democratic demands of the people
in the fulfillment of our historical role in nation-building and social transformation. We are part of the
oppressed majority whose name has always been invoked by everyone who aspires for public office, yet
we continue to be a marginalized force in the society, and now we work with our collective will and
vitality in asserting our rightful interests. Bearing high our commitment to these indubitable avowals, we
hereby promulgate and bind ourselves to this Constitution.



Section 1. This youth sectoral party shall be called Kabataan.



Section 1. Kabataan advances the politics of struggle and hope. It gives primacy to the promotion of
genuine politics of the people. It recognizes the collective will of the youth and the people to effect social
change and genuine progress in the society. It is a politics which affirms the basic aspirations of the youth
for peace and justice against the dominant traditional politics in the country which promises a bleak future
for the youth.

Section 2. Kabataan shall uphold, defend, and promote the interests of the youth in the attainment of their
full potential as Filipino citizens. It shall uphold youth empowerment by contributing in the process of
nation-building and social transformation. It shall enjoin the youth to restore respect for national
patrimony and integrity in the government. It shall carry the principles of progressive youth idealism in
the politics of the country.

Section 3. In pursuit of these principles, bearing in mind the historical and important role of the youth in
shaping the future of the country, Kabataan shall strive to achieve the following objectives:

(1) To establish a nationalist and people-oriented type of education, against a colonial and repressive
education system, asserting the right of every Filipino to a free and democratic education in all levels;

(2) To foster a scientific and liberating education, free from dogma and backward ideas, as the
springboard towards a progressive future;

(3) To assert the youth and peoples right to decent employment, equal opportunities and humane living

(4) To advocate the inherent right of every Filipino to live in a society free from crime, unjust wars,
militarization, environmental degradation, drug addiction, decadent culture and malnourishment;

(5) To guarantee the participation of the youth in all affairs of governance and decision-making bodies of
the government;

(6) To promote the development of civic programs and facilities that will enjoin the youth to participate in
socially-beneficial, life-sustaining and culture-enhancing activities;

(7) To contribute in the nation-building process by harnessing the youth to develop a dedication to serve
the people, collective responsibility, cultural awareness and

charitable fellowship;

(8) To forge solidarity of the youth with the workers, peasants, urban poor, indigenous people and other
basic masses of the Philippine society;

(9) To assert and safeguard national independence, respect for national patrimony and love and loyalty to
the country;

(10) To promote genuine national industrialization, agrarian reform and pro poor economic policies.

(11) To promote international solidarity with the students and peoples of the global community who share
similar principles with the Kabataan;



Section 1. Any Filipino citizen from 13 to 35 years old who accepts the Principles, Program and
Constitution of Kabataan and agrees to advance these may apply for membership to the party.

Section 2. Every new applicant shall be recommended by two (2) members of good standing and shall
undergo screening by third member and officer, likewise of good standing, authorized accordingly. An
applicant shall complete a seminar on the Principles, Program and Constitution of Kabataan conducted by
duly accredited party organ to become a member. Application for membership shall be decided upon by
the Executive Committee of the School or Community Chapter subject to review by a meeting of the
chapter or by the next leading body of the party.

Section 3. New and re-admitted members of the Party shall first subscribe to the following oath of
affiliation: I, _____________, having been accepted as a member, do hereby solemly swear that I will
uphold and advance the principles, objectives and programs of the Kabataan, abide by its Constitution,
raise its prestige and widen its influence among the students and the youth, and that I will fight for the
interests of my sector while linking arms with other oppressed Filipinos, and serve them wholeheartedly
and unselfishly.

Section 4. Membership in the Party may be terminated through voluntary resignation or by expulsion on
just and valid grounds by the appropriate organ of the Party after observing due process.


Section 1. Every party member shall have the following rights and privileges:

(1) To participate freely and fully in all meetings of the chapter to which he/she belongs, and to be
represented by delegates freely chosen by his/her chapter in wider assemblies of the Kabataan.

(2) To be informed fully of the chapter and all other leading bodies of the organization of the reasons for
policies, programs, projects and actions adopted nationally, regionally or locally.

(3) To propose in meeting changes on the stated agenda.

(4) To elect and be elected to office.

(5) To vote in approval and adoption of resolutions, programs, policies of the national, regional, and local

(6) To have any dissenting vote and their reasons thereof recorded.

(7) To present suggestions, comments, and criticisms to any unit, committee or organ

(8) To appeal any decision or policy to the higher organ of the organization; and

(9) To resign his/her membership.

Section 2. All party members shall enjoy all such other rights and privileges as the National Convention
may grant from time to time, provided, however that such rights and privileges shall not in any way
contravene any provision of this Constitution.



Section 1. Every party member shall have the following duties and responsibilities.

(1) To uphold and abide by this Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.

(2) To abide by the policies, decisions and regulations which may from time to time, be promulgated.

(3) To be a member of any unit, committee or organ and to attend and actively participate in any meetings
of the chapters.

(4) To take active part in the implementation of all programs, projects and actions adopted by the
Kabataan and its chapters.

(5) To regularly conduct\ assessments, criticisms and self-criticisms.

(6)) To adhere the principles,

purpose and objectives of the organization

in his/her activities outside Kabataan.

(7) To pay dues regularly.

(8) To safeguard and advance the prestige of the Party at all times.

(9) To recruit new members and widen the influence of the Party.

Section 2. All party members shall fulfill such other duties and tasks delegated to them by leading organs
of the organization.



Section 1. The organizational structure of Kabataan shall be the following:

(1) The School Chapter and Community Chapter which will be the basic units of the Party, and to be
organized at the school and community level;

(2) The City and Municipal Chapters which shall consist of school and community chapters;

(3) The Provincial Chapters which shall consist of City and Municipal Chapters;

(4) The Regional Chapters which shall consist of Provincial Chapters;

(5) The National Executive Committee

(6) The National Council; and

(7) The National Convention.

Section 2. There shall be a Regional Coordinator to be appointed by the National Council from among
Provincial Chairpersons and Coordinators for the regions which have not yet established a chapter at the
regional level.



Section 1. The National Convention shall be the highest governing body of Kabataan and shall have the
following powers and functions:.

(1) To ratify and amend the Constitution and Program of the Party;

(2) To receive reports and recommendations from the National Council;

(3) To determine the size and composition of the National Council;

(4) To elect the executive officers of the Party and other members of the National Executive Committee;

(5) To decide on candidates for national elective position to be fielded by the Party as well as other
candidates who may be supported by the Party; and

(6) To decide on any matter within its over-all jurisdiction.

Section 2. The National Convention shall be composed of:

(1) Representatives of Regional, Provincial, City, Municipal, School and Community Chapters of the

(2) National Officers of the Party;

(3) Youth Delegates coming from different sectors: students, workers, peasants, fisherfolk, indigenous
people, women, gays, academe, scientists, health workers, artists, employees, professionals, overseas
Filipinos, and other youth groups with special concerns which support the Party; and

(4) Personages who have significantly helped further the cause of the Party but may not be the officers of
the Party.

(5) The size and distribution of delegates to the National Convention shall be decided upon by the
National Council.

Section 3. It shall be convened every three (3) years or as decided upon by the National Council. The
rules of the National Convention shall be defined by the National Council preceding it.



Section 1. Between the holding of the National Conventions, the National Council shall be the highest
governing body of the Party and shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) To assume the powers and functions of the National Convention while the latter is not in session;

(2) To draw-out and implement each years specific plan of action based on the partys general program
and plan of action;

(3) To consolidate the regular annual reports of the party;

(4) To submit reports and recommendations to the National Convention;

(5) To determine the size and distribution of delegates to the National Convention;

(6) To appoint a Regional Coordinator for the regions which have not yet established a chapter at the
regional level;

(7) To amend the By-Laws of the Party;

(8) To exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may delegated to it by the National

Section 2. Members of the National Council shall be confirmed by the Convention. New members can sit
upon the recommendation of the respective regional, provincial, or municipal executive committees and
confirmation of the National Council in session. The National Council shall be composed of the:

(1) The Chairpersons of the Regional Chapters or their designated representatives;

(2) The national executive officers of the Party.

Section 3. It shall be convened once a year or as decided upon by the Executive Committee.




Section 1. The National Executive Committee shall have the authority to conduct and administer the
affairs of the Party between the meetings of the National Council subject to the review and confirmation
by the latter at the first opportunity. It shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) To decide on any matter within its jurisdiction and issue directives;

(2) To implement the general program and specific plan of action as mandated by the National
Convention and duly delegated to it by the National Council;

(2) To submit reports and recommendations to the National Council;

(3) To issue statements in the name of the Party;

(4) To appoint a National Auditor and General Counsel for the Party as well as other officers as the need
may arise;

(5) To designate temporary officers in the National Executive Committee to replace vacant positions until
the National Convention elects a permanent replacement;

(6) To call the National Council to a meeting;

(7) To create and supervise, through the Secretary-General, the General Secretariat;

(8) To create and supervise other committees necessary to carry out the work of the Party; and

(9) To formulate the by-laws that shall govern the administration of the organization.

Section 2. The National Executive Committee shall be composed of:

(1) The Party President;

(2) The Executive Vice-President;

(3) The Vice-Presidents for Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao;

(4) The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General;

(5) The Treasurer; and

(6) Other members of the National Council as may be designated by

the latter.

Section 3. All members of the National Executive Committee shall hold office for three (3) years and
until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed or separated for




Section 1. The Party President shall be the highest official and the chief executive officer of the Party.
The exercise of such powers or performance of such functions shall be reported to the Executive
Committee at its immediate next session. The President shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) Call and preside over the National Convention, meetings of the National Council and National
Executive Committee;

(2) Issue directives and statements on behalf of the National Council and National Executive Committee;

(3) To oversee the enforcement of this Constitution, by-laws of the organization, other rules, regulations
and policies which may be promulgated from time-to-time.

(4) Make representation on behalf of the Party and the National Council and National Executive
Committee; and

(5) Act as the chief campaign officer of the Party.

Section 2. The Executive Vice- President shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) Assume the powers and functions of the Party President in the latters absence or incapacity;

(2) Act as the deputy chief campaign officer of the Party;

(3) Exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be assigned by the National Council,
National Executive Committee and the Party President; and

(4) Act as the National Coordinator of the Party.

Section 3. The Vice- Presidents for Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao shall have

the following powers and functions:

(1) Supervise the regional coordinators and chapters of the Party in their respective jurisdictions; and

(2) Act as the chief campaign officer in their respective jurisdictions.

Section 4. The Secretary-General shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) Form and head the General Secretariat which runs the day-to-day functions of the Party;

(2) Recommend such deputies and personnel as may be necessary subject to the approval of the National

Executive Committee; and

(3) To maintain and preserve the minutes of all the National Convention, committee meetings, the reports
of the Party President, the records of all members and other papers relating to the various activities of the

Section 5. The Deputy Secretary-General succeeds to the powers and functions of the Secretary-General
in case of failure or incapacity of the latter. He/She shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) Assist the Secretary-General in discharging his/her functions; and

(2) Exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be assigned by the National Council,
National Executive Committee and the Secretary-General.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Party. He/She

shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) Form and head the Finance Secretariat to raise funds for the Party;

(2) Plan the budget of the Party for approval by the National Executive Committee; and

(3) Act as the custodian and over-all manager of the funds and resources of the Party.

(4) Prepare and submit a financial report every National Council meeting.

Section 7. The Auditor shall be the chief auditing officer of the Party. He/She shall have the following
powers and functions:

(1) Check and audit all funds and resources of the Party; and

(2) Form auditing teams to investigate any reported financial anomalies.

Section 8. The General Counsel shall:

(1) Act as the legal counsel of the national bodies of the Party; and

(2) Make representation on behalf of the Party regarding all legal matters.



Section 1. The intermediate leading bodies of the Party shall have the following powers and functions:

(1) To decide on any matter within its jurisdiction and issue directives;

(2) To implement the general program and specific plan of action as mandated by the National
Convention and duly delegated to it by the National Council;

(3) To submit reports and recommendations to the National Council;

(4) To designate temporary officers in the Executive Committee to replace vacant positions until the
intermediate bodies elect a permanent replacement;

(5) To create and supervise other committees necessary to carry out the work of the Party

(6) All elected officers of intermediate leading bodies shall serve their term for one year.

Section 2. The City/Municipal Council shall be composed of the following:

(1) Chairpersons and Vice- Chairpersons of all School and Community Chapters;

(2) Representatives of the sectors existing in the city/municipality and other groups with special social
concerns which support the Party; and

(3) City/Municipal executive officers of the party shall include the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and

Section 3. The Provincial Council shall be composed of the following:

(1) Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons of all City/Municipal Councils;

(2) Representatives of the sectors existing in the province and other groups with special social concerns
which support the Party;

(3) The executive officers shall include the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer.

Section 4. The Regional Council shall be composed of the following:

(1) Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons of all Provincial Councils;

(2) The executive officers shall include the Chairperson, Vice- Chairperson, Secretary-General and
Treasurer. The Chairperson shall act as the Regional Coordinator of the Party.




Section 1. The basic units of the Party are the School and Community

Chapters. Every member shall belong to a School or Community Chapter.

Section 2. A School or Community Chapter shall have a minimum of eleven (11) members.

Section 3. The powers and functions of the School or Community Chapter shall include the following:

(1) To implement the programs, policies and decisions of the Party;

(2) To ensure the involvement of members through education, campaigns and other activities;

(3) To conduct studies on the principles and program of the Party and current issues and to subscribe to
Party publications;

(4) To recruit members and see to it that they fulfill the requirements for membership;

(5) To submit reports and recommendations to the City/Municipal Council;

(6) To elect officers of the School or Community Chapter; and

(7) To create organizational structures or machinery appropriate to the size of the School or Community

Section 4. The School or Community Chapter shall have an Executive Committee which shall include the
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer as its officers. The Chairperson will serve as the
coordinator of the chapter. The officers of the School or Community Chapter and other members of the
Executive Committee shall be elected by a meeting of the members of the chapter.



Section 1. All elective national officers shall be elected during and by the National Convention voting

Section 2. In cases of one (1) nominee for an elective position, he/she must get at least a confidence vote
of 50percent +1 of all voting delegates.

Section 3. All candidates for National office should have at least one (1) year membership in the
organization, must be of good standing and their nomination or certificate of candidacy must be endorsed
by at least by five (5) school or community chapters.

Section 4. There shall be an electoral board, composed of a chairman and the two members who shall be
appointed by the outgoing National Executive Committee during the National Convention.

Section 5. The Electoral Board shall:

(a) oversee the conduct of the election proceedings;

(b) shall determine who are the official voting delegates and confirm the quantity of representation.;

(c) Receive all certifications of candidacy and nominations, certify the qualification of all candidates,
issue an official list of qualified candidates, resolve election complaints and protests and;

(d) Officially proclaim the winners of the election

Section 6. Every chapter shall carry one vote. All elections shall be by secret ballot, unless the National
Convention decides otherwise. This election process shall also apply in the election of officers of the
intermediate leading bodies of the Party.



Section 1. The basic funds of Kabataan shall come from membership fees and dues and other special

Section 2. Fund-raising activities shall be launched. Contributions in cash and in kind shall be accepted
provided there are no conditions contrary to the principles of the Party and to existing laws.



Section 1. Where regular organs of the party do not yet exist, provisional bodies of leadership may be
formed until the requirements of this Constitution can be applied.

Section 2. The Party shall allow its members to form themselves into regional parties affiliated with
Kabataan, especially in the regions where autonomy is being promoted, with due recognition to the
specific features of these regions, using a different name or slightly different name, provided that their
program and constitution adhere to the essential parts of the Program and Constitution of Kabataan

Section 3. The Party may establish or enter into coalition or alliances with other parties, organizations or
individual candidates in line with its principles and program for electoral campaigns and longterm plans
for the purpose of achieving common goal and concern.



Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be made with the concurrence of two-thirds of all
delegates to the National Convention.

Section 2. Any member or body of the Party may propose amendments to this Constitution but these shall
be subject to adoption by the National Council which shall endorse these to the National Convention.


Nature of the Organization

Section 1. Kabataan is a youth sectoral party adhering to a Constitution and a Program and all policies
and decision promulgated by its duly authorized bodies.

Article 2


Section 1. The national office shall be located within the National Capital Region.

Section 2. Regional, provincial, city, municipal and barangay offices shall be established by the party in
such places as the needs of the party may entail.

Article 3


Section 1. The National Convention shall be conducted every three years.

Section 2. The National Council shall meet at least once a year.

Section 3. The National Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year.

Article 4

Party Discipline

Section 1. Any member or officer of the party who commits serious violations of the

Program, Constitution and By-Laws and legitimate policies and decision of the party at any level shall be
subjected to a disciplinary action.

Section 2. Disciplinary actions shall be meted mout based on the gravity of the violation of the party
discipline and these shall include the following: censure, demotion, suspension and expulsion.

Section 3. Expulsion from the party may be imposed to a member or officer of the party committing
willful violations of the Party Constitution and for acts adverse to the interest of the party and the people.

Section 4. The party shall also work for the recall or removal from public office of party members and
officers who have been found guilty of acts inimical to the interest of the country and the people.

Section 5. In imposing disciplinary action, due process shall be followed, to wit:

1. Any member of the party who intends to file a complaint against any body of leadership, officer or
another member of the party may do so before the chapter to which he or she belongs or to the next higher
level of leadership.

Complaints of a serious nature may be brought straight to the national bodies of leadership.

2. A fact-finding committee shall be formed by the body where the complaint has been lodged or by an
appropriate body duly assigned to investigate the complaint.

3. The committee findings shall be submitted to the body that formedit for appropriate action. In case of
expulsion, this must be based on two-thirds of the votes of the members of the appropriate body.

4. Decision on cases for expulsion shall be reviewed by the next higher level of leadership.

5. Any disciplinary action against an officer of the party shall be decided upon by the corresponding body
that elected him/her to the position.

6. Decisions on complaints and disciplinary actions may be appealed to the next higher body of leadership
up to the National Convention.

Article 5

Election of Officers

Section 1. All elective national officers shall be elected during and by the National Convention voting

Section 2. In cases of one (1) nominee for an elective position, he/she must get at least a confidence vote
of 50 percent +1 of all voting delegates.

Section 3. All candidates for the National Office should have at least one (1) year membership in the
organization, must be of good standing and their nomination or certificate of candidacy must be endorsed
by at least by five (5) school or community chapters.

Section 4. Every chapter shall be entitled to one vote. All elections shall be by secret balloting, unless the
National Convention decides otherwise.

Article 6

Quorum and Decision Making

Section 1. In all meetings, sessions, or assemblies of the different bodies of the Party, a simple majority of
all members present shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Where a consensus is not possible, the vote of a simple majority of all the members present
there being a quorum shall be necessary to adopt and/or approve a motion or resolution.

Article 7

Dues and Assessments

Section 1. A ten-peso (P10) one-time membership fee shall be charged to any applicant.

Section 2. All members of the party shall pay an annual membership due of ten (10) pesos.

Section 3. Members of the party may be charged with special assessments by the leading bodies of the
party on the basis of specific projects or requirements.

Section 4. Additional contributions based on individual capacity shall be encouraged among party

Article 8


Section 1. Every member and officer and every level of leadership may propose an amendment/s to the
Partys By-laws.

Section 2. Proposed amendment to the Bylaws may be coursed through the body of leadership where a
proponent member or officer belongs. Said body has the duty of elevating the proposal to the next higher
body of leadership or directly to the National Council and or to the National Convention, whichever is in

Section 3. Amendments to the By-laws may be decided upon by a majority vote of the members present,
in the assembly of the National Council or the National Convention, whichever is in session.


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