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Asia Pacific

AsPac J. Mol.Journal
Biol. Biotechnol.,
of MolecularVol.
12 (1&2),
and Biotechnology,
2004 2004 In Vitro Micropropagation of Ludwigia repens 21
Vol. 12 (1&2) : 21-25

In Vitro Micropropagation of the aquarium plant Ludwigia repens

Meryem ztrk1, Khalid Mahmood Khawar2, Hasan Hseyin Atar1,

Cengiz Sancak2 and Sebahattin zcan2*

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, 06110 Diskapi, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, 06110 Diskapi, Ankara, Turkey

Received 25 November 2003 / Accepted 20 May 2004

Abstract. Apical meristems, first, second and third-fourth axillary buds of Ludwigia repens were cultured on Murashige and
Skoog (MS) medium containing various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), thidiazuron (TDZ) and -
naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for micropropagation. Micropropagation was best achieved from apical meristem on MS me-
dium containing 0.05 mg dm-3 TDZ and 0.1 mg dm-3 NAA. It was noted that TDZ or BAP had inhibitory effect on shoot
elongation, which was overcome by subculturing shoots on half-strength MS media without growth regulators after 4 weeks
of culture. This also served as rooting media. Rooted plantlets were finally transferred to aquariums containing fresh water
with 100% adaptation.

Keywords. Ludwigia repens, micropropagation, thidiazuron (TDZ), 6-benzylaminopurine, and carry over effect

Abbreviations: MS : Murashige and Skoog; TDZ : thidiazuron [1 Phenyl 3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol -5YL) urea]; BAP : 6-benzyl-
aminopurine; NAA : -naphthaleneacetic acid

INTRODUCTION vitro micropropagation of Ludwigia repens has not been

reported previously. The present study describes a rapid,
Ludwigia repens, belonging to the family Onargaceae, is an simple and efficient micropropagation system from several
evergreen amphibian herbaceous plant which is largely found explants of L. repens. Culture conditions described here may
in Southern parts of North America. Ludwigia sp. is widely also be applicable for in vitro micropropagation of other
distributed in America, Africa, Asia and Australia (Rataj and plants belonging to Ludwigia species.
Horeman, 1977) and is mainly used for filtration and cleaning
of water in canals and lakes. Some of the species belonging
to Ludwigia genus are used as vegetables, ornamental
aquarium plants, pollen source for honey bees, fish feed and MATERIALS AND METHODS
medicinal purposes (Brunson, 1988; Chen et al., 1989;
Greenway and Wooley, 1999; Mooi et al., 1999; Kuo et al., Plants of Ludwigia repens were obtained from local dealers
1999; Brundu et al., 2001). L. repens with small yellow flowers of commercial aquarium plants by ensuring that they were
(Cirik et al., 2001) and pinkish red to bright green leaves is visibly healthy and free from any signs of stress or surface
widely used as an aquarium plant. It grows rapidly in slightly blemishes. The selection was further carried out by growing
acidic waters at 19-28 oC (Rataj and Horeman, 1977). the plants under environmentally controlled fresh water
L. repens is propagated from cuttings without ensuring aquariums at 28 + 2C with 12-h photoperiod.
genetic uniformity by amateur workers, which results in For surface-sterilization, plants were first scrubbed gently
production of undesired phenotypes and subsequently under running tap water for 0.5 h to remove coating layer
influence the quality and regeneration potential of the plants; of microorganisms ubiquitously found on them. Upper
as they select the plants randomly without taking necessary portions of the shoot twigs containing apical meristem
care. This results in negative economic implications for mass through fourth axillary bud were isolated and submerged
production of this important aquarium plant. In spite of a for 20 min in 30% commercial bleach (Axion) with 1-2 drops
considerable progress in developing in vitro micropropagation
*Author for Correspondence.
protocols in a variety of land plants (Khawar and zcan, Mailing address: Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture,
2002; zcan et al., 1996; zcan et al., 1993), aquatic plants University of Ankara, 06110 Dkap, Ankara, Turkey. Tel: +90-312-
in general have lagged behind to a considerable extent. In 3179815; Fax: +90-312-3179815; E-mail:
22 AsPac J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol., Vol. 12 (1&2), 2004 In Vitro Micropropagation of Ludwigia repens

Table 1. Shoot regeneration from different explants of Ludwigia repens after 8 weeks in culture on MS media supplemented with various
concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and thidiazuron (TDZ).

Growth reg. (mg dm-3) Frequency (%) of shoot regeneration Number of shoots per explant2
Apic. mer. 1st bud 2nd bud 3rd-4th bud Apic. mer. 1st bud 2nd bud 3rd-4th bud
0 0 0 87.50a1 100.00a 16.75bc 4.75b 2.25c 1.94e 4.19d 1.19c
0.1 0.1 0 52.50bc 100.00a 21.50bc 8.75ab 2.94c 4.31cd 5.36cd 2.19bc
0.2 0.1 0 37.50c 56.25d 17.50bc 19.00a 1.81c 3.06de 4.38d 4.75a
0.3 0.1 0 68.75b 81.25bc 14.00c 18.25ab 3.69c 4.75cd 3.50d 4.56a
0 0.1 0.05 100.00a 87.50abc 30.25ab 20.50a 12.31a 10.00a 7.56a 5.12a
0 0.1 0.1 100.00a 68.75cd 38.50a 1.75b 10.69a 9.63a 5.94bc 0.44c
0 0.1 0.15 100.00a 93.75ab 27.00abc 14.50b 7.31b 6.81b 6.75bc 3.63ab
Each value is the mean of 4 replicates each with 4 explants.
Values with in a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 0.01 level using Duncans Multiple Range Test.
From explants which regenerated shoots

Table 2. In vitro rooting of regenerated shoots in Ludwigia repens after 4 weeks in half-strength MS medium
Reg. medium Root no./ shoot Root length (cm) /shoot
Growth reg. (mg dm-3) Apic. mer. 1 bud st nd
2 bud rd th
3 -4 bud Apic. mer. 1st bud 2nd bud 3rd-4th bud
0 0 0 8.89aA1 6.56aAB 4.22aB 8.56aAB 5.11aA 4.28aA 3.83aA 4.89aA
0.3 0 0.1 7.67aA 2.11bB 4.67aAB 4.11bAB 4.39aAB 2.56aB 4.89aA 3.44abAB
0 0.05 0.1 6.00aA 7.00aA 4.44aA 2.67bB 3.78aA 3.83aA 4.28aA 2.67bB
Each value is the mean of 4 replicates each with 4 explants.
Values with in a column followed by different lowercase letters and values within a row followed by different uppercase letters are significantly
different at 0.05 level
using Duncans Multiple Range Test.

of Tween 20 and continuous stirring. Stirring dispersed the cool white fluorescent light (35 mol photons m-2 s-1) with
air bubbles adhering to explants and facilitated even 16 h photoperiod.
distribution of the disinfectant. After discarding bleach, the Each treatment had 4 replicates containing 4 explants
explants were washed 3 times with sterile water. Apical for both micropropagation and rooting experiments and was
meristems, first, second and third-fourth axillary buds from repeated twice. Significance was determined by analysis of
shoot tips were excised and cultured on to shoot regeneration variance (ANOVA) and the differences between the means
media in Magenta GA7 vessels for 4 weeks. Explants were were compared by Duncans multiple range test using
then cultured to subculture medium for 4 weeks. The number MSTAT-C computer program (Michigan State University).
of explants producing shoots and the number of shoots Data given in percentages were subjected to arcsine (X)
per explant were scored after 8 weeks of culture. Well transformation (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967) before
developed shoots were isolated and rooted in rooting statistical analysis.
medium. Rooted plantlets were transferred to fine sand in
aquariums (100 x 30 x 40 cm) with 4 cm spacing at 28 + 2C
water (pH 6.0) temperature with 12 h photoperiod for 3
The shoot regeneration media consisted of MS mineral
salts and vitamins (Murashige and Skoog, 1962), 3% sucrose, Shoot regeneration. Any micropropagation system must
0.7% agar (Sigma agar type A), 0.1-0.3 mg dm -3 6- produce large number of genotypically uniform plants
benzylaminopurine (BAP), 0.1 mg dm-3 -naphthaleneacetic similar to the original plant from which they were propagated.
acid (NAA) or 0.05-0.15 mg dm-3 thidiazuron (TDZ) and This aim could be easily achieved using meristematic regions.
0.1 mg dm-3 NAA (Table 1). Subculture and rooting medium After surface sterilization, apical meristem, first, second and
consisted of half-strength MS medium, 3% sucrose and 0.7% third-fourth axillary buds from shoot tips of the L. repens
agar. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.6 with 1N were subjected to different concentrations of BAP, NAA
NaOH or 1N HCl before autoclaving at 1.4 kg/cm2 and 121 or TDZ, NAA. Shoot initials were clearly visible on all
C for 20 min. All cultures were incubated at 24 + 1C under explants within 6-8 d, which subsequently developed into
AsPac J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol., Vol. 12 (1&2), 2004 In Vitro Micropropagation of Ludwigia repens 23

Figure 1. In vitro micropropagation of Ludwigia repens (a) Four weeks old regenerated shoots on MS medium containing 0.05 mg dm-3
Thidiazuron and 0.1 mg dm-3 -naphthaleneacetic acid (b) rooting on strength MS medium (c) successful establishment of rooted
plants in aquariums. Bar= 1 cm.

normal shoots after 7-8 weeks of culture initiation. This The pattern of shoot development was dissimilar
shoot regeneration was accompanied with a minute callus between the media containing BAP and NAA or TDZ and
formation at the cut ends of explants touching the media NAA. TDZ resulted in production of meristematic areas
containing TDZ and NAA. adjacent to the cut end of meristematic regions and produced
Analysis of variance test revealed that explants and numerous shoots. Extremely low TDZ concentrations were
growth regulators interacted significantly with respect to the more effective for shoot proliferation and even a slight
percentage of explants producing shoots and mean number increase resulted in reduction of shoot proliferation. In
of shoots per explant (p<0.01). All apical meristems general, TDZ and NAA combinations were more effective
produced shoots on media containing any concentration of in all explants compared to BAP and NAA for shoot
TDZ with 0.1 mg dm-3 NAA; whereas, shoot regeneration initiation. The results also revealed that apical meristems
was not consistent on media supplemented with BAP and were the best and the third-fourth axillary buds are the
NAA (Table 1). Moreover, shoot regeneration frequency was poorest explants in terms of shoot regeneration. In case of
higher in apical meristems and first node on all media all explants, the highest number of shoots per explant was
compared to second and third-fourth bud. This is reduced achieved from apical meristems on MS medium containing
in descending order from apical meristem to the third-fourth 0.05 mg dm-3 TDZ and 0.1 mg dm-3 NAA.
axillary buds (Table 1).
24 AsPac J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol., Vol. 12 (1&2), 2004 In Vitro Micropropagation of Ludwigia repens

It was found that shoots were longer and fewer with green number of roots, compared to the control. The phenomenon
and wider leaves on growth regulator-free MS media than was not consistent for root length. In general, root length
media containing any concentration of BAP or TDZ. was shorter on shoots regenerated on media containing TDZ
Especially, presence of TDZ in the media resulted in compared to those regenerated on media containing BAP
formation of clustered short shoots with very small leaves. in all explants except first bud where the reverse was true
Very similar observation was also described in Cercis canadensis (Table 2). This result may be attributed to carry over effect
var alba (Yusnita et al., 1990) and Hibiscus rosa- sinensis (Preece from cytokinins in the regeneration medium. Rooted
et al., 1987). Similarly Pijut et al. (1991) found that number plantlets were transferred to aquariums and later established
of shoots in Pinus strobus L increased but their elongation with 100% success (Figure. 1c). After 4-5 weeks, shade of
ceased with higher levels of TDZ. The reason for high redness reduced or diminished completely with uniform
activity of low concentration of TDZ has not been green leaves and roots.
investigated in amphibian plants. We assume that TDZ is In conclusion, to our knowledge the present study is the
persistent in the plant tissue and presumably metabolize in first report for in vitro shoot regeneration of Ludwigia repens.
a manner similar to that reported for Phaseolus (Mok and The procedure described here provides a rapid and prolific
Mok, 1985). They found that even when bean callus was micropropagation system that may also be applicable to other
cultured on medium with [14C]-thidiazuron for 33 d, most species belonging to Ludwigia genus with small modifications.
of the label remained in TDZ molecule. A portion of TDZ
was glycolsylated by the bean tissue, possibly to inactivate
the compound for storage.
Since TDZ and BAP stimulate shoot proliferation ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
tremendously, they have been used for micropropagation
of many plant species. We observed pronounced inhibition The authors are thankful to the University of Ankara and State
or suppression in elongation and growth of regenerated Planning Commission of Turkey (DPT) for financial support
(Project No. 2001 K 120240).
shoots after 2-3 weeks on all explants on media containing
any concentration of TDZ or BAP. This suppressive activity
was more severe on media containing TDZ and NAA with
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