Oracle Database 10 Automatic Storage Management Technical Best Practices

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Oracle Database 10g

Automatic Storage Management

Technical Best Practices

Nitin Vengurlekar
Oracle Corporation
September 2004

Table of Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3
ASM Instances ................................................................................................................ 5
ASM SGA and parameter sizing..................................................................................... 8
ASMLIB ......................................................................................................................... 9
Disks ............................................................................................................................. 10
DiskGroups ................................................................................................................... 12
ASM redundancy and Failure Groups .......................................................................... 16
Cluster Synchronization Services - CSS....................................................................... 17
Database Instances ........................................................................................................ 18
Storage Management and Allocation............................................................................ 23
Rebalance and Redistribution ....................................................................................... 24
Files and Aliases ........................................................................................................... 26
Templates...................................................................................................................... 29
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix A – Partitions, Views and Discover Strings................................................. 31
Appendix B- Migrating to ASM ................................................................................... 32
Appendix C. Datapump filesets and ASM.................................................................... 36
Appendix D. Creating extra controlfiles in ASM ......................................................... 37
Appendix E. ASM SQL scripts.................................................................................... 38


In Oracle10g, storage management and provisioning for the database has becomes much
more simplified with a new feature called Automatic Storage Management (ASM). ASM
provides filesystem and volume manager capabilities built into the Oracle database
kernel. With this capability, ASM simplifies storage management tasks, such as
creating/laying out databases and diskspace management. Since ASM allows disk
management to be done using familiar create/alter/drop SQL statements, DBAs do not
need to learn a new skillset or make crucial decisions on provisioning. Additionally,
ASM operations can be completely managed with 10g Enterprise Manager.

ASM is a management tool specifically built to simplify the job of the DBA. It provides a
simple storage management interface across all server and storage platforms. ASM
provides the DBA flexibility to manage a dynamic database environment with increased
efficiency. This feature is a key aspect of Grid Computing.

The following are some key benefits of ASM:

o I/O is spread evenly across all available disk drives to prevent hot spots and
maximize performance.
o Inherent large file support.
o Performs automatic online redistribution after the incremental addition or removal
of storage capacity.
o Maintain redundant copies of data to provide fault tolerance, or it can be built on
top of vendor supplied reliable storage mechanisms.
o Provides database storage management for single SMP machines, or across
multiple nodes of a cluster for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) support.
o Can leverage redundancy from intelligent storage arrays.
o Capable of leveraging third party multi-IO path technology.
o For simplicity and easier migration to ASM, 10g will allow the co-existence of
ASM and non-ASM files. Any new files can be created as ASM files whilst
existing files can also be migrated to ASM.
o New RMAN commands enable non-ASM managed files to be relocated to an
ASM disk group.
o 10g Enterprise Manager can be used to manage ASM disk and file management

This document will discuss the essentials of ASM and will cover the steps to add disks,
create a diskgroup, and eventually create a database within ASM, discussing some best
practices along the way. Additionally, some comparisons with Veritas Volume Manager
(VxVM) are made merely for illustration.

The following basics components of ASM will be discussed:

o Instances – ASM instance and database instance
o Diskgroups
o Failure Groups
o ASM Disks
o Rebalancing Capabilities
o ASM Files, Templates and Aliases

Although Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) is not explicitly listed here, since it is
used for instance-to-instance synchronization and is therefore required to run ASM. As
such, it is discussed in this document for completeness.

ASM Instances

In 10g there are two types of instances: database and ASM instances. The database
instance will be discussed in a later section. The ASM instance, which is generally named
+ASM, is started with the INSTANCE_TYPE=ASM init.ora parameter. This parameter,
when set, signals the Oracle initialization routine to start an ASM instance and not a
standard database instance. Unlike the standard database instance, the ASM instance
contains no physical files; such as logfiles, controlfiles or datafiles, and only requires a
few init.ora parameters for startup1.

Upon startup, an ASM instance will spawn all the basic background processes, plus some
new ones that are specific to the operation of ASM. STARTUP clauses for ASM
instances are similar to those for database instances. For example, RESTRICT prevents
database instances from connecting to this ASM instance. NOMOUNT starts up an ASM
instance without mounting any disk group. MOUNT option simply mounts all defined

The illustration in Figure 1 shows an initialized ASM instance. Observe that all ASM
processes begin with asm, as opposed to the database instance, whose processes begin
with ora.

ASM is the file and storage manager for all databases that employ ASM, on a given node,
similar to a Veritas volume manager. Therefore, only one ASM instance is required per
node regardless of the number of database instances on the node. Additionally, ASM
seamlessly works with the RAC architecture to support clustered storage environments.
In RAC environments, there will be one ASM instance per clustered node, and the ASM
instances communicate with each other on a peer-to-peer basis.

The ASM instance only requires approximately 100Mb memory footprint.
The OPEN startup option performs the same function as MOUNT option; i.e., mount all asm_diskgroups.

Figure 1.
Instance type
SQL> select instance_name from v$instance


ASM init.ora parameters


ASM background processes

oracle 2423 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM1
oracle 2425 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_diag_+ASM1
oracle 2427 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:01 asm_lmon_+ASM1
oracle 2430 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:36 asm_lmd0_+ASM1
oracle 2432 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:01 asm_lms0_+ASM1
oracle 2434 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_mman_+ASM1
oracle 2436 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_dbw0_+ASM1
oracle 2438 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_lgwr_+ASM1
oracle 2440 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_ckpt_+ASM1
oracle 2442 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 asm_smon_+ASM1
oracle 2444 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:16:03 asm_rbal_+ASM1
oracle 2447 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:17 asm_lck0_+ASM1
oracle 2457 1 0 Apr30 ? 00:00:00 oracle+ASM1

Similarly, Veritas VxVM requires the following processes to maintain the disk
configuration and metadata.
oracle@dal-ors4[/dev/rdsk]ps -ec |grep vx
19 TS 59 0:10 vxconfig
860 TS 20 0:00 vxrelocd
894 TS 53 0:00 vxnotify
892 TS 0 0:00 vxrelocd

For higher availability and manageability, it is recommended that the ASM instance be
installed in a separate ORACLE_HOME (ASM_HOME) than the database
ORACLE_HOME3. In cases where a single ASM instance is managing only one
database instance, it may be sufficient to maintain a single ORACLE_HOME for ASM
and the database. However, if an ASM instance is managing the storage for several
database instances, then, depending on the availability requirements of the databases, it
may be prudent to separate the ASM and database ORACLE_HOMEs.

In non-RAC installs, where ASM will be separated from the database, ASM can share the
ORACLE_HOME with CSS. In RAC environments, ASM can be installed in a separate
ORACLE_HOME environment from Oracle Clusterware (CRS) and database
ORACLE_HOMEs4. This separation of ORACLE_HOMEs, allows independent
upgrades of the database and ASM. Additionally, de-installation of database software can
be performed without impacting the ASM instance.

In cases where ASM is installed in it’s own ASM_HOME, it is recommended that the
ASM_HOME be at a higher or same version than the database ORACLE_HOME.
However, ASM can support version differences between database and ASM; i.e., if ASM
determines that the database is at a lower version, it will communicate its version to the
database, and agree on the compatibility.

If a separate ASM_HOME is created with a different user id than the database

ORACLE_HOME, then the ASM_HOME owner needs to be in the dba group. Also, the
read/write permissions for the ASM disks need to be appropriately set to be the same as
ASM_HOME group id.

Currently in 10gR1, tools like the installer and DBCA do not support a separate install of ASM. However,
this can be done manually.
Currently, in 10.1 release, it is not supported to have a mix of RAC and non-RAC instances being
supported by the same ASM instance. I.e., Non RAC database instance will not be able to use RAC ASM

ASM SGA and parameter sizing

Enabling the ASM instance is as simple as configuring a handful of init.ora parameters.

The init.ora parameters specified in Figure 1 are the essential parameters required to start
up ASM.

o db_cache_size - This value determines the size of the cache. This buffer
cache area is used to cache metadata blocks.
The default value suit most all implementations.
o shared_pool - Used for standard memory usage (control structures, etc.)
to manage the instance. Also used to store extent maps
The default value suit most all implementations.
o large_pool - Used for large allocations. The default values suit most all

The processes init.ora parameter for ASM may need to be modified. The
recommendations pertain to versions and later of Oracle, and will work for RAC
and non-RAC systems. The following formula can used to determine an optimal value
for this parameter:

25 + 15n, where n is the number of databases using ASM for their storage.

Access to the ASM instance is comparable to a standard instance; i.e., SYSDBA and
SYSOPER. Note however, since there is no data dictionary, authentication is done from
an Operating System level and/or an Oracle password file. Typically, the SYSDBA
privilege is granted through the use of an operating system group. On Unix, this is
typically the dba group. By default, members of the dba group have SYSDBA privileges
on all instances on the node, including the ASM instance5. Users who connect to the
ASM instance with the SYSDBA privilege have complete administrative access to all
disk groups in the system. The SYSOPER privilege is supported in ASM instances and
limits the set of allowable SQL commands to the minimum required for basic operation
of an already-configured system. The following commands are available to SYSOPER

•Access to all V$ASM_* views

All other commands, such as CREATE DISKGROUP, ADD/DROP/RESIZE DISK, and

so on, require the SYSDBA privilege and are not allowed with the SYSOPER privilege.

On NT systems, the sqlnet.ora must specifiy NTS.


ASMLIB is a storage management interface that can be used as an extension to ASM.

While ASM uses the same storage access methods as the database (Open, read and write
to a given device), ASMLIB can use some special access methods which can provide
more efficient I/O and that can lead to performance optimization. ASMLIB provides our
storage partners with the ability to leverage some unique capabilities which can pass
more information from the storage layer to the database and/or from the database to the
storage layer.

This interface was created to simplify the operating system to database interface, and to
exploit the capabilities and strengths of vendors’ storage array. Oracle has developed a
storage management interface called the ASMLIB API. ASMLIB is not required to run
ASM, it is simply an add-on module that simplifies the management and discovery of
ASM disks. The ASMLIB provides an alternative interface for the ASM enabled kernel
to identify and access block devices. This API serves as an alternative to the standard
operating system interface. The ASMLIB API provides storage and operating system
vendors the opportunity to supply extended storage-related features.

The ASMLIB API, developed by Oracle, provides two major feature enhancements over
standard interfaces:
• Disk discovery – Providing more information about the storage attributes to the
Database and the DBA
• I/O processing – To enable more efficient I/O

Oracle is providing an ASMLIB, called Oracle ASMLIB (current version 1.0.0), for the
Linux platform. This implementation of ASMLIB make it easier to provision storage for
a clustered pool of storage. Providing a kernel level driver access to disk means that
permissions and device mapping are more stable as the reboot of a server might lead to
changes which ASMLIB provisioned storage can navigate while other methods might
require changes to the persistent binding of raw devices to ASM disks.

It also makes the discovery process more simple to manage and removes the challenge of
having disks added to one node be known to other nodes in the cluster. This ASMLIB
for Linux is available and can be down loaded from OTN.


The first task in building the ASM infrastructure is to discover and associate (adding)
disks under ASM management. This step is best done with some coordination of the
Storage and Systems administrators. The Storage administrator will identify a set of
disks from the storage array that will be presented to the host. The term disk may be used
in loose terms. A disk can be partition of a physical spindle or refer to the entire spindle
itself, this depends on how the storage array presents the logical unit number (LUN) to
the Operating System (OS). In this document we will refer generically to LUNs or disks
presented to the OS as simply, disks.

On Solaris systems, disks will generally have the following SCSI name format:
CwTxDySz. Where the C is controller number, T is the target, D is the LUN/disk number,
and S is the partition. Note, each OS will have its unique representation of disk naming.

On Solaris systems, for best practices, it is best to choose the s4 or s6 partition of disk, or
a partition that skips the first 1Mb of the disk. This is done to skip the OS label/VTOC.
See the Appendix A for a sample Sun Solaris partition table. Different Operating
Systems will have varying requirements for the OS label; i.e., some may require an OS
label before its used while others will not.

In SAN environments, it assumed that the disks are identified and configured; i.e., they
are appropriately zoned and LUN masked within the SAN fabric and can be seen by the
OS. Once the disks are identified, they will need to be discovered by ASM. This
requires that the disk devices (Unix filenames) have their ownership changed from root to
oracle. These candidate disks must already have a valid label on it (if necessary), and
should not be currently managed (encapsulated) by any other logical volume manager
(LVM) such as Veritas.

Throughout this document a running example consisting of diskgroup DG_R14 will be

used to procedurally outline the steps for creating a diskgroup and other ASM objects.

In our example, disks c3t19d5s4, c3t19d16s4, c3t19d17s4, c3t19d18s4 were identified,

and their ownership set to the correct oracle ownership id.
Now, these disks can be defined in the init.ora parameter, asm_diskstring. In our
example we will use the following wildcard setting:

When ASM scans for disks, it will use that string, and find any devices that it has
permissions to open. Upon successful discovery, the V$ASM_DISK view will now
reflect which disks were discovered. Notice, that the name is empty and the
group_number is set to 0. Disks that are discovered, but not yet associated with a
diskgroup have a null name, and a group number of 0. See Figure 2.

Figure 2.
SQL> select name, path, group_number from v$asm_disk


------------------------------ --------------- ------------
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 0
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 0
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 0
/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 0

ASM, like Veritas, will generate and assign a disk name with a sequence number to each
disk identified6. The ASM disk name is different from the SCSI address. This allows for
consistent naming across RAC nodes as well as protects from SCSI address name
changes due to array re-configurations. The Disk Name is used when performing any
disk management activities. See Figure 3a,3b below for Veritas comparison .

Figure 3a
Similarly, the Veritas vxdisk command provides the following
information about disks:

# vxdisk list | more

c1t4d0s2 sliced disk04 rootdg online
c1t5d0s2 sliced disk03 rootdg online
c3t19d6s2 sliced odm_vg04 odm_vg online
c3t19d7s2 sliced 11i_ora01 11i_oracle_home_vg online
c3t19d8s2 sliced arch_re01 arch_redo online
c3t19d11s2 sliced 11i_ora02 11i_oracle_home_vg online
c3t19d12s2 sliced 11i_db_01 11i_db_vg online

Figure 3b
The vxdiskadd command line (and menu) utility can be used to configure disks. The
vxdiskadd command will prompt the user for a disk group name and disk name for the
disks. If no disk group name specified, the disks will be left as unassigned. For example,
the following will place all disks with the stated string under VxVM control.
vxdiskadd c3t19d*s4

Disks have various header statuses that reflect its membership state with a diskgroup.
Disks can have the following header statuses:
o Former - This state declares that the disk was formerly part of a diskgroup
o Candidate - When a disk is in this state, it indicates that it is available to be
added to a diskgroup.
o Member - This state indicates that a disk is already part of a diskgroup.
o Provisioned - This state is similar to candidate, in that its available to diskgroups;
however, the provisioned state indicates that this disk has been
configured or made available using ASMLIB.

A generic disk name is generated only if the disk name is not provided in the ‘create diskgroup’


Once the disks are discovered and readied, a disk group can be created that will
encapsulate one or more of these drives. A disk group, which is the highest-level data
structure in ASM, is comparable to a LVM’s volume group or a storage group. However,
there are several other differentiators between typical LVM volume groups and ASM

o The ASM filesystem layer (which transparently sits atop the diskgroup) is not
visible to users; i.e., The ASM logical volume / filesystem is a raw interface seen
only by ASM and the interfacing database instance (more on that later).

o There are inherent automatic file-level striping and mirroring capabilities. A

database file created within an ASM diskgroup will have its file extents (not to be
confused with its database extents) distributed equally across all online disks in
the diskgroup, providing an even IO load.

The creation of a diskgroup involves the validation of the disks to be added. These disks
cannot already be in use by another diskgroup, must not have a pre-existing ASM header,
and cannot have an Oracle file header. This prevents ASM from destroying an existing
data device. Disks with a valid header status, which include candidate, former, or
provisioned, are only ones allowed to be diskgroups members7.

The disk group is created using SQL commands. See Figures 4a, 4b and 5 below.
Figure 4a.
SQL> create diskgroup DGR14_A external redundancy disk
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4' , '/dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4', '/dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4' ,
'/dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4' ;

The output below, from v$asm_diskgroup, shows the newly created diskgroup8.

Figure 4b.
SQL> select name, state, type, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_diskgroup;


------------------------------ ----------- ------ ---------- ----------
DGR14_A MOUNTED EXTERN 34512 33479

In the example above, a DGR14_A diskgroup is created using four disks, which reside in
a storage array, and the redundancy is handled externally via the mirrored sets. After the
diskgroup is created, the metadata information, which includes creation date, diskgroup
name, and redundancy type, is stored in the SGA and on each disk (in disk header) within

Disks with a status of member, require the use force option when adding to a diskgroup. Use the force
option with extreme caution.
The large difference between total_mb and free_mb; i.e., space used, in this example, is due to the seed
database built in the DGR14_A diskgroup.

the DGR14_A diskgroup. When a diskgroup becomes mounted, ASM registers, the
diskgroup name, the instance name, and the corresponding Oracle Home path name with
Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS). This registered data is then used by the
database instance to build the TNS connect string. This string is subsequently used by
the database instance to connect into the ASM instance for volume management
activities. This is discussed in the Database Instance Section.

The successful creation of the diskgroup will create a valid ASM disk header on each
disk, and the V$ASM_DISK view will indicate this with the online and normal
indicators, for mode status and state, respectively. Once these disks are under ASM
management, all subsequent mounts of the diskgroup will cause ASM to re-read and
validate the ASM disk headers.

Figure 5.
SQL> select name, path, mode_status, state, disk_number from v$asm_disk


------------ ---------------------- ------- -------- -----------
DGR14_A_0000 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4 ONLINE NORMAL 0
DGR14_A_0001 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d16s4 ONLINE NORMAL 1
DGR14_A_0002 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d17s4 ONLINE NORMAL 2
DGR14_A_0003 /dev/rdsk/c3t19d18s4 ONLINE NORMAL 3

When mounting diskgroups, either at ASM startup or for subsequent mounts, it is

advisable to mount all required diskgroups at once. This is done to minimize the
overhead of multiple ASM discovery scans.

A diskgroup can contain files from many different 10g Oracle databases, and these
databases can be either from the same server or can reside on different servers. However,
a disk and a database file can only be part of one diskgroup. Alternatively, one Oracle
database may also store its files in multiple disk groups managed by the same ASM
instance. Allowing multiple databases to share a diskgroup provides greater potential for
improved disk utilization and greater overall throughput.

For manageability best practices, it is recommended to have three separate independent

storage areas for software, active database files, and recovery-related files.

o Software area: This is where software is installed and log and trace files are
created. This must be in a filesystem created outside of a ASM diskgroup.
o Database area: This is where active database files such as datafiles, control files,
online redo logs, and change tracking files used in incremental backups are stored
o Flash recovery area: Where recovery-related files are created, such as multiplexed
copies of the current control file and online redo logs, archived redo logs, backup
sets, and flashback log files

To provide high availability for the database, when a Flash Recovery Area is chosen at
database creation time, an active copy of the controlfile and one member of the redo log

group is stored in the Flash Recovery Area. Note, additional copies of the controlfile or
extra logfiles can be created and placed in either diskgroup as desired.

To reduce the complexity of managing ASM and its diskgroups, Oracle recommends that
generally no more than two diskgroups be maintained and managed per RAC cluster or
single ASM instance.

Please refer to the following documentation for a detailed discussion on the usage and
best practices of the Flash Recovery Area:

Diskgroup metadata

Although ASM does not maintain any database data, it does maintain metadata that is
very important to the operation of the diskgroup. This metadata is kept on the ASM disks
and cached in the ASM instance SGA. The metadata is kept within the diskgroup itself
so that the diskgroup is self-describing.

The two important metadata structures are the Continuing Operation Directory (COD)
and the Active Change Directory (ACD). The COD and ACD both house a log like
structure of active structural changes to the diskgroup and updates to metadata changes;
respectively. The COD structure maintains the state of active ASM operations or
changes, such as disk or datafile drop/add. For example, if a new disk is added to a
diskgroup, a COD record is created to reflect this configuration change. The COD log
record is either committed or rolled back based on the success of the operation. A
successful operation adds the disk to the diskgroup. A failed operation rolls back the
operation and returns an error message, preventing a dangling disk association.

The ACD is analogous to a redo log, where changes to the metadata are logged. The
ACD log record is used to determine point of recovery in the case of ASM operation
failures or instance failures. For example, if ASM fails during a rebalance operation,
then upon restart of ASM, the metadata will reflect an influx operation, and then use
ACD and COD to resume the unfinished operation.

Note, since there are no physical ASM files, there is no need to backup the ASM
instance. The ASM metadata is persistently kept in the disk group and triple mirrored,
thus, inherently providing high availability.

ASM redundancy and Failure Groups

For systems that do not use external redundancy, ASM provides its own internal
redundancy mechanism and additional high availability by way Failure Groups. A Failure
group, which is a subset of a diskgroup, by definition is a collection of disks that can
become unavailable due to a failure of one of its associated components; e.g., controllers
or entire arrays. Thus, disks in two separate failure groups (for a given diskgroup) must
be separated/isolated by a common failure component.

ASM uses a unique mirroring algorithm. ASM does not mirror disks; rather, it mirrors
extents. As a result, only spare capacity in your disk group is needed rather than having to
provision a hot spare disk. When ASM allocates a primary extent of a file to one disk in a
disk group, it allocates a mirror copy of that extent to another disk in the disk group.
Primary extents on a given disk can have their respective mirror extents on one of several
partner disks in the disk group. Each disk in a disk group has the same ratio of primary
and mirror extents. ASM ensures that a primary extent and its mirror copy never reside in
the same failure group. If you define failure groups for your disk group, ASM can
tolerate the simultaneous failure of multiple disks in a single failure group

Redundancy for disk groups can be either Normal redundancy (the default); where files
are two-way mirrored (requiring at least two failure groups), or High redundancy, which
provides a higher degree of protection using three-way mirroring (requiring at least three
failure groups).

Figure 6 shows is an example of creating a disk group using failure groups. Failure
groups are defined at diskgroup creation. Once a disk group has been created its
redundancy level cannot be changed. To change the redundancy for data files in a
diskgroup, another diskgroup must be created with the appropriate redundancy desired,
then move (using RMAN restore or DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER) the datafiles to this
newly created diskgroup.

Figure 6.

SQL> create diskgroup DBR15_B normal redundancy

Failure group flgrp1 disk ‘/dev/rdsk/c3t19d3s4’, ‘/dev/rdsk/c3t19d4s4’,

‘/dev/rdsk/c3t19d5s4’, ‘/dev/rdsk/c3t19ds4’

Failure group flgrp2 disk ‘/dev/rdsk/c4t19d3s4’, ‘/dev/rdsk/c4t19d4s4’,

‘/dev/rdsk/c4t19d5s4’, ‘/dev/rdsk/c4t19ds4’ ;

Using the example in Figure 6, in the event of a disk failure in failure group flgrp1, which
will induce a rebalance, the contents (data extents) of the failed disk are reconstructed
using the redundant copies of the extents from the partnered disk that resides in failure
group flgrp2. During the rebalance, if the database instance needs to access an extent
whose primary extent was on the failed disk, then the database will read the mirror copy
from the appropriate disk in failure group flgrp2. Once the rebalance is complete, and the

disk contents fully reconstructed, the database instance will return to reading primary
copies only.

Since disk drives are mechanical devices, they have a tendency to fail. As drives begin to
fail or have sporadic I/O errors, the probability for database corruptions becomes more
likely. ASM takes proactive measures with regards to I/O errors. This is done
irrespective of using Failure Groups. A permanent I/O error is only signaled to the caller
(Oracle IO process) after several retries in the device driver. If a permanent disk IO error
is incurred during an Oracle write operation, then the affected disk is removed from the
diskgroup by ASM, thus preventing more application failures9. If the loss of a disk
results in data loss, ASM will automatically dismount the diskgroup to protect the
integrity of the diskgroup data.

Cluster Synchronization Services - CSS

ASM was designed to work with single instance as well as with RAC clusters. ASM,
even in single-instance, requires that Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) is installed
and available. In a single instance CSS maintains synchronization between the ASM and
database instances. CSS, which is a component of Oracle's Cluster Ready Services
(CRS), is automatically installed on every node that runs Oracle Database 10g. However,
in RAC environments, the full Oracle Cluster-ware (CRS) is installed on every RAC

Since CSS provides cluster management and node monitor management, it inherently
monitors ASM and its shared storage components (disks and diskgroups). Upon startup,
ASM will register itself and all diskgroups it has mounted, with CSS. This allows CSS
across all RAC nodes to keep diskgroup metadata in-sync. Any new diskgroups that are
created are also dynamically registered and broadcasted to other nodes in the cluster.

As with the database, internode communication is used to synchronize activities in ASM

instances. CSS is used to heartbeat the health of the ASM instances. ASM internode
messages are initiated by structural changes that require synchronization; e.g. adding a
disk. Thus, ASM uses the same integrated lock management infrastructure that is used
by the database for efficient synchronization.

Database instances contact the CSS to lookup the TNS connect string (using the
diskgroup name as an index). This connect string is then used to create a persistent
connection into the ASM instance.

Disks are removed from the diskgroup only on write operation I/O error and not for read operations. For
read errors, the block is read from the secondary extents (only for normal or high redundancy) or from
external redundancy

Database Instances

A Database instance is the standard Oracle instance, and is the client of the ASM
instance. The database to ASM communication is always intra-node; i.e., the database
will not contact the remote (in case of RAC) ASM instance for servicing database

After the ASM disk group is created, DBCA can be used to create the database10. DBCA
now has three options for database file structures: filesystem, raw, or ASM. If ASM is
selected, then all available diskgroups for that ASM instance will be listed. Selecting
ASM and a diskgroup, will invoke DBCA to create a database within ASM. If no
diskgroups exist, then DBCA offers the opportunity to create a new diskgroup. Note, an
ASM diskgroup can house all the Oracle physical files; ranging from controlfiles,
datafiles, spfiles and RMAN backup files. However, Oracle executables, CRS files
(OCR and voting disks) and non-database files cannot be housed in ASM diskgroups.
Throughout this document all Oracle physical files will be generically referred to as
database files.

An active database instance, which uses ASM storage, can then operate just like a typical
database instance; i.e., all file access is directly performed without extensive ASM
intervention. Database instances interact with the ASM instance when files are created or
opened. At this time the file layout is read from the ASM instance and all subsequent
I/O’s are done using the layout stored in the database instance. ASM and DB instances
also interact if the storage configuration changes; e.g., when disks are added, dropped, or
fail, as well as when database files are added or dropped.

The ASM layer is transparent to the database clients and users on the server. Therefore all
datafile access can only be done via the database instance and its utilities. For example,
database backups of ASM based files can only be performed with RMAN or a backup
solution that leverages RMAN. Note, utilities like the Unix dd command are not
recommended for backing up or restoring ASM diskgroups.

The database file level access (read/write) of ASM files is similar to pre-10g, except that
any database file name that begins with a “+”, will automatically be handled and
managed within the ASM code path. However, with ASM files, the database file access
has the characteristics of raw devices; i.e., un-buffered (direct IO) with kernelized
asynchronous IO (KAIO).

DBCA can also be used to create the ASM instance and disk groups

Once the database is created and the instance is active, the database instance will become
a client of ASM. This is reflected in the V$ASM_CLIENT view11. V$ASM_CLIENT
contains one row for every instance that uses the ASM disk group12. In Figure 7 below,
GV$ASM_CLIENT displays two RAC instances using a clustered ASM instances

Figure 7.

SQL> select * from gv$asm_client;


---------- ------------ -------- -------- ------------

2 1 +ASM2 soxs CONNECTED

1 1 +ASM1 soxs CONNECTED

New database processes to support ASM

In a database instance there are three new sets of processes added to support the ASM
diskgroups and infrastructure.

o RBAL – This process performs global opens of all the disks in the disk groups
o ASMB – This process contacts CSS using the diskgroup name, and acquires the
associated ASM connect string. This connect string is then used to connect into
ASM instance13. Using this persistent connection, periodic messages are
exchanged to update statistics and provide a heartbeat mechanism. During
operations that require ASM intervention, such as a file creation by a database
foreground, the database foreground connects directly to the ASM instance to
perform the operation. Upon successful completion of file creation, database
file extent maps are sent by ASM to ASMB. Additionally, ASMB also sends
database IO statistics to ASM instance.
o A00x – A group of slave processes establish connections to the ASM instance,
where x is a number from 1 to 10. Through this connection pool, database
processes can send messages to the ASM instance. For example opening a file
sends the open request to the ASM instance via a slave. However slaves are not
used for long running operations such as creating a file. The slave (pool)
connections eliminate the overhead of logging into the ASM instance for short
requests. These slaves are shutdown when not in use.

This view only contains rows on a +ASM instance. For database instances, there are no entries in
V$ASM_CLIENT. Additionally, for RAC environments, there is an entry for each RAC instance.
This connection is always a bequeath connection into ASM instance.

Database Init.ora parameters to support ASM

The SGA parameters for database instance needs slight modification to support ASM
extent maps and other ASM information. Note, if the10g Automatic Memory
Management feature is being used on the database instance, then this sizing data can be
treated as informational only or as supplemental data in gauging best values for the SGA.
Oracle highly recommends using the Automatic Memory Management feature.

The following are guidelines for SGA sizing on the database instance:

Large_pool = Add additional 600k

Shared_pool – Additional memory is required to store extent maps. Aggregate the values
from the following queries to obtain current database storage size that is either already on
ASM or will be stored in ASM. Then determine the redundancy type that is used (or will
be used), and calculate the shared_pool, using the aggregated value as input.

select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$datafile;

select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$logfile a, v$log b

select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) from v$tempfile where

For diskgroups using external redundancy = (Every 100Gb of space

needs 1Mb of extra shared pool) + 2M

For diskgroups using Normal redundancy: (Every 50Gb of space

needs 1Mb of extra shared pool) + 4M.

For diskgroups using High redundancy: (Every 33Gb of space needs

1Mb of extra shared pool) + 6M.

Processes = Add 16

ASM and database shutdown dependencies

Since ASM manages diskgroups which hold the database files and its metadata, a
shutdown of the ASM instance will cause all client database instances to shutdown as
well14. In normal shutdowns, the ASM instance will begin shutdown and wait for all
sessions to disconnect, just as typical database instances. Note, however that ASM has a
persistent database instance connection, thus the database instances must be shutdown
first, in order for ASM to complete shutdown.

In case of ASM SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE or ABORT, ASM will immediately

terminate any open connections (including the database instance connections), and as a
result, all dependent databases will immediately abort; i.e., databases will ungracefully

In a single ASM instance configuration, if the ASM instance fails while disk groups are
open for update, ASM instance recovery will be performed upon the restart of ASM by
reading the disk group logs. In RAC environments, with multiple ASM instances sharing
disk groups, if one ASM instance should fail, another node’s ASM instance automatically
recovers transient ASM metadata changes caused by the failed instance; i.e. performs
instance recovery.

If an ASM instance fails, all Oracle database instances dependent on that ASM instance also fail. This is
similar to a failure of a volume manager in the OS.

ASM and database deployment Best Practices

ASM provides out-of-the-box enablement of redundancy and optimal performance.

However, the following items should be considered to increase performance and/or

1. Implement multiple access paths to the storage array using two or more HBAs or

2. Deploy multi-pathing software over these multiple HBAs to provide IO load-

balancing and failover capabilities. Where possible, use the pseudo devices as the
diskstring for ASM.

3. Use diskgroups with large number of similarly sized disks, and making sure these
disks span several backend disk adapters. A diskgroup containing large number
of disks provides a wide distribution of data extents, thus allowing greater
concurrency for I/O and reduces the occurrences of hotspots. Since a large
diskgroup can easily sustain various I/O characteristics and workloads, a single
(database area) diskgroup can be used to house database files, logfiles, and

4. As stated earlier, Oracle generally recommends no more than two diskgroups. For
example, a common deployment can be eight disks in a database diskgroup
spanning all back-end disk adapters/directors, and 8-10 disks for the Flash
Recovery Area Diskgroup. The size of the Flash area will depend on what is
stored; i.e., full database backups, incremental backups, flashback database logs
and archive logs. Note, an active copy of the controlfile and one member of each
of the redo log group are stored in the Flash Recovery Area.

5. Physically separate the database area and flashback areas, making sure the two
areas do not share the same physical spindles.

See the Oracle High Availability Architecture and Best Practices Manual for more
details on these topics.

Storage Management and Allocation

A database created under the constructs of ASM will be default striped and mirrored; as
specified in the SAME methodology; i.e., the I/O load is evenly distributed and balanced
across all disks within the diskgroup. In our example, the database will be striped across
four disks, and redundancy will be handled by the storage array. The striping is done on
a file-by-file basis, using a 1MB stripe size, as opposed to other LVMs that do striping
and mirroring at a disk-volume level. ASM does 1MB stripe depth, also referred to as
allocation unit (AU), is the smallest contiguous disk space that ASM allocates15.

There are two types of file extent distributions: coarse and fine. ASM always spreads
files in one allocation-unit chunks (containing one file extent) across all of the disks in a
disk group. Fine distribution interleaves 128K across groups of 8 AUs. These AUs are
spread over all disks. Fine distribution breaks up large sized I/O operations, into multiple
128K I/O operations that can execute in parallel.

Each disk in a diskgroup will have an allocation table structure in its disk header. This
table structure contains an AU descriptor, one entry per on disk AU. The AU descriptor
contains a file number and file extent number. A database file is broken up into file
extents. Each file extent is a single allocation unit. Each database file has an associated
file extent map, with each map entry referencing a Disk Number and AU number, which
uniquely points to location of the (on disk) file extent.

The AU size is currently not user configurable.

Rebalance and Redistribution

With traditional volume managers, expansion/growth or shrinkage of striped filesystems

has typically been difficult. With ASM, these disk/volume changes are now seamless
redistribution (rebalancing) of the striped data and can be performed online.

Any change in the storage configuration will trigger a rebalance. The main objective of
the rebalance operation is to always provide an even distribution of file extents and space
usage across all disks in the diskgroup. Rebalancing is performed on all database files
on a per file basis16. A new Oracle background process, RBAL, from the ASM instance
manages this rebalance.

The Rebalance process examines each file extent map, and the new extents are re-plotted
on to the new storage configuration. For example, consider an 8-disk diskgroup, with a
datafile with 40 extents (each disk will house 5 extents). When 2 new drives of same
size are added, that datafile is rebalanced and spread across 10 drives, with each drive
containing 4 extents. Only 8 extents need to move to complete the rebalance; i.e., a
complete redistribution of extents is not necessary, only the minimum number of extents
are moved to reach equal distribution.

The following is a typical process flow for ASM rebalancing:

1. On the ASM instance, DBA adds (or drops) a disk to (from) a diskgroup.
2. This invokes the RBAL process to create the rebalance plan and then begin
coordination of the redistribution
3. RBAL will calculate estimation time and work required to perform the task and
then message the ARBx processes to actually handle the request. The number of
ARBx processes invoked is directly determined by the asm_power_limit.
4. The Continuing Operations Directory (metadata) will be updated to reflect a
rebalance activity.
5. Each extent to be relocated is assigned to an ARBx process.
6. ARBx performs rebalance on these extents. Each extent is locked, relocated, and
unlocked. This is shown as Operation REBAL.

Rebalancing involves physical movement of file extents. This impact is generally low
because the rebalance is done one extent/AU at a time; therefore, there will only be one
outstanding I/O at any given time, per ARBx processes. This should not adversely affect
online database activity. However, it is generally advisable to schedule the rebalance
operation during off-peak hours.

To influence the throughput and speed of the rebalance operation, a new init.ora
parameter, called asm_power_limit, has been introduced17. The range of values for
asm_power_limit are 1 to 11; where a value of 11 is full throttle and a value of 1 is low

A weighting factor, influenced by disk size, affects rebalancing. A larger drive will consume more
extents. This is done for even distribution based on overall size.
The asm_power_limit is specific to each ASM instance.

speed. However, the power value can also be set for a specific rebalance activity using
the alter diskgroup command. This value is only effective for the specific rebalance task.
See Figure 8. The important distinction between the asm_power_limit setting and the
alter diskgroup power value, is that the power value can accept a value of 0 while the
asm_power_limit cannot. A power value of 0 indicates that no rebalance should occur
for this rebalance. This setting is particularly important to set when adding or removing
storage (that has redundancy), and then deferring the rebalance to a later [scheduled]

Figure 8.

“Session1 SQL”> alter diskgroup DGR14_A add disk '/dev/rdsk/c3t19d39s4'

rebalance power 11

From another session

“Session2 SQL”> select * from v$asm_operation


----- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------

1 REBAL WAIT 11 0 0 0 0 0

1 DSCV WAIT 11 0 0 0 0 0

(time passes…………..)


------------ ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

1 REBAL REAP 11 2 25 219 485 0

If removing or adding several disks, for best practices, it is best to add or remove drives
all at once, this will reduce the number rebalance operations that are needed for storage
changes. Additionally, it is recommended to perform rebalance with the asm_power_limit
or power value set to 2 times the number of drives (with a ceiling of 11).

With external redundancy, the dropping and adding of disks in the diskgroup is very
seamless, and becomes more of an exercise of scheduling the rebalancing. However,
with failure groups, some planning and forethought maybe required with respect to how
disks are removed and added. The best practices for this exercise will be covered in a
follow-up article.

Files and Aliases

Files are the objects that database instances access. Files come in the form of datafiles,
controlfiles, spfiles, and redo logfiles, and several other file types18. Appendix C
illustrates how to create DataPump dumpset files within an ASM diskgroup.

Database files stored in ASM, or ASM files, are no different operationally than non-ASM
files. However, ASM files are not visible to the OS through the usual commands like df,
ls, dd, mv etc. File management activities such as moving filesystem database files into
and out of ASM diskgroups or moving database files between ASM diskgroups, should
be performed using RMAN or the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER19 package. For example,
to move an accidentally misplaced datafile from one diskgroup to another, RMAN, can
be used. See Appendix B for the procedures.
Other file activities such as adding or dropping database files should be performed using,
Enterprise Manager (Database Control or Grid Control), the SQLPLUS command line, or
RMAN. As stated earlier, Oracle recommends that database backups be managed by

An ASM file can be either a Bigfile or a traditional file. The file size limitations for
either file type depends on the redundancy mode used by the diskgroup and the Oracle
blocksize. See the Oracle Documentation for details on Bigfile tablespaces or file size

The ASM filename syntax is different than the typical naming standards; yet resembles
the filesystem approach of the 9i OMF feature. ASM file names are derived and
generated at the successful creation of a datafile. ASM file names are in the format of
“+diskgroup_name/database_name/database file type/tag_name.file_number.incarnation”

For example, the system tablespace name in sample case is:


Note that the tag name in the datafile name corresponds to the tablespace name. For redo
logfiles, the tag name is group number; e.g., +DGR14_A/b2r6/onlinelog/group_3.264.3
The file number in the ASM instance can be used to correlate and determine filenames in
database instance.
The illustration below shows the relationship between a database instance’s file identity
and ASM’s. Note, the file number from V$ASM_FILE is embedded in the file name.

There are a total of 12 file types.
Currently, in 10gR1, dbms_file_transfer can only be used to transfer datafiles between filesystems or
between ASM diskgroups; ie, it is not currently possible to transfer files outside (or into) ASM.

Figure 9.
+ASM (ASM instance)
SQL> select file_number , sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) from v$asm_file
2* group by file_number

----------- ----------------------
256 360.007813
257 35.0078125
258 450.007813
261 .002441406
262 150.007813
263 23.0078125
264 10.0004883
265 5.0078125
266 10.0004883
267 10.0004883
268 2.2109375

B2R14 (database instance)

SQL> select name from v$datafile


SQL> select member from v$logfile;


Note; this database contains ASM files and a non-ASM file named ISHAN01.dbf.
The ASM list, from the Figure 9, does not have an entry for the ISHAN datafile since it is
not ASM managed. It is important to note, that a 10g database can have files that reside
on filesystems, raw and ASM, simultaneously.

The filename notation described thus far is called the Fully Qualified FileName (FQFN)
notation. FQFN are generally long and awkward, therefore, to make file-naming
convention easier to remember the ASM Alias name format was introduced.
ASM Aliases are essentially in hierarchical directory format, similar to the filesystem
hierarchy: /u01/oradata/dbname/datafile_name
Alias names specify a disk group name, but instead of a file and incarnation number, a
user-friendly string name is used. Alias ASM filenames are distinguished from fully
qualified or numeric names because they do not end in a dotted pair of numbers.

The following is an example of an ASM Alias:20:
Figure 8

SQL> alter diskgroup DGR14_A add directory '+DGR14_A/oradata/B2R6';

SQL> alter diskgroup DGR14_A add alias '+DGR14_A/oradata/B2R6/ishan01.dbf'


For best practices, every database should implement the Oracle Managed File (OMF)
feature. OMF will allow simpler file naming and also provides better file handling. For
example if a tablespace is dropped, ASM will delete the file automatically only if it is an
OMF datafile. If OMF is not used, then the DBA must drop the file manually by
connecting to the ASM instance. OMF files are located in the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST
directory21. Please review OMF documentation on usage and implementation.
Note, OMF is not used anytime file names are provided in create/alter tablespace add
datafile commands.

Figure 9 below, shows the [OMF related] init.ora parameters for a default database,
named B2R6, created with DBCA.

spfile = +DGR14_A/b2r6/spfileb2r6.ora

control_files = +DGR14_A/b2r6/controlfile/current.268.3

db_create_file_dest = +DGR14_A

db_recovery_file_dest = +FLASH

Aliases are particularly useful when dealing with controlfiles and spfiles; e.g., an Alias
ASM filename is normally used in the CONTROL_FILES and SPFILE initialization
parameter. In the above example, SPFILE is using an OMF file.

To show the hierarchical tree of files stored in the diskgroup, use the following connect
by clause SQL to generate the full path. Note that you need to have a sufficiently large
shared_pool_size in your ASM instance to execute this query. A more efficient way to
browse the hierarchy is to use EM.
SELECT concat('+'||gname, sys_connect_by_path(aname, '/')) full_alias_path FROM
(SELECT gname, a.parent_index pindex, aname,
a.reference_index rindex FROM v$asm_alias a, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE a.group_number = g.group_number)
START WITH (mod(pindex, power(2, 24))) = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex;

An alias can be assigned during file creation, or can be created for an existing file using the ALTER
DISKGROUP <diskgroup> ADD ALIAS <alias name> for < file name> command.
There are other *_DEST variables that can be used for other file types.


ASM file templates are a named collections of attributes applied to files during file
creation. Templates simplify file creation by housing complex file attribute
specifications. When an ASM template is applied to a file, that file will have all the
attributes of that template. When a disk group is created, ASM establishes a set of initial
system default templates associated with that disk group. These templates contain the
default attributes for the various Oracle database file types. The administrator may
change attributes of the default templates. Additionally, administrators can add their own
unique templates, as required. This template specification enables simpler and accurate
file creation attributes. System default templates cannot be deleted. If you need to
change an ASM file attribute after the file has been created, the file must be copied, into a
new file with the new attributes. This is the only method of changing a file’s attributes.

SQL> alter diskgroup DGR14_A add template all_new_files attributes (unprotected


Once the template is created, it can be applied to a new tablespace.

SQL> create tablespace ISHAN datafile ‘+DGR14_A/ishan(all_new_files)’ size



ASM provides a point solution focused on unified interface database storage

management. This complete solution enables Grid Computing, lowers overall
manageability costs as well as helps to maintain serviceability levels. The following is a
review of the high points of ASM:

Reduce administration complexity:

• Simplifies or eliminates daily database administration tasks

• Automatic I/O tuning for all types of workloads
• Reduces the number of objects to manage, because vertical integration of
file system and volume manager into Oracle kernel reduces complexity, as
one disk group replaces multiple file systems. Also, with OMF, you do not
have to worry about managing files, just tablespaces.
• Simplifies database storage configuration changes: Automatic data copy on
disk add and drop. Online migration to new storage hardware.
• Reduced downtime: ASM prevents accidental file deletion because there is
no file system interface, and ASM is responsible for file management.

Reduces costs of storage management and Increases Utilization

• Reduces the cost of managing storage.

• Provides clustered volume manager and file system functionality integrated
with the database.
• Makes block devices as simple to administer as file servers.
• Works with any type of disk from modular storage, NAS devices to SAN
disk arrays.

Improves Performance, Scalability, and Reliability

• Raw disk I/O performance for all files

• Stripe files across multiple storage arrays
• Higher storage resource utilization
• ASM-Lib API improves CPU utilization to reap I/O and provide priority
and caching hints
• Overcomes file system size limitations
• Implements mirroring to protect against storage array failure.

Appendix A – Partitions, Views and Discover Strings

Shown below is a sample Sun Solaris partition table. Note the use of the s4

partition> p
Current partition table (original):
Total disk cylinders available: 18412 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 18411 8.43GB (18412/0/0) 17675520
3 - wu 0 - 2 1.41MB (3/0/0) 2880
4 - wu 4 - 18411 8.43GB (18408/0/0) 17671680
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

The following table illustrates the various used and their relationship with the instance
ASM related V$ Views ASM Instance Database Instance
V$ASM_DISKGROUP row/diskgroup discovered Row/diskgroup available to the
local database instance.
V$ASM_CLIENT row/client connected row for local ASM instance if DB
contains open ASM files
V$ASM_DISK Row/disk discovered, across all Row/disk, across all diskgroups
diskgroups as well as disks that used by the local database
are not in disk groups instance.
V$ASM_FILE Row/file allocated; across all N/A
client instances-diskgroups
V$ASM_TEMPLATE Row/template Row/template w/ associated-
attached diskgroup
V$ASM_ALIAS Row/file alias N/A
V$ASM_OPERATION Row/per active ASM operation N/A
(could be more than 1 operation
per invocation)
The following table shows the various default ASM diskstrings that are used on the
currently supported platforms. Note, The default search string specified below, is the
string used when changed from the initial default parameter value of NULL.

Operating System Default Search String

Solaris (32/64 bit) /dev/rdsk/*
Windows NT/XP \\.\orcldisk*
Linux (32/64 bit) /dev/raw/*
HPUX /dev/rdsk/*
HPUX(Tru 64) /dev/rdisk/*
AIX /dev/rhdisk/*

Appendix B- Migrating to ASM

Migrating existing 10g databases to ASM, is very straightforward and is performed

simply through RMAN. The source database location can be on tape or on disk. ASM
migration can be performed as either a whole-database; i.e., the entire database or
piecemeal migration, where migration is performed on a tablespace or datafile basis. The
procedure for either option is similar. For a detailed document on ASM migration,
please see the following document:

This section outlines the procedures to migrate existing databases into ASM volume
1. Check to see if block change tracking is enabled. If Block Change Tracking is
enabled, then disable change tracking.

2. Shut down the database consistently.


3. Modify the initialization parameter file of the target database as follows


desired ASM disk groups. If the database uses a server parameter file, then
remove the CONTROL_FILES parameter that specifies locations of the control
file. The control file will be moved to the DB_CREATE_* destination and the
server parameter file will be automatically updated. If you are using a client-side
server parameter file, then set the CONTROL_FILES parameter to the ASM alias
for the control file name using the disk group and the physical file name. For
example, if the original CONTROL_FILES setting was
Then the new ASM setting for CONTROL_FILES would be
‘+DG14_A/ o1_mf_zsbzfq9j_.ctl'

*.db_create_online_log_dest_1 = +DG14_A
*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=mig10iXDB)'

4. Invoke RMAN and connect to target database. Startup database in nomount mode.

5. Restore the control file into new locations from location specified in the old
Spfile/pfile. This migrates the current controlfile into the DGR14_A ASM
'/u07/oradata/mig10i/MIG10I/controlfile/o1_mf_zsbzfq9j_.ctl' ';

6. Mount the database.


7. Copy the database into the ASM disk group using the following command. Note,
this retains the original files.


Optionally, you can speed up copy by increasing RMAN parallelism.

RMAN> configure device type disk parallelism 4;

8. Switch all datafiles into new ASM disk group


There will be a switched message for each datafile.

datafile 1 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/mig10i/datafile/system.271.1"
datafile 2 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/mig10i/datafile/undotbs1.259.3"
datafile 3 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/mig10i/datafile/sysaux.272.1"
datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/mig10i/datafile/users.270.1"
datafile 5 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/mig10i/datafile/example.273.1"

After this operation all datafiles will be in ASM. The original datafiles (ones on old
storage) will be catalogued as datafile copies, so you can use them as backup. Or, in
case that you decide to migrate back to old storage, you can switch back.

9. RECOVER the DATABASE (if needed)

10. Open the database. Note that there is no need to do open resetlogs.

11. Manually create a temporary tablespace (tempfile). Since, the control files do not have
a record for the temporary tablespace, RMAN does not migrate/copy over the
tempfile. Thus, recreate the temporary tablespace manually in ASM.
SQL> create TEMPORARY tablespace temp_tempfile_local size 100M

12. Now, you can move your online logs into ASM. Use the following PL/SQL
procedure to perform the redo log migration:
cursor orlc is select lf.member, l.bytes
from v$log l, v$logfile lf
where =
and lf.type = 'ONLINE'
order by l.thread#, l.sequence#;
type numTab_t is table of number index by binary_integer;
type charTab_t is table of varchar2(1024) index by binary_integer;
byteslist numTab_t;
namelist charTab_t;
procedure migrateorlfile(name IN varchar2, bytes IN number) is
retry number;
stmt varchar2(1024);
als varchar2(1024) := 'alter system switch logfile';
select count(*) into retry from v$logfile;
stmt := 'alter database add logfile size ' || bytes;
execute immediate stmt;
stmt := 'alter database drop logfile ''' || name || '''';
for i in 1..retry loop
execute immediate stmt;
when others then
if i > retry then
end if;
execute immediate als;
end loop;
open orlc;
fetch orlc bulk collect into namelist, byteslist;
close orlc;
for i in 1..namelist.count loop
migrateorlfile(namelist(i), byteslist(i));
end loop;

13. Now, optionally, you can delete old database files. RMAN has knowledge of the
old datafiles, but not the control files or online redo logs. Hence, you must delete
the control file and online redo logs manually.
RMAN> run {
# delete datafiles
HOST 'rm <old_online_redo_logs>';
HOST 'rm <old_control_file_copies>'; }

14. After migration is done, enable change tracking - if it was disabled.

Migrating individual non-ASM datafiles to ASM.

This section will describe how to migrate individual tablespaces to ASM, whilst the
database is online. This illustration assumes that there is a tablespace named ISHAN
located on a mounted filesystem. Additionally, this same procedure can also be used to
move a datafile from one diskgroup to another diskgroup.

1. Connect to RMAN
RMAN> connect target

2. Make the target tablespace offline or read-only

RMAN> sql "alter tablespace ISHAN offline";

3. Copy the ISHAN tablespace to the DGR14_A diskgroup

RMAN> backup as copy tablespace ishan format '+DGR14_A';

4. On successful copy of the tablespace, switch all the datafiles in the ISHAN
tablespace to ASM. Determine the file number of the files to be switched (use

RMAN> switch datafile 6 to copy;

When the following message is received, it is deemed that the tablespace is

migrated successfully.
datafile 6 switched to datafile copy "+DGR14_A/b2r6/datafile/ishan.314.1"

Note, the original filesystem copy still exists, and can be deleted.

Appendix C. Datapump filesets and ASM.
This section describes how to create DataPump export dumpsets within ASM diskgroups.

1. Create a directory from ASM. This step is only necessary, if you plan on storing
the dumpset in a specific directory

alter diskgroup flash add directory '+flash/dumpsets';

2. Create a directory in database

create directory dumpsets as '+flash/dumpsets';

3. create a logfile directory, since logfiles cant be stored in ASM

create directory logfile_dest as '/u01/admin/dumpsets';

4. expdp parfile=expdp_parfile
where expdp_parfile contents are:
userid=system/manager1 directory='DUMPSETS'
dumpfile=expdp_5_5.dat job_name=full_export

5. Validate that the file is created within ASM.

SQL> select file_number, bytes, creation_date from

v$asm_file where type ='DUMPSET';


----------- ---------- ---------

581 2785280 07-MAY-04

Appendix D. Creating extra controlfiles in ASM

This following procedure can be used to create additional controlfiles in the ASM

1. Create a new directory in your disk group using commands similar to the
following ones (this is optional).

alter diskgroup <DG_name> add directory


alter diskgroup <DG_name> add directory


2. Then, edit the control file entry in your SPFILE/init.ora to point to the new
controlfile. Where the new controlfile is +DATA2/ora10g/controlfile/control03.ctl'


3. Shutdown cleanly your database (all instances if using RAC)

shutdown immediate;

4. Startup the database in nomount mode

startup nomount;

5. Using RMAN, restore the controlfile from one of the existing locations to the new
restore controlfile to
'DATA2/Ora10g/controlfile/control03.ctl' from

6. Mount the database and recover the database if necessary.

SQL> alter database mount;

SQL> recover database;

7. Open the database.

SQL> alter database open;

Appendix E. ASM SQL scripts.

The following scripts are outlined to assist the use in managing ASM files; i.e., listing or
deleting. Note, Oracle recommends using 10g EM Grid Control or Database Control for
performing these functions.

1. This SQL statement generates a script to list the ASM files for a given database.
The list is order by listing first the directory structure and then the files. The script
assumes that the files were created using the asm file name conventions, in
specific it assumes that the given database name is present in the alias name
(full_path column). The query will prompt for the database name.

full_path variable in the query refers to the alias name. The dir column indicates if it
is a directory or not, and sys column indicates if the alias was created by the system or
COL full_path FORMAT a120

--get database name

ACCEPT database PROMPT 'Enter the database name: '

--spool file
spool lis_&database..lst

--generates list
SELECT full_path, dir, sys FROM
(SELECT CONCAT('+'||gname, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(aname,'/')) full_path, dir,
sys FROM
(SELECT gname, a.parent_index pindex, aname,
a.reference_index rindex, a.ALIAS_DIRECTORY dir, a.SYSTEM_CREATED sys
FROM v$asm_alias a, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE a.group_number = g.group_number)
START WITH (MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex
ORDER BY dir desc, full_path asc)
WHERE full_path LIKE UPPER('%/&database%');

--end spool
spool off
-- resetting format
COL full_path CLEAR

2. This SQL statement will generate a script that will delete files in ASM for a given
database. The script assumes that the files were created using the ASM naming
conventions. Specifically, it assumes that the given database name is present in
the alias name (full_path column), in the form of "/<db_name>/". The scripts
will prompt for the database name.

COL gsql FORMAT a300


--get database name

ACCEPT database PROMPT 'Enter the database name: '

--spool file
spool del_&database..sql

--generates file list

SELECT 'ALTER DISKGROUP '||gname||' DROP FILE '''||full_path||''';' gsql
(SELECT CONCAT('+'||gname, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(aname,'/')) full_path, gname
(SELECT gname, a.parent_index pindex, aname,
a.reference_index rindex, a.ALIAS_DIRECTORY adir
FROM v$asm_alias a, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE a.group_number = g.group_number)
WHERE adir='N'
START WITH (MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex)
WHERE full_path LIKE UPPER('%/&database/%');

3. This SQL statement will generate a script to drop ASM directories.

SELECT 'ALTER DISKGROUP '||gname||' DROP DIRECTORY '''||full_path||''';'

gsql FROM
(SELECT CONCAT('+'||gname, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(aname,'/')) full_path, gname
(SELECT gname, a.parent_index pindex, aname,
a.reference_index rindex, a.ALIAS_DIRECTORY adir
FROM v$asm_alias a, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE a.group_number = g.group_number)
WHERE adir='Y'
START WITH (MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex
ORDER BY full_path desc)
WHERE full_path LIKE UPPER('%/&&database%');

--end spool
spool off
-- resetting format


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