I C S: T C: Ndustrial ASE Tudy HE Ement Industry

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CALMAC Study ID: PGE0251.01


with assistance from
CALMAC Study ID: PGE0251.01

Final Report

Prepared for

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

San Francisco, California

Prepared by

Oakland, California

with assistance from

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley, California

September 2005

SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................11

SECTION 2 CEMENT INDUSTRY STATISTICS ..........................................................21

2.1 Economic Statistics........................................................................................21
2.2 Energy Usage .................................................................................................21
2.2.1 Peak Electricity Demand....................................................................23
2.3 Energy Intensity .............................................................................................23
2.4 References......................................................................................................24


3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................31
3.2 Description of the Cement Production Process .............................................32
3.2.1 Mining and Quarrying........................................................................32
3.2.2 Raw Material Preparation ..................................................................33
3.2.3 Clinker Production (Pyro-Processing) ...............................................33
3.2.4 Finish Grinding ..................................................................................34
3.3 Cement Production Energy Use.....................................................................34
3.4 Technical Potential for Energy Efficiency.....................................................35
3.5 References......................................................................................................36

SECTION 4 CUSTOMER INTERVIEWS.......................................................................41

4.1 Overview........................................................................................................41
4.2 General Information.......................................................................................41
4.3 Energy Characteristics ...................................................................................42
4.4 Energy as It Relates to Overall Business Factors ..........................................42
4.5 Overall Energy Management .........................................................................43
4.6 General Decision-Making Practices ..............................................................45
4.7 Energy Efficiency Decision Making..............................................................46
4.8 O&M Practices...............................................................................................46
4.9 Attitudes Towards Energy Efficiency............................................................47
4.10 Recent Energy Efficiency Project Activity....................................................48
4.11 Energy Efficiency Information and Program Activity...................................49

SECTION 5 ENERGY-EFFICIENCY INITIATIVES .......................................................51

5.1 Portland Cement Association.........................................................................51
5.2 Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition..................................................................51
5.3 Climate VISION ............................................................................................51


5.4 ENERGY STAR ............................................................................................52

5.5 Climate Leaders .............................................................................................52
5.6 References......................................................................................................53

SECTION 6 OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS .........................................................61

6.1 Energy Efficiency Opportunities ...................................................................61
6.1.1 O&M ..................................................................................................61
6.1.2 High Efficiency Equipment/Processes...............................................61
6.1.3 Process Controls.................................................................................62
6.2 Barriers to Energy Efficiency ........................................................................63
6.2.1 Barriers to Program Participation ......................................................64
6.3 References......................................................................................................64

SECTION 7 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................71

APPENDIX A INTERVIEW GUIDE ................................................................................. A1

APPENDIX B CUSTOMER SURVEY RESULTS............................................................ B1

Table 2-1 Cement Industry Economic Statistics ................................................21
Table 2-2 Cement Industry Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption..............22
Table 4-1 General Customer/Facility Information.............................................42
Table 4-2 Rating of Key Business Factors (0 = Unimportant, 5 =
Extremely Important).........................................................................43
Table 4-3 Overall Energy Management Policy..................................................44
Table 4-4 Usual Decision Making Process for Capital Improvements ..............45
Table 4-5 Equipment-Specific O&M Practices..................................................47

Figure 2-1 Cement Industry End Use Electricity Consumption..........................22
Figure 2-2 Electric Energy Intensity Comparison ...............................................23
Figure 3-1 Simplified Process Schematic for Cement Making ...........................32


This report summarizes a case study of the cement industry in California. The study was
conducted to assist the four investor-owned utilities, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E),
San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E), Southern California Edison Company (SCE),
and Southern California Gas Company (SCG), to improve their understanding of industrial
customers opportunities to save significant amounts of energy.

This study was conducted at the request of the California Public Utilities Commission. The study
was managed by PG&E. It was funded through the public goods charge (PGC) for energy
efficiency and is available for download at www.calmac.org.

The cement industry in California consists of 31 sites than consume roughly 1,600 GWh and 22
million therms per year. Eleven of these sites are involved in full-scale cement production, while
the remainder of the facilities provides grinding and mixing operations only. The eleven full-
operation sites account for over 90% of the California cement industrys electric use and 80% of
the natural gas use.

The goals of this case study include the following:

Develop an understanding of the key processes and associated energy consumption in the
cement industry;
Identify key energy efficiency opportunities and associated technical potential for the
cement industry;
Identify key barriers that preclude cement customers for adopting energy efficient
practices and equipment;
Examine how current PGC-funded programs can better address these customers barriers
to implementation of more energy efficiency measures.

The primary approach to this case study involved walk-through surveys of customer facilities
and in depth interviews with customer decision makers and subsequent analysis of collected data.
In addition, a basic review of the cement production process was developed, and summary
cement industry energy and economic data were collected, and analyzed.

The remainder of this report is organized as follows:

Section 2 summarizes California cement industry statistics
Section 3 provides an overview of the cement production process
Section 4 presents results of interviews with cement industry customers
Section 5 identifies energy efficiency initiatives in the cement industry


Section 6 summarizes opportunities and barriers to increased energy efficiency in the

cement industry; and
Section 7 discusses possible ways to increase energy efficiency in the cement industry.

In addition, Appendix A shows the interview guide used to structure cement industry customer
surveys, and Appendix B provides a tabulation of survey results.

oa:projects:wpge0070:report:cement:final:1_intro 12

The cement manufacturing industry is identified by North American Industry Classification

System (NAICS) code 32731 (formerly identified as SIC code 3241). The cement industry
comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing portland, natural, masonry,
pozzalanic, and other hydraulic cements. Cement manufacturing establishments may calcine
earths or mine, quarry, manufacture, or purchase lime.1


In California, the cement industry employs approximately 1,990 workers and has an annual value
of shipments of about $850 million. Table 2-1 presents economic statistics for the California
cement industry, as compared to U.S. cement industry totals.

Table 2-1
Cement Industry Economic Statistics
California U.S. CA share of U.S.
Total establishments 31 279 11%
Establishments with 20 employees or more 15 136 11%
Number of employees 1,927 16,973 11%
Payroll ($1,000s) 93,795 735,506 13%
Number of production workers 1,461 12,524 12%
Total hours worked (1,000s) 3,118 27,294 11%
Total wages ($1,000s) 66,434 498,875 13%
Value added ($1,000s) 486,760 4,027,714 12%
Cost of materials ($1,000s) 354,774 2,479,050 14%
Value of shipments ($1,000s) 846,898 6,540,243 13%
Total capital expenditures ($1,000s) 66,207 506,015 13%
Source: 1997 Economic Census, http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/econ97.html


In California, the cement industry consumes approximately 1,600 GWh per year, 220 MW, and
22 million therms per year. This represents about 5% of California manufacturing electricity
consumption and 1% of California manufacturing natural gas consumption. Table 2-2 compares
cement industry electricity and natural gas use for California and the U.S.

U.S. Census Bureau definition, http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics02/def/NDEF327.HTM#N32731


Table 2-2
Cement Industry Electricity and Natural Gas Consumption
Energy Use Type California U.S. CA share of U.S
GWh per year 1,620 11,900 14%
MW 224 na na
Million therms per year 22 260 8%
Source: Utility billing data, CEC forecast database, and 1998 MECS data

Figure 2-1 shows typical end use electricity consumption shares, based on 1998 Manufacturing
Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) data. Most of the usage is in the machine drive end use,
associated with grinding, crushing, and materials transport. Cement industry natural gas
consumption is concentrated in the process heating end use (about 90% of total gas
consumption), which involves clinker production in large kilns. In most cases natural gas is used
as a supplemental fuel to coal. Only one California plant utilizes gas as a primary kiln fuel. This
is a relatively small plant that produces white cement. The remainder of the natural gas usage is
associated with boiler and machine drive end uses.

Figure 2-1
Cement Industry End Use Electricity Consumption


Process Othe
Machine Drive

Source: 1998 MECS

Of the 31 cement facilities in California, 11 are involved in full cement operation from raw
materials. The production at the remainder of the facilities involves grinding and readymix of
clinker that is produced in other facilities, either domestically or abroad. The 11 full operation
facilities account for the majority of California energy use and these large facilities tend to use


ten to twenty times as much energy as the grinding/readymix facilities. The focus of this case
study is on the larger full-scale facilities.

2.2.1 Peak Electricity Demand

Most California cement plants have a reverse peak electric load profile (i.e. their demand is
lower during the peak hours) because they consciously defer peak load. They try to stockpile
certain crushed products when they can so that they can shut down or slow down large process
mills or fans during the on peak hours. The kilns operate at full capacity continuously.


Energy intensity can be examined by combining information on energy usage (Table 2-2) with
information on cement industry economic activity (Table 2-1). Electricity use per production
worker and per dollar of valued added are presented in Figure 2-2. Data for the overall
manufacturing sector are presented for comparison purposes. As the figure illustrates, electric
energy intensity in the cement industry is well above the industrial average. Also, the California
cement industry is slightly more electricity intensive that the U.S cement average.

Figure 2-2
Electric Energy Intensity Comparison


3.0 GWh /production worker

kWh per $ value added





CA Cement US Cement CA Mfg US Mfg

Sources: Utility Billing Data, CEC Forecast Database, 1997 Economic Census, 1998 MECS


California Energy Commission. June 2000. California Energy Demand 2000-2010. Technical
Report to California Energy Outlook 2000 Docket #99-CEO-1. Sacramento, CA

U.S. Census Bureau. 2000. Economic Census. Available online:


U.S. Census Bureau. 2002. NAICS Definitions. Available online:


U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2004. 1998 Manufacturing Consumption Survey.

Available online: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mecs/contents.html

XENERGY Inc. 1998. United States Industrial Motor Systems Market Opportunities
Assessment. Burlington, MA: US Department of Energy.


Cement is an inorganic, non-metallic substance with hydraulic binding properties, and is used as
a bonding agent in building materials. It is a fine powder, usually gray in color, that consists of a
mixture of the hydraulic cement minerals to which one or more forms of calcium sulfate have
been added (Greer et al., 1992). Mixed with water it forms a paste, which hardens due to
formation of cement mineral hydrates. Cement is the binding agent in concrete, which is a
combination of cement, mineral aggregates and water. Concrete is a key building material for a
variety of applications.

The U.S. cement industry is made up of either portland cement plants that produce clinker and
grind it to make finished cement, or clinker-grinding plants that intergrind clinker obtained
elsewhere, with various additives.

Clinker is produced through a controlled high-temperature burn in a kiln of a measured blend of

calcareous rocks (usually limestone) and lesser quantities of siliceous, aluminous, and ferrous
materials. The kiln feed blend (also called raw meal or raw mix) is adjusted depending on the
chemical composition of the raw materials and the type of cement desired. Portland and
masonry cements are the chief types produced in the United States. More than 90% of the
cement produced in the U.S. in 1999 was portland cement, while masonry cement accounted for
5.0% of U.S. cement output in 1999 (USGS, 2001).

Cement plants are typically constructed in areas with substantial raw materials deposits (e.g. 50
years or longer). There were 117 operating cement plants in the U.S. in 1999, spread across 37
states and in Puerto Rico, owned by 42 companies. Portland cement was produced at 116 plants
in 1999, while masonry cement was produced at 83 plants (82 of which also produced portland
cement). Clinker was produced at 109 plants (111 including Puerto Rico) in the U.S. in 1999.
Production rates per plant vary between 0.5 and 3.1 million metric tons (Mt) per year.

Fuel costs are the single largest variable production cost at cement plants. Variable costs are
typically about 50% of overall operating costs, so energy is frequently the single largest
production cost, besides raw materials. Labor is relatively small at a cement plant.



3.2.1 Mining and Quarrying

The most common raw materials used for cement production are limestone, chalk and clay. The
major component of the raw materials, the limestone or chalk, is usually extracted from a quarry
adjacent to or very close to the plant. Limestone provides the required calcium oxide and some
of the other oxides, while clay, shale and other materials provide most of the silicon, aluminum
and iron oxides required for the manufacture of portland cement. In California, the limestone is
extracted from open-face quarries. The raw materials are selected, crushed, ground, and
proportioned so that the resulting mixture has the desired fineness and chemical composition for
delivery to the pyroprocessing systems (see Figure 3-1). It is often necessary to raise the content
of silicon oxides or iron oxides by adding quartz sand and iron ore, respectively. The quarried
material is reduced in size by processing through a series of crushers. Normally primary size
reduction is accomplished by a jaw or gyratory crusher, and followed by secondary size
reduction with a roller or hammer mill. The crushed material is screened and stones are returned.
More than 1.5 tons of raw materials are required to produce one ton of portland cement (Greer et
al., 1992; Alsop and Post, 1995).
Figure 3-1
Simplified Process Schematic for Cement Making




Raw meal


Clinker Additives



Limestone is the major process input. Other raw materials such

as clay, shale, sand, quartz or iron ore may be added.


3.2.2 Raw Material Preparation

After primary and secondary size reduction, the raw materials are further reduced in size by
grinding. The grinding differs with the pyroprocessing process used. In dry processing, the
materials are ground into a flowable powder in horizontal ball mills or in vertical roller mills. In
a ball (or tube) mill, steel-alloy balls (or tubes) are responsible for decreasing the size of the raw
material pieces in a rotating cylinder, referred to as a rotary mill. Rollers on a round table fulfill
this task of comminution in a roller mill. Utilizing waste heat from the kiln exhaust, clinker
cooler hood, or auxiliary heat from a stand-alone air heater before pyroprocessing may further
dry the raw materials. The moisture content in the kiln feed of the dry kiln is typically around
0.5% (0 - 0.7%).

When raw materials are very humid, as found in some countries and regions, wet processing can
be preferable1. In the wet process, raw materials are ground with the addition of water in a ball or
tube mill to produce a slurry typically containing 36% water (range of 24-48%). Various degrees
of wet processing exist, e.g. semi-wet (moisture content of 17-22%) to reduce the fuels
consumption in the kiln.

3.2.3 Clinker Production (Pyro-Processing)

Clinker is produced by pyroprocessing in large kilns. These kiln systems evaporate the inherent
water in the raw meal, calcine the carbonate constituents (calcination), and form cement minerals

The main pyroprocessing kiln type used in the U.S. is the rotary kiln. In these rotary kilns a tube
with a diameter up to 25 feet is installed at a 3-4 degree angle that rotates 1-3 times per minute.
The ground raw material, fed into the top of the kiln, moves down the tube countercurrent to the
flow of gases and toward the flame-end of the rotary kiln, where the raw meal is dried, calcined,
and enters into the sintering zone. In the sintering (or clinkering) zone, the combustion gas
reaches a temperature of 33003600 F. While many different fuels can be used in the kiln, coal
has been the primary fuel in the U.S. since the 1970s.

In a wet rotary kiln, the raw meal typically contains approximately 36% moisture. These kilns
were developed as an upgrade of the original long dry kiln to improve the chemical uniformity in
the raw meal. The water (due to the high moisture content of the raw meal) is first evaporated in
the kiln in the low temperature zone. The evaporation step makes a long kiln necessary. The
length to diameter ratio may be up to 38, with lengths up to 252 yards. The capacity of large
units may be up to 4000 short tons of clinker per day. None of the cement plants in California
operates a wet process clinker kiln.

In a dry rotary kiln, feed material with much lower moisture content (0.5%) is used, thereby
reducing the need for evaporation and reducing kiln length. The first development of the dry

Originally, the wet process was the preferred process, as it was easier to mix, grind and control the size distribution of the
particles in a slurry form. The need for the wet process was reduced by the development of improved grinding processes, and
improvement of the energy efficiency of the pyroprocessing systems.


process took place in the U.S. and was a long dry kiln without preheating (Cembureau, 1997).
Later developments have added multi-stage suspension preheaters (i.e. a cyclone) or shaft
preheater. Pre-calciner technology was more recently developed in which a second combustion
chamber has been added between the kiln and a conventional pre-heater that allows for further
reduction of kiln fuel requirements.

Once the clinker is formed in the rotary kiln, it is cooled rapidly to minimize the formation of a
glass phase and ensure the maximum yield of alite (tricalcium silicate) formation, an important
component for the hardening properties of cement. The main cooling technologies are either the
grate cooler or the tube or planetary cooler. In the grate cooler, the clinker is transported over a
reciprocating grate through which air flows perpendicular to the flow of clinker. In the planetary
cooler (a series of tubes surrounding the discharge end of the rotary kiln), the clinker is cooled in a
counter-current air stream. The cooling air is used as secondary combustion air for the kiln.

3.2.4 Finish Grinding

After cooling, the clinker can be stored in the clinker dome, silos, bins, or outside. The material
handling equipment used to transport clinker from the clinker coolers to storage and then to the
finish mill is similar to that used to transport raw materials (e.g. belt conveyors, deep bucket
conveyors, and bucket elevators). To produce powdered cement, the nodules of cement clinker
are ground to the consistency of face powder. Grinding of cement clinker, together with
additions (3-5% gypsum to control the setting properties of the cement) can be done in ball mills,
ball mills in combination with roller presses, roller mills, or roller presses. While vertical roller
mills are feasible, they have not found wide acceptance in the U.S. Coarse material is separated
in a classifier that is re-circulated and returned to the mill for additional grinding to ensure a
uniform surface area of the final product.

Traditionally, ball mills are used in finish grinding, while many plants use vertical roller mills. In
ball or tube mills, the clinker and gypsum are fed into one end of a horizontal cylinder and partially
ground cement exits from the other end.

Modern state-of-the-art concepts utilize a high-pressure roller mill and the horizontal roller mill
(e.g. Horomill) (Seebach et al., 1996) that are claimed to use 20-50% less energy than a ball mill.
The roller press is a relatively new technology, and is more common in Western Europe than in
North America. Various new grinding mill concepts are under development or have been
demonstrated (Seebach et al., 1996), e.g. the Horomill (Buzzi, 1997), Cemax (Folsberg, 1997a),
the IHI mill, and the air-swept ring roller mill (Folsberg, 1997b).


Energy use associated with mining and quarrying raw materials for cement production are not
typically included in the cement sector, but rather are accounted for in the mining sector. As
such, the cement sector energy consumption is comprised of energy used for raw material
preparation, clinker production, and finish grinding.


Raw material preparation is an electricity-intensive production step requiring generally about 23-
32 kWh/short ton (COWIconsult et al., 1993; Jaccard and Willis, 1996), although it could require
as little as 10 kWh/short ton.

Clinker production is the most energy-intensive stage in cement production, accounting for over
90% of total industry energy use, and virtually all of the fuel use. Fuel use for clinker production
in a wet kiln can vary between 4.6 and 6.1 MBtu/short ton clinker (Worrell and Galitsky, 2004).
Typical fuel consumption of a dry kiln with 4 or 5-stage preheating can vary between 2.7 and 3.0
MBtu/short ton clinker, electricity use increases slightly due to the increased pressure drop
across the system. A six stage preheater kiln can theoretically use as low as 2.5-2.6 MBtu/short
ton clinker. The most efficient pre-heater, pre-calciner kilns use approximately 2.5 MBtu/short
ton clinker. Alkali or kiln dust (KD) bypass systems may be required in kilns to remove alkalis,
sulfates, and/or chlorides. Such systems lead to additional energy losses since sensible heat is
removed with the bypass gas and dust.

Power consumption for grinding depends on the surface area required for the final product and
the additives used. Electricity use for raw meal and finish grinding depends strongly on the
hardness of the material (limestone, clinker, pozzolana extenders) and the desired fineness of the
cement as well as the amount of additives. Blast furnace slags are harder to grind and hence use
more grinding power, between 45 and 64 kWh/short ton for a 3,500 Blaine2 (expressed in cm2/g).
Modern ball mills may use between 29 and 34 kWh/short ton (Worrell and Galitsky, 2004) for
cements with a Blaine of 3,500.


A previous analysis of the technical potential for energy efficiency improvement in the U.S.
cement industry found a potential of 180 PJ, or 40%, based on U.S. cement production
characteristics in the early 1990s (Martin et al., 1999). This report as well as a later report
(Worrell and Galitsky, 2004), evaluated the energy-saving potential of about 30 energy-
efficiency technologies and practices that could be applied to both wet and dry process cement

For this analysis, we compare current energy use (both for electricity and for fuels) for cement
production in California in 2002 (van Oss, 2003) to best practice values for these two types of
fuel. The best practice value of 109 kWh/short ton of cement for electricity production is based
on expert judgment, taking into account the hard limestone found in California, as reported by
representatives at Hansen Permanente Cement Company. The best practice value of 2.62
MBtu/short ton of clinker is based on a plant built in Taiwan in the mid-1990s that has an
intensity of 2.64 MBtu/short ton (Die Zementindustrie Taiwans, 1994) and a plant built in India
that has an intensity of 2.58 MBtu/short ton (Somani and Kothari, 1997).

Blaine is a measure of the total surface of the particles in a given quantity of cement, or an indicator of the fineness of
cement. It is defined in terms of square centimetres per gram. The higher the Blaine, the more energy required to grind
the clinker and additives (Holderbank, 1993).


Given these best practice values, we estimate potential electricity savings of about 32 kWh/short
ton of cement and potential fuel savings of about 0.7 MBtu/short ton of clinker. Given 2002
production of 11,166,000 short tons of cement and 11,187,000 short tons of clinker in California,
the technical potential electricity savings are about 360 GWh and fuel savings are about 7.8
TBtu, with a total technical potential savings for both fuels of about 20% over 2002 levels.

Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995. The Cement Plant Operations Handbook, (First edition),
Tradeship Publications Ltd., Dorking, UK.

Buzzi, S. and G. Sassone, 1993. Optimization of Clinker Cooler Operation, Proc. VDZ Kongress
1993: "Verfahrenstechnik der Zementherstellung" Bauverlag, Wiesbaden, Germany (pp.296-304).

Cembureau, 1997. Best Available Techniques for the Cement Industry, Brussels: Cembureau.

COWIconsult, March Consulting Group and MAIN, 1993. Energy Technology in the Cement
Industrial Sector, Report prepared for CEC - DG-XVII, Brussels, April 1992.

Die Zementindustrie Taiwans - Rueckblick und Gegenwaertiger Stand, 1994. (The Cement
Industry in Taiwan - Historic and Current Situation, 1994) Zement-Kalk-Gips 147 pp.47-50.

Folsberg, J., 1997a. "Future Grinding" Asian Cement, January 1997, pp.21-23 (1997).

Folsberg, J., 1997b. The Air-Swept Ring Roller Mill for Clinker Grinding Proc.1997 IEEE/PCA
Cement Industry Technical Conference XXXIX Conference Record, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers: New Jersey.

Greer, W. L., Johnson, M. D., Morton, E.L., Raught, E.C., Steuch, H.E. and Trusty Jr., C.B., 1992.
Portland Cement, in Air Pollution Engineering Manual, Anthony J. Buonicore and Waynte T.
Davis (eds.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Holderbank Consulting, 1993. Present and Future Energy Use of Energy in the Cement and
Concrete Industries in Canada, CANMET, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Jaccard, M.K.& Associates and Willis Energy Services Ltd., 1996. Industrial Energy End-Use
Analysis and Conservation Potential in Six Major Industries in Canada. Report prepared for
Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

Seebach, H.M. von, E. Neumann and L. Lohnherr, 1996. "State-of-the-Art of Energy-Efficient

Grinding Systems" ZKG International 2 49 pp.61-67 (1996).

Somani, R.A., S.S. Kothari, 1997. Die Neue Zementlinie bei Rajashree Cement in
Malkhed/Indien ZKG International 8 50 pp.430-436 (1997).


United States Geological Survey, 2001. Minerals Yearbook, Washington, D.C., USGS,

van Oss, H., 2002. Personal Communication. U.S. Geological Survey, March May 2002.

Worrell, E. and C. Galitsky. 2004. Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Cement
Making: An ENERGY STAR Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL-54036).


This section presents results of in depth interviews with senior representatives from four cement
companies representing operations at five California cement plants. The interviews were
conducted by a senior KEMA-XENERGY engineer who was generally knowledgeable about
cement plant operations. The interview process included a brief technical discussion of each
facilities operations, but mainly focused on various aspects of the customers decision-making
process, especially as it applies to purchases of energy efficiency products and services.

The following survey topics are covered in this section:

General customer information;
Plant energy characteristics;
Energy as It Relates to Overall Business Factors
Energy Management
General Decision-Making Practices
Energy Efficiency Decision Making
O&M Practices
Attitudes Towards Energy Efficiency
Recent Energy Efficiency Project Activity
Energy Efficiency Information and Program Activity

A copy of the interview guidelines is provided in Appendix A and a tabulation of survey

responses is provided in Appendix B.


Table 4-1 summarizes some general information about the customers included in the interview
All facilities are involved in full cement production, from quarry to finished product,
although one facility is primarily involved in grinding operations of clicker produced
In general, the cement facilities are not very labor intensive, employing only 100-200
full-time workers per site.
All but one of the companies owns multiple cement facilities in California, and all
companies own cement plants outside of California (although one company has only one
U.S. facility). Only one of the companies (facilities A1 and A2) is U.S.-owned.


Overall cement plant efficiency is generally correlated with the age of the primary
Table 4-1
General Customer/Facility Information
Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton Lucerne Valley Tehachapi
Interviewee(s) Title Community and Govt. Community and Govt. Plant Manager, Plant Manager Plant Manager
Affairs Manager, Affairs Manager, Operations Supervisor
Financial Manager Financial Manager
Product White cement from Grey cement Grey cement Grey cement Grey cement
scratch; grey cement
from clinker produced
Facility Description - 2 kilns, dating to - 7 kilns, newest dates - 2 kilns, dating to - 1 kiln, dating to 1982, - 1 kiln, dating to 1991,
1963; clinker capacity to 1959; clinker 1962; clinker capacity clinker capacity of clinker capacity of 907
of 110 k tons/yr capacity of 1,046 k of 680 k tons/yr 1,543 k tons/yr k tons/yr
- 4 mills, dating to tons/yr - 4 mills, 2 dating to - 4 mills, 3 dating to - 2 mills, dating to
1963, with a capacity of - 4 mills, newest dates 1962 and 2 dating to 1966 or older and 1 1971 and 1992, with a
914 k tons/yr to 1957, with a capacity 1980, with a capacity of dating to 1982, with a capacity of 798 k
of 640 k tons/yr; 1,316 k tons/yr; capacity of 1,647 k tons/yr
- 7 waste heat boilers - 30 MW steam plant tons/yr
and 2 generators for utilizes waste heat (not
cogeneration fully utilized)
General Plant Less efficient Less efficient Less efficient More efficient More efficient
Employees 100-150 100-150 120 180 150-200
Company-Owned 2 2 3 1 2
Plants in California
Company-Owned 2 2 1 No other US plants 5 other US plants
Plants outside


Energy costs are the single largest variable production cost at cement plants, as indicated by all
survey interviewees. Variable costs are typically about 50% of overall operating costs in the
cement industry, so energy is frequently the single largest production cost.

Electricity was estimated to account for over 10% of overall production costs for four of the
facilities and over 30% of the production costs for one facility. All customers indicated that they
were direct-access electricity purchasers. Natural gas tended to account for only 1% to 5% of
overall production costs, as most facilities utilize other primary fuels (coal, tires, other waste
fuels) in their kilns.


In the interview, the customers were asked (unaided) to list the factors that were very important
to their business. All indicated that energy costs and market conditions were two of the factors
that were very important to their businesses. Three of the four interviewees indicated that
environmental regulations where also a very important consideration, while one customer cited
production management as a very important factor.


In addition to energy costs, customers were asked to rate a number of factors as to their
importance to their business. Results are tabulated and summarized in Table 4-2. Clearly, the
most important factor cited is the need to comply with regulatory requirements. This is not
surprising as the plants could not operate long in non-compliance. One of the primary regulatory
factors involves compliance with air emissions standards.

The next highest rated business factors involve maintaining product quality and meeting
production requirements. Having a reliable high-quality supply of electricity was rated of
medium importance by most interviewees.

It is interesting to note that one customer with a more-efficient facility indicated that maintaining
technologically competitive was of extreme importance. This customer is owned by a company
that produces equipment for the cement industry, which most likely correlates with the customers
perception of this business factors, as well as the efficiency of the plant.
Table 4-2
Rating of Key Business Factors
(0 = Unimportant, 5 = Extremely Important)
Business Factors A1 A2 B C D* Average
Maintaining product quality and
4 4 5 4 4.3
Meeting your production schedule
5 5 3 5 4.5
Meeting regulatory requirements (such
5 5 5 5 5.0
as environmental requirements)
Keeping up technologically with
1 1 5 2.3
Keeping up with new or shifting market
3 3 4 3 3.3
Having a reliable, high quality supply
3 3 4 3 3.3
of electricity
Maintaining your market niche
3 3 2 2 2.5
Maintaining a happy and productive
2 2 3 2 2.3
Identifying and implementing cost
1 1 2 1 1.3
saving measures
* Interviewee did not address this series of questions.


Interviewees were asked to assess the overall energy management policies at their facilities.
Responses are cited in Table 4-3. These perceptions correlate well with the overall assessment
of plant efficiency (as developed by outside sources). It appears that Customer D provides a
pretty good summary of the basic approach towards energy management as practiced by all
surveyed firms and the competing objects they must deal with. The primary difference between


firms appears to be the degree to which they practice weight the importance of energy
management in their operations.
Table 4-3
Overall Energy Management Policy
Customer Response
A Moderate: Energy costs are certainly a concern but capital is limited and no one really has time to
focus on energy and carry forth projects. In addition, at <one site>, the uncertainty about the plant
remaining in operation has kept us from doing any upgrades there.

B Moderate - High: It is our single largest production cost. Energy use guides all of our process
operating practicing practices.

C Extremely Aggressive: Energy costs are constantly reviewed vs. production - daily, weekly,
monthly and annually. Control decisions are based on power requirements.

D Strong: However, maintaining consistent production and product quality is the overriding concern.
Although everyone at the plant is aware of energy and it is a key factor on which some operations
are based, we have limited operating staff. Fine-tuning for optimizing efficiency, and developing,
championing, and managing energy improvements takes staff time that is just not available given
each persons day to day responsibility. We do have special projects engineering staff, but even
they are too busy to take on energy projects that arent related to maintaining production. Also, the
plant must remain in production as much as possible. The interruptions and coordination required
for retrofits can also restrict consideration of energy retrofits.

All interviewees indicated that they, for the most part, had the information they needed to
effectively manage energy costs. However, to varying degrees, each customer indicated that
they did not necessarily have time to process all the information or act on it. One of the more
efficient companies indicated that their parent company has performed periodic process/energy
audits to help facilitate increased efficiency. Another respondent indicated that often there are
projects where energy impacts cant be determined precisely enough and the ensuing risk was
too high to justify investments.

It appears likely that the customer responses are predominantly directed at the most significant
energy-sing equipment because measures targeted there can deliver the highest level of savings.
It is not as clear that these customers are as aware of smaller-impact measures, such as fine
tuning of O&M activities, since these activities deliver relatively small levels of savings. Given
the lack of manpower, it appears that the small cost-effective projects will often be overlooked.

All customers indicated that they have implemented or would consider implementing a number
activities to manage energy costs, including: adjusting production schedules, utilizing industry
best practices/training to improve productivity, purchasing equipment to improve productivity,
and implementing conservation activities. Most customers mentioned that they would require
the appropriate price signals to trigger a shifting of their production processes. Three of the four
interviewees indicated that, in the past, they have implemented shifts in production in response to
Real Time Rate Programs. None of the customers indicated that they would consider
downsizing their production facility to reduce energy costs.



Interviewees were asked a number of questions about how they made investment decisions and
how energy efficiency related decisions were handled as compared to other investment decisions.

For the most part, each companys operations personnel are charged with identifying
opportunities and specifying equipment to invest in, and senior management is responsible for
approving all investments outside of normal O&M expenditures. Two of the respondents
indicated that vendors were sometimes included in the equipment specification process. One
company indicated that senior management approval was required for all expenditures over
$10,000. The general decision-making process for each firm is summarized in Table 4-4. It is
notable that the two more efficient facilities identified funds that are set aside annually for capital
improvement, indicating that these firms have institutionalized a process on continually
upgrading their facility.
Table 4-4
Usual Decision Making Process for Capital Improvements
Customer Response
A Corporate or plant managers identify technological potential; local corporate staff review and
evaluate based on corporate criteria; ultimately goes to corporate for financial approval.

B Initiated and analyzed at plant, goes to corporate for financial approval.

C Plant process managers identify technological potential, cost-benefit is reviewed at the department
level and then the plant level. Local corporate staff review and evaluate based on corporate
criteria. Ultimately goes to corporate for final financial approval. Capital budget has been fairly
fixed at $4 million for the last several years. Sometimes we get funds for special projects that are
being pushed at the corporate level.

D Plant manager develops the operating and capital investment for the plant within guidelines
provided by corporate management and with input from the various production section managers.
Energy saving projects compete with other capital projects. The plant manager asks for project
needs from the various division department managers and make the final determination on the
budget request. It is usually they who propose energy related projects. Sometimes with guidance
from the Plant Manager or Corporate suggestions but usually on their own initiative. The level of
capital funding depends on business and macro economic conditions. We usually have $1
million/year for capital improvements. Investments over $10K require corporate approval
although sometimes they are lumped with other projects.

Generally, returns on capital investments need to be pretty high to justify expenditures. The
interviewees from the less efficient facilities indicated that their typical targeted payback for
investments was 1.0 to 1.5 years. The interviewees from the more efficient plants indicated
somewhat high payback thresholds: one cited a maximum of three years, and one indicated that
a 1.0-2.0 year payback requirement was typical. Only one customer indicated that energy-
efficiency projects might be treated differently from other projects they stated that production
output related project might sometimes be given an advantage over cost-reduction projects.


All customers indicated that their organizations required a detailed technical and financial review
before investing in all projects, and the same type of analysis was required for energy and non-
energy projects.

Critical drivers for investment in new equipment (in addition to cost-effectiveness) included:
capital availability, affects on production, market conditions, and innovation. One of the less
efficient facilities was clearly facing limited capital availability that greatly limited any capital
investments. The installation of innovative equipment was cited by an interviewee of one of the
more efficient plants. Addition considerations for installation of new equipment included: lost
production time, equipment reliability, environmental issues, safety, and effects on maintenance


All interviewees indicated that, for the most part, energy efficiency investments were treated
similarly to other investment opportunities. One customer noted that specific-energy is
considered in all investment decisions consistent with the fact that energy is such a large part
of operating costs. One customer noted that the availability of incentives might cause them to
look more favorably at energy efficiency investments. All companies utilize normal internal
capital resources to fund energy efficiency projects.

Two of the four companies indicated they had policies in place to specify higher efficiency
equipment when making investments. A third company had no formal procedures in place, but
expected new equipment to lower or at least be neutral with respect to specific energy. The
fourth customer, owner of a less efficient plant, had no energy efficiency purchase policy.

Only one of the four companies (at one of the more efficient facilities) indicated they had an
employee dedicated to maintaining/improving energy efficiency at the plant. An additional two
companies indicated that there were informal champions of energy efficiency at their plants.
Given the large energy costs for these facilities, it appears that most operations staff have some
directive to focus on efficient energy use, but it appears the only one company has put an
organizational emphasis on reducing energy costs.

When asked about disincentives to reducing energy operating costs, two customers cited large
exit charges as a primary factor limiting the cost effectiveness of cogeneration projects that
would take advantage of waste heat. One customer listed long project duration as a limiting
factor in participating in rebate programs. Also, caps on incentive levels limit their effectiveness
in influencing customer decisions, since many of the project involve very large capital outlays.


All customers indicated that the primary maintenance at their facilities was to do whatever was
necessary to keep equipment running to maximize production. They all indicated that they tried
to maintain equipments so as to minimize energy use, since energy was such a large part of their
operations. Three of the interviewees indicated that their staff had good to very good knowledge


of energy efficiency practices. One on the less efficient customers indicated their staff had
modest knowledge.

Customers were asked about their specific policies regarding maintenance policy for various
types of equipment. Results are presented in Table 4-5. The proactive category includes limited
scheduled preventive maintenance, aggressive scheduled preventive maintenance, and predictive
maintenance. Most proactive strategies involved the limited scheduled preventive maintenance,
but one customer, at a more efficient plant, indicated they utilized predictive O&M practices for
bearing lubrication and for fan/blower wheel balancing.
Table 4-5
Equipment-Specific O&M Practices
O&M Category A1 A2 B C D
Motor lubrication As needed As needed Proactive Proactive Proactive
Bearing lubrication Proactive Proactive Proactive Proactive Proactive
Motor belt replacement As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Fan/blower blade cleaning As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Fan/blower wheel balancing As needed As needed As needed Proactive As needed
Fan/blower airflow test As needed As needed As needed Proactive As needed
Air compressor intake filters Proactive Proactive Proactive Proactive Proactive
Compressed air water traps & As needed As needed As needed Proactive As needed
pressure regulators


Three of the four customers indicated that energy efficiency equipment and practices were very
important to their operations. One of the three acknowledged that they dont have enough staff
and time to pursue most of their energy efficiency opportunities. The fourth customer indicated
that they could do much better with regard to energy efficiency, but felt they were severely
limited by capital and other resource constraints.

All customers believed that premium efficiency equipment was similar to standard equipment in
terms of procurement lead times, installation costs, and ongoing maintenance costs. Thus, they
appeared to have no predisposed bias against high efficiency equipment in terms of these
dimension of hassle cost.

The customers didnt express strong options regarding how well energy efficiency deliver on
expected energy savings. One customer indicated that they usually meet expectations due to this
customers extensive research prior to energy efficiency investments.


When asked about energy efficiency systems they would like to have, irregardless of cost, the
interviewees were all able to provide a pretty good, and overlapping, wish list. Key measures
were (number of respondents who cited the measure are listed in parentheses):
Heat recovery for power generation (4)
More VFDs (4)
Roller mills versus ball mills (3)
Vertical calcining kilns(2)
Fewer pneumatic/more mechanical conveyors (2)
Improved compressed air system (1)
Better classifiers (1)
Better combustion controls for kilns (1)
More use of tires and waste fuels in kilns (1)

The primary factors limiting increased energy efficiency were listed as (with number of
respondents in parentheses):
To busy to research (3)
No money to research (3)
Capital constraints (3)
Too much plant down time (3)
Not worth the trouble for small items (3)
No staff time to manage the projects (2)
Insufficient reliable information on products (1)
Doesnt meet payback criteria (1)
Hard to sell to management due to savings risk (1)
Waiting to see how measures perform elsewhere (1)

Clearly the key limitations for these customers are time and money. They have limited staff and
limited capital, and most believe they are doing the best job they can with resources at hand.
They all seem willing to do more to improve their plants energy efficiency if they had more

The smaller energy efficiency items at these cement plants are likely to amount to fairly large
savings, given the overall energy intensity of these facilities. These smaller items dont seem to
get on the radar screen for these customers and are mainly seen as a hassle.


When asked if they had installed any major capital projects over the past several years:
One customer stated they had installed no projects
One customer installed a computer analyzer for a mixer


One customer installed classifiers on two mills and a VFD on a fan;

The last customer installed a number of measures in the past 10 years or so, including a
LOSHI vertical raw mill, a precalciner, control upgrades, and high efficiency separators.

Energy efficiency considerations were primary motivators in all investments.

The interviewees from two most efficient plants also indicated that they were planning to install
new energy efficiency equipment in the next year or so: a waste heat cogeneration plant
(possibly), a new classifier, improvements to the clinker coolers, and controls.

All of the respondents were aware of many of the newer technologies in the industry (as listed at
the top of page 4-8). They were all very receptive to the newer technologies, but they all
indicated that the associated high capital costs were prohibitive. One customer wasnt sure that
retrofitting with the newer technologies would be cost effective at his plant.


All customers claimed they utilized various sources to maintain awareness of energy efficiency
measures, including: trade journals, vendors, utility staff, business associates, trade associations,
and trade shows.

Trusted sources of energy efficiency information cited by all respondents included the IEEE
Tech Committee and the Portland Cement Association (PCA). In addition, one customer cited
his corporate staff and one customer cited his local utility.

All respondents were aware of the SPC and Express Efficiency Programs, and one respondent
indicated he was aware of the availability of energy audits. Two customers were aware of recent
compressed air programs.

In terms of program participation, one customer had participated in the SPC Program and the
Express Efficiency Program and had installed a new classifier and a fan VFD under the
programs. Another customer had installed a new air compressor under the SPC Program. These
installations came at the two more efficient plants included in the interviews.

Finally, three of the four customers indicated that extending program time limits to three or more
years would further encourage installation of more energy efficiency equipment. All these
customers indicate that the planning and installation schedules in their industry did not line up
well with the relatively short program periods associated with Public Goods Funded programs.

This section presents a brief description of the key initiatives currently affecting the cement


The Portland Cement Association (PCA) is the industry association with offices in Skokie
(Illinois) and Washington, DC (PCA, 2004). The organization has a double function, as it serves
as the representation in Washington, DC, and as a research and dissemination organization and
clearinghouse focused on cement and concrete applications. Over 80% of the cement plants in
the United States are associated with the PCA. All cement companies in California are PCA

The PCA annually collects data on energy and labor inputs from all its members, which are
published each year. The PCA has no special programs related to energy efficiency improvement
in the cement industry. However, PCA serves as the conduit for national programs like
ENERGY STAR and ClimateVISION (see below).


The Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition (CKRC) is a trade association with member companies
located throughout the United States (CKRC, 2004). Members include cement companies
engaged in the use of hazardous waste-derived fuel as well as companies involved in the
collection, processing, management, and marketing of such fuel for use in cement kilns. CKRC
and its member companies support appropriate regulations related to the use of waste-derived
fuels including scrap tires. It collects and disseminates information on the use of wastes as fuel in
clinker kilns. The CKRC is based in Washington, DC. Of the California based cement
companies, only Texas Industries (TXI) is a member of the CKRC.


The federal government (through the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture) and industry organizations in 12 energy-intensive economic sectors joined in a
voluntary partnership called Climate VISION. Climate VISION works with industry to identify
and pursue cost-effective solutions to reduce emissions using existing technologies; develop
tools to calculate and report emission intensity reductions; speed the commercial adoption of
advanced technologies; and develop strategies to reduce emissions intensity in other economic
sectors (ClimateVISION, 2004). The Portland Cement Association has committed to a 10%
reduction in carbon dioxide emissions per ton of cementious product produced or sold from a
1990 baseline by 2020.



ENERGY STAR is the primary program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency aimed at
energy-efficiency improvement. ENERGY STAR for industry (U.S. EPA, 2004a) aims at the
development and institutionalization of strategic corporate energy management in companies
participating in ENERGY STAR as a member or through the so-called Focus (see below).
Currently, nearly 500 companies are ENERGY STAR members. All cement companies based in
California are members of ENERGY STAR, except for Hanson in Cupertino. However, all
companies and the PCA, including Hanson Permanente Cement participate in the ENERGY
STAR Focus.

Within the Focus effort, the ENERGY STAR program collaborates with specific industries. The
cement industry is one of the Focus industries.1 The Focus efforts include three elements:
Tailored support for the development of a corporate energy management program,
offered through professional energy managers;
A tool to analyze the performance of a plant compared to the peers in the U.S. based on a
simplified benchmarking approach.
An Energy Guide for the focus industry, providing detailed descriptions of energy
efficiency measures in the Focus industry. LBNL prepares the Guides. The Guide for the
cement industry was published in January 2004 (Worrell and Galitsky, 2004).

Besides the three elements above the ENERGY STAR program also offers regular networking
meetings within each Focus industry and an annual energy managers networking meeting and
workshop for all ENERGY STAR participants. ENERGY STAR has offered assistance in the
development of an energy management program to several of the companies located in
California, and has closely collaborated with California Portland Cement, Mitsubishi and RMC
Pacific, while all representatives of all companies participate in the Focus networking meetings
and tele-conferences.


Climate Leaders is a voluntary industry-government partnership of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency that encourages companies to develop long-term comprehensive climate
change strategies and set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals (U.S. EPA, 2004b).
Members of Climate Leaders set a long-term target for GHG emission reduction for the
company. Although currently three cement companies participate in Climate Leaders, none with
facilities in California participate.

Other Focus industries (early 2004) are: breweries, wet corn milling, vehicle assembly, petroleum refining and
pharmaceuticals. Every year new Focus industries are added.


Cement Kiln Recycling Coalition, 2004. www.ckrc.org

ClimateVISION, 2004. www.climatevision.gov

Dutrow, E. and T. Hicks. 2003. Encouraging Development of Sustainable Energy Management

Systems in the Manufacturing Sector. Proceedings of the 2003 ACEEE Summer Study on
Energy Efficiency in Industry. Washington, DC: ACEEE.

Portland Cement Association, 2004. www.cement.org

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004a.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004b. www.epa.gov/climateleaders

Worrell, E. and C. Galitsky. 2004. Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Cement
Making: An ENERGY STAR Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL-54036).



Energy efficiency opportunities can fall into at least three primary categories:
O&M activities to ensure that the installed equipment is running efficiently
Installation of high efficiency equipment/processes
Control of the production process to ensure efficient use of inputs

Key energy efficiency opportunities, as indicated by customers and identified in literature, are
discussed next. In addition these opportunities, a number of customers also indicated that they
would be willing to shift production to off-peak periods given the right price signals, such as real
time pricing.

6.1.1 O&M

Operations and maintenance practices include elements such as motor and bearing lubrication,
motor belt replacement, fan blade cleaning, fan wheel balancing, and compressed air system
maintenance including leak minimization and filter replacement. While most customers
indicated that they tried to keep equipment in good working order, the primary focus is on
keeping equipment operating to maximize production. Energy efficiency considerations are not
the primary concern.

Preventative maintenance is generally employed at the more efficient facilities but could be
improved at other plants (see Table 4-5). Preventative maintenance includes training of plant
staff to be attentive to energy consumption and efficiency. Energy savings of up to 2 to 3
percent are possible with the institution of a rigorous preventative maintenance program.

6.1.2 High Efficiency Equipment/Processes

In cement industry, as in other energy intensive process industries, the more generic measures,
like high efficiency motors and lighting, are either already done or are so small that their impacts
are below the radar. Significant energy savings projects typically involve major process and/or
equipment modifications that are industry-specific and highly specialized. Often highly
specialized expertise is necessary to identify and be able to quantify energy savings of
technology improvements. Cement industry customers see their equipment vendors as business
partners because the vendors tend to have the specialized expertise and experience in their
particular area (e.g. crushers/classifiers, kilns, conveyors).

Some of the energy efficiency equipment opportunities identified by customers, with a primary
focus on electricity savings, include:


Efficient materials transport system: most notably conversion of pneumatic conveyors to

mechanical conveyors, with a savings of around 1% of total plant electricity use.
Conversion of ball mills to roller mills for both raw materials and finish grinding: energy
savings in raw materials preparation can be in the order of 5% of total electricity
consumption, while installation of advanced finish grinding systems can save achieve
savings in the 20% range.
High efficiency classifiers: these do a better job of separating out fine particles from
coarse particles, which are returned to the mills. They prevent over-grinding of the fine
particles that results in unnecessary power use in the mills. Savings can be around 8%.
Conversion to more efficient kilns such as vertical precalciner kilns, which will primarily
improve the thermal efficiency of the kiln, saving on coal consumption.
Variable speed drives: for fans in the kilns, coolers, preheaters, separators, and mills, and
for other drives associated with variable loads. A comprehensive conversion to VSDs
could probably save about 5% of total plant electricity use.
Compressed air system improvements: while not a large part of a cement plants total
electricity use, there is often room for significant efficiency improvements in systems that
have not been optimized.

In addition to the equipment-related opportunities listed above, there appears to be a good

opportunity to recover waste heat from the clinker production process for the generation of
electricity. There is significant waste heat from kilns even after it is used to the maximum
possible degree to preheat incoming material. Pre-heater exhaust is often more than 700F. Two
of the studied facilities already have cogeneration plants, and several more have performed
feasibility studies.

6.1.3 Process Controls

Key opportunities for improved process controls involve clinker production and finish grinding,
as well as operation of compressed air systems.

In clinker production, computerized controls can be used in a number of applications, such as

Optimizing the mix of raw materials entering the kilns to ensure proper chemical
composition and provide for more steady kiln operation;
Optimizing the combustion process and conditions in the kiln to improve product quality
and grindability; and
Improving heat recovery, material throughput, and emissions from the clinker cooler.

Grinding mill controls optimized the flow in the mill and classifiers to improve product quality
and increase production. The increased production translates into energy savings per unit of


Overall, savings from advanced control systems are in the 2-5% range for plants that have not
already installed such system.


A number of barriers to increased energy efficiency were identified in discussions with cement
customers and utility representatives who are in close contact with their cement customers.
Following are some key barriers identified in the interview process.

Limited capital: many of the energy efficiency equipment improvements in the cement industry
involve large capital investments, and most customers cited limited capital availability as a key
factor limiting increases in energy efficiency. One customer cited a $4 million capital budget,
and another cited a $1 million capital budget. Two other customers did not indicate that they had
any set budget to work with and had to justify all new capital expenditures on a case by case
basis. Many targeted project cost many millions of dollars, so even the customers with assigned
capital budgets are severely constrained.

Production concerns: for all customers, keeping equipment operation and avoiding production
disruptions was of the highest priority. Additionally, cement plants do not like to shut down
except for once a year, largely because shut down stresses the ceramic insulation in the kiln.
Heat-up and cool down has to be done very carefully or the ceramic insulation will deteriorate.

Limited staff time: staffing limitations were another key barrier to increased energy efficiency.
While all customers want to stay as efficient as possible, staffs number one priority is keeping
things running.

Information: while all customers feel they have access to the information they need to make
energy efficiency improvements, several customers indicated that they did not have time to focus
on this information. Also, it appears that customer knowledge is mostly directed towards the
big ticket equipment that are the primary energy users, and their understanding of the energy-
saving aspects of smaller items such are preventative O&M appears to be lower.

Reliability concerns: since maintaining production is such a high priority, cement customers are
very concerned about the reliability of all new equipment, including high efficiency equipment.
While the customers dont perceive differences in reliability between energy efficient and
standard equipment, any installations of new equipment at the plant will generate some reliability

Hassle: since staff time is limited, smaller energy efficiency projects are not pursued because
they are not worth the trouble.

Facility uncertainty: one customer indicated that they were currently investigating the feasibility
of a complete plant overhaul. Uncertainty over the overhaul project has halted any possible
efficiency projects.


Cost effectiveness: most customers have severe cost effectiveness criteria. Two customers (with
less efficient plants) have payback cutoffs of 1.0 to 1.5 years. Only one customer indicated that
they would consider projects with paybacks of up to three years.

Exit fees: Customers have not proceeded to install cogeneration equipment that would utilize
waste heat because they would be subject to departure charges. Without the departure charges,
on-site generation with waste heat would be very close to being economic.

6.2.1 Barriers to Program Participation

While all interviewed customers were aware of the PGC-funded programs, SPC and Express,
and two of the customers had participated in the SPC program, there were several barriers to
increased program participation cited:
Short program period: in many cases it takes three to five years for these customers to
develop and implement a project, from the planning through construction stages.
Programs that have a one or two year time period dont fit well with their operations.
Limited incentives: many of the cement plant projects cost tens of millions of dollars.
Incentives of a few hundred thousand dollars dont provide much incentive for these
types of projects.
M&V requirements: past SPC M&V requirements have generally favored one-for-one
equipment changeouts where pre and post equipment efficiencies are more readily
measurable. Measures that are more holistic and affect energy use of a system are
harder to justify savings for and thus have had limited acceptance in the Program.
Program paperwork: SPC participation was limited at the beginning because the
application process was time consuming and a burden on customer staff. Utility
assistance to some customers with the applications, when necessary, has helped mitigate
this barrier.

Worrell, E. and C. Galitsky. 2004. Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Cement
Making: An ENERGY STAR Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Berkeley, CA: Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL-54036).

This section provides some recommendations on how to increase energy efficiency in
Californias cement industry. These recommendations address the opportunities and barriers
summarized in Section 6. It is likely that PGC funds could be used to implement some, but not
all of the following recommendations.

Increase program time limits for project implementation: if program limits were increased to
three years or more, the program participation process would fit better into customers planning
and operations schedules. For customers with severe capital constraints, the availability of an
incentive may be a driving factor in project approval. However, once an application is accepted,
it still may take months for a project to get approval of upper management. Following the
approval process, project design and implementation may take years and must fit into scheduled
plant down times.

Integrate industrial program activities with DOE and other initiatives: as presented in Section 5,
there are a number of organizations and initiatives that cement industry customers are involved
in or have access to. PGC program funding could be utilized to support energy efficiency
aspects of these initiatives directed towards California cement producers. In addition, funding
could be used to assist customers who participate in these initiatives.

Provide energy manager funding: while most customers indicate that they manage their energy
use, and that staff are committed to improving energy efficiency, only one interviewed customer
has employed a full time energy management position. It may be possible to use PGC funding to
hire industry experts to serve as energy managers at interested facilities. These experts could
take the lead on identification, planning, and implementation of energy efficiency projects. This
would help alleviate a key barrier to energy efficiency improvements limited staff time.

For example, a cement industry expert could be hired to provide energy efficiency services to
several cement facilities over a program year, maybe spending 25% of their time at each of four
plants. They could be charged with reviewing existing project plans, conducting or coordinating
energy audit activities, and managing energy efficiency projects.

Eliminate exit fees for waste heat cogeneration: currently, much of the heat generated in cement
kilns is exhausted into the air. Recovery of this energy should be encouraged, but current
regulatory practices work against the economics of customer-generation investments by adding
an additional economic hurdle, exit fees, to the cost effectiveness calculations. Customers
indicated that they are likely to seriously consider investing in waste heat cogeneration if the exit
fee hurdle were to be removed.

oa:projects:wpge0070:report:cement:7_recs 71

Increase rebate limits: for cement customers, where energy efficiency projects can cost many
millions of dollars, caps on rebate levels limit their effectiveness in influencing customer
decisions. The limited incentives primarily influence the smaller projects a customer will
undertake, such as the installation of VSDs. While larger projects may also qualify for
incentives, it is likely that these projects would proceed anyway.

Make incentives conditional on customer installation of very cost-effective measures: customers

indicate that the hassle factor may cause them not to pursue some of the smaller energy
efficiency projects. If incentives for larger projects were conditional on customers implementing
many of the smaller cost-effective projects, like those with paybacks of six months or less, it may
be possible to get these smaller projects on the radar screen.

Provide audits for cross-cutting technologies: while a high level of expertise is required for
understanding and recommending energy efficiency projects particular to the cement industry,
audits may be useful in identifying good opportunities for some of the more standard end uses
such as lighting, HVAC, compressed air, and pumping. Combined with an energy manager
program, these audits could help customers more easily implement some of these smaller
projects. (Note, a small project at an energy intensive cement plant may equate to a fairly large
project at other businesses.)

Provided funding for industry-specific education and training: ongoing training of cement plant
staff, with a special focus on energy efficiency, may be useful to maintain customer interest in
improving plant efficiency. Such training could focus on the investments and practices that
generally provide the best returns for an customers efforts. Such training could be coordinated
with activities provided in other cement industry initiatives.

oa:projects:wpge0070:report:cement:7_recs 72
Industrial Case Study
Decision-Maker Interview Guide

Interview Tracking Information

Survey Number Completion Date

Interviewer Survey Length (min.)

Customer Information
SIC Code

Utility (s) PG&E SCE SCG SDG&E

Company Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Contact Name

Contact Title


Alt info (email, cell)

Contact Notes



F1. What do you make/do at this facility?

F2. Basic Facility Description (number of buildings, process/offices, etc.)

F3. How many people work at your facility (full time equivalents)? _________ people

Not sure, this is a rough estimate Dont know

F4. How many other separate facilities do you have in California? Outside California?

______________ in CA ______________ outside CA

Not sure, this is a rough estimate Dont know

Energy Characteristics

E1. How important is energy usage relative to your overall production costs? (gas/electric?)
Not important Somewhat Important Very Important

E2. Could you estimate the percent of overall production costs that go to electricity? (If
necessary: 1% or less; >1%-5%, 5%-10%, over 10%)

E3. Could you estimate the percent of overall production costs that go to natural gas? (If
necessary: 1% or less; >1%-5%, 5%-10%, over 10%)


Important Factors for Business

B1. What factor(s) do you consider to be very important to your business?

B2. How would you rate the following factors in their importance to your business? (Use a
scale of 0 to 5, where 0 is unimportant and 5 is extremely important.)

Maintaining product quality and consistency 0 1 2 3 4 5

Meeting your production schedule 0 1 2 3 4 5
Meeting regulatory requirements (such as environmental reqs) 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Keeping up technologically with competitors
Keeping up with new or shifting market demands 0 1 2 3 4 5
Having a reliable, high quality supply of electricity 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maintaining your market niche 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maintaining a happy and productive staff 0 1 2 3 4 5
Identifying and implementing cost saving measures 0 1 2 3 4 5

B3. How would you assess the overall energy management policy at your facility?
(Minimal, moderate, extensive, )

B4. Do you have the information you need to effectively manage energy costs?

Yes No Notes: ______________________________________________________


B5. Which of the following cost saving measures would you consider/have considered
implementing to reduce/manage energy costs?

Very Would Have

Unlikely Consider already
Extend or shorten production schedule
Shift production schedule
Make use of best industry practices/training to improve
Purchase equipment to improve productivity
Implement energy conservation
Layoffs and other staffing-based considerations
Downsize our production facility

B5. Would you be more likely to implement any of these with increasing energy costs? If
so which? (If asked, assume a roughly 25% increase).



General Decision-Making Practices

D1. Please describe the usual decision-making process for capital improvements.
(Establishing need, initiating research, specifying, financial analysis, actual procurement)

D2. What type of investment criteria do new capital projects need to satisfy?

D3. Are energy efficiency projects evaluated differently than other projects? If so, state

D4. What type of documentation/information is needed to sell/justify an energy efficiency


D5. Is this different from a production-related project? If so what is different?

D6. What are usually the critical driver(s) for new equipment? (e.g. cost savings, reliability,
innovation, productivity)

D7. What other major considerations are there for installation of new equipment? (e.g.
plant down time, worker productivity)


D8. Who most often specifies attributes of new equipment (efficiency, features)?

D9. Who makes the final decision on purchasing?

D7. D7a.
D6. Final Decision Final Decision
Specifies (Lower cost) (Higher cost)
Plant engineer
Plant electrician
Operations manager
Maintenance supervisor
Facilities manager
Purchasing department
Other: _________________

D10. Is there a dollar threshold that would involve different decision makers? If so,
indicate dollar threshold, and identify both types of decision makers above.


Energy Efficiency Decision-Making

E1. How are energy efficiency investments generally viewed at this facility? Are they
treated differently than other capital investments?

E2. Are there any special considerations made for energy-efficient equipment or systems?
Yes No


E3. Are there any policies or procedures regarding energy efficiency when investing in new
equipment or systems? (e.g. new construction/renovation or process design/retrofit decisions)

Yes No

E4. What is the approach to financing/access to capital for energy efficient equipment?

E5. Any champions of EE at your facility?

Yes No Notes: ______________________________________________________

Contact name and phone number: ________________________________

E6. Is there a full time energy manager? (or is anyone formally responsible for energy

Yes No Notes: ______________________________________________________

Contact name and phone number: ________________________________

E7. What kind of incentives or disincentives are there to reducing energy operating costs?
(e.g. Pro: recognition/awards programs, Con: reduced budget due to savings)


O&M Practices
M1. What is the size of your maintenance staff?
_______ Full Time Equivalents Not sure, this is a rough estimate Dont know

M2. Please briefly describe the overall maintenance strategy for this plant? (include any
recent major changes)

M3. What type of maintenance policy does your company follow for each of the following
types of equipment?
Limited Aggressive
As Unscheduled Scheduled Scheduled Not Dont
Equipment Needed Preventive Preventive Preventive Predictive Applicable Know
Motor lubrication
Bearing lubrication
Motor belt replacement
Fan/blower blade cleaning
Fan/blower wheel balancing
Fan/blower airflow test
Air compressor intake filters
Compressed air water traps
& pressure regulators

Other 1 ______________
Other 2 ______________

M4. What, if any, O&M procedures do you do regularly to conserve energy?

M5. How would you characterize the knowledge of the O&M staff regarding energy
efficiency, overall?


Attitudes toward EE

A1. What are your thoughts generally on high efficiency equipment and practices to
improve energy efficiency?

A2. Please tell me how you think premium efficiency equipment compares to standard
equipment in each of the following categories:

a. How long it takes to procure them: Notes (e.g. variations by equipment type):
About same
Dont know
b. Cost of installation
About same
Dont know
c. Cost of maintenance
About same
Dont know

A3. How do energy savings usually compare with original expectations?

Savings10% or more than expected Notes:

Savings meet expectations (+/- 10%)
Savings 10-20% short of expectations
Savings over 20% short of expectations
No reliable way to tell energy savings
Dont know what original expectations were

A4. If your facility were as energy efficient as possible, what would it have? (If cost was not
a factor, but only using existing/emerging technologies)


A5. What are the primary factors keep you from being as energy efficient as possible?
No applicable measures for facility/processes
Waiting to see how new measures perform at other sites
Insufficient information (reliable, relevant)
Too busy to research / specify
No money to research / audit / specify
EE measures usually do not meet payback criteria
Reducing energy costs not a high priority
Capital constraints for optional EE equipment
Requires too much plant down time
Difficult to sell to management/decisionmaker
Only will do if has other benefits (e.g. productivity)
Unwilling to risk possible effect on productivity
Just not worth the trouble
Other (1):
Other (2):
Other (3):


If clear picture of situation has not already been established ask.

A5. What would need to change for your firm to be more likely to implement cost-effective
energy efficiency measures?


Recent Project Activity

P1. Have you implemented any major capital projects in the past 2 years?

P2. Was energy efficiency considered for any of these projects?

Yes No

P3. Have you installed any high efficiency equipment at your facility in the past 24 months?

P4. What were the most important reasons that you installed high efficiency equipment or
new technologies? <Check all that apply. Do NOT prompt with items from the list.>
Energy cost savings
Maintenance or other cost savings
Increased system capacity/ productivity
Improved reliability / less down time
Improved worker environment
Other non-energy benefit __________________________________
Long delivery time
Increased maintenance or other costs
Decreased equipment reliability
Capital cost too high
Payback too long/savings too low/
Incompatibility with current systems
Other EE equipment detriment _______________________________
Expertise of maintenance staff
Environmental compliance concerns
It was included in the systems we bought
Corporate policy
Other(1): __________________________________
Other(2): __________________________________
Other(3): __________________________________


P4. Do you have any plans to install high efficiency equipment in the next year?

P5. Has the energy crisis in California, or the increase in your rates, had any effect on your
decision making or practices?

Yes No

Next I would like to ask about new production technologies designed for your industry.

P6. Are you aware of any specific new technologies for your industry? If yes, what?

Yes No

P7. What are your thoughts on this new technology?

P8. Are you considering (or have you already installed) this new technology(s)?

Yes, have already Yes, have plans to install No (if not, why not?)


Information on EE

I1. How do you usually become aware of new products and product improvements?
Check all that apply.
Read about them in trade journals
Sales personnel/Vendors
Utility staff/programs
Business associates/ Industry Associations
Trade shows
Other ____________________________________________________________

I2. What industry organization(s) do you trust as a source for energy-related information?

I3. Are you aware of any programs or resources provided by your utility in 2002 or 2003
that were designed to promote energy efficiency for facilities like yours?

Yes No
Record program(s), if mentioned:
Standard Performance Contract Program
Express Efficiency
Energy audits
Technology demonstrations
Other: ______________________________________________________

I4. During the last two years, did this facility participate in any energy efficiency programs
offered by your utility or other source? (record all mentions)

Standard Performance Contract Program

Express Efficiency
Energy audits
Technology demonstrations
CEC Peak Load Reduction
Other: ______________________________________________________

Brief description of project(s):


I5. What could the California energy efficiency programs, implemented by the utilities and
other 3rd parties utilizing Publics Goods Funding, do to further encourage you to install
more energy efficient equipment? (Prompt about factors such as information, education, and
financial incentives.)

Energy Systems

Things that will probably be covered in the Technical section of the survey, but address
here if necessary.

For each key end use address the following:

awareness of:
measures to implement
of effects
of energy savings
costs savings
reasons for efficient operations or inefficient operations

M1. Do you have any electronic controls on process equipment that (check all that apply):
Unload or turn off equipment to save energy during idle periods?
Manage process equipment operation to minimize peak demand?
Have other energy management capabilities?
Not sure -- (Skip to the Water Re-Use section)
None -- (Skip to the Water Re-Use section)


M2. Why did you install the control system(s)? Check all that apply.
To extend machine life
To increase process reliability
To increase product quality
Came with purchased equipment
For energy savings. Please compare savings with original expectations:
Savings more than expected
Savings meet expectations
Savings fall short of expectations
Savings fall far short of expectations
No reliable way to tell energy savings
Dont know what original expectations were
Other ______________________________________________
Not sure

Types of EE projects include:

replacement of lighting fixtures compressed air

automation/controls conveyor systems
HVAC retrofit process-industry specific
motors/fans boiler/steam system
TOD scheduling for lighting furnace/oven




Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
F1. What do you make/do at this facility? White cement from scratch, Cement; old facility, 7 kilns, Two types of grey cement Two types of grey cement Grey cement
grey cement from clinker 14 raw and finish mills
produced elsewhere
F2. Basic Facility Description (number of Quarry, complete cement Quarry, complete cement Quarry, cement production. 6 Quarry; 1 dry kiln with pre- This is a nearly 100 year
buildings, process/offices, etc.) production, 10,000-15,000 production, 10,000-15,000 mills, 2 long dry kilns, 30MW calciner; 4 finish mills; 2 raw old mill. It is one of two
sf offices/labs sf offices/labs; also 7 waste steam power plant - operated at mills; all are ball mills; all with Lehigh Plants in Ca. It has
heat boiler driving 2 1.5 to 3 MW using waste heat recent he classifiers a vertical precalciner
generators for 90% of combined with a short
electricity round kiln.
F3. How many people work at your facility (full 100-150 100-150 120 180 150-200
time equivalents)? _________ people
F4. How many other separate facilities do you 1 in CA 1 in CA 2 in CA 0 1 in CA
have in California? Outside California?
2 out of CA 2 out of CA 1 out of CA this is only plant in US 5 other US plants (German

E1. How important is energy usage relative to Very important Very important Very important Very important Very important
your overall production costs? (gas/electric?)
E2. Could you estimate the percent of overall over 10% over 10% over 10% over 10% over 30%
production costs that go to electricity? (If
necessary: 1% or less; >1%-5%, 5%-10%, over
E3. Could you estimate the percent of overall 1%-5% 1%-5% 1%-5% 1%-5% low
production costs that go to natural gas? (If
necessary: 1% or less; >1%-5%, 5%-10%, over

B1. What factor(s) do you consider to be very Energy Costs, Market Energy Costs, Market Energy Costs, Market Energy Costs, Market Energy Costs, running the
important to your business? Conditions, Environmental Conditions, Environmental Conditions, Environmental Conditions, Environmental plant, Production
Regulations Regulations Regulations Regulations management, Market
B2. How would you rate the following factors in Not asked
their importance to your business? (Use a scale
of 0 to 5, where 0 is unimportant and 5 is
extremely important.)
Maintaining product quality and consistency 4 4 5 4
Meeting your production schedule 5 5 3 5
Meeting regulatory requirements (such as 5 5 5 5
environmental reqs)
Keeping up technologically with competitors 1 1 5
Keeping up with new or shifting market demands 3 3 4 3
Having a reliable, high quality supply of electricity 3 3 4 3


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
Maintaining your market niche 3 3 2 2
Maintaining a happy and productive staff 2 2 3 2
Identifying and implementing cost saving 1 1 2 1

B3. How would you assess the overall energy Moderate Energy costs Moderate Energy costs Moderate- High It is our single Extremely aggressive. Energy Strong However,
management policy at your facility? (Minimal, are certainly a concern but are certainly a concern but largest production cost. Energy costs are constantly reviewed maintaining consistent
moderate, extensive, ) capital is limited and no one capital is limited and no one use guides all of our process vs production . Daily, weekly, production and product
really has time to focus on really has time to focus on operating practicing practices. monthly and annually. Control quality is the overriding
energy and carry forth energy and carry forth decisions are based on power concern. Although
projects. projects. In addition, at Oro requirements. everyone at the plant is
Grande, the uncertainty aware of energy and it is a
about the plant remaining in key factor on which some
operation has kept us from operations are based, we
doing any upgrades there. have limited operating
staff. Fine tuning for
optimizing efficiency, and
developing, championing,
and managing energy
improvements takes staff
time that is just not
available given each
persons day to day
responsibility. We do
have special projects
engineering staff, but even
they are too busy to take
on energy projects that
arent related to
maintaining production.
Also, the plant must
remain in production as
much as possible. The
interruptions and
coordination required for
retrofits can also restrict
consideration of energy
B4. Do you have the information you need to Yes, For the most part. We Yes, For the most part. We For the most part. We keep Yes, For the most part. We Yes, in general for the
effectively manage energy costs? keep well informed because keep well informed because well informed because energy keep well informed because most part, we do. We
energy is such an important energy is such an important is such an important cost factor. energy is such an important keep well informed about
cost factor. We are aware cost factor. We are aware Have information available but cost factor. We are aware of energy saving potential
of most technological of most technological not necessarily time to process most technological potential but because energy is such an
potential but do not have the potential but do not have the and analyze it. do not necessarily have the important cost factor. We
resources to act on it. resources to act on it. financial or resources to act on are aware of most
it. Our parent corporation is an technological potential but


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
equipment and process do not always have the
manufacturer so we have resources to act on it.
internal access to the newest That being said, we do
technologies. The parent often have projects where
corporation has performed the precise energy savings
period process/energy audits of cannot be predicted
the plant. The most recent was precisely or guaranteed by
two years ago. a vendor. So some
projects are not followed
up on due to the
performance risk involved.
B5. Which of the following cost saving measures
would you consider/have considered
implementing to reduce/manage energy costs?
Extend or shorten production schedule. Unlikely Unlikely Have already - with price signal Unlikely Would consider
(real time pricing)
Shift production schedule If there is a price signal. We If there is a price signal. We Have already - with price signal Have/would - with price signal; Would consider
used to do this when we used to do this when we (real time pricing) did with rtp
were on real time rates, but were on real time rates, but
no more. no more.
Make use of best industry practices/training to Would consider Would consider Have already Have/would consider Would consider
improve productivity
Purchase equipment to improve productivity Would consider Would consider Have already Have/would consider Would consider
Implement energy conservation Would consider Would consider Have already Have/would consider Would consider
Layoffs and other staffing-based considerations Would consider / have Would consider / have Have already Have/would consider Unlikely
already already
Downsize our production facility Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely

B6. Would you be more likely to implement any Change schedule / shift Change schedule / shift Change schedule / shift We will consider any
of these with increasing energy costs? If so production - if price signal is production - if price signal is production - if price signal is option if it makes business
which? (If asked, assume a roughly 25% right right right sense.

D1. Please describe the usual decision-making Corporate or plant Corporate or plant Initiated and analyzed at plant, Plant process managers identify Plant manager develops
process for capital improvements. (Establishing managers identify managers identify goes to corporate for financial technological potential, cost the operating and capital
need, initiating research, specifying, financial technological potential; local technological potential; local approval. benefit is reviewed at the investment for the plant
analysis, actual procurement) corporate staff review and corporate staff review and department level and then the within guidelines provided
evaluate based on corporate evaluate based on corporate plant level. Local corporate by corporate management
criteria; ultimately goes to criteria; ultimately goes to staff review and evaluate based and with input from the
corporate for financial corporate for financial on corporate criteria. Ultimately various production section
approval. approval. goes to corporate for final managers. Energy saving
financial approval. Capital projects compete with
budget has been fairly fixed at other capital projects. The
$4 million for the last several plant manager asks for


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
years. Sometimes we get project needs from the
funds for special projects that various division
are being pushed at the department managers and
corporate level. make the final
determination on the
budget request. It is
usually they who propose
energy related projects.
Sometimes with guidance
from the Plant Manager or
Corporate suggestions but
usually on their own
initiative. The level of
capital funding depends on
business and macro
economic conditions. We
usually have $1
million/year for capital
Investments over $10K
require corporate approval
although sometimes they
are lumped with other
D2. What type of investment criteria do new 1.0-1.5 year payback 1.0-1.5 year payback 1.0-1.5 year payback 3 years max. with limit of They need to be justified
capital projects need to satisfy? capital available typically $4 for overall economic
million/year. efficiency and level of
production , etc. Energy
projects typically have to
payback within a year or
D3. Are energy efficiency projects evaluated No No Somewhat Production output Not really. The driving factor for Not really. Energy
differently than other projects? If so, state and specific energy is a key all recent projects has been projects are evaluated on
differences. factor. energy costs. an overall financial sense
just like any others.
D4. What type of documentation/information is Detailed technical and Detailed technical and A detailed technical and A detailed technical and A paper study either done
needed to sell/justify an energy efficiency project? financial review financial review financial review. financial review. in house or done by a
vendor and reqiewed in
house with the justification
and financial analysis.
D5. Is this different from a production-related No No No No Not really except there is
project? If so what is different? a Revenue stream that is
generated. Many other
projects are either
intended to improve
production or reduce


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
maintenance costs.
D6. What are usually the critical driver(s) for new Capital availability Capital availability Production and specific energy Energy costs, reliability, overall cost savings, reliability,
equipment? (e.g. cost savings, reliability, use, capital availability, market production costs, capital innovation, productivity
innovation, productivity) projections. availability.
D7. What other major considerations are there for Lost production time, Lost production time, Lost production time, reliability Production (continuity), Plant down time is
installation of new equipment? (e.g. plant down reliability risk, safety, reliability risk, safety, risk, safety, environmental environmental issues (NOX) important. We never like
time, worker productivity) environmental issues (NOX) environmental issues (NOX) issues (NOX) to shut down. Reliability
and maintenance costs
are also a concern.
D8. Who most often specifies attributes of new Plant Staff & Operating Plant Staff & Operating Staff and operating engineers Plant staff & operating The section manager sets
equipment (efficiency, features)? personnel & Corporate personnel & Corporate personnel & plant process the performance
engineers engineers managers and engineering requirement. Vendors
staff. Sometimes with often provide the final
assistance of the vendors specification and selection
and detailed installation
D9. Who makes the final decision on purchasing? Plant engineer / operations Plant engineer / operations Plant engineer / operations Process managers ops Plant engineer and
manager specified - Sr. manager specified - Sr. manager specified - Sr. manager, maintenance operations manager
management decides - both management decides - both management decides - both low supervisor specify (also process specify; and approve low
low and high cost purchases low and high cost purchases and high cost purchases engineer and ee manager both cost; upper management
new); Sr. management makes approve higher cost
final decisions
D10. Is there a dollar threshold that would involve Any measure outside of Any measure outside of Any measure outside of normal Any capital measure or Yes Greater than 10k
different decision makers? If so, indicate dollar normal O&M budget goes normal O&M budget goes O&M budget goes for corporate measure outside of normal capital requirements
threshold, and identify both types of decision for corporate review for corporate review review O&M practices maintenance outside the budget
makers above. budget goes for local technically requires
management review. corporate approval.

E1. How are energy efficiency investments Treated same as all Treated same as all No not really. Production No Not really, their costs and
generally viewed at this facility? Are they treated investments investments projects are viewed more benefits are evaluated
differently than other capital investments? favorably. much like other projects.
Corporate requires a
minimum 18% IRR after
taxes for app projects
other than those
necessary to keep the
plant running. They
have a 3 year capital
planning program.
Projects compete amongst
all US plants.
E2. Are there any special considerations made for No No Efficiency and specific energy is No Yes if incentives are
energy-efficient equipment or systems? always considered in all available we may take a
manufacturing decisions. look.


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
E3. Are there any policies or procedures No No High efficiency motors, etc. are Yes. Energy is a consideration Nothing formal, but it is
regarding energy efficiency when investing in new specified. in all decisions already. HE understood that
equipment or systems? (e.g. new motors and equipment is improvements are
construction/renovation or process design/retrofit routinely specified for new expected to lower or at
decisions) equipment and replacement least be neutral with
eqpt. A new position will be respect to specific energy.
charged with reviewing existing
systems and identifying whether
there is a rationale for changing
out existing equipment sucha
as motors, fans, etc.
E4. What is the approach to financing/access to Internal capital resources Internal capital resources Internal capital resources are Internal capital resources are Internal corporate capital
capital for energy efficient equipment? are used are used used used. Funds are made resources are used. This
available through standard may include corporate
corporate cash flow techniques, bonds if the climate is
bonds, etc. right.
E5. Any champions of EE at your facility? No. Managers are No. Managers are Plant manager, Operations No. All line Managers are Yes I am, and all
concerned with production; concerned with production; Supervisor concerned with production. operating staff are. but
staff is not "tuned in" staff is not "tuned in" Two new positions, a process there is no official energy
engineer and an operating manager and frequently
engineer are charged with staff to champion a
maintaining and improving particular project is limited.
energy use
E6. Is there a full time energy manager? (or is No. financial officer takes on No. financial officer takes on No. Part of Plant Manager and Yes: Not an energy manager No
anyone formally responsible for energy the role but is not involved in the role but is not involved in ops supervisor responsibilities per-se, but there is a person a
management?) technical practices technical practices process engineer to which
energy use is a top priority and
specific job function.
E7. What kind of incentives or disincentives are Capital is very limited. Most Capital is very limited. Most Very few it is a significant part Capital is very limited.
there to reducing energy operating costs? (e.g. measures will require capital measures will require capital of our production costs. One Most major measures
Pro: recognition/awards programs, Con: reduced significant disincentive is the require capital. We are
budget due to savings) departure charges that are focused on production.
levied for new generation Also, with regard to a
capacity even waste potential cogen project,
generation capacity. the current PUC rules
allow lost revenue
recovery which effectively
makes a potential cogen
project not financially
attractive. Also mentioned
was the duration of
projects (long term
planning is needed for
major projects) , and
limitations on rebates to
one customer. Rebates


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
are usually play only a
small part in a major
capital project.

M1. What is the size of your maintenance staff? DK DK NA Operations and maintenance about 20 FTE
are tied together.
M2. Please briefly describe the overall Do whatever is necessary to Do whatever is necessary to Do whatever is necessary to Do whatever is necessary to Make as much cement as
maintenance strategy for this plant? (include any keep equipment operating keep equipment operating keep equipment operating so keep equipment operating so possible as efficiently as
recent major changes) so there is no lost so there is no lost there are no bottlenecks and there is no lost production possible.
production production lost production
M3. What type of maintenance policy does your
company follow for each of the following types of
As needed As needed Limited scheduled preventitive Aggressive scheduled
Motor lubrication preventative
Limited scheduled Limited scheduled Limited scheduled preventitive Predictive Limited scheduled
Bearing lubrication preventitive preventitive preventative
Motor belt replacement As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Fan/blower blade cleaning As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Fan/blower wheel balancing As needed As needed As needed Predictive As needed
Fan/blower airflow test As needed As needed As needed Limted Scheduled Preventitive As needed
Limited scheduled Limited scheduled Limited scheduled preventitive Limted Scheduled Preventitive Limited scheduled
Air compressor intake filters preventitive preventitive preventative
Compressed air water traps & pressure regulators As needed As needed As needed Limted Scheduled Preventitive As needed
We had an air
compressor survey done
by a consultant in a recent
year. But we havent
done much to implement
it. (NOTE a 2001 LBL
publication says that they
installed 2 new
compressors and other
equipment and saved
900,000 kWh or $90,000.)

M4. What, if any, O&M procedures do you do Within the limits of the Within the limits of the Everything possible. All Within the limits of the controls Lubrication, cleaning
regularly to conserve energy? controls and equipment, we controls and equipment, we operations are based on energy and equipment, we try to (Cleaning is a major issue
try to minimize energy use. try to minimize energy use. use. minimize energy use. WE had with all the dust here.),
a survey done about 3 years change belts, other
ago where we turned off all manufacturers
unnecessary equipment down recommended activities.
to lights, AC, pumps, etc.


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
Savings were about 5-6%
M5. How would you characterize the knowledge Moderate Moderate Very High Excellent Generally good but most
of the O&M staff regarding energy efficiency, have other priorities.

A1. What are your thoughts generally on high We know that we can do We know that we can do We are very motivated We support and encourage all They are very important to
efficiency equipment and practices to improve much better but we are very much better but we are very energy saving within our capital us. We encourage them
energy efficiency? capital and resource limited. capital and resource limited. and time constraints. but we dont have enough
staff to pursue most of
A2. Please tell me how you think premium Similar with regard to Similar with regard to Similar with regard to Similar with regard to
efficiency equipment compares to standard procurement, cost, and procurement, cost, and procurement, cost, and procurement, cost, and
equipment in each of the following categories: maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance
A3. How do energy savings usually compare Variable Variable Savings meet expectations. WE Savings are often
with original expectations? do a fairly thorough review so suspected to be short of
were fairly confident before the expectations or impossible
project takes place. We have a to calculate.
good energy information
A4. If your facility were as energy efficient as Roller Mills vs ball mills Roller Mills vs ball mills Roller Mills vs ball mills Roller Mills vs ball mills
possible, what would it have? (If cost was not a
factor, but only using existing/emerging
Better air/combustion Better air/combustion
controls in kilns controls in kilns
Optimized heat Optimized heat Optimized heat recovery/power Heat recovery power generation Heat recovery for cogen
recovery/power generation recovery/power generation generation from the clinker cooler.
More VFDs where More VFDs where More VFDs where appropriate More VFDs where appropriate VFDs on most fans.
appropriate appropriate
A vertical calcining kiln A vertical calcining kiln A vertical calcining furnace
Improved compresswed air
Fewer Pneumatic conveyors
Better classifiers
Mechanical conveyors in some
More use of tires and
waste fuels.

A5. What are the primary factors keep you from Too busy to research Too busy to research
being as energy efficient as possible?
Waiting to see how new


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
measures perform at other
Insufficient information
(reliable, relevant)
Too busy to research /
No money to research No money to research No money to research No money to research
EE doesn't meet payback
Capital constraints Capital constraints Capital constraints Capital constraints
Too much plant down time Too much plant down time Too much plant down time Too much plant down time
Hard to sell to mgmt - savings
Not worth trouble for small Not worth trouble for small Not worth trouble for small Not worth trouble for small
items items items items
No staff time to manage project No staff time to assess/manage

A5. What would need to change for your firm to More staff time; more capital More staff time; more capital More staff time Change of regulation and More staff time; more
be more likely to implement cost-effective energy incentive constraints (waste available capital
efficiency measures? heat generation process); more
available capital

P1. Have you implemented any major capital No No Yes - computer analyzer for mix Yes classifiers on #2 finish YES a LOSHI vertical raw
projects in the past 2 years? mill and raw mill, VFD on ??? Mill
Precalciner was installed
in 1991
Control Upgrade
HE Separators 1992,

P2. Was energy efficiency considered for any of NA NA Yes Yes it was the primary Yes all of them,
these projects? motivation for all of those especially Controls
P3. Have you installed any high efficiency No No Yes - see P1 Yes Classifiers/VFDs Yes LOSHI Mill
equipment at your facility in the past 24 months? improved controls.
P4. What were the most important reasons that Energy cost savings; increase Energy cost savings Energy cost savings;
you installed high efficiency equipment or new capacity/productivity; improved maintenacne cost savings;
technologies? <Check all that apply. Do NOT reliability; imporved quality increase productivity;
prompt with items from the list.> control increased reliability;


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
cost - long delivery time
P4. Do you have any plans to install high No No No Yes; waste heat cogen (will Would like to improve
efficiency equipment in the next year? decide soon); new classifier clinker cooler; control
project is ongoing
P5. Has the energy crisis in California, or the Yes; energy costs are even Yes; energy costs are even Yes. Has not affected us too Yes; energy costs are even Yes Energy is more
increase in your rates, had any effect on your more critical more critical much because we are on direct more critical critical to every decision.
decision making or practices? access. But Energy We also consider
management is even more importing product and
critical have port facilities.
P6. Are you aware of any specific new Yes; see A4 Yes; see A4 Yes; see A4 Yes; HE classifiers, mechanical To many to name .
technologies for your industry? If yes, what? converyors, improved controls, Veritcal mills, VFD, Heat
VFDs on fans, roller vs. ball recovery,
P7. What are your thoughts on this new All work well; but most All work well; but most They all work well, but All work well but all are major It is all good and would
technology? involve too much captial involve too much captial significant capital changes process change projects that save us energy to install it
cost millions of dollars. but we are not sure if it is
all cost-effective.
P8. Are you considering (or have you already No - capital constraints No - capital constraints Did AC survey and installed Yes; have/plan to. Have already Yes Some of it.
installed) this new technology(s)? some VFDs. and improved installed most technologies to
Controls. Others involve too some degree and plan to
much capital cost, have long continue as capital permits.

I1. How do you usually become aware of new All sources mentioned All sources mentioned All sources mentioned All sources mentioned All sources mentioned
products and product improvements?
I2. What industry organization(s) do you trust as a IEEE Tech Committee; PCA IEEE Tech Committee; PCA AIEEE Tech Committee; PCA IEEE Tech Committee; PCA, IEEE Tech Committee,
source for energy-related information? Corporate staff PCA, SCE helps
coordinate access to
information and has
helped with rebates.
I3. Are you aware of any programs or resources Yes; SPC and Express Yes; SPC and Express Yes; SPC, Express, Energy Yes; SPC, Express Yes; SPC, Express,
provided by your utility in 2002 or 2003 that were Efficiency Efficiency Audits; Compressed air survey Energy Audits;
designed to promote energy efficiency for Compressed air studies
facilities like yours?
I4. During the last two years, did this facility Compressed air survey Yes; SPC, Express; New SPC; air compressor
participate in any energy efficiency programs classifier and VFD on fan
offered by your utility or other source? (record all
I5. What could the California energy efficiency Extend Program time limits Extend Program time limits Extend Program time limits to Extend Program time limits to Eliminate the departure
programs, implemented by the utilities and other to 3+ years to 3+ years 3+ years 3+ years fee for heat recovery
3 parties utilizing Publics Goods Funding, do to cogen
further encourage you to install more energy
efficient equipment? (Prompt about factors such
as information, education, and financial


Facility A1 A2 B C D
Location Riverside Oro Grande Colton CA Lucernce Valley; Ontario Tehachapi
Increase max funds Increase max funds Increase max funds Increase max funds Allow more wholistic
projects that dont require
a before and after
efficiency calculation.
Remove restrictions to on site Extend waste heat generation Allow more long term
generation. incentive to more than 1 MW projects
Remove departure fee Increase capital
disincentive for waste heat

M1. Do you have any electronic controls on Yes; not sure specifics Yes; not sure specifics Yes; they have other energy Yes; Unload or turn off
process equipment that (check all that apply): management capabilities equipment to save energy
during idle periods; Have
other energy management
M2. Why did you install the control system(s)? Increase process reliability Increase process reliability To increase reliability; to To increase product
Check all that apply. increase quality; fore energy quality; for energy savings
savings - to allow energy-based
Increase product quality Increase product quality
Energy savings Energy savings


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