Financial Statement Analysis & Business Valuation of NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam LTD
Financial Statement Analysis & Business Valuation of NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam LTD
Financial Statement Analysis & Business Valuation of NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam LTD
NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd. (NVVN) was formed by NTPC Ltd, as
its wholly owned subsidiary to tap the potential of power trading in the
country, thereby promote optimum capacity utilization of generation and
transmission assets in the country and act as a catalyst in development of
a vibrant electricity market in India.
It was incorporated on 1st Nov 2002 and received the Certificate for
Commencement of Business Activities from the Registrar of Companies
on 26th Nov 2002. It has an authorized and fully paid up share capital of
Rs. 200 million.
It commenced its first trading operations in March 2003 with the supply
of surplus power from Eastern Region Stations of NTPC to Meghalaya
State Electricity Board and Assam State Electricity Board. The Company
was granted Category-E licence by the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (CERC) for inter-state trading of electricity on 23rd July
2004. The trading licence has been upgraded to Category-F Licence on
22nd March 2005 by CERC. As per latest CERC regulation, NVVN is
holding the highest category 'I' license.
The Company has also been designated as the nodal agency for cross
border trading of power with Bangladesh. The Power Purchase
Agreement (PPA) for supply of 250 MW power from NTPC stations for
25 years has been signed on February 28, 2012 between NVVN and
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). The Power supply to
Bangladesh is expected to commence from July 2013. It has also been
designated as nodal agency under Phase I of the Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission (JNNSM) for buying power from solar power
developers in India and selling to distribution utilities after bundling with
unallocated equivalent capacity from NTPC power stations.
NVVN has been actively associated with the Power Trading activities
since inception and has been instrumental in offering best products &
services required by their Customers from time to time. Power has been
traded by NVVN as required in various products categorized on time of
day basis to meet evening peak, off peak, round the clock, night power,
morning peak demand and as & when available basis. It has also
effectively met power crisis and growing demand of Northern Region
States by supply of power from NTPC Kayamkulam Station in Southern
Region. They have also tied up for different power SWAP arrangements
amongst various States for deriving mutual benefit. NVVN is poised and
looking ahead for trading on long term basis from Cross Border, Captive
Power Plants (CPPs), Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and merchant
power from NTPC Stations.
Research refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research
as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic. Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it
promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization.
Research Methodology
Research Design
Research design is the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analysis of the data. It is the framework of the project that stimulates what
information is to be collected from which source and by what procedure.
1. Primary
2. secondary
a. Survey Method
b. Observation
c. Experiment
2. Secondary Data Any data which have been gathered earlier for
some other purpose and now it is referred. That data is known as
secondary data. It can be collected by:
a. Accounting records
b. Sales reports
c. Publication of individual firm
d. Books internet
Over the Counter Market Over the Counter Market is the inter-State
market where buyers and sellers directly transact or transact through
an Electricity Trader, and where the price and terms of the contract are
determined through negotiations as agreed between the parties or
through competitive bidding process or through a Electricity Trader.
The risk in contracts executed in such markets is managed between the
parties themselves or by the Electricity Trader, as the case may be.
Power Exchange Market Power Exchange Market is a market where
buyers, sellers, Electricity Traders, Members of Power Exchange
transact on standardized contracts and where the Power Exchange or
Clearing Corporation is counterparty to such contracts and further,
scheduling is done by Regional Load Dispatch Centre or National
Load Dispatch Centre unless actual delivery is dispensed with.
The power sector has grown significantly since the enactment of the
Electricity Act in 2003. However, it still faces the daunting challenge
of providing adequate power to meet the growing needs of the
economy. The mandate of the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (CERC) is to promote competition, efficiency and
economy in the power markets and improve the quality of supply,
which necessitates the development of a healthy short-term power
market. A short- term power market can help electricity providers
procure unplanned and fluctuating power requirements, and on the
sellers' side, enable power producers as well as procurers to sell their
surplus power. In India, the short-term power market, which covers
contracts of less than a year through bilateral agreements and power
exchanges is well developed, constituting approximately 11 percent
(close to 95 billion units) of the total electricity market in 2011-12,
though this includes power transactions through unscheduled
interchange (UI) as well.
This report gives a gist of short-term transactions through different
mechanisms such as bilateral contracts, power exchanges, UI
transactions and long-term transactions by various market participants.
A robust trading system is very important for free and fair competitive
electricity market operation. Trading system should be capable of risk
hedging associated with price volatility and other unexpected changes.
Operating behavior of a competitive power market is significantly
affected by the trading arrangements, strategic bidding, market model
and power traders. Trading arrangement is properly designed in every
country to take care of other abuse of market. These arrangements are
kept on changing from time to time depending on the requirement for
transparent and non-discriminatory electricity market. In India the
power trading market is regulated by CERC regulations.
This project work is a study of power trading sector of India, with the
objective to
understand the Power Trading Market of India, analyze the competition
among the
major power traders in the market, to identify NVVNs strengths,
weaknesses, USPs of different functional departments and lastly,
business valuation of NVVN. A comprehensive study of power trading
sector of India is conducted to understand its relevance in the optimum
utilization of energy. Also, various mechanisms through which power
trading transactions is carried out are identified.
Problems & Cases, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New