Region III
Division of Bulacan
Balagtas, Bulacan
The test is to recognize the mistake, admit it and correct it. To have tried to do something
and failed is vastly better than to have tried to do nothing and succeeded.
Dale E. Turner
District Mentoring for Grade III and IV Teachers on English Proficiency and Process Skills in
Science and Mathematics transpired last February 5 to 6, 2014. The mentoring session took place
a. To identify weak points of the teachers based on the results of the 2013 TEPT & PST;
The mentoring session was participated passionately by the grade III and IV teachers who
took the test last 2013 at Guiginto Central School. The program started with a solemn prayer led
by Mrs. Editha S. Mariano, a teacher from MC Rivera Elementary School and was followed by
the singing of the National Anthem conducted by Mrs. Arlene T. Pagtalunan, a teacher from
Borol 1st Elementary School. Ms. Ma. Dulce D. Tanwangco, District Math Coordinator ensures
the 100% participation from our dear colleagues. A warm welcome was expressed by Mrs. Celia
S. Custodio in behalf of Mrs. Leticia S. Bulaong, Principal III of Balagtas Central School. Mrs.
Maila K. Rosales, District English Coordinator present the participants of what is entailed in the
two days mentoring session. The latter also provided them a birds eye view of the test result.
Mentoring session was not created to add burden on them but rather to further enhance their
efficiency as a fix figure in the academe. This event is more than identifying the mistakes
committed, it is to correct or better yet improve on the said low points of the test.
The mentoring session went smoothly under the supervision of our dear District
Supervisor Priscila P. Iliscupidez Ph.D. and District Advisers Mrs. Leticia S. Bulaong with Mrs.
Baby Lyn B. Guiao Ed.D. (English), Mrs. Vilma Z. Santos (Mathematics),and Mrs. Melania C.
Capistrano (Science). Lecturer in each area is to be seen in the Enclosure 1 of the District
Since this is our first day of mentoring, expectations are set hoping to be met. Lecturers
are all set to dole out what they can for this session. Errors in Expression was discussed by
Mrs. Maila K. Rosales. She started the talk with s Rebus puzzle as an ice breaker to set the
mood. Errors in expression focused on the correctness and effectiveness of expression. Subject
Verb Agreement came next as discussed by Mrs. Baby Lyn P. Guiao Ed.D., a refresher on
grammar is usage, linking the relationship between the subject and its verb, and the pronoun and
its antecedent
Next area under discussion was Analyzing Graphs was conferred by Mrs. Vilma Z.
Santos. She lively presented her topic with the definition of graphs and some of its kind. She also
provided several exercises to check the participants appreciation of her topic. Mrs. Dulce D.
Tanwangco talks about Fractions. She used a puzzle as a starter. The puzzle used familiar signs,
symbols or numerals to complete the word. It was a fun and mind boggling as well. The topic
was quiet confusing for some but she made it sure it will be easily understood by the participants.
Prediction was brought to mind by Mrs. Melania C. Capistrano. The discussion was presented in
a very appealing way. She gave an idea on how we could incorporate these skills in our everyday
teaching of the subject Science. The last subject matter was given details by Mrs. Estrelita S.
Conclusions and Evaluation. Though her topics may be extensive she managed discussed it
with clarity.
Second day of new learning unfolds more exciting topics to share and converse about.
The day was started by a topic discussed by Mrs. Imelda S. Pardias which is about
Formulating Hypothesis, Data Gathering, and Making Generalization. She presented the
topic in a creative way. Participants take pleasure in working with her exercises and discussion.
Another attention-grabbing topic was exhibited by Mr. Charlon DG. Santiago entitled,
Next topic was a challenging one; it was discussed by Mr. Dindo P. Reyes. Full of fun and
humour, he comprehensively talks about Integers, Area, and Volume. And with no difficulty he
accomplished the task assigned to him. Last part of the day was taken by a Mrs. Felda F.
Pantanilla she conversed about Power Browsing; the topic was enlightening because it teaches
us on how to use the different techniques in reading in different situations. The last discussant of
the day was Mrs. Maila K. Rosales. She elaborately makes clear the topic about Developing
Reading Comprehension. The area under discussion focused on how one can develop
proficient reading. The participants actively participate in the exchanging of ideas. This makes
Each speaker in each areas were prepared and are all set in filling up the pail of
knowledge for our participants. You can see in each speaker the flare of eagerness to impart what
they have. Make progress on the weak points of the test and on the quality of the teachers
performance holistically.
As mentoring session comes to an end, participants are now more confident in facing
their pupils, more equipped and invigorated of the skills and knowledge. Though change among
them could not happen instantaneously, at any rate we could see the spark that we have ignited
through these sessions. And that spark would keep them aflame with the desire to learn, try and
The true value of a teacher is determined not by what he knows, nor by his ability to
impart what he knows but by his ability to stimulate in others a desire to know.
Prepared by:
District English Coordinator