Mathematical Excalibur - Homothety PDF
Mathematical Excalibur - Homothety PDF
Mathematical Excalibur - Homothety PDF
Olympiad Corner
The Czech-Slovak-Polish Match this
year took place in Bilovec on June Kin Y. Li
21-22, 2004.Here are the problems.
A geometric transformation of the Hence the homothety sends I to O.
Problem 1. Show that real numbers p, q, plane is a function that sends every Then O being the incenter of ABC
r satisfy the condition point on the plane to a point in the same implies I is the incenter of ABC.
plane. Here we will like to discuss one
p4(q r)2 + 2p2(q + r) + 1 = p4 type of geometric transformations, Example 2. (1981 IMO) Three
called homothety, which can be used to congruent circles have a common point
if and only if the quadratic equations
solve quite a few geometry problems in O and lie inside a given triangle. Each
x2 + px + q = 0 and y2 py + r = 0 some international math competitions. circle touches a pair of sides of the
A homothety with center O and ratio k triangle. Prove that the incenter and the
have real roots (not necessarily distinct) circumcenter of the triangle and the
which can be labeled by x1, x2 and y1, y2, is a function that sends every point X
on the plane to the point X such that point O are collinear.
respectively, in such way that the A
equality x1y1 x2y2 = 1 holds. uuuur uuur
OX ' = k OX .
Problem 2. Show that for each natural
So if |k| > 1, then the homothety is a A'
number k there exist at most finitely magnification with center O. If |k| < 1,
many triples of mutually distinct primes O
it is a reduction with center O. A
p, q, r for which the number qr k is a homothety sends a figure to a similar B' C'
multiple of p, the number pr k is a figure. For instance, let D, E, F be the
multiple of q, and the number pq k is a midpoints of sides BC, CA, AB B C
multiple of r. respectively of ABC. The homothety Solution. Consider the figure shown.
with center A and ratio 2 sends AFE Let A, B, C be the centers of the
Problem 3. In the interior of a cyclic to ABC. The homothety with center at
quadrilateral ABCD, a point P is given circles. Since the radii are the same, so
the centroid G and ratio 1/2 sends AB is parallel to AB, BC is parallel to
such that |BPC|=|BAP|+|PDC|. ABC to DEF. BC, CA is parallel to CA. Since AA,
Denote by E, F and G the feet of the BB CC bisect A, B, C
perpendiculars from the point P to the Example 1. (1978 IMO) In ABC, AB
= AC. A circle is tangent internally to respectively, they concur at the incenter
lines AB, AD and DC, respectively. I of ABC. Note O is the circumcenter
the circumcircle of ABC and also to the
Show that the triangles FEG and PBC of ABC as it is equidistant from A,
sides AB, AC at P, Q, respectively.
are similar. Prove that the midpoint of segment PQ B, C. Then the homothety with center I
(continued on page 4) sending ABC to ABC will send O
is the center of the incircle of ABC.
Editors: (CHEUNG Pak-Hong), Munsang College, HK A to the circumcenter P of ABC.
(KO Tsz-Mei) Therefore, I, O, P are collinear.
(LEUNG Tat-Wing)
(LI Kin-Yin), Dept. of Math., HKUST Example 3. (1982 IMO) A
(NG Keng-Po Roger), ITC, HKPU non-isosceles triangle A1A2A3 is given
Artist: (YEUNG Sau-Ying Camille), MFA, CU with sides a1, a2, a3 (ai is the side
Acknowledgment: Thanks to Elina Chiu, Math. Dept.,
O opposite Ai). For all i=1, 2, 3, Mi is the
HKUST for general assistance. B C midpoint of side ai, and Ti is the point
On-line: where the incircle touchs side ai. Denote B' D C' by Si the reflection of Ti in the interior
The editors welcome contributions from all teachers and Solution. Let O be the center of the bisector of angle Ai.
students. With your submission, please include your name, circle. Let the circle be tangent to the
address, school, email, telephone and fax numbers (if Prove that the lines M1S1, M2S2 and M3S3
available). Electronic submissions, especially in MS Word, circumcircle of ABC at D. Let I be the are concurrent.
are encouraged. The deadline for receiving material for the midpoint of PQ. Then A, I, O, D are
next issue is January 20, 2005.
collinear by symmetry. Consider the A2
For individual subscription for the next five issues for the
03-04 academic year, send us five stamped self-addressed homothety with center A that sends T3
envelopes. Send all correspondence to: ABC to ABC such that D is on T1 B3
BC. Thus, k=AB/AB. As right B1 I
Dr. Kin-Yin LI S3
Department of Mathematics triangles AIP, ADB, ABD, APO are S1
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
similar, we have
Fax: (852) 2358 1643 AI /AO = (AI / AP)(AP / AO) A3 T 2 B2 2 A1
Email: = (AD /AB)(AB /AD) = AB/AB=1/k.
M athematical Excalibur,
Excalibur Vol. 9, N o. 4, Oct. 04- Dec. 04 Page 2
Solution. Let I be the incenter of OO1 OM1 = OP12 = OA OB, Power of Points Respect to Circles,
A1A2A3. Let B1, B2, B3 be the points in Math Excalibur, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2,
which implies points A, B, M1, O1 are
where the internal angle bisectors of 4.
A1, A2, A3 meet a1, a2, a3 concyclic. Then M1BO1 = M1AO1.
respectively. We will show SiSj is Hence M1AO1 = M2AO2. Adding Example 6. (1999 IMO) Two circles 1
parallel to MiMj. With respect to A1B1, O1AM2 to both sides, we have O1AO2 and 2 are inside the circle , and are
the reflection of T1 is S1 and the = M1AM2. tangent to at the distinct points M and
reflection of T2 is T3. So T3IS1 = N, respectively. 1 passes through the
Example 5. (1992 IMO) In the plane let C
T2IT1. With respect to A2B2, the center of 2. The line passing through
be a circle, L a line tangent to the circle C,
reflection of T2 is S2 and the reflection the two points of intersection of 1 and
and M a point on L. Find the locus of all
of T1 is S3. So T3IS2 = T1IT2. Then 2 meets at A and B. The lines MA
T3IS1 = T3IS2. Since IT3 is points P with the following property:
and MB meet 1 at C and D,
perpendicular to A1A2, we get S2S1 is there exist two points Q, R on L such that
respectively. Prove that CD is tangent
parallel to A1A2. Since A1A2 is parallel M is the midpoint of QR and C is the
to 2.
to M2M1, we get S2S1 is parallel to inscribed circle of PQR.
M2M1. Similarly, S3S2 is parallel to B
M3M2 and S1S3 is parallel to M1M3. P M
Now the circumcircle of S1S2S3 is the O1
incircle of A1A2A3 and the Q T S C R O2
circumcircle of M1M2M3 is the nine T' M C'
point circle of A1A2A3. Since A1A2A3 2
F C C' E
is not equilateral, these circles have V
different radii. Hence S1S2S3 is not
congruent to M1M2M3 and there is a L
homothety sending S1S2S3 to A,A'
M1M2M3. Then M1S1, M2S2 and M3S3
Solution. (Official Solution) Let EF be
concur at the center of the homothety.
the chord of which is the common
Example 4. (1983 IMO) Let A be one tangent to 1 and 2 on the same side of
of the two distinct points of line O1O2 as A. Let EF touch 1 at C.
intersection of two unequal coplanar The homothety with center M that
circles C1 and C2 with centers O1 and sends 1 to will send C to some point
O2 respectively. One of the common Solution. Let L be the tangent to C at S.
A and line EF to the tangent line L of
tangents to the circles touches C1 at P1 Let T be the reflection of S with respect to
and C2 at P2, while the other touches C1 at A. Since lines EF and L are parallel,
M. Let U be the point on C diametrically
at Q1 and C2 at Q2. Let M1 be the A must be the midpoint of arc FAE.
opposite S. Take a point P on the locus.
midpoint of P1Q1 and M2 be the Then AEC = AFC = AME.
midpoint of P2Q2. Prove that O1AO2 The homothety with center P that sends C
So AEC is similar to AME. Then
= M1AM2. to the excircle C will send U to T, the
the power of A with respect to 1 is
point where QR touches C. Let line PR
AC AM = AE2. Similar, the power
touch C at V. Let s be the semiperimeter
P1 of A with respect to 2 is AF2. Since
A of PQR, then
AE = AF, A has the same power with
TR = QS = s PR = PV PR =VR = TR respect to 1 and 2. So A is on the
O2 M 2 O1 M C1 O
1 radical axis AB. Hence, A = A. Then
so that P, U, T are collinear. Then the
C2 Q1 C = C and C is on EF.
locus is on the part of line UT, opposite
Q2 uuur
the ray U T . Similarly, the other common tangent to
Solution. By symmetry, lines O2O1, Conversely, for any point P on uuu
ther part of 1 and 2 passes through D. Let Oi be
P2P1, Q2Q1 concur at a point O. line UT, opposite the ray U T , the the center of i. By symmetry with
Consider the homothety with center O homothety sends U to T and T, so T = T. respect to O1O2, we see that O2 is the
which sends C1 to C2. Let OA meet C1 Then QS = s PR = PV PR =VR = TR = midpoint of arc CO2D. Then
at B, then A is the image of B under the TR and QM = QS MS =TR MT = RM.
Therefore, P is on the locus. DCO2 = CDO2 = FCO2.
homothety. Since BM1O1 is sent to
AM2O2, so M1BO1 = M2AO2. For the next example, the solution This implies O2 is on the angle bisector
involves the concepts of power of a point of FCD. Since CF is tangent to 2,
Now OP1O1 similar to OM1P1
with respect to a circle and the radical axis. therefore CD is tangent to 2.
implies OO1/OP1 = OP1/OM1. Then
We will refer the reader to the article (continued on page 4)
M athematical Excalibur,
Excalibur Vol. 9, N o. 4, Oct. 04- Dec. 04 Page 3
(Queen Elizabeth School, Form 7) and induction that pn2 2qn2 = 1 for n > 1. We steps, there is a single heap left on the
YIM Wing Yin (South Tuen Mun have p22 2q22 = 32 222 = 1. Assuming table, containing p stones. Show that
Government Secondary School, Form case n is true, we get the number p is a perfect square if and
pn+12 2qn+12 = (pn2 + 2qn2)2 2(2pnqn) only if the numbers 2k+2 and 3k+1 are
Problem 209. Prove that there are perfect squares. Further, find the least
= (pn2 2qn2)2 = 1.
infinitely many positive integers n such number k for which p is a perfect
that 2n + 2 is divisible by n and 2n + 1 is Other commended solvers: Ellen CHAN square.
divisible by n 1. On Ting (True Light Girls College, Form
5), Cheng HAO (The Second High
Solution. D. Kipp JOHNSON (Valley School Attached to Beijing Normal
Catholic School, Teacher, Beaverton, University), HUI Jack (Queens College,
Oregon, USA), POON Ming Form 5), D. Kipp JOHNSON (Valley Homothety
Fung(STFA Leung Kau Kui College, Catholic School, Teacher, Beaverton,
(continued from page 2)
Form 7) and Problem Group Discussion Oregon, USA), LAW Yau Pui (Carmel
Euler-Teorema(Fortaleza, Brazil). Divine Grace Foundation Secondary
School, Form 6), Asger OLESEN Example 7. (2000APMO) Let ABC be
As 22 + 2 = 6 is divisible by 2 and 22 + 1 (Toender Gymnasium (grammar school), a triangle. Let M and N be the points in
= 5 is divisible by 1, n = 2 is one such Denmark), POON Ming Fung(STFA
Leung Kau Kui College, Form 7), which the median and the angle
number. Achilleas P. PORFYRIADIS (American bisector, respectively at A meet the side
College of Thessaloniki Anatolia, BC. Let Q and P be the points in which
Next, suppose 2n + 2 is divisible by n Thessaloniki, Greece), Anna Ying PUN the perpendicular at N to NA meets MA
and 2n + 1 is divisible by n 1. We will (STFA Leung Kau Kui College, Form 6),
Steve ROFFE, TONG Yiu Wai (Queen and BA respectively and O the point in
prove N = 2n + 2 is another such number. Elizabeth School, Form 7) and YEUNG which the perpendicular at P to BA
Since N 1 = 2n + 1= (n 1)k is odd, so k Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau Kui College, meets AN produced.
is odd and n is even. Since N = 2n + 2 = Form 4).
2(2n1 + 1) = nm and n is even, so m must Prove that QO is perpendicular to BC.
be odd. Recall the factorization A
i i1 i3
x + 1 = (x + 1)(x x + + 1)
for odd positive integer i. Since k is odd,
Olympiad Corner
2N + 2 = 2(2N1 + 1) = 2(2(n1)k + 1) is (continued from page 1) P
divisible by 2(2n1 + 1) = 2n + 2 = N B' K,Q C'
using the factorization above. Since m is Problem 4. Solve the system of equations B M N C
odd, 2N + 1 = 2nm + 1 is divisible by 1 x 1 y 1 z
2n + 1 = N 1. Hence, N is also such a = + 1, = + 1, = +1
xy z yz x zx y O
number. As N > n, there will be
infinitely many such numbers. in the domain of real numbers.
Solution (due to Bobby Poon). The
Problem 5. In the interiors of the sides AB, case AB = AC is clear.
Problem 210. Let a1 = 1 and
BC and CA of a given triangle ABC, points
an 1 K, L and M, respectively, are given such Without loss of generality, we may
a n +1 = + assume AB > AC. Let AN intersect the
2 an that
circumcircle of ABC at D. Then
for n = 1, 2, 3, . Prove that for every | AK | | BL | | CM |
= = .
integer n > 1, | KB | | LC | | M A | 1
Show that the triangles ABC and KLM = DAB =DCB.
a n2 2 have a common orthocenter if and only if
is an integer. the triangle ABC is equilateral. So DB = DC and MD is perpendicular
to BC.
Solution. G.R.A. 20 Problem Group Problem 6. On the table there are k heaps
(Roma, Italy), HUDREA Mihail (High of 1, 2, , k stones, where k 3. In the Consider the homothety with center A
School Tiberiu Popoviciu Cluj-
Napoca Romania), Problem Group first step, we choose any three of the heaps that sends DBC to OBC. Then
Discussion Euler Teorema (Fortaleza, on the table, merge them into a single new OB = OC and BC is parallel to BC.
Brazil), TO Ping Leung (St. Peters heap, and remove 1 stone (throw it away Let BC intersect PN at K. Then
Secondary School) and YIM Wing Yin
(South Tuen Mun Government from the table) from this new heap. In the
Secondary School, Form 4). OBK = DBC = DAB
second step, we again merge some three of
= 90 AOP = OPK.
the heaps together into a single new heap,
Note an = pn / qn, where p1 = q1 = 1, pn+1 = and then remove 2 stones from this new
pn2 + 2qn2 , qn+1 = 2pnqn for n = 1, 2, 3, . So points P, B, O, K are concyclic.
heap. In general, in the i-th step we Hence BKO = BPO = 90 and
choose any three of the heaps, which BK = CK. Since BC || BC, this
2 2qn contain more than i stones when implies K is on MA. Hence, K = Q.
= .
a 2
2 p 2
2 q n2 combined, we merge them into a single Now BKO = 90 implies QO=KO
n n
new heap, then remove i stones from this BC. Finally, BC || BC implies QO
It suffices to show by mathematical new heap. Assume that after a number of is perpendicular to BC.