Public Policy: Psu Graduate School Urdaneta City FDM 201 Abigail Pugal-Somera
Public Policy: Psu Graduate School Urdaneta City FDM 201 Abigail Pugal-Somera
Public Policy: Psu Graduate School Urdaneta City FDM 201 Abigail Pugal-Somera
Policy Formulation
Implementation Legitimation
Policy Stream
Actual performance during the preceding year
New developments and emerging issues in the local and international economies
Shifts in the policy emphasis of the administration
Policy Formulation
Econometric Models
Input-Output Analysis
Accounting Frameworks
Project Evaluation and Prioritization
Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP)
State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA)
Forge a consensus at the pre-implementation phase since it is the
different departments who are actually tasked to implement the various
programs stipulated in the MTPDP and other policy declarations
Feedback and monitoring mechanisms through its attached agencies
Stakeholders in Philippine Public Policy
Political Political
Consultants Parties
Interest Legislative
Groups Branch
Problems and Criticisms
New Influence Players
Catholic Church with two EDSAs to their credit
Mass Media compelling instrument to
manipulate and /or direct public opinion
Civil Society takes it upon themselves to rise up
and partake of the largesse of power
Policy Analysis
A problem well
formulated is a problem
half solved.
We want to learn how to
look at problems from
multiple perspectives to
achieve the best problem
definition and possible /
feasible solutions
Not all Public Problems are amenable to
policy analysis, but when they are, the
analysis can support decision making to:
Determine whether a new policy is required to address the
If a policy already exists, determine whether it needs to be
modified or terminated
Analyze one policy (retrospectively or prospectively)
Compare two or more policies that address a similar problem
Assess future implications of current or new policies
Explore stages in the development of particular policies
Challenges of Public Policy problems
May show up in ways that are difficult to address
Inherently multidimensional, overlap & contradict
Are ill defined, so wicked problems
The consensus over social goals may be illusory
Decision-makers have different preferences and
values, often conflicting
The definition of a policy problem is not completely
scientific or systematic: creativity, sagacity, socially
Three Approaches to Policy Analysis
Descriptive and
Empirical Does it and will it exist? (facts)
What should be done? (action) Prescriptive
Five types of Policy relevant information:
interrelated and interdependent
S. No. Types Importance
1 Definition (Problem
Conditions giving rise to a policy problem
3 Future course of action
Public Policy
Preferred Efforts of
Solutions to Govt. to
Problems resolve the
Political Scientists & Political Scientists & Also persons from social
Sociologists seeks to Sociologists - seeks to work, public administration
develop and test discipline describe the causes and & evaluation research.
based theories. consequences of policies. Seeks to describe causes
Describe the causes and Less concerned with the Not concerned with dev.
consequences of the development and testing of And testing of discipline
policies. theories. Discipline Oriented based theories.
What affected the policies
Seldom attempts to Seldom provides info about They are concerned with
identity specific goals and specific goals and objectives the identification of goals
objectives of policymakers of policymakers. Coz the and objectives of policy
(does not distinguish problem they analyze are makers and other
policy variables). usually of general nature. stakeholders. Good info for
evaluating policy outcome.
Integrated Policy Analysis
Integrated Policy
Prospective Policy Retrospective Policy
Analysis Builds on the strengths of Analysis
both Prospective &
Retrospective Analysis
multidisciplinary in full sense
Suffers from inadequate & of the world Suffers from its nature i.e.
unreliable info. About changes in confined with passive reporting of
values , goals and objectives Multidisciplinary framework, information about the
which occur after policies have concerns with the production & consequences of implemented
been implemented. transformation of information both policies
before and after policy actions have
been taken.
Provides methodology for policy
analysis (rules & procedures)
Evaluation of policy
Group Model
The political system's role is to establish and enforce
compromise between various, conflicting interests in
Elite Model
Public policies are viewed as preferences and values
of governing elite
Policies flow down-ward from elites to masses; they
do not arise from mass demands
Rational Model
process for making logically sound decisions in policy
making in the public sector, although the model is
also widely used in private corporations.
Herbert A. Simon, the father of rational models,
describes rationality as a style of behavior that is
appropriate to the achievement of given goals,
within the limits imposed by given conditions and
Rational Model
Defining the problem by analyzing the data and the information
1 gathered
Identifying the decision criteria that will be important in solving the problem. The decision
2 maker must determine the relevant factors to take into account when making the decision
A brief list of the possible alternatives must be generated; these could succeed to resolve
3 the problem
A critical analyses and evaluation of each criterion is brought through. For example
strength and weakness tables of each alternative are drawn and used for comparative
basis. The decision maker then weights the previously identified criteria in order to give
4 the alternative policies a correct priority in the decision.
The decision-maker evaluates each alternative against the criteria and selects
5 the preferred alternative.