Bacpar Guidelines Nice 35 LR
Bacpar Guidelines Nice 35 LR
Bacpar Guidelines Nice 35 LR
NICE has accredited the process used by the British Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitation
Accreditation is valid for 5 years from 10 January 2017 and is applicable to the guideline processes described in Clinical
guidelines for the pre and post-operative physiotherapy management of adults with lower limb amputations.
Clinical guidelines for the pre and post operative physiotherapy
management of adults with lower limb amputations
About this document: This document presents the updated, evidence based, clinical guidelines for
the pre and post operative physiotherapy management of adults with lower limb amputations as
described in the literature and expert opinion.
This document will update: Broomhead P, Dawes D, Hancock A, Unia P, Blundell A, Davies V (2006).
Clinical guidelines for the pre and post-operative physiotherapy management of adults with lower
limb amputations. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London.
Please refer to the guideline process document for full details of all methodology and processes
undertaken in the development of these recommendations.
All appendices referred to will be found in the process document.
Citing this document: Smith S, Pursey H, Jones A, Baker H, Springate G, Randell T, Moloney C,
Hancock A, Newcombe L, Shaw C, Rose A, Slack H, Norman C. (2016). Clinical guidelines for the
pre and post-operative physiotherapy management of adults with lower limb amputations. 2nd
Edition. Available at
Comments on these guidelines and the additional documents should be sent to:
Sara Smith, BACPAR Guidelines Coordinator, Douglas Bader Rehabilitation Centre, Queen Marys
Hospital, Roehampton, London, SW15 5PN
The first edition of this guideline was published in 2006. This evidence, the relevant recommendations and good practice
second edition seeks to integrate new scientific evidence and points (GPPs).
current best practice into the original recommendations and
create additional recommendations where new evidence has Throughout these sections the adults with lower limb amputation
emerged. may be referred to as individuals, amputees, patients or users.
These guidelines are not mandatory and BACPAR recognises Recommendations were developed and graded according
that local resources, clinician enthusiasm and effort, support to the level of evidence (Appendix 8). After each
from higher management, as well as the rehabilitation recommendation the letter in brackets refers to the evidence
environment in which the practitioner works, will influence the grade allocated (Appendix 13).
ability to implement recommendations into clinical practice.
Where a number of different evidence sources were used to
CPD activities: develop a recommendation, the grade is based on the highest
Examples of CPD activities and evidence can be found at level of evidence used. This grade reflects the quality of the
Health Professions Council (2010) Continuing Professional evidence reviewed and should not be interpreted as the
Development & your registration. recommendations clinical importance.
The table of the papers utilised in developing the
Guideline recommendations recommendations and their allocated level of evidence is in
Appendix 9.
The guidelines are divided into six sections for ease of
reference: The full list of references follows the recommendations.
1. The role of the physiotherapist within the MDT
2. Knowledge Key to the guideline update:
3. Assessment Where recommendations have been amended or added for
4. Patient and carer information this update symbols are displayed next to the recommendation
5. Pre operative management numbering for ease of identification.
6. Post operative management
New recommendations in this guideline update are marked **.
Each section includes an introduction, a summary of the Amended recommendations are marked ~~.
Section 1 - the role of the physiotherapist within the 1.3 The physiotherapist contributes, as part of the MDT, to the
multidisciplinary team prediction of prosthetic use. B(42)
Contact details of MDT members should be readily available to In a 1997 pilot study of 10 patients (seven with abnormal
the patient and carers.(45) resting ECG) with peripheral vascular disease, Bailey et
al(53) investigated ECG abnormalities during walking with
Access to other stakeholder agencies should be understood a pneumatic post-amputation mobility aid. They found
and agreed to facilitate discharge planning and transfer of care normal blood pressure elevation in nine patients and a group
e.g. Intermediate Care Teams, Social Services etc.(45) mean age-predicted maximum heart rate of less than 70%,
suggesting appropriate exercise levels. However, five patients
A summary of the patients treatment and status at transfer or reached over 70% of age-predicted maximum heart rate. They
discharge should be documented in the patients record, with suggest that physiotherapists need to pay close attention to
details of future management plan e.g. details of package of patients cardiac status during rehabilitation.
care, community therapy, prosthetic referral.(45)
Czyrny and Merrill(54) concluded that amputees on renal dialysis
Section 2 Knowledge admitted to acute rehabilitation had similar functional outcomes
and rehabilitation costs to amputees with peripheral vascular
disease without renal failure. In a prospective case series of 16
Introduction healthy males Rush et al(55) found that there is an increased risk
To provide effective rehabilitation the physiotherapist needs of osteopenia in the femur of the amputated limb.
a good understanding of the factors that may influence the
outcome of rehabilitation.(45) In a prospective cohort of 21 diabetic patients with unilateral,
transtibial amputations Jayatunga(56) found that the use of
The physiotherapist also needs to have an understanding orthoses/appropriate footwear reduced the risk of contra-
of prosthetic prescription principles and the prosthetic lateral foot damage due to diabetic neuropathy.
rehabilitation process to successfully plan and deliver
rehabilitation.(45) Factors affecting wound healing include smoking, malnutrition,
previous surgery, gangrene, level of amputation, antibiotics,
Knowledge of the complications that may arise following diabetes, surgical technique, dressings and drains. No single
amputation of the lower limb and how members of the MDT factor can be considered in isolation(46).
may deal with these complications is essential in order that the
rehabilitation process may be adapted to accommodate these Two case series(57, 58) have looked into the relationship between
factors.(46, 47) amputation level and rehabilitation outcome. These studies
show that patients with a transtibial amputation have a greater
An understanding of the psychological implications of chance of succeeding with a prosthesis than those with a
amputation is necessary and the physiotherapist should trans-femoral amputation(57, 58).
be aware of how these issues may be dealt with by the
physiotherapist and other members of the MDT.(48) Ward and Meyers(59) in their review found evidence that the
energy cost of ambulation is greater with ascending levels of
The physiotherapist is responsible for keeping up to date with amputation. They also describe that with daily exercise people
developments in amputee rehabilitation. This should include with an amputation consume significantly less oxygen (i.e. use
awareness of published guidance and recommendations. less energy).
McCartney et al(68) concluded from his cross sectional 2.13 The physiotherapist should have an understanding of the
study that 10% of patients had their quality of life affected pathology leading to amputation. C(45)
by phantom pain/sensation. Two studies found that it was
not uncommon for amputees to experience phantom limb 2.14 ~~The physiotherapist should have knowledge of medical
sensation/pain influenced by a number of factors (69, 70). investigations commonly undertaken prior to amputation and
Mortimer et al (71) suggests in a well conducted qualitative their significance. C(45,52)
study that accurate information on phantom limb pain/
sensation should be provided by an individual with 2.15 The physiotherapist should have knowledge of surgical
appropriate knowledge and training. A range of techniques used in amputation. C(45)
modalities have been identified in the management of
phantom limb pain (69, 72, 73, 74). 2.16 ~~The physiotherapist should have knowledge of the
principles of prosthetic prescription. C(31, 45)
In a retrospective cohort of 254 lower limb amputees, Meikle
et al(75) found that interruptions to rehabilitation are common 2.17 The physiotherapist should be aware of the possible
and result in longer periods of rehabilitation but the outcome psychological effects that may occur following amputation. C(45)
is not adversely affected.
2.18 ~~The physiotherapist should have basic knowledge
A study into psycho-educational intervention by Delehanty(48) of the principles of counselling and should know when it
concluded that psychological support is beneficial. is appropriate to refer a patient to a clinical psychologist/
counsellor. C(45)
2.19 The physiotherapist should be aware of the socio-
2.1 ~~The use of early walking aids as an assessment and
economic impact of lower limb amputation. C(45)
treatment tool is understood by the physiotherapist. A(7, 61, 64)
2.20 The physiotherapist should be aware of the systems in
2.2 The physiotherapist is aware that level of amputation, pre-
place to refer for assessment for a prosthesis. C(45)
existing medical conditions and social environment will affect
rehabilitation. B(39, 45, 49, 51, 52, 57, 76, 77, 78)
2.21 ~~The physiotherapist should have basic knowledge of
Who prescribes wheelchairs
2.3 ~~The role of exercise therapy as an essential part of the
How they are provided
rehabilitation process is understood. B(44, 53, 59, 65, 66, 79)
Any accessories including pressure-relieving seating. C(45)
2.4 ~~The impact of the level of amputation on rehabilitation
2.22 ~~The physiotherapist should have basic knowledge of
potential is understood by the physiotherapist. B(45, 57, 58, 59)
the provision of equipment that can facilitate activities of daily
living. C(45)
2.5 ~~The physiotherapist has an understanding of the
predisposing factors to successful (and unsuccessful)
rehabilitation. B(31, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54)
Good practice point
There should be opportunities for CPD and lifelong learning.(45)
2.6 ~~The physiotherapist has an understanding of the
management of residual limb oedema. B(7, 43, 67) Section 3 Assessment
2.7 ~~The physiotherapist is aware that pain (of the residuum,
phantom or lower back) may affect the quality of life of the
amputee. B(68, 69, 70) Sufficient information should be gathered from all sources including
the clinical record and other members of the MDT before carrying
2.8 ~~Methods of pain relief for the post-operative out a full subjective and objective examination of the patient. This
treatment of phantom pain/sensation are understood by the should take into account the emotional and cognitive status and
physiotherapist. B(71, 72,73,74) co-morbidities e.g. cardiac and/or renal disease, diabetes, arthritis
or previous stroke, which may affect the patients motivation,
2.9 ~~The physiotherapist has an awareness of the long term exercise tolerance, skin condition or sensation. The social situation,
effects of amputation. B(52, 55, 59) including available support, occupation and hobbies, together with
the home environment of the patient, should also be considered.(2)
The care of the contra-lateral limb guidelines evidence the 4.1. Patient journey
importance of assessing skin condition(8) This is also relevant
when assessing patients who have undergone previous Evidence
amputation of the contra-lateral limb. The importance of skin In the absence of published literature this sub-section is
checks is reinforced by a descriptive cohort study carried out supported by consensus opinion.(45)
by Levy in 1995(81).
Coffey et al(51) in a systematic literature review found
that impaired cognitive skills such as memory and 4.1.1 ~~The physiotherapist should give patients information
executive function negatively affect independence. A further about the expected stages and location of the rehabilitation
paper by Hanspal(78) suggested that the results of a cognitive programme suited to their individual circumstances. C(2, 45)
assessment soon after amputation can predict the level of
mobility likely to be achieved. This was based on a cohort 4.1.2 ~~With the patients consent, the physiotherapist should
study of 32 elderly patients but no specific results were give carers information about the expected stages and location
published on level of mobility and links with cognitive status. of the rehabilitation programme suited to the patients
individual circumstances. C(2, 45)
4.1.3 The physiotherapist should offer patients the opportunity
3.1 ~~There should be written evidence of a full physical to meet other adults with lower limb amputations. C(45)
examination and assessment of previous and present function.
B(2) 4.1.4 Where appropriate, and with the patients consent, the
physiotherapist should offer carers the opportunity to meet
3.2 ~~The patients social situation, psychological status, goals other adults with lower limb amputations. C(45)
and expectations should be documented. B(50, 76, 78)
4.1.5 The physiotherapist should provide information about
3.3 ~~Relevant pathology including diabetes, previous arterial the prosthetic process to those patients likely to be referred
reconstruction, impaired cognition and skin condition should for a prosthesis. C(45)
be noted. B(78, 51, 81, 77, 52)
4.1.6 The physiotherapist should offer to show demonstration
3.4 ~~A problem list and treatment plan, including agreed goals, limbs to those patients likely to be referred for a prosthesis.
should be formulated in partnership with the patient. B(2) C(45)
4.1.7 The physiotherapist should know where to refer patients
Good practice points for information about benefits. C(45)
A locally agreed amputee specific physiotherapy assessment
tool should be used.(45) 4.1.8 The physiotherapist should know where to get advice on
arrangements available to support carers. C(45)
Names and contact details of the MDT members involved
in the patients care should be recorded to facilitate 4.1.9 The physiotherapist should be able to refer the patient to
communication.(45) other agencies as necessary. C(45)
The principles of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) should
be considered to improve MDT communication.(45) 4.1.10 ~~Where possible all verbal information/advice given
should be supplemented in written form. C(2, 45)
In the absence of other evidence, consensus opinion was In the absence of other evidence, consensus opinion was
sought to further inform this section.(45) sought to further inform this section.(45)
Recommendations Recommendations
4.2.1 ~~Patients/carers should be made aware that concurrent 4.4.1 Advice should be given to the patient/carer on the
pathologies and previous mobility affects realistic goal setting factors affecting wound healing. B(46)
and final outcomes of rehabilitation. C(52)
4.4.2 ~~Advice should be given to the patient/carer on the use
4.2.2 ~~Patients/carers should be made aware that the level of of compression socks. B(3, 7, 43)
amputation affects the expected level of function and mobility.
B(52, 82) 4.4.3 Instruction should be given to the patient/carer on
methods to prevent and treat adhesions of scars. C(45)
4.2.3 ~~Patients/carers should be made aware that they will
experience lower levels of function than bipedal subjects. B(52) 4.4.4 The physiotherapist should give on-going advice about
residual limb care. C(45)
4.2.4 ~~The physiotherapist should use appropriate outcome
measures for rehabilitation goals. C(2, 3) Good practice points
Names and contact details of the MDT members involved in
4.2.5 ~~The physiotherapist should use a range of strategies
the patients care should be given to patients and carers.(45)
to assess and consider the impact of cognitive impairment on
goal setting. B(51)
Information leaflets/booklets should be developed locally for
patients and carers to supplement information given verbally.(45, 71)
4.3. Care of the remaining limb
Physiotherapists should be aware of the BACPAR Guidelines
Evidence entitled Risks to the contra-lateral foot of unilateral lower
A body of work was carried out by BACPAR in 2009 limb amputees and Guidance for the multi-disciplinary team
recommending that care of the remaining/contra-lateral on the management of post-operative residuum oedema in
limb is included in therapeutic practice. These guidelines are lower limb amputees.(7, 8, 45)
intended to be a practical resource for therapists working with
lower limb amputees and should be used alongside other Section 5 Pre-op Management
current, published guidelines.(8) Rerkasem et al(80) also support
the education of patients in regards to risk factors for foot care
and ensuring that the patient is under the care of appropriate
MDT foot care specialists. Early assessment and planning of rehabilitation can
commence at this stage and helps to prepare the patient for
Recommendations rehabilitation. A pre-amputation consultation also enables
the physiotherapist to give appropriate advice, information
4.3.1 ~~Vascular and diabetic patients and their carers should
and reassurance; issues such as phantom limb sensation
be made aware of the risks to their remaining foot and
and avoidance of falls may be discussed.(83) However, it
educated in how they can reduce them. B(8, 80)
is acknowledged that patients who require emergency
amputation may not have the opportunity for pre-amputation
4.3.2 ~~The patient/carer should be taught how to monitor the
consultation, assessment and treatment.
condition of the remaining limb. B(8, 80)
6.2.1 ~~The physiotherapist should have knowledge of the 6.4.4 Safe transfers should be taught as early as possible. C(45)
provision of equipment that can enhance the rehabilitation
process and facilitate activities of daily living. C(45) 6.4.5 ~~Mobility post-operatively should be in a wheelchair
unless there are specified reasons to teach a patient to use
6.2.2 ~~Physiotherapists should be familiar with the correct crutches/zimmer frame/rollator. C(45)
use and availability of specialist amputee equipment, e.g.
slings, hoists, residual limb boards. C(45, 87, 88) 6.4.6 ~~The physiotherapist should help the patient gain
maximum mobility post-operatively. C(45, 89, 90)
6.2.3 The physiotherapist should be involved in home visits
where necessary. C(45) 6.5 Early walking aids (EWAs)
6.3.2 The physiotherapist should use compression therapy as 6.5.2 EWAs should be considered as part of the rehabilitation
appropriate. D(7) programme for all lower limb amputation patients as a
treatment tool. B(43, 60, 61, 91, 92)
6.3.3 **The timing of compression therapy application should
be discussed with the MDT at an early stage. C(7, 45) 6.5.3 EWAs should be used under the supervision of therapists
trained in their correct and safe application and use. C(3, 92)
6.4 Mobility
6.6 Falls management
A longitudinal cohort study by Stineman et al(89) found that Evidence
even a small improvement in dependency levels resulted **Three studies have reported an increased risk of falls
in improved mortality rates at six months. i.e. through following lower limb amputation(93, 94, 95). Kulkarni(93) concluded
progression of transfers and functional ability. that instruction on how to get up from the floor should be
part of rehabilitation. Pauley(95) states that older age, greater
**According to Kirby et al(90) in a qualitative study, number of co-morbidities, cognitive impairment and the use of
the seated stair handling method is a generally a greater number of medications predict a greater likelihood of
effective, safe and well-tolerated method for people falling. **BACPAR guidance for the prevention of falls in lower
with unilateral lower limb amputations to ascend and limb amputees(6) further supports this evidence by identifying
descend the stairs. a number of risk factors along with appropriate assessment
In the absence of other evidence, consensus opinion was tools and multi-factorial falls prevention interventions.
sought to further inform this section. (45)
6.8.2 ~~Contractures should be prevented by education of Patients requiring ongoing outpatient treatment should have
stretching exercises. C(45) this arranged prior to discharge.(45)
6.8.3 Where contractures have formed appropriate treatment A summary of the patients treatment and status at transfer
should be given. C(45) should be sent to the physiotherapist providing on-going
6.9 Exercise programmes
Contact names, telephone numbers and addresses of
Evidence relevant MDT members should be supplied to patients prior to
~~In the absence of other evidence consensus opinion was
sought to further inform this section.(45) **Physiotherapists should be aware of the BACPAR guidance
entitled Guidance for the prevention of falls in lower limb
Recommendations amputees and Guidance for the multi-disciplinary team on
6.9.1 **Following on from the initial assessment, an exercise the management of post-operative residuum oedema in lower
program should be provided to address the problems limb amputees.(45)