Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Archived

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Steel Bridge Design Handbook
i U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 9

November 2012
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This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for use of the

information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification,
or regulation.

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The Federal Highway Administration provides high-quality information to serve Government,

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Steel Bridge Design Handbook:
Publication No. FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 9

November 2012

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Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipients Catalog No.
FHWA-IF-12-052 - Vol. 9
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Redundancy November 2012
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Dennis Mertz, Ph.D, PE (University of Delaware)
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
11 Stanwix Street 11. Contract or Grant No.
Suite 800
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Office of Bridge Technology Technical Report
Federal Highway Administration March 2011 November 2012
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20590

15. Supplementary Notes

Specifications, 5th Edition with 2010 Interims.

16. Abstract
14. Sponsoring Agency Code

This module was edited in 2012 by HDR Engineering, Inc., to be current with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

In the context of steel bridge members, nonredundancy or fracture criticality relates to resistance of the entire bridge
superstructure to brittle fracture. The question becomes, can a flaw or crack grow in an unstable manner as a brittle fracture
resulting in the loss of the member and subsequently the loss of the superstructure? The issue of redundancy affects the design,
fabrication and in-service inspection of steel bridge members when they are classified as fracture-critical members. Of all bridge
construction materials, only steel bridge members are considered as candidates for the fracture-critical designation. This module
provided engineers with the background concerning redundancy in steel girder bridges.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Steel Bridge, Redundancy, Fracture Critical, Load Path No restrictions. This document is available to the public through
Redundancy, Structural Redundancy, Internal Redundancy the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed pages authorized

Steel Bridge Design Handbook:

Table of Contents
FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.0 DEFINING REDUNDANCY ................................................................................................ 3
1.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Steel Bridges .................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Redundancy Classifications ............................................................................................. 3

Load-Path Redundancy ........................................................................................... 4
Structural Redundancy ............................................................................................ 4
Internal Redundancy ............................................................................................... 4
AASHTO FRACTURE CONTROL PLAN .......................................................................... 5
i A Fracture Control Plan for Steel Bridges .............................................................. 5
A Fracture Control Plan for Nonredundant Steel Bridge Members ....................... 5
2.1.3 Increased In-service Inspections ............................................................................. 5
2.1.4 Additional Reading ................................................................................................. 5
3.0 NONREDUNDANT MEMBERS ......................................................................................... 6
3.1 Definition ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Examples .......................................................................................................................... 6

4.0 QUASI-REDUNDANT MEMBERS BY ANALYSIS ......................................................... 7

4.1 Definition ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Examples .......................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 REDUNDANT MEMBERS .................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Definition ......................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Example ........................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 SYSTEM FACTORS ............................................................................................................. 9
6.1 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition (7) ...................................... 9
6.2 NCHRP Report 406 ....................................................................................................... 10

6.3 The AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2) ......................................................... 11
7.0 PROVING REDUNDANCY ............................................................................................... 13
7.1 Application ..................................................................................................................... 13
7.1.1 Theory ................................................................................................................... 13
7.1.2 Applied Load ........................................................................................................ 13
7.1.3 Internal Loads ....................................................................................................... 13
8.0 ENHANCING REDUNDANCY ......................................................................................... 14
8.1 Design of New Bridges .................................................................................................. 14
8.2 Rating and Retrofit of Existing Bridges......................................................................... 14

9.0 THE FUTURE ..................................................................................................................... 15
10.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 16

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List of Tables

Table 1 Load modifiers relating to redundancy ............................................................................. 9

Table 2 System factors for simple-span I-girder bridges ............................................................. 10
Table 3 System factors for continuous span I-girder bridges ...................................................... 10
Table 4 System factors from the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2) .......................... 12

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It took an act of Congress to provide funding for the development of this comprehensive
handbook in steel bridge design. This handbook covers a full range of topics and design
examples to provide bridge engineers with the information needed to make knowledgeable
decisions regarding the selection, design, fabrication, and construction of steel bridges. The
handbook is based on the Fifth Edition, including the 2010 Interims, of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications. The hard work of the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) and
prime consultant, HDR Engineering and their sub-consultants in producing this handbook is
gratefully acknowledged. This is the culmination of seven years of effort beginning in 2005.

The new Steel Bridge Design Handbook is divided into several topics and design examples as

Bridge Steels and Their Properties
Bridge Fabrication
Steel Bridge Shop Drawings

Structural Behavior

Stringer Bridges
Loads and Combinations
Structural Analysis
Limit States
Selecting the Right Bridge Type

Design for Constructibility

Design for Fatigue
Bracing System Design
Splice Design
Substructure Design
Deck Design

Load Rating
Corrosion Protection of Bridges
Design Example: Three-span Continuous Straight I-Girder Bridge
Design Example: Two-span Continuous Straight I-Girder Bridge
Design Example: Two-span Continuous Straight Wide-Flange Beam Bridge
Design Example: Three-span Continuous Straight Tub-Girder Bridge
Design Example: Three-span Continuous Curved I-Girder Beam Bridge
Design Example: Three-span Continuous Curved Tub-Girder Bridge

These topics and design examples are published separately for ease of use, and available for free
download at the NSBA and FHWA websites:, and, respectively.

The contributions and constructive review comments during the preparation of the handbook
from many engineering processionals are very much appreciated. The readers are encouraged to
submit ideas and suggestions for enhancements of future edition of the handbook to Myint Lwin
at the following address: Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.,
Washington, DC 20590.

M. Myint Lwin, Director

Office of Bridge Technology

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1.1 General

The dictionary defines redundant as exceeding what is necessary or normal, and provides
superfluous as a synonym. Traditionally, bridge members have been classified as redundant or
non-redundant by the designer by merely looking for alternative load paths. If you were to poll a
group of bridge designers, most would consider four parallel members as redundant and two
parallel members nonredundant. The redundancy of three parallel members is debatable. The
question of the sufficiency of these alternative load paths to carry the additional load was not an

A good, concise, universally accepted definition of redundancy does not currently exist in the

bridge design or evaluation specifications.

1.2 Steel Bridges

The issue of redundancy affects the design, fabrication and in-service inspection of steel bridge
members when they are classified as fracture-critical members. Of all bridge construction
materials, only steel bridge members are considered as candidates for the fracture-critical

In the context of steel bridge members, nonredundancy or fracture criticality relates to resistance
of the entire bridge superstructure to brittle fracture. The question becomes, can a flaw or crack
grow in an unstable manner as a brittle fracture resulting in the loss of the member and
subsequently the loss of the superstructure?
The National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) (1) define a fracture-critical member as a
steel member in tension, or with a tension element, whose failure would probably cause a portion
of or the entire bridge to collapse.

The AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2), a recent combination of the AASHTO Manual
for Condition Evaluation of Bridges (3) and the AASHTO Guide Manual for Condition

Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) of Highway Bridges (4), provides the
following definition: fracture critical members or member components are steel tension
members or steel components of members whose failure would be expected to result in collapse
of the bridge.

With multiple interpretations for failure, probably, expected and collapse, just as for
redundancy, a good, universally accepted definition does not exist for fracture-critical members
or bridges.

1.3 Redundancy Classifications

Three classifications of redundancy can be defined as:

1. load-path,

2. structural, and

3. internal redundancy.

1.3.1 Load-Path Redundancy

A member is considered load-path redundant if an alternative and sufficient load path is

determined to exist. Load-path redundancy is the type of redundancy that designers consider
when they count parallel girders or load paths. However, merely determining that alternative
load paths exist is not enough. The alternative load paths must have sufficient capacity to carry
the load redistributed to them from an adjacent failed member. If the additional redistributed

load fails the alternative load path, progressive failure occurs, and the members could, in fact, be
fracture critical. In determining the sufficiency of alternative load paths, all elements present
(primary and secondary members) should be considered.

1.3.2 Structural Redundancy

A member is considered structurally redundant if its boundary conditions or supports are such
that failure of the member merely changes the boundary or support conditions but does not result
in the collapse of the superstructure. Again, the member with modified support conditions must
be sufficient to carry loads in its new configuration. For example, the failure of the negative-
moment region of a two-span continuous girder is not critical to the survival of the superstructure
if the positive-moment region is sufficient to carry the load as a simply-supported girder.
1.3.3 Internal Redundancy

A member is considered internally redundant if alternative and sufficient load paths exist within
the member itself such as the multiple plies of a riveted steel member.


2.1.1 A Fracture Control Plan for Steel Bridges

The genesis of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) fracture control plan can be traced to the collapse of the Point Pleasant Bridge over
the Ohio River between Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Kanauga, Ohio, in 1967. (The bridge
was more commonly called the Silver Bridge for its bright coating of aluminum paint.) This
eyebar-chain suspension bridge collapsed due to the brittle fracture of one of the nonredundant
eyebars supporting the bridges main span.

In 1974, after much debate and compromise, Charpy V-notch (CVN) toughness criteria were

adopted to insure resistance to fracture. In addition, restrictions on acceptable detail types and
welding practices were included. This set of provisions for material selection, design and
fabrication of welded steel bridge members continues today as AASHTOs fracture control plan
for non-fracture critical members. These provisions have resulted in an acceptably low observed

probability of brittle fracture in bridges constructed in their accordance with the provisions.

2.1.2 A Fracture Control Plan for Nonredundant Steel Bridge Members

Based upon concerns of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) about the safety of
nonredundant steel bridge members against brittle fracture, the American Iron and Steel Institute
(AISI) sponsored research that resulted in the adoption of AASHTOs Guide Specification for
Fracture Critical Non-Redundant Bridge Members in 1978. Here are the initial additional
requirements for what are defined as fracture critical members setting them apart from other
bridge members. The Guide Specifications primarily mandates more stringent CVN
requirements, and fabrication and shop inspection practices. The Guide Specifications are no
longer published by AASHTO as these provisions exist in other current AASHTO documents.

2.1.3 Increased In-service Inspections

The collapse of the Mianus River Bridge carrying Interstate 95 in Greenwich Connecticut in

1983 due to corrosion product accumulation behind hanger plates of a pin-and-hanger assembly
brought additional requirements for fracture critical members. The National Bridge Inspection
Standards (NBIS) (1) were revised in 1988 requiring biennial hands-on inspections of fracture
critical members.

2.1.4 Additional Reading

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 354, Inspection and
Management of Bridges with Fracture-Critical Details (5), provides detailed background on the
AASHTO fracture control plan for nonredundant welded steel bridge members.


3.1 Definition

A good working definition of a nonredundant member is a member that when damaged or

removed from the structural system fails to satisfy a certain level of load carrying capacity,
although not necessarily the original design load carrying capacity. In other words, if the bridge
with the damaged member cannot carry an acceptable amount of live load (to be defined) in
addition to the present dead load, the damaged member is classified as nonredundant.

Further, this is a member that refined analysis (as discussed below) cannot remove from the

3.2 Examples

The girders of a two-girder welded steel bridge with widely spaced crossframes, without a

bottom lateral bracing system and with a normal cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck would be
classified as nonredundant. A more robust deck, closely spaced crossframes or a significant
bottom lateral bracing system could result in these girders being classified as quasi-redundant if
refined analysis demonstrates that the remaining components have sufficient strength to
withstand the loads.


4.1 Definition

A quasi-redundant member is a member that would traditionally be classified as nonredundant

but through refined analysis has been shown to be redundant.

4.2 Examples

An example of a bridge with quasi-redundant members is the channel bridge developed by Jean
Mueller International (JMI) and validated by Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center
(HITEC) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). While this bridge system is a

segmental concrete bridge, it best illustrates the concept of a bridge consisting of quasi-
redundant members. The channel bridge system is so named because the bridge cross section
looks like a channel with its legs pointing upward. The legs are segmental concrete girders;
the web is the deck connecting them transversely. JMI proved to the satisfaction of HITEC

that the loss of one of the two girders (for obviously a reason other than brittle fracture, perhaps
vehicular collision) would not result in the loss of the entire superstructure due to re-distribution
of the loads from the failed girder through the deck into the adjacent girder.

A more recent and topical example is the Marquette Interchange in Wisconsin where HNTB
proved that a two-box girder steel cross section (A cross section which represents a gray area
in practice.) is redundant based upon the criteria established in NCHRP Report 406, Redundancy
in Highway Bridge Superstructures (6), discussed below. The gray area results from the fact
that the structure has four top flanges and webs, but only two bottom flanges. Redundancy of the
bottom flange was proven by a combination of the ability of the non-fractured girder to resist
torsional load combined with the continuity of the girders that provide partial redundancy of the
fractured girder.


5.1 Definition

Reworking the above definition of a nonredundant member yields a working definition for a
redundant member; i.e., a member that when damaged or removed from the structural system
satisfies a certain level of load carrying capacity, although not necessarily the original design
load-carrying capacity. In other words, if the bridge with the damaged member can carry an
acceptable amount of live load (to be defined) in addition to the present dead load, the damaged
member is classified as redundant.

5.2 Example

The girders of a bridge with multiple parallel girders (say, four or more) of girder spacing of
about 12 feet are classified as redundant as tradition dictates. Currently, no analysis is required
for this traditional definition of redundancy.

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6.1 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition (7)

One of the stated objectives of the development of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 5th Edition (referred to herein as the LRFD Specifications) (7) was to enhance the
redundancy and ductility of our nations bridges. The consequences of redundancy are included
in the basic LRFD equation of Article 1.3.2 of the LRFD Specifications.

i iQ i
R n


i = load modifier, and is the product of factors relating to ductility,D, redundancy,
R, and operational importance, I,

i = load factor,

Qi =

Rn =
iforce effect,

resistance factor, and

nominal resistance.
Quantitative factors relating to the redundancy of a structural systems were not available during
the development of the first edition of the LRFD Specifications, so a placeholder was provided
in the form ofR. The specified values of R of Article 1.3.4 of the LRFD Specifications were
subjectively chosen by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures. For structural
systems with conventional levels of redundancy, the factor is 1.0. For nonredundant systems, the
factor is 1.05, thus increasing the force effect. Conversely, for systems with exceptional levels
of redundancy, the factor is 0.95 resulting in slightly less force effect. The load modifiers
relating to redundancy are summarized in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Load modifiers relating to redundancy

Redundancy is an attribute of the structural system and thus theoretically should be on the
resistance side of the equation. In the LRFD Specifications, the factors appear on the load side
of the LRFD equation for practical purposes. When maximum load factors are applied to the

permanent loads the load modifier is applied as shown in equation of the LRFD
Specifications. When minimum load factors are chosen, the inverse of the load modifier is used
as shown in equation of the LRFD Specifications.

6.2 NCHRP Report 406

In support of the LRFD Specifications, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program
(NCHRP) initiated NCHRP Project 12-36 which resulted in NCHRP Report 406, Redundancy in
Highway Bridge Superstructures (6). This research developed system factors for girder bridges
which reflect the redundancy of the structural system by assessing the safety and redundancy of
the system. Tables of system factors are given for simple-span and continuous girder bridges
with compact negative-moment sections (an uncommon practice), respectively. The system
factors are given as a function of number of girders in the cross section and girder spacing. The

values of system factors range from a low of 0.80 to a high of 1.20. As these system factors are
to be applied to the resistance side of the LRFD equation, they represent the inverse of the load
modifiers of the LRFD Specifications. A value greater than 1.0 rewards redundancy; a value less
than 1.0 represents a penalty.

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Table 2 and Table 3 below are adaptations of the tables in NCHRP Report 406 (6). With a
distributed set of diaphragms throughout the span, the values of the tables may be increased by

Table 2 System factors for simple-span I-girder bridges


Table 3 System factors for continuous span I-girder bridges

The effects of girder spacing evident in the tables may appear to be counter-intuitive, but the
researchers offer an explanation. They suggest that system factors tend to increase as the girder
spacing increases from 4 feet to 8 feet since in narrower bridges the girders tend to be more

equally loaded with little reserve strength available. For girder spacings above 8 feet, loads are
not so equally distributed among the girders, and as the more heavily loaded girders go into the
inelastic range, the more lightly loaded girders can pick up the load which is shed.

Further, the effects of continuity also appear to be counter-intuitive for the narrowest bridges (in
other words, for girder spacings of 4 feet). For girder spacings above 4 feet, the system factors
for continuous steel bridges are greater than those for simple-spans indicating more redundancy,
on average 7% greater. Such is not the case for the steel bridges with girder spacings equal to 4
feet. While the authors discuss at length their opinion that continuous I-girders with non-
compact negative-moment regions are nonredundant (in other words, they recommend applying
a system factor of 0.80), they do not speak to this apparent inconsistency for continuous steel
bridges with compact negative-moment regions. Most likely, it is a similar narrow-bridge effect
as discussed earlier.

The values in the tables are presented in a manner suggesting more precision than is warranted
based upon the inherent assumptions, and the assumptions themselves have been subject to
debate (such as the need for compact negative-moment sections to consider continuous bridges

redundant). The practicing bridge community has yet to embrace the systems factors of NCHRP
Report 406 (6), and they have not been adopted by AASHTO for use in the LRFD

More importantly, the Report developed criteria for redundancy and redefines redundancy as a
damaged structures ability to continue to carry load, safely and serviceably.
6.3 The AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2)
At their 2005 meeting, the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures (SCOBS) adopted
the AASHTO Guide Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and Resistance Factor Rating
(LRFR) of Highway Bridges (4) with revisions elevating allowable stress (ASR) and load factor
rating (LFR) to equal status with LRFR, as the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2). The
Guide Manual was originally developed by a team including one of the authors of NCHRP
Report 406 (6) and as such includes some aspects of that report. System factors similar to those
of the Report are included as an alternative to system factors derived from the load modifiers of

the LRFD Specifications. For most bridges, these alternative system factors are specified as 1.0,
but for bridges deemed less redundant in NCHRP Report 406 (6), for example, two-girder
bridges, three- and four-girder bridges with narrow girder spacing and widely spaced floorbeams
supporting non-continuous stringers, the system factors are reduced to as low as 0.85. See Table
4 below.

Table 4 System factors from the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2)

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Some states (for example, Florida) using LRFR for rating and seeing the value of the approach of
NCHRP Report 406 (6) are developing system factors for their own application using
engineering judgment and analogies.


7.1 Application

7.1.1 Theory

In the event of a members brittle fracture, the survival of the superstructure (and its
classification as a redundant member) is contingent upon the systems ability to safely
redistribute the existing applied and internal loads.

7.1.2 Applied Load

Based upon our working definition of redundancy, an acceptable level of load-carrying capacity
for the damaged superstructure must be agreed upon. Currently, the design literature does not
provide a definitive answer. The Commentary to the LRFD Specifications provides some
insight. It suggests that a two-tub girder cross section could be deemed quasi-redundant by

analysis if the superstructure with one fractured bottom flange can carry the factored live load in
the lanes striped on the bridge, not the factored live load of all of the design lanes. This may still
be overkill; the required load factors must also be re-visited for the reliability of the damaged

NCHRP Report 406 (6) suggests that the required load be unfactored and consist of dead load
plus two HS-20 trucks side-by-side (the design truck of the LRFD Specifications). Using
unfactored loads as suggested by the authors of NCHRP Report 406 (6) may be more reasonable.
7.1.3 Internal Loads

The release of energy during the fracture should be modeled to determine if the superstructure
can survive the event. In the design literature, an analogy exists for cable-stayed bridges which
must be able to tolerate the loss of a cable. The Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) suggests that the
lost cable be replaced with an opposite force equal to 200% of the lost-cable force. This
represents a dynamic load allowance (IM of the LRFD Specifications) or impact of 100%. One

hundred percent impact is the extreme value and appropriate for the undamped cable-stay. Such
an extreme value is not appropriate for the brittle fracture of an element of a steel member where
damping in more significant. Further research and the resultant guidance is required for steel
members. Ongoing research at the University of Texas suggests that the gain in strength due to
rapid loading may offset the increase in load due to impact. In the meantime, 100% impact
could be used as a test realizing its extreme conservatism.


8.1 Design of New Bridges

The concept of acceptable new bridge designs with varying levels of redundancy as championed
by the LRFD Specifications has not found favor among practicing bridge engineers. Tradition
has lead to designers thinking of a bridge as redundant or nonredundant without varying degrees.

As demonstrated (though obtusely) by NCHRP Report 406 (6), bridges traditionally deemed
redundant, multi-girder bridges, can be demonstrated to exhibit varying quantifiable degrees of
redundancy based upon the number of girders and their spacing. Yet, if designers think of
nonredundancy versus redundancy analogously with black versus white, the concept of
enhancing redundancy equates to turning nonredundant bridges into redundant ones.

The easiest and most effective manner to enhance the performance of nonredundant bridges is
the selection of high-performance steels (in other words, ASTM A709 HPS50W, HPS70W or
HPS100W) with their inherent enhanced fracture toughness. Nonredundant bridge members,

those classified as such and those proven to be quasi-redundant by analysis should be fabricated
from high-performance steel. Redundant members need not be fabricated from high-
performance steel, unless warranted by unusually special conditions.

8.2 Rating and Retrofit of Existing Bridges

The application of the system factors suggested in the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation
(2) (see Table 4) to the rating of existing bridges could lead to inadequate ratings for bridges
with nonredundant members such as two-girder bridges. For example, a two-girder bridge
designed without the application of system factors would be rated with a system factor of 0.85
reducing its resistance by 15%. If this bridge does not rate now, is it significant? The bridge has
not changed, but our thoughts on reliability and safety have. Prior to posting or retrofitting, the
bridge system (primary and secondary members including the deck and appurtenances) should be
analyzed to determine if it can be classified as quasi-redundant.

Two-girder bridges (or arches or trusses) designed in accord with the LRFD Specifications will

actually be more reliable or safer than those designed in accordance with the older AASHTO
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (8). The calibration of the LRFD Specifications
set the bar at the level of safety in multi-girder bridges where the increased load distribution of
more refined lateral live-load distribution factors compensated for the increased live load of the
HL-93 notional live-load model. Two-girder bridges do not enjoy the load distribution
enhancement. This little-recognized fact should be factored into the considerations of rating a
bridge with nonredundant members but designed to the LRFD Specifications.


Work is under way within the steel-bridge industry, AASHTO and the FHWA to better define
redundancy and fracture-critical member requirements. This work includes the revisions to
specifications for design, fabrication and in-service inspection of those members ultimately
deemed to be fracture-critical. Also, research statements for potential, future NCHRP projects to
define the required load and analysis procedures to classify quasi-redundant members are in
process. In the meantime, engineering judgment must be used in an analysis to prove
redundancy of a member traditionally deemed fracture-critical.

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1. National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23,
Part 650, Subpart C, 2006.

2. AASHTO, (2008). AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, First Edition, AASHTO,
Washington D.C.

3. AASHTO, (1994). AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, Second

Edition, AASHTO, Washington D.C.

4. AASHTO, (2003). AASHTO Guide Manual for Condition Evaluation and Load and
Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) of Highway Bridges, First Edition, AASHTO,

Washington D.C.

5. Connor, R.J., Dexter, R. and Mahmoud, H., Inspection and Management of Bridges with
Fracture-Critical Details, NCHRP Synthesis 354, Transportation Research Board,
Washington, DC, 2005.

6. Ghosn, M. and Moses, F., Redundancy in Highway Bridge Superstructures, NCHRP
Report 406, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1998.

7. AASHTO, (2010). AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications; 5th Edition, AASHTO,
Washington D.C.
8. AASHTO, (2002). AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Seventeenth
Edition, AASHTO, Washington D.C.


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