SEP1Xx-16-final Version PDF
SEP1Xx-16-final Version PDF
SEP1Xx-16-final Version PDF
In this work, the -Fe2O3 nanorods with 50-100 nm in width were first synthesized by hydrothermal
method. Thereafter, -Fe2O3 nanorods were deposited within the gap of interdigitated platinum
electrodes designed on an alumina sheet using print screen by employing the AC electrophoretic
deposition technique at the frequency of 10 kHz. Finally, the gas sensing properties of the -Fe2O3
nanorods toward CO gas (100-1600ppm) at 300-400 were investigated. The results demonstrated that
this sensor has suitable and rapid response as well as reasonable recovery times. The optimum
temperature giving the highest response was achieved at 350 . The response and recovery time for 900
ppm CO gas at optimal temperature was calculated to be 20 and 30 Sec, respectively.
1. Introduction
Semiconductor gas sensors (metal oxide gas sensors) are electrical conductivity sensors. The
resistance of their active sensing layer changes due to contact with the gas to be detected. Chemical gas
sensors based on metal oxide semiconductors have received considerable attention for the detection of
toxic and air contaminant gases such as CO owing to their chemical composition and properties [1-3].
CO is produced from incomplete combustion and is very toxic. Considering their distinctive electronic
structure, different metal oxide semiconductors such as ZnO, In2O3, SnO2, TiO2 and Fe2O3 have been
widely investigated for their gas sensing properties [4-6]. Among them, Hematite (-Fe2O3) is an n-
type semiconductor with band gap of 2.2eV and because of its nontoxicity, high stability under ambient
conditions, low cost, and multi-functionality, is a good choice for a variety of application including
catalysis [7], water splitting [8], and gas sensors [9,10].
The increasing demand for repeatable and fast detection of gases, the current researches in gas
sensing techniques are focused on the development of gas sensors with good selectivity, rapid
response, high sensitivity, and low cost. The origin of the sensing mechanism is attributed to the
change of electrical resistance of the sensing material when it is exposed to a certain target gas at a
given temperature [11]. Hence, the sensing performances are strongly dependent on the morphology,
grain size, surface area, and dimensions. One-dimensional (1D) nanostructures are particularly suited
for this application due to their high surface-to-volume ratio as well as good chemical and thermal
stabilities under different operating conditions [12]. So far, various strategies such as electrospinning,
template method and hydrothermal methods for producing of 1D nanostructures have been employed
among which hydrothermal has the advantage of simple process, high yield and low cost[13, 14]. 32 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
In addition to the sensing material itself, gas sensor performance is strongly affected by the
morphology and structure of the sensing layer [15]. Thus; many efforts have been devoted to the
improvement of the fabrication methods, since they determine these characteristics. Therefore, various
deposition methods have been utilized such as melting and quenching, micro dropping, dip coating,
screen printing, and sputtering for thick- or thin-film deposition. However, the complexities associated
with each method make scientists look for new strategies to construct the sensing phase to attain the
highest efficiency. AC electrophoretic deposition (ACEPD) [6, 16] is a method with high potentiality
to deposit nanomaterials in a controlled manner. It is also a simple and reproducible way of the
manipulation of ceramic nanostructures, their trajectory and alignment. In this study, we used ACEPD
to deposit synthesized Fe2O3 nanorods onto interdigitated electrodes. The fabricated devices are
exposed to various concentrations of CO for which the obtained results are presented.
All chemicals were analytical grade reagents used as-received without further purification. In
the work reported here, 0.03 mol FeCl3.6H2O (Sigma- Aldrich), and 1.2g poly-vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP,
Sigma-Aldrich, MW=30000) were added to 60 ml of deionized water. Then, the mixed solution was
stirred under powerful magnetic stirring until a homogeneous solution was obtained. At the next step, the
prepared solution was placed into a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave, sealed firmly, and heated at
120 for 12h. Thereafter, it was quenched down to room temperature. Reddish powder was separated by
centrifugation, washed several times in deionized water and ethanol, and dried in air at 80 . Finally, the
precipitated products were calcined at 600 for 2h in air to obtain -Fe2O3 nanorods. The powder
morphology and crystal structure were characterized by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy,
Cambridge-S360) and XRD (PHILIPS-PW3710, BraggBrentano geometry, CuK X-ray source,
wavelength 1.5406, 2085), respectively. The size, morphology, and microstructure were observed by
TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM Philips CM200, and 200 kV)
ACEPD was carried out in a deposition set-up consisting of a signal generator (Rigol, DG1022)
and a voltage amplifier (HP, 6826A Signal Amplifier). 0.003 g of Fe2O3 nanorods were suspended in 10
ml pure acetone by ultrasonic and then deposited by ACEPD method on interdigitated electrodes in the
frequency of 10 kHz, voltage of 25 V, and by a symmetric sinusoid wave. Deposition time was 10 min.
The microstructure of the obtained deposit was analyzed using optical microscope (Olympus DP72) and
SEM. The interdigitated platinum electrodes with a gap of 200 m and designed on an alumina sheet
were used for sensor fabrication. In order to reach the desired working temperature, this alumina-based
sensor was equipped with a micro-heater on the backside of the sensor. The response of sensor toward
various concentrations of CO gas (100-1600 ppm) at different temperatures was measured and recorded
in a fully automated dynamic gas sensor testing setup, a schematic of which and the gas sensing circuit
has been depicted in one of our previous works [5]. The sensor was stabilized before each sensing test by
exposing to air for 1h. CO gas was diluted through mixing with air (base gas) using digital flow
controller to reach pre-designed concentrations. Finally, the gaseous mixture was flown through a
chamber equipped with the sensor. 33 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
Fig. 1 shows the crystallographic information obtained from XRD analysis and SEM image of
-Fe2O3 nanorods calcined at 600 . Fig.1a depicts the diffraction peaks that can be indexed to -Fe2O3
(JCPDS No. 33-0664). No characteristics peaks were observed for other impurities and the XRD pattern
is related to the pure rhombohedral structure of -Fe2O3. Fig. 1b revealed the typical SEM image of
products. As it can be seen, the -Fe2O3 products were assembled by 1D nanostructures having bundle-
like morphology.
Further detailed information about the individual nanorods including size and morphology were
obtained using TEM where the nanorods have smooth surface and a width of 50-100 nm (Fig.2). The
optical image of the deposition pattern of -Fe2O3 nanorods on interdigitated electrode is shown in Fig.
3. The deposition was carried out using AC electrophoretic deposition at frequency of 10 kHz where the
sensing materials have filled the space between interdigitated electrodes with no materials left on
electrode surface. In fact, the remained material on the surface of the electrode does not participate in the
sensing process. 34 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
Fig. 3. Optical microscopy image of electrophoretically deposited - Fe2O3 nanorods in the frequency of 10 kHz and
voltage of 25 V on interdigitated platinum electrodes
The sensing layer which is deposited on the sensor base plate is shown in the SEM image of
Fig. 4. It can be found that the nanorods are able to form chain-like structures into the space of electrodes
at the deposition frequency of 10 kHz, which has been generally ascribed to the dielectrophoresis (DEP)
force [17, 18]. This force has been exerted on polarized particles suspended in the colloidal suspension in
the high-frequency AC electric field. The DEP force make nanorods move toward high intensity electric
filed regions. When high frequency AC electric fields are applied to the nanorods/acetone system,
suspended particles will be polarized and attracted by the DEP force toward the electrode edge where the
electric field is strong. This filling of electrode space by -Fe2O3 nanorods as sensing materials using AC
EPD is a suitable structure for the fabrication of CO gas sensors. Also in Fig.4, it can be seen that the
deposited sensing layers possess highly porous structures that is one of the features of the ACEPD
technique. This porous deposited layer can provide high-diffusivity path for the target gas, maximizing
the occurrence of surface reactions. 35 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
Fig. 4. SEM image of sensing layer deposited on the sensor base plate at the frequency of 10 kHz and voltage of 25
The values of gas sensor response based on -Fe2O3 nanorods to different CO concentrations
from 100 to 1600 ppm, operating in the temperature range of -400 are plotted in Fig. 5. The sensor
response is calculated by 100 where Rair and Rgas are the resistance of the sensor exposed to
the base gas (air) and CO as target gas, respectively.
Fig. 5. Response values of sensor toward different CO concentrations at the temperature range of 300400 36 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
As it is shown, at each operating temperature, the response of gas sensor possesses rising linear
trend by increasing in gas concentration. It is well-known that the performance of semiconductor gas
sensors is strongly affected by its operating temperature [9]. In order to find the optimum operating
temperature the gas sensor was tested on different working temperature between 300 to 400 . Since
the conductance of these sensors became too low for practical temperature less than 300 , the working
temperature of sensor was chosen above 300 . As it can be observed in Fig. 5, the sensor response
increased by increasing the working temperature up to 350 , while further increase in temperature
decreased the sensor response. At elevated temperatures, the desorption rate of the target gas molecules
on the surface of the sensing material is higher than the adsorption rate of the gas. So, the reversibility of
the sensor is severely reduced and response value is decreased [6].
The optimum operating temperature giving the highest response has been determined as 350
for all tested sensors under different concentrations of CO gas. The response and recovery behavior of
sensors were further evaluated by orderly exposure to different concentrations of CO gas at the
temperature range of 300-400 . Fig. 6a illustrates the cyclic response curve of this sensor showing the
resistance change of sensor for different concentration of CO gas at 350450 . The sensor shows a
relatively stable baseline resistance in each on-off cycle, especially at elevated temperature, guaranteeing
long term application. The gas-sensing curves in Fig. 6a and 6b indicate the expected sensing mechanism
of n-type semiconductors based on surface chemisorption of the reducing gas molecules and electron
donation. When the Fe2O3 gas sensor is exposed to air (base gas), the oxygen molecules are adsorbed on
Fe2O3 nanorods surface, leading to capturing of the conduction band electrons.
This adsorbed oxygen then reacts with CO gas according to the following reaction:
g + 2(g) +
This will release the electrons back to the conduction band of Fe2O3 nanorods which induced a decrease
in resistance [19].
The cyclic curve of sensors operating in the temperature of 350 giving the highest response
with channel composed of 900 ppm of CO gas is shown in Fig. 6b. At first glance, in terms of sensor
stability, no significant change was observed in the sensor response curve after several cycles which
ensure the stability of the sensor. Besides, no overshooting is seen in the resistance variation. The other
characteristic of the sensor is the fast responses while exposing to gas or shutting the gas off. The
response and recovery times calculated from the cyclic curve of sensor for 900 ppm CO are as short as
20 sec and 30 sec, respectively. These values are calculated based on the time period during which the
resistance of sensing layer reaches to 90% of the saturated resistance (when switching to the target gas)
and 10% of the saturated resistance (after switching back to air as the base gas), respectively. 37 | Page
International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
ISSN: 2272-6446 Volume 4, Issue 3 (September - October 2016), PP 32-39
Fig. 6. (a) Dynamic response curves of gas sensor toward different CO concentration at the operating
temperature range of 300400 , (b) Cyclic curve of sensor response to 900 ppm of CO gas at 350
As mentioned earlier, based on the gas sensing mechanism, the sensor performances are influenced by
three levels of physisorption, chemisorption, and the final desorption. According to Sun et al. [14] and
Karimi et al. [15], grain junctions of the bundle-like nanostructures as active sites and high surface to
volume ratio of nanorods as sensing materials and also randomly aligning of nanorods inter space of
sensing electrodes on ACEPD provide the maximum reactions of target gas with sensing materials, so
this sensor has a rapid response and recovery times.
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