What Is 5S
What Is 5S
What Is 5S
One of the most powerful Lean Manufacturing Tools and a cornerstone of any successful implementation
is that of 5S, but what is 5S and its 5 Steps of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke.
5S is a simple tool for organizing your workplace in a clean, efficient and safe manner to enhance your
productivity, visual management and to ensure the introduction of standardized working.
Most of the other definitions of 5S and descriptions that I see here on the internet concentrate heavily on the
aesthetics and the efficiency gains that you achieve through implementing 5S and neglect the real aim of
5S; the need to introduce standard operational practices to ensure efficient, repeatable, safe ways of
Origins of 5S
5S as a methodology has come out of the techniques within Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and from
the Toyota Production System (TPS). However, many of the individual components such as creating
ergonomic and efficient work places can be seen to owe their roots to people such as Taylor for his work on
scientific management and Frank Gilbreths time and motion studies.
The Concept of 5S
5S is a methodical way to organize your workplace and your working practices as well as being an overall
philosophy and way of working. It is split into 5 phases, each named after a different Japanese term
beginning with the letter S; (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) hence the name 5 S.
Steps of 5S
5S Seiri ; Sort, Clearing, Classify
5S Seiton ; Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure
5S Seiso ; Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check
5S Seiketsu ; Standardize, stabilize, Conformity
5S Shitsuke ; Sustain, self-discipline, custom and practice
And for completeness, some companies add a 6th (6S) of Safety
01.Seiri or Sort
Seiri or Sort is the first step in 5S, Sort is the identification of the most successful physical organization of
the workplace. It has been variously defined as Sort, Systematization or Simplify. It is the series of steps
by which we identify things which are being held in the workplace when they shouldn't, or are being held
in the wrong place. Put simply, we may identify a large area devoted to tools or gauges, some of which are
needed regularly and some used infrequently. This brings all sorts of problems, including:
Operators unable to find the item they need, being unable to see wood for trees. The time spent
searching is a waste and if we only held the items needed regularly in a prominent position we would
save time.
Quality issues when gauges are not calibrated on time because too many are held.
Safety issues when people fall over things.
Lockers and racking cluttering the workplace making it hard to move around or to see each other
and communicate.
We have to eliminate excess materials and WIP(work-in-process), We should see inventory and WIP
reduction as part of the implementation of the lean approach or as an element of 5S. Excess materials and
inventory, are in fact, wastes. The answer is that keeping inventory and WIP to a minimum is simply a good
practice using common sense.
The major element of Sort is simply a critical, objective look at the area. Involving cross-functional teams,
or looking at each other's areas, is the first step. People tend to be blind to failings in their own work place
and a fresh pair of eyes are useful.
In some cases, of course, we are talking about what a fitter will have on his bench, or in racks alongside the
bench. In other cases, we may be considering where we should locate a piece of equipment
Standardization includes all the elements of setting out a consistent way of doing things. This includes
standard manufacturing methodologies, standard equipment and tooling, component rationalization,
drawing standardization, consistency in the documentation which accompanies work, design for
manufacture (or concurrent engineering) and standardization in the clerical processes.
The task is to establish the maintenance of a clean environment as an ongoing, continuous program.
Sometime should be set aside for cleaning each day, or each shift
Cleaning is a big part of preventive maintenance (PM). Cleaning critical components of a piece of equipment
is already one element of the activities carried out under the PM banner.
The implementation of Shine revolves around two main elements. First, this identifies who is responsible
for which areas. Secondly, is the schedule, which says who does what at which times and on which days.
Some of these happen before a shift begins, some during the shift and some at the end. Again, this is very
reminiscent of what we do when adopting PM.
The goal is to minimize the downtime needed to keep the facilities clean. All operators must make sure that
the equipment needed to clean is always available, always ready for use. The excellent parallel to this is set-
up reduction. We are talking about simply using common sense.
04.Seiketsu or Standardize
Standardization can be the thought of as the means by which we maintain the first three 5S concepts. There
is a danger in any improvement activity that once the focus is removed and another top priority arises, things
go back to the way they were before (the informal system). To prevent a relapse to informal pre-5S, set a
schedule by which all the elements are revisited on a regular basis. Focus on controlling 5S and maintaining
it continuously.
A checklist can be implemented whereby the external visitors can mark the area on a number of key criteria
defined at the outset of the program. Are the storage areas still clearly defined? Does the tool rack still have
clear outlines or profiles for each tool to be stored in it? Does the area meet the general standards of
We used Standardize to label and lay out our class information, calendar, schedule, upcoming menus and
reminders. We used different colors to differentiate between topics which was a great application of visual
management. This made it clear how to maintain the great work done in the Sort, Set In Order and Shine
phases of 5S.
In classroom
We used Standardize to label and lay out our class information, calendar, schedule, upcoming menus and
reminders. We used different colors to differentiate between topics which was a great application of visual
management. This made it clear how to maintain the great work done in the Sort, Set In Order and Shine
phases of 5S.
05.Shitsuke or Sustain
The final stage of sustain is discipline. Sustain means a formal, rigorous review program to ensure that the
benefits of the approach are maintained.
We have to make people want to keep applying good practice in shop organization and housekeeping. In
this sense, discipline is perhaps an unfortunate term as it implies people forced to do something, with
consequent penalties if they do not. If this must be done to sustain 5S, we have to do it after implementation.
There are a number of elements to any ongoing improvement activity in any business. Of course, each
organization varies with the history and culture of that organization. The key points are:
Communication. We need people to be aware of what we are trying to achieve, and why.
Education. They need to understand the concepts and the individual techniques.
Rewards and Recognition. People need to feel that their efforts are recognized. Whether the reward
is a senior manager walking past and saying "that's very good, well done" or some form of award
(financial gain, prize or formal presentation of a certificate) depends on the organization.
Time. If we want people to spend five minutes every four hours removing debris from the floor
around their machine we have to make sure that we allow them this time. We cannot give this as an
instruction yet at the same time push for more time spent achieving productivity targets.
Structure. We need to identify what is to be done, by whom, and ensure that schedules are updated
and clearly visible.
In class room,
With regular updates and weekly checks, we will now Sustain our sharp, well-maintained classroom. It
makes the classroom a wonderful place of learning and it sends many powerful messages to students,
parents, and facultyfrom an expectation of excellence to a focus on personal pride in the students own
work habits.
Assignment 02