ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For X Wells

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that ESP systems can be used to produce high liquid volumes from medium depths of around 1,000 feet and require relatively low maintenance if properly designed and installed. However, they require a reliable electric power source and their capacity cannot be easily changed.

The main components of an ESP system include downhole components like the pump, motor, cable/tubing, gas separator etc. The surface components include the power cable head, motor controller, transformer etc.

Advantages of ESP systems include their suitability for deviated wells, low space requirements, and ease of corrosion treatment. Disadvantages include reliance on electric power, inefficiency in the presence of free gas, difficulty of repairs, and high running/pulling costs.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells


ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Table of contents
Glossary of terms and acronyms ....................................................................................................... 5
General Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter1: Company presentation ........................................................................................................... 8
1. General description ..................................................................................................................... 8
2. Objective...................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Field of activity ............................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter2: Oil and Gas general overview ................................................................................................. 9
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Presentation of the petroleum production system: ..................................................................... 10
2.1. Definition ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Pressure losses across the petroleum production system .................................................... 11
3. Petroleum production engineering ............................................................................................... 11
3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Production's technologies: optimization and performance .................................................. 12
3.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2. Well productivity ........................................................................................................... 12
3.2.3. Well completion ............................................................................................................ 14
3.2.4. Well stimulation ............................................................................................................ 15
3.2.5 Well performance (System nodal analysis) ................................................................... 16 ........... 16
3.2.6 Artificial lift .................................................................................................................... 23
4. Properties of reservoir fluids and phase behavior ........................................................................ 34
4.1. Multiphase flow theory, patterns and map .......................................................................... 34
4.2. Bubble point. ......................................................................................................................... 36
4.3. GOR(Gas Oil Ratio) ................................................................................................................ 36
4.4. FVF(Formation Volume Factor) ............................................................................................. 37
4.4.1. Formation Volume Factor (oil) ...................................................................................... 37
4.4.2. Formation Volume Factor (gas) ..................................................................................... 37
4.5. Water cut (WC) ...................................................................................................................... 38
4.6. Oil density .............................................................................................................................. 38

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

5. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter3: Electrical Submersible Pump(ESP) ........................................................................................ 39
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 39
2. ESP worldwide ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Basic features ................................................................................................................................ 42
4. Pump performance curves ............................................................................................................ 43
5. Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 48
6. ESP components ............................................................................................................................ 48
6.1. ESP down-hole components.................................................................................................. 48
6.2. ESP Surface components ....................................................................................................... 48
7. Evaluation of ESP components ...................................................................................................... 48
7.1. ESP advantages ...................................................................................................................... 48
7.2. ESP disadvantages ................................................................................................................. 49
8. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter4: Case study............................................................................................................................. 50
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 50
2. Hand sizing .................................................................................................................................... 50
2.1. the 9 step procedure ............................................................................................................. 50
2.2. Hand sizing application.......................................................................................................... 50
3. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter5: Software design .................................................................................................................... 50
Chapter6: economic study .................................................................................................................... 50
1.1. Why ESP ? .............................................................................................................................. 50
1.2. Technical scoring ................................................................................................................... 50
1.3. Net Present Value (NPV) Analysis Results ............................................................................. 50
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 50
References ............................................................................................................................................. 50
k2013.pdf........................................................................................................................................... 50 ....................................................................... 50 ........ 50 ......... 50 ................................................. 50

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Glossary of terms and acronyms

ESP Electric submerged pump

API American Petroleum Institute

HP High pressure

HP Horse Power

IPR : Inflow Performance Relationship

TPR :Tubing Performance Relationship

rcf : cubic feet of reservoir volume

scf : standard cubic foot

md: millidarcy

cP: centripoise

RPM: rotation per minute

BEP: best efficiency point

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells


API American Petroleum

Institute crude grade
API = (141.5 / Specific gravity ) 131.5
Spec gravity = 141.5/(API + 131.5) kg/l
Bl Barrel (of oil) 1 Bl = 42 Gallons
1 Bl = 159 liters
1 Bl equiv. to 5487 scf = 147 scm gas
Bpd Barrel per day 1 Bpd 50 tons/tons per year
BTU British thermal unit 1 BTU = 0.293 Wh = 1,055 kJ
Cal Calorie 1 Cal = 4,187 J (Joules)
MMscf Million standard cubic
1 MMscf = 23.8 TOE 174 barrels
psi Pounds per square
1 psi = 6.9 kPa = 0.069 atm
Scf Standard cubic feet
(of gas) defined by
energy, not a normalized
1 scf = 1000 BTU = 252 kcal
= 293 Wh = 1,055 MJ
0.0268 scm
Scm Standard cubic meter
(of gas, also Ncm)
Defined by energy
1 Scm = 39 MJ = 10.8 kWh
1 Scm 37.33 Scf (not a volume conv.)
1 Scm 1.122 kg
TOE Tons oil equivalent
Range 6.6 - 8 barrels at
API range 8 - 52
1 TOE = 1000 kg = 1 Ton (metric) oil
1 TOE = 1 Tone oil (US)
1 TOE 7.33 Barrels (at 33 API)
1 TOE 42.9 GJ =11,9 MWh
1 TOE 40.6 MMBTU
1 TOE 1.51 ton of coal
1 TOE 0.79 ton LNG
1 TOE 1,125 Scm = 42,000 Scf
kWh Kilowatt hour
= 1000 joules * 3600 S
1 kWh = 3.6 MJ = 860 kcal = 3,413 BTU

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

General Introduction

This report entitled "ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC for x wells"
incorporates the graduation project in the National Engineering School of Monastir
elaborated in the internationnal oil and gas company OMV.

Oil and gas sector is defined by OPEC(organization of petroleum countries) as the

engine of the world economy. It is an essential source of energy in numerous domains
such as (transportation, industries, home and medicine ...); it has shaped our world in
many important ways.

The amount of oil and gas extraction is dependent on well productivity. Unfortunately
only 5% of worldwide wells flow naturally which involves the application of artificial
techniques of well activation.

The vitality of oil and gas industry generates inventions in terms of artificial lifting in
order to optimize the production and maximize the oil companies profitability.

The electrical submersible pump renowned for ESP is an efficient form of artificial lift
utilized for lifting moderate to high amounts of fluids (hydrocarbons) with high water

The main objective of this work is to design the ESP for X wells ( Wi....) of X field through
2 methods: the nine hand sizing steps and the software method to come up with
meaningful sensitivity study in order to expect the ESP contribution for the forthcoming

The first chapter is a shortly presentation of the OMV company, then chapter two and
three contain a literature review to be familiar with basic concept of production
engineering such as performance of petroleum system and artificial technique of
activation with braking the lights on ESP features. The forth chapter is the real case
study of ESP design on X well(s) of X field, the fifth chapter leads to X software used to
computerized design of the ESP to sum up the results of sensitivity analysis. Finally the
economic study is done in chapter six to know the profitability of the ESP.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Chapter1: Company presentation

1. General description
OMV("sterreichische minerallverwaltung") is an integrated international oil and gas
company, headquartered in Vienna. OMV's main business is in Exploration & Production
(E&P), Gas & Power (G&P) and Refining & Marketing (R&M). With group sales of more
than X billion and a global workforce of around X in 2016, OMV is the largest listed
manufacturing company in Austria. In 2016, OMV produced around X tonnes of oil and X
billion cubic meters og gas in Austria.

2. Objective
The main objectives of OMV are:

Manage exploration and production of hydrocarbon on behalf of the Tunisian

Producing oil that will allow Tunisia to accelerate its economic development and
establish position on the world stage.

3. Field of activity
Exploration and production of hydrocarbon
Marketing of crude oil and petroleum products
oil Service
Human Resources Development

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Chapter2: Oil and Gas general overview

1. Introduction
Petroleum production engineering is the series of activities concerned with the ability of
a well to produce. These activities are divided, according their specification, into
upstream sector and downstream sector:
The upstream sector, it mainly consists in searching and finding oil from
underground(underwater) fields called "Exploration" followed by oil or gas extraction
Reservoir capacity is determined approximately by two different methods:
Geological survey: In this case geoscientists attempt to locate best areas by
examining different underground layers of rock using advanced technologies and special
tools such as "aerial photography, satellite pictures and specialized machines that
measure variation in the earth's gravity fields."
Seism survey are a vital part in oil and gas exploration, it involve using sound
waves to form a clear picture of underwater layer rock. Surveyors register the seismic
waves that are produced by an explosion or sound generator. This technique is based on
determinations of the time interval that elapses between the initiation of a seismic
wave at a selected shop point and the arrival of reflected or refracted impulses at one or
more seismic detectors.
After designating the specific area based on geoscientists investigation the second step
should be begin which is the initial drilling. If drilled wells, called wildcat well, present
good signs of existing crude oil inside then the well will be completed and the second
phase of production starts.
Once oil is found after the preliminary exploration phase and the drilling of exploratory
wells, the production phase can begin: wells are perforated adopting the rotary rig
drilling's technique. During this operation underground water should be protected from
oil and gas contamination, thus outer casings must be inserted in the well then cemented
to the exterior wall. Once the reservoir rock is reached the well is completed with the
remaining facilities: wellhead and surface equipments.
The downstream sector: The downstream sector is the part of the oil industry
involved with purifying crude oil and refining it into different products. It also involves
the transportation and marketing of crude oil and its products.

Once oil starts flowing, it needs to be extracted in large volumes and then taken to
special sites where it is treated carefully before being transported internationally
The process through which crude oil is purified and treated to remove unusable
substances is called REFINING. This process is also used to separate oil into different
usable petroleum products. All this takes place in an oil refinery
All refineries perform three basic functions: Separation Conversion Treatment.
Refineries are highly automated and technologically advanced. That is why a typical
refinery costs billions of dollars to build. It also costs millions to operate, employing
hundreds of people and running every day of the year

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

In this phase, a refinery heats crude oil to different temperature levels. Different parts of
crude oil have different boiling points. As the temperature rises, these different parts or
fractions are separated. This is done inside distillation towers.
In this phase, high temperatures and pressure, as well as chemical catalysts, are used to
crack or split heavy hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, more desirable ones. This is
the most widely used conversion method and it is called CRACKING.
The final phase is treatment. In this step, the fractions produced during separation are
treated to improve their quality. They are then blended with other elements to produce
the final products.

2. Presentation of the petroleum production system:

Petroleum production involves two distinct but intimately connected general systems:
the reservoir, which is a porous medium with unique storage and flow characteristics;
and the artificial structures, which include the well, bottom hole, and wellhead
assemblies, as well as the surface gathering, separation, and storage facilities.

Figure 1 Petroleum Production System

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

2.2.Pressure losses across the petroleum production system

The hydrocarbon fluid streams from the reservoir into the well, up the tubing, along the
horizontal flow line and into the oil storage tank. During this process the fluids
pressure is reduced from the reservoir pressure to atmosphere pressure in a series of
pressure loss processes (Figure 2):
These pressure losses can be classified into three main components:
the total pressure losses in the reservoir and completion
the total pressure losses in the tubing
the total pressure losses at the surface

Figure 2: main pressure losses within production system

3. Petroleum production engineering

Production engineering technologies attempt to maximize oil and gas production in a most profitable
way possible. It offers different methods and technologies allowing to:

Evaluate inflow and outflow performance between the reservoir and the wellbore.
design completion system
Select the proper artificial lift equipment
Select equipment for surface facilities

The only way to achieving these previous responsibilities, is for production engineers to elaborate a
detailed analysis of these distinct, yet related parts:

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

o The components of oil and gas production system

o The fundamentals of well performance
o well completion
o oil wells activation systems

3.2.Production's technologies: optimization and performance

3.2.1. Introduction
Well analysis is the most important step to optimize oil production. The goals of
production optimization are to find the flow rate at which well will produce with given
completion configurations and conclude if it needs exterior interventions.

various approaches have been proposed, over the years on required operating
conditions to prepare the well for an optimal production rate. Multivariable
optimization tools and techniques have been utilized in many aspects of the oil industry
to support decisions in accomplishing tasks in production engineering, such as designing
production systems and facilities.

Te derivability of a well can often be influenced by the performance of one component in

the system, which makes it really important to analyze the well to allow the
determination of the producing capacity for any combination of components. This
requires a system analysis approach often called 'NODAL' analysis. It involves employing
correlations to predict multiphase flow behavior through pipes, well completions,
restrictions and the reservoir.

To apply the system analysis procedure to a well, it is necessary to be able to calculate

the pressure drop that will occur in all the system's components.

Well inflow performance relationship(IPR) and tubing performance relationship(TPR)

are the basic requirements for well analysis. Accurate well tests and flowing data must
be obtained and then the proper IPR and tow phase flow correlation models could be
applied for successful analysis. Then mathematical models of other well components can
be used to complete the predicted well performance.

The inflow performance:

The flow from the reservoir into the well has been called "inflow performance" by
Gilbert and a plot of producing rate versus bottom-hole flowing pressure is called an
"inflow performance relationship" or IPR.

The tubing performance relationship:

The pressure loss in tubing is a difficult value to predict because it's a function of many
factors that are not always available; other than the tubing size and flow rate, there are
fluid densities, fluid viscosities, temperature gradient, gas liquid ratio, water oil ratio
and slippage.

3.2.2. Well productivity

An oil or gas reservoir contains highly compressible hydrocarbon fluids at an elevated

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

pressure and temperature and as such, the fluid stores up within itself considerable
energy of compression. The efficient production of fluids from a reservoir requires
the effective dissipation of this energy through the production system. Optimum
utilisation of this energy is an essential part of a successful completion design and
ultimately of field development economics. Where necessary and economic, this lift
process can be supported by artificial lift using pumps or gas lift.
The productivity of the system is dependent on the pressure loss which occurs in
several areas of the flow system namely:-

The reservoir
The wellbore
The tubing string
The choke
The flow line
The separator
These are shown in figure 4. Under natural flowing conditions the reservoir pressure
must provide all the energy to operate the system i.e. all the pressure drop in the system.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 3 The production system

The optimum distribution of energy between these various areas has a major bearing
on the cost effectiveness of a well design and hence production costs.
The pressure drop which occurs across the reservoir, PRES and is defined as the inflow
performance relationship or IPR. The pressure drop and causes floe is in the tubing
and wellbore PTBG is that which occurs in lifting the fluids from the reservoir to the
surface and it is known as the vertical lift performance or VLP, or the tubing
performance relationship or TPR,

i.e. for natural flow R = PRES + PTBG + PTH

PTH = Tubing head pressure
The pressure drop across the reservoir, the tubing and choke are rate dependant and
these relationships therefore define the means by which we can optimise the production
of the fluid from the reservoir.

3.2.3. Well completion

Historically the major proportion of production technology activities have been

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

concerned with the engineering and installation of the down hole completion
The completion string is a critical component of the production system and to be
effective it must be efficiently designed, installed and maintained. Increasingly, with
moves to higher reservoir pressures and more hostile development areas, the actual
capital costs of the completion string has become a significant proportion of the total
well cost and thus worthy of greater technical consideration and optimisation. The
completion process can be split into several key areas which require to be defined

(1)The fluids which will be used to fill the wellbore during the completion process
must be identified, and this requires that the function of the fluid and the
required properties be specified.
(2) The completion must consider and specify how the fluids will enter the
wellbore from the formation i.e., whether infact the well will be open or whether
a casing string will be run which will need to be subsequently perforated to
allow a limited number of entry points for fluid to flow from the reservoir into
the wellbore.
(3) The design of the completion string itself must provide the required containment
capability to allow fluids to flow safely to the surface with minimal loss in
pressure. In addition however, it would be crucial that the string be able to
perform several other functions which may be related to safety, control,
monitoring, etc. In many cases the completion must provide the capacity for
reservoir management. The completion string must consider what contingencies
are available in the event of changing fluid production characteristics and how
minor servicing operations could be conducted for example, replacement
of valves etc. Type of well completion

Open hole completion
open hole cavitations' process
cased-hole completion

3.2.4. Well stimulation

The productivity of a well naturally arises from the compressed state of the fluids, their
mobility and the flow properties of the rock, primarily in terms of permeability. In
some cases reservoirs may contain substantial reserves of hydrocarbons but the
degree of inter-connection of the pore space and the ease with which the fluids can
flow through the rock, may be very poor. In such situations it may be beneficial to
stimulate the production capacity of the well. Stimulation techniques are intended to:-
(1) Improve the degree of inter-connection between the pore space, particularly for
low permeability or vugular rocks
(2) Remove or bypass impediments to flow, e.g.. damage.
(3) Provide a large conductive hydraulic channel which will allow the wellbore to
communicate with a larger area of the reservoir.
In general, there are four principal techniques applied, namely:-
(1) Propped Hydraulic Fracturing - whereby fluids are injected at a high rate and
at a pressure which exceeds the formation break down gradient of the formation.
The rock will then fail mechanically producing a crack. To prevent closure
or healing of the fracture, it is propped open by a granular material. This

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

technique increases the effective well bore radius of the well.

Matrix Acidisation - this process is conducted at pressures below the formation

break down gradient and requires the injection of acid into the reservoir to either
dissolve the rock matrix and/or dissolve damage material contaminants which
has invaded the rock pore space. The main objective of acidisation is to increase
the conductivity of the rock.
(3) Acid Fracturing - whereby acid injected at a pressure above the formation
breakdown gradient, creates a fracture. The acid then etches flow channels on
the surface of the fracture which on closure will provide deep conductive flow
(4) Frac Packing - which is a shallow penetrating hydraulic fracture propagated
usually into a formation of moderate to high permeability, and is subsequently
propped open prior to closure. The process is used to reduce the near wellbore
flow induced stress, and in some cases can also limit/reduce sand production
A number of other chemical treatments are available for specific situations.

3.2.5 Well performance (System nodal analysis)

globalspec:" A typical gas well may have to flow against many flow restrictions in order for the
produced gas to reach the surface separator. The gas must flow (1) through the reservoir rock matrix,
(2) then through the perforations and possible gravel pack, (3) possibly through a bottomhole standing
valve, (4) through the tubing, (5) possibly a subsurface safety valve, and (6) through the surface
flowline and flowline choke to the separator. Each of these components will have a flow-dependent
pressure loss. A change in any of the well restrictions will affect the well production rate. To determine
overall well performance, all components of the well must be considered as a unit or total system.

One useful tool for analyzing well performance is Systems Nodal Analysis. Nodal Analysis divides the
total well system into two subsystems at a specific location called the "nodal point." One subsystem
considers the inflow from the reservoir, through possible pressure drop components, and to the nodal
point. The other subsystem considers the outflow system from some pressure on the surface down to
the nodal point. For each subsystem, the pressure at the nodal point is calculated and plotted as two
separate, independent pressure-rate curves.
petrowiki" The objective of systems analysis is to combine the various components of the production
system for an individual well to estimate production rates and optimize the components of the production
Systems analysis, which has been applied to many
types of systems of interacting components, consists of selecting a point or node
within the producing system (well and surface facilities). Equations for the relationship
between flow rate and pressure drop are then developed for the well components both
upstream of the node (inflow) and downstream (outflow). The flow rate and pressure
at the node can be calculated since:
(i) Flow into the node equals flow out of the node.
(ii) Only one pressure can exist at the node.
Further, at any time, the pressure at the end points of the system {separator (Psep) and
reservoir pressure (PR)} are both fixed. Thus:
PR - (Pressure loss upstream components) = Pnode (1)
Psep + (Pressure loss downstream components) = Pnode

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 4 Node flow rate and pressure Inflow performance from the reservoir to the wellbore Introduction

The proper description of well behavior requires that the relationship between bottom-hole pressure
and the corresponding production rates be established. The resulting function is called the well's
inflow performance relationship(IPR) and is usually obtained by running well tests. Productivity Index concept

It is the most optimistic approach to describe the inflow performance of oil wells.

To utilize this concept, four assumptions have to be realized:

Radial flow near the wellbore area

A single phase, incompressible liquid is flowing
A homogeneous distribution of the formation permeability
The fluid is fully saturated in the formation

For general flow through porous media:

(0 1 )

But in our case we're working with oil reservoirs to find the production rate of any oil well or the
Darcy law equation:

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

7.08. 103 0 ( )
0 0 ln(( ) 0.75)


0 : liquid volume factor, bbl/STB

0 : average viscosity, cP

: drainage radius of well, ft

: radius of wellbore, ft

0 : effective permeability, md

: effective feet of pay(height), ft

: reservoir pressure, psi

: flowing bottom-hole pressure, psi

If we make the assumption that , 0 , , , 0 0 are constant for a particular well the equation

= ( )

where K is the Productivity Index

finally we obtain the "equation2"

= ( )

PI is usually found by measurement (down-hole gauge and surface flow rate).

It calculates the highest maximum flow rate(AOF) since no change from producing
below bubble point is assumed.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 5 Staightline IPR (for an incompressible liquid)

We can notice that the curve of the wellbore flowing pressure (Pwf)in function of the
flow rate (q) is a straight line of a negative slope (-1/PI). Also the graph shows : the

lowest point of the curve represents the maximum of the potential rate corresponding
to the minimum of the wellbore flowing pressure which is zero whereas the highest
point matching the tow values of the minimum flow rate (zero) and the maximum
wellbore flow rate(Pr: reservoir pressure) that can be attained.
the maximum flow rate which is impossible to achieve is called typically Absolute Open
Flow Potential typically known for the abbreviation AOF. This latter is used only to
compare between different wells' deliverability. So to obtain the flow rate at any
flowing bottom-hole pressure it's sufficient to know the productivity index PI, the
bottom-hole pressure Pwf and apply the "equation 2". the productivity index is defined
as the flow rate per unit pressure drop. Voggle's method

Straight line IPR (Section 1.4.1) are also not applicable to when two phase inflow is
taking place, e.g. when saturated oil is being produced. Vogel (Inflow Performance
Relationships in Solution-Gas Drive Wells, J Pet Tech, 1968, 83-92) proposed the
following equation based on a large number of well performance simulations:

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

where q: liquid rate

qmax is the AOF
PR: reservoir pressure
Pwf: bottom-hole flowing pressure
"Vogel sudied the inflow performance of the well with a solution gas as a drive mechanism. He
evaluated several cases and scenarios where pressure is below bubble point pressure. He kept
changing different parametres like fluid and rock properties. At the end he came up with with a
conclusion stating that all IPR curves have the same shape for these fifferent scenarios (Figure X :
Vogel's inflow performance curve [x]) .This conclusion can be represented by the following
dimensionsless equation( Eq X)

where q: production rate at bottom-hole pressure (Pwf), STB/d

Qmax: maximum production rate, STB/d

Pr: average reservoir pressure, psi

Figure 6: Vogel 's inflow performance curve

Eq x is applied when reservoir pressure is below bubble point and oil is the only fluid produced. Sum up IPR

When multirate test data is available then equation [7] is preferred since it includes
high rate (non-Darcy or turbulent) effects. This is best done by plotting the data in a
similar manner to Figure 8, the resulting straight line has a slope of 1/n.
Figure 9 compares the production rate as a function of drawdown for an under-saturated

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

oil (straight line IPR, line A) and a saturated oil showing the two phase flow effects
discussed above (curve B). The figure also shows the special case (curve C) when the
wellbore pressure is below the bubble point while the reservoir pressure is above, i.e.
(incompressible) liquid flow is occurring in the bulk of the reservoir.

Figure 7: Inflow Performance Relationship Outflow performance of oil and gas well from the wellbore to the
surface. Introduction

Just as there is a drop in pressure within the formation during production, there is also a drop in
pressure within the tubing from bottom-hole to the surface during vertical flow.

Empirical correlations have been developed to predict pressure losses in the tubing for a wide variety
of vertical flow condition.

From the wellbore up all the way to the separator, analyzes the performance of the wells need to
establish a relationship between the diameters of the pipes, the pressure at the bottom and the
wellhead, fluid properties and the flow of production. This relationship is known as the common

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

name of "Vertical Lift Performane(VLP)" or "Tubing Performance Relationship (TPR)"

Figure 8: TPR curves for different wellhead pressures Outflow performance sensitivity

The outflow performance is sensitive to:
Tubing sizing
water cut
GOR or injected lift gas
Size of the sssv ( sub-surface-safety valve)
Choke size
Wellhead back pressure Multiphase flow theory, patterns and map Operating point.

The interception of IPR curve and VLP curve well zone. VLP: choose an optimal diameter because big
size increases hydrostatic pressure losses, and small diameter increases friction pressure losses. Very
small Tubing diameter it reduces the capacity production of the well, once installed, it is easy to
reduce well diameter than increasing it and effect of GOR rising.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 9 Oerating point

3.2.6 Artificial lift Introduction
This module will introduce the topic of artificial lift - a production engineering topic
of increasing importance in field development. The reasons leading to this increasing
importance in the field development process will be reviewed. The main factors
influencing the selection of the most important artificial lift techniques will be
A brief description will then be given of all the common artificial lift techniques (rod
pumps, electric submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps and hydraulic pumps)
apart from gas lift.
Hydrocarbons will normally flow to the surface under natural flow when the discovery
well is completed in a virgin reservoir. The fluid production resulting from reservoir
development will normally lead to a reduction in the reservoir pressure, increase in the
fraction of water being produced together with a corresponding decrease in the
produced gas fraction. All these factors reduce, or may even stop, the flow of fluids
from the well. The remedy is to include within the well completion some form of
artificial lift. Artificial lift adds energy to the well fluid which, when added to the
available energy provided for free by the reservoir itself, allows the well to flow at
a (hopefully economic) production rate. It has been estimated that in 1994 there was
a world inventory of more than 900,000 producing wells. Only 7% of these flowed
naturally while the remaining 93% required some form of artificial lift. The average
production per well was less than 70 bpd.


Artificial lift is required when a well will no longer flow or when the production rate
is too low to be economic. Figure 1(a) illustrates such a situation - the reservoir
pressure is so low that the static fluid level is below the wellhead. Question: Is it
possible for this well to flow naturally under and conditions.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Answer: Yes: If the well productivity Index is sufficiently high and the produced fluid
contains enough gas that the flowing fluid pressure gradient gives a positive wellhead
pressure. But, tthe well has to be "kicked off" (started flowing) by swobbing or other
Figure 1(b) shows how installation of a pump a small distance below the static fluid
level allows a limited drawdown (p') to be created. The well now starts to flow at rate
q. N.B. the static and flowing pressure gradients in figures 1(a) & 1(b) are similar since
frictional pressure losses in the tubing are small at this low flow rate.

It can be readily seen that the same production rate will occur when the pump is
relocated to the bottom of the tubing, provided the pressure drop across the pump, and
hence the drawdown, remains the same. The advantage of placing the pump near the
perforations is that the maximum potential production can now be achieved {figure
1(c)} by imposing a large drawdown (P") on the formation and pumping the well
off by producing the well at q
2 is slightly smaller than the AOF.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells Artificial lift forms

Schlumberger book" The concept of artificial lift is needed when reservoir pressures do not sustain
acceptable flow rates or there is no fluid flow at all.

Lift process transfers energy down-hole or deceases fluid density in the wellbore to reduce hydrostatic
pressure on formations."

The most popular forms of artificial lift are illustrated in figure 2. They are:

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Rod Pumps -

Figure 10: Sucker Rod Pump

Heriot Watt-University "A down-hole plunger is moved up and down by a rod connected
to an engine at the surface. The plunger movement displaces produced fluid
into the tubing via a pump consisting of suitably arranged travelling and

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

standing valves mounted in a pump barrel.

The sucker rods, typically 25 ft long, are circular steel rods with diameters between
0.5 in and 1.125 in, in increments of 0.125 in. A threaded male connection or pin is
machined at each end of the rod. The two rods can be joined together by use of a double
box coupling (Figure 12). Square flats are machined near the pins and at the centre
of the coupling to provide a grip for a wrench to allow the rods and couplings to be
screwed together. The sucker rods are subjected to continuous fatigue when the pump
is in operation. The weight of the rod string is one component of this fatigue load -
it can be minimised by using a tapered sucker rod string. This involves installing
lighter, smaller diameter rods lower down in the well where the load they have to
support (weight of rods and fluid in the tubing string) is less than at the top of the well.

Figure 11: The surface equipment for a Rod Pump

(ii) Hydraulic Pumps

Heriot Watt-University " Hydraulic pumps use a high pressure power fluid pumped from the surface
(Figure 37)
drives a down-hole, positive displacement pump. Figure 38 shown how the flow
of power fluid through the upper engine unit is translated into a flow of high
pressure produced fluid during both the UP and DOWN strokes.
(ii) powers a centrifugal or turbine pump (see Section 2.8.3).
(iii) creates a reduced pressure by passage through a venturi or nozzle (Figure 39)
where pressure energy is converted into velocity. This high velocity/low
pressure flow of the power fluid commingles with the production flow in the
throat of the pump. A diffuser then reduces the velocity, increasing the fluid
pressure and allowing the combined fluids to flow to surface.
The power fluid consists of oil or production water (the large oil inventory in the
surface power fluid system makes oil accounting difficult once high water cuts are
being produced). The power fluid is supplied to the downhole equipment via a
separate injection tubing. The majority of installations commingle the exhaust fluid

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

with the production fluid {an open system Figure 40(a)}. If difficulties or high costs
are encountered in preparing power fluid of the required quality from the production
fluid, then a closed system may be installed in which the power fluid returns to the
surface via a (third) separate tubing {Figure 40(b)}. This option is not available with
a venturi pump. The completion design may also allow gas to be vented to surface via
the casing/tubing annulus.

Figure 12: Principals of hydraulic lift operation. Turbine pump is illustrated.

use a high pressure power fluid to:

(a) drive a down-hole turbine pump or
(b) flow through a venturi or jet, creating a low pressure area which produces
an increased drawdown and inflow from the reservoir.
Islam report:"
Hydraulic pump: this tehnology used a fluid(usually light oil or water) that is injected from the surface
to operate a down-hole pump, forcing water or light oil against the piston and causing pressure t lift
the fluid up. A Jet Pump is a type of hydraulic pumps.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

As shown in the figure 12, the fluid is injected into the pump body and a small-diameter nozzle,where
it becomes a low pressure, high velocity jet. Formation fluid is mixed with the injected fluid and then
goes into an expanding-diameter diffuser.
this reduces the velocity while causing the pressure to increase until that is capable of lifting it to the
surface. "
(iii) Electric Submersible Pump
Heriot Watt-University " (ESP) employs a downhole centrifugal pump
driven by a three phase, electric motor supplied with electric power via a cable
run from the surface on the outside of the tubing.

Electric Submersible Pumps (ESPs) are a versatile form of artificial lift with pumps
ranging from 150 to 60,000 bfpd in operation. A typical low pressure well that is being
artificially lifted using an ESP system is illustrated in figure 17. The functions of the
various components are summarized as follows:"

Figure 13: A well completed with artificial lift using an electric submersible centrifugal pump

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Islam report:"Electrical submersible pump typically called ESP consists on a down-hole centrifugal
pump below the level of the reservoir fluids driven by a submersible electrical motor, which is
connected to a power source at the surface. This technology employs spinning impellers on the shaft
to put pressure on the surrounding fluids and forcing them to the surface. It can lift more than 25000
barrels of fluid per day"

(iv) Gas Lift

Figure 14: Well completion with gas lift

involves the supply of high pressure gas to the casing/tubing annulus

and its injection into the tubing deep in the well. The increased gas content
of the produced fluid reduces the average flowing density of the fluids in the
tubing, hence increasing the formation drawdown and the well inflow rate.
Sclumberger book"

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Gas lift uses additional high pressure gas to supplement formation gas. Produced fluids are lifted by
reducing fluid density in wellbore to lighted the hydrostatic column, or back pressure, load on
Application of gas lift :
to enable wells that will not flow naturally to produce
to increase production rates in flowing wells
to unload a well that will later flow naturally
to remove or unload fluid in gas wells
to back flow salt water disposal wells
to lift aquifer wells
can be intermittent or continuous
Islam report:" For this technique , high-pressure gas is injected into the well to establish
pressure. A natural form of gas lift is used in many times for wells flowing without artificial
lift. Concerning this artificial lift mean, the injected gas reduces the down-hole pressure by
decreasing the fluid viscosity which make the fluid flow more easily to the surface.
The compressed gas is injected down the casing tubing annulus, penetrating the well from
different gas-lift valves creating bubbles that lighten the fluids.
There are two types of gas lift used in the oil industry: continuous flow gas lift and
intermittent gas lift."

(v) Progressing Cavity Pump

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 15: A well completed with AL using a Progressive Cavity Pump

Figure 14 illustrates the main components of a PCP. A steel shaft rotor of diameter
d has been formed into a helix {Figure 44(a)}. The rotor is rotated inside an
elastomeric pump body or stator, which has been molded in the form of a double helix
with a pitch of the same diameter and exactly twice the length of the pitch given to the
rotor {Figure 44(b)}. Figure 44(c) shows that, when assembled, the centre line of the
rotor and the stator are slightly offset, creating a series if fluid filled cavities along the
length of the pump. Figure 45 is a perspective view of Figure 44(c), which helps
explain how the interference fit between the rotor and stator creates two chains of
spiral (fluid filled) cavities.

(PCP) employs a helical, metal rotor rotating inside

an elastomeric, double helical stator. The rotating action is supplied by
down-hole electric motor or by rotating rods.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Sclumberger book" Standard PC Pump-Topdrive

Down-hole pump components:



Sucker Rod string

Surface drive head

-Torque anchor.

-Rod Protectors/ centralizers

PC Pump applications:

heavy and viscous oil

Production of solids-laden fluids
medium to sweet crude
coal bed methane / gas well de-watering
Urban areas
agricultural areas

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells


" Advantages, disadvantages and of different artificial lift technologies:

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Major Artificial Lift Methods are listed
and compared in Tables

4. Properties of reservoir fluids and phase behavior

4.1.Multiphase flow theory, patterns and map
Flow theory

The three components of the equation for predicting pressure losses are: elevation or static
components, friction component, acceleration component.

= ) + +

Flow patterns

vertical flow

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 16: Vertical flow patterns

Bubble flow: Numerous yet discrete gas bubbles are dispersed in the continuous liquid phase.

slug flow: larger bubbles are formed with sizes similar to the tubing diameter. They are separated
from one another by slugs of liquids.

churn flow: Higher velocities change the aspect of the flow; it becomes very unstable which
threatens to damage the pipe.

wispy-annular flow: when the flow rates gets even higher the small droplets form clouds of liquid in
the center gaseous core.

annular flow: Gas velocity exceeds the liquid's velocity. The liquid travels then in the tube as thin film
on the wall as the gas flows as a continuous phase.

horizontal flow

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 17: Horizontal flow patterns

Bubble flow: Both gas and liquid move with the same velocity as the gas is dispersed as bubbles that
tend to accumulate at the top of the tubing.

slug flow: At higher gas velocities this regime occurs with its bigger elongated bubbles and large
vibrations caused by the liquid slugs between the bubbles.

annular flow: At even greater gas velocities, the liquid forms a continuous annular film that gets
thicker at the bottom of the tube bubble point.

Stratified flow: At low liquid and gas velocities, the two phases are completely separated. The liquid
goes to the bottom as the gas goes to the top.

Wavy flow: Increasing the fluids velocity in a stratified flow, waves are formed

4.2.Bubble point.
As defined by Shlumberger Glossary the bubble point means" The pressure and
temperature conditions at which the first bubble of gas comes out of solution in oil."

Below the bubble point the solution of oil is saturated with gas, meaning that the oil
contains the maximum amount of gas that could it holds. So as the pressure drops along
the way from the bottom-hole to the well-head the gas will be separated from the
solution as form of bubbles and the oil will be unsaturated.

4.3.GOR(Gas Oil Ratio)

The oil gas ratio is the ratio between the volume of gas dissolved( measured at standard
conditions) and the volume of oil at standard conditions.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

(, 60)
(, 60)

4.4.FVF(Formation Volume Factor)

4.4.1. Formation Volume Factor (oil)
AS defined by Perowiki " The oil formation volume factor (FVF) relates the volume of oil
at stock-tank conditions to the volume of oil at elevated pressure and temperature in the
reservoir. Values typically range from approximately 1.0 bbl/STB for crude oil systems
containing little or no solution gas to nearly 3.0 bbl/STB for highly volatile oils."
, (Pr, )

4.4.2. Formation Volume Factor (gas)

The formation volume factor of gas is defined by Perowiki as " the ratio of the volume of
gas at the reservoir temperature and pressure to the volume at the standard or surface
temperature and pressure (ps and Ts). It is given the symbol Bg and is often expressed in
either ((rcf) cubic feet of reservoir volume per(scf) standard cubic foot of gas) or(
barrels of reservoir volume per standard cubic foot of gas)".

= =( )( )=

where = = 0.0282793

which implies = 0.0282793 (rcf/scf)


: Reservoir volume

: Volume in standard condition

: Reservoir Temperature

: Temperature in standard condition

: Pressure in standard condition

: Number of mole

: Compressibility factor (gas deviation factor)

: Compressibility factor at standard condition

R: gas-law constant

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

The n divides out here because both volumes refer to the same quantity of mass.

4.5.Water cut (WC)

Water cut is the ratio of water produced to the total volume of fluids produced: oil + water, both
volumes measured in standard conditions. It is expressed as a fraction in percent:

% = 100

4.6.Oil density
According to "Petrowiki" The density of a reservoir gas is defined as the mass of the gas
divided by its reservoir volume, so it can also be derived and calculated from the real gas

= = = =
/ /


: Reservoir volume

: Reservoir Temperature

: Number of mole

: Compressibility factor (gas deviation factor)

R: gas-law constant

: Reservoir volume

: average molecular weight of gas mixture

: molecular weight of air

: density of gas

: Specific gravity of gas

: mass of gas

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

5. Conclusion

Chapter3: Electrical Submersible Pump(ESP)

1. Introduction
1.1.General history of ESP
Source: ESP manuel pdf"Gabor Tackas"

Unlike most of the other artificial lift methods such as gas lifting or suckerrod
pumping, whose invention cannot be attributed to any person or
any definite time, electrical submersible pumping was invented and developed
by a Russian named Armais Arutunoff in the late 1910s [2].
In 1911, Arutunoff started the company Russian Electrical Dynamo
of Arutunoff (its acronym REDA still being known all over the world)
and developed the first electric motor that could be operated submersed
in an oil well. To acquire funding for the development of his ideas, Arutunoff
first emigrated to Germany in 1919, and then finally settled in the
USA in 1923. The US Patent he received on the electrical submersible
pump [3] was issued in 1926 and covered the principal features of this
new artificial lift method. The first ESP installation was successfully
operated in the El Dorado field in Kansas in 1926. Arutunoff moved to
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, in 1928 where he started the Bart Manufacturing
Co., later reorganized as REDA Pump Co. in 1930. The first ESP units were driven by three-phase
two-pole electric induction
motors of 53
=8 in or 71
=4 in OD. The biggest motor was about 20 ft
long and developed 105 HP. Directly above the motor a seal unit was
attached whose main task was to prevent the leakage of well fluids into
the motor. On top of the seal unit, a multistage centrifugal pump lifted
well fluids to the surface. The complete ESP unit (motor, seal and pump)
was run into the well on the bottom of the tubing string, electricity being
supplied from the surface to the motor by a special three-conductor cable.
Even today, these are the main components of electrical submersible
pumping installations. After more than 80 years of operation, the company
established by Arutunoff, who alone received 90 patents related to submersible
equipment, is still one of the leading suppliers of ESP equipment
to the worlds petroleum industry.

From its conception, ESP units have excelled in lifting much greater
liquid rates than most of the other types of artificial lift and found their best
use in high rate on- and offshore applications. It is believed that today
approximately 10% of the worlds oil supply is produced with submersible
pumping installations.
During its long history, ESP equipment underwent a continuous
improvement. The first breakthrough came in the early 1950s when seal
units (a.k.a. protectors) with mechanical seals on their shafts considerably
increased ESP run lives because they provided a much better protection
against leakage of well fluids into the motor. Production of gassy wells
was always a problem and the use of simple gravitational (reverse-flow)

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

gas separators did not solve the problem completely until the first rotary
gas separator [4] was introduced in the early 1970s. Although the other
components of the ESP unit have also evolved, the next revolutionary
moment came when the first variable speed ESP unit was installed in
August 1977 [5]. The variable speed drive (VSD) changes the frequency
of the electric current driving the ESP motor and thus considerably modifies
the head performance of the submersible pump. By properly setting
the driving frequency, a very basic limitation of ESP units can be eliminated
and the lifting capacity of the submersible pump can easily be modified
to match the inflow performance of the well. Without a VSD unit, in
wells with unknown liquid production capacities the ESP unit has to be
exchanged with a unit better fitting the inflow to the well, which usually
involves a costly workover operation.
Running and pulling of conventional ESP units involves the use of heavy
workover units because the tubing string has to be moved into or out of the
well. Reduction of the high workover costs can be accomplished if the ESP
unit is run on a wire rope of the right mechanical strength. Cable suspended
units, first appearing in the oil field in the late 1970s, became very popular
for their advantageous features, especially in the offshore environment [6].
Similar advantages can be reached with coiled tubing (CT) conveyed ESP
units, first installed in Alaskan fields in 1992 [7]."

1.2.General overview of ESP

Al- ESP pdf"

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

Figure 18: Conventional ESP installation

means of producing liquid from oil and water wells. The classical or
conventional installation is illustrated in Fig X where the ESP unit
is run on the tubing string and is submerged in well fluids. The electric
submersible motor is at the bottom of the unit and is cooled by the
well stream passing by its perimeter. It is connected to the protector
(a.k.a. seal) section that provides many crucial functions for the safe
operation of the unit. On top of the protector a pump intake or gas
separator is situated which allows well fluids to enter the centrifugal
pump and, at the same time, can remove low quantities of free gas
from the well-stream. Liquid is lifted to the surface by the multistage
centrifugal pump, the heart of the ESP system.

The submersible motor is supplied with three-phase AC current via

an electric cable running from the surface all along the tubing string.
Produced fluids flow thorough the tubing string to the surface, where a
special wellhead ensures feeding of the electric cable into the well.
Surface equipment includes a junction box where down-hole and
surface electric cables are joined and a control unit (called
switchboard) that provides measurement and control functions. The
ESP unit receives AC electricity from a set of transformers (not

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

shown) which supply the required voltage by stepping up or down the

voltage available from the surface electric network.
The above type of installation has stood the test of time and is
frequently used even today. The most important features making it a
conventional ESP installation are:

Only liquid enters the centrifugal pump providing ideal

conditions for the pump. The well must produce only a low amount of free gas at the pump
suction that can easily be removed by the gas separator.
The viscosity of the produced liquid is low, approaching the viscosity of water.
The ESP motor is supplied with an AC current of a constant frequency thus its speed
and consequently that of the centrifugal pump are constant.
Although the above conditions are not always met, the conventional ESP installation can be
in a great variety of field conditions."

2. Basic features
The heart of the ESP unit is the submersible pump and the design and
analysis of the whole ESP system cannot be understood without a basic
comprehension of the operation of the pump. This is the reason why the
description of the systems components has to be started with a thorough
analysis of the construction and operation of the centrifugal pumps.
The submersible pumps used in ESP installations are multistage
centrifugal pumps operating in a vertical position. Although their
constructional and operational features underwent a continuous
evolution over the years, their basic operational principle remained the
same. Produced liquids, after being subjected to great centrifugal forces
caused by the high rotational speed of the impeller, lose their kinetic
energy in the diffuser where a conversion of kinetic to pressure energy
takes place. This is the main operational mechanism of radial and mixed
flow pumps, as detailed in Chapter Two.

Fig. 3.2 illustrates the main parts of an ESP pump containing mixedflow
stages. The pump shaft is connected to the gas separator or the
protector by a mechanical coupling at the bottom of the pump. Well
fluids enter the pump through an intake screen and are lifted by the
pump stages. Other parts include the radial bearings (bushings)
distributed along the length of the shaft providing radial support to the
pump shaft turning at high rotational speeds. An optional thrust
bearing takes up part of the axial forces arising in the pump but most of
those forces are absorbed by the protectors thrust bearing.
The liquid producing capacity of an ESP pump depends on the
following factors:
the rotational speed provided by the electric motor,
the diameter of the impeller,
the design of the impeller (characterized by its specific speed),

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

the number of stages,

the actual head against which the pump is operating, and
the thermodynamic properties (density, viscosity, etc.) of the produced fluid.

Conventional ESP installations run on AC power with a constant frequency of 60 Hz or 50

Hz. ESP motors in 60 Hz electrical systems rotate at a speed of about 3,500 RPM, whereas in
case of a 50 Hz power supply the motor speed is about 2,900 RPM. For constant speed
applications the most important factor is impeller size which, of course, is limited by the ID
of the well casing. Pumps of bigger sizes can produce greater rates although impeller design
also has a great impact on pump capacity. Present-day ESP pumps come in different
capacities from a few hundred to around 80,000 bpd of liquid production rate and in outside
diameters from around 3 up to 11. Smaller units contain pancake type impellers with
radial discharge and are used up to the rates of 1,500 3,500 bpd, above which mixed flow
impellers are used. The length of individual ESP pumps is limited to about 20 - 25 ft, for
ensuring proper assembly and ease of handling. Tandem pumps are made up of several pump
sections (up to three) and are used to achieve higher operational heads usually required in
deeper wells. This way several hundreds of stages can be run, the maximum number of stages
being limited by one or more of the following factors:

the mechanical strength of the pump shaft, usually represented by the shafts
horsepower rating,
the maximum burst-pressure rating of the pump housing, and
the maximum allowed axial load on the units main thrust bearing (usually situated in
protector section). Individual stages in ESP pumps, provided they are of the same impeller
design, handle the same liquid volume and develop the same amount of head. The heads in
subsequent stages are additive so a pump with a given number of stages develops a total head
calculated as the product of the total number of stages and the head per stage. This rule allows
one to find the number of stages required to develop the total head to overcome the total
hydraulic losses, valid at the desired liquid production rate in a well. Since the size of well
casing limits the outside diameter of the ESP equipment which can be run, pump selection is
heavily restricted by the actual casing size. Appendix B lists the main dimensional data of
common API tubular . For comparison, Appendix C contains the most important parameters
(diameters, recommended liquid rate ranges) of submersible pumps available from a leading

3. Pump performance curves

The performance of ESP pumps is characterized by the pump performance curves

introduced in
Section These are plotted in the function of the pumping rate and represent:
the head developed by the pump,
the efficiency of the pump, and
the mechanical power (brake horsepower) required to drive the pump when pumping water.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

These curves are experimentally obtained with freshwater under controlled conditions
described in API RP 11S2 [ 1 ] at an operating temperature of 60F. Tests on submersible
pumps are made by driving the pump at a constant rotational speed, usually 3,500 RPM for
60 Hz service. This is the speed generally assumed as the actual speed of a fully loaded ESP
motor having a synchronous speed of 3,600 RPM. Experiments with other fluids or speeds
must be corrected to these standard conditions using the Affinity Laws. All performance
parameters must represent the operation of one or a specified number of pump stages clearly
indicated on the chart.
Performance curves of pumps in 50 Hz service are typically published for a fixed rotational
speed of 2,917 RPM. As described by Butlin [ 2 ], this number was chosen based on a
misunderstanding of slip in electric motors, using the concept of the percentage slip. It was
erroneously assumed that motor slip is found as a percentage of the synchronous speed. Slip
(defined as the difference between the motors synchronous and actual speeds), however,
depends on motor voltage and torque loading only.
This means that the same motor at the same pump load will have the same amount of slip,
independent of the electric frequency. The synchronous speed of ESP motors at 50 Hz service
being 3,000 RPM, actual full-load motor speeds must be around 2,900 RPM or even less for
small diameter motors.
Due to manufacturing tolerances and other factors, a variance in performance as compared to
published curves can exist from one pump to another of the same design. The accepted
tolerances between published curves and actually tested pump performance are specified in
API RP 11S2 [ 1 ]
where the guidelines contained in Table 3.1 are given. The sample curves shown in Fig. 3.3
represent the features of one stage of a given pump design. The performance parameters
belonging to the best efficiency point (BEP) represent the criteria for an

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

optimum utilization of the pump, around which the recommended range of operation is
The recommended range of pumping rates for any ESP pump is strictly related to the variation
of axial forces occurring in the pump. As discussed in Section, static and dynamic
axial forces occurring in pump stages are the results of different phenomena and may take the
form of down-thrust or up-thrust. Fig 3.4 presents the relationship between the axial forces
and the recommended operating range of the pump; their interaction is detailed in the
The lower part of Fig. 3.4 shows schematically the change of axial forces in an ESP pump
stage in the function of the liquid rate produced by the pump. Downthrust is basically
determined by the head developed since its main component comes from the pumps
discharge pressure acting on the top and bottom shrouds of the impeller. Its variation with
pumping rate, therefore, follows the shape of the pumps head rate performance curve, as

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

shown in the figure. It is at a maximum at shut-in conditions (at a pumping rate of zero), and
diminishes to zero where the pumps head decreases to zero. Upthrust forces arising in the
pump stage, on the other hand, are the result of the change in inertial forces and are
proportional to the kinetic energy of the liquid pumped. Thus their variation with pumping
rate follows a second-order curve.
The sum of the up- and downthrust forces is shown in a bold line representing the net thrust
arising in the pump stage. As seen, the operation of ESP pumps is dominated by downthrust
forces because the net axial force points downward in the largest part of the operating
pumping rates.
As discussed in Section, axial forces developed in ESP pumps must be compensated,
otherwise the axial movement of the impellers and the pump shaft leads to mechanical
damage of the stages. Elimination of such forces is accomplished differently in stages with
fixed impellers from stages with floating impellers.
In fixed impeller pumps all axial forces are transmitted to the pump shaft and have to be
balanced by the main thrust bearing, situated in the protector section of the ESP unit. This
solution necessitates the use of thrust bearings of relatively large capacity.
In floating impeller pumps, on the other hand, most of the axial forces are compensated by
frictional forces arising in the up-, and down-thrust washers installed on the impellers,
requiring smaller-capacity thrust bearings.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

In the following discussion, let us assume a floating impeller pump and determine the safe
operating range of such ESP pumps. Most of the net thrust illustrated in Fig. 3.4 must be
absorbed by the thrust washers in the impeller. Since (because of construction reasons, see
Fig. 2.8) the load carrying area of the upthrust washer is much smaller than that of the
downthrust washer, upthrust is more dangerous for the pumps operation than downthrust. To
safeguard against the occurrence of upthrust, a minimum of downthrust is assumed and a
safety zone in pumping rates is created, as shown in Fig. 3.4. As illustrated in the figure, this
defines the upper boundary of the pumps applicability in such a way that upthrust conditions
are safely avoided.
Since downthrust forces are absorbed by the combined effort of the washers and the units
main thrust bearing situated in the protector, their combined capacity defines the maximum
acceptable axial load that can be allowed. The pumping rate belonging to this load defines the
minimum recommended pumping rate of the ESP pump. Any given pump, therefore, must be
operated in the recommended operating range defined by the two boundary rates described
previously. Keeping the operation of an ESP pump inside the recommended pumping rate
range poses the most severe restriction in the application of ESP equipment and should never
be forgotten by users.

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

4. Glossary

Pump erosion: is caused by abrasive solid particles striking the metal surfaces just like in
The wear: is proportional to the solid size roughness and kinetic energy.
Abrasives: partials propelled at a velocity sufficient to cause cleaning and wearing away a

The severity of abrasive damages increases in the following order:

-erosion in impellers and diffusers

-axial wear in thrust bearing, up and down thrust washers in floater pumps

-radial wear in radial bearings

Up thrust: the recirculation forces are greater on the lower shroud of the impeller moving it up

down thrust: the recirculation forces are greater on the upper shroud of the impeller moving it down

total thrust: sum of up and down thrust "

5. ESP components
5.1.ESP down-hole components
5.2.ESP Surface components

6. Evaluation of ESP components

6.1.ESP advantages
source ESP manual pdf "

General advantages of using ESP units can be summed up as follows, based

on [911]:
Ideally suited to produce high to extremely high liquid volumes from
medium depths. Maximum rate is around 30,000 bpd from 1,000 ft.
Energy efficiency is relatively high (around 50%) for systems producing
over 1,000 bpd.
Can be used in deviated wells without any problems.
Requires low maintenance, provided the installation is properly
designed and operated.
Can be used in urban locations since surface equipment requires
minimal space.
Well suited to the offshore environment because of the low space
Corrosion and scale treatments are relatively easy to perform."

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

6.2.ESP disadvantages
source ESP manual pdf"

General disadvantages are listed below:

A reliable source of electric power of relatively high voltage must be
The flexibility of ESP systems running on a constant electrical frequency
is very low because the centrifugal pumps liquid producing
capacity practically cannot be changed. Proper installation design based
on accurate well inflow data and matching the units capacity to well
Introduction 7
deliverability is crucial, otherwise costly workover operations are
required to run a new unit in the well. The use of variable speed
drives can eliminate most of these problems but at an extra cost.
Free gas present at suction conditions deteriorates the submersible
pumps efficiency and can even totally prevent liquid production.
The use of gas separators or gas handlers is required if more than 5%
of free gas enters the pump.
Sand or abrasive materials in well fluids increase equipment wear.
Special abrasion-resistant materials are available but increase capital
Repair of ESP equipment in oilfield conditions is difficult, faulty
equipment must be sent to the manufacturers repair shop.
High well temperature is a limiting factor, standard equipment is limited to about 250
F, and use of special materials increases the temperature
limit to 400
Production of high viscosity oils increases power requirements and
reduces lift.
Running and pulling costs are high because of the need for heavy
workover rigs. Cable suspended or CT (coiled tubing) deployed ESP
units reduce workover"

ESP Design Using Hand Sizing and AUTOGRAPHPC For x wells

7. Conclusion

Chapter4: Case study

1. Introduction

2. Hand sizing
2.1.the 9 step procedure
2.2.Hand sizing application

3. Conclusion

Chapter5: Software design

Chapter6: economic study

1.1.Why ESP ?
1.2.Technical scoring
1.3.Net Present Value (NPV) Analysis Results





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