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Simplified Handbook of
Roberts Parliamentary Law, Scott, Foresman & Co., New York City,
New York.
The 11th edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is the
eleventh edition of the manual that the people of this country
have looked to for 135 years as the authoritative statement of
parliamentary law and the basic guide to fair and orderly
procedure in meetings.
The 11th edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is the only
currently authoritative volume to contain what is now the
complete Roberts Rules of Order subject matter as finally developed
by the original author, General Robert, and those who have
worked after him.
Among the more important areas of revision in the 11th edition of
Roberts Rules of Order are:
More detailed treatment of removal of officers and trials as well
as expanded provisions on remedies for abuse of authority by
the chair in Chapter XX.
Revision of the content of modified parliamentary rules in small
boards and committees.
A new subsection on electronic meetings.
Clarification of the rules governing the ways in which business
can go over from one session to a later one.
A new subsection on challenging the announced results of
elections and more precise rules on the retention of tally sheets
and ballots.
More precise delineation of the motions in order in the absence
of a quorum.
Clarification of what rights members have to inspect records of
the assembly, boards and committees.
Provision permitting notice to be sent by electronic communica
tions, such as e-mail or fax, to members who consent.
Please refer to the Preface of the 11th Edition of Robert Rules
of Order, Newly Revised, for additional important points which
are included in the revision.
Membership carries with it responsibilities as well as privileges, and
where these are peculiar to the organization, they should be defined
in its bylaws. However, it is neither necessary nor advisable to
encumber bylaws with a list of privileges and responsibilities that
are common to members of all organizations. Such a list of generally
accepted privileges and responsibilities of membership should
include, but should not be limited necessarily to, the following:
A. Privileges
1. To attend meetings.
2. To make motions and enter into debate.
3. To vote.
4. To nominate when appropriate.
5. To be a candidate for office when requested.
6. To insist on the enforcement of the rules of the organization
and of parliamentary law based on Roberts Rules of Order,
Newly Revised, or other adopted authority.
7. To review official records of the organization, including the
most recent governing document and the minutes of previous
B. Responsibilities
1. To promote the object and purposes of the organization.
2. To comply with and uphold the organizations governing
3. To attend meetings regularly and punctually.
4. To give ones undivided attention to the business as well as the
program of the meeting.
5. To abstain from acts or remarks outside the meetings that will
in any way interfere with the work of the organization and/or
its officers.
6. To hold office when requested.
7. To perform conscientiously any duty assigned and accepted in
the organization.
Types of Meetings All organizations conduct their affairs through meetings. Regardless
of format, meetings are one of the following types.
1. Regular Meetings Meetings for which the time and place are
usually prescribed in the bylaws or standing rules.
2. Special Meetings Meetings called for transaction of a special
item of business. Procedure usually defined in bylaws.
3. Annual Meetings Meetings scheduled for hearing reports,
election of officers, amending rules and such other business as
may need to come for information of members at the close of the
organization year.
3. Electronic Meetings A group that holds an official meeting by
alternative means that is, other than as a single gathering in one
room or area does not lose its character as a deliberative body
as long as the meeting provides, at a minimum, a condition of
opportunity for simultaneous aural communication among all
participating members equivalent to those of meetings held in
one room or area.
Bylaws must have provision to allow for conducting an electronic
meeting. If done by teleconference, it must be done in a way that
allows all participants to hear each other simultaneously, and if
done by video conference, they must be able to see each other as
well. Special rules of order and standing rules should be adopted
with specific details how each participant will be recognized and
given the floor. (RONR, p. 97-98)
Procedure for
A small board is defined as one where there are not more than
about a dozen members present. All of Roberts Rules of Order
Small Boards
apply as far as practicable, with certain exceptions. Best to adopt
rule on procedure followed, otherwise it is assumed small board
will be followed. Should not flip-flop between large and small
board procedures at will but suspend rules to change procedure
if necessary.
Members may raise hand instead of rising to obtain the floor.
Can be seated while making motions or speaking.
Motions do not need to be seconded.
There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to
a debatable Question.
Motions are still in order to close or limit debate, including
limiting times one can speak on a motion.
Appeals are debatable under the regular rules.
Can speak only once in debate.
Chair may speak twice in debate.
Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is
pending. A vote can be taken without a motion, if everyone is
perfectly clear.
Unless there is unanimous consent, all actions must be
approved by vote.
Chair must restate motion before voting.
Best to take vote by show of hands.
Chair does not need to rise while putting the question (calling
for the vote).
Chair can speak in informal discussion and in debate.
Chair can vote on all questions
Footnote to actual rules (not in actual text of rules)
Informal discussion can be initiated by chair.
Chair can submit proposals.
Chair can make a motion.
(RONR, p. 487-488)
Agenda: A schedule of the order of business, noting details.
These details indicate items of business, reports, programs,
appointments, resolutions and such other specific features as the
presiding officer may need to ensure an orderly and courteous
transition from item to item in the conduct of business. Careful
preparation of an agenda requires familiarity with the rules of the
organization, both local and parent, parliamentary practice,
minutes of the previous meeting, a calendar of events and
commitments, records of adopted policy, the roster of members
and names of officers and chairmen.
In a large meeting or a convention, it is important that the agenda
be well planned and that each member of the entire session be
timed accurately and spaced in efficient and attractive sequence.
7. Standing Committees are usually called upon in the order in
which they are listed. The Chair should know in advance who
is prepared to report. If the Report is for information only, no
action is taken; if the report brings a recommendation, action
may be taken at this time or under New Business. Action on
the report is moved by the reporting member.
8. Special Committees are usually called on in the order in
which they were appointed. If the Report is given for
information, no action is taken; if the Report brings a
recommendation, the reporting member may bring the
recommendation for action at this point or under New Business.
9. Unfinished Business is business postponed or referred by
motion or left unfinished from the previous meeting as
recorded in the minutes (not referred to as old business).
10. New Business may be introduced by the Chair or by any
member. The Chair will ask, Is there any new business? at
which time there is an opportunity to bring new items of
business by motion or resolution.
11. Program (If there is a planned program, the schedule should
be optional.)
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment The Chair asks, Is there any further business
to come before the assembly? If the Chair hears none, the Chair
may declare the meeting adjourned; however, a motion may be
made to adjourn the meeting, requiring a second to the motion
and a majority vote. The meeting is not adjourned until the
Chair declares it adjourned.
3. Privileged Motions: Privileged motions do not relate to the
pending business but deal with special matters of immediate
and overriding importance. Privileged motions may interrupt
debate before the assembly. (See chart of motions and RONR,
p. 66.)
4. Incidental Motions: Incidental motions are motions incidental
to another motion pending or incidental to other business at
hand, such as suspending the rules or closing nominations. (See
chart and RONR, p. 69.)
5. Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the
Assembly: These motions bring a question that has already
been considered by the assembly back before the assembly, as in
the case of the motions to rescind or take from the table. (See
chart and RONR, p. 74.)
Making a Motion To properly make a motion, the following procedures are followed:
1. Member rises and addresses the Chair.
Mr. /Madam President or Chairperson.
2. Chair recognizes the member.
3. Member: I move that __________ (states motion).
4. Second to motion (not necessary to stand).
I second the motion. If the motion comes as a
recommendation from two or more members, the motion does
not need a second.
5. Chair states motion: It has been moved by (name) and
seconded that __________.
6. Discussion: If the motion is debatable, every member has the
right to debate; the Chair refrains from debate while
presiding. The Chair carefully determines the order in which
members are recognized to speak, giving first opportunity to
the proposer of the motion. Care should be given to assure
that discussion is related to the question.
7. The Chair says, If there is no further discussion, the motion
is __________ (restate motion).
8. Vote: The Chair says, All those in favor of __________ (the
motion stated) say aye. Those opposed say no.
9. Result of the vote is stated by the Chair. The motion is
carried or the motion is lost.
c. Strike out
d. Strike out and insert (words only)
e. Substitute (a paragraph)
An amendment must be germane to the main motion; it must
relate to the same subject matter.
2. Types of Amendments
a. Primary an amendment that applies directly to the main
b. Secondary an amendment that applies directly to the
primary amendment only.
No amendment beyond the above is in order, and only one of
each may be made at one time. It is possible to have a motion,
an amendment to the motion and an amendment to the
amendment before the assembly at one time.
3. Voting on Amendments
a. Discussion and vote on secondary amendment.
b. Discussion and vote on primary amendment as amended
(if amendment carried).
c. Discussion and vote on main motion as amended (if
amendments carried).
Some of the most often used motions are these. Their purposes Some Most
are also explained.
Used Motions
Main Motion a motion to bring a matter before the assembly
for discussion and action.
Amendments primary and secondary amendments are to
modify or change a motion. (See amendments.)
Postpone Indefinitely to reject a motion or question pending
without taking a direct vote. The effect is to kill the main
Refer to a Committee to delay action; to give more time for
consideration or study of the matter.
Postpone to a Definite Time to delay action on a proposed
question to a specified time.
Limit or Extend Debate to limit by decreasing the allotted
time or to extend by increasing the allotted time. (See chart.)
Call for the Previous Question a motion to determine
whether the assembly will cut off debate and vote at once on the
pending question (requires two-thirds vote).
Lay on the Table a motion which enables the assembly to put
aside a pending question temporarily; can be brought back by a
motion to take from the table (not intended as a killing motion).
Call for Orders of the Day a request that the prescribed rules
of order be followed.
Questions of Privilege (Personal and General) a motion
requesting special privilege for an individual or the assembly.
Recess to dissolve an assembly temporarily.
Adjourn to close a meeting officially.
Fix Time and Place to Which to Adjourn to provide for
another meeting (called adjourned meeting) to continue
business that was not completed in present session.
Point of Order to request enforcement of the rules of order.
Appeal From the Decision of the Chair to question a
decision of the Chair; an effort to reverse the decision of the Chair
on a point of order.
Objection to Consideration to suppress and prevent
discussion of an undesirable or sensitive question (must be raised
before debate begins).
Withdraw to remove a matter for consideration without a vote
upon it. (May be made by the mover or by permission of assembly.)
Take From the Table to take up a matter which has been laid
on the table.
Reconsider to consider or bring back a matter previously
voted. Motion to reconsider must be made by voter on prevailing
side and must be made on the same day or in the same session.
Rescind to repeal or annul action previously taken. Requires
majority vote with previous notice, two-thirds without notice.
Ratify to make legal action taken in an emergency.
Chart for Determining When Each Motion Is in Order
In the chart below, the privileged, subsidiary, incidental and main motions are listed in order of rank. The
motion at the top takes precedence over all the others, and each of the remaining motions takes precedence
over all those below it. A main motion is in order only when no other motion is pending.
When a given one of the motions listed is immediately pending, then (a) any other motion appearing above it
in the list is in order, unless a condition stated opposite the other motion causes that motion to be out of order,
and (b) motions listed below the given motion, which are not already pending, are out of order (except for the
application of amend or the previous question to certain motions ranking above them).
In order when
another has Requires a
the floor second Debatable Vote required
SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS (Pearls Are Classy, Pretty Lady, Pretty Lady ranking order)
To lay on the table No Yes No Majority
To call for the previous question No Yes No Two-thirds
To limit or extend limit of debate No Yes No Two-thirds
To postpone to a definite time No Yes Yes Majority
To refer to a committee No Yes Yes Majority
To amend No Yes Yes Majority
To postpone indefinitely No Yes Yes Majority
Good leadership and informed membership are directly related to
the officers knowledge and skillful use of parliamentary proce
dure and rules of order. The usage extent and the diversity
depend on the particular organization. Since the quality and the
effectiveness of an organized group is often determined by the
proficiency of its leaders, choices of officers and other leaders must
be made on the basis of the best qualifications for appropriate posi
tions. Members and officers should be familiar with functions of
their officers, their officers qualifications and duties as prescribed
by the organizations bylaws.
The term PRESIDENT or CHAIRPERSON is a title given to the
presiding officer unless a special title is chosen by the organization.
The officers in line to serve in the absence of the PRESIDENT are
is the recording officer and fills other secretarial duties if there is
custodian of the funds.
There may be additional officers specified in the bylaws, such
as Director, Librarian, Historian and Chaplain, with assigned
special duties.
The PARLIAMENTARIAN is a consultant to the PRESIDENT or
other members of the organization and should be appointed by
Duties of Officers
The general duties of the officers are stated in recognized
parliamentary authority; general and specific duties are included
in the bylaws and standing rules of the particular organization. The
following list includes those duties generally considered important
for good performance.
5. Take accurate notes of proceedings and transcribe them into
permanent form immediately following the meeting. Request
that complicated motions be provided in writing, signed by
the maker of the motion.
6. Write minutes in brief, carefully worded sentences.
7. Sign minutes with the name used in the membership roster (no
respectfully submitted). When approved or corrected, initial
or sign with date of approval. Write corrections in the margins.
8. Send a copy of minutes to the President within a reasonable
9. Read correspondence if there is no Corresponding Secretary;
read reports of absentee members.
10. Present recommendations of the Board or Executive Committee.
The Secretary may make motions, debate and vote.
11. Sign with other officers official papers and documents as
12. Call a meeting to order in the absence of the presiding officers
and preside over the election of a temporary Chair.
1. Be custodian of all funds.
2. Receive funds systematically and according to the rules.
3. Deposit all monies in such financial institutions as may be
approved by the organization or its Board.
4. Disburse funds as designated and keep a schedule of payment
5. Expend only on proper authority.
6. Keep an accurate account and make such reports as may be
desirable. Be prepared to have books audited, and deliver
records to successor on time.
7. Include in the report the balance at the beginning of the
period, receipts, disbursements and balance on hand at close
of period. The Treasurer s report is never adopted; it is
referred for audit or placed on file.
8. Provide copies of the report to the President and the Secretary.
9. Where large amounts of money are involved, the Treasurer
should be bonded for protection of the officer and the
security of the organization.
1. Have a thorough knowledge of correct parliamentary
procedure for conducting meetings and interpreting the rules
of the organization.
2. Serve as an advisor to the President at the discretion of the
President and other officers or members on matters related to
the organization.
3. Give opinion or advice not a ruling since the Chair rules.
4. Serve as a consultant to committees on rules, bylaws,
elections, resolutions.
Other Officers:
Duties of other officers should be carefully described in bylaws or
rules according to the needs of the organization and its parent body.
2. Nominations by a Nominating Committee.
a. The nominating committee shall be elected by the
organization according to the rules of the organization. (Bylaws,
policy rules, parliamentary authority.)
b. The nominating committee shall submit to the organization,
at the prescribed time, the names of nominees proposed for
office (copies to Presiding Officer and Secretary).
c. Following the report of the nominating committee, the
presiding officer shall call for nominations from the floor.
When no further nominations are presented, the presiding
officer may declare the nominations closed or entertain a
motion to close nominations.
d. The report of the nominating committee is never adopted.
(Voting is the act of adoption.)
e. The membership of the organization may be informed of the
names of proposed nominees before the meeting at which
the committee submits its report. This should be written into
the bylaws or standing rules if the procedure is acceptable.
Elections Being nominated to office does not within itself put a person in
office. Nominees must be elected. To be elected to office involves
member voting. The usual methods of voting following the
closing of nominations are as follows.
1. Voice Vote: Election may be by voice vote unless a ballot
vote is required. (The motion to instruct the secretary to cast
the ballot is not good procedure.)
a. Nominees are voted on in the order in which they are
b. Tellers may be appointed to assist with the count of votes
and report to presiding officer.
c. The presiding officer officially announces the result and
declares the election.
2. Ballot Vote:
a. When a ballot vote on nominees is required or expedient,
it is important to make the necessary preparation for
ballots, ballot boxes, time allotment and space as needed.
b. Tellers to count the ballots should be carefully selected
and instructed on correct procedure. Common sense must
govern the validity of ballots if no rules exist. Three is the
usual number of tellers, but size of organization may
determine number.
c. Tellers report the result of the election at the designated
time and give copies of the report to the presiding officer
and the secretary.
d. The presiding officer repeats the results and declares the
Officers assume their duties at the time designated by the
organization. Usually the time is stated in the bylaws and provides
for taking office at the close of the meeting at which they are elected
or following an installation at some future time. If no rules exist in
practice or policy, the officers assume their duties upon election.
Organizations that have a widely distributed membership and
find it difficult to assemble members for elections may opt to hold
elections by mail or permit proxy voting. Both of these methods
are complicated and require detailed governing rules.
A Suggested Outline for Bylaws is as follows. This
suggested outline spells out what should be included under
each article.
The exact and properly punctuated name should be used.
A brief general statement of purpose.
ARTICLE III. Membership
This article usually will have several sections dealing with
membership qualifications, classifications (if any), acceptance
and resignation procedures. Unless members financial obliga
tions are complicated, this Article should also include a section
on required fees and dues and procedures for payment and
notification of members if delinquent.
ARTICLE IV. Officers
This will include sections naming officers, qualifications for
office, terms of office, duties and procedures for election or
appointment and for filling vacancies.
ARTICLE V. Meeting
This will include sections on regular meetings (hour for this is
better set in the Standing Rules), annual meetings and special
meetings. It also includes a section establishing quorums
for meetings.
ARTICLE VI. Governing Board
ARTICLE XI. Amendments
This will include requirements for amending bylaws. The
accepted form is: Bylaws may be amended at any meeting
provided that the amendments have been submitted (preferably
in writing) to the membership within a specified number of
days prior to action on these amendments.
2. Standing Rules
Standing Rules are rules that deal primarily with administration
of an organization. They are not necessarily proposed at the
time of adoption of the bylaws, rather they are presented and
adopted as a need arises in the organization. Standing Rules
are adopted by majority vote and may be suspended by
majority vote. They can be amended or repealed by two-thirds
vote without previous notice or by majority vote if previous
notice is given.
Definitions Related Amend modify or change.
to Motions Immediately Pending Question the last question stated by the chair.
the reasons.
Definitions Related Division of the House a rising vote to determine the exact number
to Votes of votes.
Majority Vote more than half of the votes cast by persons entitled
to vote.
Plurality Vote the highest number of votes when there are three or
more choices.
Tie Vote the same number on each side.
Two-Thirds Vote two-thirds of the votes cast by persons entitled
to vote.
Definitions Related to Ballot Vote a written vote; secrecy the main object.
Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Cooperative
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