FAP520 Automatic Fire The detectors and trim rings in the "transparent with color
inserts" version are supplied complete with reversible
Detectors LSN improved printed color ring sets, offering a choice of 16 colors for
individual color matching.
The smooth, flush-installation surface means the FAP520 7
Detector 113 x 55 mm
50 cm
Monitoring area Max. 120 m2 (Heed local guidelines!) FAA500RGB LSN Base with Relay for GB FAA-500-R-GB
Only used in conjunction with the 5000 Series
Maximum installation height
Minimum installation height
16 m (Heed local guidelines!)
Out of arm's reach
Modular Fire Panel.
FAA500BB Ceiling Mount Back Box FAA-500-BB
Minimum installation height recommend- for ceiling flush installation in false ceilings
ed by BOSCH: 2.70 m when mounting 500 and 520 Series Bases and
Minimum distance to lamps 0.5 m Fire Detectors
For flush ceiling mounting with FAA500CB Built-in Housing for Concrete FAA-500-CB
FAA-500-BB Ceilings
Thickness of the false ceil- Max. 32 mm FAA500SB Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB
FAA500SB-H Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB-H
Required bored hole 130 mm (-1 mm to +5 mm) with Damp Room Seal
Installation depth 110 mm
FAA500SPRING for Concrete/Wooden FAA-500-SPRING
Note: Above the false ceiling, a free height
of at least 110 mm is required. Ceilings
(DU = 10 units)
Further characteristics
Detection principle
FAP-O 520(-P) Scattered light measurement
FAP-OC 520(-P) Combination of scattered light measure-
ment and combustion gas measurement
Response sensitivity
FAP-O 520(-P) < 0.18 dB/m (EN 54-7)
FAP-OC 520(-P) Optical section: < 0.36 dB/m (EN 547)
Gas sensor section: in ppm range
Individual display Two-color LED,
red (alarm), green (test mode)
Ordering Information
FAPO 520 Optical Smoke Detector, White FAP-O 520
FAPO 520P Optical Smoke Detector, FAP-O 520-P
Transparent with Color Inserts
FAPOC 520 Multisensor Detector Optical/ FAP-OC 520
Chemical, White
FAPOC 520P Multisensor Detector FAP-OC 520-P
Optical/Chemical, Transparent with Color
Sensor technology and signal processing
The individual sensors can be configured via the LSN
network manually or using a timer.
All sensor signals are analyzed continually by the internal
evaluation electronics and are linked with each other via an
inbuilt microprocessor. The link between the sensors
means that the combined detectors can also be used where
Features light smoke, steam or dust must be expected during the
Combination of optical, thermal and chemical sensors course of normal operation.
with intelligent evaluation electronics.
Only if the signal combination corresponds to that for the
Detector properties adapted to cater for room usage programming of the selected usage site field code will the
Drift compensation in optical and gas measurement alarm be triggered automatically. This results in a higher
section level of security against false alarms.
Maintains LSN loop functions in the event of wire In addition, the time curve for fire and malfunction
interruption or short-circuit thanks to two integrated detection sensor signals is also analyzed, resulting in
increased reliability of detection for each individual sensor.
Extended system parameters of improved LSN
technology In the case of the optical and chemical sensor, the response
threshold (drift compensation) is actively adjusted. Manual
or time-controlled switch-off of individual sensors is
required for adjustment to extreme interference factors.
The 420 Series Automatic Fire Detectors combine the Optical sensor (smoke sensor)
advantages of the improved LSN technology with the The optical sensor uses the scattered-light method.
performance characteristics of the proven MAGIC.SENS An LED transmits light to the measuring chamber, where it
Fire Detectors, which are distinguished by superb accuracy is absorbed by the labyrinth structure. In the event of a fire,
as well as detection speed and precision. These have been smoke enters the measuring chamber and the smoke
specially designed for connection to the Local particles scatter the light from the LED. The amount of light
SecurityNetwork LSN improved version with the hitting the photo diode is converted into a proportional
significantly improved system parameters. Integrated electrical signal.
turning switches ensure easy addressing of detectors,
Thermal sensor (temperature sensor)
either automatically or manually, as well as with or without
A thermistor in a resistance network is used as a thermal
sensor, from which an analog-digital converter measures
the temperature-dependent voltage at regular intervals.
Depending on the specified detector class, the temperature
sensor triggers the alarm status when the maximum
temperature of 54 C or 69 C is exceeded (thermal
maximum), or if the temperature rises by a defined amount
within a specified time (thermal differential).
Chemical sensor (CO gas sensor) In the event of wire interruption or short-circuit, integrated
The main function of the gas sensor is to detect carbon dividing elements maintain the functional security of the
monoxide (CO) generated as a result of a fire, but it will also LSN loop.
detect hydrogen (H) and nitrous monoxide (NO). The In the event of an alarm, individual detector identification
sensor signal value is proportional to the concentration of is transmitted to the fire panel.
gas. The gas sensor delivers additional information to
Further performance characteristics
effectively suppress deceptive values.
The detectors have a dust-repellent labyrinth and cap
Depending on the service life of the gas sensor, the construction.
FAPOTC 420 detector switches off the C sensors after five
The detector alarm indication takes the form of a red
years of operation. The detector will continue to function as
flashing LED that is easily visible 360.
an OT detector. The detector should then be exchanged
immediately in order to be able to keep using the higher It is possible to activate a remote external detector alarm
reliability of detection of the OTC detector. display.
Improved LSN features The stable and robust detector base no longer has to be
The 420 Series Fire Detectors offer all the features of the directed due to the centralized position of the individual
Flexible network structures, including "Ttapping" The integrated strain relief for interfloor cables prevents the
without additional elements removal of cables from the terminal after installation. The
Up to 254 LSN improved elements per loop or stub line terminals for cable cross-sections up to 2.5 mm2 are very
Automatic or manual detector addressing selectable via
easily accessible.
rotary switch, in each case with or without auto-
detection The detector bases have a mechanical removal lock (can be
Power supply for connected elements via LSN bus up to activated/deactivated).
300 mA
Unscreened fire detection cable can be used
Cable length up to 1000 m
Downwards compatibility to existing LSN systems and Certifications and Approvals
central units
The detectors comply with:
LSN features
Operating data display Region Certification
In addition, the FAP/FAH-420 detectors offer all the
Europe CE FAP-/FAH-420 / FAA-MSR420 / FAA-MS-
established benefits of LSN technology. RPS or WinPara R-SP
software can be used to change the detection
FAP- / FAH-420 KKW
characteristics of the respective room utilization. In
addition, each configured detector, with the exception of CPD 0786-CPD-20129 FAH-T 420
the KKW types, can provide the following data: 0786-CPD-20128 FAH-T 420 KKW
Serial number, 0786-CPD-20117 FAP-O 420
Contamination level of the optical section, 0786-CPD-20125 FAP-O 420 KKW
Operating hours,
Current analog values. 0786-CPD-20118 FAP-OT 420
Analog values are: 0786-CPD-20119 FAP-OT 420
Optical system values: current measured value of the 0786-CPD-20120 FAP-OTC 420
scattered light sensor; the measuring range is linear and
0786-CPD-20121 FAP-OTC 420
covers from 170 (new) to 700 (dirty).
Contamination: the contamination value shows how Germany VdS G 205080 FAP-OTC 420
much the current contamination value has increased
G 205081 FAP-OT 420
relative to the original condition.
CO value: display of the current measured value G 205082 FAP-O 420
(max. 550). G 205083 FAH-T 420
Self-monitoring of sensor technology G 205088 FAP-O 420 KKW
The sensor is self-monitoring. The following errors are
G 205089 FAH-T 420 KKW
indicated on the fire panel:
Turkey TSE 14.10.01/TSE-6990 Detectors
Fault indication in the event of the failure of the
detector electronics
Continuous display of contamination level during
Fault indication if heavy contamination is detected (in
place of false alarms)
6 ture
Monitoring area max. 40 m max. 120 m max. 120 m
Maximum installation height 7.5 m 16 m 16 m
Use in areas with increased radio-
active radiation
Color code red loop black loop yellow loop
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN | 133
White Trim Ring for 500 und 520 Series Fire Detectors
Ordering Information
Trim Ring for the "transparent with color inserts" Fire
FAA500TR-W Trim Ring, White FAA-500-TR-W Detectors in the 500 and 520 Series
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
Ordering Information
FAA500TRP Trim Ring, Transparent with FAA-500-TR-P
Color Inserts
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
134 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN
The screw-type terminals guarantee a secure electrical
connection through the clamped contacts when mounting
the FAP520 Fire Detector.
The Bases are provided with three holders for cable ties.
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
FAA500 LSN Base FAA-500
for installation of the FAP520 Fire Detector
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN | 135
FAA500R LSN Bases with Relay are used for installing the
FAP520 Fire Detectors in special applications, e. g. control
of an emergency door in accordance with DIBt.
Region Certification
Europe CE FAP-520 / FAA-500-R
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Technical Specifications
136 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN
FAA500GB LSN Bases for GB are required for installing the The FAA500RGB LSN Base with Relay for GB has
FAP520 Fire Detectors in Great Britain. They are provided integrated jumper elements for use with FAP520 Fire
with integrated jumper elements that preserve the loop Detectors in Great Britain. It also has a relay for special
function if the detector is removed. applications, e. g. control of an emergency door in
accordance with DIBt.
Jumper elements ensure that the loop function is preserved
Technical Specifications if the detector is removed.
Special feature Jumper elements to preserve the loop Note FAA500RGB Bases can only be used in
function if the detector is removed conjunction with the 5000 Series Modular Fire
Connections Power supply (0 V, + V) Panel.
LSN (a-in/out, b-in, b-out)
C point
Technical Specifications
Cable cross section 0.3 mm2 3.3 mm2
Dimensions 145.6 x 63.5 mm Special feature Jumper elements to preserve the loop
function if the detector is removed
Housing material Polycarbonate
Connections Power supply (0 V, + V)
Housing color Signal white, RAL 9003 LSN (a-in/out, b-in, b-out)
Weight 200 g/280 g (without/with packaging) C point
Relay (NO, NC, COM)
Power intake 0.2 mA
Ordering Information
Relay contact load 1 A, 30 V DC
FAA500GB LSN Base for GB FAA-500-GB
Cable cross section 0.3 mm2 3.3 mm2
Dimensions 145.6 x 63.5 mm
Housing material Polycarbonate
Housing color Signal white, RAL 9003
Weight 200 g/280 g (without/with packaging)
Ordering Information
FAA500RGB LSN Base with Relay for GB FAA-500-R-GB
Only used in conjunction with the 5000 Series
Modular Fire Panel.
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN | 137
Technical Specifications A Ceiling Mount Back Box is installed in the Built-in Housing
which receives the base and the detector.
Mounting dimensions
Maximum thickness of the false 32 mm
ceiling System Overview
Mounting height 11 cm
Required bore hole 130 mm (-1 mm/+5 mm)
Max. cable diameter 1.4 cm 226
Dimensions 140 x 104 mm 226
Housing material Polycarbonate
Housing color White
Weight (without/with packaging) 100 g/200 g
Ordering Information 75
ca. 150
FAA500BB Ceiling Mount Back Box FAA-500-BB
for ceiling flush installation in false ceilings
when mounting 500 and 520 Series Bases and
Fire Detectors 1
Pos. Description
1 Front part
Ordering Information
FAA500CB Built-in Housing for Concrete FAA-500-CB
138 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN
Each 20 mm (0.75 inch) for PG 13.5 threads The inputs for surface-mounted cable feed are pre-
Each 25 mm (1.0 inch) for 3/4'' cable protection conduit punched. For flush-mounted cable feed, two inlets are
In the case of cable feed via PG 13.5 threads, cables with provided in the base:
diameters of up to 1.2 cm can be used.
Each 20 mm (0.75 inch) for PG 13.5 threads
The base is fitted using screws at four attachment points. Each 25 mm (1.0 inch) for 3/4'' cable protection conduit
In the case of cable feed via PG 13.5 threads, cables with
diameters of up to 1.2 cm can be used.
Technical Specifications The base is fitted using screws at four attachment points.
Dimensions 150 mm x 80 mm
Housing material Polycarbonate (PC-FR) Technical Specifications
Housing color White (RAL 9003)
Dimensions 150 mm x 82 mm
Weight Approx. 195 g/300 g (without/with pack-
aging) Housing material Polycarbonate (PC-FR)
Housing color White (RAL 9003)
Weight (without/with packag- Approx. 225 g/330 g
Ordering Information ing)
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 500 LSN and 520 LSN | 139
Ordering Information
FAA500SB-H Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB-H
with Damp Room Seal Concrete/Wooden Ceilings
DU = 10 units
The bases of the 500 Series are fitted with spring as
standard. This is suitable for installing the detector in false
When the detector is installed in concrete or wooden
ceilings, these need to be replaced by the stronger FAA-500-
SPRING springs with red markings.
Ordering Information
FAA500SPRING for Concrete/Wooden FAA-500-SPRING
(DU = 10 units)
140 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
ca. 55
6 X
a1 2
The detector head is installed in the Detector Base MS 400.
The base is suitable for surface-mounted cable feeds as well
as for flush-mounted cable feeds, and has separate
attachment points for ceiling mount/flush-mounted back
boxes. In addition, it fits all standard bore patterns.
The Detector Base made of white ABS plastic (Novodur,
color similar to RAL 9010) has a matt finish and seven Technical Specifications
terminal screws to connect the detector and its features to
Connections Power supply (0 V, +V)
the fire panel. LSN (a1/a2, b1, b2)
Contacts connected to the terminals guarantee a secure C-point
electric connection when the detector module is installed.
Cables up to 2.5 mm2 in diameter can be used. Housing material ABS (Novodur)
Housing color Similar to RAL 9010
To protect against unauthorized removal, the detector head
can be secured with a variable locking. Dimensions 120 x 22.7 mm
Weight 72 g
Installation/Configuration Notes
Installation information for 400/420 Series Detector
The drill holes marked with an "X" may only be used to
mount the base to flush-mounted back boxes.
Keep shielded auxiliary wire as short as possible, and
make sure this is insulated.
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 141
Installation/Configuration Notes
Installation information for damp room seal
Do not cut into the damp room seal on the cable feeds.
Instead, pierce these using a pointed implement, and
then draw the cable through.
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
MSF 400 Detector Base with Damp Room MSF 400
for surface-mounted and flush-mounted cable
142 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
MS 420 LSN Detector Base with Spring MS 420
for use in Great Britain
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 143
Region Certification
Europe CE FAP-/FAH-420 / FAA-MSR420 / FAA-MS-
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Technical Specifications
144 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
Region Certification
Europe CE FAP-/FAH-420 / FAA-MSR420 / FAA-MS-
Technical Specifications
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 145
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
MSC 420 Additional Base with Damp Room MSC 420
for surface-mounted cable feed
146 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
6 Ordering Information
MPA External Detector Alarm Display MPA
according to DIN 14623
Region Certification
Europe CE MPA
Germany VdS G 294052 MPA
PTB 01 ATEX 2163 X OTC/OC 310/410, OT/
O/T 300/400, DKM/SKM 120, DM/SM
210, MPA
Poland CNBOP 2095/2006 MPA
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Installation/Configuration Notes
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 147
Region Certification
Europe CE FAA-420-RI
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Installation/Configuration Notes
Technical Specifications
Operating voltage 5 V DC . . . 30 V DC
Maximum current consumption 20 mA
Display medium 2 LEDs
Permissible wire gauge 0.6 mm 2.0 mm
Dimensions 84 x 84 x 35 mm
148 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Ordering Information
Mounting Bracket for Fire Detectors on FMX-DET-MB
False Floor Stilts
Ordering Information
MK 400 Detector Console MK 400
Console for DIBt compliant mounting of detec-
tors above doors etc., including detector base
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 149
In the case of installation of the detector e. g. in a sports 6
hall, the Protective Basket prevents balls or other sports
equipment hitting and possibly damaging the detector.
The robust Protective Basket consists of 5 mm round steel,
Installation/Configuration Notes and is painted aluminum gray (RAL 9007).
The integrated 1 k resistor has a nominal performance Diameter (max.): 148 mm
of 3 W. With a looped-through 28 V power supply Height: 75 mm
(monitored), up to 10 Detector Heating Elements
MH 400 can be deployed per loop.
External power supply (not monitored) is possible.
The supply voltage may not be permitted to fall below Ordering Information
23 V.
SK 400 Protective Basket SK 400
Ordering Information
MH 400 Detector Heating Element MH 400
150 | Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version
6 15 / 4
Packing unit = 10 units Packing unit = 50 units
The Protective Dust Cover SSK 400 protects a mounted The Support Plate, made of ABS plastic (Novodur, color
detector base with or without detector head against dirt similar to RAL 9010) and 1.8 mm thick, is clamped between
during building work. the detector base and the ceiling.
The Protective Dust Cover made of polypropylene (PP) is This is designed for an installation height of up to 4 m and
pushed onto the installed detector base. is configured for a self-adhesive label with dimensions of up
to 65 x 34 mm.
Ordering Information
TP4 400 Support Plate for Detector TP4 400
(packing unit = 50 units)
Automatic Fire Detectors | Accessories - Series 420 LSN improved version | 151
15 / 4 6
Ordering Information
TP8 400 Support Plate for Detector TP8 400
(packing unit = 50 units)
DOW 1171
FK 100 LSN
FK 100 LSN
Local Security Network
3 55120
178 3345 5543
12 11290 333768 55565
34 2221 3490 5587
3 1 9
675 22245 44423 56601
8 2267 454 6623
11901 2298 44467 64
2 30 8
1143 3312 4
b LSN1 b LSN2
a LSN1 a LSN2
Highly efficient thanks to simple installation, flexible
expandability and automatic configuration
High level of transmission and functional reliability 2
The LSN RF Fire Detection System operates in the new Pos. Description
868870 MHz SRD (Short Range Devices) band, released 1 FET switch
exclusively for security technology. The SRD band does not
2 Receiving data
interfere with long-range industrial, scientific and medical
3 Transmitting data
applications with high transmission power.
4 Microprocessor for data processing/data transfer
5 Voltage supply
6 Reed contact
7 LEDs
8 Tamper contact
9 Monitoring of external voltage supply
10 SPU6001 Radio module
The information transfer between the detector and the DOW 1171
Expansion Module is bi-directional. If a base channel is CPD 0786-CPD-20089 DOW 1171
occupied by an external system, this is recognized 0786-CPD-20336 FK 100 LSN
immediately and the radio cell switches to a secondary
Germany VdS G 203016 FK 100 LSN
channel to guarantee alarm transmission.
G 200112 DOW 1171
FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
The LSN part in the RF Expansion Module is supplied with
voltage via the LSN cable. The radio module connected POCC DE.C313.B06297 6
requires a separate power supply.
The integrated microcontroller drives interfaces and user
elements and is responsible for data transfer between the Installation/Configuration Notes
RF Smoke Detector and the fire panel. Boundary values
The FK 100 LSN has a tamper contact, a reed switch for Up to 30 DOW 1171 Optical RF Smoke Detectors can be
manually activating the configuration mode and three LEDs connected per FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module.
for displaying the operating status. A maximum of 127 LSN elements is allowed per LSN
processing assembly. Each RF Expansion Module and
The RF Expansion Module meets the standard regulations each RF Smoke Detector or RF Manual Call Point is
and guidelines for security systems: EN 54; DIN VDE 0833; counted as an LSN element, e. g. with the maximum
VdS. number of smoke detectors:
1 FK 100 LSN + 30 DOW 1171 = 31 LSN elements.
DOW 1171 Optical RF Smoke Detector When several FK 100 LSNs are installed in the same
The battery-powered, configurable RF Smoke Detector area, a minimum distance of 2 m must be maintained
operates using the reliable scattered light principle with between the individual RF Expansion Modules.
side scattering. In conjunction with the modern detection In addition, the maximum distance of 40 m and an
attenuation of 90 dB must be adhered to between the
algorithm it achieves uniform response behavior, while
RF Expansion Modules and the RF Smoke Detectors
providing outstanding interference immunity. The same (see Planning a Radio Cell).
radio module is integrated into the detector and the RF 16 radio channels are available. The RF Expansion
Expansion Module for bidirectional information transfer. Modules automatically search for a free channel within
the permitted range. The basic radio channels can be
SMF121 RF Manual Call Point
displayed using WinPara or FSP-5000-RPS.
The SMF121 RF Manual Call Point is used to trigger an alarm This means that a maximum of 16 RF Expansion
in the event of a fire or other emergency. Via a wireless Modules (recommended is a maximum of 10) may be
connection, the SMF121 and the required SMF6120 RF installed within one area (max. distance 40 m/max.
Base (battery-powered) easily connect to the FK 100 LSN attenuation 90 dB). The installation of additional RF
Expansion Modules has to be checked on a case-by-
RF Expansion Module.
case basis depending on whether the radio range does
affect that of the first RF Expansion Module group
(with a max. of 16 RF Expansion Modules).
Certifications and Approvals The RF Expansion Modules and the RF Smoke Detectors
must not be installed in a metal cabinet.
The FK 100 LSN complies with The necessary room for servicing (e. g. replacing
batteries) and repair must be taken into account.
EN54-18:2005 Connection and Power Supply
The DOW 1171 complies with: An FK 100 LSN must not be connected to an
EN54-7:2000/A1:2002 NAK 100 LSN Branch Interface.
The radio module used in the FK 100 LSN RF Expansion A separate power supply is necessary for the module,
the microprocessor and the peripherals.
Module, the DOW 1171 Optical RF Smoke Detector and in
the SMF6120 RF Base is certified in the following countries
Power is supplied to the LSN components in the
FK 100 LSN via two wires in the LSN line.
(radio licensing in line with ANNEX4, Directive 99/5EC
Radio recognition, CE 0123 (!)):
The wire pair of the separate power supply can be The RF Expansion Module should always be positioned
looped through to provide power to the downstream right between the RF Smoke Detectors/Manual Call
LSN elements. Points. Since radio propagation is spherical, the
connection is not restricted to a single floor.
Note If the power supply to the FK 100 LSN is
To determine the actual attenuation at the installation
disconnected, the batteries must be removed site, the attenuation given by distance must be added
from the RF Smoke Detectors! to the attenuation values of each construction
element (walls, ceilings). The total attenuation of the
Accessories transmission path must not exceed 90 dB.
If wall structures or other structural properties of a The limiting values and calculation examples apply both
building are not known, field strength measurements to the RF Expansion Module - RF Smoke Detector radio
are taken using the DZW 1171 wireless test unit to link and to the RF Expansion Module RF Expansion
ensure more reliable planning. Module radio link.
The Radiospy software with field strength measurement Attenuation of the transmission path from distance with
unit is a convenient tool for checking the planning for a
line of sight
radio cell and displaying it graphically using a PC/
laptop. In buildings, doubling of the distance between RF
The DBZ 1193A detector identification for the Expansion Module and RF detector raises the
DOW 1171 is a polycarbonate holder with cover for attenuation figure by 16 to 17 dB.
6 holding an identifier plate.
Distance [m] 5 10 15 20 25 30 40
The exchanger device ensures convenient detector
replacement for the DOW 1171 RF Smoke Detector. Attenuation [dB] 40 57 67 74 79 83 90
For commissioning a wireless system without a fire Attenuation from construction elements in buildings
panel (FACP), a magnet is needed to activate the reed
contact in the RF Expansion Module. Construction element Attenuation values
FK 100 LSN device construction
Room dividers very low 1 dB
Dry brick walls or concrete walls/ceilings low 6 dB
Thick damp brick walls very high 40 dB
10 8
9 Calculation example
The FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module is mounted under a
reinforced concrete ceiling. The dividing walls are made
20 100 from concrete.
Pos. Description
1 Cover with embedded fibre-optic cables
2 Lower part of housing
3 Pre-prepared inputs/outputs for surface-mounting cable ducts
4 Cover screw 4
5 Optical fibers for LED display indicating operating state 4 m
6 Reed contact
7 Radio module
8 Interface board
9 Tamper contact
10 LED display indicating operating state Pos. Description
11 Terminal block 1-3 Transmission paths, see calculation example
A Reinforced concrete ceiling
Planning a wireless cell
B Concrete wall
The range that can be achieved by a radio system in a
building is generally dependent on the reflection and Transmission Path 1:
absorption responses of the materials used and on the
5 m distance + reinforced concrete ceiling = 40 dB + 30 dB
design of the ceilings and walls!
= 70 dB
Line of sight visibility between the wireless components
is not necessary.
Parts Included
DOW 1171 RF Smoke Detector
FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module
Voltage supply Two 9 V lithium batteries
Qty. Components
Battery life cycle Approx. 5 years
1 FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module, incl. connection terminals
Average current consumption 0.07 mA
DOW 1171 Optical RF Smoke Detector
Qty. Components
Dimensions (W x H x D) 119 x 73mm
1 Optical RF Smoke Detector
Housing material Plastic PC/ABS
2 9 V lithium battery
Housing color White, similar to RAL 9002
1 Detector base
Weight Approx. 335 g
SMF121 RF Manual Call Point
Ambient conditions
Qty. Components
Protection class according to IP 44
1 SMF121 RF Manual Call Point EN 60529
Note With the SMF121 RF Manual Call Point, one Permissible operating tempera- -10 C +55 C
SMF6120 RF Base as well as two HFMBAT ture
Lithium Batteries 3.6 V have to be ordered in Permitted relative humidity < 95% at T < 34 C
addition. Planning
Range in buildings 40 m
Maximum number of DOW 1171 30 per FK 100 LSN
Technical Specifications
Special features
FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module
Electrical Detection principle Scattered light measurement
Other components +20 V +30 V DC Voltage supply Two 3.6 V lithium batteries
Current consumption Battery life cycle Approx. 5 years
LSN components 6 mA Current consumption 0.06 mA
Other components < 20 mA
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 135 x 100 x 35.7mm SMF121 125 mm x 125 mm x 36,5 mm
Housing material Plastic ABS, Terluran SMF6120 116,3 mm x 116,3 mm x 42 mm
Color Light gray, RAL 9002 SMF121 incl. SMF6120 125 mm x 125 mm x 56,5 mm
Weight Approx. 200 g Housing material ABS
LED red
Housing color red, RAL 3000
SMF121 ca. 200 g
SMF6120 ca. 185 g
HFM-BAT ca. 20 g
Ambient conditions
Ordering Information
FK 100 LSN RF Expansion Module FK 100 LSN RF
DOW 1171 Optical RF Smoke Detector DOW1171 RF
DZW 1171 Radio Test Unit DZW 1171
Radio Spy 1 Field Strength Measuring Unit RADIO SPY 1
and Software
DBZ 1193A Detector identification DOW1171-ident
Exchanger Device for DO1101AEx and FAA-RTL-SIEMENS
DOW 1171
fits only on Siemens service poles
Lithium Block Battery 9 V for Optical RF IPP-9V-Block
Smoke Detector DOW 1171
DU = 1 unit
SMF121 RF Manual Call Point SMF121
For RF Manual Call Point please order sepa-
1 x SMF6120 RF Base
2 x HFMBAT Lithium Battery 3.6 V for
SMF6120 RF Base SMF6120
HFMBAT Lithium Battery 3.6 V for HFM-BAT
Field strength measuring device for planning and checking Field Strength Measuring Unit and Software, for easy PC-
the maximum reach of a RF Fire Detection System in based planning and graphic representation of a RF Fire
unknown building structures. Detection System.
Device A is fixed in position at the predetermined The Radio Spy 1 functions in a manner similar to the Radio
installation location of the RF Interface Module. Device B is Test Unit, although the field strength and configuration of
taken to the intended place of installation of the RF Smoke the RF Fire Detection System are shown graphically on the
Detector DOW 1171 and checks whether the permitted screen.
attenuation of the radio signal is not exceeded.
Ordering Information
Certifications and Approvals
Radio Spy 1 Field Strength Measuring Unit RADIO SPY 1
and Software
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Ordering Information
DZW 1171 Radio Test Unit DZW 1171
DBZ 1193A
Ordering Information
Exchanger device for the DOW 1171 RF FAA-RTL-Siemens
smoke detector
for Siemens service poles
FCP500 Conventional
Automatic Fire Detectors
Sensor technology and signal processing
All detectors in the FCP500 series are equipped with two
optical sensors and a pollution sensor. The FCPOC 500
multisensor detector contains a gas sensor as an additional
Features detection channel.
Modern, ultra-flat design All sensor signals are constantly analyzed by the internal
signal evaluation electronics and are linked with each other
Matches the surrounding decor by using color toning
inserts through algorithms.
Smooth, easily-cleaned detector surface By linking the optical sensors and the gas sensor, the OC
detector can also be used in places where the work carried
Innovative fastening mechanism
out gives rise to small amounts of smoke, steam or dust. The
High reliability alarm will only be triggered automatically if the signal
combination corresponds with the detectors characteristic
diagram. Consequently, a very high reliability against false
alarms is obtained.
FCP500 Conventional Automatic Fire Detectors satisfy the
Optical sensor (smoke sensor)
most demanding aesthetic requirements owing to their flat
design, which offers flush ceiling mounting and the option The optical sensor (1) operates according to the scattered
of color matching. light method. The LEDs (3) transmit light at a defined angle
The FCP500 is available as a scattered light smoke detector into the scattered light area (7).
or as a multi-sensor detector with an additional gas sensor. 2 3
The respective versions of the detectors are available in
white or transparent with color inserts.
The detectors may not be installed in rooms in which FCPO 500P/ FCPOC 500P Transparent/silver-gray
data is transmitted by means of high-intensity infra-red
light (e. g. in rooms with IR systems for interpreters). Weight Without / with packaging
The detectors must be mounted so that they are not FCP-OC 500(-P) 180 g / 370 g
exposed to any direct sunlight. FCP-O 500(-P) 170 g / 360 g
A minimum distance of 50 cm from lamps must be
maintained. The detectors may not be mounted in a Trim Ring 30 g / 60 g
cone of light from lamps. Environmental conditions
The bases are equipped as standard with a spring which
is suitable for installation of the detector in false Protection class as per
ceilings. When the detector is installed in concrete or EN 60529
wooden ceilings, these need to be replaced by the
FCPO 500 (P) IP 53
stronger springs FAA500SPRING with red markings.
Maximum permitted air speed: 20 m/s FCPOC 500 (P) IP 33
Country-specific standards and guidelines must be Permissible operating temper-
observed during the planning phase. ature
Technical Specifications
FCPO 500 (P) -20 C bis +65 C
FCPOC 500 (P) -10 C bis +50 C
Parts Included
Permissible relative humidity 95% (non-condensing) 6
Permissible air speed 20 m/s
Detector type Qty. Components Planning
FCP-O 500 1 Optical Smoke Detector, White
Monitoring area Max. 120 m2
FCP-O 500-P 1 Optical Smoke Detector, Transparent with
Color Inserts (Heed local guidelines!)
FCP-OC 500 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Chemical, Maximum installation height Max. 16 m
White (Heed local guidelines!)
FCP-OC 500-P 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Chemical, Minimum installation height Out of arm's reach
Transparent with Color Inserts Minimum installation height recommended
by BOSCH: 2.70 m
In the case of flush ceiling
mounting with ceiling mount
Technical Specifications back box
Electrical Thickness of the false ceiling Max. 32 mm
Required bored hole 130 mm (-1 mm bis +5 mm)
Operating voltage 8.5 V DC bis 33 V DC
Installation depth 110 mm
Standby current Note: Above the false ceiling, a free height
FCA-500-EU 3 mA of at least 110 mm is required.
FCA-500-E-EU 24 mA Minimum distance to lamps 0.5 m
Alarm current 47 mA Special features
Fault current
Detection principle
FCA-500-EU 52 mA
FCPO 500 (P) Scattered light measurement
FCA-500-E-EU 58 mA
Alarm resistance 0 (UL application) or 680
FCPOC 500 (P) Combination of scattered light measurement
and combustion gas measurement
Fault relay output NC / C Features
Indicator output Relay connects 0 V over 1.5 k
All FCP500 detec- Contamination detection
Mechanics tors Drift compensation (optical section)
In addition, for Drift compensation in the gas sensor section
Individual display Two-color LED, FCPOC 500(-P)
red (alarm), green (test mode)
Response sensitivity
FCPO 500 (P) < 0.18 dB/m ( EN 547)
Detector 113 x 55 mm
FCPOC 500 (P) Optical section: < 0.36 dB/m (EN 547)
Detector with trim ring 150 x 55 mm Gas sensor section: in ppm range
Detector with cover, base and 150 x 110 mm
ceiling mount back box
Housing material Polycarbonate
Housing color Signal white, RAL 9003
Front plate color
FCPO 500/ FCPOC 500 Signal white matt
Ordering Information
FCPO 500 Optical Smoke Detector, White FCP-O 500
FCPO 500P Optical Smoke Detector, FCP-O 500-P
Transparent with Color Inserts
FCPOC 500 Multisensor Detector Optical/ FCP-OC 500
Chemical, White
FCPOC 500P Multisensor Detector FCP-OC 500-P
Optical/Chemical, Transparent with Color
FAA500TR-W Trim Ring, White FAA-500-TR-W
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
FAA500TRP Trim Ring, Transparent with FAA-500-TR-P
Color Inserts
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
6 FCA500EU Conventional Base FCA-500-EU
for the FCP-500 Series detectors
FCA500EEU Conventional Base EOL FCA-500-E-EU
for the FCP500 Series detectors, with inte-
grated EOL resistor
FAA500BB Ceiling Mount Back Box FAA-500-BB
for ceiling flush installation in false ceilings
when mounting 500 and 520 Series Bases and
Fire Detectors
FAA500CB Built-in Housing for Concrete FAA-500-CB
FAA500SB Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB
FAA500SB-H Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB-H
with Damp Room Seal
FAA500SPRING for Concrete/Wooden FAA-500-SPRING
(DU = 10 units)
Current consumption
6 The FCP-OC320 and FCP-OT320 Multisensor Detectors
each combine two detection principles. All sensor signals
are analyzed continually by the internal evaluation
electronics and are linked with each other.
If a signal combination fits the detector's programmed code
field, an alarm is automatically triggered. By linking the
sensors, the combined detectors can also be used in places
where work carried out gives rise to light smoke, steam or
Features dust.
High reliability of detection thanks to evaluation Optical sensor (smoke sensor)
The optical sensor uses the scattered-light method.
Active adjustment of the threshold (drift
compensation) if the optical sensor becomes dirty An LED transmits light to the measuring chamber, where it
is absorbed by the labyrinth structure. In the event of a fire,
Activation of a remote external detector alarm display
possible smoke enters the measuring chamber and the smoke
particles scatter the light from the LED. The amount of light
Mechanical removal lock
hitting the photo diode is converted into a proportional
(can be activated/deactivated)
electrical signal.
Dust-repellent labyrinth and cap construction
Thermal sensor (temperature sensor)
All detectors have an Chamber Maid Plugat the
bottom for cleaning the optical chamber with A thermistor in a resistance network is used as a thermal
compressed air (not required with the Heat Detector sensor; an analog-digital converter measures the
FCH-T320. temperature-dependent voltage at regular intervals.
When the maximum temperature of 54C is exceeded
(thermal maximum), or if the temperature rises by a defined
amount within a specified time (thermal differential), the
The FCP320/FCH320 Series Conventional Automatic Fire temperature sensor triggers the alarm status.
Detectors set new standards in fire detection technology
Chemical sensor (CO gas sensor)
through a combination of optical, thermal and chemical
The main function of the gas sensor is to detect carbon
(gas) sensors and intelligent evaluation electronics. Their
monoxide (CO) generated as a result of a fire, but it will also
most impressive feature is their ability to prevent false
detect hydrogen (H) and nitrous monoxide (NO). The
alarms, as well as speed and accuracy of detection.
sensor signal value is proportional to the concentration of
The enhanced operating voltage range of 8,5 V DC up to gas. The gas sensor delivers additional information to
30 V DC and the two variants with 820 alarm resistor or effectively suppress deceptive values.
470 alarm resistor enables the detector application with
Depending on the service life of the gas sensor, the OC 310
nearly all conventional fire panels.
detector switches off the C sensors after five years of
operation. The detector will continue to function as an O
detector. The detector should then be exchanged
immediately in order to be able to keep using the higher
reliability of detection of the OC detector.
Special features Detector type The OC and OT types are planned using the guidelines
for optical detectors if operated as optical detectors or
FCP- FCP- FCP- FCH-T320 / as combined detectors; see DIN VDE 0833 Part 2 and
OC320 OT320 O320 T320-FSA VDS 2095.
Drift compensation in op- x x x - When planning fire barriers according to DIBt, you have
tical unit to use the FCH-T320-FSA. This detector has the
Drift compensation in the x - - - characteristic curve corresponds to class A1R.
gas sensor
Parts Included
Certifications and Approvals
Detector type Qty Components
The detectors comply wirh: .
FCP-OC320 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Chemical
Region Certification FCP-OT320 1 Multisensor Detector Optical/Thermal
Europe CE FCP-/FCH-320 FCP-O320 1 Optical Smoke Detector
CPD 0786-CPD-20353 FCH-T320_FCH-
FCH-T320 1 Heat Detector (Thermal Differential/Thermal Maxi-
0786-CPD-20354 FCH-T320-FSA FCH-T320-FSA 1 Heat Detector for Fire Barriers conforming to DIBt,
0786-CPD-20351 FCP-O320_FCP- Quality-controlled (Thermal Differential/Thermal
O320-R470 Maximum)
0786-CPD-20355 FCP-OC320_FCP-
0786-CPD-20352 FCP-OT320_FCP-
Technical Specifications
OT320-R470 Electrical
Germany VdS G 208003 FCH-T320_-R470
Operating voltage 8.5 V DC . . . 30 V DC
G 208004 FCH-T320-FSA
Current consumption < 0.12 mA
G 208001 FCP-O320_-R470
Alarm output Increase in current
G 208002 FCP-OT320_-R470 (alarm resistance 820 or 470 )
G 208005 FCP-OC320_-R470 Indicator output Open collector connects 0 V in the event
of an alarm over 3.92 k
Detector type EN545:2000/ EN547:2000/
A1:2002 A1:2002
FCP-OC320 Individual display LED red
FCP-OC320-R470 Dimensions
FCP-OT320 Without base 99.5 x 52 mm
FCP-OT320-R470 With base 120 x 63.5 mm
FCP-O320 Housing material Plastic, ABS
FCP-O320-R470 Housing color White, similar to RAL 9010, matt fin-
FCH-T320 ish
Up to 32 detectors can be connected per primary line. Protection class as per EN 60529 IP 30,
Maximum cable length: 1000 m, for J- IP 32 with detector base with damp
Y(St) Y n x 2 x 0.6/0.8 room seal
Country-specific standards and guidelines must be Permissible relative humidity 95% (non-condensing)
observed during the planning phase.
Permissible air speed 20 m/s
Installation/configuration notes in accordance with VdS/
VDE/DIBt Permissible operating temperature
Planning for multisensor detectors follows the FCP-OC320 -10 C . . . +50 C
guidelines for optical detectors, unless a specific VdS
planning guideline is available (see DIN VDE 0833 Part 2
FCP-OT320 -20 C . . . +50 C
FCPOC320 Multisensor Detector Optical/ FCP-OC320 SSK 400 Protective Dust Cover SSK 400
Chemical (packing unit = 10 units)
with 820 Ohm alarm resistor TP4 400 Support Plate for Detector TP4 400
FCPOC320R470 Multisensor Detector FCP-OC320-R470 Identification
Optical/Chemical (packing unit = 50 units)
with 470 Ohm alarm resistor TP8 400 Support Plate for Detector TP8 400
FCPOT320 Multisensor Detector Optical/ FCP-OT320 Identification
Thermal (packing unit = 50 units)
with 820 Ohm alarm resistor
FCPOT320R470 Multisensor Detector FCP-OT320-R470
with 470 Ohm alarm resistor
FCPO320 Optical Smoke Detector FCP-O320
with 820 Ohm alarm resistor
FCPO320R470 Optical Smoke Detector FCP-O320-R470
with 470 Ohm alarm resistor
FCHT320 Heat Detector FCH-T320
thermal differential/thermal maximum detec-
tor, with 820 Ohm alarm resistor
FCHT320R470 Heat Detector FCH-T320-R470
thermal differential/thermal maximum detec-
tor, with 470 Ohm alarm resistor
FCH-T320-FSA Heat Detector, for Fire FCH-T320-FSA
Barriers conforming to DIBt
thermal differential/thermal maximum detec-
tor, with 820 Ohm alarm resistor
measuring chamber, where it is absorbed by the labyrinth
structure. In the event of a fire, smoke enters the measuring
chamber and the smoke particles scatter the light from the
LED. The amount of light hitting the photo diode is
converted into a proportional electrical signal.
The entire electronic system is protected inside the
detector. The base is only used for the detector contact.
6 Region
CE DO 1101A-Ex
Germany VdS G 296052 DO 1101A-Ex
PTB 02 ATEX 2135 DO1101A-Ex
Hungary TMT TMT-89/09/2004 DO 1101A-Ex
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313.B06297
Parts Included
Elegant, compact and robust design
Deception-proof operating behaviour Qty. Components
High level of resistance to temperature fluctuations, 1 DO1101A-Ex Optical Smoke Detector
humidity, corrosion and contamination
High resistance to interference through current gain
Technical Specifications
The DO1101AEx is an Optical Smoke Detector for the Operating voltage 16 V DC . . . 28 V DC
detection of smoldering and flaming fires in potentially
Standby current consumption 0.1 mA
explosive areas in zones 1 and 2.
DCA1192 SB3
Environmental conditions
Ordering Information
DO1101AEx Optical Smoke Detector for Ex DO1101A-Ex
Base for DO1101AEx Smoke Detector DO1101A-EX-BASE
DBZ 1191 Additional Base
for the standard base of the DO1101AEx
DBZ 1192 Additional Base for Damp Rooms DBZ1191+BOX
for the standard base of the DO1101AEx
DBZ 1193A Detector Identification DOW1171-IDENT
Purchase order quantity must be 10 or multiple
of 10.
SB3 Safety Barrier incl. DCA1192 Input/ SB3
Output Module
White Trim Ring for 500 und 520 Series Fire Detectors
Ordering Information
Trim Ring for the "transparent with color inserts" Fire
FAA500TR-W Trim Ring, White FAA-500-TR-W Detectors in the 500 and 520 Series
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
Ordering Information
FAA500TRP Trim Ring, Transparent with FAA-500-TR-P
Color Inserts
for 500 and 520 Series Fire Detectors
For installation of FCP500 detectors. The FAA500BB Ceiling Mount Back Box is necessary for
flush ceiling installation in false ceilings when mounting 500
and 520 Series Bases and Fire Detectors.
The screw-type terminals guarantee a secure electrical
connection through the clamped contacts when mounting Technical Specifications
the FCP500 detector.
Mounting dimensions
The bases are provided with three holders for cable ties.
Maximum thickness of the false 32 mm
Ordering Information
FCA500EU Conventional Base FCA-500-EU
for the FCP-500 Series detectors
ca. 150
Technical Specifications
Dimensions 150 mm x 80 mm
1 Housing material Polycarbonate (PC-FR)
202 Housing color White (RAL 9003)
Weight Approx. 195 g/300 g (without/with pack-
Pos. Description aging)
1 Front part
Ordering Information
Ordering Information
FAA500SB Surface Mount Back Box FAA-500-SB
FAA500CB Built-in Housing for Concrete FAA-500-CB
The inputs for surface-mounted cable feed are pre-
punched. For flush-mounted cable feed, two inlets are
provided in the base:
Each 20 mm (0.75 inch) for PG 13.5 threads
Each 25 mm (1.0 inch) for 3/4'' cable protection conduit
In the case of cable feed via PG 13.5 threads, cables with
diameters of up to 1.2 cm can be used.
The base is fitted using screws at four attachment points.
Technical Specifications
Dimensions 150 mm x 82 mm
Housing material Polycarbonate (PC-FR)
Housing color White (RAL 9003)
Weight (without/with packag- Approx. 225 g/330 g
Ordering Information
FAA500RTL Exchanger Device FAA-500-RTL
for Detectors of the 500 and 520 Series
The magnet integrated into the Test Adapter switches the
detector into test mode automatically by activating the reed
switch. The operating mode of the detector is indicated by
its two-color LED.
Installation/Configuration Notes
For the detector test of the 500 and 520 Series, you will
FAA500TTL Test Adapter
SOLO330 Smoke Detector Tester
Also required for detectors with CO sensor:
Solo CO Testing gas
Note For the detectors in the 500 and 520 Series, no
test aerosol is required for optical smoke
Parts Included
Qty. Components
1 FAA-500-TTL Test Adapter with Magnet
Ordering Information
FAA500TTL Test Adapter with Magnet FAA-500-TTL
The FAA500TTL Test Adapter is placed on the
SOLO330 Smoke Detector Tester. It serves to
test detectors in the 500 and 520 Series.
ca. 55
6 X
a1 2
The detector head is installed in the Detector Base MS 400.
The base is suitable for surface-mounted cable feeds as well
as for flush-mounted cable feeds, and has separate
attachment points for ceiling mount/flush-mounted back
boxes. In addition, it fits all standard bore patterns.
The Detector Base made of white ABS plastic (Novodur,
color similar to RAL 9010) has a matt finish and seven Technical Specifications
terminal screws to connect the detector and its features to
Connections Power supply (0 V, +V)
the fire panel. LSN (a1/a2, b1, b2)
Contacts connected to the terminals guarantee a secure C-point
electric connection when the detector module is installed.
Cables up to 2.5 mm2 in diameter can be used. Housing material ABS (Novodur)
Housing color Similar to RAL 9010
To protect against unauthorized removal, the detector head
can be secured with a variable locking. Dimensions 120 x 22.7 mm
Weight 72 g
Installation/Configuration Notes
Installation information for 400/420 Series Detector
The drill holes marked with an "X" may only be used to
mount the base to flush-mounted back boxes.
Keep shielded auxiliary wire as short as possible, and
make sure this is insulated.
The MSF 400 Detector Base is available for use of the The Additional Base MSC 420 was conceived specially for
detector in a humid environment. surface-mounted cable feeds with cable protection
With the integrated seal made of TPE, the detector base conduits and has 2 opposing pre-cut inlets of 20 mm
MSF 400 protects the detector effectively against the entry diameter and 2 additional opposing and prepared inlets for
of condensation water. up to 28 mm diameter.
To protect against unauthorized removal, the detector head To protect against condensation water penetration, a seal
can be secured with a variable locking. made of TPE is situated on the base of the MSC 420.
Installation information for damp room seal Base material ABS (Novodur)
Do not cut into the damp room seal on the cable feeds. Seal material TPE
Instead, pierce these using a pointed implement, and
then draw the cable through. Base color Similar to RAL 9010
Dimensions 120 x 36.7 mm
Weight 74 g
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
MSF 400 Detector Base with Damp Room MSF 400
for surface-mounted and flush-mounted cable
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
MSD 320 Conventional Detector Base with MSD 320
6 Ordering Information
MPA External Detector Alarm Display MPA
according to DIN 14623
Region Certification
Europe CE MPA
Germany VdS G 294052 MPA
PTB 01 ATEX 2163 X OTC/OC 310/410, OT/
O/T 300/400, DKM/SKM 120, DM/SM
210, MPA
Poland CNBOP 2095/2006 MPA
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Installation/Configuration Notes
Region Certification
Europe CE FAA-420-RI
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Installation/Configuration Notes
Technical Specifications
Operating voltage 5 V DC . . . 30 V DC
Maximum current consumption 20 mA
Display medium 2 LEDs
Permissible wire gauge 0.6 mm 2.0 mm
Dimensions 84 x 84 x 35 mm
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
Ordering Information
Mounting Bracket for Fire Detectors on FMX-DET-MB
False Floor Stilts
Ordering Information
MK 400 Detector Console MK 400
Console for DIBt compliant mounting of detec-
tors above doors etc., including detector base
In the case of installation of the detector e. g. in a sports 6
hall, the Protective Basket prevents balls or other sports
equipment hitting and possibly damaging the detector.
The robust Protective Basket consists of 5 mm round steel,
Installation/Configuration Notes and is painted aluminum gray (RAL 9007).
The integrated 1 k resistor has a nominal performance Diameter (max.): 148 mm
of 3 W. With a looped-through 28 V power supply Height: 75 mm
(monitored), up to 10 Detector Heating Elements
MH 400 can be deployed per loop.
External power supply (not monitored) is possible.
The supply voltage may not be permitted to fall below Ordering Information
23 V.
SK 400 Protective Basket SK 400
Ordering Information
MH 400 Detector Heating Element MH 400
6 15 / 4
Packing unit = 10 units Packing unit = 50 units
The Protective Dust Cover SSK 400 protects a mounted The Support Plate, made of ABS plastic (Novodur, color
detector base with or without detector head against dirt similar to RAL 9010) and 1.8 mm thick, is clamped between
during building work. the detector base and the ceiling.
The Protective Dust Cover made of polypropylene (PP) is This is designed for an installation height of up to 4 m and
pushed onto the installed detector base. is configured for a self-adhesive label with dimensions of up
to 65 x 34 mm.
Ordering Information
TP4 400 Support Plate for Detector TP4 400
(packing unit = 50 units)
15 / 4 6
Ordering Information
TP8 400 Support Plate for Detector TP8 400
(packing unit = 50 units)
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
Base for DO1101AEx Smoke Detector DO1101A-EX-BASE
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313.B06297
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
DBZ 1191 Additional Base DBZ1191
for the standard base of the DO1101AEx
Additional Base for Damp Rooms for the standard base of Ordering Information
the DO1101AEx
DBZ 1193A Detector Identification DOW1171-IDENT
This additional base for damp rooms is required for Purchase order quantity must be 10 or multiple
installation in damp and dirty environments. of 10.
Surface cable feeds realized with PG16 threaded sections.
The standard base is placed on top and attached with snap-
action catches.
Region Certification
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313.B06297
Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
DBZ 1192 Additional Base for Damp Rooms DBZ1191+BOX
for the standard base of the DO1101AEx
FAS-420-TM Series Aspi- The aspirating smoke detectors are fitted with the latest fire
detection technology. Their resistance to contamination,
rating Smoke Detectors the temperature compensation of the sensor signals and
initialization in relation to air pressure ensure reliable
LSN improved version operation even under difficult environmental conditions.
System Overview
6 6
FAS-420-TM 7
A Pipe system
FAS-420-TM series Aspirating smoke detector
1 Smoke aspiration pipe
Features 2 Air intake
For connecting to the fire panels FPA-5000 and 3 Air sampling openings
FPA1200 with LSN improved technology
4 Detection unit incl. airflow sensor
High deceptive alarm immunity with intelligent 5 Housing base
LOGICSENS signal processing
6 Aspiration unit
Innovative fire source identification technology allows
the exact location of the fire to be pinpointed by 7 Air outlet
monitoring up to five distinct zones
Innovative airflow monitoring including single-hole
monitoring detects obstruction and breakage Functions
Installation and commissioning made easy by plug-and- The aspiration unit uses a pipe system with defined air
play function sampling openings to draw in air samples from the
Easy to diagnose using FASASDDIAG Diagnostic monitoring range and route them to the detection unit.
Depending on the programmed response sensitivity of the
Simple implementation of the pipe system planning detection unit and the alarm threshold, the FAS420TM
through patented aspiration reducing film sheets
Aspirating Smoke Detector triggers the alarm when the
Preservation of LSN loop functions in the event of wire appropriate light obscuration level is reached. The alarm is
interruption or short-circuit through two integrated
displayed via the pre-alarm or main alarm LED on the device
and forwarded to the connected fire panel.
Various time-delay settings can be selected for displaying
and forwarding alarms and malfunctions.
The FAS420TM Series Aspirating Smoke Detectors are A malfunction message is reset via the connected fire panel.
specially designed for direct connection to the Local Alarm and malfunction messages are displayed
SecurityNetwork improved version with the extended range simultaneously on the device via the Local SecurityNetwork
of features. These active fire detection systems are for early (LSN) using the reset function on the detector line.
fire detection in zone and equipment protection, as well as Avoiding false alarms
for the monitoring of air-conditioning units or ducts. The
The LOGICSENS intelligent signal processing compares the
exact location of the fire can be pinpointed using the
measured smoke level with known disturbance variables
innovative fire source identification.
and decides whether something is an alarm or deception.
Fire source identification
Innovative fire source identification technology allows the
exact location of the fire to be pinpointed by monitoring up
to five distinct zones.
Region Certification
Europe CE FAS-420-TM Series
Installation/Configuration Notes
For connecting to the fire panels FPA-5000 and
FPA1200 with extended range of LSN features.
Programming is carried out via the programming
software FSP5000RPS.
Parts Included
Technical Specifications
Smoke Detectors 1
LSN improved version
Pos. Description
1 Pipe system/air intake
Air sampling openings
4 Detector Module incl. airflow sensor
Connectable to the fire panels FPA5000 and FPA1200 5 Aspiration unit
with the improved LSN technology
6 Air outlet
High deceptive alarm immunity with intelligent signal
processing LOGICSENS
Innovative airflow monitoring including single-hole
monitoring detects obstruction and breakage Functions
Initial set-up made easy by automatic initialization The aspiration unit takes air samples from the monitoring
area through a pipe system with defined air sampling
Easy diagnostics through flash code on the Detector
Module or by using the FASASDDIAG diagnostic openings and passes the samples to the Detector Module.
software Depending on the response sensitivity of the used Detector
Simple implementation of the pipe system planning Module, the Aspirating Smoke Detector triggers an alarm
through patented Aspiration reducing Film Sheets when the appropriate smoke density is reached. This alarm
Maintains LSN loop functions in the event of wire is displayed via the alarm LED on the unit and is transmitted
interruption or short-circuit thanks to two integrated to the fire panel.
An airflow sensor checks the connected pipe system for
breakage and obstruction.
Intelligent signal processing LOGICSENS compares the
The FAS420 Series Aspirating Smoke Detectors are measured smoke level with known disturbance variables
specially designed for direct connection to the Local and decides between alarm and deception. For the display
SecurityNetwork LSN improved version with the extended and transmission of alarm and faults various delay times can
features. They are active fire detection systems for early fire be selected.
detection in area and equipment monitoring, as well as for Each Detector Module is monitored for contamination,
the monitoring of air conditioning units or ducts. signal malfunction and device removal. Malfunctions and
They have the latest detection technology. Their resistance certain device states are displayed using various LED flash
to contamination, the temperature compensation of the codes on the Detector Module's electronics PCB.
sensor signals and initialization in relation to air pressure A fault message is reset via the connected fire panel. Via the
ensure reliable operation even under extreme Local SecurityNetwork LSN the alarm and fault messages
environmental conditions. on the unit are reset simultaneously with the detector line.
There are three different Detector Modules available for the
FAS420 Series Aspirating Smoke Detectors. These
modules have different response sensitivities:
Detector Module Max. sensitivity Levels for selection Certifications and Approvals
(light obscuration)
DM-TT-50(80) 0.5 %/m (0.8 %/m) 2 Region Certification
DM-TT-10(25) 0.1 %/m (0.25 %/m) 4 Europe CE FAS-420-TP1/TP2
DM-TT-01(05) 0.015 %/m (0.05 %/m) 4 FAS-420-TT1/TT2
Note The sensitivity is based on the measurements Germany VdS G 208046 FCS 320
during Standard Test Fires (previous TT_TPSeries_FAS-420 TT_TPSeries
measurement in brackets). Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06300
The FAS420TP2 and the FAS420TT2 runs with two
Detector Modules.
Two air sampling pipe systems can be connected to monitor Installation/Configuration Notes
two areas. When monitoring only one area with two pipe For connection to the fire panels FPA5000 and
systems, dual-detector dependency may be implemented. FPA1200 with the extended system parameters of LSN
Connection to the fire panels FPA5000 and FPA1200 and improved version.
6 programming via FSP5000RPS also allows for dual-zone
Programming is carried out via RPS.
The fan requires a separate power supply.
dependency. An external detector alarm display for connection to the
Address allocation FAS420 Series Aspirating Smoke Detectors can be
ordered separately.
The integrated DIP switches are used to select between
automatic or manual addressing with or without auto Planning of the pipe system
detection. In planning, a distinction is made between area
monitoring and equipment monitoring.
The following settings are possible: PVC pipes and halogen-free aspiration pipes can be
Address Operating mode
For equipment monitoring, halogen-free pipes should
0 Automatic addressing in improved version LSN mode for be used.
loop/stub (T-taps not possible) The air sampling pipe system should be arranged such
that any fires can be detected at the initial stage.
1 254 Manual addressing in improved version LSN mode for
loop/stub/T-taps The pipe system including air sampling openings must
always be symmetrical in design (10% deviation).
255 Automatic addressing in classic LSN mode for loop/stub If structural issues make it impossible to maintain this
(address range: max. 127) symmetry, the following conditions apply:
Features of improved LSN - The number of air sampling openings and the length
of the shortest and longest pipe branch within the
The Aspirating Smoke Detectors in the 420 Series offer all pipe system must not exceed a quantity ratio of
the features of the LSN technology improved version: 01:02.
Flexible network structures including Ttapping without - The distance between neighboring air sampling
additional elements openings on the aspiration pipe must be even (max.
Up to 254 LSN-improved elements per loop or stub line deviation 20%).
Unshielded cable can be used - The diameters of the air sampling openings are
In addition, the FAS420 Series offer all the established determined separately for each pipe branch. The
diameters depend on the total number of air
benefits of LSN technology. Operating data and fault
sampling openings in the pipe branch in question.
messages can be found on the panel controller. In the event
Greater distances between the Aspirating Smoke
of an alarm, individual detector identification is transmitted Detector and aspiration pipe are specified for pipes
to the fire panel. with a 40 mm diameter.
Model variants FAS420 Series Depending on the geometrics of the area, the I-, U-, M-
or double U-pipe system is utilized.
The variants FAS420TP1 and FAS420TP2 are the cost-
effective Aspirating Smoke Detectors for universal use with Note Take notice when planning that the fans of the
LED displays for operation, malfunction, and alarm (two Aspirating Smoke Detectors produce a noise
alarm indications on the FAS420TP2). level of 45 dB(A).
FAS-420 1 All borings for the smoke aspiration systems are made to a
diameter of 10 mm and the exact aspiration openings are
implemented by means of the patented Aspiration Reducing
Film Sheets. For each aspiration hole a Aspiration reducing
FAS-420 Film Sheet with corresponding punch diameter and Marking
Tape must be provided.
Note For applications in areas where a blowing-out
system is necessary (e. g. low-temperature
areas or where high levels of dust accumulate),
FAS-420 special suction reducers with plastic clips are
available as separate items.
3 For further information on the following aspects of FAS-420
planning, please refer to the operation guide FAS-420
Series Aspirating Smoke Detectors LSN improved version
(product ID F.01U.029.275):
FAS-420 Specifying the sensitivity 6
Standard planning in line with VdS
Planning with long pipe feed lines
Planning for high-rise warehouses
Simplified Planning
4 Planning with single-hole monitoring
Planning for forced airflow
Parts Included
Housing color Papyrus white, RAL 9018 MT1 Device Mounting TITANUS MT-1
Weight Approx. 1.5 kg
Environmental conditions The FASASDDIAG Diagnostic Software ena-
bles reading out all stored device data and gives
Protection class as per EN 60529 IP 20 advices to remove failures.
Permissible temperature range Including connection cable for USB interface
and diagnosis tool with an infrared interface.
Series FAS-420 Aspirating -20 C to +60 C
Smoke Detectors Test Pipe RAS test pipe
Pipe system PVC 00 C to +60 C Test Adapter RAS test adapter
Pipe system ABS -40 C to +80 C AFBR Marking Tapes for Aspiration TITANUS AF-BR
Permissible relative humidity 10 to 95 % Reducing Film Sheets
(non-condensing) Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF2.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets TITANUS AF-2.0
2.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
Ordering Information
AF2.5 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets TITANUS AF-2.5
2.5 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF3.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-3.0
3.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF3.2 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-3.2
3.2 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF3.4 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-3.4
3.4 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF3.6 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-3.6
3.6 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF3.8 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-3.8
3.8 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF4.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-4.0
4.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF4.2 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-4.2
4.2 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF4.4 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-4.4
4.4 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF4.6 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-4.6
4.6 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF5.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-5.0
5.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF5.2 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-5.2
5.2 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF5.6 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-5.6
5.6 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF6.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-6.0
6.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF6.8 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-6.8
6.8 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
AF7.0 Aspiration Reducing Film Sheets, TITANUS AF-7.0
7.0 mm
Price per piece, DU 10 pieces
Ordering Information
FASASDPHF16 Polywell Hose Flexible, FAS-ASD-PHF
50 m roll, flexible, black, non halogen
including PG16 internal threads, 5 units
FASASDCSL Connection Straight Line FAS-ASD-CSL
connection between aspiration hose and aspi-
ration pipe, including PG16 internal thread
including fittings, for 25 mm pipe system
for ventilation duct
includes a 10 mm bore for adding a suction
reducing film sheet, 10 units
FASASDCLT Ceiling Lead-through FAS-ASD-CLT
white, ABS, 10 units
FASASDAHC Aspiration Hose for Ceiling FAS-ASD-AHC
50 m roll, white, PE
Dust Collector, for Pipe Exterior 25 mm AD25 dust collect
FASASDDSB Detonation Safety Barrier FAS-ASD-DSB
Water Separator, for Pipe Exterior 25 mm AD25 water sep
To implement cross zoning, the following are required: DH horizontal distance detector-wall or detec- at least 0.5 m,
- One FLM420/4CON Conventional Interface tor-ceiling max. 7.5 m
2 x DH Distance between two parallel beams max. 15 m
- One Mini Distributor a.P. 6 DA.
Between the detector and reflector there must be a DL Distance from the ceiling 0.3 m to 0.6 m
constant visual connection, which may not be
DR Range = distance detector-reflector.
interrupted by movable objects (e. g. overhead crane).
- Fireray 50RV: over 5 m to 50 m
Detector and reflector are generally installed at the
- Fireray 100RV: over 50 m to 100 m
same height and aligned with one another. The
relatively wide angle of the IR beam makes adjustments The center line of the monitoring beam may not be
easier and guarantees reliable long-term stability. closer than 0.5 m to walls, equipment or stored goods.
The mounting surface for the detector must be firm and The prism reflectors permit angle deviations up to 5
vibration-free. Metal supports that may be affected by from the center line without signal weakening.
heat or cold are unsuitable for the installation. Positioning detectors on flat ceilings
The reflector is mounted at the permissible distance on
a solid, non-reflecting surface, whereby the light beam
must hit the reflector vertically. 2 x DH
The detector must be installed so that direct irradiation DR
of sunlight or artificial light into the optical system is
prevented. Normal ambient light has no influence on the DH
IR beam and the analysis.
A screened cable must be used to protect against
radiated interference. Possible sources of interference
are to be avoided when routing cables and the cable 1
must be protected against mechanical damage.
Heat accumulation under roof surfaces can prevent the
travel of climbing smoke to the ceiling. The detector
must therefore be mounted below an expected heat
accumulation. This can mean that the benchmark values 2
for DL specified in the table must be exceeded. DL
30-60 cm
Pos. Description
1 Fireray 50/100RV
2 Prism reflectors
DH,DL,DR see table above
Pos. Description DL
A Ceiling
B Mushroom cloud DL
C Heat accumulation
D IR beam DL
Since the smoke over a fire source does not just climb
vertically upwards, but rather spreads like a mushroom
cloud (depending on existing air currents and air pads),
the width of the monitoring area is much greater than
the diameter of the IR beam. 0,5 m
The sideways detection width on both sides of the beam
center line is 7.5 m. min. 0,5 m max.
Country-specific standards and guidelines with respect max. 7,5 m max. 15 m max. 15 m 7,5 m
to planning must be adhered to.
Detector arrangement
The detectors must be devided up so that the following
distances are adhered to:
DL Qty. Components
1 Linear Smoke Detector Fireray 50RV:
compact device with integrated transmitter, receiver, and con-
trol unit
1 Prism reflector
1 Test filter
1 Connection cable with plug
1 Installation material
Fireray 100RV
min. 0,5 m min. 0,5 m
max. 7,5 m max. 15 m max. 15 m max. 7,5 m Qty. Components
1 Linear Smoke Detector Fireray 100RV:
Depending on the roof construction (flat, tilted or Prism reflector 100 x 100 x 9.5 mm
saddleback), the detectors and reflectors must be Housing Color Light gray/black
arranged depending on the roof pitch and the room
Housing material ABS, non-flammable
height RH so that the light beam in the distance DL runs
under the roof (see table). Weight 670 g
Environmental conditions
Ordering Information
Fireray 50RV Fireray 50 RV
Fireray 100RV Fireray 100 RV
S 3m
LED displays in the control unit for: With a comp switch, manual or automatic alarm reset can
be selected.
Adjustable thresholds
The Fireray 2000 can also be used as reflection fire alarm
system with prisms (transmitters and receivers on the same
The Fireray 2000 is an optical Linear Smoke Detector for the
detection of light and dark smoke across an area of 10 m to
100 m or 2 m to 45 m in reflection operation using prisms. Certifications and Approvals
Preferred areas of application are very large and high halls, Comply with:
e. g. airplane hangars, factory buildings and similar
buildings where the use of point-type automatic automatic
call points is not possible.
Region Certification
Europe CE Fireray 2000
CPD 0786-CPD-20196 Fireray 2000
System Overview
Germany VdS G 297058 Fireray 2000
2 Czech TZS 080-001259 Fireray 2000
3 Republic
Hungary TMT TMT-89/08/2004 Fireray 2000
Installation/Configuration Notes
7,5 m
General installation/configuration notes 1 2
A FLM420/4CON Conventional Interface Module is
required for connection of the Fireray 2000 to the LSN.
Between the detector and reflector there must be a
7,5 m
constant visual connection, which may not be
interrupted by movable objects (e. g. overhead crane). 10m - 100m
30-60 cm C
2 x DH
Pos. Description
A Ceiling
B Mushroom cloud
C Heat accumulation 2
D IR beam DH
Since the smoke over a fire source does not just climb
vertically upwards, but rather spreads like a mushroom Pos. Description
cloud (depending on existing air currents and air pads),
1 Fireray 2000 transmitter or receiver
the width of the monitoring area is much greater than
the diameter of the IR beam. 2 Fireray 2000 receiver or transmitter or prism
P 2 S
0,5 m Pos. Description
min. 0,5 m max. 1 Additional reflection from the polished prism surface
max. 7,5 m max. 15 m max. 15 m 7,5 m 2 Beam from transmitter
Technical Specifications
Operating voltage 24 V DC
(11.5 . . . 28 V DC)
Current consumption
In standby Approx. 14 mA 6
During an alarm Approx. 22 mA
The LEDs indicate three different operating states:
You can control and set all parameters via the control unit
and LCD display.
Slow changes in the operating states (e. g. component
Features aging, optics contamination, etc.) do not cause false alarms,
Extended monitoring range but are compensated by the automatic gain control. Every
Transmitter and receiver integrated into a compact 15 minutes, the system state is compared with a default
housing reference value and in the case of a deviation, is corrected
automatically to 0.17 dB/h. If the compensation limit is
Electronic and optical feature for detector alignment
and self-alignment during operation reached, "Fault" the fault signal is indicated.
Remote control unit at eye level for easy installation If the IR beam is obscured within 2 s and the obscuration is
and programming more than 87% and lasts for 10 seconds and above
Automatic contamination compensation (operator changeable), the fault relay switches. Faults may
be caused by an obstacle in the beam path, by the covering
Control unit with LED and LCD displaying - various
operating states of the reflector, etc. As soon as the fault cause is removed,
the fault relay is cleared and after 5 s, the detector is
Adjustable alarm thresholds
automatically reset to standard operation. The fire panel
Building shift compensation must be reset separately.
The system has an alarm output, which is a relay with a
potentialfree change-over contact.
The FRay500050EN Linear Smoke Detector covers
distances between 8 m and 100 m. A reflective prism allows
for the accurate detection of smoke particles within the Certifications and Approvals
given distance range. Comply with:
For ranges between 8 m and 50 m, one prism is sufficient. EN54-12:2002
For ranges between 50 m and 100 m, four prisms are
required. The additional prisms are included in the Region Certification
FRay5000LRKit Long Range Kit.
Europe CE FRAY5000-50-EN
Key application areas are large halls such as historical
CPD 0832-CPD-0565 Fireray 5000
buildings, churches, museums, shopping centers, factory
Germany VdS G 208017 Fireray 5000
halls, warehouses, etc.
Belgium BOSEC TCC2-K803 Fireray 5000
The FRay500050EN Linear Smoke Detector is suitable for
use in areas where point-type detectors are not effective. Great Britain BRE 831a/03 Fireray 5000
Sweden INTYG 08-722 Fireray 5000
Installation/Configuration Notes The centre line of the monitoring beam may not be
closer than 0.5 m to walls, furniture or stored goods.
For connection to the LSN, one FLM420/4CON The reflectors allow an angle deviation of up to 5 from
Conventional Interface Module is required. the centre line without causing a weakening of the
For direct connection to the FPA-5000, one CZM 0004 A signal..
module is required.
Positioning the detectors on flat ceilings
The line of sight between the detector and the reflector
always has to be clear and may not be interfered by
moving objects (e. g. overhead crane).
Heat accumulation under the roof may prevent smoke
from rising up to the ceiling. Thus, the detector must be
mounted below the expected heat accumulation.
Accordingly, the benchmark values for X1 specified in
the table have to be exceeded.
The mounting surface for the detector must be firm and
vibration-free. Metal supports that may be affected by
heat or cold are unsuitable for the installation.
The detector and the reflector are usually installed at
the same height and aligned with one another. The wide
angle of the IR beam allows for an easy adjustment and
for a reliable long-term stability.
Positioning the detectors under a shed roof 6
The detector must be mounted in a position where the
detectors optical system is not exposed to direct
sunlight or artificial light. Normal ambient light has no
influence on the IR beam and the analysis.
30-60 cm C
Pos. Description
A Ceiling
B Mushroom cloud
C Heat accumulation
D IR beam
Since the smoke from a fire does not simply rise straight
up, but rather spreads like a mushroom cloud
(depending on air current and accumulation), the
monitoring range is much greater than the diameter of
the IR beam.
Detector arrangement in accordance with VdS/VDE
The lateral detection on either side of the beam is 7.5 m.
Country-specific Standards and guidelines on planning The number of light beam smoke detectors must be
must be observed. selected according to the maximum monitoring area A
listed in the table and which must not be exceeded
Detector arrangement (meets VdS 2095 and DIN VDE 08332).
The detectors must be arranged according to the following
distances: Room height X2 A X1 at < 20 X1 at > 20
X1 Distance from the ceiling 0.3 m to 0.6 m
Up to6 m 6m 1200 m2 0.3 m to 0.5 m 0.3 m to 0.5 m
X2 Horizontal distance detector/wall min. 0.5 m
6 m to 12 m 6,5 m 1300 m2 0.4 m to 0.7 m 0.4 m to 0.9 m
X3 Horizontal distance between two detectors un-
der gable roofs 12 m to 7 m*)) 1400 m2**) 0.6 m to 0.8 m to
16 m *)**) 0.9 m**) 1.2 m**)
Example: Gable roof, 10 roof pitch
X2 = greatest permissible horizontal distance of any point
X3 = 7.5 m + (7.5 m x 10%)
of the ceiling to the next-closest beam
X3 = 7.5 m + 0.75 m
X3 = 8.25 m A = maximum monitoring area per detector (= double the
product of the greatest horizontal distance DH and the
The maximum distance between two detectors with
parallel IR beams is 15 m. highest allowable detector/reflector distance)
6 Detector 0.3
Parts Included Reflective prism 5.0
Qty. Components
1 FRay500050EN Linear Smoke Detector: Ordering Information
compact device with integrated transmitter and receiver
FRay5000-50-EN Linear Smoke Detector FRay5000-50-EN
1 Reflective prism
Range 850 m
1 Control unit
1 Installation kit
FRay5000-LR-Kit Long Range Kit FRay5000-LR-Kit
3 additional prisms for ranges between 164 ft
and 328 ft (50 m and 100 m).
Technical Specifications FRAY5000-BR Universal Bracket Accessory FRAY5000-BR
Electrical for FRay5000
Universal Bracket for use with Fireray 5000
Operating voltage 14 V DC 28 V DC detector head or FRAY5000-4PRISM Prism
Plate for 4 prism or FRAY5000-1PRISM Prism
Current consumption
Plate for 1 prism.
In standby < 12 mA @ 24 V DC
FRAY5000-4PRISM Prism Plate for 4 prism FRAY5000-4PRISM
In alarm/fault < 52 mA @ 24 V DC Prism Plate for 4 prisms for use with
Reset control by power disruption >5s FRAY5000-BR Universal Bracket Accessory
for Fray5000 (not included).
Alarm relay (contact load) 100 mA @ 30 V
FRAY5000-1PRISM Prism Plate for 1 prism FRAY5000-1PRISM
Fault relay (contact load) 100 mA @ 30 V
Prism Plate for 1 prism for use with FRAY5000-
Mechanics BR Universal Bracket Accessory for Fray5000
(not included).
LED indicators for
Alarm Flashes red every 10 s
Fault Flashes yellow every 10 s
Operation Flashes green every 10 s s
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Detector 135 x 135 x 135 mm
Prism reflector 100 x 100 x 10 mm
Control unit 200 x 235 x 71 mm
Color Light gray/black
Material C6600, non-flammable
Detector 500 g
Prism reflector 70 g
Control unit 900 g
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE FCS-LWM-1
Germany VdS G 205066 FCS-LWM-1
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Parts Included
Quant. Component
1 Detector box with control unit
Technical Specifications
Features Voltage 10 - 30 V DC
Resistant to mechanical and chemical influences, Current consumption
corrosion, humidity and dust Standby 25 mA (at 24 V DC)
Simple installation and initial set-up On alarm (ALARM DIFF/ 25 mA (at 24 V DC)
Minimal maintenance costs through continual self-
monitoring of the sensor cable. Malfunction 15 mA (at 24 V DC)
Configurable response temperature Switch-on current < 100 mA (at 24 V DC)
Test key for maintenance (simulates alarm and Mechanical
Use in constricted spaces and under extreme
environmental conditions. In operation LED green, continuously lit
ALARM DIFF LED red, continuously lit
ALARM MAX LED red, continuously lit
Ordering Information
FCSLWM1 Linear Heat Detector FCS-LWM-1
Blue Sensor Cable, per Meter LHD4-SC-BLUE
suitable for use in non-aggressive atmosphere
with high humidity
Black Sensor Cable with Nylon Coating, LHD4-SC-BLACK
per Meter
suitable for use in aggressive atmosphere (ny-
lon coating protects against acids and bases)
Black Sensor Cable with Woven Steel Cover, LHD4-SC-STEEL
per Meter
suitable for use in aggressive atmosphere (ny-
lon coating protects against acids and bases)
2 4 6 7 8
1 3 5
11 13
Pos. Description
1 End screw cap
2 Sensor tube segment 6
3 Fixing bridles
4 + 5 SERTO clamp
6 Sensor tube segment
7 Sensor tube connection
8 Reference tube
Features 9 Operating status display LEDs
Compact, robust design 10 PC board with evaluation electronics
Suitable for use under extreme environmental 11 Detector box housing
12 Cable duct (PG clamp)
Low maintenance costs through periodic fully 13 Pump drive motor
automated seal verification and self-monitoring
14 Pump
Application-specific default settings by rotary switch
15 Fiber-optic cable for the 3 display LEDs (Pos. 9)
Response behavior can be programmed by PC
16 Housing cover of the detector box
If the value measured by the sensor does not correspond to The maximum permitted sensor tube length is 130 m.
the set value, e. g. because of a leak or crushing of the Tunnel with flat roof and more than 3 traffic lanes
sensor tube, a fault indication is displayed.
Alarm and fault indications take the form of three LEDs on b a b
the PC board using three fiber-optic cables in the housing
6 b
Installation/Configuration Notes
General Planning Notes
The mounting location of the detector box and sensor
tube (SENSTUBE) must not be exposed to direct a ADW
The detector box can be mounted anywhere, although
a minimum distance of 0.1 m from switching boxes, a
niches etc. must be provided on the sensor tube
connection side.
If used in a tunnel, or if it must be fitted outdoors, the b
detector box must be installed in an additional b
protective box.
It is possible to lay the sensor tube in a spiral.
At tunnel entrance portals, a distance of 25 m must be The maximum permitted sensor tube length is 80 m.
maintained between the sensor tube end and the
The maximum distance (a) between the sensor tubes is
7.2 m.
The minimum sensor tube length is 20 m. The maximum distance (b) between sensor tube and
Tunnel with curved roof, or round construction and 2 to tunnel wall is a = 3.6 m.
3 traffic lanes Roof underpinnings must take guidelines in force into
Other applications
For all other applications, the sensor tube must be
SENSTUBE installed after agreement with the commissioning
SENSTUBE authorities responsible.
The permitted sensor tube length is 80 m as standard.
Longer lengths are application-specific and must be
approved by the manufacturer.
The sensor tube must always be installed in the middle For use in areas with raised ambient temperature, metal
of the tunnel roof (max. permitted side tolerance bridles must be used for sensor tube mounting. In
0.5 m). addition, the detector box must be mounted in an area
The maximum permitted sensor tube length is 130 m. with normal ambient temperatures.
Tunnel with flat roof and 2 to 3 traffic lanes
Parts Included
1 Transafe ADW 511A detector box,
signal analysis and monitoring module of the linear maximum and
differential heat detector
The sensor tube should preferably be installed in the
middle of the tunnel roof (max. permitted side
tolerance 0.5 m).
The sensor tube side mounting is possible taking a
minimum distance (a) to tunnel wall into account.
- For 2 traffic lanes: a > 0.5 m
- For 3 traffic lanes: a > 1.0 m
1 2
DCA1192 SB3
6 Pos. Description
1 Non-Ex area
2 Ex area zone 1 or 2
Compact, robust and nearly maintenance-free Functions
Suitable for outdoor use under extreme conditions The detection element of the Infrared Flame Detector
Optimal adjustment to the environmental conditions consists of two pyroelectric sensors (sensor 1 and 2) and a
with 10 DIP switches silicon photo diode (sensor 3).
Two sensitivity levels While sensor 1 detects the flame, the other two sensors
Easy-to-see red individual display measure the malfunction beam in other wavelength ranges.
For room heights from 1.50 m to 20 m
Sensor Spectral range Detection from
1 4.0 m to 4.8 m CO2
2 5.1 m to 6.0 m Sources of interference
Infrared Flame Detectors are used to detect open flames in 3 0.7 m to 1.1 m Solar radiation
rooms or outdoors.
The combination of the three sensors and the intelligent
They are especially suitable for smokeless liquid and gas signal processing with fuzzy algorithms and wavelet creates
fires as well as for fires of materials that contain carbon with outstanding reliability of detection with high protection
strong smoke development. against false alarms.
Typical areas of application are:
large industrial warehouses, airplane hangars, chemical
facilities, oil refineries, machine rooms, ferries and freight Certifications and Approvals
ships, power plants, printing plants, wood warehouses,
The D1101AEx meets the explosion classification in line
subway tunnels.
with IEC 60079 and EN 50020 (Eex ib IIC T4).
The DF1101AEx is an inherently safe Infrared Flame
Detector for use in explosive areas of the zones 1 and 2, Region Certification
e. g. in high warehouse halls for flammable liquids, where
Europe CE DF 1192
liquid fires could occur in an explosive atmosphere.
DF 1101-Ex
Germany VdS G 299085 DF1101-Ex/DF1192
Russia GOST POCC DE.C313B06298
Installation/Configuration Notes
Both Infrared Flame Detectors comply with EN 5410.
The response sensitivity and the resulting monitoring
area of an Infrared Flame Detector depend on:
- Detection distance
- Possible spread of fire
D1101A-Ex 1 Infrared Flame Detector D1101AEx SB3 Safety Barrier incl. DCA1192 Input/ SB3
Output Module
1 Base for Infrared Flame Detector DFB1190
Technical Specifications
Operating voltage 16 V DC . . . 28 V DC
Standby current consumption 0.5 mA
Region Certification
Europe CE FAD-O 420
6 Installation/Configuration Notes
Easy installation of the FADO420 Detector 1 Air sampling housing with connection board, Detector base and
installation material
Maintains LSN loop functions in the event of wire
1 D344-1.5 sample tube (length 45.7 cm)
interruption or short-circuit thanks to two integrated
isolators 1 Ventilation tube
2 D344-TF air filter for sample and ventilation tube
Technical Specifications
Environmental Conditions
Ordering Information
FAD420HSEN Duct Smoke Detector FAD-420-HS-EN
The FADO420 Detector must be ordered in
FADO420 Detector for Use in Air Sampling FAD-O420
FAA420RI Remote Indicator FAA-420-RI
D3443 Sample Tube D344-3
length 91.4 cm (3 ft)
D3445 Sample Tube D344-5
length 1.52 m (5 ft)
D344TF Filter for Sample/Ventilation Tube D344-TF
Replaceable filters for duct detector sampling
tubes, available in packages of 20