Assingnment Bi
Assingnment Bi
Assingnment Bi
cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services, based on the cardholder's promise to
the card issuer to pay them for the amounts so paid plus other agreed charges.[1] The card issuer
(usually a bank) creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the cardholder, from
which the cardholder can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance.A credit
card is different from a charge card, where it requires the balance to be repaid in full each
month.[2] In contrast, credit cards allow the consumers a continuing balance of debt, subject
to interest being charged. A credit card also differs from a cash card, which can be used like
currency by the owner of the card. A credit card differs from a charge card also in that a credit
card typically involves a third-party entity that pays the seller and is reimbursed by the buyer,
whereas a charge card simply defers payment by the buyer until a later date.If you pay your
credit card balance in full and on time each month, then you wont be charged interest. In that
case, its worth it to get a credit card with rewards. These cards give you points, cash or airline
miles every time you use them. However, rewards cards have higher interest rates high
enough to wipe out the value of the rewards you earn. That brings us to what to do if
you do carry a balance (in other words, you dont pay off your debt every month). Youll want to
minimize your interest payments, so you should pick a credit card that has a low interest rate.
Your credit card is issued by a bank, like Bank of America or Chase. The bank determines your
interest rate, fees and rewards, so its important to find a bank that offers a card you like. Its
processed on a network, like Visa or MasterCard. The network doesnt really affect the card,
except for giving you random perks like travel accident insurance. Generally, the network isnt
as important as the bank.In general, the better your credit score, the better the cards you can
qualify for. The most generous rewards rates, the best perks and the lowest interest rates are
available to those with excellent credit.You dont have to worry about that first one. Interchange
fees are a problem for merchants. Instead, concern yourself with interest payments and fees.If
you have a rewards credit card, remember that issuers dont give those points out of the goodness
of their hearts. Most people think theyll earn more in rewards than they pay in interest, but
thats rarely the case. If you think theres a chance you wont pay off your balance every month,
steer clear of rewards.Credit cards charge a number of fees, from an annual fee to cash advance
fees to late payment fees. Your card probably wont have an annual fee, but make sure to make
at least the minimum monthly payment on time, or youll be slapped with a fee, a higher interest
rate and/or a lower credit score.Most credit card companies calculate your balance based
on average daily balance. Lets say you didnt pay off $100 during the 30-day grace period. On
day 15, you pay off the entire balance. You add up the debt that you had left over at the end of
the day (15 days of $100 + 15 days of $0) and divide it by the number of days. Youll be charged
interest on $50.There are several varieties of credit cards: general purpose cards can be used
anywhere, while private label retail cards can typically only be used at the issuing store or
service station. Most general purpose cards are unsecured, meaning the issuer extends a credit
line line based mainly on your credit history. Secured cards, conversely, are backed by funds you
put in a deposit account that the creditor can claim if you default. Because creditors assume little
risk with secured cards, qualification is relatively easy, so they are ideal for those with damaged
or unestablished credit. Robert Manning, professor of consumer finance and director of the
Center for Consumer Financial Services at the Rochester Institute of Technology, recommends
asking the issuer if an unsecured card will be available once you build your credit history. "Make
sure they report to the credit bureaus, too," he says. If they don't, you won't be building a history
at all. According to, the consumer division of the company that invented the FICO
credit risk score, the average consumer has nine credit cards. There is no perfect number of credit
cards one "should" hold. A couple of general-purpose cards suit most consumers' needs. If you
want a retail card, make sure it's for a store you frequent often, and offers an incentive for using
it as retail cards typically charge higher interest rates than general purpose cards. Credit card
interest rates can range dramatically -- from 0 percent, limited-time balance transferoffers to as
high as 30 percent. Creditors use such factors as your credit score, income, assets, current debt
load, credit inquiries, payment history and economic conditions to set your annual percentage
rate (APR). Who receives the best (lowest) rates? Consumers with positive and proven credit
histories. Banks, credit unions, retailers, and credit card companies all issue credit cards.
(Visa and MasterCard are companies that help process payments; they don't issue cards.) The
best way to apply for an account, says Lita Epstein, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to
Improving Your Credit Score," is to "locate the card with the best rates and terms by researching
options online." This targeted search approach can protect your credit rating from too many
unnecessary inquiries. Each time you charge, you borrow money. However, because credit cards
offer a revolving balance option, you aren't required to pay the entire loan -- as long as you make
at least the minimum requested payment, you can carry the remainder over to the next month.
Interest will be added to the balance. Avoid paying just the minimum payment though. "Your
creditor may consider you to be high risk, and increase your interest rate accordingly," warns
Manning. . As a cardholder, you have a legal right to fair treatment. The Truth in Lending
Act requires issuers explain all the terms of the contract in detail, in language the average adult
can understand. Problems with your bill? The Fair Credit Billing Act gives you the right to
dispute and correct errors, and protects your credit rating during the process.
Ultimately, there is no secret to using credit cards wisely. If you get a low-fee account, always
pay on time, and carry no debt from month to month, charging is free. Even better, if your card
has a good rewards program, you can even come out ahead by using them.
Dewasa ini, Anda pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan istilah ATM. Kepanjangan dari
ATM ini sendiri adalah anjungan tunai mandiri, sementara singkatan dalam bahasa
Inggris adalah automatic teller machine. Namun sesungguhnya bagaimana sih cara
penggunaan ATM yang benar dan aman? Masih banyak di antara masyarakat kita yang
masih belum paham betul akan mesin yang satu ini, khususnya mengenai jenis mesin
ATM yang sebenarnya beraneka ragam.
ATM berfungsi untuk mengakses sejumlah layanan perbankan seperti menarik uang
tunai, transfer dana, cek saldo, bayar tagihan kartu kredit, atau berbagai keperluan
keuangan sehari-hari seperti membayar listrik, pulsa, atau tagihan lainnya. Untuk
penggunaan atm yang benar, alangkah lebih baiknya kita mengenal berbagai macam
jenis atm dan cara kerjanya. Berikut ini penjelasannya:
Mesin ATM terkoneksi dan terhubung dengan jaringan komunikasi sebuah bank. Mesin
ATM ini memudahkan kita untuk melakukan transaksi perbankan, tanpa perlu datang ke
gedung bank. Mesin atm biasanya terdapat di tempat umum, seperti mal, gedung
kantor, minimarket, atau SPBU. Mesin atm sendiri terdiri dari 4 jenis, yaitu:
ATM Tunai
ATM ini merupakan jenis atm yang paling banyak disediakan oleh bank di tempat-
tempat tertentu. Melalui ATM tunai ini, ada dapat melakukan transaksi tunai, seperti
transaksi penarikan uang tunai.
ATM Non Tunai
Jenis ATM non tunai ini adalah kebalikan dari ATM tunai. Melalui ATM ini, kita tidak
dapat melakukan transaksi tunai seperti penarikan uang. Karena ATM ini khusus
digunakan untuk transaksi non tunai seperti transfer uang, bayar tagihan, dan lain-lain.
ATM Setor Tunai
ATM setor tunai dapat disebut juga dengan cash deposit machine (CDM). Melalui ATM
ini kita tidak perlu repot datang ke teller bank saat hendak menyetorkan uang. ATM ini
dapat menerima setoran uang dengan minimal lembaran yang diterima nominal Rp50
ATM Serbabisa
Jenis ATM ini adalah yang paling jarang ditemui dan disediakan oleh bank. Karena
melalui ATM ini kita dapat melakukan hampir semua transaksi perbankan dari transaksi
non tunai hingga setor tunai.
Untuk dapat menggunakan mesin ATM, Anda harus memiliki kartu ATM terlebih dahulu.
Kartu tersebut dapat berupa kartu kredit ataupun kartu debit. Setelah memiliki kartu
ATM, kita perlu memiliki password. Password ini digunakan saat Anda akan melakukan
transaksi di mesin atm dan berupa pin dengan kode angka 4-6 digit yang diberikan oleh
Nah, sudah tahu kan ternyata ATM sendiri banyak jenisnya? Setelah tahu jenis-jenis
ATM, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengetahui proses atau tahap-tahap dalam
menggunakan mesin ATM tersebut.