Farsi Alphabet

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The passage provides information about the Farsi alphabet including the letters, pronunciation, and various forms. It also discusses Farsi adjectives for colors, sizes, shapes, tastes, qualities and directions. Finally, it lists some common Farsi expressions and words.

The passage provides a table with the Farsi alphabet including the letters in English and Farsi, along with the pronunciation and different scripts. The letters include consonants and vowels.

The passage includes two tables listing Farsi adjectives for colors, sizes, shapes, tastes, qualities and directions with the Persian terms and scripts.

Farsi Persian Alphabet

This page contains a table including the following: Farsi alphabet, also called Persian letters which help you
pronounce the words in a given language, you will also learn about the different consonants and vowels. Make sure
to check our Learn Farsi page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Farsi Alphabet

English Farsi Pronunciation Farsi Script Various Forms

A as in apple hamzeh On the top of some vowels

A as in apple alef
Long a alef-e madd
B as in Brazilian be
P as in Persian pe
T as in Turkish te
Th as in think the
J as in Japanese jm

Che as in Chinese che

Sharp h as in Hassan he

Kh as in the Scottish loch, Spanish Jota khe

D as in Danish dl
Th as in They Th as in They Th as in They
R as in Russian re
Z as in Zulu ze
Je as in pleasure je or zhe
S as in Spanish sn

Sh as in Shadow shn

S as in supper sd

D as in Danish dd

T as in Tagalog T

Th as in That th

The closest is as a soundless a or ayn
gh as the french r in merci ghayn
F as in Farsi fe

Sharp Qu (Qum) qf
K as in Kurdish kf

Same thing just a different way. kf

G as in Golf gf

L as in Language lm
M as in Mandarin mm
N as in Norwegian nn

W as in Wolof vv
H as in Hebrew h-ye havvaz
English Farsi Pronunciation Farsi Script Various Forms
Y as in Yiddish y-ye mojam

Y as in Yiddish, sometimes as a y-ye frs

Farsi Adjectives

This page contains a table including the following: Farsi Adjectivesincluding colors, size,
shapes, tastes, quantities... to help you with your Farsi vocabulary and expressions. Try to
memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and might be
very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn
Farsi page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Farsi Adjectives

The following 2 tables contain important adjectives about colors, size, shapes, tastes, quantities in Farsi as well as in

English Farsi Adjectives Persian Script

Black seeyaa
Blue aabee
Brown qah-veyee
Gray KhaakesaRee
Green sabz
Orange naaRanjee
Purple aRghoonee
Red qeRmiz
White sefeed
Yellow zaRd

Big boozoRg
Deep god
Long deRaaz
Narrow baaReek
Short (in height) kootaa qad
Short (in length) kootaah
English Farsi Adjectives Persian Script
Small, little koocheek
Tall boolan qad
Thick kooloft
Thin laaghaR
Wide 'aReez

Round geRd
Straight Raast
Square moRaba'
Triangular moosalas

The following table contains important Farsi adjectives about directions that you might use when lost.

English Farsi

Bitter talKh
Fresh taazey
Salty shooR
Sour toRsh
Spicy tond
Sweet sheeReen

Bad bad
Clean tameez
Dark poR Rang
Difficult saKht
Dirty kaseef
Dry Khoshk
Easy aasoon
Empty Khaalee
Expensive geRoon
Fast saRee'
English Farsi
Foreign KhaaRijee
Full poR
Good Khoob
Hard (firm) seft
Heavy sangeen
Inexpensive aRzoon
Light (illumination) cheRaagh
Light (weight) sabok
Local mahalee
New taazey
Noisy (person) poR haRf
Noisy (loud noise) boland
Old (about things) koh-ney
Old (about people) peeR
Powerful qavee
Quiet (person) bee saRo sedaa
Right / Correct doRost
Slow aahise / yavaash /
Soft naRm
Very Kheylee
Weak za'eef
Wet taR / Khees /
Wrong / Incorrect ghalat
Young javoon

Noisy poR saRo sedaa
Quiet aaRoom
Few / Little kam
Many / Much zeeyaad
Part qesmat
Some / A few (male chan taa / kamee /
form) ba'azee
A few (feminine) chan taa
Farsi Vocabulary

This page contains a table including the following: Farsi Vocabulary to help you with your
Farsi vocabulary and expressions. Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very
important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important
expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Farsi page, which contains several lessons that
might help you in your learning process.

Farsi Vocabulary

The following table contains important vocabulary about days, time, directions, and locations in Farsi as well as in


Persian Script Farsi Vocabulary English

ye shanbe Sunday
do shanbe Monday
se shanbe Tuesday
chaaR shanbe Wednesday
panshanbe Thursday
jom'e Friday
shanbe Saturday
deeRooz Yesterday
emRooz Today
faRdaa Tomorrow
Rooz Day
shab Night
haftey Week
maa Month
saal Year
saaneeye Second
daqeeqe Minute
saa'at Hour
sob Morning
Persian Script Farsi Vocabulary English
'asR Evening
zoR Noon
ba'ad az zoR Afternoon
nisfey shab Midnight
haalaa Now
ba'dan Later

The following table contains important Farsi Vocabulary about directions that you might use when lost.

Persian Script Farsi Expressions English

Roo Above / Over
ba'ad az After / Past
'aqab Back / Behind
/ jelowey / jelo In front of / Forward
qabl az Before
meeyoon Between
muKhtasaat Coordinates
zaaveeye Degrees
paayeen Down
shaRq East
dooR Far
toole jughRaafeeyaayee Longitude
chap Left
aRzey jughRaafeeyaayee Latitude
___/ ___moz'am ___ e / moz'e ___ man My position is ___.
nazdeek Near
shomaal North
shomaaley shaRqee Northeast
shomaaley ghaRbee Northwest
Raast Right
joonoob South
joonoobey shaRqee Southeast
joonoobey ghaRbee Southwest
mostaqeem Straight ahead.
Persian Script Farsi Expressions English
zeeR Under
baalaa Up
ghaRb West
// peesh az / jelowey / jelo Before / In front of / Forward
baalaa Above
Roo Over
posht Back
'aqab Behind
jelowey In front of
saahel Beach
maRz Border
pol Bridge
oRdoogaa Camp
jaadey Khaakee Dirt road
jangal Forest
bandaR Harbor
tapey Hill
/ manzil / Khooney House
daRyaachey Lake
maRta' Meadow
kooh Mountain
oqeeyaanoos Ocean
Raah Path
jaade ye esfaalte Paved road
jaa Place
moze' Position
RoodKhooney River
Raah Road
daRyaa Sea
meydoon Square
deRaKht Tree
daRey Valley
deh Village
kujaa? Where?
Farsi Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

This page contains a table including the following: Farsi Numbers both cardinal and ordinal.
Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and
might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn
Farsi page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Farsi Cardinal Numbers

ways of writing the numbers in Farsi, in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) or in Farsi script ( ,
,). The table below contains more information about the farsi numbers.

Persian Script Farsi Numbers English

sefR 0 Zero
yek 1 One
do 2 Two
se 3 Three
chaaR 4 Four
panj 5 Five
sheesh 6 Six
haft 7 Seven
hasht 8 Eight
9 Nine
In Afghanistan Persian is known as Dari ( )or Dari-Persian, while in Tajikistan it's known as Tajiki

/ ).

Persian, Farsi or Parsi?

The official language of Iran is sometimes called Farsi in English and other languages. This is a correct transliteration

of the native name of the language, however many, including the ISO and the Academy of Persian Language and

Literature, prefer the name Persian for the language. Some speakers use the older local name: Parsi (). There

is some discussion about this topic at: wikipedia.

Iran or Persia?

Until 1935, the official name of the country currently known as Iran was Persia, though the Persian people have

called their country Iran since the Sassanid period (226 - 651 AD). There's further discussion about this

at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_naming_dispute

Persian alphabet ( ) and pronunciation

Notable features

Type of writing system: abjad - includes letters only for consonants. Vowels, when indicated, are written

with diacritics and/or combinations of consonant letters

Direction of writing: right to left in horizontal lines; numerals written from left to right.
Used to write: Persian ()

Persian has seven vowel sounds: (/

"Alef" has no particular sound. At the beginning of words by means of diacritics it can denote "" (), "a" (),

"e" (), "o" ( )but elsewhere, it always denotes "". However, only the diacritic of "" ( )is commonly

written and you just have to memorize the pronunciation. For example: ( b) water, ( asb)
horse, ( omid) hope, - tonight.

Notes and corrections by Ali Jahanshiri


The symbols for 4,5 and 6 are different from the standard numerals used for Arabic.

Farsi Phrases

This page contains a table including the following: Farsi phrases, also called Persian expressions and words in Farsi,
conversation and idioms, Farsi greetings and survival phrases or simply if you want to know what to say when
chatting. Most of the sentences below are used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you
memorize them. Make sure to check our Learn Farsi page, which contains several lessons that might help you in
your learning process.

Farsi Phrases

Farsi Phrases English Phrases

Farsi Greetings: English Greetings

Salam! Hi!

Sobh Be Kheyr! Good morning!

Asr be kheyr! Good evening!

Khosh Amadid! Welcome! (to greet someone)

Shoma chetur hastin? How are you?

Man khoobam, Mamnoon! . I'm fine, thanks!

Va shoma And you?

Khoob Good/ So-So.

Mamnoon Thank you (very much)!

You're welcome! (for "thank

Khahesh Mikonam

Hey! Refigh! ! Hey! Friend!

Delam barat kheyli tang shodeh I missed you so much!

Che khabar? What's new?

Farsi Phrases English Phrases

Khabari nist Nothing much

Shab be kheyr Good night!

Baadan mibinamet See you later!

Bedrood Good bye!

Asking for Help and Directions

Man gom shodam I'm lost

Mitoonam ke komaketoon konam Can I help you?

Shoam mitooni ke komakam konid

Can you help me?

(dashtshooi/darookhaneh) kojast? ()/ Where is the (bathroom/


Mostaghim boro baad be Chap/ rast bepich Go straight! then turn left/

Man Donbale john migardam I'm looking for john.

Yek lahzeh lotfan One moment please!

Yek lahzeh lotfan Hold on please! (phone)

Gheymatesh chand ast? How much is this?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for


Bebakhshid Excuse me! ( to pass by)

Ba man bia Come with me!

Aya shoma (Engilisi/Farsi) harf mizanid

Do you speak (English/ Farsi)?

Kami. Just a little.

Esm e shoma chist? What's your name?

Esm e man? ... My name is ...

Aghaye/Khanoome/Doshizeh /.../..... Mr.../ Mrs./ Miss

Az molaghat e sham khosh vaghtam Nice to meet you!

Shoma kheyli mehrban hastid You're very kind!

Shoma ahleh koja hastid Where are you from?

Man az (America/ Iran) hastam )/( I'm from (the U.S/ Iran)
Man America i hastam () I'm (American)

Shoma koja zendegi mikonid? Where do you live?

Man dar (America/ Iran) zendegi mikonam

I live in (the U.S/ Iran)

Man az inja khosham omade Did you like it here?

Iran keshvar e jalebi Hast Iran is a wonderful country

Shoghl e shoma chist? What do you do for a living?

Man be onvane (motarjem/ tajer) kar mikonam

I work as a (translator/ businessman)

Man az zaban e farsi khosham miayad I like Farsi

Man yek mah hast ke farsi ray ad migiram

I've been learning Farsi for 1 month

Oh, che khoob! ! Oh! That's good!

Chand salet hast? How old are you?

Man (bist/ Si) sal daram )/( I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old.

Man bayad beravam I have to go

Bar migardam! I will be right back!

Wish Someone Something

Moafagh bashed Good luck!

Tavalodat mobarak Happy birthday!

Sal e no mobarak Happy new year!

Kirismass Mobarak Merry Christmas!

Tabrik migoyam Congratulations!

Bermaid Enjoy! (for meals...)

Man dost daram ke yek rooz iran ra bebinam

I'd like to visit Iran one day

Be John salam e man ra beresoonid "" Say hi to John for me

Aafiat bashad Bless you (when sneezing)

Shab bekheyr va khab hay e khoob bebini

Good night and sweet dreams!

Solving a Misunderstanding

Bebakhshid? I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)

Bebakhshid Sorry (for a mistake)

Moshkeli nist No Problem!

Mish tekrar konid? Can You Say It Again?

Mishe ahesteh tar sohbat konid Can You Speak Slowly?

Lotfan yaddasht konid Write It Down Please!

Motavajjeh nemisham I Don't Understand!

Nemidanam I Don't Know!

Nazari nadaram I Have No Idea.

Be Farsi chi misheh What's That Called In Farsi?

moshkeli be engilisi chi misheh? moshkeli What Does "moshkeli" Mean In English?

Shoma please ro be farsi chi migin?

How Do You Say "Please" In Farsi?

In chieh? What Is This?

Farsi e man bad ast My Farsi is bad.

Man bayad farsi ro bishtar tamrin konam

I need to practice my Farsi

Negaran nabashid Don't worry!

Farsi Expressions and Words

Khoob/ bad/ motavaset // Good/ Bad/ So-So.

Bozorg/ khoochak / Big/ Small

Emrooz/ Aalan / Today/ Now

Farad/ dirooz / Tomorrow/ Yesterday

Baleh/ nakheyr / Yes/ No

Befarmaid! Here you go! (when giving something)

Khoshet miad? Do you like it?

Vaghean azash khosham miad I really like it!

Man (goshneh/ Teshneh) am "/" I'm hungry/ thirsty.

Sobh/ asr/ shab // In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.

In/ aan. Inja/ Aanja /./ This/ That. Here/There

Man/ to. Oo/ Oo (Him & Her are same) /./ Me/ You. Him/ Her.

Vagheaan! Really!

Negah kon! ! Look!

Ajaleh kon! ! Hurry up!

Chi? Koja? What? Where?

Saat chand ast? What time is it?

Saat dah. hafto si daghigheh ye asr .01 It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.

Ino be man bede! Give me this!

Doset daram! I love you!

Man ehsas e nakhoshi mikonam I feel sick.

Man be Dr ehtiaj daram I need a doctor

Yek/ do/ she // One, Two, Three

Chahar/ panj/ shesh // Four, Five, Six

Haft / hasht/ noh/ dah /// Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

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