Is 383 - 2016
Is 383 - 2016
Is 383 - 2016
Indian Standard
ICS 91.100.30
BIS 2016
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Aggregates are important components for making concrete and properties of concrete are substantially affected
by various characteristics of the aggregates used. Aggregates from natural sources form the major variety used for
making concrete, mortar and other applications. This Indian Standard has been formulated to cover requirements
for aggregates derived from natural sources and other than natural sources, for use in production of concrete.
Whilst the requirements specified in this standard generally meet the normal requirements for most of the concrete
works, there might be special cases where certain requirements other than those specified in the standard might
have to be specified; in such case, such special requirements, the tests required and the limits for such tests may be
specified by the purchaser.
This standard was first published in 1952 and subsequently revised in 1963 and 1970. This revision has been
taken up to incorporate the modifications found necessary in the light of experience gained in its use and also to
bring it in line with the latest development on the subject. Significant modifications in this revision include,
a) scope of the standard has been widened to cover aggregates from other than natural sources;
b) definitions of various terms have been rationalized;
c) limits for mica as deleterious material for muscovite and muscovite plus biotite varieties have been
d) the requirements for crushing value, impact value and abrasion value have been classified under a common
head of mechanical properties;
e) requirement for flakiness and elongation has been specified for which a combined index has been
introduced along with the procedure for determination of the same;
f) provisions on alkali aggregate reactivity have been included to bring coherence of the same with
IS 456 : 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision) and requirements for
compliance for the same have been included; and
g) mixed sand has been included along with crushed sand.
Of late, scarcity in availability of aggregates from natural sources is being faced in some parts of the country. This
may require supplementing the use of aggregates from natural sources with the use of aggregates from other
sources. This revision therefore also covers provisions regarding quality requirements and those relating to the
extent of utilization of iron slag, steel slag, copper slag, bottom ash from thermal power plants recycled concrete
aggregates (RCA) and recycled aggregate (RA), along with necessary provisions relating to their utilization. RCA
and RA may in turn be sourced from construction and demolition wastes. A brief note on manufacture of various
types of such manufactured aggregates is given at Annex A. A crusher dust (or quarry dust) produced from the fine
screening of quarry crushing cannot be called crushed sand as per 3.1.2. It may not be generally in conformity to
the requirement of crushed sand as per the standard and is not expected to perform as efficiently as properly
crushed sand, unless it is processed to meet the requirement of this standard.
This standard contains clauses such as 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1 and 9.2 which call for agreement between the purchaser
and the supplier and require the supplier to furnish technical information as given in Annex B.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex F.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is compiled with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that specified value in this standard.
IS 383 : 2016
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
This standard covers the requirements for aggregates, For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given
crushed or uncrushed, derived from natural sources, in IS 6461 (Part 1) and the following shall apply.
such as river terraces and riverbeds, glacial deposits,
rocks, boulders and gravels, and manufactured 3.1 Fine Aggregate Aggregate most of which passes
aggregates produced from other than natural sources, 4.75 mm IS Sieve and contains only so much coarser
for use in the production of concrete for normal material as permitted in 6.3.
structural purposes including mass concrete works.
3.1.1 Natural Sand Fine aggregate resulting from
2 REFERENCES the natural disintegration of rock and which has been
deposited by streams or glacial agencies. This may also
The standards listed below contain provisions which, be called as uncrushed sand.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions 3.1.2 Crushed Sand
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to Crushed stone sand Fine aggregate produced
revision, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility by crushing hard stone.
of applying the most recent editions of the standards Crushed gravel sand Fine aggregate
indicated below: produced by crushing natural gravel.
IS No. Title 3.1.3 Mixed Sand Fine aggregate produced by
2386 Methods of test for aggregates for blending natural sand and crushed stone sand or crushed
gravel sand in suitable proportions.
(Part 1) : 1963 Particle size and shape
(Part 2) : 1963 Estimation of deleterious materials 3.1.4 Manufactured Fine Aggregate (Manufactured
and organic impurities Sand) Fine aggregate manufactured from other than
(Part 3) : 1963 Specific gravity, density, voids, natural sources, by processing materials, using thermal
absorption and bulking or other processes such as separation, washing, crushing
(Part 4) : 1963 Mechanical properties and scrubbing.
(Part 5) : 1963 Soundness
(Part 6) : 1963 Measuring mortar making properties NOTE Manufactured fine aggregate may be Recycled
Concrete Aggregate (RCA) (see Annex A).
of fine aggregate
(Part 7) : 1963 Alkali aggregate reactivity 3.2 Coarse Aggregate Aggregate most of which is
(Part 8) : 1963 Petrographic examination retained on 4.75 mm IS Sieve and containing only so
2430 : 1986 Methods for sampling of aggregates much finer material as is permitted for the various types
for concrete (first revision) described in this standard.
4032 : 1985 Method of chemical analysis of
hydraulic cement (first revision) NOTE Coarse aggregate may be,
4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling a) uncrushed gravel or stone which results from natural
6461 (Part 1) : Glossary of terms relating to cement disintegration of rock;
1972 concrete: Part 1 Concrete aggregates b) crushed gravel or stone when it results from crushing of
gravel or hard stone; and
9198 : 1979 Specification for compaction rammer
c) partially crushed gravel or stone when it is a product of the
for soil testing
blending of (a) and (b);
9669 : 1980 Specification for CBR moulds and its
d) manufactured from other than natural sources, by
accessories processing materials, using thermal or other processes such
14959 (Part 2) : Method of Test determination of as separation, washing, crushing and scrubbing.
2001 water soluble and acid soluble Manufactured coarse aggregate may be Recycled Concrete
chlorides in mortar and concrete: Aggregate (RCA) or Recycled Aggregate (RA) (see
Part 2 Hardened mortar and concrete Annex A).
IS 383 : 2016
See A-3 for brief information on recycled aggregates (RA) and recycled concrete aggregates (RCA).
1 It is desirable to source the recycled concrete aggregates from sites being redeveloped for use in the same site.
2 In any given structure, only one type of manufactured coarse aggregate and one type of manufactured fine aggregate shall be used.
3 The increase in density of concrete due to use of copper slag and steel slag aggregates need to be taken into consideration in the
design of structures.
4 While using manufactured aggregate as part replacement for natural aggregate, it should be ensured that the final grading meets the
requirements specified in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9.
IS 383 : 2016
1 The sands used for blending in mixed sand shall individually also satisfy the requirements of Table 2. The uncrushed sand used for
blending shall not have material finer than 75 m more than 3.00 percent.
2 When the clay stones are harder, platy and fissile, they are known as shales. The presence and extent of shales shall be determined by
petrograpy at the time of selection and change of source.
3 The presence of mica in the fine aggregate has been found to affect adversely the workability, strength, abrasion resistance and
durability of concrete. Where no tests for strength and durability are conducted, the mica in the fine aggregate may be limited to 1.00
percent by mass. Where tests are conducted to ensure adequate workability, satisfactory strength, permeability and abrasion (for wearing
surfaces), the mica up to 3.00 percent by mass for muscovite type shall be permitted. In case of presence of both muscovite and biotite
mica, the permissible limit shall be 5.00 percent, maximum by mass. This is subject to total deleterious materials (including mica) being
limited to 8.00 percent by mass for col 4 and 5.00 percent for col 5.
Till a method is included in IS 2386 (Part 2), for determination of mica content, suitable methodology may be used for the same.
Normally, petrographic density separation and wind blowing methods can be used.
4 The aggregate shall not contain harmful organic impurities [tested in accordance with IS 2386 (Part 2)] in sufficient quantities to affect
adversely the strength or durability of concrete. A fine aggregate which fails in the testing of organic impurities may be used, provided
that, when tested for the effect of organic impurities on the strength of mortar, the relative strength at 7 and 28 days, reported in
accordance with IS 2386 (Part 6) is not less than 95 percent.
IS 383 : 2016
b) For aggregates to be : In case the aggregate b) For coarse aggregate : 12 percent when tested with sodium
sulphate (Na2SO4), and
used in concrete other crushing value
18 percent when tested with
than for wearing exceeds 30 percent,
magnesium sulphate (MgSO4)
surfaces then the test for ten
5.5.2 For slag aggregates, following additional tests
percent fines should
shall be carried out:
be conducted and
the minimum load a) Iron unsoundness When chemical analysis
for the ten percent of aggregates shows that the ferrous oxide
fines should be 50 kN content is equal to or more than 3.0 percent,
and sulphur content is equal to or more than
5.4.2 Aggregates Impact Value
1.0 percent, the aggregate shall be tested for
As an alternative to 5.4.1, the aggregate impact value iron unsoundness. The iron unsoundness of
may be determined in accordance with the method the slag aggregate when tested as per the
specified in IS 2386 (Part 4). The aggregate impact procedure given in Annex D, shall not exceed
value shall not exceed the following values: 1 percent.
a) For aggregates to be used in : 30 percent b) Volumetric expansion ratio It shall not be
concrete for wearing surfaces, more than 2.0 percent. The procedure shall
(such as runways, roads, pave- be as given in Annex E.
ments, tunnel lining carrying c) Unsoundness due to free lime Prior to use
water, spillways and stilling of iron slag (for production of aggregates) from
basins) a new source or when significant changes in
b) For aggregates to be used in : 45 percent furnace chemistry occur in an existing source
concrete other than for which may result in the presence of free lime,
wearing surfaces the potential for pop-out formation shall be
NOTE For concrete of grades M 65 and above, stronger
assessed by determining the free-lime content
aggregates are required and hence the maximum aggregate crushing of the slag by petrographic examination or
value and aggregate impact value shall not exceed 22 percent. quantitative x-ray diffractometry on a
5.4.3 Aggregate Abrasion Value representative sample.
If the number of particles containing free lime
The aggregate abrasion value, when determined in exceeds 1 in 20, then weathering of the slag
accordance with IS 2386 (Part 4) using Los Angeles stockpile (in moist condition or at/near
machine, shall not exceed the following values: saturated surface dry condition) represented
a) For aggregates to be used in : 30 percent by the test sample shall be continued until
concrete for wearing surfaces, further testing shows that the level has fallen
(such as runways, roads, below 1 in 20.
pavements, spillways, tunnel 5.6 Alkali Aggregate Reaction
lining carrying water and
stilling basins) Some aggregates containing particular varieties of silica
may be susceptible to attack by alkalies (Na2O and K2O)
b) For aggregates to be used in : 50 percent
originating from cement and other sources, producing
concrete other than for
an expansive reaction which can cause cracking and
wearing surfaces
disruption of concrete. Damage to concrete from this
5.5 Soundness of Aggregate reaction will normally only occur when all the following
5.5.1 For concrete liable to be exposed to the action of are present together:
frost, the coarse and fine aggregates shall pass a sodium a) A high moisture level within the concrete.
or magnesium sulphate accelerated soundness test b) A cement with high alkali content, or another
specified in IS 2386 (Part 5), the limits being set by source of alkali.
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
c) Aggregate containing an alkali reactive
NOTE As a general guide, it may be taken that the average constituent.
loss of mass after 5 cycles shall not exceed the following: NOTE The aggregates containing more than 20 percent
a) For fine aggregate : 10 percent when tested with sodium strained quartz and undulatory extinction angle greater than
sulphate (Na2SO4), and 15, causing deleterious reaction and also possibly showing
15 percent when testing with presence of microcrystalline quartz is known as slowly reactive
magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) aggregates.
IS 383 : 2016
The aggregate shall comply with the requirements as absence of field performance data, mitigative
measures should be taken.
follows, when tested in accordance with IS 2386 (Part 7):
1) Chemical method The aggregate when tested ii) Expansions of more than 0.20 percent at
in accordance with the chemical method, shall 16 days after casting are indicative of
conform to the requirement as specified in IS potentially deleterious expansion
2386 (Part 7). If test results indicate deleterious [see 4.2.2 of IS 2386 (Part 7)].
or potentially deleterious character, the aggregate iii) Expansions between 0.10 and 0.20 percent
should be tested using mortar bar method as at 16 days after casting include both
specified in IS 2386 (Part 7) to verify the aggregate that are known to be innocuous
potential for expansion in concrete. This and deleterious in field performance. For
chemical method (for determination of potential these aggregate, it is particularly important
reactivity) however, is not found to be suitable to develop supplemental information as
for slowly reactive aggregates or for aggregate described in 4.2.2 of IS 2386 (Part 7). In
containing carbonates (limestone aggregates) or such a situation, it may also be useful to
magnesium silicates, such as antigorite take comparator reading until 28 days. It
(serpentine). Therefore, petrographic analysis of may be useful to support this test with test
aggregates shall be carried out to find out the by mortar bar method at 38C and 60C,
strained quartz percentage, undulatory extinction as applicable.
angle and its mineral composition before In few locations in the country, dolomitic and limestone
conducting the test. aggregates are encountered. In such cases, concrete
2) Mortar bar method prism test shall be preferred over mortar bar test. The
i) Using 38C temperature regime The test should cover the determination by measurement
permissible limits for mortar bar expansion of length change of concrete prisms, the susceptibility
at 38C shall be 0.05 percent at 90 days of cement-aggregate combinations to expansive alkali-
and 0.10 percent at 180 days. For slowly carbonate reaction involving hydroxide ions associated
reactive aggregates (as explained in NOTE with alkalis (sodium and potassium) and certain calcitic
above) mortar bar method using dolomites and dolomitic limestones. Till this test is
temperature regime of 38C shall not be included in IS 2386 (Part 7), specialist literature may
used for determination of potential be referred for the test and applicable requirement.
reactivity. Such slowly reactive aggregates
5.7 Manufactured aggregates shall meet the additional
shall be tested using 60C temperature
requirements as given in Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and
regime. Therefore, petrographic analysis
Table 6.
of aggregates shall be carried out to find
out the strained quartz percentage, Table 3 Additional Requirements for all
undulatory extinction angle and its mineral Manufactured Aggregates
composition before conducting the test. (Clause 5.7)
ii) Using 60C temperature regime The Sl No. Characteristic Requirement
permissible limit mortar bar expansion at (1) (2) (3)
60C shall be 0.05 percent at 90 days and i) Total alkali content as Na2O 0.3
0.06 percent at 180 days for slowly equivalent, percent, Max
reactive aggregates. ii) Total sulphate content as SO3, 0.5
percent, Max
3) Accelerated mortar bar method The iii) Acid soluble chloride content, 0.04
accelerated mortar bar test shall be carried out percent, Max
at 80C using 1N NaOH. The test is found to iv) Water absorption, percent, 5
Max (see Note 1)
be specially suitable for slowly reactive v) Specific gravity 2.1 to 3.2
aggregate. The criteria for this test is as under: (see Notes 2 and 3)
i) Expansions of less than 0.10 percent at NOTES
16 days after casting are indicative of 1 For recycled concrete aggregate and recycled aggregate,
higher water absorption up to 10 percent may be permitted
innocuous behavior in most cases (see subject to pre-wetting (saturation) of aggregates before
Note). batching and mixing.
NOTE Some granitic gneisses and metabasalts 2 The limits are intended for use of aggregate in normal weight
have been found to be deleteriously expansive in concrete.
3 Copper slag having higher specific gravity (up to 3.8) shall be
field performance even though their expansion in
permitted for part replacement of aggregates in accordance with
this test was less than 0.10 percent at 16 days after
4.2.1, such that the average specific gravity of the fine
casting. With such aggregate, it is recommended
aggregate is not more than 3.2.
that prior field performance be investigated. In the
IS 383 : 2016
Table 4 Additional Requirements for Iron and Steel proportion of other sizes, as determined by the method
Slag Aggregates described in IS 2386 (Part 1) shall also be in accordance
(Clause 5.7) with Table 7.
Sl No. Characteristic Requirement 6.1.1 Coarse Aggregate for Mass Concrete
(1) (2) (3)
Coarse aggregate for mass concrete works shall be in
i) Calcium oxide as CaO, percent, Max 45.0
ii) Total sulphur as S, percent, Max 2.0
the sizes specified in Table 8.
iii) Total iron as FeO, percent, Max 3.0
NOTE Stockpiling of slag aggregate: Crushed slag aggregate
6.2 Graded Coarse Aggregates
should be stockpiled in moist condition at or near the saturated
Graded coarse aggregates may be supplied in the
surface dry (SSD) condition before use, with the moisture
condition being maintained by sprinkling with water. nominal sizes given in Table 7.
6.3 Fine Aggregate
Table 5 Additional Requirements for Electric The grading of fine aggregate, when determined as
Furnace Oxidation Slag Coarse Aggregate described in IS 2386 (Part 1) shall be within the limits
(Clause 5.7) given in Table 9 and shall be described as fine
aggregate, Grading Zones I, II, III and IV. Where the
Sl No. Characteristic Requirement
(1) (2) (3) grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading
zone of sieves other than 600 m IS Sieve by an amount
i) Calcium oxide as CaO, percent, Max 40
ii) Magnesium oxide as MgO, percent, Max 10
not exceeding 5 percent for a particular sieve size,
iii) Total iron as FeO, percent, Max 50 (subject to a cumulative amount of 10 percent), it shall
iv) Basicity as CaO/SiO2, percent, Max 2 be regarded as falling within that grading zone. This
tolerance shall not be applied to percentage passing
Table 6 Additional Requirements for Copper Slag the 600 m IS Sieve or to percentage passing any other
Aggregate sieve size on the coarse limit of Grading Zone I or the
(Clause 5.7) finer limit of Grading Zone IV.
IS 383 : 2016
Table 8 Sizes of Coarse Aggregates for Mass 7.2.1 In the case of all-in-aggregate, for the purpose of
Concrete tests to verify its compliance with the requirements
(Clause 6.1.1) given in Table 2, and when necessary for such other
tests as required by the purchaser, the aggregate shall
Sl Class and Size IS Sieve Percentage be first separated into two fractions, one finer than
No. Designation Passing 4.75 mm IS Sieve and the other coarser than 4.75 mm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
IS Sieve, and the appropriate tests shall be made on
i) Very large, 150 to 80 160 mm 90 to 100 samples from each component, the former being tested
mm 80 mm 0 to 10
ii) Large, 80 to 40 mm 80 mm 90 to 100
as fine aggregate and the latter as coarse aggregate.
40 mm 0 to 10
iii) Medium, 40 to 20 mm 40 mm 90 to 100 Table 10 All-in-Aggregate Grading
20 mm 0 to 10 (Clause 6.4)
iv) Small, 20 to 4.75 mm 20 mm 90 to 100
4.75 mm 0 to 10 Sl IS Sieve Percentage Passing for
2.36 mm 0 to 0.2 No. Designation All-in-Aggregate of
40 mm Nominal Size 20 mm Nominal Size
IS 383 : 2016
600 kg or as agreed to between the purchaser and the legibly and indelibly marked with the following
supplier). The tolerance on the quantity of aggregate information:
in each bag or consignment shall be as per 9.2 unless
a) Manufacturers name and his registered trade-
mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the
mark, if any;
b) Net quantity, in kg;
9.2 Tolerance Requirements for the Quantity of c) Words Use no Hooks on the bags;
Aggregate Packed in Bags d) Batch/control unit number;
9.2.1 The average of net quantity of aggregate packed e) Address of the manufacturer;
in bags at the plant in a sample shall be equal to or f) Month and year of consignment/packing;
more than 25 kg, 50 kg, 300 kg, 600 kg, etc, as g) Type of aggregate, such as Coarse Aggregate
applicable. The number of bags in a sample shall be as or Fine Aggregate;
given below: h) In case the aggregates are from natural
sources, the words Natural Aggregate;
Batch Size Sample Size
j) In case of aggregates from other than natural
100 to 150 20 sources, the type of coarse/fine aggregate (see
151 to 280 32 Table 1);
281 to 500 50 k) In case of coarse aggregate, the nominal size
501 to 1 200 80 along with the words, Single Sized or
1 201 to 3 200 125 Graded, as the case may be; and
3 201 and over 200 m) In case of fine aggregate, the grading zone.
The bags in a sample shall be selected at random (see 10.2 Similar information shall be provided in the
IS 4905). delivery advices accompanying the shipment of
9.2.2 The number of bags in a sample showing a minus aggregate in bulk (see 10.3).
error greater than 2 percent of the specified net quantity
10.3 BIS Certification Marking
shall be not more than 5 percent of the bags in the
sample. Also the minus error in none of such bags in The aggregate may also be marked with the Standard
the sample shall exceed 4 percent of the specified net Mark.
quantity of aggregate in the bag.
10.3.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
9.2.3 In case of a wagon or truck load of 5 to 25 t, the the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
overall tolerance on net quantity of aggregate shall be 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
0 to + 0.5 percent. The details of conditions under which a license for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
10 MARKING manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
10.1 Each consignment/bag of aggregate shall be Bureau of Indian Standards.
IS 383 : 2016
( Foreword )
IS 383 : 2016
IS 383 : 2016
( Foreword )
( Clause B-1.1)
IS 383 : 2016
IS 383 : 2016
[Clause 5.5.2 (a)]
D-1 Some slags containing more than 3 percent ferrous to be free from iron unsoundness:
oxide (FeO) will disintegrate on immersion in water
a) Cracking (development of a visible crack),
when the sulphur (S) content of the slag is 1 percent or
more. Aggregates derived from such slags show iron b) Disintegration (physical breakdown of
unsoundness. aggregate particle),
c) Shaling (development of fretting or cleavage
D-2 PROCEDURE of the aggregate particle), or
Take randomly two test samples of not less than 50 d) Craze cracking at the surface of the aggregate.
pieces each of aggregate passing 40 mm and retained
The second test sample shall be tested, if any of the
on 20 mm IS sieve. Immerse the pieces of first sample
pieces (in the above sample) shows cracking,
in distilled or deionized water at room temperature for
a period of 14 days. Remove the pieces from the water disintegration, shaling or craze cracking at the surface
at the end of the 14 day period and examine them. of the aggregate. If not more than one in one hundred
pieces (1 percent) of the two test samples tested shows
D-3 CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY cracking, disintegration, shaling or craze cracking at
the surface of the aggregate, the slag shall be regarded
If no piece develops the following unsoundness during
as free from iron unsoundness.
the storage period, the slag aggregate shall be deemed
IS 383 : 2016
[Clause 5.5.2 (b)]
E-1 This test specifies the procedure to calculate the so that the difference between the moisture
volumetric expansion ratio for the evaluation of the content and the optimum moisture content is
potential expansion of aggregates like steel slag due to within 1 percent. Mix it well to make moisture
hydration reactions. This method can also be used to content uniform, and keep it for not less than
evaluate the effectiveness of weathering processes for 24 h.
reducing the expansive potential of such aggregate b) Reduce the above sample and obtain the
materials. sample necessary for making three specimens.
a) Moulds with base plate, stay rod and wing
E-4.1 Specimen Preparation
nut, perforated plate These shall conform
to 4.1, 4.3 and 4.4 of IS 9669. The specimens shall be prepared as follows:
b) Metal Rammer As specified in 5.1 of a) Attach collar and perforated base plate to the
IS 9198. mould, put spacer disc in it, and spread a filter
c) Curing apparatus The curing apparatus paper on it.
shall be a thermostat water tank, capable of b) The measurement of moisture content shall
holding not less than two 15 cm moulds, and be conducted on two samples, each sample
able to keep the water temperature at 80 3C weighing not less than 500 g. When the
for 6 h. measured value of moisture content differs
d) Sieves These shall be 31.5 mm, 26.5 mm, from the value of optimum moisture ratio by
13.2 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 500 m and not less than 1 percent, new specimens shall
75 m IS sieves. be prepared for curing.
e) Expansion measuring apparatus The c) Pour the samples prepared as in E-3.2, in the
expansion measuring apparatus shall be as mould with a scoop keeping a falling height
shown in Fig. 11. of approximately 50 mm and ram the sample
E-3 SAMPLE into three layers one upon another so that the
depth of each layer after ramming is nearly
E-3.1 Preparation of Sample equal to one another.
d) Ram the layer uniformly by free dropping of
The samples of slag shall be collected so as to represent
the rammer 92 times from a height of 450 mm
the whole lot. The samples shall be prepared to meet
above each rammed surface. The ramming
the grading requirement given in Table 14.
shall be performed on a rigid and flat
foundation such as a concrete floor.
Table 14 Grading Distribution
(Clause E-3.1) e) Rammed surfaces shall be scratched slightly
with a sharp ended steel bar for securing
Sl No. Sieve Size Percentage Passing adhesion between layers.
(1) (2) (3)
f) After finishing the ramming, remove the
i) 31.5 mm 100 collar, shave out the excess sample stuck on
ii) 26.5 mm 97.5 upper part of the mould with a straight knife
iii) 13.2 mm 70 carefully. At this time, holes on the surface
iv) 4.75 mm 47.3 due to the removing of coarse grade materials
v) 2.36 mm 35 shall be filled with fine grade materials, and
vi) 500 m 20 the top surface shall be reformed
vii) 75 m 6
g) Turn the mould upside down gently pushing
the reformed top surface with a lid so that the
E-3.2 Adjustment of Sample specimen in the mould does not decay or drop
down, then remove the perforated base plate
The adjustment of sample shall be as follows: and take out the spacer-disc.
a) Add water to approximately 30 kg of sample h) Spread a filter paper on the perforated base
IS 383 : 2016
plate, turn the mould upside down gently e) On finishing of the curing period, record the
again, connect to the perforated base plate last reading of the dial-gauge, remove the
again for securing adhesion to the filter paper. gauge holder and the dial-gauge, take out the
mould from water, tilt it gently with the
j) Wipe off the materials of the specimen stuck
perforated plate with shaft on it, and remove
on the outside of the mould and the perforated
the accumulated water. Then, after leaving
base plate, and measure the total mass.
quietly for 15 min, remove the filter paper and
k) From the sum of masses of the rammed measure the mass.
specimen, the mould and the perforated base
plate, subtract the masses of the mould and E-5 CALCULATION
the perforated base plate, and divide it by the
volume of the mould, which gives the wet The calculation of volumetric expansion ratio shall be
density of the rammed specimen. made as follows:
E-4.2 Curing and Measuring Operation of the a) The volumetric expansion ratio shall be
Specimen calculated by the following formula, and be
rounded off to the first decimal place:
The curing and measuring operation of the specimen E = 100 (Df Di) / H
shall be as follows:
a) Place the perforated plate with shaft on the
E = volumetric expansion ratio, percent,
filter paper which is spread on the top surface
of the specimen in the mould. Df = last reading of the dial-gauge in mm,
b) Install the dial-gauge and the attaching device Di = first reading of the dial-gauge in mm,
(gauge holder) correctly. As shown in Fig. 11, and
dip it in the curing apparatus, and record the H = initial height of the specimen
first reading of the dial-gauge after the mould (125 mm).
reaches equilibrium with respect to the water b) The test shall be carried out on three
bath. specimens prepared from the sample taken at
c) For curing, keep it at 80 3C for 6 h, then the same time in accordance with E-3.2, and
leave it to cool in the curing apparatus. the average of the three test results shall be
d) Repeat the operation E-4.2 (c), one time per taken. The averaged value shall be rounded
day for 10 days. off to the first decimal place.
IS 383 : 2016
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (7A, Autumn Hue, Seasons, SHRI JOSE K URIAN (Chairman)
PPD Appartments, Kuravankonam, Trivandrum)
Ambuja Cements Limited, Mumbai SHRI J. P. DESAI
SHRI C. M. DORDI (Alternate)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai SHRI L. R. BISHNOI
Builders Association of India, Mumbai SHRI SUSHANTA KUMAR BASU
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, SHRI J. K. PRASAD
New Delhi SHRI C. N. JHA (Alternate)
Cement Manufacturers Association, Noida DR K. C. NARANG
DR S. K. HANDOO (Alternate)
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee SHRI S. K. S INGH
CSIR-Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi DR RAKESH KUMAR
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai DR K. RAMANJANEYULU
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi SHRI MURARI RATNAM
SHRI S. L. GUPTA (Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR (CMDD)(N&W)
Conmat Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata DR A. K. CHATTERJEE
Construction Chemicals Manufacturers Association, Mumbai SHRI SAMIR SURLAKER
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi CHIEF ENGINEER (QAC)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI RAJANJI SRIVASTAVA
Fly Ash Unit, Department of Science and Technology, SHRI CHANDER MOHAN
New Delhi
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI VENKATARAMANA N. HEGGADE
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai DR CHETAN HAAZAREE
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, SHRI DEEPAK BANSAL
New Delhi
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, New Delhi PROF MAHESH TANDON
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai SHRI VIVEK NAIK
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai DR D EVDAS MENON
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee DR V. K. GUPTA
IS 383 : 2016
Organization Representative(s)
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi SECRETARY GENERAL
DIRECTOR (Alternate)
Institute for Solid Waste Research & Ecological Balance, DR N. BHANUMATHIDAS
Visakhapatnam SHRI N. KALIDAS (Alternate)
Lafarge India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai MS MADHUMITA BASU
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, MAJ GEN S.K. SRIVASTAV
Army HQ, New Delhi SHRI MAN SINGH (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi SHRI A. P. PATHAK
SHRI A. K. PANDEY (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh SHRI V. V. ARORA
DR M. M. ALI (Alternate)
National Test House, Kolkata SHRI B. R. MEENA
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai SHRI ARVIND SHRIVASTAVA
OCL India Limited, New Delhi DR S. C. AHLUWALIA
Public Works Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Chennai SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER
Ramco Cements Ltd, Chennai SHRI BALAJI K. MOORTHY
The India Cements Limited, Chennai DR D. VENKATESWARAN
SHRI S. GOPINATH (Alternate)
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai SHRI P. R. BHAT
SHRI S. J. SHAH (Alternate)
The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA
SHRI S. H. JAIN (Alternate)
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai DR SUBRATO CHOWDHURY
Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Education, SHRI M. A. U. KHAN
New Delhi SHRI H. WADHWA (Alternate)
In personal capacity [B-803, Gardenia Building, Malard (East), SHRI A. K. JAIN
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, SHRI L. K. JAIN
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar, SHRI R. C. WASON
New Delhi)
In personal capacity (E-1, 402, White House Apartments, SHRI S. A. REDDI
R.T. Nagar, Bangalore)
BIS Directorate General SHRI B. K. SINHA, Scientist E and Head (Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretaries
Scientist E (Civil Engg), BIS
IS 383 : 2016
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 02 (7992).