Operating Room Nurse Checklist - Use of Equipment
Operating Room Nurse Checklist - Use of Equipment
Operating Room Nurse Checklist - Use of Equipment
To establish a guideline on the proper use of operating room equipment.
1. It is the responsibility of the OR Nurse Manager to orient the nurses for the
correct usage of the OR equipment.
2. All OR nursing personnel must have a training on the correct use of any
new equipment at the operating room.
3. OR equipment must be checked daily, the night before operation and the
following day before the start of any procedure for functionality. Checking
of the equipment must be documented on the equipment checklist.
4. Each operating room equipment must have a preventive maintenance
checking periodically. No machine is allowed to be used if the sticker date
is expired.
5. Operating room equipment must be handled with care, manufacturer
cleaning guidelines shall be applied and followed for each equipment after
use and in between each patient.
6. In malfunctioning equipment, immediate report must be forwarded to the
Biomedical department and machine must be immediately withdrawn from
use and labeled "OUT OF ORDER".
7. The nurse manager must be kept informed for any malfunctioning
8. A copy of the malfunction report must be filed and kept in the OR.
9. No OR nursing personnel is allowed to operate any equipment wherein
she / he was not trained and competent.
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Basharahil Development Group
Muhammad Saleh Basharahil Hospital
Internal Policy And Procedure
Riaz Begum Sr. Amy Nicolas, RN Dr. Mohammed Dr. Abdullah Eddaal
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