Latin - Nouns and Adjectives
Latin - Nouns and Adjectives
Latin - Nouns and Adjectives
The citation form for nouns (the one normally shown in Latin dictionaries) is the Latin nominative singular, but this typically
does not exhibit the root form from which English nouns are generally derived.
[edit] Verbs
In some Latin verbs, a preposition caused a vowel change in the root of the verb. For example, "capi" prefixed with "in"
becomes "incipio".
Latin verbs
Citation Present Perfect Participial
Meaning English derivatives
form stem stem stem
ace ac- acu- be sour acid
action, actual, actuary, agenda, agency, agent, agility, agitate,
ag ag- ambiguous, castigate, coagment, coagulate, cogent, cogitate,
eg- ct- act, drive
-ig -ig- exact, exigent, fumigate, indefatigable, intransigent, litigate,
mitigate, navigate, purgatory, purge, redact, retroactive, variegate
alit- adolescent, adult, alimentary, alimony, alma mater, alumnus,
al -ol- alu- nourish
alt- coalesce, coalition
ambul ambul- ambulav- ambulat- walk amble, ambulance, ambulatory, preamble
am am- amav- amat- like, love amateur, enamor
appello appell- appellav- appellat- call, address appeal, appellant, appellate, appellation
ap api- ap- fasten adapt, apt, inept
arde ard- ars- ars- be on fire ardent, ardor
are ar- be dry arid
argu argu- argu- argut- argue, argument
aude aud- aus- - be bold, dare
audi aud- audiv- audit- hear audible, audition, auditorium
auge aug- aux- auct- increase auction, augmentation, augmentative
ave av- - avarice, avid
bib bib- bib- bibit- drink bibulous, imbibe
cad cad-
cecid- cas- fall accident, cadence, case, decadent, deciduous, incident, recidivous
-cid -cid-
caed- caes-
caed cecid- cut caesura, concise, decision, excise, incision, precise, succise
-cid- -cis-
cale cal- calu- - be warm calid, calor, calorie
can- cant-
can cecin- sing cantata, canticle, cantor, cantus, incantation, recant
-cin- -cent-
accept, capable, capacity, caption, captious, captive, capture,
capi cep- capt-
cap- take concept, deception, except, incipient, intercept, recipe, recipient,
-cipi -cip- -cept-
receptacle, reception
care car- caru- carit- lack charity, precarious
carp carp- carpt-
carps- pick, pluck carpe diem, excerpt
-cerp -cerp- -cerpt-
cave cav- cav- caut- beware caution, caveat, precaution
abscess, accede, concede, decedent, excessive, intercede, precede,
cd cd- cess- cess- yield, depart
precession, prcis, recede, recession, secession
cl cl- celat-
celav- hide conceal, occult
-cul -cul- -cult-
cen cen- cenav- cenat- dine
cern cern- crev- cret- separate, sift discern, discrete, excretion, secretion
cie ci- civ- cit- excitement, incite
cing cing- cinx- cinct- encircle, gird cincture, succinct
clm clm- clmv- clmt- call acclamation, clamor, exclaim, proclamation
claud claud- claus-
claus- close clause, conclude, exclusive, occlusion, preclude
-cld -cld- -cls-
clin clin- clinav- clinat- lean decline, inclination, recline
cogit cogit- cogitav- cogitat- think, ponder cogitate
collig collig- colleg- collect- collect collect
col- colt-
col colu- colony, cultivate, culture
cul- cult-
cnor con- conat- try conation
coqu coqu- cox- coct- cook coctile, concoct, decoction, precocious
consul consul- consulu- consult- consult consult, counsel
cre cre- - creat- make creation, creature
cresc cresc- - cret- grow accretion, crescendo, crescent, decrease
cub cub- cubu- cubat- lie concubinage, incubator, succubus
-cumb -cumb- -cubu- -cubit- lie incumbent, recumbence, succumb
cupi cup- cupiv- cupit- desire cupidity
curr curr- cucurr- curs- run course, current, cursive, cursor, discourse, occurrence, recursion
dic dic- dicav- dicat- dedicate, predicate
dic dic- dix- dict- say diction, edict, prediction
ded- dat-
d d- give addendum, dative, editor, perdition, redditive, tradition
-did- -dit-
doce doc- docu- doct- teach doctor, doctrine, document
dole dol- dolui dolit- grieve dolor, condolence
dormi dorm- dormiv- dormit- sleep dormitory
dubit dubit- dubitav- dubitat- doubt indubitable
abductor, conductor, deduce, deductible, deduction, duct, educe,
duc duc- dux- duct- lead
ed ed- ed- es- eat edible, esculent
em em-
em- empt- buy exempt, preemptive, redeem, redemption
-im -im-
ambient, ambit, ambition, coitus, exit, obituary, preterite, sedition,
e e- i- it- go
err err- errav- errat- stray errant, erratic, erratum
confect, confectionery, deficient, difficulty, effective, efficiency,
faci fac- fec- fact- facile, fact, faction, factious, factory, factual, faculty, infection,
-fici -fic- -fic- -fect- office, official, perfection, perfective, prefecture, proficient,
fall fall- fefell- fals- fallacy, falsity
fave fav- favu- favit- favor
fend fend- - fens- defend, fence, offensive
ablative, allative, conifer, correlation, difference, delative, elative,
fertile, fertility, illative, inference, interfere, lative, perlative,
fer fer- tul- lt- bear, bring
preference, prolate, prolative, refer, reference, referendum, relate,
sublative, superlative, transfer, translation
ferve ferv- - - fervid, fervor
fg fg- fx- fix- fix affix, crucifixion, fixure, suffix
find find- fid- fiss- cleave, split bifid, fissile, fission, fissure, fistula
fing fing- finx- fict- fiction, fictive, figment
fi fi- be made fiat
flect flect- flex- flex- bend deflect, flexible, flexure, inflection, reflex
flig flig- flix- flict- strike affliction, conflict, inflict, profligate
fl fl- flav- flat- blow conflate, flatulence, inflate, souffl, sufflate
flu flu- flux- flux- flow affluent, confluence, effluent, flume, influx
fodi fod- fod- foss- dig fossil
for f- fat say, speak affable, fabulous, fame, fate, ineffable, infamy, infant
frang frang- diffract, fractal, fraction, fracture, fragile, fragment, infringe,
freg- fract- break
-fring -fring- suffrage
fric fric- fricu- frict- rub fricative, friction
frige frig- - - be cold frigid
frig frig- frix- frict- parch
fruor fru- fruct- enjoy
fugi fug- fug- fugit- flee fugitive, refugee
fund fund- fd- fs- pour confound, effusive, fusion, profusion, refund
fungor fung- funct- do defunct, fungible, function
gaude gaud- - gavis- rejoice
agger, congestion, digestion, gerund, gestation, gesture, ingest,
ger ger- gess- gest- carry
gradior gradi- gress-
step egress, gradient, ingredient, progressive, transgression
-gredior -gredi- -gress-
gust gust- gustav- gustat- taste gustation, gustatory
habe habe- habit-
habu- have exhibit, habitual, inhibitory, prohibitive, rehabilitation
-hibe -hibe- -hibit-
haere haer- haes- haes- cling, stick adhere, cohesion, hesitation
hal halav- halat- breathe exhale, inhalation
hauri hauri- haus- haust- draw exhaust
hi hi- hiav- hiat- gape hiatal, hiatus
be thrown,
iace iac- iacu- jacit- adjacent
iaci iec- jact-
iac- throw abject, conjecture, ejector, inject, objective, projectile, reject
-ici (j)ic- -ject-
irascor irasc- irat- be angry irascible, irate
labor lab- laps- slide, slip collapse, elapse, labile, prolapse, relapse
laci lac-
-licu- lure delicious, elicit, illicit
-lici -lic- -lect-
laed laed- laes- laes-
hurt collide, elision, lesion
-lid -lid- -lis- -lis-
langue langu- - - languid, languish, languor
laud laud- laudav- laudat- praise laud, laudable, laudatory
lav lav- lav- laut-, lot- wash lavatory, loment, lotion, loture
lg lg- legav- legat- send allege, delegate, relegation
leg leg- choose, collect, diligence, election, eligible, lecture, legend, legible,
leg- lect-
-lig -lig- gather, read neglect, negligence, selective
le l- - deletion, indelible
lib lib- libav- libat- pour libation
lib lib- - libit- please libido
lig lig- ligav- ligat- bind ligament, ligature, obligation
linqu linqu- liqu- lict- abandon delinquent, derelict, relinquish, reliquary
live liv- - livid, livor
loc loc- locav- locat- place, put allocate, location
circumlocution, colloquial, eloquence, grandiloquent,
loquor loqu- locut- speak
be light,
luce luc- lux- lucent, pellucid
luctor luct- luctat- wrestle reluctance
ld ld- ls- ls- play allusion, collude, illusion, ludicrous
lu lu- lu- lut- wash dilute, elution, pollution
mane man- mans- mans- stay immanent, mansion, permanent, remain
mn mn- manav- manat- flow emanation
me me- meav- meat- go, pass permeate
merg merg- mers- mers- dip emerge, immerse
migr migr- migrav- migrat- emigrate, immigrant, migration
minu minu- minu- minut- lessen diminuendo, diminution, diminutive
misce misc- miscu- mixt- mix admixture, miscible, mixture
mitt mitt- ms- miss- send commissure, commit, manumission, missile, missive
mol mol- molu- molit- grind demolition, emolument, molar
mone mon- monu- monit- warn admonition, monitor, premonition
monstr monstr- monstrav- monstrat- demonstrate
demotion, commotion, emotion, motile, motion, motive, motor,
move mov- mov- mot- move
move, promotion
narr narr- narrav- narrat- tell narrative, narrator
nat- agnate, cognate, innate, nascent, natal, nation, native, nature,
nascor nasc- be born
gnat- prenatal, supernatural
nat nat- natav- natat- float, swim natatorium
nec nec- necav- necat- kill enecate
nect nect- nexu- nex- join, tie annex, connect, nexus
nsc nsc-
nosc- -gnt-, - know cognitive, ignoble, nobility, notable, notice, notion
-gnsc -gnsc-
bring news
nunti nunt- nuntiav- nuntiat- announce, renunciation
of, announce
nutri nutr- nutriv- nutrit- nourish nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritious
di od- - hate odious, odium
ole ol- olu- - smell olid, redolent
opt opt- optav- optat- choose adopt, opt
orior ori- ort rise abort, orient
or or- orav- orat- speak orator, perorate
palle pall- pallu- - be pale pallid, pallor
pang pang-
pepig- pact- fasten compact, impact, impingement
-ping -ping-
pare par- paru- parit- be ready apparent, apparition, disparition, transparent
par- part-
pari peper- biparous, parent, vivipary
-per- -pert-
par par- parav- parat- make ready disparate, prepare, reparation, separate
pasc pasc- pav- past- feed pastor, pasture, repast
pate pat- patu- be open patent
patior pat- pass- endure compatible, passive, patient
pavi pav- paviv- pavit- beat pavement
pell pell- pepul- puls- push compel, depulsion, propel, repulsion
be hanging,
pende pend- pepend- dependent, pending, pensile, propensity
pend pend- pepend- pens- weigh compendium, dispense, expend, pension, pensive, suspense
perior per- - experience, experiment, peril
pet pet- petiv- petit- seek, attack appetite, compete, impetus, petulant, repetition
ping ping- pinx- pict- paint depict, picture, pigment
place plac- placit-
placu- please complacent, placid
-plice -plic- -plicit-
plac plac- placav- placat- implacable, placate
plang plang- planx- planct- plangent
plaud plaud- plaus-
plaus- clap applaud, explode, plaudit, plausible
-plod -plod- -plos-
plect plect- plex- plex- plait complexity, perplex
completion, deplete, implement, plenary, plenitude, plenum,
ple ple- plev- plet- fill
replete, supplement, suppletion
plic plic- plicav- plicat- fold complicate, duplication, multiplicand, replicate
plr plor- plorav- plorat- deplore, implore
poli pol- poliv- polit- smoothen interpolate, polish, polite
component, composite, depositor, juxtaposition, postpone,
pn pn- posu- posit- put
comport, deportation, export, import, portable, portage, transport,
port port- portav- portat- carry
pot pot- potav- potat- drink potable, potion
precor prec- precat- pray deprecate, precarious
prehend- prehens-
prehend prehend- grasp apprehension, comprehend, prehensile, reprehensible
prend- prens-
prem prem-
press- press- press, push imprimatur, oppress, pressure, repression, reprimand
-prim -prim-
pugn pugn- pugnav- pugnat- fight impugn, pugnacious, repugnant
pung pung- pupug- punct- prick puncture, pungent
amputation, compute, deputy, dispute, impute, putative, reputable,
put put- putav- putat- prune, think
quaer quaer- quaesit-
quaesiv- search, seek acquisition, inquire, inquisitive, perquisite, query
-quir -quir- -quisit-
quati quat- quass-
- shake concussion, decussation, percussion
-cuti -cut- -cuss-
rad rad- ras- ras- scrape, shave abrade, erasure
rance ranc- - - be rotten rancid, rancor
rapi rap- rapt-
rapu- rapacious, rape, rapidity, rapt, raptor, rapture, surreptitious
-ripi -rip- -rept-
recordor record- recor- recordat- record
reg reg-
rex- rect- keep straight correction, director, dirigible, incorrigible, rectitude, resurrection
-rig -rig-
rep rep- reps- rept- crawl, creep reptile
ride ride- ris- ris- laugh, smile derision, ridiculous, risible
rige rig- be stiff rigid, rigor
rod rod- ros- ros- gnaw corrode, erosion, rodent
rog rog- rogav- rogat- ask abrogate, derogatory, interrogation
rump rump- rup- rupt- break, burst abrupt, corrupt, disrupt, eruption, interrupt, rupture
sali sal- salu-
salt- jump assail, assault, resilient, salient
-sili -sil- -silu-
salt- saltat-
salt saltav- desultory, exult, result
-sult- -sultat-
scand scand- scans-
scand- climb ascend, condescension, descent, scansion, transcendental
-scend -scend- -scens-
sc sci- sciv- scit- know conscience, nescience, plebiscite, prescient, science
scrb scrb- scrips- scrpt- write describe, prescription, scripture, scribble, transcribe
bisect, dissection, intersect, intersectionality, secant, sectile,
sec sec- secu- sect- cut
section, sector, segment, trisectrix, vivisection
sede sede- dissident, insidious, obsession, presidium, reside, sedentary,
sed- sess- sit
-side -side- sediment, sessile, session, subside, supersede
sed sed- sedav- sedat- sedative
senti senti- sens- sens- feel assent, consensus, dissent, sentence, sentient, sentiment
consecutive, persecute, prosecutive, sequence, sequent,
sequor sequ- secut- sum follow
ser ser- seru- sert- desert, insertion, series
serp serp- serps- serpt- crawl serpent
servi serv- serviv- servit- serve servile, servitude
serv serv- servav- servat- save conservation, observant, preserve
cause to
sist sist- stet- stat- consistent, insist, persist, subsist
solv solv- solv- solut- loosen absolutive, absolve, dissolve, resolve, soluble, solution, solvent
sorde sord- sordu- - be dirty sordid
speci spec- aspect, conspicuous, inspector, introspection, respect, specimen,
spex- spect- look
-spici -spic- specious
spir spir- spirav- spirat- breathe aspiration, inspire, respiration
splende splend- splendu- - splendid, splendor
squale squal- squalu- - squalid, squalor
statu statu- statu- statut- cause to
constituent, destitute, institution, restitution, statuary
-stitu -stitu- -stitu- -stitut- stand
staur staur- staurav- staurat- instauration, restaurant, restoration
stern stern- strav- strat- spread, strew prostrate, stratum, substratum
constant, distance, extant, instant, reinstatement, stable, stamen,
st st- stet- stat- stand stamina, staminal, stance, stanchion, state, stationary, stative,
stature, status, stet
string string- strinx- strict- squeeze astringent, restriction, stricture
stru stru- strux- struct- construe, destruction, instruct, instrumental, superstructure
stude stud- studu- - student, studious
stupe stup- stupu- - be stunned stupid, stupor
suade suad- suas- suas- dissuade, persuasion
absent, adessive, antessive, essence, essential, essive, exessive,
sum es- fu- futur- be
future, inessive, present, subessive
sm sum- sumps- sumpt- take assume, consumption, presumptive, resume, subsume
su su- su- st- sew assument, suture
tace tacu- tacit- keep silent reticent, tacit
tang tang- tetig- contact, contingent, intact, integral, pertingent, tactile, tangent,
tact- touch
-ting -ting- -tig- tangible
teg teg- tex- tect- cover detect, integument, protect
tend tend- tetend- tens- stretch extend, intense, portend, tendency, tendentious, tension, tensure
tene ten- tenu- abstinence, content, continent, detention, discontent, maintain,
tent- have, hold
-tine -tin- -tinu- malcontent, retain, retinue, sustain, tenet, tenor
terge terg- ters- ters- wipe detergent, terse
ter ter- triv- trit- rub, wear attrition, contrite, detritivore, detritus
tex tex- texu- text- weave context, pretext, subtext, textile, texture
time tim- timu- be afraid timidity, timorous
tinni tinn- tinniv- tinnit- ring tinnitus
torque torqu- tors- tort- twist contort, extortion, torque, torture
torre torr- torru- tost- torrent, torrid
abstract, detract, distract, extract, protractor, retract, subtrahend,
trah trah- trax- tract- drag, draw
tueor tu- tut-, tuit- intuitive, tuition, tutelage, tutor
tume tum- tumu- - be swollen tumescent, tumid, tumor
turge turg- - - turgid
ume um- - - be moist humidity
ur ur- uss- ust- burn adustion, urn
utor ut- us- use use, usufruct, usure, usurp, usury, utility
vac vac- vacav- vacat- be empty vacant, vacation
vad vad- vas- vas- go evade, invasion, pervasive
vale val- valu- valit- be strong ambivalent, prevalent, valence, valid, valor
veh veh- vex- vect- carry convection, convex, inveigh, vector, vehicle
vell vell- vuls- vuls- convulse, revulsion
advent, adventist, adventure, contravene, convene, convent,
veni ven- ven- vent- come convention, eventual, intervention, prevention, provenience,
adverse, averse, controversy, convertible, extrovert,
vert vert- vert- vers- turn incontrovertible, inversion, reverse, revert, subversive, versicle,
evidence, improvise, invisible, provident, proviso, video, visage,
vide vid- vid- vs- see
vision, visor
vid vid- vis- vis- dividend, individual, divisor
vinc vinc- vic- vict- conquer, win convince, eviction, victory
viv viv- vix- vict- live revive, survivor, victim, vivacity, vivid
voc voc- vocav- vocat- call convocation, provocative
vol vol- volav- volat- fly volatile
vol vell- volu- wish benevolent, malevolent, volition, voluntary
volv volv- volv- volt- roll convolution, evolve, revolution
vor vor- vorav- vorat- swallow carnivore, devour, voracious
vove vov- vov- vot- vow devotion, votive
Hybrid word
Classical compound
Latin influence in English
List of Greek words with English derivatives
List of Latin phrases
Latin Mnemonics
Latin school
List of Latin abbreviations
List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names
List of Latinised names
List of legal Latin terms
Medical terminology
Romanization (cultural)
Wikipedia:IPA for Latin
Greek and Latin roots in English