Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad
Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad
Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad
2010. In 2012, its' teams emerged victorious at the 19 th Five Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) Programme
William C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot
Among the full-time taught programmes, the 5-year
held in Vienna (Austria) and at the Monroe E. Price
integrated B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) programme has swiftly
Oxford Media Law International Moot held in England.
acquired an enviable reputation, especially since
NALSAR graduates always secure 100% job admissions to the same are conducted through the
placements. International and National Law Firms, highly competitive Common Law Admission Test
Corporates, PSUs and Government Agencies come for (CLAT). Every year, the institution welcomes a group of
campus recruitments with highly attractive pay very bright students who have to navigate a challenging
packages. yet engaging curriculum that helps them to acquire
knowledge while also honing their research, writing and
Under the current Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Faizan
public speaking skills. The undergraduate students are
Mustafa, a number of dynamic steps have been taken in
required to accumulate credits by pursuing the
order to reinvent the institution and to make the teacher-
mandatory courses prescribed by the Bar Council of
taught connect vibrant and life changing.
India (BCI) during the first three years and thereafter
Courses Offered optional courses devised by the University. Beginning in
The progress of the institution has been shaped by 2012, the curriculum has undergone considerable
an insistence on holistic 'justice' education which change and gives students a lot of flexibility in choosing
exposes students to the different facets of legal systems subjects. This allows them to deepen their learning in
and how they interact with public policy, social certain areas while also benefitting from the ongoing
institutions and markets. In other words, the university's research activities of faculty members. The
activities try to emphasize interdisciplinary linkages that foundational courses in History, Political Science,
enable its faculty members, students and researchers to Economics, Sociology and English offered during the
both understand and critique the rationale behind first two years will encourage students in the direction of
legislation, executive acts and judicial decisions while inter-disciplinary elective and seminar courses offered
also developing the ability to propose constructive during the fourth and fifth year.
solutions for socio-economic problems. This is informed Among the optional courses, lecture-based
by a strong belief in the normative potential of the law. electives and research-based seminars with varying
credit loads are offered to the students. While most of students to current legal developments and new
them are offered by regular faculty members, the scholarship. Each credit is equivalent to 16 hours of
University invites eminent judges, lawyers, scholars and class teaching. The optional courses offered during
alumni to teach shorter one-credit courses to expose 2015 include the following:
The teaching program aims to equip students with includes a combination of taught courses as well as
research skills of a high order. Students are required to sustained research work. As per the guidelines laid
undertake different kinds of assignments, such as down by the University Grants Commission (UGC), a
preparing research papers, film reviews, generating a student must complete three mandatory subjects, six
survey of literature, book reviews, legislative analysis, optional subjects and a dissertation as part of the one-
case-comments and position papers among others. year LL.M. programme.
One Year LL.M. Programme NALSAR allows its LL.M. students to build their own
areas of specialization in accordance with their
Beginning with the 2013-14 academic year, the
academic interests and career plans. Out of the six
LL.M. programme has been shortened to duration of
optional courses, each student has to complete at least
one-year, in line with international practices. This implies
four optional courses in their preferred area to obtain a
that the programme has become quite intensive and
specialization. At present, there are six specializations Management, Corporate Governance, Financial
on offer to postgraduate students, namely those in Services & Capital Markets, Sustainability and
Innovation Management, Marketing Management,
(1) Legal Pedagogy and Research,
Human Resource Management and Business
(2) Corporate and Commercial Laws, Regulations.
(3) Intellectual Property Laws, Innovative Programmes for Professionals
(4) International Trade Laws, To broaden the areas of learning at the University,
(5) Personal Laws and initiatives have been taken such as the launch of a 2-year
Masters' degree in Aviation Law and Air Transport
(6) Public Law and Legal Theory.
Management and a 2-year Master's Degree in Space
Note: The papers under each specialization will be made and Telecommunication Laws. These are in the nature of
available in accordance with the exigencies of semester executive programmes which are targeted at working
schedules and subject to the university rules on the professionals from the respective sectors. So far, they
minimum number of enrolments required for a paper. have elicited a very favorable response from experts in
these fields. Faculty members from NALSAR are also
Students who opt for subjects cutting across these
involved in delivering a 2-year Master's Degree in
clusters can also acquire a general LL.M. degree. While
Taxation and Business Laws for probationers of the
the LL.M. programme is primarily meant to prepare
Indian Revenue Service (IRS) at the National Academy
students for careers in teaching and research, NALSAR
of Direct Taxes (NADT) in Nagpur. To reach out to a
recognizes that it can serve as the fulcrum for advanced
larger section of the public, the University also offers
learning in a variety of professional settings. LL.M.
Post-Graduate Diplomas in several areas that have
students are also given opportunities to work as
practical relevance, namely Patent Laws, Media Laws,
Teaching Assistants for the mandatory subjects taught to
Cyber Laws, International Humanitarian Law, Aviation
the undergraduate students. In recent years, quite a few
Law and Air Transport Management (PGDALATM) and
LL.M. graduates have also been absorbed in the faculty.
GIS & Remote Sensing Laws. These diplomas are
M.Phil and Ph.D Programmes transacted through periodic contact classes with
There is a strong emphasis on research examinations held at the end of the academic year. They
programmes, with postgraduate students having the are open to graduates from disciplines other than law as
option to move on to the One Year M. Phil. programme well. In addition, Post-Graduate Diplomas in Alternative
and eventually the PhD. programme. In the long-run, the Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Family Dispute
quality of a University is gauged by the range and depth Resolution (FDR) are offered as part-time courses in
of the scholarship produced by its faculty members and collaboration with the International Centre for Alternative
research scholars. Hence, efforts are being made to Dispute Resolution (ICADR) unit in Hyderabad.
improve the standards of legal scholarship in India Collaborations with Foreign Universities
through these research programmes. The application
In recognition of the increasing importance of
details for these research programmes are usually made
comparative and international dimensions of higher
available on the NALSAR website on an annual basis.
education, the University has signed Memorandums of
Two Year full-time M.B.A. Programme Understanding (MoUs) with as many as 30 reputed
In a pioneering move among the autonomous law foreign Universities from United States of America,
universities, NALSAR started a two-year M.B.A. Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland,
(Master's in Business Administration) programme in Australia, Israel, The Netherlands and Singapore for
2013 with the aim of integrating higher education in laws purposes such as exchange of faculty members,
and management studies with specializations in Court students and collaborative research projects. These
Television. The Halls of Residence have internet- Statute-V provides that Resident Student of
connectivity through LAN, entire NALSAR campus Telangana means:
including hostels are Wi-Fi enabled. The Library has a
i) a student who or any one of his parents has
rich collection of books, journals (printed and
resided in the State of Telangana for a period of at
electronic) and e-databases. NALSAR also has a
least four years; or
state-of-art Moot Court Hall, video conferencing
facilities, a football stadium, two tennis courts, and ii) a student who has studied in any one of the
separate basketball and volleyball courts for boys and educational institutions in the State of Telangana
girls. All buildings, including the Halls of Residence, for a period of not less than four years leading to
are powered with diesel generators for twenty-four the qualifying examination.
hour power back-up. The University has a Health To be eligible for admission under the Resident
Centre with Medical Officer, Gynecologist and of Student of Telangana category seats, a
Resident Nurse. In addition, the University has a candidate in addition to fulfilling any one of the above
Counselling Centre. condition of Resident Student of Telangana, should
Eligibility for Admission have also passed the qualifying examination from any
educational institution in Telangana and should have
The eligibility is as per CLAT 2016 Notification.
secured appropriate rank in order of merit in the
For details see CLAT website.
Common Law Admission Test-2016.
30% (32 seats) Horizontal reservation shall be the relevant Categories under All India Quota.
applicable for Female candidates for admission to
The unfilled Seats reserved for Scheduled Caste
B.A.,LL.B.(Hons.) course.
candidates are assigned to Scheduled Tribe
03% {03 seats for B.A.,LL.B.(Hons.) and 02 seats candidates and vice-versa. If sufficient eligible SC and
for LL.M. course} Horizontal reservation shall be ST candidates are not available to fill such Seats, they
applicable for Specially Abled Persons (SAP). are reallocated to General Category candidates in
order of CLAT merit.
If a Resident Student of Telangana qualifies for
admission in the regular All India merit, he / she shall Direct Admission
be considered against the All India Seat only and not
Fifteen Seats are allocated to Foreign Nationals
against Telangana Quota Seat. If no candidate is
for B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) course out of which Seven
available against the Seats reserved for Resident
seats are for candidates from SAARC Countries and
Students of Telangana, such Seats shall be added to
Eight seats for candidates from non-SAARC 2016 and should apply directly to NALSAR.
Countries. Ten seats are allocated to Foreign
The vacant seats of SAARC Countries shall be
Nationals for LL.M. course, out of which five seats are
offered to candidates from non-SAARC Countries and
for candidates from SAARC countries and five seats
vice-versa. If sufficient candidates are not available for
are for candidates from non-SAARC countries. The
Foreign National Category, such vacant seats shall be
candidates who possess citizenship of a country other
offered to the All India General Category Candidates
than India shall only be considered under this
of CLAT-2016 in order of merit. For more details, visit
Category. Foreign Nationals, need not take CLAT-
Fee Structure