Section 20 Consent Form - Parents
Section 20 Consent Form - Parents
Section 20 Consent Form - Parents
Section 20 Agreements can be used to place a child in temporary local
authority accommodation where a parent may be temporarily unable to care
for a child, a parent-child relationship has broken down or there are child
protection concerns. Section 20 Agreements are completely voluntary and
families and children cannot be forced to agree to any arrangement under
Section 20. The agreement is intended to be a supportive partnership
between children, families and the local authoritys social workers.
This means that the Local Authority cannot place my child/ children in alternative
accommodation unless I give my permission.
I understand that I can remove my child from this accommodation at any time and
without notice.
I understand that best practice requires the local authority to promote effective
contact between myself and [name of child/children] and I ask that this be promoted
where possible and in the best interests of my child/children.
I have/ have not been provided with further information so that I can fully
understand the process.
I understand that I can audio or video record all or any part of this meeting.
If you have recorded this meeting using video or audio, please tick here:
If you have been prevented from doing so, please tick here:
Please add any reasons for your request to record being denied here:
I have also requested that the S.20 agreement is put into writing.
My first language is not English. I have requested that the agreement is written in
[choice of language] and my request has been accepted/ denied.
Signature of Parent: