GN78 - 8th October 2017 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
GN78 - 8th October 2017 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
GN78 - 8th October 2017 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses, Intentions & other services What kind of Messenger are you?
Check mass intentions online at
Welcome to everyone The Alpha Course: this
8th October 2017 27th Sunday Messenger here for the Family Mass week "Who is Jesus".
Sat 7 5pm Dieter Grunow RIP this Sunday - especially Alpha is an introductory
Sun 8 8am Annie Maddocks RIP trhe children and families course to the Christian
10.30am Louise Bell RIP preparing for their faith, each Tuesday
Conrmation on 22nd evening at 7.30pm at the
Tue 10 9.15am Fr Emmanuel Gili-Hammett (Int) November. The Centenary Hall,
Wed 11 9.15am Fr David Mellor RIP (School Mass) candidates are making Hednesford (next to Our
Thu 12 9.15am Fr David Mellor RIP their commitment at this Lady of Lourdes). We
1.45pm Holy Souls (at St Thomas More School) mass. meet for food, a
Fri 13 9.15am Terry Groves RIP presentation and
Sat 14 10 am Parish and People Family Fast Day. This discussion. Invitation
weekend we have the postcards are at the back
15th October 2017 28th Sunday Invitation family fast day collection of the Church. More
Sat 14 5pm Dieter Grunow RIP for Cafod, the overseas information - including
Sun 15 8am Annie Maddocks RIP development agency of the videos from previous
10.30am Louise Bell RIP the Bishops of England weeks - can be found on
and Wales. If you are a
our website:
APF (red) boxes will be emptied in October. Please taxpayer, please use the
bring yours in as soon as possible. provided envelopes for the alpha.
Saints Days 9th Blessed John Henry Newman; 10th St second collection, so that
Paulinus of York; 11th Bl William Howard & St John Paul Cafod can reclaim the Gift National Mass for Altar
Aid on your donations. Servers Sat 21st October
XXIII; 12th St Wilfrid; 13th St Edward the Confessor 2017 2pm More info Fr
For more information
Alpha Tuesdays 7.30pm at Hednesford about Cafod go to Peter or
Prayer Group Friday 2.30pm in Church Welcoming Back: A day
Childrens liturgy during the Sunday 10.30am Mass, of Practical advice on
except when there is a Family Mass. Friendship Club: welcoming people back to
Boundary Mill Outing the Catholic faith,
Family Mass: Sunday 10.30am on 8 Oct, 12 Nov,
November 6th 10 Please including a workshop on
10th Dec, 14 Jan, 11 Feb, 11 Mar, 12/13 May, 10 Jun 8 Jul let Gail Korzonek know how to run Come Home
Conrmation Wed 22nd November 7pm in Church by 30th October with for Christmas campaign.
with Archbishop Bernard. money please. For more 28th October 2017,
Exposition Saturday 9am-9.50am. information please call 10am-4pm at Maryvale
Gail (01543 898156) . Institute, Old Oscott Hill,
Rosary 9am before Mass on Thursday and Friday
Morning Prayer 9.40am Saturday Birmingham, B44 9AG.
Confessions Saturday 9-9.50am; 10.30-11am, 4:30pm.
Second & Retiring Collections: This Weekend: 8th
Cafod, 15th St Barnabas Society; 22 October Missio
(APF); 29 Clergy Training Fund (retiring); 5 Nov Johnson
Association; 26 Nov Youth Service; 10 Dec Poor Parishes.
(Dates are Sundays and include Saturday mass). Christmas Bazaar
Parish Income 24th September: Collection 578 (Gift Christmas Bazaar 2nd December 12pm till 2pm
Aid 340) . Thank you! Please bring bottles (alcohol) and quality items for
prizes as soon as possible, and be ready to bring cakes
nearer the day. Raffle Tickets available soon.
Please submit notices and items for publication to Fr Peter by hand, by text 07766 335591 or by email to
8th October 2017 27th Sunday of Year A