Fiq 77 V/: Optimum Design of Ring Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
Fiq 77 V/: Optimum Design of Ring Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
Fiq 77 V/: Optimum Design of Ring Stiffened Cylindrical Shells
fiQ 77* * V/
Prepared for
Office of Naval Research
Contract No. N00014-69-A-0200-4048
/O ^(T A
li *" t/ UCyVENG^414
17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (o> tho abstract entered In Ulcck 20. It different from Report)
19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse aide if necessary and Identity by block number)
20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverae aide it neceaaary and Identity by block number)
This report deals with the optimum structural design of circular cylindrical
shells reinforced with identical uniformly spaced T-ring stiffeners, and sub-
jected to external pressure loading. The optimization problems considered are
of three types: (1) minimum-weight designs, (2) design for maximum separation
of the lowest two natural frequencies, and (3) design for maximum separation
of the lowest two natural frequencies which have primarily axial content.
Gross buckling is precluded by specifying a minimum natural frequency, and
Allen J. Bronowicki
Richard B. Nelson
Lewis P. Felton
Lucien A. Schmit, Jr.
Prepared for
Office of Naval Research
Contract No. N00014-69-A-0200-4048
This report deals with the optimum structural design of circular cylin-
sidered are of three types: (1) minimum-weight design, (2) design for maximum
separation of the lowest two natural frequencies, and (3) design for maximum
separation of the lowest two natural frequencies which have primarily axial
panels, T-ring stiffeners, and web and flange instabilities within each T-ring.
T Kinetic energy
0) Natural frequency
T Time (sec)
X Vector of design variables
V Poisson's ratio
Although a wealth of literature exists for the static, dynamic and sta-
loads, with the majority of these studies devoted to cylindrical shells, the
work of Schmit and Morrow [1] serves as a pioneering effort toward the intro-
tudinal and ring stiffeners, each with rectangular cross section, was designed
structural weight. The shell was constrained against overall (system) buckling,
panel and stiffener buckling, and also against material yield. The mathematical
model which formed the basis for the stress and buckling analyses was an equiv-
alent homogeneous orthotropic shell; i.e., the discrete stiffeners and skin
proved adequate provided the stiffener spacing and cross sectional dimensions
In a more recent study, Pappas and Allentuch [2,3] investigated the mini-
of static applied load conditions. In this study, the ring stiffeners were
buckling formulas contained in Ref. [4], along with the appropriate stress
buckling modes considered in Refs. [2,3] although for some of the modes, the
formulation the shell is designed to maximize the separation between the lowest
two in vacuo natural frequencies, while being constrained against buckling and
yield behavior as specified in the first design problem, and while having a
weight less than a prescribed maximum. The third formulation is similar to the
second, with the distinction that the frequencies being separated are the two
study is based on the equivalent orthotropic shell model of Ret. [1], with
mathematical model, and a summary of the results of this research, are presented
typical of submerged vessels, namely (1) specified external pressure (or vessel
depth), (2) specified axial compressive loadings, and (3) applied static loads
associated with vessel motion. Design variables, shown in Fig. 1, are skin
thickness (t ), stiffener web thickness (t,), web depth (d,), spacing ( ), flange
s <p cp X
width (df), and flange thickness (t ). Radius (R), length (L), and the material
All of the research performed to date has employed the simplified ortho-
tropic shell model given in [1] in the calculation of the natural frequencies
hypothesized (as in Ref. 1) that the frames and skin act as a unit accurding
Lur'e-Byrne theory, and that the stiffness and inertia properties of the frames
are uniformly distributed over the length of the cylinder. It is then possible
/ ffi
2L / / /(u2+52+42)dzJ4>dx
I = ^ / (1)
o o t
The model gives a very accurate representation of the structural behavior pro-
vided the characteristic wavelengths of Lhe modes of vibration (or of the static
displacements) are very long compared to both the ring spacing and ring cross-
sectional dimensions.
r i V
the x, <J>, and z directions, respectively (Fig. 2), and are given by L1J
9w ,, .
u = U-ZTS (2a)
,. z. z 3w ,, .
v = (l--)v- - w (2b)
w = w (2c)
where u, v and w are the displacements of the shell's mid-surface. From the
kinetic energy the inertia terms in the appropriate equations of motion are
equations of static equilibrium for the stiffened shell in [1], which also con-
Assuming that the external loads give rise to circumferential and longi-
tudinal compressive forces per unit length of magnitude PR and PR/2, respec-
and destabilizing forces leads to the following three coupled partial differen-
1 P VR
N* + fjN* - -(u**-Rw') - pi" = pr (3a)
xRcpxR 2 x
+ N
?*$ 'A " V*\ ~ -o^Z - f(v** + w*) - ^v" = p
R<px<pRx<|>2<f)R 2 *y (3b)
M" + hl*r + -k'* + ^rM** + h. + |"(v*-w**-Ru'- ~w") = p (3c)
x R <px R x(p 2 <p R <p R 2 *z
p = p [(1
y s/ - i)2* -(1 - i>tf>**i<i - f>dz <4b>
Nx+(3Nx/8x) dx
M0+(3M0/80)d0 Mx +(3Mx/3x) dx
0x -K9M0x/30) d0 Mx0 -K3Mx0/3x) dx
is the integral through the thickness of the shell and frame. The forces M and
Under the assumption that the boundary conditions are of the simple support
Substitution of Eqs. (5) into Eqs. (3) gives the algebraic eigenvalue problem
where the stiffness, "geometric" stiffness, and mass matrices are [K], [K ] and
It should be noted that the sine and cosine dependencies on the angle (f>,
and the similar dependencies on the axial variable x, could have been inter-
changed without influencing the matrices in Eq. (6) for n > 0. The n = 0 case
as given in Eq. (6) is actually a combination of the solution form in Eqs. (5)
(pure torsion) and the similar form with sine and cosine terms (with argument
only rank three, its solution for the natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and
was designed for the greatest separation of the lowest two axial-type vibratory
modes, the modes with A. = 1, and A2, A3 < 1 were termed "axial." In order to
prevent any general buckling from occurring, all the frequencies associated with
values n = 0 6, m = 1,...,6 were retained and forced to exceed a prescribed
minimum CO , .
In addition to this gross buckling, it is necessary to be able to detect
criterion, provided
/ 2
(a. - a.o +, a 2.1/2
) ' <^ a ,-..
<f> <J>x x y
where O = material yield stress in uniaxial loading, and a, and a are in-
plane stresses normal to the surfaces of the element in Fig. 2. From Ref. [4]
the maximum bending stresses in the panels due to external pressure are
o. = -~[l + T(Hn + VHE)] (8a)
crx = (1/2 + THE) (8b)
where T, H, and H are load factors defined in Appendix II.
Again following Ref. [4], the maximum compressive stress in the rings may
be taken as
ac = -PRQ/A (10)
The magnitude of O must be less than the yield stress, a , and also less than
the critical values of compressive stresses at which the flange or web will
buckle. Assuming that the web and flange are infinitely long rectangular
plates, that the web is simply supported along all edges, and that the flange is
simply supported along three sides and free on one edge (all conservative assump-
tions) , then the critical stresses for buckling of the flange and web, respec-
It should be noted that Eq. (10) neglects any effects of eccentricity in the
ling, panel and/or ring yield. The shell is also required to possess a
II. Find the structural design which maximizes the separation between the low-
est two natural frequencies of vibration (in vacuo) for the stiffened cylin-
drical shell subjected to the applied loads described previously and con-
T web and/or flange buckling, panel and/or ring yield. The shell is also
III. Find the structural design which maximizes the separation between the
lowest two natural frequencies of vibration (in vacuo) which have primar-
ily axial content for the stiffened cylindrical shell subjected to the
panel and/or ring yield. The shell is also required to possess a lowest
algorithms. The particular method of solution chosen for this work is the
structural design problem (in either form I, II, or III) is converted into a
it t.d. d^t,,}, the components of which are the design variables, such that a
s <p (p x f f *
specified function of these variables, F(x), is extremized while satisfying a
where parameters e, and ef are defined in Appendix I. In Eq. (12) F(x) has
inverse of the separation. For the modes being considered, an ordered list
is made giving 0) < )- < u>_, etc. The objective function is then
- j^r^J ()
where A is a normalization factor taken as the initial frequency separation.
axial mode, i.e., the ones having both A and A smaller than A . The objec-
2 l
where the subscript L has been added to denote the longitudinal character of
The number of design variables, q, is a maximum of six in this study, but
may be less if certain of the design variables are fixed. Also upper and lower
limits U. and L., respectively, are assumed specified for each variable x..
These upper and lower limit constraints, respectively, are written in the normal-
ized form
serves to keep the frame flanges from overlapping. This is expressed in the
normalized form
82q+lW - ' V*x * <17>
The behavioral constraints may also be normalized. The panel yield con-
straint is expressed as
2 2 1/2 /Q
g2q+2<5> - - <a<|> " GxacJ> + 0 )
x y * <18>
The frame yield, flange buckling, web buckling and skin buckling constraints,
For the minimum-weight design of the shell these are all the constraints
should be smooth and continuous, but experience shows that, as ), and )~ are
switch, with the result that the mode which previously represented co now
the objective function and subsequent difficulties with the numerical algorithm.
This difficulty can be overcome simply by requiring that the second and third
S2q+9(^ = W
3 " W
2 >
penalty function [6], the solution of which requires finding that jx which
$(x) = F(x) + r XX (x) (27a)
j-1 J
l/gj(x) if gj(x) > e
Pj(x) - 2 (27b)
l2e - gjtoj/e if gj(x) < E
P.(x) is the so-called extended penalty function [7] which allows the use of
infeasible designs in the search for an optimal feasible design. The quanti-
ties E and r are small positive scalars and s is the number of constraints.
necessary to compute the gradients of the objective function and the con-
hyperbolic interpolation formula was developed [6] for use with the SUMT
method. A test for the minimum was developed and incorporated into the minimi-
zation algorithm which requires that a measure of normality between the direc-
tion vector s_, and the gradient, V$, be less than 0.001, i.e.,
Design examples given in [3] were re-evaluated in this study for optimal
depths of water of 1000, 2000 and 3000 ft. The prescribed minimum natural
(in vacuo) frequency was taken as 12.0 Hz. Except for the dynamic effects
these problems are quite similar to those in [3], The structure was designed
initially for minimum weight (problem I) for the three different operating
of 0.13317, 0.22295, and 0.31922 for operating depths of 1000, 2000 and
3000 ft., respectively, values somewhat lower than reported in [3], This
occurrence is due to the fact that in this study the ring spacing was
included as independent design variables, while in [3] the frame spacing was
a discrete parameter and the web and flange thicknesses were linked and re-
quired to be not less than 1/18 of the web and flange depths. In the designs
presented herein the frame webs are very thin and are critically stressed,
and the effects of hull eccentricity may alter this condition, although these
1, is that they serve as initial, feasible designs for design problems II and
III, provided the same minimum frequency constraint is employed and the maximum
Table 1. Design Problem I - Weight Minimization
The results of design problem II, optimization for maximum frequency
separation are given in Table 2 for the cases of the same three preassigned
approximately 10% greater than that for the minimum-weight design for the
static load condition, the values being 0.15, 0.25 and 0.35, respectively,
for the operating depths of 1000, 2000 and 3000 ft. For the three depth
design values of 21.27, 3.993 and 9.2418 Hz to 23.59, 24.28 and 25.33 Hz,
Of interest is the fact that the first and third solutions (for 1000 ft.
and 3000 ft. operating depths) gave frequencies io2 = 0)_, i.e., nearly identi-
cal second and third frequencies, and that in these two cases the maximum
weight constraint was less than critical. It is thus apparent that the
example with 2000 ft. depth the second and third frequencies were unable to
completely approach each other before violating the maximum weight constraint,
which became critical in this case. It may be noted that for these designs
the frame webs are very thin and the frame flanges are relatively thick. It
thus seems that the frequency separation has been achieved by making the
Three problems of category III were designed to find the maximum fre-
different operating depths. Results are given in Table 3. For the cases
which have operating depths of 1000 ft, and 2000 ft. the algorithm became
entrapped in a singularity in the design space. The problem run at 3000 ft.
depth was unable to reach the singularity because the maximum weight
Table 2. Design Problem II - Frequency Separation
Table 3. Design Problem III - Longitudinal Frequency Separation
constraint had become active. A singularity avoidance constraint could have
been developed to enable the algorithm to proceed, however this was not done
is needed. As may be seen in Table 3 for the 3000 ft. case, the mode having
eigenvector is zero and the w-component is less than 1.0 (0.977). As the
for the 1000 ft. and 2000 ft. cases, where the m = 1, n = 0 mode has the
back and forth, having w-components both approximately equal to 1.0. Since
the m = 1, n = 0 mode has two frequencies of vibration with almost the same
mode shape it is not realistic to call either one the unique longitudinal
This effect was only recently encountered and must be given additional
5. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., Theory of Elastic Stability, 2nd Ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 1961.
7. Kavlie, D., and Moe, J., "Automated Design of Frame Structures," Jour, of
the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. ST1, Jan. 1971, pp. 33-62.
The forces on the cylindrical shell are as shown in Fig. 2. The forces
N = (S/R)u* + Sv - (K/R2)w'*
- Dvw" - [D + 2
HC(P -KAR) + HF(p2+a2/R)w**/R
Mx(J) = - (2K/R)(v,+w1*)
K K }
' 3(|> ' 3x
Ml 12 M3
[K] = M2 v
22 '23
M3 '23 '33
k H 2
ll = " ^ - (S/R2)n2
k12 =
" (Hv+s)An/R
[HVA+DX3 - (K/R2)An2]/R
k = .2^2 2 ,2
22 " (S+2K/R M - [H+HC(l-e./R) + HF(l-ef/R)]n /R
k23 = - (3K+Dv)X2n/R2
+ [D/R2-H+HC(p2/R2-l) + HF(p2/R2-l)]n/R2
- [HC(a^/R2-e(j)) + HF(a3/R2-ef)]n3/R3
+ 2[D/R+HC(e(|+p2/R) + HF(ef+p2/R)]n2/R3
- DA4 - [2Dv+4K+Q](An/R)2
- [I>fHC(p2+a3/R) + HF(p2-ta3/R)](n/R)4
_kGll k
[KG] = 0 k
G22 k
k k k
_ G13 G23 G33 _
k = - (n2+X2/2)/R k = n/R
Gll G23
k =
G22 " (n2+x2/2)/R
m m
11 13
M = m m
22 23
m m m
13 23 33
m. = t + A(l-e,/R) + B(l-e./R)
11 s <p f
m t (1 + -- ) + A(l-3e, /R+3pK2/R2-a3/R3)
22 s 4R2 <$> <(> <f>
+ B(l-3ef/R+3p2/R2-a3/R3)
m = [t /(6R2) +
23 s A(-e(()/R+2p2/R2-aJ/R3)
+ B(-ef/R+2p2/R2-a3/R3)]n
m = t +
33 s (x2+n2/R2)tg/12 + A[l-e,/R + (A2+n2/R2)(p?-aJ/R)]
+ B[l-ef/R+(A2+n2/R2)(p2-a3/R)]
H = Et /(1-V2) D = Et3/[12(1-V2)]
s s
A = t,d./,
(J) $ x B = t.dji
f f x
G = E/[2(1+V)] t = t + 2d
S = Gt K = Gt3/12
s s
QH = G(J,+J.)
<p f :
% - TVV f - l<df-rtt)
P . = -zd , + -rd. t + Tt
q> 3 (}) 2 <J) s 4 s
p = + +
f ^f 2*f \ 4fct
3 = 1,3 ld232 13
<p 4 (p 2s(p 8 s (p 8s
1,3 _,_ 1 ,2 _,_ 3 2, _,_ 13
a =
f ^f + 2fctdf + Vf + 8*8
The critical compressive stresses in the skin are assumed to occur on the
0(, = - (PR/ts)[l+r(Hn+vHE)]
x= - (PR/
V [I + E]
where the various parameters are given as:
r = [l-v/2-B]/(l+)
B = ratio of shell area under frame web to total frame area = t t,/A
s <p
A = t t, + t,d, + trd.
s <p 99 f f
3 = 2N{l/[3(l-V2)]}1/4(Rt3)1/2/A
N = (cosh9-cos9)/(sinhe+sin0)
9 = S,[3(l-v2)/(Rts)2]1/4
H = - 2[sinh(e/2)cos(e/2)+cosh(6/2)sin(e/2)]/(sinh9+sine)
H^ = - 2[3/(l-V2)]1/2[sinh(e/2)cos(9/2)-cosh(e/2)sin(e/2)]/(sinhe+sin6)
V = t<J)[l+(l-V/2)3/B]/(l+B)
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