Ecopetrol - Geology of Rancheria Basin

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19th Field Conference




Humberto Caceres
Ricardo Camacho
Jaime Reyes


April 1980


Los Mangos Granulite 5
Perija Series 5
Cachirf Group 6
Devonian Segment 6
Carboniferous Segment 6
Manaure Formation 7
Ingeous Rocks 8
La Quinta Formation 8
Rfo Negro Formation 10
Lagunita Formation 10
Aguas Blancas Formation 12
La Luna Formation 13
Molino Formation 14
Hato Nuevo Formation 16
Manantial Formation 17
Cerrejon Formation 18
Tabaco Formation 20
Palmito Formation 20
Structural Geology of the Cerrejon Area 21


Fig. 1 Index Map 5

Fig. 2 Composite Stratigraphic Column for the Rancheria Area 5
Fig. 3 Devonian Sequence 6


Fig 4 Carboniferous-Permian Sequence 7

Fig & Stratigraphic Column La Quinta Formation 9
Fig 6 Stratigraphic Column Lagunita Formation 11
Fig 7 Stratigraphic Column Animas Member Aguas Blancas Formation 12
Fig 8 Stratigraphic Column Tocuy Member Aguas Blancas Formation 13
Fig 9 Stratigraphic Column La Luna Formation 15
Fig 10 Stratigraphic Column Molino Formation 16
Fig 11 Stratigraphic Column Hato Nuevo Formation 17
Fig .12 Stratigraphic Column Cerrejon Formation 19
Fig. 13 Geologic Map of the Cerrejon Area 21
Fig 14 Cross Sections of the Block B Cerrejon Area 22
Fig 15 Stratigraphic Correlation Chart 23
Fig 16 Regional Tectonics of NE Colombia 24
Fig 17 Frequency Diagram Showing Orientation of Faults 25
Fig 18 Frequency Diagram Showing Orientation of Structural Axes 25
Fig 19 Frequency Diagram Showing Fault trend, Structural Axes and
Lineaments 25
Fig. 20 Geologic Map of West-Fonseca Area 30
Fig 21 Geologic Map of La Paz-Manaure Section 31


The 19th Annual Field Conference of the Etayo of Ingeominas who critically reviewed
"Sociedad Colombiana de Geologos y part of the manuscript, and to Norman
Geofisicos" will cover two different geological Rowlinson for making some suggestions
aspects of the Rancheria Basin: the prolific regarding the Devonian - Permian strati
coal-bearing Tertiary section of the Cerrejon graphy. The Society also gives thanks to the
area and the potentially petroliferous secretaries and draftsmen of Ecopetrol, Inter
Cretaceous section within the basin. cor, Intercol and Phillips for typing and
preparing the manuscript and illustrations of
this guidebook, and to those persons who
On April 18th, we will visit the coal province offered their invaluable advice and assist
of the Cerrejon area. The leaders for this day ance.
will be geologists Mr. Ricardo Camacho and
Mr. Jaime Reyes from Intercor, who prepared
the Tertiary chapters of this guidebook. On Finally the Society extends its thanks to Mr.
April 19th the group will study the Jurassic- Agustin Arango for making available the
Cretaceous section along the Valledupar- LAP'S (Linea Aerea Petrolera) DC-3 for the
Manaure road. The guide for the second day excursion. To Intercor for assistance offered
will be Mr. Humberto Caceres of Ecopetrol, to field trip members at Cerrejon and for
who authored the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Tec donation of editorial funds. To Ecopetrol for
tonics and Geological History chapters of this furnishing a vehicle during the road log
paper. preparation. Schlumberger provided a
generous supply of refreshments throughout
The Editor is indebted to Intercol, Intercor and the field trip and CORELAB offered a "Valle-
Ecopetrol for kindly permitting the publication nato" cocktail party at the end of the second
of the guidebook; to Carbocol for an oral day's events.
presentation to the excursionists of their
project; and to the authors who took time from
their company activities to prepare the papers Jorge Molina, Chairman
and the road log. Special thanks to Fernando Field Trip Committee

INTRODUCTION Rio Cesar Valley. It is dominated by alluvial

plains and low terraces, with average ground
level elevations of 100 meters above sea
The purpose of this study is to describe the level. The Central Area width ranges from 10
results of a recent geologic and tectonic to 25 kilometers and is nearly 140 kilometers
interpretation of the Rancheria Basin, and in length.
gfeo - historical evolution. Special emphasis
is given to the prolific Cerrejon coal deposit
and its geologic setting. 3. The Western Area is defined by the
eastern foothills of the Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta and is characterized by very
The study area is located in the northeastern rough terrain. Precambrian metamorphic
part of Colombia and covers 2,500 square rocks and Paleozoic and Mesozoic igneous
kilometers. It is bounded on the east by the rocks crop out in this area.
Fferija Mountains, on the west by the Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta, on the north by the
Oca fault and on the south by an imaginary GEOLOGICAL SETTING
lihe between the cities of Valledupar and
Manaure. (Fig. 1).
The Rancherfa Basin is an elongated plain in
a N 65 E direction which is filled mostly by
PHYSIOGRAPHY Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments covered
by young alluvial deposits and terraces.
The Rancheria Basin may be divided into
three geomorphologic units: The dominant structural style is characterized
by block - faulting tectonics developed at
various stages during the Paleozoic, Meso
1. The Eastern Area, formed by the western zoic and Cenozoic times.
flank of the Perija Mountains. It is charac
terized by rugged terrain, young streams and
abrupt elevation. Paleozoic, Triassic, Juras
sic and Cretaceous rocks crop out in this STRATIGRAPHY
The following rock units can be defined for
2. The Central Area comprises the Rio the Rancheria Basin, based on the Stratigra-
Rancherfa Valley and the upper portion of the phical Nomenclature Code.

Precambrian: Los Mangos Granulite

Cambro-Ordovician: Perija Series
Denovian-Carboniferous: Cachirf Group
Early Mesozoic: Igneous rocks
Triassic-Jurassic: La Quinta Formation ( =Giron?)
Early Crettaceous: Rio Negro Formation
Middle Cretaceous: Lagunita Formation
Aguas Blancas Formation
Late Cretaceous: La Luna Formation
Late Cretaceous-Paleocene: Hato Nuevo Formation
Paleocene: Manantial Formation
Paleocene: Cerrejon Formation
Eocene (?): Tabaco Sandstone
Eocene (?): Palmito Shale
Quat 200
Palmito-Tabaco 250

Cerrejon a
in I I , I I U

1 1 1 !

Aguas Blancas

Lagunita to o

Rio Negro a

Fig. 1 Index Map.
<< La Quinta



Los Mangos Granulite V V V V

iJ_,i i ri
r'i i i
Definition and Occurrence: This unit was
named by Tschanz, et al (1) from exposures
in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. These
are the oldest rocks known in the basin.
Accessible outcrops are located near Gua-
yacanal, northwest of the city of San Juan del

Lithology: According to Tschanz, et al (1),

this unit is composed of dark gneisses which
were metamorphosed to granulite facies. Al Fig. 2 Composite Stratigraphic Column
ternating pyroxenic amphibolites, granitic Rancheria Area.
gneisses, marbles and ultramafic gneisses
are dominant. name is derived from the Perija Mountains
where the unit crops out at Manaure, Sabana
Rubia, Alto EJ Cielo, Agua Dulce and Alto de
Age: Radiometric dates reported by Tschanz, la Filigrana.
et al (1), indicates ages of: 752 70 m.y.
whole rock RB/Sr, 940 34 m.y K/A
(hornblende) and 1300 100 m.y. Rb/Sr Lithology: Low pressure metamorphic rocks
(whole rock) or low pressure high temperature metamor
phic rocks are characteristic of this unit:
CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN Chloritic - actinolitic schist, quartzitic - serici-
tic schist, quartzites and metaconglomerates.
Perija Series
Definition and References: The Perija Series Age: Regional correlation with similar rocks
was defined by Liddle, Harris & Wells (2). The along the Venezuelan flank of the Perija
term "series" is used loosely and has received Mountains indicates a Cambro- Ordovician
broad acceptance by oil explorationists. The age.

Correlation and Stratigraphic Relationship:

The Perija Series is correlated with similar
rocks of the Quetame Group from the Eastern
Cordillera. It is unconformably overlain by
fossiliferous Devonian rocks.


Cachiri Group
Definition: The name is applied to a Devo-
nian - Carboniferous sedimentary sequence
exposed along the western flank of the Perija
Mountains, in vicinity of Manaure and at
Cuchilla del Palmarito to the east of Cerrejon.

Type Locality: The type locality is in Vene-

zuela, at Cachiri river, eastern flank of the
Perija Mountains.

1. Devonian Segment of the Cachiri

Group. According to Forero (3), the
Devonian sequence exposed east of
Manaure can be divided in four lithologic
units, from top to bottom (See Fig. 3):

Unit Co D4: Sandy calcareous shales

Unit Co D3: Micaceous sandstones
Unit Co D2: Ferruginous sandstones
Unit Co D1: Basal conglomerate
Fig. 3 Devonian Sequence.
Paleontology and Age: Forero (3) found in
the upper three units:
Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationship:
Forero (3) estimates 650 meters for the total
Cyrtine hamiltonensis (Hall), Atrypa harrist thickness of these units. The Devonian un-
Caster, Acrospirifer olssoni Caster, Elita conformably underlies the Carboniferous.
Colombiana Caster, Acrospirifer murchisoni
Caster, Nucleospira concinna (Hall), Spirifer
kingi Caster, Fenestella venezuelensis Weis- Correlations: The Devonian segment of the
bord, Rhipidomella trigona Imbrie, Pen- Cachiri Group correlates with the Cano del
tagonia gemmisulcata (Hall), Leptaena Oeste and Campo Chico Formations ex-
boyaca Caster, Nervostrophia rockfordensis posed along the eastern border ofthe Perija
Feston & Feston. Mountains in Venezuela.

Based on these fauna Forero concludes that

2. Carboniferous Segment of the Cachiri
Devonian deposition in northern Colombia
took place continuously from the Early
Devonian to the beginning of the Late Devo-
Lithology: Forero (3) divided the sequence
exposed east of Manaure in two units: inter-
Facies and Depositional Environment: lithol- bedded conglomerates and claystones in the
ogy and the faunal assemblage suggests an lower part and calcareous beds in the upper
inner platform depositional environment. part (See Fig. 4).

Paleontology and Age: Forero (3) identified

the following fauna found at Loma Juan Avila: t5E
Neospirifer latus Dumbar & Condra, Lisso- EZCI
chonetes sp., Neospirifer cameratus (Nor-
ton), Brachyspirina sp., Phricodotris F T
planoconvexa Schumard, Antiguatoria- sp.,
Composita subtilita (Hall), Schuchertella sp.,
Eolissochonetes cf. bilobatus Hoare, Pecten tWrX-r:
sp. d ~TT
These fauna indicate a Middle to Late Pen- '0:'.<>'/.c>:'.cy:\6/*
nsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) age.
y.(/:. roio .o. . o
Facies and Depositional Environment: The
faunal assemblage suggests an inner plat- Tnr T
form within a shallow tropical sea environ-
ment of deposition.
Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationship:
According to Forero (3) the Carboniferous
sequence to the east of Manaure attains 300
meters in thickness (Fig. 4). Wokittel (4)
estimates 500 meters for the entire car-
boniferous sequence of which 150 meters is
of calcareous facies. Its upper contact with
the Permian is uncertain. 300 m.
Correlations: The Carboniferous segment of
the Cachiri Group is partially correlated with Wiic^ jzzrrn
the Bocas and Gachala Formations of the
Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and with the i rj ; liir~r~r
i i
Campo Chico and Palmarito Formations in 150- X-L-l-Lll

Manaure Formation Fig. 4 Carboniferous-Permian Sequence.

Definition and References: This term is used

to describe a dominantly calcareous se- sandstone and limestone in a red calcareous
quence found to the east of Manaure. The sandy matrix. Overlying the conglomerate is
"Manaure Limestone" is widely used e. g. a sequence of dark - brown sandstones and
Trumpy (5) (6), Miller & Williams (7) and gray sandy marls. The marls are 40 meters
Thompson & Miller (8). Information of the thick. Above the marls lies a hard fossiliferous
Permian system of the Perija Mountains can limestone, and at the top of the formation a
be found in Wokittel (4), Radelli (9) (10) and package of thick limestones are interbedded
Forero (3) (11). with yellow calcareous sandstones and green
claystones (See Fig. 4).

Lithology: According to Forero (3) the Manau-

re formation consists of a 15 meter thick basal Paleontology and Age: Trumpy (5), (6) lists
conglomerate containing pebbles of red the fauna found in the Manaure formation.

Pugnoides swallovianus? (Shumard), main rock types granites, leucocratic

Productus inca d'Orbigny, Spiriferina granites, (granitic porphyries), granodiorites,
campestris White, Perrinites cf. hilli (Smith), quartz - diorites, quartz - monzonites and
Schizodus? cf. S.cuneatus Meek, Medlicottia their extrusives equivalents: rhyolites, por
sp. phyries and vitrophyres.

These fauna suggests a Permian age. For additional information the reader could
refer to Tschanz, et al (1), for descriptions of
the Golero Rhyolite, the Marquezote por
Thompson & Miller (8) confirm the Permian
phyries, the Atanques Batholith, the Caracoli
age from the following fusulinids and
Batholith, the Patillal Batholith and the Los
Clavos ignimbrites. Some of these rocks form
the basement of the Rancherfa Basin.
Pseudoschwagerina dallmusi, Mooreoceras
sp., Parafusulina durhami, Domatoceras sp., TRIASSIC-JURASSIC
Parafusulina trumpi, Perrinites hilli,
Parafusulina nancei.
La Quinta Formation ( = Giron?)

Fades and Depositional Environment: A mid Definition and Occurrence: This unit includes
dle to outer platform is suggested by the sediments ranging in age from the Late Per
faunal assemblages and lithological charac mian to Early Cretaceous; lithologically con
ter. sists of clastic, non- marine deposits and
associated with volcanoclastic rocks such as
breccias, porphyries and tuffs. These rocks
Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationship: have a broad distribution in the western part
Forero (3) measured 750 meters of section of the Perija Mountains and in the
east of Manaure and Wokittel (4) estimates a southeastern portion of the Sierra Nevada de
thickness of 200 meters at the same locality. Santa Marta.

It is difficult to determine the stratigraphic

relationship of the Manaure Formation with References: The name La Quinta was first
the underlying Carboniferous rocks. Its upper used by Kunding (12) in Venezuela. Miller
contact is an angular unconformity with (13) (14) Radelll (9) (10) and Forero (3)
sedimentary rocks of La Quinta formation. adopted this term for Colombia. Wokittel (4)
describes the "Jura-Triassic" of the Perija
Correlation: The Manaure Formation is cor
related with the upper part of the Palmarito
Formation and with the upper part of Cerro Lithology: Forero (3) separates the following
Azul Formation in Venezuela. No other out units of La Quinta at the Manaure area, from
crops of Permian sedimentary rocks are bottom to top (Fig. 5):
known in Colombia.


Igneous Rocks
Consisting of red conglomerates and
Bordering the eastern flank of the Sierra sandstones. The conglomerates contain sub-
Nevada de Santa Marta along the western rounded pebbles of sandstones and lime
side of the Rio Rancherfa Valley igneous stones with a maximum of 25 centimeters in
rocks crop-out either as intrusive elongated length.
bands following faults or as plutons.
These conglomerates change facies laterally
Although the different igneous bodies display to cross-bedded sandstones. Towards the
diverse petrographic composition, felsic to top intercalations of felsic volcanic rocks can
intermediate compositions predominate. The be found.
Unit B ni
T^h !
Is a dominantly sandy unit, made of red
colored, fine grained, cross - bedded ni
sandstones that are interbedded with oc
casional claystone beds. nn:
i i . i

Unit C T V V T ^
Consists of thick bedded red sandstones and ijTWi
rhyolitic tuffs at the base, followed by a TTTTTTi: i : i
sequence of conglomerates containing
rounded pebbles of rhyolitic volcanic rocks ffig^
within a red sandstone matrix. Occasionally
a brecciated conglomerate is present. ^S
Unit D

Consists of felsic volcanic rocks namely Tr

rhyolites and rhyolitic tuffs. 1" T -1

Paleontology and Age: Due to the low fossil x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x

content of this formation precise dating is not X X X X X X X X X

possible. Based on its stratigraphic position ;'',*,+!

La Quinta ranges in age from Late Permian
to Early Cretaceous. A Triassic - Jurassic age
is commonly accepted.
k n n n
2 0DOm.
0 m. - \

Fades and Depositional Environment: The

deposition of this formation took place in a
broad basin where fluvial and extrusive ex 100-1
plosive volcanic conditions were dominant. A zzc XXX * T - 1

relatively low rate of sedimentation allowed

oxidation conditions throughout the entire
Fig. 5 Stratigraphic Column La Quinta Formation.
Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationship:
According to Forero (3), 350 meters of the La Carboniferous rocks and in the Manaure area
Quinta Formation were deposited in the Manaure over Permian metamorphic basement rocks.
area. South of Manaure, in the vicinity of
Sabana Rubia, Forero (3) measured a thick
ness greater than 1000 meters for Unit B. La Quinta Fm. underlies Rio Negro or
Wokittel, (4) estimated a thickness of 2500 to Lagunita formations, is unconformable or dis-
4000 meters for the same unit at Sabana Rubia. conformable, depending on the presence or
absence of the Early Cretaceous basal con
glomerate. The upper contact is difficult to
In the San Juan del Cesar area La Quinta locate with precision in the La Paz - Manaure
Fm. rests unconformably over Proterozoic section due to the similarity of the basal
crystalline basement. In the eastern Cerrejon conglomerate with sediments of the La Quin
area La Quinta Fm. lies over Devonian - ta.

Correlations: This sequence is correlated prevailed during La Quinta time changed t o

with the NeoGiron of Burgl, (15), with the marine conditions, and progradational condi
Giron Formation of Cediel (16) and with the tions were succeeded by a new transgressive
Villanueva Formation of Hart (17). cycle.

Thickness and Stratigraphical Relationships:
The clastic sequence of the Rio Negro Form
Rio Negro Formation ation along La Paz- Manaure road is 140
Definition and References: The name Rfo meters thick. Lill & Nugent (19) measured
Negro Formation was used by Hedberg (18) [800 meters of section at Rincon Hondo
to designate a suite of Lower Cretaceous (Cesar province)]. At the type section,
sedimentary rocks exposed along the Richards (20) reports 1500 meters thickness
Venezuela Perija mountains. In Colombia the for Rio Negro Fm.
formation has been described by Trumpy (6),
Lill & Nugent (19), Hart (17), Miller (13) and The contact with the underlying La Quinta
(14), Radelli (9), Richards (20), Rojas (21), Fm. is disconformable, and in places marked
Forero (3) and Govea & Duenas (22). Rio by a low angular unconformity. The contact
Negro Fm. is exposed at Cerro La Teta, with the overlying Lagunita Formation is con
Cerro Pintado and Oca Mountains, near the formable and is placed at the first occurrence
border with Venezuela and on the La Paz- of limestones.
Manaure Road.
Lithology: According to Forero (3) the base
of this unit is characterized by a conglomerate Lagunita Formation
made of reworked granules and pebbles of
the La Quinta Formation, consisting of felsic Definition and References: Lill & Nugent (19)
volcanic rocks, milky quartz, chert and frag indicate that the term was first used by
ments of red siltstone. Overlying this con Neelands (Tropical) in 1922. The type sec
glomerate is a sequence of arkosic yellow tion is located at Quebrada Jaguey near the
sandstones containing characteristic cal village of Lagunita in the Rio Rancheria Val
careous concretions. ley. Other references on the Lagunita forma
tion are found in Durham (25), Lill & Nugent
The type section described by Hedberg & (19) Hart (17) and Govea & Duenas (22).
Sass (23) in the Perija Mountains (Estado
Zulia - Venezuela), the Rio Negro Formation Lagunita Fm. is exposed along the western
consists of coarse grained arkoses and flank of the Perija Mountains and aiong east
sandstones, occasionally with interbedded ern border of the Sierra Nevada from San
conglomerates, fine grained sandstones and Juan del Cesar to Lomas del Pital, against
shales. the Oca fault. The Lagunita formation has
been found in subsurface in the Cerrejon-1,
Paleontology and Age: Fossils have not been Papayal-1, Rfo Maracas-1, and El Paso-2
found within the Rio Negro Formation, but and -3 wells.
field relations suggest a stratigraphic position
of Barremian or Early Aptian age. Langston
& Durham (24) collected a sauropod ver Lithology: At the type locality the Lagunita Fm
tebrae approximately 100 meters north of consists of thick bedded, fossiliferous lime
Stop No. 6 to the Rio Negro Formation. The stones interbedded with black calcareous
age of the fossil was determined to be Late shales. To the northeast of San Juan del
Jurassic or Early Cretaceous. Cesar, at Cuchilla El Palmar, 0.40 to 1.80
meter thick beds of well stratified limestones
were observed. They exhibit a brownish -
Fades and Depositional Environment: An gray to dark - gray color, calcite veins and
important change in the depositional environ bituminous odor. Locally they contain pe-
ment took place at the time of deposition of lecypod and gastropod shells, corals and
this formation. The fluvial environment that ammonite fragments. (Fig.6)

Paleontology and Age: From collection of lected Orbitolina cf. texana. Durham claims
samples gathered by Rojas (21), Barrios (in that the Requienia and Orbitolina forms are
Rojas 21) found: characteristic of the Early to Middle Albian.

1) Acanthohoplites cf. pulcher Rieldel "Area" Facies and Depositional Environment: The
convergideus Gerhardt of Aptian age (Late Lagunita Formation was deposited under
?). In calcareous concretions collected 4.0 middle platform conditions in an open sea rich
kilometers south of Codazzi (sample 63 - OR in carbonates and with relatively abundant
-56): organic matter.

2) Pulchellia cf. galeata ornata Burgl: of Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationship:

Middle Barremian age. Poor impressions of Lill & Nugent (19) state that the Lagunita
ammonites found in a limestone unit 4.0 Formation is 180 meters thick at the type
kilometers northwest of Los Venados, west locality, thinning to 138 meters on the La
of Codazzi: Paz-Manaure road. The Papayal-1 and Ce-
rrejon-1 wells penetrated 290 and 285
Petters (26) identified: Cheloniceras sp., Cor- meters, respectively, of this formation.
bis (sphaera) Corrugata, Trigonia tocaimana,
Exogyra sp. and Mytilus, sp. In Cano La Roya The contacts at the base and top of Lagunita
Durham (25), found ammonites of the genera Fm. are concordant with Rio Negro and
Niclesia, Pleurohoplaceras, and Pulchellia. Aguas Blancas Fm. respectively. In areas
At the type section for the Lagunitas Forma where the Rio Negro Fm. is absent the
tion he collected Cheloniceras, Requierria cf. Lagunita Formation rests on top of La Quinta
texana; and in the Manaure section he col Formation with slight angular unconformity.


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Fig. 6 Stratigraphic Column Lagunita Formation: A, Type section Quebrada Jaguey; B, La Paz -
Manaure Road.

In the areas west and northwest of Distrac- ned sandstones and very thin glauconitic
cion, Lagunita Fm. rests directly on the Gole- beds. The limestones are often fossiliferous,
ro Rhyolites. displaying partially recrystallized casts.

Correlations: See correlation chart (Fig. 15). The two members located stratigraphically
below were called "formations" by Durham,
Aguas Blancas Formation (25). The former designation seems prefera
ble since their smooth topographic expres
Definition and References: According to Dur sion of the two units throughout the Cesar
ham (25) the Aguas Blancas Formation was Valley does not allow separating them as
first defined by Haught, Colley & Belding (27). "formations".
The type section is located southwest of
Valledupar on Quebrada Aguas Blancas. Pet- a) The Animas Member consists mainly of
ters (28) Hart (17) and Govea & Duenas (22) thin bedded black limestones interbedded
also estudied this formation. with black carbonaceous shales (Fig. 7).

The Aguas Blancas Formation is widely ex b) The Tocuy Member is characterized by

posed, cropping out on both the east and the presence of a medium to fine grained
west flanks of the Rancheria Valley basin. glauconitic sandstone with intercalations of
This unit is truncated by the Oca Fault. silty limestones, silty shales and occasional
marls. The top of this member consists of well
Lithology: This formation consists mainly of bedded limestone (Fig. 8).
brown to gray limestone in beds up to 0.5
meters in thickness, interbedded with black Paleontology and Age: According to Durham
carbonaceous shales, calcareous fine grai- (25) "at the base of the Animas Member

TOCUY - L. JL ' _i i .L.

i i i i r

SB 0 m. -
2 0)0m.

~ir I I I I
i I.I i ii

o ~ 3 S~b 100-1


Fig. 7 Stratigraphic Column Animas Member, Aguas Blancas Formation: A, Rio Tocuy;
B, Quebrada Animas, Type Section.

throughout the Cesar Valley, the unit contains higher (very close to the top, on Quebrada
Dufrenoya, Pseudosaynella, Cheloniceras Las Animas) it contains Diploceras and Lyel-
and various Parahoplitidae ammonites, all liceras, probably indicating a middle Albian
indicative of a late Aptian age. Higher up in age".
the section it contains abundant Douvih
leiceras and other ammonites indicative of
the lower part of the middle Albian, while still Concerning the Tocuy member, Durham (25)
says: "No ammonites have been reported
from the upper part of the formation, but
Knemiceras, Oxytropidoceras, Eugonoceras
LA LUNA and Pervingureria have been found in the
i , r i , i, i ,1 lower and middle parts of the formation.
'i ^ 11i '1i '1i ' n These forms are indicative of uppermost Mid
11111 dle Albian and Late Albian ages".
W Wi:n
i i i n i
'lllil'lil'l Recently the Late Albian age for the Tocuy
' I ' 1 l ' 1l l 1l l 1l ' 1l l member Durhan (25) has been refined to the
i ; ; . ; ! late Middle Albian (Etayo, F., personal com

Facies and Depositional Environment: The

lithologic character and fossil content sug
I'I'I'I'I'II gests that the Aguas Blancas formation was
chemically deposited from a lime-rich mud,
abundant in organic and bioclastic material.
The depositional environment was one of
shelf within a tropical sea under transgressive

Thickness Stratigraphic Relationship: Dur

ham (25) measured 217 meters of Aguas
Blancas sediments at the type section. Along
the La Paz Manaure road it attains a thick
ness of 149 meters, thickening toward Dis-
traccion where it may reach 236 meters.

According to Lill & Nugent (19) the Animas

Member is 285 meters thick and the Tocuy
Member is 450 meters thick in the Papayal-1
well. At the Cerrejon-1 well 280 meters of
Aguas Blancas were penetrated.

The Aguas Blancas Formation conformably

overlies the Lagunita Formation and is con
formably overlain by La Luna Formation.

m*m Correlations: See correlation chart (Fig. 15).

ANIMAS rV.'.'.'.'l
La Luna Formation
Fig. 8 Stratigraphic Column Tocuy Member, Definition and Occurrence: La Luna Forma
Aguas Blancas Formation. tion was originally described by Garner, (29)

to designate a series of calcareous black, Fades and Depositional Environment: The

fossiliferous shales containing black lime black limestones and shales from La Luna
stone concretions. The type locality is along Formation were deposited in a tropical sea
a stream known as La Luna, northwest of with restricted circulation and in an outer
Perija, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. neritic, upper bathyal environment. Cal
careous mud and carbonaceous organic mat
ter were the dominant sediments. The black
Notestein, et al (30) introduced this name for chert suggests a deeper environment rich in
the Barco Concession, and later the name silica.
was extended to the Middle Magdalena
Basin, Guajira and Perija Mountains.
Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationships:
No complete section of La Luna is known in
The best known outcrops of La Luna Form
the Rancherfa River Valley. Lill and Nugent
ation occur on the western flank of the
(19) measured 75 meters along the Manaure-
Rancherfa River valley between the towns of
La Paz road. In the vicinity of Puerto La Laja
Buenavista and Cuestecita. The formation is
210 meters were found, and at Becerril
truncated to the north by the Oca fault. On
(Cesar Province) 265 meters w e r e
the east side of the basin some outcrops are
measured. According to Hart (17) the
found at Manaure and at Cerro Cerrejon.
Papayal-1 well penetrated 40 meters and the
Cerrejon-1 well penetrated 120 meters of La
Lithology: In the Rancherfa River Valley, La Luna sediments.
Luna Formation consists mainly of
bituminous - carbonaceous, dark - gray to
black, thin bedded fossiliferous limestone, La Luna Formation is conformable with both
interbedded with black to dark - brown cal the Aguas Blancas Formation below and
careous shales. The fossiliferous limestone Molino Formation above. The contact with
thickness varies from 0.3 to 1.2 m. Toward Aguas Blancas Formation is questionable
the top of the formation, thin beds (up to 8 due to a hiatus existing between the Early
centimeters thick), of finely laminated black and the Late Cenomanian that has never
chert are present. La Luna Formation is been paleontologically dated.
characterized by ellipsoidal limestone con
cretions that are black to dark-gray in color, Correlation: See correlation chart (Fig. 15).
very hard and with diameters of between -0-
and 70 centimeters. The limestones have a
strong bituminous odor when freshly broken
(Fig. 9). Molino Formation

Paleontology and Age: In the Cesar and Definition and References: The name was
Rancherfa basins Durham (25) described the first used by Haught, Colley & Belding (27)
following fauna from the lower part of La Luna in a Tropical Oil Company report to designate
f o r m a t i o n : Neoptychites, Haplitoides, the dominantly shale sequence overlying (La
Fagesia, Protocanthoceras, Eucalycoceras, Laja) La Luna Formation. The type locality is
Coilopoceras and some others of rare occur on the Molino River. This formation has also
rence, this assemblage indicating an early been described by Durham (25) Lill & Nugent
Turonian age. In the middle part of La Luna (19). Van der Hammen (31) and Govea &
he recognized ammonites of the following Duenas (22).
genera: Coelopoceras, Barroisiceras,
Prionotropis, Baculites, Toxoceras and
Hyphantoceras, indicative of a Late Turonian Most of the exposures of the Molino formation
age. The Upper La Luna contains Bar are located in the northwestern part of the Rfo
roisiceras, Tissotia, and Peroniceras cf. Rancherfa Basin between Buenavista and
moureti, suggesting a Coniacian age. Loma Materosa near the Oca Fault. There
are also some outcrops in the area north of
El Plan. The unit is exposed along anticlinal
La Luna Formation, thus ranges in age from and synclinal axes (Guayacanal, Hato
Turonian to Coniacian. Nuevo, Papayal).

| QUATERNARY r_r-:L__r-
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Fig. 9. Stratigraphic Column La Luna Formation: A, Puerto Laja, Type Section; B, Manaure-La Paz

Lithology: The Molino consists mainly of gray geina cretacea, Gumbelina excolat,
to dark - gray, thinly laminated, well to poorly Siphogererinoides bramlettei, G. globulosa,
bedded, generally carbonaceous shale with Globotruncana canaliculata ventricosa, Gau-
thin limestone beds and dark- green clays- drina navarroana, G. Fornicata, Dorothia bul-
tone containing iron concretions as well as lata, Gumbelitria cretacea, Pulleina
occasional fine grained sandstone stringers. Bulloides, Globigerinella cretacea, Globo-
The base of this sequence is formed by truncana fornicata and G. caniculata ventri-
glauconitic sandstones (Fig. 10). cosa are part of the Globotruncana fornicata
and G. stuati zones of Bolli (33) and Kugler
& Bolli (34). They correspond to the Globi-
Paleontology and Age: Hart (17) described gerina cretacea, Gumbelina globulosa and
the following fauna from the Cerrejon-1 well: Gumbelina excolta zones of Taylor age in the
Gulf coast area, i.e., Late Santonian to Early
Haplophragmoides eggeri, Siphogeneinoi- Middle Campanian.
des parva, H. excavata, S. cretacea, Globi-

Peters (34), Van der Hammen (31) and Etayo glauconitic, brown to grayish- brown shale
(35) have found the Siphogenerinoides beds overlain by slightly micaceous, com-
cretacea and S. bramlettei zones that indicate pact, gray to light-gray siltstones with inter-
a Campanian to Early Maastrichtian age.

Most of the Molino Formation can therefore

be assigned a Santonian to Campanian age
and the uppermost part may be Early Maas- HATO NUEVO >
Facies and Depositional Environment: From
its lithologic character and microfossil content
the Molino Formation is believed to have
been deposited in a deep marine environ-
ment at lower bathyal to abyssal water depths
between of 1000 to 2000 meters.

Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationships:

Durham (25) measured 500 meters of Molino
Fm. sediments at the type locality. 590
meters of Molino were penetrated in the
Cerrejon-1 well and 120 meters in the Papa-
yal-1 well, Hart (17). The Molino Formation
is conformably underlain by La Luna Fm. and
is unconformably overlain by the Hato Nuevo

Correlation: See correlation chart (Fig. 15).

T T" \\ i -r
Hato Nuevo Formation
Definition and References: This formation
was first defined by Haught, Colley Belding
(27) in a private report for the Tropical Oil
Company, but they did not designate a type
section. Durham (25) describes a type sec-
tion in Quebrada Aguablanca, north of Hato
Nuevo. This formation is also mentioned by
Lill & Nugent (19) Van der Hammen (31), Hart
(17) and Tschanz, et al (1) and (37).
The Hato Nuevo Formation crops out mainly
between the towns (?) of El Hatico and
Papayal, between Loma de Sierrecita and
Cuestecita and in the northeastern portion of LA LUNA
the basin north of Cerro Cerrejon. Other
outcrops are located at Tigrepozo, Cuchilla
de Montebello and Corazonal.

Lithology: The lower part of the Hato Nuevo Fig. 10. Stratigraphic Column Molino Formation.
Formation consists of thin slightly sandy and

bedded blue - gray claystones. The middle

portion consist of thin beds of brownish - gray
limestone, interbedded with bluish - gray
shales. The upper part consists of light-gray
sandy limestone, very rich in gastropods and
pelecypod casts and/or fragments, which is
intercalated with micaceous shales (Fig. 11).
Paleontology and Age: The abundance of
Venericardia in the Hato Nuevo limestones
and shales and the presence of Turritella cf
mortoni and Ostrea cf crenulimarginata indi-
cate a Paleocene age, Durham (25). Miller
(13) Porta (38), Renz (37) describes a forami-
niferal assemblage from the Guasare For-
mation (equivalent to the Hato Nuevo in
Venezuela) and assigns a Late Cretaceous
age to this formation. 150 m.

If the Guasare Fm. in Venezuela is indeed

Late Cretaceous as determined by Miller
(13), then this unit is younger in the Cesar
and Rancheria Valleys than at its type locality 75-
and likewise, younger in the Guajira area
where Renz (37) dated it a Paleocene, ac-
cording to Porta (38). Although age deter-
mination of the Hato Nuevo Formation is
difficult because of the scarcity of fauna it is
tentatively assigned to the Maastrichtian to 0 J-l

Fig. 1 1 . Stratigraphic Column Hato Nuevo

Fades and Depositional Environment: At the Formation.
beginning of Hato Nuevo time the transgres-
sion that started in the Barremian reached its
maximum and a regional regression began. TERTIARY (*)
Glauconitic beds and the fossil content sug-
gests a depositional environment of a shallow
water inner shelf. Manantia! Formation

Thickness and Stratigraphic Relationships: The Manantial Formation overlies unconfor-

According to Durham (25) and Haught, Colley mably the Hato Nuevo Formation. It crops out
& Belding (27) the Hato Nuevo Formation is on the west sector of the Rancheria Basin.
less than 175 meters thick. Morales (39) Its uppermost part forms the strike ridge
states that the Cerrejon-1 well penetrated topography observed paralleling the road be-
31.7 meters of Hato Nuevo Fm. tween the towns of Hato Nuevo to Cuestecita.

The stratigraphic boundaries with both the

underlying Molino Formation and the overly-
ing Manantial Formation are unconformable. (*) The stratigraphy of the Tertiary is described here in
Durham (25) describes the Hato Nuevo-Ma- less detail than the older formations and refers mainly to
nantial unconformity at Agua Blanca stream, the section at Cerrejon. Emphasis is placed on describing
near the Manantial trail. the coal-bearing Cerrejon Formation and the local structural
geology of the Cerrejon area. The discussion is based on
several internal reports of Intercor, Intercol and Tropical Oil
Company, all of which were made available to the authors
Correlation: See correlation chart (Fig. 15). of this paper.

Lithology: The formation consists of gray to They are well sorted with a calcareous matrix
brown, fine grained, thin bedded calcareous and cement. These sandstones usually are
sandstones and gray to greenish - gray, siity very well indurated and calcite - filled frac
and thinly laminated shales. Thick massive tures are common. Abundant mica, organic
beds of grayish- brown oyster - bearing lime matter and plant remains are found within
stones occur in the upper part of the forma bedding planes. These sandstones are also
tion. The unit was laid down within a shallow frequently found interbedded with dark shales
marine to brackish - water environment. and siltstones, especially in the lower half of
the formation.
Age: Based on its stratigraphic position the
Manantial Formation is placed in the Paleo- The feldspathic sandstones are light to
cene. medium-gray, fine grained and composed of
quartz, feldspar, moscovite mica and varying
amounts of probably metamorphic and vol
Cerrejon Formation canic clasts, all wthin an argillaceous matrix.
These sandstones are usually poorly ce
mented and friable and are frequently inter
The coal - bearing Cerrejon Formation con bedded with abundant thin layers of black
formably overlies the limestone beds of the shale and siltstone.
Manantial Formation. The contact between
the two formations is transitional and is
placed at the top of the last thick limestone The siltstones of the Cerrejon Formation are
bed before the first coal seam occurrence. generally hard, dark - gray to black and made
The upper contact with the Tabaco Formation up of quartz grains, mica and occasionally
is nonconformable and is placed where the organic matter with an argillaceous matrix or
first massive conglomeratic sandstone ap calcareous cement. The claystones are
pears. medium to dark-gray- color with abundant
plant remains and are locally calcareous.
Abundant hriica is found along the bedding
The Cerrejon Fm. is a non - marine sedimen planes. These sandstones are also frequently
tary sequence of about 900 meters thick found interbedded with dark shales and
containing numerous coal seams. The coal is siltstones, especially in the lower half of the
distributed more or less regularly throughout formation.
its entire stratigraphic column.

The feldspathic sandstones are light to

Cerrejon Formation is equivalent to, and can
medium - gray, fine grained and contain
be correlated with, the coal - bearing
quartz, feldspar, moscovite mica and varying
Paleocene Delicias Formation of La Jagua
amounts of probably metamorphic and vol
area at the south end of the Cesar basin.
canic grains, all in an argillaceous matrix.
Additionally, it can be correlated with the
These sandstones are usually poorly ce
Paleocene coal bearing Maracao Formation
mented and friable and are frequently inter
of the Guajira basin north of the Oca fault.
bedded with abundant thin layers of black
shale and siltstone.
Lithology: The Cerrejon Formation consists
essentially of light to dark - gray sandstones,
The siltstones of the Cerrejon Formation are
medium to dark - gray claystones and silts-
hard, dark - gray to black and made up of
tones and dark - gray to black shales. Coal
quartz grains, mica and occasionally organic
seams are common. (Fig. 12).
matter in an argillaceous matrix or calcareous
cement. The claystones are medium to dark-
Calcareous and feldspathic sandstones are gray with abundant plant remains and locally
found within Block B. calcareous. Abundant mica is found along the
bedding planes.
The calcareous sandstones are light- colored
consisting of medium to fine quartz and ig The shales are dark - gray to black, car
neous clasts containing muscovite mica. bonaceous and frequently contain organic

ysis carried out during the exploration phase

at the Block B confirm this age.

Environment of Deposition: early Paleocene

time was characterized by widespread shal
low marine limestone deposition which
provided a suitable surface for peat swamp
development as the sea regressed. The Ce
rrejon Formation reflects alternating periods
of rapid subsidence with deposition of elastics
and periods of slow subsidence with peat
deposition. Eleven different paleontological
zones have been distinguished within Block
B, which indicate habitats varying from ma
rine- brackish to fresh - water environments.

The lower half of the Cerrejon Formation

appears to have been laid down in a marine
to brackish - water environment, whereas the
upper part of the Cerrejon was deposited in
a predominantly fresh- water environment.

Analysis of the sulphur content of the coal

seams shows that primary inorganic sulphur
(pyrite) is present in greater amounts in the
lower seams and decreases significantly
toward the top of the formation. Pyrite deposi
tion is particularly favored in a marine -
brackish environment due to the abundance
of sulphate sulphur and ferric ions, coupled
with the action of sulfate - reducing bacteria.

Coal Occurrence: The Cerrejon Formation

contains numerous coal seams distributed
more or less regularly throughout the section.
These coal beds vary in thickness from a few
Fig. 12. Stratigraphic Column Cerrejon centimeters to 10 or more meters and locally
Formation. up to 26 meters. Thirty to 40 major seams
have been identified and named in those
matter, plant impressions and plant remains. areas within Block B that are being evaluated
Thin, hard limestone layers are sometimes for mining.
found near the base of the formation.

In Block B, 55 seams having a thickness

In broad terms, about 30% of the Cerrejon greater than one meter have been identified.
Formation is represented by sandstones and At least 40 seams have sufficient thickness,
siltstone, 45% by claystones and shales, 2% areal distribution and continuity to be of inter
by limestones and 13% by the coal est for a large-scale mining operation. Major
measures. seams are identified by a "multiple of 5"
number starting at Seam No. 20 and continu
ing to Seam No. 175. Locally developed or
Age: The Cerrejon Formation is identified as less well known seams are given inter
Paleocene, based on studies by Tropical Oil mediate numbers, e.g., Seams Nos. 47 and
Company and Intercol. Palynological anal 106.

Based on the distribution and thickness of the itional contacts of shale to very carbonaceous
coal beds, the Cerrejon Formation has been shale to coal are found. Sharp contacts b e
sub - divided in three informal members for tween coal and a fine grained sandstone are
purposes of correlation and study: seldom noted.

The lower member is about 180 meters thick Rock partings are present, ranging from few
and is characterized by the presence of thin centimeters to one meter. These partings are
coal seams (from a few centimeters to 2 usually composed of carbonaceous shale or
meters thick) that are irregularly distributed. claystone, very rarely of siltstone or fine
The percentage of claystone and shale is grained sandstone. Splitting of coal seams is
greater than the percentage of sandstone and present in several places.
siltstone. Some limestones layers are present
toward the base and middle of the member
and locally reach a thickness of 4 meters. Tabaco Formation
Sandstones and shale intercalations are fre
The Tabaco Formation nonconformably over
lies the Cerrejon Formation and is composed
The middle member is about 300 meters thick of gray to yellowish-gray conglomeratic
and is characterized by the presence of thick sandstones which probably were deposited
coal beds (.90 to 6 meters) that form a by braided streams. These sandstones show
regularly spaced sequence of seams. The festoon cross-bedding. Locally the con
percentage of sandstone and siltstone is glomerates contain abundant chert frag
about equal to the percentage of claystone ments.
and shale.

On the basis of its stratigraphic position, the

The upper member is about 400 meters thick
age of the Tabaco Formation, is considered
and is characterized by wider seam spacing,
to be late Paleocene to early Eocene.
by the presence of the thickest coal seams
within the formation (1.40 to 10.00 meters),
and by a percentage of sandstone and
siltstone that is greater than the percentage Palmito Formation
of claystone and shale.
The Palmito Formation conformably overlies
Most of the major coal seams are continuous the Tabaco Formation and consists of light
throughout the area and do not show extreme bluish to greenish claystone with plant im
thickness variations. Coal below Seam No. pressions and plant remains. It is interbedded
28, which correspond to the lower member, with thin sandstones and occasional thin coal
is generally thin, variable in thickness and seams.
discontinuous. Seam Nos. 30 to 100 are
constant in thickness and distribution in Block
B, and the spacing between seams is fairly The age of the Palmito Formation, based on
uniform. The most noticeable discontinuities its stratigraphic position, is thdught to be
in both thickness and distribution are found Eocene.
between Seam No. 105 and Seam No. 125.
In this zone coal beds are lenticular and show
abrupt changes in thickness. The upper coals Quaternary
from Seam No. 130 to Seam No. 175 are
again regular and continuous. Above Seam
No. 175, local coal beds may be present. Alluvial deposits widely cover the bedrock of
the Cerrejon area and particularly within
Block B. These deposits consist of gravels
Generally, the upper and lower contacts of containing pebbles of sandstone, limestone,
the coal beds are clearly defined when the igneous and metamorphic rocks in an argil
roof and floor are bounded by shale, clays laceous, sandy matrix which locally may be
tone or very fine siltstone. Sometimes trans calcareous and well indurated.

Structural Geology of the Cerrejon The Cerrejon fault is offset by strike slip right
Area lateral faults parallel to the Oca fault.

Faults: the most prominent structures are the

Oca, Cerrejon, and the Rancheria faults The Rancheria fault is located toward the
(Figs. 13 and 14). center of the Cerrejon area and trends N E-
SW. This fault has been interpreted as a high
The Oca fault bounds the Rancherfa basin to angle reverse fault [Its uplifted southeast
the north and truncates abruptly other NE block brings the Cerrejon Formation to the
trending structures of the basin and the Perija surface, thus creating a new area of
Mountains. This fault trends E-W and has economic (coal) interest.]
been interpreted as a transform strike-slip
right lateral fault. The stresses that cause the Folds: A number of small local folds occur
Oca fault also resulted in an echelon fold and within Block B, the main ones being the
fault system, the latter faults appearing to be Papayal anticline, the Cerrejon anticline and
high angle reverse. the Tabaco syncline and anticline.
The Cerrejon fault trends NE - SW and
conforms the boundary between the Perija The Papayal anticline is located within the
Mountains and the Rancheria Valley. This down - thrown block of the Rancheria fault.
fault has been interpreted as a high angle Its surface expression is defined by outcrops
reverse fault on the basis of its straight of Tertiary and Cretaceous limestones (fig.
surface trace. 13).

I Tpc I Cerrejon Fm. OCA FAULT
| Tp | Paleocene Undiff


m /
Ul / 4

Fig. 13. Geologic Map of the Cerrejon Area.


Fig. 14. Cross Sections of the Block B Cerrejon Area.

The Cerrejon anticline is located within the beginning of the Paleocene. Later, compres
uplifted block of the Rancheria fault. It is not sive stresses oriented N 40 W (+10) began
well defined on the surface but has been to interact with this recently formed feature
delineated mainly by drilling. giving birth to the incipient Perija Mountains
and later to a thrust fault system, lineaments
and folds trending N 50E (10) (Fig. 16).
The Tabaco anticline and syncline are lo
cated in the northern part of the Cerrejon
area, south of the Oca fault. Their surface Compressive stresses acting on igneous and
expressions are defined by outcrops of the metamorphic rock bodies caused comple
Tabaco Formation. mentary tensile stresses oriented N 15E
( 10).These tensile stresses produced nor
mal faulting, tectonic pattern with folding
Most of the structures of the Cerrejon area oriented N 75 W ( 10). (Fig. 17 and 18).
are veiled by a thick alluvial cover. Numerous
other small folds and faults have been defined
by drilling. Fig. 19 is a frequency diagram summarizing
the orientation of 362 measurements of
faults, lineaments and folds in the Rancheria
REGIONAL TECTONICS Basin. The figure shows a well - defined N
55E (A 10) orientation corresponding to a
The tectonic behavior or tectonic model of the -essive stress of N 40 W ( 106) and
Rancheria Basin may be explained in the light a secondary group oriented N 75W ( 10)
of Plate Tectonics. The Sierra Nevada of corresponding to tensile stresses at N 15E
Santa Marta was uplifted as a mountain range ( 10).
by isostatic contrasts due to the collision
between the South America and Caribbean
plates. The collision of these plates originated GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION
transcurrent movements producing wrench
faults such as the Santa Marta Fault (N 15
W) and the Oca Fault (N 85 W) which are The oldest rocks known in the area are
considered as basement faults. gneisses and granulites radiometrically dated
1300 to 752 100 m.y. (Rb/Sr and K/Ar)
The Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta was and corresponding to the Precambrian
uplifted as a non - plastic, rigid feature at the (Proterozoic) of Van Eysinga's (40) geologic

time table. These rocks were affected by high Carboniferous time probably represents
temperature and pressure regional metamor- another non-depositional or erosional period.
phism. Probably as part of a Precambrian This hiatus coincides with the initial tectonic
orogenic belt. phases of the Hercynian orogeny that con-

JD. M_ J8L J&. L


This report. (DAfterGovea, etall975 (22). d)Affer Notestein etal 1944(31). After Morales L.G,et al 1958 (42). After As Venez Geol 143)

Fig. 15. Stratigraphic Correlation Chart.

During Cambro-Ordovician time pelitic sisted mainly of fault-related processes. The

sedimentation with interbedded volcanic resulting conspicuous geomorphologic fea
(mafic) lava flow took place. Later high tures presumably permitted erosion to partial
temperature low pressure regional metamor- ly destroy the Devonian sediments, leaving
phism affected the sediments, producing only a few relicts in the areas where they
chlorite - actinolite schists, phylites, remained below the erosional base.
quartzites and other metasediments. Sub
sequent to this regional metamorphism, At the beginning of Carboniferous (Middle to
there was a period of non-deposition or Late Pennsylvanian) a new transgression
erosion (Silurian time), representing one of started, producing clastic sedimentation. This
the phases of the Caledonian Orogeny. event was followed by chemical deposition.
The depositional environment at this time
During Early Devonian, a general transgres according to the faunal assemblages, was
sion covering the positive areas uplifted that of an inner shelf in a shallow sea.
during the Caledonian Orogeny resulted in a
strong angular unconformity between Tectonic events initiated at the end of
Cambro - Ordovician and Devonian sed Devonian continued during the Carboniferous
iments. The Devonian fauna suggest contin and the Permian in the form of vertical move
uous deposition of conglomerate, sandstone, ments that produced small local downwarps.
shale and calcareous shale from Late Lower During Late Carboniferous a marine regres
Devonian to Early Upper Devonian. sion took place and during the Permian a new
transgression covered these small depres
Following Devonian deposition a hiatus en sions. Clastic facies were developed, fol
compassing Late Upper Devonian to Middle lowed by carbonate deposition in the upper

part of the sequence, representing a type of mation was then deposited unconformably o n
slow basin-filling. The depositional environ various Paleozoic horizons as the result of a
ment was initially near - shore, changing to strong erosional cycle during Late Permian
inner then outer shelf and producing either and Early Triassic time. According to Forero
benthonic or planktonic fauna. (3) and (11) there is a sharp boundary b e
tween the marine Paleozoic and the La Quin
The culmination of the Hercynian orogeny ta Formation continental rocks. T h e
defines the Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary. sedimentary characteristics, thickness a n d
Renewed orogenic and epeirogenic move facies changes of La Quinta Formation a r e
ments rapidly uplifted the area and developed due to a pre - existing topographic relief,
a new series of protobasins and a new cycle indicating synsedimentary fault block t e c
of continental deposition. The La Quinta For tonics. Brief periods of strong tectonic activity

5500 m.
\s System of transverse faults and
1. -Direction of first order compressive Vi"tension structures.
stresses. Eggs Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
2. -Major component of horizontal stresses. , , . - .... ^ . . . . _ ..
3. -Major component of second order E I D Cordillera Oriental and Per.ja
%, stresses. f::v>:I Upper Guajira
^sf Direction of first order fault and folds. ^_^ Cordilleran Axis

Fig. 16. Regional Tectonics of NE Colombia.


90 270-

180 180
Fig. 17. Frequency Diagram Fig. 18. Frequency Diagram Fig. 19. Frequency Diagram
Showing Orientation of Faults. Showing Orientation of Showing Fault trend.
Structural Axes.

produced massive, short traveled, rapidly The Rio Negro Formation was initially
deposited conglomerates. The influence of deposited in a continental environment that
climatic and oxidizing conditions on the sed later changed transitionally to a littoral en
iments produced a "redbed" type sequence. vironment.
During the deposition of the redbeds post -
orogenic volcanic activity (both extrusive and
explosive, mainly of a felsic type) took place, Downwarping continued and by Middle Bar-
thus explaining the presence of interbedded remian time. A marine depositional environ
rhyolitic tuffs in the La Quinta Formation. ment was finally developed. Carbonate
sedimentation of chemical origin became
predominant in the inner to outer shelf of a
During early Middle Jurassic or shortly there low energy tropical sea. This depositional
after, or perhaps during La Quinta deposition, environment prevailed from the Middle Bar-
igneous intrusive activity took place. Felsic remian to the Coniacian, depositing lime
and intermediate batholiths were emplaced stones and calcareous, organic - rich shales.
mainly in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Under these conditions Lagunita, Aguas
area. The radiometric age of these bodies Blancas and La Luna Formations were
fluctuates between 129-175 m.y. (Middle deposited.
Jurassic to early Cretaceous).

Post-La Quinta events are represented by a With the deposition of La Luna Formation
sedimentary hiatus in the Late Jurassic and (Santonian ?), the subsidence attained its
Early Cretaceous. It is possible that during maximum rate. The environment changed
this time the area was subsiding and that substantially, producing the bathyal deposi
epirogenic movements caused transgression tion of the predominantly shaly Molino Form
during Barremian (?) time, thus starting a new ation. This deep marine depositional
marine sedimentary cycle. This interpretation environment continued through the Cam-
is in accordance with the idea of Etayo, et al panian. At the end of the Campanian, a slow
(41) that the southwest and northeast ad Cretaceous regression begun. During this
vancing seas intermingled across in this regressive cycle, shales and interbedded
region in about early Aptian time. The limestones (the Hato Nuevo Formation) were
presence of an old high, located in the Valle- deposited in a shallow marine, inner shelf
dupar area is apparent on several seismic environment, followed by a shale - sandstone
lines and on the Bouguer gravity maps. sequence (the Manantial Formation) that was
deposited in a near - shore transitional to tidal
line or coastal lagoon environment.
This subsidence appears to have advanced
from east to west toward the continental
areas, resulting in a Lower Cretaceous un At the end of the Middle Paleocene the
conformity over La Quinta Fm. and older Rancheria Valley was partially positive and
rocks. continental conditions of deposition

prevailed. Subsequent uplift caused a strong were deposited in channels (the Tabaco for
erosional cycle in the area. mation). This was the final sedimentary cycle
in the Rancherfa Valley. After Tabaco Form
ation deposition, a series of events may have
It is possible that during the Early Paleocene
occurred that are difficult to define due to the
the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta started to
hiatus that prevailed from the Late Eocene to
develop as a positive area, caused by isos-
the Pliocene. During this period strong
tatic movements due to the Caribbean - South
orogenic activity, uplifting, folding and fault
America Plate collision.
ing probably took place. The Sierra Nevada
was completely uplifted to its present position
In the Upper Paleocene a new sedimentary and wrench faults occurred due to the plate
cycle took place. Fine grained carbonaceous collision, e.g., the Santa Marta and Oca
sandstones, carbonaceous sandstones, car faults. Later, a compressive stress system
bonaceous shales and coal beds were oriented N 40 W (10) took place. The Perija
deposited (the Cerrejon Formation). The Mountains were uplifted due to these com
depositional environment of this formation is pressive forces.
paludal with abundant vegetation providing
the organic material.
Toward the end of the Pliocene new orogenic
movements occurred and the area attained
Starting with the Middle Eocene, the area its present configuration. Finally, alluvial
began to develop an alluvial plain character. fans, terraces and alluvial plains formed the
Argillaceous sandstones and conglomerates present day cover of the Rancherfa Valley.


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Friday, April 18,1980 Saturday, April 19,1980

(Distances measured from the customs post
The group will arrive at the Buenavista near La Paz).
military airport where a chartered bus awaits.
We will leave immediately thereafter and will
travel northerly during approximately 1-1/2 Km. 0
hours until we reach El Cerrejon. There, an STOP 2 Here we have the opportunity to
in-field conference will be presented covering observe the gradational contact between
the historical, explorational and operational Aguas Blancas and Lagunita formations. In
development of the area. In the afternoon a tercalated beds 10 to 50 centimeters thick of
rapid visit to the Intercor and Carbocol camp micritic limestones, marls and gray cal
installations and selected outcrops will be careous shales crop out. Ammonites and
made. At the end of the first day and on our other assorted shell fragments can be found.
way back to Valledupar we will make Stop #
1, west of Distraccion and along the
Rancheria River Valley. Km.1.0
Village of La Paz

STOP 1 Excellent exposures of the almost Km.2.30

complete Cretaceous section, which will be STOP 3 We are now at the contact between
studied in detail on the second day. La Luna, the Lagunita and La Quinta formations. At this
Aguas Blancas and Lagunita formations are stop the basal unit of Lagunita Fm. consists
exposed here. End of the first day. The of ligh gray, calcareous rocks and micritic
Society will sponsor a "Happy Hour" in the boulders in a calcareous clayrich matrix. La
Hotel Sicarare lounge, starting at 7:00 p.m. Quinta Fm. consists of volcanoclastic sedi-

Fig. 20. Geologic Map of West-Fonseca Area.

ments of characteristic red color. The deposi- the escarpment is the Aguas Blancas Forma
tional environment of the basal Lagunita is tion, which grades downward into the
postulated to be middle to outer shelf condi Lagunita Formation. Toward the base of the
tions. Could this unit represent a patch reef? escarpment volcanoclastic sediments of the
La Quinta Formation appear. The Rio Negro
Formation crops out immediately to the east
Km.4.80 of the stop point. Here we have a tan to yellow
Intersection of the main highway with the road - brownish polymictic conglomerate consist
leading to San Jose de Oriente. ing of granules and gravels of mostly vol
canoclastic and sandstones fragments in a
Km.6.90 fine grained, calcareous sandstone matrix.
Bridge over the Manaure River.

Km.9.20 STOP 7 This outcrop displays a sequence of
STOP 4 Excellent exposure of the limestone fine to medium grained, red sandstones in
sequence of Aguas Blancas Formation. terbedded with red siltstones and occasional
Thickly bedded, light to dark gray, micritic limestone lenses of La Quinta Formation.
limestones are interbedded with thin marl Note the calcareous concretions and some
layers. Note the strong bituminous odor of the shrinkage mud cracks. A transitional environ
limestones and their vertical jointing. ment of deposition is postulated.

STOP 5 Good view of the contact between Km.14.3
the Aguas Blancas and Lagunita formations. STOP 8 Here we can see exposed a se
Note the broad syncline formed by the Aguas quence of arkosic coarse grained, hard,
Blancas Formation. poorly - shorted sandstones, with charac
teristic conglomeratic clasts lenses contain
ing well rounded clasts. These layers are
Km.11.8 believed to be the basal part of the Rio Negro
STOP 6 At this locality we can see to the west Formation (?) or the transitional contact with
the so-called Quita - Frio Fault. At the top of the underlying La Quinta Formation.


m LOWER CRETACEOUS | Kir I Rio Negro Fm.


| Tpm | Manantial Fm.
PERMIAN | P | Manaure Fm.


CARBO DEVONIAN | CD | Cachiri Group
[ Ksl | La Luna Fm

MIDDLE CRETACEOUS | Kma | Aguas Blancas Fm.

I Kml | Lagunita Fm.

Fig. 21. Geologic Map of La Paz-Manaure Section.

Km.17.1 End of this section. Return to Valledupar via

STOP 9 Manaure quarry. We have now the same road, where we will visit:
crossed the entire Lagunita Formation and at
this point we are at the top of the Aguas
Blancas Formation. Here we observe inter- STOP11 "Piscina Hurtado", a natural pool on
bedded gray to yellow, micritic and argil Guatapurf River, northwest of Valledupar.
laceous limestones with light - gray marls and Excellent exposures of felsic crystalline base
yellowish-gray calcareous shales. ment of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Maria

Village of Manaure. End of the second day. Core Lab will invite
the group to a "Vallenato" barbecue and
cocktail party in the typical restaurant ad
Km.18.9 jacent the natural pool.
Bridge over the Manaure River.

Sunday, April 20,1980

STOP 10 We have now entered the Paleozoic
massif and older rocks. At this locality, lower Bus leaves Hotel for Valledupar airport for
Paleozoic quartzites are exposed. 8:00 a.m. take-off to Bogota.

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