Lecture 1 & 2-Itec60
Lecture 1 & 2-Itec60
Lecture 1 & 2-Itec60
What is Multimedia?
Advantages of Multimedia
1. Enhancement of Text Only Messages multimedia enhances text only presentations
by adding interesting sounds and compelling visuals
2. Improves our Traditional Audio-Video Presentation audiences are more attentive
to multimedia messages than traditional presentations done with slides or overhead
3. Gains and Hold Attention research has shown that the combination of
communication mode (audio and visual)
Learners retain 20% of what they hear
40% of what they see and hear
75% of what they see and hear and do
4. Good for computer-phobics- those who are intimidated by computer keyboards
are more comfortable with pressing buttons with a mouse or on screen
5. Multimedia is entertaining as well as educational
Text - This is the base to most applications - the on-screen display of words. The
use of different styles, fonts and colors can be used to emphasize specific
Images - Seeing a picture of an object has more impact than merely reading
about it. Examples include conventional artwork, computer-generated
artwork, photographs or captured video frames.
Movies - You can present information which is normally outside the scope of the
ordinary classroom, such as medical operations or archaeological
Animations - Animations can render a procedure more accurately than that of a
movie. For instance objects which appear blurred within a movie can be
represented more clearly.
Sounds - Sound can be used in strategic parts of the program or during a movie to
emphasize certain points. This may include speech, audio effects (e.g.
applause), ambient sound (e.g. the background sound of the sea etc.) and
Hypertext - is a text which contains links to other texts. The term was invented by
Ted Nelson around 1965.
Distributed Networks
Temporal relationship between data
o Render different data at same time continuously.
o Sequencing within the media
playing frames in correct order/time frame in video
o Synchronization - inter-media scheduling
E.g. Video and Audio Lip synchronization is clearly important for humans to
watch playback of video and audio and even animation and audio.
The key issues multimedia systems need to deal with here are:
How to represent and store temporal information.
How to strictly maintain the temporal relationships on play back/retrieval
What processes are involved in the above?
Given the above challenges the following feature a desirable (if not a prerequisite) for a
Multimedia System:
Very High Processing Power needed to deal with large data processing and
real time delivery of media.
Multimedia Capable File System needed to deliver real-time media e.g.
Video/Audio Streaming.
Special Hardware/Software needed e.g. RAID technology.
Data Representations File Formats that support multimedia should be easy to
handle yet allow for compression/decompression in real-time.
Efficient and High I/O input and output to the file subsystem needs to be efficient
and fast. Needs to allow for real-time recording as well as playback of data.
Special Operating System to allow access to file system and process data
efficiently and quickly.
Storage and Memory large storage units (of the order of hundreds of Tb if not
more) and large memory (several Gb or more).
Software Tools user friendly tools needed to handle media, design and develop
applications, deliver media.
Pixel - a picture element, containing the color or the hue and relative brightness of that
point in the image.
- is a single point in a graphic image. With care, pixels in an image can be
reproduced at any size without the appearance of visible dots or squares; but in many
contexts, they are reproduced as dots or squares and can be visibly distinct when not fine
There are two kinds of computer graphics - raster (composed of pixels) and vector
(composed of paths).
Raster/bitmap Images
Raster images are more commonly called bitmap images. A bitmap image uses
a grid of individual pixels where each pixel can be a different color or shade.
Bitmaps are composed of pixels.
Bitmap Images are sometimes called paint graphics. Thats because bitmap
images tend to be used for photo-realistic images and for complex drawings
requiring fine detail. A bitmap is simply a matrix of pixels or a grid of pixels.
The main advantage of bitmap is:
Vector Images
Vector images tend to be used for lines, boxes, circles, polygons and other
graphic shapes that can be mathematically expressed in coordinates on a computer
screen. Vector graphics are composed of paths.
Vectorizing is good for removing unnecessary detail from a photograph. This is especially
useful for information graphics or line art.
The parameters of objects are stored and can be later modified. This means that
moving, scaling, rotating, filling etc. doesn't degrade the quality of a drawing.
Image Resolution
The number of pixels in the image. The term applies equally to digital images, film
images, and other types of images. Higher resolution means more image detail.
Image resolution describes the detail an image holds.
Image Classifications
Monochrome Image
Each pixel contains a single bit of information, indicating whether the pixel
is light or dark.
An image displayed in a single color or shades of a single color. Most
monochrome computer displays use white, green, or amber, although it could be any
one color.
Gray-scale Images
A grayscale image is simply one in which the only colors are shades of gray.
The reason for differentiating such images from any other sort of color image is that
less information needs to be provided for each pixel. In fact a gray color is one in
which the red, green and blue components all have equal intensity in RGB space,
and so it is only necessary to specify a single intensity value for each pixel, as
opposed to the three intensities needed to specify each pixel in a full color image.
The JPEG format (.jpg or .jpeg file extension) is the other most common file
format for images on the Web. It is not limited to 256 colors, so you can use it to display
high-quality photographs, or pictures containing millions of colors.
Using JPEG File Format
The PNG format (.png file extension) can display millions of colors. Because it is
such a new format, however, fewer browsers currently support it (although it is quickly
gaining support). Images saved in this format will not degrade in quality, even if the
file is compressed. It supports transparency, but it does not support animation, since it
cannot contain multiple images. PNG was developed as a patent-free answer to the
GIF format but is also an improvement on the GIF technique.