Is The Bible The Word of God
Is The Bible The Word of God
Is The Bible The Word of God
When we say that the Bible is the Word of God, we mean that it is the divinely inspired and infallible revelation of
God to man, rather than the mere words of men to other men.
When we say the Bible is the Word of God, we dont mean that all the words are Gods monologue speech; there
are also words of men, angels, demons, and even Satan. However, it is in its entirety the Word of God in the
sense that God, through the agency of the Holy Spirit, divinely directed and inspired the writing of it and
supernaturally controlled its overall construction, design, and recording of contents.
How did it come to be so carefully copied? The Talmud lists their ancient and traditional rules of copying.
A few of these rules states:
a. No word or letter could be written from memory; the scribe (copyist) should have an authentic
copy before him, and had to read and pronounce about each word before writing it.
b. He had to reverently wipe his pen each time before writing the word God, and had to wash
his whole body before writing the sacred name YHWH (Yahweh; Jehovah)
c. Every word and letter was counted. If any mistake was found, the manuscript is destroyed.
d. The scribes strict instructions include that even if a king entered the room and speaks to him,
he is to ignore the king until he finished the page he is working on [for fear of making a
mistake in copying Gods holy Words.]
5. Scientific Accuracy
The steady progress of science has not undermined the Bibles accuracy. Not a single scientific fact or
discovery has ever disproved a biblical statement. In fact, the advances in Science have repeatedly
confirmed the scriptures accuracy. (Example: 15th century explorers discovered that the world wasnt
actually flat. But all the while, the Bible [Isaiah 40:22] has already stated that the earth is a round sphere.)
6. Historical Accuracy
In spite of repeated attempts by critics to discredit its contents, archaeology has consistently verified the
absolute reliability of biblical accounts, references, and chronologies.
7. Prophetical Fulfillment
The Bible is saturated with specific prophesies concerning nations, cities, historic events, and individuals.
But what lends such overwhelming credibility to the divine origin of these prophesies is the fact that
hundreds have been literally fulfilled in the most minute detail. In fact, so convincing is the proof that God
Himself established the issue of prophetic fulfillment as a legitimate test of divine authorship and
authenticity (Isaiah 41:21-23, 26).
The most amazing series of prophetical fulfillment involves the multitude of biblical predictions concerning
Christ. The Old Testament contains 332 specific prophecies which were literally fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
The Law of Compound Probabilities state that it will take one out of 10 17 for a single person to at least
fulfill eight of these prophesies. Yet Christ fulfilled over 300 of them! This is not of chance, but a proof of
divine Authorship of the Bible.
8. Absolute Honesty
Unlike any other books, the Bible didnt hide the weakness, mistakes, or taboo issues of its characters.
Other than these, the Scripture itself testifies of its divine signature: 2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Timothy 3:16; Matthew
24:35; Psalm 119:152; Matthew 5:18; 1 Peter 1:25.
These proofs shall help stimulate intellectual confidence on the Bible. Still, one must take note that being
intellectually convinced alone is not enough. It should be accompanied with responsive faith. These proof should
lead one to believe the Bible, its message, and its Author. Gods Word was not meant to satisfy our curiosity, but
to transform everyone who believes.