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A business plan is a written description of your business's future, a document that tells what

you plan to do and how you plan to do it. If you jot down a paragraph on the back of an
envelope describing your business strategy, you've written a plan, or at least the germ of
a plan.
Rammed earth homes made out of natural resources such as sand and clay have been around since
before people had axes. In fact, the technique to build them has been used by nearly every culture on
earth at one point or another, and now its making a great resurgence here in America.
There is no wonder as to why its surging in popularity. There are very few other building materials where
you dont have to cut something down, use chemicals or pollute your environment.
There are many reasons why youd want to build a rammed earth home, but here are just a few.
1. They use perhaps the lowest cost building material around. In fact, over and above just a little
bit of cement, you can build your walls for free if you dont count your labor time to do it yourself.
2. There are some that have stood for many hundreds of years. Once you build it the right way,
its here to stay.
3. You can get an R factor similar to, or even better than, log homes. They are super easy to
cool in the summer and can retain heat well in the winter depending on your build (which we will discuss
4. They are fireproof. Sure, your wood doors and window frames might burn, but thats about it.
5. You wont have termite problems, ever. Youll never have to think about any type of bugs eating
your home. If you have wooden doors, window frames and rafters, then you have the possibility there.
But, other than that, no worries.
6. Theyre energy-efficient. If you have a great seal around your doors and windows, then you have a
very, very airtight home. This greatly decreases the heating and air conditioning requirements. It also is a
blessing for any allergy sufferers, as these homes can maintain a more pollen-free environment.
There are no set formulas for your earth materials mixture. However, there are some guidelines that you
need to follow or youll run into problems.
Guideline No. 1
Your earth material needs to be sandy, but not too sandy. Most builders recommend between 50 percent
to 75 percent sand in your earthen mixture.
These Solar Backup Generators Deliver 4 Times More Power Than Other Models!
When your sand level gets too high, you could end up with walls that can crumble. If your sand level is
too low, youd end up with mud that will shrink and crack as it dries.
Guideline No. 2

Image source:

Dont go too heavy on the clay. If you do, youll again end up with shrinkage and cracking as it dries.
Clay being about 10 percent of your earthen material usually works well. Too much more and youll see it
start to get a little soupy on you.
Guideline No. 3
Mix in fine-powdered cement at approximately 10 percent of your earthen mixture. This material was not
available thousands of years ago. But, there is no reason you wouldnt want to take advantage of it and
create a home several times stronger than the ones they made that have stood the test of time.
Guideline No. 4
You dont want your moisture level to be at anything more than 10 percent. If it is, youll be compacting
mud instead of ramming earth.
One easy test is to make a squeezed ball of your material in your hand and drop it to the ground. If it
breaks and shatters, then your mixture isnt right. If it splats, its too wet.
What About Colors?
Varying the colors of the batches of your earthen mixture that you will lay down in layers can produce
walls with an amazingly aesthetic appeal.
As an example, a Sedona Arizona red dirt layered with a slightly lighter, browner mixture has a really nice
look that will give your walls far greater appeal. You can get colored earth from many locations or just
stick with the local stuff so you blend in.
Wall Types
There are two basic wall types that you can use in the construction of your rammed earth home.
The first is to build walls that are 12 inches thick, which is the standard building thickness. You can (as
some do), go 24 inches thick and end up with the really deep window and door wells that are prevalent
in straw bale homes due to their wall thickness.
Either thickness will be more than strong enough. The strength of your walls wont really be an issue.
Worlds Smallest Solar Generator Priced So Low Anyone Can Afford It!
The second is to do two 8- to 12-inch walls with a layer of insulation sandwiched in between. This offers
better insulation, which can pay dividends over the life of the home.
How to Build Your Rammed Earth Walls

Image source:

Before you build your walls, you need a good foundation. There are many guides on building foundations,
but heres a tip: Be sure to check your local splash and frost lines for the height and depth at which you
should set your foundation. This is one of those things where, later, youll be happy later you did.
Another tip: Build your forms/molds out of five-eighths inch marine plywood so they will be light enough
for one man to handle if needed and an easy job for two guys.
Line the interiors of your forms with shoot steel so that your walls are super smooth when you pop off
the forms. Youll like the look a whole lot better than the rougher look wood will leave. Plus, at times you
can see the wood grain in the walls with uncovered plywood forms. You may have seen that on concrete
walls, where you can see the plywood marks in it. Shoot steel will solve that.
Ramming the Walls
Be sure to have half inch or one-fourth inch rebar stubbed up two inches tall, once every foot, where the
center of your wall will go. This will help anchor the walls well.
Build your forms on both sides of the stubs and lay in four inches of your earthen mixture at 10 percent
or a little less moisture.
There are many rams on the market, but at a minimum go with one thats at least six-feet tall and at
least 15 pounds. This size will likely use a one-inch pipe to attach to the hammer head.
Hammer that four inches down until it sounds (rings) like youre hammering rock.
Lay down your next four inches and repeat the process of hammering until you hear that distinctive
Be sure to tarp the walls at night to keep the rain off of them or it will seep between the walls and forms
and youll have problems.
Removing the Forms
Rammed earth fully hardens as it dries. So, as soon as your wall is packed, you can remove the forms.
This is a good time to smooth any rough spots if youre going to leave the rammed earth exposed as the
interior or exterior.
Windows and Doors
As you come to your windows and doors, you frame them. They MUST be well built as youre going to be
ramming earth on top of them.
Tip: When putting in your form frame for a window, drill two or three one-eighth or one-fourth inch holes
into the rammed earth below the frame. Drop in a short piece of rebar into each hole with an inch or two
stubbed up. Re-hammer the earth around them to set them.
Youll now have pre-built window mounts that will be in those walls like they were poured in concrete.
Now, just build your walls right around those frames, hammering the material just like you would in any
other part of the wall.
There you have it. Those are the basics of building your rammed earth home. Get a manual to learn
more about the nitty gritty. But, the above is really the basics of how you get it done. The rest is just
details and measuring tapes.

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Appropriate building materials

Examples of floor materials
Stabilized earth floors
Burnt clay and concrete components
Precast concrete ceiling components
Bamboo floors
Timber floors
Sulphur concrete floors
Common floor finishes

Examples of floor materials

Stabilized earth floors


Special properties Natural, local material

Economical aspects Low cost

Stability Low to medium

Skills required Experience in soil construction

Equipment required Rammer or vibrating plate; soil blocks


Resistance to Low

Resistance to hurricane Low, if water enters the house

Resistance to rain Low, if water enters the house

Resistance to insects Low

Climatic suitability Dry climates

Stage of experience Experimental

Earth floors are common in all developing countries, especially rural housing: the
top soil (with organic matter) is removed and filled up with inorganic soil (clay, sand,
gravel) well compacted. Surface coats of a clay - cow dung mix provide some
stabilization, but have to be renewed frequently, to be effective.

At Kassel College of Technology, Federal Republic of Germany, a rammed earth

floor was developed, using a finely grained soil mix, stabilized with linseed oil: the
clay content of the soil should be less than 15 %; no coarse sand or gravel; for 100
litres of dry soil, 3-4 litres of linseed oil (depending on clay content) are diluted with
1-2 litres of water.

Several layers are required (see description overleaf) and the surface can be plain
rammed earth in a grid of wooden lathing or small timber blocks embedded in the soil
mix. Alternatively, compressed, stabilized soil blocks (made in a soil block press) can
be used instead of the timber blocks.

Further information: Bibl.21.10.

Floor Construction

On a well-compacted, planed surface, coarse gravel (15 cm) is laid to prevent

moisture absorption by capillary action.

This is covered by a 3 - 5 cm layer of fine gravel or coarse sand and sealed with a
waterproof membrane.

In cold regions, a 10 cm layer of insulating material (eg expanded clay nodules) can
be placed before

the first layer of stabilized soil is evenly spread out and tamped with a manual
rammer or vibrating plate.
A grid (1.80 x 1.80 m) of sawn timber (10 x 10 cm) is laid on the first layer and
filled with the soil mix and tamped.

A grid (30 x 30 cm) of wooden laths (2 x 4 cm) is placed on the second layer and the
final layer is filled in and carefully tamped. The top surface is then smoothed with the
edge of a trowel under considerable pressure, to get "shiny" appearance.

After several months of hardening, the surface can be treated with a thin coat of hard
wax polish, for greater durability and moisture resistance (however, the strong smell
may be a problem).

Instead of the last two layers of soil mix, wooden blocks can be laid and the joints
carefully filled with the same mix.

Alternatively, stabilized soil blocks, made with a block press (see ANNEX) can be
used instead of timber blocks. However, the blocks must be well stabilized (eg with
lime or cement) to resist abrasion and moisture penetration.

Burnt clay and concrete components


Special properties Simple prefabrication systems, rapid


Economical aspects Medium to high costs

Stability Very good

Skills required Masonry skills and semi-skilled labour

Equipment required Standard equipment for masonry and concrete


Resistance to Good

Resistance to hurricane Good

Resistance to rain Good

Resistance to insects Good

Climatic suitability All climates

Stage of experience Experimental


These prefabrication techniques for ceilings were designed to achieve strong and
durable constructions of qualities approaching those of reinforced concrete, but with
considerably less cement.

Ceilings and roofs can be constructed without or with considerably less timber
formwork, than is required for standard reinforced concrete constructions. Saving on
timber not only reduces costs, but also helps to conserve the rapidly diminishing

The materials and constructions are capable of withstanding all kinds of destructive
agents in the same way as reinforced concrete.

However, the main precondition for the implementation of these techniques is the
availability of good quality bricks and tiles, a requirement that may not always be
fulfilled by local brick production in rural areas.

Further information: Bibl. 00.12, 00.41, 21.03, 21.07, 21.09, 23.12.

Reinforced Brick / Tile Panels


The brick / tile panels described here were developed in India.

In principle, the panels are made by assembling bricks or tiles on an appropriate

surface, laying reinforcing rods in the longitudinal joints and bonding the components
with mortar. Reinforced concrete joists of relatively small cross-section are precast in
lengths corresponding to the roof span. These are placed manually on top of the walls
at distances slightly greater than the length of the panels. The joists are propped and
the panels arranged in parallel across them. Reinforcing rods are laid along and at
right angles to the joints. A 1: 3 (cement: sand) mortar is filled in the joints and
concrete spread about 30 mm thick over the panels, thus forming a T-beam structure,
with the deck concrete acting as the flange.

The flat panels, developed by the Central Building Research Institute in Roorkee, are
made of standard burnt bricks, forming 75 mm thick panels of 560 mm width and
lengths of 1040 or 1200 mm.

Similar panels have been developed at ASTRA, Indian Institute of Science in

Bangalore. Extruded hollow tiles are used instead of solid bricks, thus reducing the
dead load. The tile height of 50 mm also reduces the panel thickness while the tile
dimensions of 250 x 125 mm result in panel sizes of 400 x 800 mm and 400 x 1050
mm with 9 and 12 tiles respectively.

Arched panels can also be produced and used for ceilings. They are capable of
carrying greater loads than the flat panels, but need more deck concrete to even out
the curvature for the floor above.

Structural Clay Joist and Filler Elements


An extruded structural clay unit, which by virtue of its shape is used both as Joist
and filler elements, has been developed at CBRI, Roorkee. The dimensions of the unit
are 16.5 x 15.0 x 19.0 cm. It has three rectangular cavities, and the outer faces have
grooves for better bonding of mortar and concrete.

The prefabrication of a joist is done by laying the fired clay units end to end on a flat
surface, in a row of desired length, with the wider base below, and joined with a 1: 3
(cement: sand) mortar. Two wooden planks, cleaned and oiled are placed on either
side and held together with clamps. The gaps between the clay units and planks are
filled with concrete, in which reinforcing rods are embedded. The planks can be
removed after 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the weather conditions; the joists are
water-cured for 7 days and air-cured for 21 days, before use.

When constructing the ceiling or roof, the joists, which weigh about 80 - 90 kg, are
inverted and laid manually in parallel lines, at distances of 30 cm (centre to centre).
For rigidity and levelling, they are placed on levelling pads of cement-sand mortar,
and temporarily propped where necessary. The structural clay units, with their wider
base below, are laid between the joists as filler units, ensuring that the joints in the
joist member and filler units are broken (by using half length units at the ends). The
joints and gaps are filled with mortar, reinforcement and concrete, as in the
prefabrication of the joists, and the completed slab kept wet for 14 days, before
finishing the floor surface.

Reinforced Concrete - Brick Composite Beams


In order to reduce the need for timber formwork, which is becoming increasingly
expensive and environmentally unacceptable, in view of the rapidly depleting forests,
a substitute for reinforced concrete beams was developed at Chulalongkorn University
in Bangkok.

U-section clay tiles are laid in a row of required length and bonded together with
cement-sand mortar, thus forming a channel. Longitudinal steel bars and stirrups are
placed in the channel, which is subsequently filled with concrete. One or more layers
of structural clay bricks (wetted from all sides) are laid in between the stirrups,
forming the centre portion of the beam. The joints are filled with cement-sand mortar.
The top compression zone can comprise another row of U-section tiles filled with

Alternatively, this top layer (and even the centre portion) can be completed after
installing the beam, which is lighter and can be placed manually. The top layer can
also be integrated in a cast-in-place floor slab, producing a T-beam structure.

In addition to the simplicity of construction, the composite beams have been found
to cost 11 - 35 % less than reinforced concrete beams of the same dimensions and

(Source: Bibl. 21.09)

Precast concrete ceiling components


Special properties Simple prefabrication and installation

Economical aspects Medium to high costs

Stability Very good

Skills required Semi-skilled labour, carpentry and masonry


Equipment required Formwork (of wood and steel), vibrator

Resistance to Good

Resistance to hurricane Good

Resistance to rain Good

Resistance to insects Good

Climatic suitability All climates

Stage of experience Practical applications in India and China


These reinforced concrete components can be precast on the building site without
expensive equipment or lifting gear.

They are designed to provide high strength with a minimum volume of concrete,
thus requiring only manual operations in production and installation, and reducing
cement consumption.

The major advantages of using precast concrete components are the avoidance of
shuttering for ceiling construction (apart from a few props) and the speed of

Depending on the costs and availability of cement, these construction methods can
be more expensive than non-concrete ceilings, but provide greater strength and
durability without special maintenance.

Further information: Bibl. 21.01, 21.04, 21.08.

Channel Units (Bibl. 21.04)

The units, developed at the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India, are
13 cm high and 30 or 60 cm wide, while the lengths can vary according to the
required span, but not more than 4 m, as greater lengths reduce stiffness and load-
bearing capacity.

The moulds can be of timber or steel. The corrugations on the outer sides and the
vertical grooves at the ends provide the necessary shear key action.

The mould is oiled, the reinforcement cage placed with 12 mm spacers and concrete
filled and compacted with a plate vibrator. The fresh unit is moist cured for 2 days,
after which it is demoulded and cured for 12 days, keeping the trough filled with
water. A further 14 days of air-curing is needed before installation in the building.

Assembly is possible without props by placing the channel units in parallel on top of
the walls, and filling the joints with concrete and a reinforcing rod.
Details of installation

Reinforced Concrete Planks (Bibl. 21.01)

The system, also developed in India, mainly comprises a 3 cm thick reinforced

concrete plank measuring 30 x 145 cm, with a 6 cm thick haunch portion in the centre,
and 10 cm wide tapering fillets to strengthen the plank during handling. Joists of 15 x
15 cm cross-section, with stirrups projecting out on the top side, are also precast in
simple timber or steel moulds.

The joists are placed at 150 cm centres and propped at mid-span. The planks are
placed over the joists side by side. After fixing reinforcements across the joists, screed
is cast in-situ. Once it attains its final strength, the props are removed. No structural
deck concrete is required over the planks.

Details of installation

Hollow Floor Slabs (Bibl. 21.08)

This is a simple method for the on-site-prefabrication of reinforced concrete hollow
floor slabs, a technology developed and practised in China 20 - 25 slabs of 333 x 60 x
12 cm can be produced during a normal working day.

The wooden framework is fixed to a cradle-like, (rocking), welded steel

substructure. The steel end-pieces with 4 openings define a trapezium-shaped cross-
section of the floor slab, so that when finally assembled, the V-shaped gaps be tween
slabs can easily be filled with concrete.

A canvas-like cloth is placed within the formwork to prevent concrete from sticking
to it. Reinforcing steel is laid with sufficient distance from the ultimate slab surface.
Four steel pipes are pushed lengthwise through the holes in the end-pieces, the
concrete is poured and compacted simultaneously, to ensure that no air-pockets
develop around the pipes. The concrete is cast very dry so that it will not collapse
when the pipes are removed.

After completing the concreting phase, 3 or 4 men turn the entire cradle-like
structure in one continuous movement, such that the freshly made slab lands directly
on the ground, covered with loose sand to prevent sticking. The pipes are gently
tapped and then pulled out one by one with an electrically-driven winch.

The formwork is removed and immediately reassembled for the production of the
next slab. One complete production cycle takes about 15 minutes with 3 - 4 men.

Turning over the mould

Bamboo floors


Special properties Light, flexible, replaceable

Economical aspects Low cost

Stability Medium to good

Skills required Traditional skills

Equipment required Tools for cutting and splitting


Resistance to Good

Resistance to hurricane Medium to good

Resistance to rain Medium

Resistance to insects Low

Climatic suitability Warm humid regions

Stage of experience Traditional


Bamboo floors are common in bamboo structures and to some extent in timber
framed houses.

The simplest method is to lay bamboo culms in parallel, tied to the supporting
framework. However, this gives a very uneven surface and can be uncomfortable to
sit or stand on for long.

More even surfaces are achieved by using bamboo board (split and flattened culms),
or by cutting bamboo strips, which are woven into boards.

Since bamboo components cannot be joined together without leaving gaps, the floors
are well ventilated, improving the indoor climate and preventing moisture
Precautionary measures are required to minimize attack by biological agents and fire

Further information: Bibl. 13.02, 13.04, 13.05, 13.09, 13.10, 13.12, 13.13.

Bamboo Floors (after Dunkelberg, Bibl. 13.02)

Whole culms; Bamboo board (flattened culms); Bamboo floors made of woven
bamboo strips

Timber floors


Special properties Suitable for prefabrication, quick


Economical aspects Medium costs

Stability Good

Skills required Carpentry skills

Equipment required Carpentry tools

Resistance to Good

Resistance to hurricane Low to medium

Resistance to rain Low to medium

Resistance to insects Low

Climatic suitability Warm humid climates

Stage of experience Standard construction


Wooden floors are standard constructions in all parts of the world.

They are principally made of wooden planks, nailed onto a sawn timber sub-

The smaller the distance between the members of the supporting structure, the
stronger the floor or ceiling and the less the vibration and sound transmission, but also
the higher the costs (as more timber is needed).
Protective measures against biological agents and fire are essential (see section on

The illustrations on the next three pages are taken from the excellently illustrated

Manual on Wooden House Construction, which was prepared by the Instituto de

Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, Brazil, for a self-help community building
project at

Coroados, Manaus, under a contract with the Housing Society for the Amazon State

Further information: Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPI) do Estado de Sao

Paulo, S.A., P.O. Box 7141, 05508 Sao Paulo, Brazil; Bibl. 14.22.
Timber Floor Construction (Bibl. 14.22)

Sulphur concrete floors

Special properties Strong, durable and water-resistant

Economical aspects Medium costs

Stability Very good

Skills required Experience in use of sulphur

Equipment required Conventional mixer equipped with a


Resistance to Good

Resistance to hurricane Good

Resistance to rain Good

Resistance to insects Good

Climatic suitability All climates

Stage of experience Experimental


Sulphur concrete floors comprise elemental sulphur and an inorganic aggregate,

usually coarse and fine sand (see section on Sulphur).

The sulphur concrete can either be poured in situ or precast as floor tiles of any
appropriate shape.

In situ constructions require skill, experience and speed, as the molten sulphur
hardens rapidly on cooling.

Sulphur concrete tiles can be laid in sand beds in the same way as fired clay,
concrete and other floor tiles. Further information: Alvaro Ortega, Research
Consultant, 3460 Peel Street, Apt. 811, Montreal P.Q., Canada; Bibl. 18.01, 18.04,
18.05, 18.06, 18.07.

Experimental Sulphur Concrete Floors

Sulphur concrete topping on bamboo-polyurethane ceiling construction, developed by

Christopher Alexander for a low-cost housing scheme in Peru (PREVI Proyecto
Experimental de Vivienda, international competition sponsored by the United
Nations, Peruvian Government and Housing Bank, 1969).

(Bibl. 18.01)


Common floor finishes


Special properties Medium to high standard durable


Economical aspects Medium to high costs

Stability Very good

Skills required Special skills

Equipment required Standard construction equipment

Resistance to Good
Resistance to hurricane Good

Resistance to rain Good

Resistance to insects Good

Climatic suitability All climates

Stage of experience Standard constructions


The functions of floor finishes, which are the finishing layers over or covering of the
structural floor, have been aptly summarized in Bibl. 21.11 as follows:

- to have a high wearing resistance and long life span;

- to provide a safe, non-slip and easy-to-clean surface of the floor;

- to increase the structural floor's fire-, insect- and termite resistance;

- to reduce sound transmission and to provide insulation;

- to contribute to the aesthetic effect of the interior of a building;

- to have a high enough degree of flexibility; so as not to be affected by slight

shrinkage, settlement or thermal movement in the structural floor (or sub-floor).

Some common floor finishes are illustrated on the following pages, showing a
variety of good construction details.

Since in developing countries a number of activities (eg food preparation, cooking,

playing games, meeting friends) take place outdoors (on verandahs, in courtyards, on
rooftops, etc.), an example of verandah floor construction is also shown. Further
information: Bibl. 00.55, 21.11.
Floors and Floor Finishes (Bibl. 21.11)

Verandah Floors (Bibl. 00.55)

The construction of a verandah floor differs from that of an indoor floor in three

Verandah floors are built with a small slope (about 1 %) towards the outside, so that
rainwater can run off quickly (a).

A projecting outside edge (b) is provided (2 or 3 cm are sufficient) to prevent the

development of cracks, which would otherwise soon appear along the edge.

Expansion gaps, filled with wet sand (c), are constructed to accommodate thermal
movement caused by direct exposure to the sun.

Your business plan should include:
The Executive Summary. This is a concise one- to four-page summary illustrating the
key points that are detailed in each section of the ensuing business plan. The Executive
Summary should stand on its own as a separate document.
Business Overview. Offer a description of the business, including:
The legal structure
Business formation history
The type of business
Means of doing business (Internet, storefront operation, mail order)
Operations Plan. Offer an explanation describing how the business will function,
including the physical setup and responsibilities for specific tasks.
Market Analysis. Include an overview of the market as a whole, with specific data and
charts or graphs, if appropriate. Define your target market and your plans for catering to
this specific audience.
Products and Services. Describe the products manufactured or sold or the services
offered. Classify the different types of products or services and provide a brief description of
Sales and Marketing. Outline pricing and sales information. Include rationalizations for
why your audience will buy your products or services and how you will reach them through
marketing and advertising efforts.
Competitive Analysis. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your direct and indirect
competitors. Demonstrate how you will gain a competitive edge against your competition.
Management Team. Provide pertinent, concise background information on all key
players involved in the business.
Financial Plan. Include all financial information, from startup costs to balance sheets.
The financial section should outline:
The amount necessary to start or maintain the business
The amount needed over the next two, three, and even five years
Plans to use funds
Anticipated need for additional funding
Ongoing business expenses, including salaries, insurance costs, promotional expenses, etc.
Projections. Provide projected income statements and balance sheets for at least two or
three years.

At the end of your business plan, attach supporting documents, such as articles on the
company, rsums of key personnel, etc.

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