Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Science in Medicine
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Science in Medicine
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Science in Medicine
Science in medicine
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of various degrees that
is first detected during pregnancy. GDM is detected through the screening of pregnant women
for clinical risk factors and, among at-risk women, testing for abnormal glucose tolerance that
is usually, but not invariably, mild and asymptomatic. GDM appears to result from the same
broad spectrum of physiological and genetic abnormalities that characterize diabetes outside
of pregnancy. Indeed, women with GDM are at high risk for having or developing diabetes
when they are not pregnant. Thus, GDM provides a unique opportunity to study the early
pathogenesis of diabetes and to develop interventions to prevent the disease.
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Table 1
Screening for GDM, step 1: clinical risk assessmentA,B
Native American, South or East Asian, Pacific Islander, or indigenous Australian, all of which have relatively high rates of GDM. Adapted with permission
from N. Engl. J. Med. (72). Copyright 1999, Massachussets Medical Society. All rights reserved.
with the large changes in insulin sensitivity. Robust plasticity of with GDM have the same markers present in their circulation (17,
cell function in the face of progressive insulin resistance is the 2831). Although detailed physiological studies of these women are
hallmark of normal glucose regulation during pregnancy. lacking, they most likely have inadequate insulin secretion resulting
from autoimmune damage to and destruction of pancreatic cells.
Gestational diabetes They appear to have evolving type 1 diabetes, which comes to clini-
GDM is a form of hyperglycemia. In general, hyperglycemia results cal attention through routine glucose screening during pregnancy.
from an insulin supply that is inadequate to meet tissue demands The frequency of antiislet cell and anti-GAD antibodies detected in
for normal blood glucose regulation. Studies conducted during late GDM tends to parallel ethnic trends in the prevalence of type 1 dia-
pregnancy, when, as discussed below, insulin requirements are high betes outside of pregnancy. Patients with antiislet cell or anti-GAD
and differ only slightly between normal and gestational diabetic antibodies often, but not invariably, are lean, and they can rapidly
women, consistently reveal reduced insulin responses to nutrients in develop overt diabetes after pregnancy (30).
women with GDM (1723). Studies conducted before or after preg-
nancy, when women with prior GDM are usually more insulin resis- Monogenic diabetes and GDM
tant than normal women (also discussed below), often reveal insulin Monogenic diabetes mellitus has been identified outside of pregnan-
responses that are similar in the 2 groups or reduced only slightly in cy in 2 general forms. Some patients have mutations in autosomes
women with prior GDM (18, 2226). However, when insulin levels (autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, commonly referred to
and responses are expressed relative to each individuals degree of as maturity-onset diabetes of the young [MODY], with genetic sub-
insulin resistance, a large defect in pancreatic cell function is a types denoted as MODY 1, MODY 2, etc.). Others have mutations
consistent finding in women with prior GDM (23, 25, 27). in mitochondrial DNA, often with distinct clinical syndromes such
Potential causes of inadequate cell function are myriad and not
fully described. Outside of pregnancy, there are 3 general settings
that are recognized through classification as distinct forms of dia- Table 2
betes mellitus (12) as separate categories of cell dysfunction: (a) Screening for GDM, step 2: blood glucose screeningA
autoimmune; (b) monogenic; and (c) occurring on a background of
insulin resistance. There is evidence that cell dysfunction in GDM Glucose cut Percentage of women Sensitivity
can occur in all 3 major settings, a fact that is not surprising given pointB with positive testC for GDMC
that GDM is detected by what is, in essence, population screening for 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) 1418% 80%
elevated glucose levels among pregnant women. 130 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l) 2025% 90%
A The test is a 50-g oral glucose challenge performed in patients with
Autoimmune diabetes and GDM
high or average clinical risk characteristics. No preparation is needed;
Type 1 diabetes results from autoimmune destruction of pancreatic the test can be done any time of day. Women with very high clinical risk
cells. It accounts for approximately 510% of diabetes in the gener- characteristics may proceed directly to measurement of fasting glucose
al population (12). Prevalence rates vary by ethnicity, with the high- or to diagnostic OGTT (see Tables 3 and 4). BVenous serum or plasma
glucose measured by certified clinical laboratory. Cut point identifies
est rates in Scandinavians and the lowest rates (i.e., 0%) in full-blood-
women recommended for 2- or 3- hour OGTTs as described in Table 3.
ed Native Americans. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by circulating CMay vary with ethnicity and with diagnostic OGTT employed. Adapted
immune markers directed against pancreatic islets (antiislet cell with permission from N. Engl. J. Med. (72). Copyright 1999, Massa-
antibodies) or cell antigens (such as glutamic acid decarboxylase chussets Medical Society. All rights reserved.
[GAD]). A small minority (less than 10% in most studies) of women
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impaired glucose tolerance. GDM was one of the risk factors that led
to inclusion in the study. Protection against diabetes was observed in
all ethnic groups. Treatment with metformin in the same study also
reduced the risk of diabetes, but to a lesser degree and primarily in the
youngest and most overweight participants. To date, specific results
from women with a history of GDM have not been published.
The Troglitazone in Prevention of Diabetes (TRIPOD) study
was conducted exclusively on Hispanic women with recent GDM.
Assignment to treatment with the insulin-sensitizing drug tro-
Figure 2 glitazone was associated with a 55% reduction in the incidence
Relationship between pancreatic cell function and post-challenge glu- of diabetes. Protection from diabetes was closely linked to initial
cose levels in women with prior GDM. Data are from 71 nonpregnant
reductions in endogenous insulin requirements and ultimately
Hispanic women who had at least 2 (86% had at least 3) sets of oral
and frequently sampled i.v. glucose tolerance tests that were sched- associated with stabilization of pancreatic cell function (62). Sta-
uled at 15-month intervals between 15 and 75 months after the index bilization of cell function was also observed when troglitazone
pregnancy (totaling 280 sets of tests). Participants had fasting plasma treatment was started at the time of initial detection of diabetes by
glucose of less than 140 mg/dl at entry into the study and were followed annual glucose tolerance testing (71). The DPP and TRIPOD stud-
until that value was exceeded. Disposition index (x axis) is the product ies support clinical management that focuses on aggressive treat-
of minimal model insulin sensitivity (SI) and the acute insulin response ment of insulin resistance to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and,
to i.v. glucose (AIRg), a measure of pancreatic cell compensation for
at least in Hispanic women, to preserve pancreatic cell function.
insulin resistance. The y axis shows glucose values at hour 2 of 75-g
OGTTs. Symbols represent mean values for disposition index and cor-
Taken together, these 2 studies suggest that postpartum manage-
responding 2-hour glucose values ( 1 SD) in each octile of disposition ment of women with clinical characteristics suggesting a risk for
index. The mean disposition index was 2018 in Hispanic women with- type 2 diabetes should focus on treatment of insulin resistance and
out a history of GDM (arrow). Figure based on data from ref. 60. monitoring of glycemia both to assess success (as reflected by stabi-
lization of glucose levels) and to detect diabetes if it develops.
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