Securing Communication in MANET Through E-GAMAN Algorithm

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 6 806 810

Securing Communication in MANET through E-GAMAN Algorithm
Deepali Aggarwal(Author)
Dept. of Computer Science& Engineering
N. C. College of Engineering
Israna, Distt. Panipat, Haryana, India

AbstractMANET consists of mobile nodes that are in radio reach of one. Each of the nodes has a wireless interface to
correspond with one another. All networking functions, for example, routing and data transmission, are performed by nodes
themselves in an organizing toward oneself way. Because of these reasons, securing communication in MANET is extremely
difficult. In this study, we proposed an improved QoS routing algorithm for MANETs called E-GAMAN. The proposed
methodology has two algorithms: SSRA and GAMAN. Simulation results show that E-GAMAN algorithm has a great execution
and is a guaranteeing algorithm for QoS routing in MANET.

Keywords-secure communication,MANET,Qos, Qosrouting, E-GAMAN, SSRA, GAMAN


I. INTRODUCTION Communication support in the MANET has become a topic

of interest in the wireless area [9].
MANETs are the autonomous distributed systems that
comprise a number of mobile nodes connected by wireless II. SECURE COMMUNICATION ROUTING IN AD-HOC
links forming arbitrary time-varying wireless network NETWORK
topologies. Mobile nodes function as hosts and routers. As
hosts, they represent source and destination nodes in the Many Secure Communication components should work
network while as routers, they represent intermediate nodes together to support Secure Communication in Ad-Hoc
between a source and destination, providing store-and-forward networks: a Secure Communication model specifies which
services to neighboring nodes. Nodes that constitute the kinds of services to be included in the network; a Secure
wireless network infrastructure are free to move randomly and
Communication routing scheme searches a path with
organize themselves in arbitrary fashions. Therefore the
wireless topology that interconnects mobile hosts/routers can satisfactory resources defined by the Secure Communication
change rapidly in unpredicFigure ways or remain relatively model; a Secure Communication MAC protocol solves the
static over long periods of time [2]. These bandwidth- problems of medium contention; a Secure Communication
constrained multi-hop networks typically support best effort signaling protocol performs the resource reservation along the
voice and data communications where the achieved goodput path computed by the Secure Communication routing
is often lower than the maximum radio transmission rate after protocols. Among all these components, Secure
encountering the effects of multiple access, fading, noise, and Communication routing is a key issue.
interference, etc. In addition to being bandwidth constrained,
mobile ad hoc networks are power constrained because The goals of Secure Communication routing are: 1) selecting
network nodes rely on battery power for energy.Providing one or more network paths that have sufficient resources to
suiFigureQos (quality-of-service) or secure communication meet the Secure Communication requirement of connections,
support for the delivery of real-time audio, video and data in 2) provide resource information of the path for admission
mobile ad hoc networks presents a number of significant control (call acceptance) mechanism, and 3) achieving
technical challenges. global efficiency in resource utilization.
Quality-of-service (Secure Communication) is the
qualitatively or quantitatively defined performance agreement Secure Communication routing in Ad-Hoc network is difficult.
between the service provider and user applications based on the First, getting and managing the link state information (such as
connection requirements. delay, bandwidth, jitter, cost, loss ratio and error ratio) in
The Secure Communication requirements of a connection MANET is not trivial because the quality of a wireless link
are a set of constraints such as bandwidth (available bandwidth) changes with the surrounding circumstance [5]. The larger the
constraint, delay constraint, jitter constraint, loss ratio size of the network, the more difficult it is to gather the up-to-
constraint, and so on. date information. Second, the resource limitations and the
mobility of hosts make things more complicated. Third, if
The Secure Communication condition of a network reflects the the Secure Communication request includes two
networks ability to provide the specified service between independent path constraints, path searching becomes NP-
communication pairs. Because of the rising popularity of complete.
multimedia applications and real-time services, which require
strict bandwidth/delay constraints, together with the potential
commercial usage of Ad-Hoc networks, Secure

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 806 810
III. MANET links are done. Next, the SSRA weighs all nodes in the
network, whether their accessible support fulfills the necessities
A MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is a collection of or not. In the event that the NAB is short of what the "Limit"
autonomous mobile nodes that can impart to one another by then the node is avoided from the ET. Overall, the node is
means of radio waves. The mobile nodes that are in radio incorporated in the ET and the following node is checked. The
reach of one another can specifically convey, although others methodology is rehashed until all nodes are done [17]. At last,
needs the support of moderate nodes to course their parcels. when its all said and done wireless links and nodes are
Each of the nodes has a wireless interface to correspond with checked, the network ET is constructed and the complete
system is done. By utilizing the SSRA, a network with
one another [6]. These networks are completely distributed,
numerous nodes and wireless links will be lessened in a
and can work at wherever without the assistance of any settled network with a little number of nodes and wireless links.
foundation as access focuses or base stations, All networking
functions, for example, routing and parcel sending, are
performed by nodes themselves in an organizing toward
oneself way. Consequently, securing a mobile ad -hoc network
is extremely testing.

In order to enhance the specific services within the MANET,

MANET supports Qos routing. Qos routing also plays a key
role in enhancing network bandwidth.
It is very difficult to improve the quality of service in
MANETs. It is because of two major reasons:
Wireless communication in MANET affects transmitting
nodes and receiving nodes [13]. As data packet
transmission get affected which will thereby affect the
bandwidth and also the receiving property of neighboring
Broadcastnature of mobile nodes.

Qos routing in MANET has following advantages:

a) Helps in reducing delay during packet transmission
between nodes.
b) Network capacity and scalability gets increased.
c) Efficient bandwidth utilization.
d) Most importantly provides the communication
Because of above Qos routing advantages, we proposed an Figure 1. Flowchart of SSRA.
improved Qos routing algorithm for MANETs in the proposed B. GAMAN
study, called E-GAMAN. E-GAMAN has two algorithms:
SSRA and GAMAN: In this study, we might only consider a kind of MANET
whose topologies are not changing that quick to make the Qos
routing inane. We want to underscore that GAMAN backs
SSRA is Search Space Reduction Algorithm as given in delicate Qos without hard guarantees. The delicate Qos
Figure 1. The key component of SSRA is Effective Topology implies that there may exist transient time periods when the
(ET) extraction. Keeping in mind the end goal to concentrate obliged Qos is not guaranteed because of path breaking or
the ET, the network connectivity information, wireless link and network partition [4]. On the other hand, the obliged Qos
node metrics, and Qos prerequisite of the new connection are ought to be guaranteed when the secured paths remain
needed. We utilize the "Edge" to determine the Qos demand of
unbroken. Numerous multimedia applications acknowledge
another solicitation. In the event that the Link Error Rate (LER)
delicate Qos furthermore utilize adaptation methods to
is more than the "Edge" or the Node Available Bandwidth
(NAB) is short of what the "Limit," this implies that the diminish the level of Qos disruption.
wireless path which passes by means of this wireless link then In this version, the GAMAN algorithm utilizes two
again node can't fulfill the prerequisites. parameters: deferral and transmission victory rate to choose
Initially, the SSRA based on the obliged "Limit" weighs all the Qos path. The proposed algorithm has the accompanying
wireless links in the network whether their LER is short of characteristics:
what the "Limit" or not. In the event that the LER is more than
the "Edge" then the wireless link is barred from ET. Overall,
the wireless link is included in the ET and the following It is a source-based routing algorithm.
wireless link is checked. The methodology is rehashed until all
IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 806 810
By utilizing a little population size few nodes are VI. RESULTS
included in course computation.
A. SSRA Simulation Result
By taking a subpopulation, the nodes in this
subpopulation think only about the Routes in this In order to evaluate the performance of SSRA, we used
subpopulation. computer simulations. For simulations we used the following
The broadcast is kept away from in light of the fact specifications: CPU (Intel Pentium M1.3GHz), Memory (768
that the information is transmitted only for the nodes MB), OS (Microsoft Windows XP). The program was written
in a population. in Microsoft Visual C + + 6.0 environment.
The GA seek diverse routes and they are sorted by We used a different number of nodes for simulations (20, 30,
positioning them. So the first is the best course, yet 40, and 50 nodes). We considered that exist the wireless links
other positioned routes might be utilized as in order to make the network topology. Then we put in a
reinforcement routes. random way the values for each wireless link and remaining
By utilizing a tree based GA strategy, the circles size of the buffer for each node. For each experiment, we
might be kept away from. carried out 300 simulations and then got the average values for
By utilizing SSRA, the algorithm extricates the viable the different number of nodes.
topology of the MANET by keeping away from
transient links and shrouded terminal issues.

Main objective is to register great routes rapidly, and respond

to the dynamics of the network quick. As an outcome,
GAMAN yields optimality of routes.

The GAMAN algorithm utilizes the Delay Time (DT) and

Transmission Success Rate (TSR) Qos parameters. The DT
implies the time it takes a parcel to go from one node to
another. The TSR shows the rate of effectively transmitted
parcels (without misfortune). The quality of T parameter is
chosen as takes after.

Figure2.Relation between processing time and number of

wireless links (Case 1).

Where, n is the amount of wireless links in a path. The

GAMAN is a source-based routing component and utilization
two Qos parameters for routing. At the point when a node of
MANET wants to transmit information to a DN, this node
turns into the SN. The network is initially changed in a tree
network with the SN as the root of a tree. After that, the tree
network is diminished in the parts where the same routes are.

The course selection in GAMAN is based on T esteem, which

is the proportion of DT with TSR. T is utilized as a wellness
function to assess the chose people (routes). By minimizing
the T esteem, the DT worth is minimized and the TSR quality
is expanded. This implies that a parcel from SN to DN is
transmitted with a little defer and a high transmission triumph
rate. Figure3. Relation between processing time and search
success rate

IJRITCC | June 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 806 810
the generation number. The rank is decided based on the value
of fitness function T. When the rank is low the fitness value is
low. This means that the selected route has a low delay and a
high transmission rate.

In Figure5 are shown the simulation results for the time

needed for one generation and in Figure6 the performance of
GAMAN for different parameters. In Figure6, the Rank, Gen,
and Ref have the following meaning.

Figure4.Relation between processing time and number of

wireless links (Case 2).

In Figure2 is shown the relation between the processing time

and the number of wireless links for the different number of
nodes. With the increase of the number of nodes, the
Figure 7.Performance behavior of GAMAN algorithm.
processing time and the number of the wireless links
increased. In Figure3 is shown the relation between the
processing time and the search success rate. In this case we put Rank: the average rank to find a new route.
strict threshold, so the success rate was between 20% to 60% Gen: the average number of generations to find a new
for 20, 30, 40, and 50 nodes. In Figure4 and Figure58, we put route.
higher threshold for the wireless link error rate and a small Ref: the average number of individuals refereed in
threshold for the buffer remaining capacity. It can be seen in one simulation.
Figure4 that the processing time is faster compared with the
processing time in Figure2, while in Figure5 the wireless path The GAMAN can get a new route for about 8 generations for a
searching success ratio is close to 100%. MANET with 20 nodes. The average time needed for one
generation is about 4.8 ms. So, it needs about 40 ms. For a
B. GAMAN Simulation Results MANET with 10 nodes, it needs about 5 ms, for a MANET
with 30 nodes, it needs about 270 ms, and for a MANET with
By considering that the network topology was reduced by 35 nodes about 300 ms. This shows that GAMAN can support
SSRA, we carried out many simulations to evaluate GAMAN QoS for MANET with 10, 20, 30, and 35 nodes when the
for different number of nodes as shown in Figure5 and network topology changing time is less than 5 ms, 40 ms, 270
Figure6. ms, and 300 ms, respectively.

The execution evaluation by means of simulations shows that

the E-GAMAN algorithm has a great execution and is a
guaranteeing algorithm for Qos routing in Manets. The
proposed GAMAN algorithm could be petitioned little and
medium scale networks.
Figure 5.Time Needed for One Generation (ms). VIII. REFERENCES
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